#oc: theil
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fagcrush · 6 months ago
Theil sees their magic as a parent, I think.
It's the only thing that has always been there, protecting them (usually), keeping them warm and safe when no one else did. It's the one consistent thing in their life and they adore it.
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emisdetermined · 7 months ago
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Happy birthday Arnelius! 🎉 (09/08)
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Low effort birthday doodle for the birthday boi and his family.
It's Teufbrandt family tradition that the person being celebrated gets to light the cake. Mitz and Theil made it together. It's a little messy but it's the thought that counts (and the frosting).
(I drew exactly 38 candles for this. If I counted wrong, no I didn't.)
Arnelius' daughter, Mitz, belongs to @shadoworacle19 Arnelius belongs to @mythicblueviolet Arnelius' brother, Theil, is my oc
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thomasshelbydrabbles · 2 years ago
Everything’s a Negotiation (8/?)
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Pairing: Modern!Tommy Shelby x OC, Modern!Alfie Solomons x OC
Warnings: series typical violence, language, sexual situations, possessive behavior, consensual public sexual situations
Summary: Mac decides to take the train up north, per Sydney’s suggestion. What she hadn’t expected was company during the ride.
Word Count: 4039
A/N: Let me know if you would like added to the tag list.
Mac considered ordering a taxi to get her to the train station, but still thought her best chance of getting out of town unnoticed by the gangsters of London would be public transport. It wasn’t that she thought they couldn’t find her, but more her belief that they would be less likely to cause a scene on the tube. Leaving town mid-week meant slightly less foot traffic. No matter how many times they’d ridden the tube, Mac still found herself surprised that Zeus truly enjoyed it. There were always a lot of people for him to make friends with, even more smells for him to enjoy, but she had wondered if all of it would be a bit too much. He sat leaning against her legs as they rode the Northern line towards Euston station. A young girl with pigtails glanced up at her.
“Can I pet your doggie?” 
Mac smiled, glanced up at the adult standing with the young girl. “He’s friendly, but it’s your choice.” 
She watched the girl look pleadingly up at the woman. Mac smiled to herself because that’s exactly how Zeus looked at her when he wanted something, and since he always wanted something, it was the main expression on his furry little face. When the woman nodded her okay Mac smiled down at the girl and knelt down next to Zeus. 
“This is Zeus,” she said as she scruffed his muzzle. “He loves to make friends. And if you pet here behind his ears, he’ll be your friend and might even try to lick your face.” 
At Euston station, Mac waved goodbye to the young girl as she and Zeus made their way to the platform. She’d gotten good at navigating with the dog and her small roller bag, but she still had to deal with people knocking into her, grumbling until they saw Zeus. She found an uncrowded section of the station and pulled Zeus over to sit while she pulled up the ticket on her mobile. Walking towards the first-class cars, she couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was watching her. Of course, she figured Tommy had some of his people watching her, but now she wondered if Alfie did, too. Were they to just watch and report, or would one of them try to stop her from boarding the train? Pulling Zeus in a bit closer, she hoped they’d leave her be. No need to start a scene at the train station, but she would. 
She smiled as she showed the host her mobile. 
“Pleasure to have you aboard today, Miss Theil. Can I help with your luggage?” 
Mac nodded as she passed off her roller bag. She got Zeus settled into the car before setting up her laptop at a table near the window. 
“Can I get you something to drink before we depart?”
“G&T, please.” 
Just as the server left, Mac felt a wet tongue against her hand. Thinking it was Zeus demanding treats for his good behavior on public transport, she smiled before reaching down to scratch behind his ears. However, the fur beneath her hand did not belong to her dog. 
“Well hello, sir,” she greeted the giant mut standing next to her, tail wagging. “Aren’t you just adorable?” 
“Cyril, you fuckin’ menace come ‘ere.” 
At the sound of Alfie’s voice, both Mac and Cyril looked to see him striding into the car. Adeline frowned as she shook her head. She’d been right that one of them would come find her. Since Alfie was the one on the train, she imagined it wouldn’t be long before whatever minions Tommy had tailing her would report back to him about this most recent development. Would he just show up when she got settled in Lancaster? Or maybe, he’d stew on it. Be waiting for her when she came back to London. Neither option pleased her. 
“Seems the dog isn’t the only one who’s a menace,” Mac said as she stood from her seat. 
Alfie grinned at her. She didn’t want to like the way he looked at her. She did. In fact, she found herself preening a bit under his gaze. The small smile on his face gave a youthful, almost playful air to him. She could almost feel the way his neatly trimmed beard would feel against her skin, the way his plump lips would linger on hers, teasing. Startling her from her daydream, one which, given the knowing look on Alfie’s face she’d been caught in, Zeus came trotting over, tongue hanging out as he moved to sniff at Cyril in greeting. The dogs seemed pleased enough with each other’s company and wandered off to the far side of the car to become the best of dog friends. Mac fought down the urge to call Zeus back to her side. The empty first-class car suddenly felt increasingly small. What was it about these men? Mac found it quite rude that they took up all the oxygen, all the space, as though forcing her to devote her entire focus to them.     
Not that calling Zeus would have helped because Alfie swept her into his arms and captured her lips in a kiss before she’d really even come to terms with him being with her on the train. He was so warm. Like a heated blanket on a cold winter day. His hands spanned most of her back, his large fingers pressed into her, holding her tightly against his chest. She brought her hands up, intending to push him away, but instead, they wrapped around his neck, brushed along the nape of his neck, feeling the smooth, silky texture of his hair beneath her fingers. Since he’d taken all the oxygen with his presence, returning some to her was the least he could do. She sighed as she gave herself over to the feel of him, the way he ignited butterflies in her stomach. He, of course, took advantage of this and dipped his tongue into her mouth, chasing the taste of her. 
The door to the car opened.
Her drink. 
She broke the kiss, his arms stayed wrapped around her, keeping her close to his body. His hands settled on her hips, thumbs stroking along her hip teasingly. A blush bloomed on her cheeks as the host set her drink on the table. She tucked her face against Alfie’s neck, ignoring the way his body shook with silent laughter. Reaching down, she pinched his ass, which caused his whole body to sway forward against hers. The feel of his hard cock had her breath caught in her throat. Through the material of his slacks, through the fabric of her jeans, he still felt…impressive. Long and thick. She groaned as he rolled his hips forward again, teasing her. Testing her. 
Alfie’s hands slid up her body, fingers grazing the side of her neck causing her to shiver. His hands cradled her face, thumbs caressed her jaw as he tilted her face up. 
“What are you doing here, Alfie?”
“Innit obvious, pet? Thought me holding you in me arms and kissin’, yeah, kissin’ your gorgeous face would be a bit obvious, right?” 
Given how her own arms were wrapped around his shoulders, and her lips still tingled from where his beard rubbed against her face when he’d kissed her, then yes, what he came here to do did seem fairly obvious. She still felt as though she’d wake up, find the train gliding along the tracks. Perhaps fan herself a bit, and then go back to her real life. 
“Tell me you didn’t get on a train just to give me a kiss.”
Instead of answering, he lowered his face, connecting their lips again in a kiss that was slow, sensuous - as though he literally had all the time in the world to stand here on a train and kiss her senseless. Again, she fell into it, her body molding to his as her hands moved from his shoulders up to his hair. Her fingers sunk into it. The thick strands wrapped around her fingers as she tugged him closer to her. Her whole body fit in the shadow of his, his broad shoulders made her feel small, delicate. 
This time it was Alfie who pulled back first. His fingers combed through her hair before tucking it behind her ear. 
“My family, we’re bakers. Going back generations, baking bread. Brown bread, white bread…loaves and loaves of it. Now, that’s not all that interesting since many people, yeah, many people can bake bread, but what it does mean, pet, is that I’m good with me hands, right, very good with ‘em.”
As he spoke, Alfie moved around her body. His hands began kneading her shoulders, down her arms, around to the small of her back. A low moan passed her lips as he dug his fingers into her muscles, loosening them even as other parts of her tightened in response. She felt as much as heard his laugh along her spine, his breath warm on her neck. 
“Know you’ve been feeling a bit of stress, a bit of stress these past few weeks, pet. Some of it caused by me and that’s bad, right, bad of me. So I’m here, right, I’m here to apologize for my behavior in your office,” Alfie whispered, his lips teasing along her neck.  
“You always apologize like this?”
He chuckled, low, masculine - the sound had her vibrating. “No, pet. I don’t make it a habit of apologizin’. See, men in my line of work, right, my particular business, can’t be seen apologizin’ for things because it allows people to get ideas, see, stupid fuckin’ ideas about me, about my nature.”
Mac groaned as she arched like a cat under his hands. “And what exactly am I meant to understand about your nature, Alfie?” 
“You, pet? I did not like the way we left things in your office, not a bit. I know it’s mostly my fault because I’m a man accustomed to things going the way I want them, see, and when they don’t, well…” 
Alfie’s hands had moved back up to her shoulders. She could imagine him baking bread, could almost see him stood in the kitchen, apron around his waist, kneading the dough with his big hands. Her shoulders began to relax as he continued to weave a magic spell over her body. 
“If the whole gangs of London thing don’t work out for you, I’d be your first customer at your massage place.”
“You forgive me, pet?”
Mac’s head rolled forward as Alfie’s thumbs dug into her trapezius. It wasn’t fair. She’d agree to anything right now, and…
With a great degree of reluctance, she slowly drew away from his hands, and turned to face him. 
“Why are you here, Alfie?” 
“Work for me.” 
Mac looked around the empty car, brow furrowed. “How is the car this empty? Not that I mind because that would have been quite a show for anyone who might have been in here, and I’m not about giving folks a free show. But it is odd.” 
“Bought the whole car when I found out that you’d purchased a first-class ticket for yourself because I did not want us to be disturbed. We have business to discuss, pet, and I thought it best we be alone for it, yeah?”
“And all the bread-making you did when you walked in?”
Alfie smiled. Damn. She wanted to hate it. But. Just like Tommy that smile was her undoing. Made him seem like a friendly teddy bear. Of course, she knew both he and Tommy would bite, but she’d never been good at learning lessons the easy way. Given how flustered they both made her, she did find it a bit of a miracle that they both continued to be so keen on having her work for them. Certainly, the could go to another firm and find a woman who could refrain from becoming a needy ball of sexual tension. 
“I told you, pet, that was an apology from me to you for my poor manners in your office. My words, right, they upset you that day, and I found myself not liking, right, not liking that my words had upset you.” 
“Now that you’re done apologizing to me, you want me to work for you.” 
Mac reached for her G&T and took a long swallow. She grimaced because a lot of the ice had melted, and she hated how watery it had become. Still, she gulped it down like it might be the last drop of gin this side of the Atlantic. 
“Are you and Tommy always like this?” Mac paused, brought a finger to her chin. “Although, I can’t imagine you make out with everyone you want to do business with. Both because I’d feel much less special and because that just seems like a lot of work for you. I’ve explained why it would be a foolish decision to work for either of you. Yet, both of you seem to think you can change my mind by seducing me, and while I’m flattered, and more than a bit overwhelmed, I value my business. As a businessman yourself, I’m sure you can understand my position.” 
“I do understand.” 
“Then what the fuck, Alfie?”
Her tone drew Zeus’ attention, and soon both dogs had trotted over to where they stood nose to nose. She felt Zeus lick her fingers and she reached down to scratch behind his ears. She wanted another drink. Actually, she wanted to sit down in that chair near the window, put in her earbuds and listen to her true crime, guilty pleasure, podcast. 
“Write the contracts in your benefit, pet. You’re clever, and ruthless - I know what you took from Ollie that day,” Alfie said with a wink. “Write them up in such a way that it’s deleterious to either myself or Mister Shelby to betray each other.”
Mac knew her jaw had to be on the ground. He couldn’t possibly have just said that to her.
“What, like bloody primary school? I send you off to the corner when you decided you can’t share the crayons anymore?”
“A bit like that,” Alfie said slowly, his hand stroked his beard. “It is a bit like that, yeah. Because men like me and Thomas Shelby, right, we just can’t help ourselves, pet. And we need, we need someone to provide the boundaries. And in return we make you a wealthy woman, keep you safe.”
She laughed. A great involuntary sound. It had a manic note to it she thought appropriate for the situation, if a bit dramatic. “I swear it’s like you two read the same script. I don’t need money, Alfie. And if it weren’t for you both, I’d not need protecting.” 
“Pet - ”
Mac held a hand up to stop whatever nonsense would come out of his mouth next and took a deep breath. “Okay, let’s pretend for a moment that I’ve gone mad, and I’m entertaining this ridiculous idea of yours. Let’s say I have my team of highly paid, very, very nasty barristers draw up a contract that gives you little worms no room to wriggle, one that makes me the queen of fucking everything you bastards own if you so much as glance at the other’s crayons with ill intent. I do that. I have it drawn up. Everyone signs in blood. Everyone’s happy. Until. Until one of you decides that happy is boring. Men like you, Alfie, men like Tommy - you just get bored, don’t you. Just exactly like bloody toddlers, and when you get bored, you break things. But, now, you’ve got this fancy contract that makes me the last man standing. So instead of breaking toys, you break me instead.” 
She paused. Met his eyes. He had a good poker face. It wasn’t cold and aloof like Tommy. It was just vacant. Like he’d gone somewhere else in his mind. 
“I know how that scenario ends, Alfie.”
“If,” Alfie began slowly. “If there came a time that Thomas and I decided our little agreement, right, our promise to each other, to you, no longer worked for us, right, by the time that happened, Thomas Shelby would be so in love with you that he’d not have you killed, pet. Couldn’t do it.” 
Mac ignored the way her heart beat a bit faster at the thought of Tommy being in love with her. Given how he’d responded when Rodney had shown up to her flat, and the way he’d had Michael escort her immediately to him when all Hank had done was cause her a bit of emotional upset, she could see it. What startled her the most was realizing she could imagine herself loving him back. Veering sharply away from that line of thought, she instead focused on what Alfie didn’t say.
“And you, Mister Solomons? Would you be ‘so in love with me’ that you’d not have me killed?”
The silence hung between them. She couldn’t even be angry about it because she knew. He’d told her that day in her office. Forever wasn’t a promise Alfie Solomons could offer to her. Instead, she got massages and promises of Fabergé Eggs. Perhaps giving the order to see her killed would be difficult for him. Maybe he’d even consider a course of action that didn’t end with her lifeless body in a nice pine box. Yet she knew Alfie. At least, she knew the type. Business would come first. And in the end, when it all went tits up, that’s all she would be…a loose end that needed to be tied up. All in service of business. 
She nodded. “I believe we have reached an impasse, Mister Solomons.” 
“Perhaps not,” Alfie said.
Mac didn’t like the serious tone he used. So many thoughts flashed through her mind. 
“Ollie, small thing that he is, found somethin’ useful. Not that he meant to, no. Hurt his feelings you did that day. He went lookin’ for somethin’ to use against you, but you’re good at your job, Miss Theil, very good at your job, yeah, so he couldn't find anything. Moped around like a child. For days. Like a fuckin’ child. Then, one day, he comes into me office excited as I’ve ever seen him, and he learned something about you, pet, about your family.” 
Mac stiffened. Beside her, Zeus stood, moved to a guard position in front of her. 
“None of that, pet. I’m not here to harm you, no. But your family, an uncle of yours I believe, goes by Hank, and what a fucking stupid name that is, but very Gentile, yes, very fucking Gentile that name, Hank. Well, it appears that he has recently made some business purchases that you might find interesting. Thames Security and Clover have been purchased, and see these names, pet, they seemed familiar. I’d seen them before on that nice list your office sent me the first time you told me no. Both companies were on the top of that list.”
Mac stumbled a bit. Alfie reached out and steadied her, hands warm on her skin. She wanted to push him away, but she didn’t want to fall on her ass, so she leaned into him. Felt his fingers card through her hair. Damn him. Damn them all. Why did it have to feel so good? 
“He doesn’t have the capital for that kind of move,” Mac said as she pulled back. “He’s old money, but he relies on the reputation of that name, of the fucking gentry politics more than any sort of funding. He’s not broke, but those are large companies, strong companies. How the fuck did he get that kind of money?” 
“Before you jump to conclusions because I know my actions might have you thinking foolishness, I didn’t give your uncle, right, I did not give that man any money. Not a bloody pence of my money went to him. Ollie dug up the court documents, right, the documents containing information about his atrocious behavior and the things that he said to you, the fucking words he spoke in a court of law about you. Ollie found those and gave them to me. I read them. Yes, I read them, and you are a good person, pet, a fucking good person for not having him killed for what he said, and for what he did to you, to your family.” 
She couldn’t breathe. Zeus whimpered, nudged her with his nose. When had the walls gotten so close to her? Hadn’t there been windows in this car? Hank’s smug, bloated face hovered in front of her, little grin tugging his thin, mustached lips. Mac squeezed her eyes closed, but Hank only grew larger. There wasn’t enough air in the room. She couldn't feel the tips of her fingers. Couldn’t breathe. 
Warm fingers on her face gently stroking her cheek. A broad hand on her chest. Her own hand pressed against a warm body. She could feel a steady thump, thump, thump beneath her fingers. 
“Breathe with me, pet.” 
She knew the voice. Knew it would keep her safe. She tried to do as he said. Kept her hand against his chest, took a breath in through her nose, released it through her mouth. 
Blinking slowly, she forced her eyes open. Alfie knelt on the ground in front of her, eyes tracking her movements, concern etched into her face. She hated how weak her family made her. The panic attacks started when her uncle first brought the suit against her. They increased as litigation continued. Thankfully, she’d never had one in front of him. It was bad enough that both Tommy and now Alfie had seen her have one. She knew men like them shouldn't have this kind of power over her. As Alfie said, Tommy might grow to love her enough for it not to matter, but Alfie would always be a wild card. 
“Give me a reason for him to keep breathing, pet. This uncle of yours deserves a shallow grave, pet, not worth wasting the work of a proper burial.” 
“He’s not worth it.” 
Mac laughed. The noise startled her. Now, though she had a problem. Alfie had leverage. And now Hank was making moves that made little sense to her. This all might lead to her needing the protection Tommy and Alfie could offer to her firm. She doubted any respectable lender would front Hank the money, gentry or not. Even more so, she knew the owners of both companies. They had no reason to sell. She sighed. 
“Birmingham New Street.”
She’d not noticed the chime for any of the other stops. In her defense, she’d been highly distracted by a man she figured practiced distracting folks daily. 
“That’s me, pet. You’ve the rest of the ride to yourself. Bought the car out as far as Lancaster, so you’ll not be disturbed. I’ll ‘ave them bring you another drink, right, another one when I get me and Cyril off.” 
She nodded mechanically. 
“Think about my offer. Do your research, right, figure out what that worm of an uncle of yours is doing, yeah, and make a plan. Be clever.” 
“I can’t exactly say thank you and mean it, but I’m glad I know now.” 
Alfie nodded. “Fair enough, pet.” 
He pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek. It didn’t so much feel like a goodbye, which is what she’d expected. Instead, it felt like a placeholder. As though he’d simply pressed pause on their…bread making. 
When the door closed behind him, she fell heavily into the chair. Zeus sat near her feet, his head resting in her lap, eyes staring up at her. She scratched behind his ears.
“I have no idea what we’re going to do, buddy.” 
The door opened again, and she just about expected to see Alfie again, maybe even Tommy. Thankfully, it was just the host carrying a tray with another G&T and a charcuterie board. Just as it was set down on the table near her, her stomach let out a loud growl. She chuckled to herself. Damn the gangsters in her life. Damn them all.
Master List
Tag List: @allie131313​  @highgardenrosexx​   @stevie75​   @polishcrazyone​
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henbees · 6 years ago
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Theil! my newest dnd character for a taz-like campaign my friend wants to run! 
theyre a hobgoblin warlock of the celestial bounty hunter and i love them very much 
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avasten · 6 years ago
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Watercolour style test with an oc :DDDD
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valen-dreth · 7 years ago
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its that au i might have mentioned where olive's not rescued from the Children of Atom
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grandzealot · 5 years ago
im excited about a bunch of different characters again i think i might dust off ye olde multimuse so i can shove everyone not richter on there esp:
   • anne bonny — black sails canon ( w fallout raider / bloodborne hunter verses )    • alfred — bloodborne canon ( but if i get the hang of him im sure i could put him other places he doesnt belong lmao nerd )    • hebridean — a very different richter oc who has his own blog here <3    • zealot theil — fallout canon / richters ‘dotter’ who has her own blog and aus for: dh2, fc nd, hp, rdr 2
...potentially edward teach from black sails ( tho hes lightly a faceclaim for hebridean already im just love ‘madman’ pirate dad... 😭 )
[ potentially bring lance back too but im in a weird place about her bc id rather do things w her that i can publish :T ]
[ and then have my other fo and jjba losers on reserve ? ]
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emrize · 6 years ago
DND oc meme just because I can
@electricitytrick @juunithebunny @ripuliruisku @alivewiththesun
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Endor & Siqun
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Valyra & Normur
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Theil or Quentin both are so dead inside
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smalldrawnspider · 5 years ago
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My tiefling thief oc Theil (nicknamed “Billy” and “William” by his group because of his horns) from a 5e campaign that’s been going on from well over a year now and continuing. I’m trying to get myself to post more oc stuff, so you may see him more with some stories of his adventures attached.
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fagcrush · 1 month ago
The Theil Astarion and Shadowheart dynamic is people think they're a throuple and they're not right but they're not exactly wrong either
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fagcrush · 23 days ago
if u want reach, u need to put your posts in the tags. i know u hate the tags. but that's literally how people will find it. Bg3 oc. baldur's gate oc. jaheira/oc. astarion/oc. etc etc.
out of curiosity, is there a type of person that theil doesn't get along with? what are people's first impression of them? are they particularly jealous?
It's. Very different in the self ship community, is the thing. Most people I see that get a lot don't put their stuff in the main tags. I'm not wanting a wide audience w regular fans, just like. Other self shippers interacting w me.
Theil struggles a lot with getting along with. Well anyone that doesn't listen to every last thing they do but also they tend to clash with other intense personalities of really any kind. They're the kind of person that bounces off the energy of others, so with any intense negative feelings they fedd off that energy and it makes them act out. It's something that causes issues in their relationships and friendships too, especially with Astarion. They argue pretty frequently and it's because they get a cycle of feeding off each other's bad energy and getting increasingly worse.
I think generally people's first impressions are "Who is this weirdo and why do they look like they think they're so far above everyone"
Oh yeah Theil can get jealous jealous of a lot of things. They want to be everyone's favorite and get everything they want and if someone is spending time with someone else or if someone has what they think they deserve, they will be a bitch about it
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fagcrush · 2 months ago
If you could say so much, then tell us! What about Theil and The Emperor?
Alright SO I cannot Words rn but I want to get these thoughts out
It ended up being kinda long so. Read more time. Major bg3 spoilers if anyone cares.
Theil's relationship w the Emperor is like. Another example of Theil's biggest weakness: how fucking easy it is to manipulate them just by being nice. His dream guardian form is meant to be someone they would admire, which is just... A cool badass hero in armor that looks like something out of a storybook.
They of course fold so easily to the special treatment and is more than willing to utilize the power of the tadpoles to be stronger. They see this guy as some big grande cool hero even after finding out he's a mindflayer. They take the astral tadpole (they ate it. Like a stupid dumbass.) and just. They have so much respect for him. Through the early parts of their adventure the only thing that can stop them from listening to him is the party (biggest example being the creche-they don't want to Lae'zel to leave them so they eventually and cave and go in despite being warned not to).
After finding out the truth through Ansur, they finally begin to question things, to doubt that he's really that great or trustworthy. (While also being pissed that they rejected sex with him and it turns out he's like. The most important guy ever. And he's one of the only people that they're like. Hm maybe not. (Granted it was like. Right after they got caught w Mizora and it almost ruined their relationship so they were making the right choice for once-but they still have a pretty one track mind lmaoo).
Their first real active act of rebellion against him is going to the House of Hope despite his protests. At this point, their feeling that he might not be that great is full force-and honestly his unwillingness to budge on Orpheus is the last straw for them.
When they realize they were basically used, they're so angry, but most of all hurt. Were they really not that special? Was it really just chance? Did he see them as weak without the tadpoles? They thought they were friends but it turns out they were just a means to an end.
Even with all this, they can't bring themself to truly hate him. They try. But he was still their friend! They have Lae'zel free Orpheus bc they just can't.
It's not until the final battle that they let their rage out. At first it's just a punch, but they actually get distracted from the task at hand at first and have to be pulled away because they just won't stop.
In the end they're just feel with hate and frustration, and it doesn't help that they have to see a statue of this guy all the time and hear people praise him without knowing what he become.
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fagcrush · 1 month ago
💭 THOUGHT BALLOON — what is your oc's MBTI, enneagram, and/or other personality aspects (if known/interested in)?
i did do an enneagram test for them last night (hence why im only just now answering lol) and got type 7!!
✈️ AIRPLANE — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
after leaving the big heartbreak that made them leave baldur's gate until the events of the game, theil learned to love travel because well... they kinda had to. they're a bit more homey after the game, though they can never really unwind for long because they prioritize their love of helping others over all else
🌈 RAINBOW — what is your oc's sexual orientation/gender identity? what pronouns do they use?
theil uses they/them, and both their gender and sexuality are like. whatever. it's not something they thought about a lot, especially growing up alone and on the streets and all.
💛 YELLOW HEART — how many languages does your oc speak? what language(s) are they learning, if any?
they can speak common and infernal (and durge theil can speak/read loross as well) but can't read common. they do learn from the others in time though!
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fagcrush · 1 month ago
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They're arguing
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fagcrush · 6 months ago
secret & skin for theil ! (@dmclr)
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Truly their only secret overall is that they loathe themself. They see themself as the world's greatest filth, someone that deserves each and everything that that's happened to them from the second they were born and their parents decided they weren't worth their time or energy. They feel like any happiness they have is unwarranted. They don't understand why people love them and why their frequent mistakes and hurting others are forgiven and it kills them. But if people knew they'd start fussing and telling them they're wrong right? It would be another reason for them to worry over someone that doesn't deserve it.
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
Kinda. Ties in with the last one. But they aren't. At all. They try to hide from the side of them that hates themself. The child inside screaming and crying and biting and tearing to get out and cry and scream and destroy everything. The bitter angry person that wants to betray everything they've known because someone like them doesn't deserve any of this. How does everyone not see that? Why are they so fucking stupid??
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fagcrush · 10 days ago
did theils magic first manifest itself in any special or particular way? (Eg. They were being bullied and accidentally unleashed magic for the first time). How did getting the tadpole in the nautilus affect their magic? Were they more powerful beforehand?
First time it manifested was when their home was broken into and their parents killed. Their magic protected them with a strong burst of fire, and they were both killed
The original tadpole doesn't do anything other than the same weakening effect it has on the other, but I'm have this idea in my head that when they go half illithid, their illithid house is constantly trying to... reject their magic? I guess. The psionic abilities to not mix with regular magic, and I think the two forces would try to attack each other, resulting in more wild magic surges and their magic reacting to their emotions in more random and dramatic ways.
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