#oc: vasin
asheanon · 2 years
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Figured I'd go ahead and queue up some throwbacks for these coming Thursdays, so here's a little something for this one!
Throwback Thursday: The Tango Series 💃
Once upon a time, back in the KH fanfic era, I decided I wanted to scribble out these little guys attempting different dance styles. More or less upon a whim, as you do. 🕺
I never actually finished all the pairs I had planned either! It still kills me that I left some of the best ones out.
So... all I have to offer is intrigue until they're brought to life (if they ever are. It's been SO long that my style has changed since I last worked on this!) 😅
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If you're wondering who the heck is all in there...
Characters Featured (so far): Sal & AJ — OCs (belonging to me) Ienzo, Strelitzia, Elrena, Lauriam, Lea/Axel, Roxas & Sephiroth — Kingdom Hearts & Final Fantasy VII
You can view each pair individually and more clearly below:
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Referenced and inspired by various clips from:
Dmitry Vasin - Esmer Omerova | Tango argentino | Kremlin Cup 2015
Juan Vargas y Paulina Mejia - Mundial de Tango 2019
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Lore
Established Relationships
(sorry this took so incredibly long)
I struggled immensely with how I wanted to make this post so I want to first and foremost thank @marinesocks for listening to me ramble about it haha. I appreciate it <3
Basically, I'll be listing out some of the fairly important relationships of the main cast in Nite & Daye (non-spoiler ones anyways) that occur before the story starts.
Anyone is welcome to ask questions about ANY of these relationships (considering there are plenty of characters here who yet to be mentioned).
Anyways, info under the cut (:
Daye Nouvel
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (sibling?)
Lenora "Nora" LeBlanc (acquaintance)
Amoris "Nite" Rien
Aleah Nouvel (parent?)
Daye Nouvel (sibling?)
Silver Light (friend?)
Aleah Nouvel
Maverick Blake (ex-partner)
Mattias "Matty" Cross (ex-partner)
Mordecai "Mort" Wood (late partner)
Silver Light (ex-partner)
Micrathena (business partner)
Vell (ex-business partner)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (late business partner)
Ventian Illiad (mutual dislike)
Salomé LeBlanc (mutual dislike)
Imani Emem (mutual dislike)
Akane Sato (mutual dislike)
Eero Black (child)
Vasin Wood (child)
Daye Nouvel (child)
Silver Light
Aleah Nouvel (ex-partner)
Amie Coeur (ex-partner?)
Rachel Young (platonic partner)
Colm Enda (adoptive child)
Merel Ingram (adoptive child)
Amoris "Nite" Rien (friend?)
Eero Black
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Vasin Wood (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Vell (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (acquaintance)
Aurora Solin (acquaintance)
Carmine Solin (acquaintance)
Vasin Wood
Aleah Nouvel (parent)
Mordecai Wood (late parent)
Eero Black (half-sibling)
Daye Nouvel (half-sibling)
Sozminir "Soz" Illiad
Ventian Illiad (parent)
Aglamir "Agla" Illiad (sibling)
Aleah Nouvel (former business partner)
Eero Black (business partner)
Evelyn Fare (friend)
Aurora Solin (friend)
Carmine Solin (friend)
Aleah Nouvel (business partner)
Riziren "Ren" Illiad (enemies)
Caecis Hemera
Erebros (sibling)
taglist - @midnight-and-his-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you’d like to be added or removed, don’t hesitate to let me know!)
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elijahrichardwrites · 2 years
Nite & Daye Character Introduction
Vasin Wood
(pronounced like vah-sin)
Role: Major Character
Pronouns: He/Him
Supernatural Type: White-Eyed Vampire
General Information
Physical Appearance
Quite honestly, he looks a lot like his older brother Eero. He does look a bit gruffer and instead of expensive suits and button-ups, he opts for cozy flannels and ripped jeans. He's also much taller than his other brothers standing at 6'2.
Vasin is very much has a golden retriever type personality. Where his older brother is the brains, he is the brawn. A himbo, if you will. Although he's not entirely dumb, just when compared to some of the geniuses running around the City, it's not hard to see why people wouldn't exactly praise his intelligence. He's a very kind soul and does his best to take care of his loved ones.
Vasin's backstory starts off not as terrible as his brother's. In fact, he's the only one of the Nouvel children to have known and actually have somewhat of a childhood with their other parent. From the moment he came into the world and was introduced to his father, Vasin's dad (Mordecai "Mort" Wood), took him into his custody and raised the boy. While Aleah was still in his life, Vasin spent all his time with Mort and loved him like no other person. Even if Aleah offered for him to stay with her, he'd always decline. He wanted to always stay with his father. However, Mort has some type of illness, despite being a vampire himself. When Vasin was about 13, his father was nearing the end of his life, something very much unlike The Happening. Confused, Vasin went to seek Aleah's help but even she was unable to do anything but help with the preparations of the inevitable. When the time came and Mort did pass on, all Vasin asked of Aleah was for her to allow him to be with his father and to bury him alongside him. Aleah at first refused but eventually gave in, seemingly ending the young Vasin's life. However, Vasin would later realize the truth when he's dug up several years later by some boys who claim to be his brothers.
taglist - @midnights-melodiverse, @isherwoodj, @cedar-west, @bardic-tales, @cactusmotif, @fearofahumanplanet, @marinesocks (if you'd like to be add or removed, don't hesitate to ask/DM me!)
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