#oc: yomogi
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battyccino · 1 month ago
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One of my Yiga gals who exists in age of calamity/pre-calamity era. Her story involves an (ex) Royal Guard and how she initially uses him for information gathering but eventually convinces him to join the clan due to his disillusionment being involved with the system/powers that be who’ve oppress those like the Yiga and Sheikah. The two eventually marry and have a child.
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anime-grimmy-art · 2 years ago
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Day 10 – Food
Zet – Zet is no picky eater at all, she’ll eat anything from stale to spicy. But she found that whatever the Granmeowster cooks for her, she eats with a bit more gusto.
Mei – Mei is an absolute glutton, she looooves eating a lot, but she can’t handle too fatty things, even if she enjoys the taste a lot. Her fav have to be fresh, cool, juicy fruits though. She just associates them with home and her childhood, so they have extra meaning on top of the delicious taste.
Chidori – As good as Yomogi’s dangos are, Chidori doesn’t see them as her favourite food (she will never tell Yomogi that though.) Chidori loves sour foods, so she often purchases sour rock candy from Rondine. And yes, Chidori is the kind to just crunch that kind of candy between her teeth.
Day 11 – Inventory
Zet – Efficiency is the name of the game. Zet’s pouch is almost empty, she only has the essentials for anything. Mega Potions, armour and demon drug, and anything necessary for the specific quest, be that nullberries, antidotes or traps.
Mei – Mei is a bit chaotic when it comes to her inventory, she tries to always carry basics like potions and paint balls with her, but she often gets so excited to get going that she forgets a lot.
Chidori – Girl has no idea what she’s even doing, so she just has everything at hand at all times. Potions? Check. Enhancing potions/berries? Check. Traps? Check. Ammo even though she doesn’t use bowguns? Check.
Day 12 – Symbolism
Zet – The Guild had always stamped Zet as the “bringer of calamity”. While she was the hunter that always brought peace to any community she found herself in, it was always like the monsters flocked to her and made even simple quests a lot more dangerous. In the New World, however, she’d become the Sapphire Star, light shining bright even amongst the most hopeless chaos. Instead of being seen as something that attracts calamity, she’d be the one that brings hope and motivates people to hold up their heads high and fight on.
Mei – If I had to associate anything with Mei, it probably would be the colour red and the sun. Mei has reddish pink hair, she always wears her red Mahana dress and she has to follow in the footsteps of her grandfather Red. She’s also a very passionate and loving person.
As for the sun, I don’t call her sunshine incarnate for nothing. She has a very sunny disposition and a smile as bright as the midday sun. But she also has this small, calm smile that is very disarming and comforting, quiet and calming like the sun setting at dawn.
Chidori – I don’t really have any symbolism for Chidori, which is maybe also cos she’s too young of an OC for now. As said in the monster section, I do associate her with Gargwas, which means she has kind of a danger sense. She feels when something isn’t quite right, like when Narwa fell through the floor or when they beat Malzeno. She has like a Spidey-sense, just MH edition. Gargwa-sense?
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Day 13 – Music
Zet – Hmm, I personally just associate the World/Iceborne soundtrack with her, though more the mellow or building music. My fav Monster Hunter song is “Succession of Light” (the Iceborne main theme) and I think it parallels Zet’s character growth in it’s music a lot, so if I had to pick one song for her, it would be this one.
Mei – Man, this music question is really hard, cos I really have never thought beyond the game’s soundtrack if I’m honest XD Though, if just going music based on personality, I’d say upbeat summer music fits her well. Not like, beach party music but just chill, fun music with ocean sounds. Kinda like, beach vibe bossanova. If shit hits the fan though, lets switch to chaotic jazz ahhahaha
Chidori – Again, I associate Chidori with the MH soundtrack, specifically the MH Rise soundtrack. Though, her nervous nature somehow also makes me think of meme music, like, acoustic versions of meme songs. Example would be the acoustic version of All Star by annapantsu, sth in that vein.
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Day 14 – Habits
Zet – If she actively listens to you, she will stare directly into your eyes and barely blink. She doesn’t know she does it, but it freaks everyone out. She also has the tendency to knead things with her fingers when she’s concentrated or lost in thought. That mostly shows itself with her petting either Cry or Rev, but if you’re close by you can bet you’re getting some head scratches.
Mei – Personal space is a suggestion. People from Mahana are very touchy-feely, heck, their greeting is grabbing you by the cheeks and rubbing them, so Mei has the tendency to be way too close to people. Growing up so closely with monsties also makes her forget that not everyone is as comfortable being close to monsters, and especially not being chewed on by them, so she has to react quickly when, say, Asparagus keeps trying to gnaw on Kyle’s arm.
Chidori – Chidori has a bit of a hiding instinct. When she’s flustered, she always tugs her collar over her lips, or when she gets berated with someone she tends to hide behind that person. She also hides herself in a ball when she gets too anxious or exhausted. So, knees tucked, arms around and face buried in them, she finds herself a nice corner and doesn’t move for a while. With ppl she's close with she also rubs her face into or against them. Ya know, the kinda person who'd press their face into your shoulder when they're tired.
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Day 15 – Half-way Free Space!
Zet – Zet actually underwent heavy character rewriting. Before World I always played as her, i.e. I always designed the same character and named her the same way, but I never really gave her a proper story or nailed down her personality. As you can see in the picture, at the start of world she was way more jovial XDD (btw. I already linked her to Fatalis before Iceborne even came out so the fact it ended with Fatalis was just fucking great on my end)
Mei – It shows that friends have only one braincell, because both @kathuman and I created our MH Stories 2 characters separately and they legit look like sisters, but like, down to a T. So Kitkat and Mei are sisters in some universe XD
Chidori – Her name is kinda a joke. I almost called her Niwa (garden) or Tori (bird), as Niwatori is the Japanese word for chicken, but I already have so many OCs with such short names, so I tried digging a bit more. I tried to find Japanese names that meant “being scared”, “scaredy-cat” or “chicken” or sth along those lines, until it came to mind that hey, I could just look up what Japanese Chicken breeds there are. Many breeds end with -dori or -jidori, and Jidori is just another way to write Chidori (if I understand correctly, it’s the same Japanese symbol and that’s just how it can be written with our alphabet), so I thought Chidori was perfect. It’s also kinda ironic, cos the name itself can mean “thousand birds”, with the first Kanji being “Thousand” or “Many”, and the second Kanji meaning either “Bird”, “Freedom” or even “Intelligence” or “Beauty”. So, people always think she was called that cos her parents wanted her to be a free spirit, and be intelligent, all the while she’s a scaredy cat that doesn’t want to leave her home and she’s dumb as bricks, not to mention she’s just called that cos she’s a chicken.
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aeoneris · 2 years ago
Setsuna's 30-Day Hunter OC Meme!
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Glad to see people enjoying the meme I made, and I just finished mine up yesterday (30 days really goes by quick!). I decided to document my thread on Twitter here.
Presenting, Setsuna!
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Day 1: Introduction
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This is Setsuna Yukino. Age 25~30+, Nonbinary (They/She), Human. Born and raised in Kamura Village.
Day 2: Weapons
Setsuna specializes mostly in Insect Glaives and uses the Fox Halberd. On rare occasions though, they'll use the Mail Soulpiercer bow made from slaying Magnamalo.
Day 3: Armor
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Setsuna's main armor set for hunting. There's a bit of the influence of the Wyverian twins, and even Master Utsushi- the fox mask is a gift from him, and Setsu habitually wears it on many hunts.
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This is what Setsu normally wears on off-days. Or if it isn't this yukata, then a baggy jinbei/common workclothes similar to what the other villagers wear.
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While there's the main outfit, there were 3 different sets worn throughout the Risebreak story.
Day 4: Buddies
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Setsuna's buddies are Fuu the Shikigami Palamute and Kogitsune, the... nine-tailed fox who acts like a Palico for some reason?
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Fuu was passed down to Setsuna when they were a child. In fact, he is older than his owner! He's a familiar face in the village, and everyone knows who this magnificent beast belongs to. A fiercely loyal guy.
Kogitsune's been acting as Setsuna's support ever since they saved him from a rogue pitfall trap years ago. He's their housekeeper, but occasionally helps with hunts. Setsuna decided not to question his existence, or why he acts like a Felyne. What matters is that he's a friend.
Day 5: Monsters
Setsuna is best associated with Mizutsune, being fox-like and lithe in battle. (But, if you asked, they actually enjoy hunting Rakna-Kadaki the most. Probably because it's like a big bug... And Setsu loves bugs.)
Day 6: Hobbies
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Setsuna's favorite hobby is raising kinsects in their spare time. They've been doing this for many years, since childhood. They also love exploring and finding where rare endemic lifeforms live.
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As for side jobs, Setsu often helps other villagers with tasks like physical labor. If they never became a hunter, they'd basically be living day in and out like this. Lowkey would be a workaholic, but they do take breaks often. (This art is a younger version of Setsu.)
Day 7: Family
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Setsuna considers most of Kamura family, and they regard her the same. The Wyverian Twins are like Setsu's older sisters, and Yomogi, Iori, and Komitsu little siblings. Setsu also has a mother and father who are traveling merchants that sell Kamura's wares.
Day 8: Comrades
Setsuna has a small network of friends she likes to hunt with most, but doesn't mind helping strangers if they'll have her. She especially enjoys hunting with a certain instructor. When it comes to gathering requests though, Setsu prefers to be alone.
Day 9: Bond
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Kamura prides itself on the fact that their greatest hunter and the village instructor are locally known as a legendary power couple. You might catch them running across the rooftops on the way to their next mission. Setsuna and Utsushi are professionals, but rest assured... They are very much in love. Painfully so. There is not a bond that is stronger than the one between master-and-disciple-turned-lovers.
Here's a link to the first fanfic I wrote about Setsuna and Utsushi, if you're interested in their story. The thread also has the rest of my fanfics about them, in order.
Day 10: Food
Setsuna tries to have a balanced diet, and will eat almost anything they're offered. Lately, they've grown a sweet tooth because of Yomogi and Komitsu. However, if you asked, sashimi is their "favorite" food because it's the only thing they know how to prepare.
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To be clear, Setsuna... cannot cook. Not even if their life depended on it. But they're oblivious to the fact. Everyone goes out of their way to stop them from trying to cook. The instructor is even stumped on how to teach Setsu...
Day 11: Inventory
Setsuna likes to travel light and only brings what's needed for every mission and hunt, like a few potions and rations. They're pretty handy at finding materials to make useful things on the spot when it gets tough.
Day 12: Symbolism
Setsuna is often represented by "the snow of winter melting to give way to spring", a chrysalis, or a snow-faced fox.
Day 13: Music
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Here is Setsuna's playlist, all songs that remind me of them or their relationship with Utsushi.
Day 14: Habits
Setsuna tends to look a certain way when they're pensive or lost in thought. It's something like concern or even at times a "resting bitch face", and makes them intimidating to people who don't know about it. Also has a habit of being sleepy after eating.
Day 15: Half-way Free Space!
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Setsu is a surprisingly good singer, but the quickest way to make them stop is to point it out... So if you'd like to keep hearing it, don't say anything at all and just enjoy it.
Day 16: Motives
Setsuna never actually wanted to be a hunter while growing up. They were content with being an everyman of the village and living day to day with no real aspirations. But around the age of 19, they were stirred to act...
After witnessing the aftermath of a monster attack that took away a friend's life. Wanting to know how to protect others, Setsuna finally reached out to the only person they knew that could help...
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Utsushi knew of their potential for a while, but only took them up as a disciple when they were ready and serious about being a hunter. Setsuna studied under him for about 5-6+ years before the start of Rise.
Here's a link to "Cocoon", a fanfic about Setsuna's backstory, if you're interested in the details.
Day 17: Temperament
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Setsuna was used to being ostracized at a young age, and though it doesn't really happen anymore, they got used to it and don't really care about what people think about them. So if anyone had an issue with them, they would just calmly assess the situation.
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They'd rather avoid confrontation as much as they can. But that being said, if someone really came at them... Well, there always comes a point where Setsu gives off a weirdly intimidating aura, so sooner or later, someone will back down.
Day 18: Happiness
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Seeing a smile on a client's face after a job well done, watching their kinsects grow up well, spending time with the instructor... These things make Setsuna happy. The fact that tomorrow could bring these things makes life worth living.
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... Also, on rare occasions, a really good smoke.
Day 19: Aversion
Setsuna doesn't feel comfortable with people who are too abrasive, who look down on others, or aren't very humble. And of all the things they really hate, it's the idea of not being able to fulfill a promise.
Day 20: Trauma
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When Setsuna was a child, their grandfather left on a journey and never returned. The void that he left behind slowly changed them into a person who couldn't take risks and had no aim in life. At least, for a time...
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Things are much different now. Eventually, Setsuna learned to embrace life's whats and ifs by their own hands. Their body is covered with scars from their time as a hunter, but they learned to accept every single one as proof of surviving risks taken.
Day 21: Fear
I mentioned that Setsuna hates "the idea of not being able to fulfill a promise." But actually, that hate is an irrational fear. They can't handle the possibility of leaving behind unfinished business.
Day 22: Spirituality
Setsuna seems lax, but there is something fervent about the way they deeply respect the balance of nature and their part in the cycle of mortality that surrounds hunting. They always offer a tiny prayer of thanks for the life that they take.
Day 23: First Impressions
When people first meet Setsuna, they tend to get bewitched and intimidated by her presence. Is she royalty or something? There's just something about her. But as soon as she opens her mouth, people are taken aback by how oddly friendly she is. It often leads to awkward first conversations, where even Setsuna is confused about what's going on. As people get to spend more time with her, they'll find that she's just an offbeat, but benevolent fellow. It's strange that this is the type of person who became Kamura's savior, and there would probably be conflicting tales about the Fierce Flame if it weren't for Master Utsushi regaling everyone in fine detail about her efforts.
Day 24: Facade
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Setsuna is genuinely an open and amiable person, but when it comes to certain situations... Well, Setsu can try to hide their feelings, but it's noticable when something is bothering them. There are certain complicated emotions that Setsu has trouble conveying in a straight-forward manner. Not because they want to hide them, but because they physically/mentally have trouble with it. Only their closest friends and partner know to give them time and space to speak.
I think it's also worth bringing back the "degrees of feeling jealousy" meme that was going around in certain fan circles. Setsuna is really funny when trying to keep a straight face.
Day 25: Change
I mentioned it before on Day 16, but Setsuna originally didn't want to be a hunter. At that time, they were a lot more lonesome and estranged, yet paradoxically having a doormat habit of doing things for others just to feel important.
Nowadays, Setsu is much more vibrant and friendly, with every action full of intent. Even if they are still a bit odd in some ways, they're someone you can rely on and trust.
Appearance-wise, Setsu used to have short hair around the time they first started training under Utsushi.
Day 26: Criticism
Those old habits of being a doormat die hard, and Setsuna does have issues with taking on a little too much at once. While they do follow through with everything, due to that fear of ever leaving anything unfinished or not fulfilling a promise...
They can really have a habit of draining themselves after everything's over. They are working on taking things one step at a time, and sharing any burdens with others they trust.
Day 27: Atmosphere
Setsuna knows the Shrine Ruins like the back of their hands, since they've been exploring it since they were younger. But after being deployed to Elgado, they've really come to be fond of the Jungle area. They do well with any kind of weather, but they love the gentle sun after a light rain. Or even a sun-rain, itself.
Day 28: Rest
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Setsuna seems to have the ability to be awake at any time they're needed. They usually wake up at sunrise, but they also enjoy staying up under moonlight and sleeping in when they're free to do so. They also tend to take quick naps usually after a meal.
Day 29: Dreams
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Setsuna hopes they'll always be able to help others through the art of the hunt, even if it means traveling the world. But if it comes to that, they hope they'll always be able to come home to Kamura, and be by Utsushi's side. It's more a promise, than a dream.
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Well... There's a chance that Utsushi will make sure he's always by Setsuna's side, whether they like it or not, so the dream of helping others can happen without any worry. For better or worse.
Day 30: Ending Free Space!
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Setsuna's favorite kinsect is a Pseudocath named Hasu. Thank you for reading about my hunter, and sharing the 30-Day meme!
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timedyne · 2 years ago
i love taiko. but i hold the same resentment for it that i do hitman. don katsu currycutta yomogi and timedyne are my ocs now. they don't deserve how their game is being treated by bandai namco.
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wiggitywag · 4 years ago
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Master post of some art from this year.
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tiktaaliker · 3 years ago
ice cream for drifblim yomogi!
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ok this was a genuinely good fit for yomogi. baby time
bonus oc in the palette: honestly this is just some nice colors. bo lookin kinda ok actually
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running total: 12
(original post with the challenge/palettes)
(not taking more requests atm, might change that later but for now i gotta do what i already have lol)
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