#oc: sophie o'conner
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Introducing Sophie O'Conner
She is appearing in Life in The Fastlane.
Date of Birth- July 4th
Place of Birth- Barstow, California
Previously resided: in Miami, Florida, and Los Angeles, California
She is the younger sister of Brian who she was estranged from before the events that led her and the rest of the team to flee from Los Angeles.
She is heavily involved with Vince, even going to the hospital with him when he is hurt on the last heist which he blames her for and blames her for knowing that her brother was a cop the whole time. She didn't know he announced it calling life flight. Mia also blames her until she starts seeing clearly after Jesse's services and she calls Sophie to talk.
Only to get an overprotective Roman Pearce on the other line saying that she was fine and that she didn't want to talk to her at that point. They did end up talking before Sophie ended up in Miami working with Carter Verone who goes for her more than undercover Monica. Vince meets her after Carter is arrested and she ends up freefalling through the rest of South America with Vince, marrying him and getting pregnant before her brother and Mia go rogue breaking Dom off of the prison bus.
More info will come soon
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#series: life in the fastlane#fast and furious oc#fast and furious imagines#fast and furious fan fiction
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Life In The Fastlane|3| Fast Saga
Some how I didn't get this posted last year. So here we go for part 3.
part 2
In the heart of the cold, cold city
"Excuse me, Officer O'Connor?" "Yes?" Brian asked, turning around to look at the doctor who had just come out of the operating room. "Your sister is going to be just fine, she is being moved into recovery then into a room. I can have a nurse show you where it is."
"No that's okay, I don't want to overwhelm her, there should be some contacts in her phone, she lives with some friends. And they will come down."
He wanted to see her but there was no way that he was going to do it after she got shot and had emergency surgery. The last time they had talked there had been a huge fight and she went to Roman's to get away from him. He was pretty sure that she told him she hated him too. She was a strong-willed individual then and she probably still was.
The doctor looked at him in disbelief before walking away, the girl was going to need her brother and all he was doing was running from the problems. ** Mia came into the garage in a rush, a panicked look on her face.
"Mia, what's wrong?" Letty asked seeing her first. "That was the hospital, Sophie was shot at the club during a police raid."
The tool that was in Leon's hand clattered to the ground as Jesse turned his chair around to look at her.
"Is she okay?" Vince demanded.
"I don't know V."
"I am going down there. We are all she's got."
"Go, call us when you know something," Dom ordered, he would have sent Mia instead but Vince would have been useless the rest of the day in worry. Something he never rarely showed about anyone. Except for when it came to his family. And Sophie had wormed herself into their lives and their team. ** "I need to know what room Sophie O'Conner is in." Vince barked once he got into the hospital lobby. He had to run every single red light that he had come to and was getting more and more aggravated as the seconds passed and now the nurse was taking her sweet time looking her up on the computer. "I need to know your relationship with the patient." The nurse said in a bored tone as she popped a bubble with her gum. She had seen the good-looking older brother come down 10 minutes prior talking on his phone rapidly and she was pretty sure that this dark-haired man wasn't related to her.
"I am her boyfriend." He spat out the words that surprised him, he never once referred to himself as anyone's boyfriend.
Lover, yes.
Maybe Sophie was changing him more than he had thought, hell since he had met her, he hadn't thought much about Mia, in fact she only came to his attention when she was in front of him. And he found that odd, he had always wanted Mia. Thought they would end up together and he would be a part of the Torretto family for real. But things changed and he didn't know if it was a good or bad change.
"She is in room 1101." Vince nodded his head curtly and started towards the elevator bank.
"You're welcome." She called towards his back. "Jerk." ** Sophie woke up and looked around the room in shock, "Why am I in the hospital? And why does this hurt so bad."
This was the first time she had been in the hospital and she was scared to death, she desperately wished that her brother was with her or Rome.
But she didn't have either one of them, Brian was off doing whatever he wanted and Rome was behind bars.
"Shit where's my phone? I need to call Mia, she will come." Sophie muttered, her panic causing her blood pressure to rise and the monitor to start beeping.
The nurse came into the room and offered her a smile, " I am glad you are awake Miss O'Conner, we were wondering when you were going to join us again."
"What happened?" She asked, skipping over the pleasantries. "The club you worked at was raided by the police and you were shot.'
"By a police officer?"
"No, I believe it was one of the men who owned the club." Sophie laid her head back on the pillow, "God, I should have listened to Mia and worked at the shop. No guns."
The nurse laughed as she left the room to get her more pain medication and let the doctor know she was okay.
While she was doing that, Vince stuck his head in the room before giving her a smirk. "Hey Soph. You good?"
"They have me on pretty good pain meds. So yeah I am good." She said, offering him a tired smile. He stepped fully into the room and shut the door behind him, "What happened?" "It's a long story V." She returned.
"We got time, I don't think they are going to let you out of here anytime soon." He said, eyeing the wires and tubes that she was hooked up too. She lifted her shoulder and dropped it down again.
"The club got raided, Janice and I were the only two there. I remember telling them to go away because we weren't open. And then they broke down the door. After that its all kind of fuzzy. I thought I heard my brother's voice."
Vince looked surprised, she never talked about her older brother. It only happened when she was drunk or angry. She waved her hand around trying to get herself together. In a rare form of affection, Vince reached his hand out and covered hers squeezing it. ** The door to Sophie's room opened a while later and the rest of the team stepped into the room and smiled seeing the blonde awake and talking to Vince, her hand that didn't have the heart monitor on it was waving around as she talked. "Hey, Soph." Mia greeted going over to the bed and taking ahold of her hand. "Hey, guys." She returned with a sleepy smile. "You good girl?" Letty asked having followed Mia into the room, careful not to over-rush anything, she knew how she was in pain and she wondered if Sophie would be a bear too or if she would be in the opposite direction.
"With as much pain medication they have me on. Yes. I can't even feel the pain from the wound right now." "What happened?" Jesse asked as he closed the door again
Vince shook his head, he didn't need to hear the story again and he really didn't want to hear Sophie repeating it. It made him so angry. "The police raided the club." He said shortly, "That asshole Roger held her at gunpoint."
All eyes were on Sophie now, and the blonde lifted her shoulder up and dropped it down, she still wasn't quite sure how she ended up being held at gunpoint. "I guess they were running stuff out of the back. And I guess he thought holding girls hostage was a good idea."
"You should have come and worked with us Soph." Mia muttered, after she found out where the girl was working she tried to pressure Dom into letting her work with them at either the garage or the store but both he and Sophie refused to do so.
Sophie liked being independent and she got that. If she could be independent she would be. But she relied too much on her brother to be independent and she worried if she never had to be without Dom.
"I know but I liked the club." She muttered relaxing against the pillows, sleep threatening to over take her.
"Sleep." Vince ordered, "We will be here when you wake up." It would take a hoard of wild animals to get him to leave at that point and time. Her eyes went to Dom who nodded his head once and folded his arms across his chest. Sophie was family, and nothing got in the way of family. ** 3 days later *** "I am fine Vince." Sophie muttered as he grasped her elbow to help her up the cement steps into the Torretto house. Raising his eyebrow Vince released her elbow and she swayed back and forth slightly before grasping onto his forearm.
"Maybe not." Leon and Jesse who had gone up the steps first laughed lowly.
"You get shot in the side and tell me how you feel jerk off." Sophie muttered as Vince helped her up the rest of the stairs. Mia had insisted on Sophie coming to stay with them after she got released from the hospital, so she could keep an eye on her. Leon laughed again and opened the front door for them.
"Mia is going to come up and stay with you. Easier for her to come up than you to stay down." Vince grumbled he had lost the fight with Mia to take care of Sophie. Mia didn't trust him to let her rest and get better. Sophie nodded her head in agreement before covering up a yawn. "Let's get you into bed. Mia is bringing you home your meds after her class is over with."
"Where's my phone?" She asked once she was settled in her bed, a stuffed dog tucked under her arm against her aching side "I told Janice I would check in once I got settled."
. "It's right here." Jesse said, holding up the silver device before tossing it to her.
"Thank you." She muttered as she put her arm under her head and flipped the phone open. "I will be fine, I am just going to sleep. I don't need babysitters and you all don't want to play baby sitter. Go. I will holler if I need help."
The three boys protested for a second before agreeing and leaving her alone, they had learned with Letty and with Mia that if they said leave them alone, you left them alone
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#series: life in the fastlane#fast and furious saga#fast and furious imagines
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Life In The Fastlane|7| Fast Saga
They were good in bed, she'd say
Vince toyed with one of the charms that hung from the bracelet that Brian replaced. "Buster?" He asked unable to keep the annoyance out of his voice. "
Yeah, he pawned the one I had." She yawned, "It was the only piece of jewelry that my dad ever gave me before he bailed. Broke my heart."
He nodded his head and tangled his fingers in her messy hair, for an insane brief moment, he thought that he should be the one replacing and giving her stuff like this and buying her new stuff. Thoughts he had never thought to do before, not even when they started getting money from the heist. It hadn't even crossed his mind to do that for Mia, but she never showed interest as Sophie did. As much as Sophie was rough and tumble, she was also a girlie girl.
The shopping sprees after the heists were a huge sign of it. Honestly, he liked to spoil the girl, it was a nice change, and in turn, she took care of him. "Yo! Vince! Sophs! Get down here!' Leon's voice called from the bottom of the stairs causing the teen to groan and bury her face into the pillow.
"Come on, they made you a cake, I am sure you don't want to disappoint them." She lifted her head surprised, "Leon and Jesse were able to cook in Mia's kitchen? I am not even allowed to do that."
Vince shrugged his shoulders, all he was informed of was that they got Sophie a cake and that was it.
The girl sighed and dropped her head again rubbing her face into the material of the pillowcase before pushing herself to sit up.
"Fine. Let's get this over with."
"You really should leave before they come downstairs," Letty commented as she pressed the buttons on the video game controller. She had tried to get the girls to leave but the one wouldn't leave, and honestly, she wanted to see Sophie lose her mud and beat the crap out of Susie. She had finally remembered the name of that ugly mug.
"What is that dumb bitch gonna do? Kick my ass?”'
"Yeah." Leon laughed as he sat back on the chair causing one of the other girls to go sit on the arm of his chair. They had all seen Sophie at one point or another lose her shit and hurt another girl. And the last thing they needed at that point and time was for her to get hurt.
Especially after she just got the all-clear from her doctor.
The girls started to hover near the foot of stairs when Vince and Sophie reappeared and the girl that had been talking the most shit jumped right to going back to Vince's side who promptly ignored her turning to look at Sophie who was still on the step above him smirking.
He didn't know what possessed him to do this but he was going to go with it.
"I thought you were told to leave," Sophie said as she swept her hair over her shoulders, an icy look filling her blue eyes. The old Coyote seeing it laughed lowly and took her hand in his before pulling her into him.
"Maybe that bullet should have gone a few inches further and killed you." Susie snarked. "It would have been better." Sophie wrenched her hand out of Vince's and spun to face her, "Watch what the fuck you say to me."
Letty pushed herself up from the ground ready to jump in if she needed it. Like she would with Mia but deep down she knew that Sophie needed to prove to herself that she could handle her shit and that she didn't need Vince or Leon. Or even Dom and Letty rushing to her aide every time something bad happened.
"You know he is never going to pick you right? You are just a glorified placeholder for Mia."
"Watch it." Vince barked trying to catch Sophie's hand again but she pulled away from him.
"So what if I am? If I am just a glorified placeholder, then what are you?"
'I, I.' She started.
'Exactly, you are lower than scum."
A high-pitched scream filled the house and she slapped the blonde.
"You know." Sophie retorted flexing her jaw back and forth, "You hit like a girl." Susie swung again and as she was swinging to hit her.
Sophie's fist came out and connected with her nose sending her falling to the ground.
"Oh shit!" Letty laughed as she bounced back and out of the way and Leon and Jesse who had pulled themselves away from the girls they were with rushed to help Vince try and herd Sophie back up the stairs.
"Calm down Sophs!" Leon barked as he wrapped his arms around her knees to help Vince who had her under the armpits haul her up the stairs.
"This is calm!" She shouted jerking her body this way and that way to get away from them.
The very thin line of patience that she had been holding onto snapped. She had tried to keep a hold of it all with her recovery and she had only lost her temper mildly once and that was when Letty informed her that Vince brought home one of the girls from the races.
But all of the things that pushed her towards the edge was seeing her older brother and him trying to act like they could right back to how they were before he walked out of her life after betraying her and Roman.
Brian wasn't surprised to see his sister sitting curled up next to Vince who was playing his guitar, three girls were surrounding them, the smaller of the three nursing a bloody nose.
"What happened?" He asked crossing the room quickly not to check on the girl but on his sister who had a baggy full of ice on her hand.
"She talked shit.”' Sophie returned wincing when he moved her hand back and forth. "And I hit her."
Vince placed the guitar down, demanding why Dom brought the buster there.
"Sophs." He sighed, "We have talked about this. Remember beating up Raya?"
Raya had been Brian's high school girlfriend and to say Sophie hated her was an understatement and the feeling was mutual, on more than one occasion he and Rome had to pull them apart. But the one time they weren't quick enough, Raya and Sophie got into a fist fight and it ended up with both girls going to urgent care to get stitches and a nose fixed.
"I remember, but she deserved it.' Her voice was so quiet that he barely heard it over the music. "Said that Roger should have killed me."
"You really shouldn't listen to that crap Sophie. You know better." Brian started after clicking his tongue at her. Dom was suddenly by their side, his anger fizzling when Leon informed him about Sophie's fight.
"I am fine Dom, no damage done." She insisted as he took the ice pack off to look at it following the same motion of moving her hand back and forth.
"She did more damage done to me." The other girl insisted on removing the bloodied towel away from her face to show Dom the damage.
The normally stoic man's mouth twitched like he wanted to smile.
"Looks like it was justified."
"It wasn't." The girl protested as Letty stood up from where she had been lying on her stomach, her dark eyes on the girl, ready to pounce. Sure she wanted to use her fists like Sophie had but she knew the only other thing that would get this girl to understand was to use her words.
"She was saying some pretty nasty things while they were both upstairs." Jesse who had his tongue down a girl's throat pulled back with a sucking pop to look at the group.
There had been some words exchanged by the girls even before this happened, there had even been a fight that almost broke out two days after Sophie got released from the hospital and Susie was trying to get with Vince who only wanted nothing more than to with Sophie either he was getting some or not.
"What did she say Lets?" The blonde asked, she had a feeling of what was said but it was better for Dom to hear it vocalized so Susie and her friends would be blacklisted from the races.
Letty offered Susie a smirk before repeating what Susie had not only said about Sophie but of Mia. Surprised the blonde swallowed back a yelp and turned so Susie and her friends could see her face or hear the shocked quiet laughter. Vince who had placed down his guitar pulled her out of her seat and into him possessively, thankful that Mia was back in her bedroom studying, despite his budding feelings for Sophie, deep down he knew that he would choose Mia over the blonde and he didn't want to lose her.
"Get out!" Dom barked causing Susie and her friends to jump surprised, they all knew of his temper and how he spent time in Lompoc but no one involved in the racing scene had seen it.
Until now.
"GET OUT!" There was an underlying threat in his voice that if they didn't get out they would see that side of him.
"Sophie.' Dom's attention went to the girl, "Go upstairs." Sophie's blue eyes darted from her brother to Dom and back before she extracted herself from Vince.
"Hey bro, you got a bathroom?" Brian asked if he wanted to try and talk to Sophie one-on-one and he wasn't going to be able to do so with Vince being around.
"I will show 'im." The younger O'Conner commented as she slipped around the couple, her hand reaching out and patting his shoulder as she did so.
"Slut!” Susie's friend Ruby spat as Leon, Jesse, and a few of the other guys started strong-arming them out of the house. For the most part, their neighbors were chill with the loud music and parties but fights were the one thing that would get the cops called on them.
For her part, Sophie didn't rise to the comment, instead, she just started to climb the stairs, all the excitement of the day was too much on her and she was exhausted, all she wanted at that point was her bed and to watch on of the movies that Jesse insist she watched after he found out that she hadn't really been allowed to watch many movies or TV shows.
"It wouldn't surprise me if she bedded all of them." Tracey another one of the girls said.
Brian paused, hateful words forming on the tip of his tongue to defend his sister. Surprising him with how easy it was to slip right back into that older brother role.
"Don't, they aren't worth it. They are just words." She commented, "They are projecting their bitterness and hurt feelings onto me because they are realizing that Vince isn't going to fall over them. He does have a little bit of taste. Either it is me or Mia. The bathroom is right there.' She pointed towards the half-opened bathroom door, Brian shot the girls a threatening look before going around his sister into the bathroom. "And for your information, Brian is my brother. Nothing more. Nothing less." She gave Vince a pointed look before going up the rest of the stairs and into her bedroom.
Brian heard the opening theme to Star Wars he thought coming from the room just opposite of where the bathroom was and he went to the door, he hoped that it was just his sister in her room and no one else, he peeked through the opening and smiled seeing her alone in the center of the bed.
"Hey Sophs, got a second?" "Sure." She went to push herself up to look at him but he waved her off.
"Just be careful with Vince is all. I don't want to see you hurt more than you already are." He commented. "Bri, no offense but you don't really don't have a right to tell me what to do. You gave up that right when you left." She returned, "but I will try and be more careful."
He flashed her a crooked smile, "Get some rest."
She gave him a two-finger salute and laid back down on the bed pulling the blanket up around her. Somethings were never gonna change with him, he was always going to come back into her life and control things and this time, she didn’t want it or need it.
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#series: life in the fastlane#fast and furious fan ficiton#fast and furious imagines#dom x sophie#dom toretto#dom toretto fan fiction#dom toretto imagines
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Life In The Fastlane|6| Fast Saga
I am blaming the sudden influx of these chapters on the new movie that came out.
And I am also wanting to write more of Sophie's story before hand and what happens with her and Vince before the team going to Brazil.
Oh and her relationship with her older brother
They had one thing in common
Sophie’s phone beeped several times in her back pocket causing her to shift and pull it out. The number flashing on the screen was an unknown North Californian number.
“Hello?” She asked as she waved to one of the girls that was coming towards the Skyline. She wasn’t like Mia or Letty who liked the attention of the racers and the hang-a-rounds and Brian announcing it was her birthday brought everyone around. “Hey, baby girl.” “Rome!”
��Leon glanced at her quickly before looking back at the street, they had seen pictures and heard stories about Roman Pearce, if she hadn’t claimed that he was like her second older brother, Vince would have been jealous. And in turn, would have made the others suspicious. They were always suspicious of other men they didn’t know.
“Happy Birthday! I got some good news for you.” He laughed.
“Um, you won a million dollars in the prison lottery? And you are sending me some?”
“Of course.” Sophie’s laughter was contagious making both Leon and Roman laugh again. “I got out on early parole.”
“Roman Pearce actually behaving himself?! I will be god damn!” The blonde teen covered her heart with her hand and batted her eyes as if the man could see her. “Shut it brat. Ma said you were helping out from LA, I appreciate it.”
“You two are family, and I owed you.” She returned before dropping her phone onto her lap cheering when Dom went flying past followed quickly by Brian. “God damn, he is still fast.” She shook her head before picking up her phone again, “Sorry Rome.” “Who is still fast?”
“Dominic, I finally got to come out to the races tonight and he just won the race.” She lied, shooting Leon a look to keep his mouth shut. Brian was a touchy subject still to Roman and to her.
“What exactly happened? Ma said you were in the hospital for a while. And some guy Vince was answering your phone? Playing gatekeeper?”
“Vince, is, um,”
“Her lover.” Leon finished before wincing when she punched him in the arm.
“Lover? Really? Sophie?” Roman almost sounded disappointed in her, like he had when he found out she had not only started dating the second-string quarterback but smoking pot with him behind the science wing on lunch. “It’s more than that Ro, he’s different. A good different.” Sophie defended looking down at her chipped fingernail polish.
“Any available units.” The radio interrupted before Sophie could go on.
“Shit, we got cops! Cops!” Leon shouted into the radio before looking at the teen who was already putting her seatbelt on.
“Roman, I gotta go, call me tomorrow.” She said before snapping her phone shut.
A rush of adrenaline was going through her as Leon spun the car out of the line and sped down the street towards the hill that they lived on. Almost 6 weeks of being locked up in the house while everyone went about their normal lives sucked, she got bored quickly but now that she was healed, hopefully she would be able to get back into her normal life.
Whatever that was.
The party was already starting when Leon pulled to a stop in front of the house and Sophie could make out Vince in the group easily surrounded by blonde and brunette-haired floozies. “Why doesn’t that surprise me?” She asked more to herself than anything, forgetting that Leon was with her and waiting for her to get out of the car.
“You know, you are the only girl he has been with since you two started whatever this is? He only entertains them dawg, it’s like a game.”
She turned quickly to look at him, “I know Le, I am a pawn in that game too. We both know that Mia is the one, he really wants. I am a glorified placeholder.” Leon wanted to offer some sort of encouraging words to her, to tell her something different but he knew, they all knew it was true.
“Sophie! Get in here!” Vince had moved from the living room to the open front door. “Coming.” She returned placing her finger against her lips telling him to be quiet about what they were talking about. It would just lead to drama that they didn’t need. They had enough of that with Vince’s fight with Brian earlier and then the almost fight at the races.
Old Coyote smirked once she was in front of him before jerking his head towards the stairs. He had been dead serious when he had told her before they had rejoined the team earlier that he was going to do everything in his power to keep her naked in his bed to make up for lost time.
“What about your groupies?” She asked, her eyes going over his shoulder to where the trio of girls was standing, one holding an open bottle of Corona and the other toying with the knob at the top of his guitar. The third was busy glaring at Sophie and how Vince pulled her to him possessively.
“See something you like sweetheart?” She questioned as Vince started backing them to the stairs, he would rather be in her room instead of his dirty room in the basement. “Maybe.” She returned. “Mm, I am sure. But the thing is, I don’t share. And neither does the big guy.” He nodded his head in agreement, he didn’t share well especially when it came to things he thought was his.
And Sophie was his. Even if he would never admit to it.
“I already had him and I can have him again.” The girl spat as the two started climbing the stairs. Vince groaned and pulled Sophie up the stairs in front of him, “And we did fuck while you were out. We all agreed that the bullets should have gone further and killed your ass.” “Shut the fuck up.” He barked tightening his grip on Sophie’s hip, “Sophie go.” “He even said it.” “Not worth it. Not even worth it.” The blonde muttered as she climbed the stairs and go into her bedroom.
She had learned to pick her battles and only picked the fights she knew she was going to win or ones that she knew Roman would break up. Which a lot of time he did. He didn’t want her to follow in his footsteps. But it was too late she was already following in those footsteps.
“You need to leave,” Leon ordered as a bedroom door slammed shut followed by angry rock music turning on. “Why? I was replaceable, she should know that she is too and that he doesn’t really care about anyone but Mia.’ The girl returned as Vince came down the stairs, rage almost blinding him. “V!” Letty called as she stood up from where she was laying playing video games, “Go upstairs to Sophie now. I will handle her.” Still glowering Vince turned from the girl and stormed up the stairs and into Sophie’s bedroom.
“What the hell V?’ Sophie asked pulling the t-shirt she was changing into over her head, she had decided that she had enough of being around people and staying in her room was the best option. He shook his head and slammed the door shut again. “Seriously? We have talked about this, use words. Angry caveman, I don’t understand.” She huffed. ‘And I don’t understand dumb blonde valley girl.” He returned before he crossed the room and pulled her to him roughly.
She stumbled and grasped his tank tops in her hands. “V, there is a party downstairs.” “Fuck ‘em. Would rather have you.” He growled before he kissed her roughly, maybe he was just being a horny needy fuck or he was trying to distract her from those words the girl said downstairs but the words he said about having her were true.
Maybe, just maybe, he was starting to get over Mia.
#ash writes#series: life in the fastlane#oc: sophie o'conner#fast and furious fan fiction#fast and furious imagines#fast saga fan fiction#fast saga imagines#dom toretto fan fiction#dom toretto imagines
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Life In The Fastlane|5| Fast Saga
This is the first chapter that has smut in and its the first time in about 5 months that I have wrote something in detail that contains detail. so if you are under 18 don't read.
They said he was ruthless, they said he was crude
“Sophie, that isn’t true.” Brian started as he stood up to go towards where she was standing but Vince beat him to it, the overprotectiveness that was pouring off of the Old Coyote was surprising, he only ever reacted like that when it came to Mia. Sensing that the hot tempers were going to boil over, Leon shifted to where he was standing fully in front of her to try and protect her.
“Don’t lie, Brian, you are terrible at it.’ Sophie said as she turned around so they couldn’t see the tears and hurt that was building in her, they had seen too much of it when she was recovering.
The older O’Connor sibling opened his mouth to say something to her, to change how she felt, but he stopped himself. He was a terrible liar, and she knew all his tells without even looking at him. He didn’t need her blowing his cover not when he was this close.
“Hey,” Jesse said softly as he turned to his hand going from her elbow to her shoulder to rub it.
“I am fine Jess.” she returned as she sniffed back her tears.
“No, you aren't. Don’t worry about him. We are going to have some fun today. You only turn 18 once.” He whispered causing her to laugh softly. “And you get to go to the races tonight.”
There was a small smile forming on her face, he and Leon had been hinting at a surprise that they had been working on for her. But they would never budge. Using the bottom of her shirt she wiped the tears away from her face before she turned back around.
Vince saw the remaining tears in her eyes and hearing Brian saying his goodbyes to Mia, was enough to push him over the edge with his anger. “Try Fatboy from now, you can a double cheese with fries for 2.95.” He called behind him.
“Oh fuck.” Sophie swore as she pushed past the two and followed him, “Vince!”
“I like the tuna here.’
“Bullshit asshole, no one like the tuna here.”
She had caught up with them, “Brian, walk away.”
“Sophie stay out of this. This has nothing to do with you.’ He returned causing Vince to look over his shoulder just in time to raise her eyes to the sky and shake her head. Something that they had picked up on when she was trying to keep herself together.
Like she was trying to hold back years of anger toward Brian.
The Old Coyote surged forward and tackled him into the truck.
“Stop!” Sophie started as she started forward to try and separate them.
“Jesus Christ! Stop!”
She had grabbed a hold of the back of Vince’s shirt to try and pull him back towards her but she wasn’t strong enough to do so.
It just resulted in the tank top stretching out. When her brother reached forward to tackle Vince to the ground, it caused Sophie to tumble to the ground.
“You good girl?” Letty asked appearing at her side to help her up.
“Yeah, I am good. Not the first time I have been knocked down during a fight.’ She returned taking her hand to be helped up.
The older girl nodded her head and pulled her to her feet as Dom separated the two fighting men.
“Soph.” Letty started as Sophie quickly went over to Vince and pulled him back towards her, to stop him from lunging back at her brother.
He didn’t listen to her words at first, his eyes over her head at Brian and Dom.
“Vince.” She repeated grasping his chin and making him look at her. He finally looked at her and smirked before capturing her mouth with his. If he could physically fight with Brian then he was going to push his buttons another way.
By being with his little sister.
Brian had gotten into the cab of Harry’s truck and looked over to where his sister was, Vince had pulled her to sit up on the trunk of his car and was standing between her legs kissing her. More anger flooded him and he fought every instinct he had in him to get out and pull them apart. He threw the truck into drive and pulled away from the curb with squealing tires.
Once he was far enough away from the store, he pulled his contact phone out of the glove box and dialed Sgt. Tanner’s phone number. “Once this is over, I want my sister cleared of any charges she may have. I failed her once and I am not going to do that again.’ **
Rough fingertips trailed over the swell of Sophie’s breast to the hardened nipple. “Aren’t you tired yet?” Sophie asked with a breathless laugh.
“No.” Vince barked out with his own laugh, it had been weeks since he had gotten laid, not for a lack of trying but because he wanted Sophie and it almost felt wrong to fuck another girl when she was just feet away in her own room. His hips pressed forward dragging his erection against her wetness causing the girl to whine and pressed back against him.
She had been just as eager as he had been when they got back to the house before everyone else, she knew it was to cover up the hurt and the anger that she had in her. “V, don’t tease.” She said quietly, turning her head to kiss him, “Fuck me already.’
“Your wish is my command princess.” He reached between their bodies and guided his hard cock into her groaning as the velvety tightness covered him. Sophie dropped her head down moaning into the pillow that was under their heads, her hand finding the one that he had draped across her body squeezing it.
He moved his hand around and linked their fingers together before returning the squeeze. She was the only girl he had ever done stuff like this with. Normally he was a fuck her and leave her type of person. But Sophie was changing that. Maybe he needed this kind of relationship. Shaking his head to rid himself of the thoughts he pulled out of her and rolled to his back pulling her with him.
Smirking Sophie pressed a searing kiss to his mouth before sliding down and grasping him in her hand and lowering herself down onto him. His rough hands went to her hips to help guide her down. “Fuck.” She breathed once she was fully seated on him. Vince smirked and gave her a minute to get used to this position before he started moving her hips up and down setting a fast pace. She dug her nails into his wrists and threw her head back moaning.
It took low dirty talk from Vince and them both playing with her clit to send her over the edge, he rolled them over quickly and fused their mouths together as he thrust hard and fast into her.
“Faster baby please.” She whimpered against his mouth, her hand going up and fisting in his dark hair. He bit her lips roughly before doing what she requested.
“Fuck baby,” he groaned, Mia’s name formed on the tip of his tongue but he stopped himself.
“Fuck Sophie.” He pressed himself deeper into her before cumming in her and collapsing onto her chest.
“SOPHIE!” Letty’s loud voice boomed as she climbed up the stairs, the house had been completely quiet when they came home and it was odd. Usually, after Vince got into a fight, he would destroy things and yell more, and in a way, it worried them because there was a chance that he could have hurt her, and that's the last thing Sophie need.
“Sophs!” She called again before going to her door, she could hear the shuffling around of people moving and soft voices exchanging comments. She knocked once and pushed the door open. Sophie was laying on her stomach, her head resting on her forearms and she looked at Vince who was talking sleepily to her.
“Get your asses up, we got stuff to do.”
“5 minutes.” Came the gruff reply came from Vince who pushed himself fully up. Letty nodded her head, if they weren’t downstairs in 5 minutes, she was going to send Jesse and Leon up and have them annoy the couple out of the bed.
“She is coming down.” Vince gruffed running his hand through his ruffled hair, he was now thoroughly exhausted but he couldn’t sleep like he wanted to, Letty was right they did have things to do.
There was really no dull moment in their lives.
Sophie appeared a few minutes later wearing the jean short shorts and tight light blue tank top that he had picked out for her before he went downstairs and smirked when Leon and Jesse both let out whistles. “Lookin’ good baby girl!’ Letty called from the entranceway of the kitchen. Sophie blew a kiss at Letty before giggling. “So why did you pull us out of bed?”
“One, Dom has a birthday present outside for you.”
The young girl’s blue eyes lit up in excitement and if she could move properly she would have bounced and clapped her hands like a child. It had been a long time since she had a birthday worth celebrating
“And two we are going out for dinner before the races.”
“We need 5 hours to have dinner?”
“Don’t worry your pretty little head about it,” Vince said lowly in her ear as he grasped her hips and pulled her back into him.
“None of that,” Jesse said as he grasped Sophie’s hand and pulled her into the kitchen, “It’s our time with Sophie.” The breaded man glowered at them and followed, it would have been extremely selfish for him to keep her to himself.
‘You are going to pull my arm out of its socket Jess, slow down.”
The lanky man didn’t say in return just pulled her out of the door and down the stairs. She stammered out protests and tried to keep up but they died out on her tongue when she saw the car that sat in the driveway.
“Who is that for?” She asked in shock as Jesse jokingly pushed her jaw back up. She laughed and slapped his hand away before looking at Dom who was smirking at her, his dark eyes first flicking over her form and then the love bites that Vince had left on her skin. The girl blushed deeply and lowered her eyes to the ground. She was used to Vince looking at her like that but Dom not so much. There was usually not so much as a backward glance from him.
“It’s for you.” Dom held out the keys to her.
“Are you serious?”
He nodded his head as Vince delivered a sharp slap to her ass in a silent reminder to thank him. This time she did clap her hands like she wanted to before she bounced over to him and surprised both of them when she hugged him. “Thank you, everyone.” There was a choruses of no problems, of courses and you're welcomes coming from the group. “Come on, let's go,” Dom ordered after clearing his throat
Brian fidgeted with the small gift box that contained a replacement charm bracelet. That he and Rome had pawned and broke Sophie’s heart, it was the one thing of value that she had.
And with the salary, he was getting and his savings he was finally able to replace it. He knew that she was going to be at the races that night. Dom and his crew always went everywhere together.
Sure enough, she got out of Vince’s car, her bright smile was clear from where he was standing. From afar she looked happy, something she hadn’t been when he last saw her in Barstow. Shaking his head, he walked closer to the group, a few of the guys he was already familiar having met them a few minutes before Torretto and his team showed up.
“You got to be kidding me.’ Sophie said throwing her hands in the air seeing her brother coming towards them. Vince pulled her between his legs as he sat down on the front of his car, his hands teasing the button and the fly of her shorts. The sooner the race was over, the sooner he could take her back to bed. The party at the restaurant had taken too long and the party that night afterward would be too long.
“Don’t worry about him.” He gruffed.
“Wait hold up. I don’t have the cash but I have the pink slip to my car.” Every single person that was standing around waiting turned to look at Brian.
“Oh, please tell me you aren’t as stupid as you seem right now.” She muttered and pushed herself away from Vince to go stand next to Jesse.
“You can’t climb in the ring with Ali because you think you can box,” Jesse said as the sleeve of his shirt fell down to his elbow, smirking when he heard Sophie’s giggles.
“He knows I can box.” Brian pointed at Vince before glancing at his sister who had looked at Vince and mouth for him to take it easy. Dom followed his glance and scowled, yes, Sophie was now an adult but still he felt the same protectiveness he felt for Mia for Sophie.
“I will take the cash and the respect.” The older blonde said shifting the attention back to him. The racer goers laughed.
“Respect.” Sophie mouthed with a laugh, it took a lot to get the respect of these people. It had taken her 6 months and 3 catfights to earn it.
“Sometimes that is more important.” She shook her head, he still just assumed that he deserved everything right off of the bat.
Leon pulled her along when they went to look at Brian’s car, already demanding that she came with him to block off the street.
Like it had been after the physical fights she had gotten into.
“Sophie. Hold on.” Brian said after Dom said he was in. “What do you want?” There was a deserved amount of bitterness in her voice. “Catch.” He tossed the small box to her which she caught confused.
“Sophs! Come on we got to go!” Leon called.
“Just think of it 10 years of missed birthdays.” Her brother returned before waving her off.
Sophie was even more confused as she went to Leon’s car and got into the passenger seat.
“What is that?” He asked curiously as he put the car into gear and sped off to the intersection.
She shrugged and pulled at the messy bow to open it. “His wrapping definitely hasn’t changed.” Leon laughed and pulled his car to a stop.
Pausing in what she was doing, she fiddled with the police scanner to make sure they were on the right channel before propping her feet up on the dashboard.
He was the only that didn’t scold her for doing that. Mostly because she made sure she didn’t leave dirty shoeprints behind.
“Well, I will be god damned.”
“What?” Leon asked before yelling out of the window to the pizza delivery man to go home a different way.
“He replaced my charm bracelet.” She held up the silver bracelet with several small charms hanging off of it. “About 3 years before I left, he and Roman, his best friend broke into my bedroom and stole my charm bracelet. It was the only thing my father got me before he took off.”
Leon plucked it from her fingers and looked at it, ‘Well at least he has done one thing right.” “One right out of a whole lot of wrongs Lee isn’t much.” She said before taking it back and studying it for herself.
“We are good to roll!” He called into the walkie-talkie once dispatch called cops to a murder scene before he glanced over at Sophie, “Good to roll?”
“Good to roll.” She confirmed as she latched the bracelet around her wrist.
#ash writes#series: life in the fastlane#oc: sophie o'conner#fast and furious fan fiction#fast and furious imagines
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that work stays slow so I can keep writing, i have a bunch of stuff in progress right now and its getting so good.
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#oc: ellie scott#oc: sylvie presley#oc: maggie bradshaw#oc: maggie kazansky mitchell#oc: ryder winston teller#oc: ryder winston#oc: lexie thomas#oc: allie hocthner#oc: ajay reso#top gun maverick fan fiction#top gun maverick imagines#austin butler! elvis presley imagines#austin butler! elvis presley fan fiction#austin butler!elvis presley x reader#benny miller fan fiction#benny miller imagines#fast and furious imagines#supernatural imagines#supernatural fan fiction#au fan fiction
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Life In The Fastlane |2| Fast Saga
She held him up and he held her for ransom
"Let the girl go now." Sargent Tanner said his eyes on Brian who couldn't tear his eyes away from his little sister. Roger shook his head and dug his gun deeper into Sophie's back.
The younger O'Conner sibling whined and tried to jerk away from him.
"Stop moving now." Roger hissed.
“You know if the cops weren’t here, you would be dead right?” Sophie spat, unable to help herself. “Vince and Dom will kill you.” Sargent Tanner perked at that, she knew the Torettos had seen her in several of the severalance photos and started working out how he would be able to use this against Sophie and get her to work with them. She was young and still had time to turn her life around. “And they will never find your body.”
Brian looked between the cops and his little sister, every ounce of him crying out to pull her out of harm’s way and back to where she would be safe but at the same time, he knew that she probably wouldn’t react very well to him being there especially after he was there when Roman was there and she had been taken into custody.
"I am okay Jan." Sophie returned, holding her hands up and offering her a shaky smile. She was anything but fine, she just didn't want her to worry more than she already was.
“Well maybe I should leave a pretty little corpse for Dom and Vince to find. Or better yet your older brother.” Roger dug the gun into her side painfully again. “He won’t care.” The blonde said, her voice shaking slightly, “he chose his career over me. How do you even know about that?” “Because pretty, we have been listening to what you talk about in your down time.”
"But why would you care what we talk about during our downtime? I get that you want us to leave it at the door but why does it matter? We are trying to give each other some stability." Janice asked. "Because they are involved with the mafia." Sargent Tanner answered, "they think you would be selling trade secrets." "We don't know shit. And Sophie doesn't know anything! She just started like 6 months ago."
Brian's eyebrows raised in surprise, he wondered exactly what happened from the time he left Barstow until now. And how his 18-year-old sister ended up working at a shady ass strip club with connections with the mob.
Roger shook his head and thumbed the trigger lightly enjoying the way Sophie yelped and flinched away from him. He yanked her back and reached his free hand up to smooth her hair back away from her face. For her part, she didn't cry out or let the terrified tears that welled up in her eyes out.
"See, we knew this was going to be too good to be true. And especially when she came waltzing in here." Janice shot a panicked look to her friend then to the officers then back. "We knew that she was going to be the end of all this.' Roger said, what he was saying wasn't necessarily true, his partners thought nothing of Sophie and thought she was a good hard worker. It was him who had the conspiracy theory going on.
Sophie was going to be the end of them all.
And he wasn't going to go down without a fight.
"Release the girl now," Tanner ordered again, he had enough of listening to this man's rambling, they had come to shut it down and it had turned into a full-blown hostage situation.
"Over my dead cold body." Roger returned as he squeezed the trigger, sending a bullet into Sophie's side. She cried out and collapsed onto the ground causing Janice to rush to her side. "Soph?" The blonde didn't answer, instead she pressed her hand into the wound that was starting to bleed, shocked that she had actually gotten shot.
There were several loud bangs followed by a dull thud of Roger's body hitting the ground. "Sophie! Answer me! Are you okay?" Janice asked, her stomach clenching violently at the sight of blood and Roger's dead body. She usually had such a weak stomach when it came to this kind of stuff but she wanted to help take care of her friend. The only one that really seemed to make an effort to do anything with her or anyone. All the girls wanted was a family and she was just looking for it in all the wrong places.
"I am okay. Am okay." Sophie muttered as Brian dropped down next to them and pushed Sophie's bloody hand off of her wound and covered it with his black-gloved hand. He looked down at his sister’s face and saw that she was unconscious. He pulled off his face covering and sighed. “You are her brother!” Janice exclaimed. ‘I am.” “Why didn’t you speak up? You could have stopped this from happening!” “You don’t know the full story ma’am and it would have put her more at risk.” Janice glowered at him as the paramedics came into the room with stretcher. “Is there anyone we can call for her?” “Mia Toretto, she is her emergency contact. If she doesn’t answer, then one of the others will answer. Especially since they are waiting for Sophie to show up at the garage.” Janice said, hugging her midsection. “Thank you. We will take you down to the station so we can ask you some questions.”
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#fast and furious imagines#fast and furious fan fiction#dom toretto fan fiction#dom toretto
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Life In The Fastlane Masterlist
Sophie O'Conner Info
Volume One- Life In The Fastlane
Barstow Girl- one-shot prequel
I Kissed A Girl- one-shot prequel
part 1
part 2
part 3
Saturday Night's Alright For Fighting- One Shot
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
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Life In The Fastlane |1| Fast Saga
this has been sitting in my google docs for ages, I just started going over it and editing it. Decided now would be the best time to post it.
Life In The Fastlane
Summary: Sophie O'Conner runs away from Barstow not long after Roman Pearce is arrested by the team of cops that her brother Brian was working with. She ends up in LA and quickly is taken under Mia Torretto’s wing. And into the family
Rated M for Adult content and mentions of polyamorous relationships
01: Prologue
‘He was a hard headed man.”
“Ya know you don’t have to go to that hell hole.’ Vince commented from where he was standing in the doorway of Sophie O’Conner’s bedroom watching her get ready for the shift she had at the strip club she had been working at.
“Relax V, it’s not like I am taking my clothes off or anything.” Sophie returned, he had come in one time when she had to fill in for Janet, one of her friends from the club and he, Leon and Jesse came in. It took all of 30 seconds to realize who was on the stage and for Vince to peel off of his tank top and try to cover her up and remove her from the stage.
It had been one of the most embarrassing things that had happened to her and that was under the time that Roman Pearce, her older brother Brian’s best friend walked in on her and her high school boyfriend. Her cheeks still burned in embarrassment even now. “And besides that, when have I done anything wrong?” Sophie was right, in the last 6 months that she had been there, she hadn’t so much as blinked an eye the wrong way at any of them and she had been giving a share of her tips to Mia for the bills. “And I will be done after the set up is done. It's some sort of private event and he is only keeping a few people and Kevin hates me.”
Vince and Leon who joined them smirked. “You look smug now but this gonna come back and bite us all in the ass.” She said waving her fake ID at them. They had recently told her about their side gig and Dom was working on bringing her in slowly. “Then quit kiddo, we can take care of you.’ “I like to remain self-sufficient, thank you.’ Sophie rolled her eyes, that is the one thing that her drug addicted mother had taught her, be able to take care of herself, and not needing a man to take care of her. It was hard for her to let Dom and the boys take care of her. But she was learning.
"Oh, come on Soph, there has to be something that you look forward to." Janice Conard said looking at the young blonde that was sitting across from her at the bar. The younger blonder smirked and picked up her vodka and soda and took a sip off of it before looking back at her, "There's not a damn thing that I am looking forward to." "Come on! Everyone has something they are looking forward to. You are young. You have your whole life to look forward to!"
Taking another sip of her drink, Sophie turned the barstool around and stood up, there was nothing in this world that she was looking forward to. She was just shy of 18 years old and didn't think her life had much meaning. "What about finding your brother?" Janice asked, she had to dig deep and chip away at the many layers she had built up around herself to find out that she had an older brother that she hadn't seen in years.
Not since he had joined the police academy.
"I don't think I am ever going to find him. And besides, Rome told me to give up on him." Sophie answered as she went up to the low sitting stage and wrapped her hand around the pole before she spun herself around.
"Since when do you listen to everything he says?" "Since he is the one that paid for me to get out of Barstow. And he is the one that stopped my stepdad from beating the hell out of me." She returned, "After Brian left, Roman is the only one that gave a damn." "He never reached back out to you?" Janice asked as she stood up and started to wipe off the bar top with a damp towel. Sophie sighed as she looked up at the tinted two-way window that overlooked the floor, their boss and his boss were up in the office and she didn't want them to hear what they were talking about.
They had a strict leave it at the door policy. And they would take it on them if they heard them talking about anything.
"I don't know, to be honest, I left almost 3 months after he did. So, I don't know if he even went back home."
"Why not look for him now?"
Sophie shrugged her shoulders; she really didn't know why she didn't reach back out and get in contact with her older brother. Part of her wanted too but the other part of her wanted to keep the freedom and independence that she had since she left Barstow. Here she was Sophie O'Connor, the girl with no family and no past that would come back and haunt her. In Barstow, she was Brian O'Conner's little sister and she ran with Roman Pearce and his friends.
She was in trouble. Nine times out of ten if Roman and his friends got in trouble, she was right there with them.
She spent many nights in Juvie because of it. In many ways, she was just acting out to get her mother to pay attention to her and to reach out to Brian and have him come home.
That's all she wanted but she wasn't going to admit to that. Not even to Janice who was close enough to be an older sister.
Janice's reply was cut off by a loud banging on the door. "We are closed!" Sophie called as Janice heaved herself off of the stool to get to the door.
"Come back in two hours!" Janice laughed, "You are trouble Sophs. Trouble."
"I know." She grinned as she hopped off the stage and went back over to the bar to grab the bottle of Vodka that they were drinking off of.
"Open the damn door!" A loud voice boomed from outside as they banged on the door again. "This is the LAPD!"
The door that led to the office upstairs flew open and the owners came down pelting down the stairs. "JANICE! Do not open that door!" Roger ordered as he grasped Sophie by the forearm and started pulling her back towards him. "Hey! Roger let go!"
"Shut up!" He ordered as he reached behind him and pulled a gun out of his waistband.
"Hey! Roger man calm down!" Janice said, seeing the shiny gun in his hand.
"Just shut up!" He ordered as there was a loud crack of breaking wood.
Despite herself, Sophie yelped and took a step back only to be pushed back forward by Roger.
"Stay right here." He muttered, digging the barrel of the gun into Sophie's lower back.
"What the hell? What is going on?" Janice asked, holding her hands up as one of the officers went over to her, "Soph? You okay?"
"Fine." She returned through gritted teeth; she was absolutely terrified. The cop closest to Janice turned and looked at her once he had heard the all too familiar nickname. His underage sister was being held at gunpoint by the owner of the bar. How in the hell did Sophie end up here and how the hell did she end up working in a place like this?
#ash writes#fast and furious imagines#fast and furious fan fiction#oc: sophie o'conner#series: life in the fast lane
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Life In the Fastlane|4| Fast Saga
04. This is the chapter that we start going into the movie
He had a nasty reputation as a cruel dude
“Your little sister is involved with the Torettos?” Sargent Tanner commented a few weeks later, “And you didn’t know?” Brian shook his head no looking at the series of pictures that were being laid on the table. Mostly from the surveillance, they had going on. His sister was looking a lot better than she had when she was loaded up into the back of the ambulance. “I haven’t seen or talked to my sister in over two years. We had a falling out about my career and how I picked it over her and Roman. And I left after he was arrested.” The words once he had admitted them out loud made him sound even more like an asshole than before, sure he had been wrong with not telling her or Roman what was going on or even trying to get her out of trouble after she was caught on a metal crate handing things out of the window to someone. But he had felt like she needed to learn a lesson. They both did. “Well maybe now is the time to get back in her life. We wouldn’t want her getting hurt or thrown in prison for being innocent in all of this.’
“Sophie! Good to see you again.” Dr. Adams said as he came into the small room that Sophie and the others had been waiting in. This was her last follow-up appointment from the surgery she had to have and she was thrilled, getting the okay from the doctor meant that she was free to be off of house arrest and able to do things like go to the races and stay at the parties instead of being stuck in her room or at the house. Sophie wasn’t made to just sit there. She needed to do something. “You too Doc.” The blonde returned as her heels hit the table again, her eyes going from the dark-haired man that came to every appointment with her to him. “How are you feeling?” “Better.” Both Jesse and Leon started laughing, that was the farthest thing from the truth, she had gotten into a handful of fights with the girls who had followed Vince back to the house after the races, the first time was right after she had been released from the hospital. Sophie leaned around the doctor and glared at them, they had been calling her mini Vince with how grumpy and angry she could get. “I have been alot better behaved the last few weeks.” Sophie defended herself, Dom had made her a deal if she took it easy the last few weeks of her recovery. Then she could go to the races. Dr. Adams looked at the group and then at Sophie who offered him a smile. He shook his head quickly, he had learned very quickly not to trust that smile or those of her friends. They had this uncanny ability to get Sophie to either behave herself or act out. Almost as if she wasn’t herself.
“Well, I have some good news for you Sophie.” He said after checking the now healed incisions, “You are completely healed.” The younger girl threw her fist up in celebration, which meant that she could go to the races that night and actually attend the party they had afterward instead of going upstairs. And it was her 18th birthday so this news made it so much better. “Just be careful, I don’t want to see you in this office again for a very long time.” ‘You got it doc.” She beamed as she hopped down off the table showing a different energy than she had in previous visits. Leon was the first one up, “I get my little buddy back tonight.” He laughed as he mussed up her hair. “Lee!” She whined slapping his hand away from her head, she turned quickly and looked back at the doctor. “Thanks, Dr. Adams.” And with that, the girl and her friend were gone out of the door followed quickly by the others.
“Look girl, there is something I got to talk to you about.’ Letty said once Sophie was settled into her seat, she had demanded the girl ride with her so she could break the news that her estranged brother was in town. She didn’t trust the three stooges to break it to her nicely and she didn’t need the breakdown that was sure to follow. “What’s up?’ the blonde returned twisting to look at her, her blue eyes curious. “We think your brother Brian has been in the store most days.” The sunglasses that Sophie was pushing up her nose fell down and her jaw dropped in shock, they had only ever heard bits and pieces about Brian from her. “Are, are you sure?” She stammered, all her excitement, the hope she had for the night vanished and panic started setting in. She hadn’t seen her brother since the night that he arrested her and Roman Pearce at a bust. “Yeah, we are.’ “Is that why I haven’t been able to come out more?” The older girl nodded her head, “We thought it was for the best.” She could almost picture the eye roll that her friend did. Vince had thought it best that she didn’t know and they agreed, they didn’t want her to relapse in her recovery.
“I haven’t seen him in a long time Le,” Sophie started, her eyes trained out of the window, “he promised me that he would never leave and he did as quickly as my dad did. It's pretty fucking sad that Dom and Vince have been more of a presence in my life for the last year than he ever was.” Her hand curled into a tight fist, something Letty hadn’t seen in a long time. “After he left, I was kicked out of the house by my mother's asshole boyfriend. Brian’s best friend Roman and his mom took me in. It was bad for a while Letty. Really bad.”
They all had the stories and were familiar with them but Sophie’s was still a mystery and they weren’t sure how to go about finding out more. But the thoughts were stopped when Letty pulled to a stop in front of the store.
Releasing her fist, Sophie took a deep breath and then exhaled before getting out of the car. A mask slipping on no one would ever know that she was anxious and terrified of seeing her brother again.
Vince glanced at her once he saw that she was standing next to Letty and went to say something to her but he was stopped by seeing the red truck that was parked across the street. It had the logo of the street racing company that they used on it. The last thing he wanted to deal with that day was this goddamn buster and he didn’t want to have to pick favorites between Mia and Sophie. He knew deep in his heart that he would still choose Mia over Sophie and he felt like an even bigger asshole for that.
“No dawg, he ain’t sandwich crazy.” Leon drawled as he lead Sophie and Jesse into the building, the younger girl trailing behind slowly like her feet were made of lead like they were leading to her death instead of the store. Jesse paused and took her by her hand, pulling her behind him. “Hey, Mia.” She greeted, “All good to go.” Mia grinned and nodded her head as Brian turned. “What the fuck?”
“Do you know him, Sophs?” Leon asked draping his arm around her shoulders and pulling her back towards him and Jesse, they knew who he was but they wanted to hear it vocalized.
“Yeah, he’s my brother.” The older O’Conner sibling stood up from the stool and went to go towards his sister. Vince was quicker though, he stood in between him and Sophie.
“No! Don’t talk to me buster.” She returned angrily, “You lost that right when you walked the fuck out of my life and Roman’s.” He had the decency to look ashamed of himself for that.
“Is that look for how your treated your best friend or your kid sister?”
“Soph.” Leon said lowly tugging her back towards him, Jeese was reaching for her other arm.
“I am fine.” She returned, the last thing that she was fine but they let it go, Vince was likely to explode if it went on.
“He never cared about me. It was always just him.”
#ash writes#oc: sophie o'conner#series: life in the fastlane#dom toretto fan fiction#dom toretto imagines#dom x sophie
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Life In The Fastlane Masterlist
Sophie O'Conner Info
Volume 1 (movie 1)
Saturday's Alright
#ash writes#series: life in the fastlane#oc: sophie o'conner#fast and furious imagines#fast and furious fan fiction#dom toretto fan fiction#dom toretto imagines
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