#oc: susumi koizumi
ainyan · 4 months
A Perfect Moment
It was such a plain length of wood, golden brown and nearly straight. Whorls of darker bronze swirled along its length, adding a rich depth to the honey-hued stick. She plucked it up from where it lay fallen upon the forest floor, weighing it thoughtfully in her hands. It had a good weight and heft to it, and she thought perhaps she could see the shape it was meant to be within the subtle curls and eddies of its yet-living aether.
A stump lay slumbering nearby, its surface decorated with soft moss and pale blue flowers. When she clambered up to sit upon its surface, she felt the wood warm beneath her, welcoming her gentle presence. Her smile came unbidden as she drew out the tiny whittling knife she carried in the pouch that hung at her side.
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Dangling her legs over the edge of the stump, she lifted the stick and experimentally ran the edge of the knife along the wood, careful to apply no pressure to her strokes as she traced the will of the wood. Finally satisfied that she’d correctly divined the shape within the branch, she set the sharp blade against the soft wood and began to carve minute pieces away from the heart.
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The shape took hold slowly as she allowed the aether lingering within the wood to guide her strokes, carefully teasing out the flat blade of the handle, the thick, sturdy roundness of the haft, and the shallow bowl that would complete the simple cooking spoon. It was a utilitarian piece, though she thought she saw hints of flowering vines that she would later pick out with her carving tools and carefully applied layers of varnish. It was not meant for show; it was meant to be used, to be cherished, to be loved.
A gift, she thought, though she was not quite certain for whom. It would come to her, she knew; someday she would look into a face and know beyond any doubt that this spoon belonged in his or her hands, to be used to enhance the dishes they made.
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Until then, though, she would carry it among her things, and wait for that perfect moment.
A moment much like she’d just experienced.
A single, perfect moment.
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This is my swap gift for @waldwasser for the FFXIV Swap #4 ^.^ The loose themes were Vacation/Relaxation, Hatchingtide, and Spring. I went with the first theme of Relaxation. Struck by the fact that the mun mentioned that Susami enjoyed being in the forest and enjoyed woodworking - and was uniquely attuned to living aether - I thought perhaps she might enjoy a moment of peace helping a branch become the useful spoon it so desired to be.
Thank you for letting me play with your lovely girl; I enjoyed myself greatly, and hope you also enjoy this gift! <3
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waldwasser · 3 months
Hello! 🌼🌺
I'm waldwasser (she/her), multifandom blogger in my late 20s. I do art sometimes, but I'm mostly just here to reblog things.
If you're here for FFXIV, you can find stuff about my WoLs under the read more, as well as under their respective tags. It's mostly (vanilla) gposes, bits of lore/backstory and the occasional art piece ^^
Cute icon is by @bluecaeriart <3
Susumi Koizumi
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Age: 26 at the end of EW
Race: dunesfolk lalafell/duskwight elezen
Sexuality: lesbian
'Canon'/main jobs: White Mage, Bard, Dark Knight
WoL status: it depends! Usually 'just' an echo-blessed member of the scions and backup to @rajian (who is the WoL in their shared canon), but I also enjoy thinking of her as the WoL in her own right.
Currently in: almost caught up on MSQ
Significant relationships: Rajian Koizumi (long term friend, now wife), Lyse (friend and former crush), Arenvald (B-team scion colleague and friend)
Personality: cheerfull, stubbornly optimistic, approachable, nostalgic, probably too forgiving for her own good
Backstory: Born to a prosperous minig family in southern Thanalan, Susumi's childhood was quite sheltered. When her father's shady business dealings led to the deaths of several workers in his silver mine (and he tried to lay the blame at Susumi's feet), Susumi ran away from home and made her way to the Twelveswood with vague plans to become a conjurer. After a nearly disastrous run-in with monsters in the Shroud, and a timely rescue by @rajian, she started her new life as a conjurer and woodworker, and shortly after got embroiled in The Plot of FFXIV.
Spent the Endwalker patches as a duskwight, due to an unexpected reaction to some magical root vegetables (you can probably guess who's responsible...). But I'm back to potato form for Dawntrail!
Fun facts: does woodworking to relax; hates fermented food
Hnaba Yascaret
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Age: 143
Race: rava viera
'Canon'/main job: Bard, Paladin, Dark Knight
WoL status: is the WoL
Currently in: Shadowbringers
Significant relationships: Alphinaud & Alisaie (younger siblings/mentor-mentee relationship), Y'shtola (respected friend & magic theory teacher), Arenvald (friend, occasional much needed voice of reason), Haurchefant (start of a romantic relationship during HW), Yugiri (romantic relationship during StB)
Personality: driven, outwardly calm, focused, protective, should stop suppressing some emotions
Backstory: Born in the Golmore Jungle, she left after an encounter with a garlean patrol lead to the death of her partner. Since her home was too full of sad memories, she left and set out to travel the world. After about two decades of travel, she settled in the shroud, joined the leatherworkers' guild and became part of a Keeper family, where she took on the name 'Hnaba'. After a few relatively calm years in Gridania, the plot of ARR came calling.
Fun facts: loves coffee and making gear for her friends; hates (air)ship travel (she gets motion sick...)
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