#oc: sebastian lancaster
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‘Time and Time Again’
— Once upon a time, the unsung tale of six lingered throughout heaven and earth. This is a tale sung by the stars and woven by fate about those who were meant to be heroic yet tragic, their existence altering the universe and its own balance. For when the stars and moon danced in the sky, time and time again they were struck. For the fates had funny ways of doing as they pleased. When towns are destroyed and the life of hundreds hanging by a thread woven by the gods, untold prophecies are spoken that are hidden from the world; trapped in its own golden cage of fear that destruction were to come. They knew on which side their coins landed but they tried hard to erase it. But can they truly change their fate?
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files . . . accessed !
 the actors of this tragic tale !
(soldier, poet, king)
i. maria lopez
the lost wanderer who threads in the flow of fantasy
main character
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 the poet 
— No one saved me, no one rescued me. I needed a hero so that's what I became
ii. maeve atropa 
the sole star in the heavens of destruction and written with utmost purity 
the heiress
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the king
— ‘A world has died today’
iii. alexander xerxes
the unlikely hero and the harborer of love and misery; achilles 
the reluctant hero 
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the soldier
— An honest heart is a kingdom in itself
the other balances of those who are good and bad:
iv. sebastian lancaster
the fork-tongued serpent and the master of a hundred faces
status fatale 
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the judge
— An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind
v. sullivan acheron
the reckless boy who jumped through the gates of heaven and hell
the comedian
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the fool
— Life is all about taking risks because if you didn't you wouldn't be living, you would just be breathing 
vi. amara tanafriti
one sealed by the gods into the imminence of the unknown
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the hermit
— What if we're all just stories?  
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
The lake 🌅✨💕
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Her heart was racing.
She noticed how distracted Sebastian was by her, as one by one she undressed in front of him. He still held onto her bag, that she handed to him a moment ago to place somewhere safe, completely unaware of how his lips were parted slightly and his chest was heaving with every breath.
If her heart wasn't beating as fast as it was, she might've been giggling at the funny face he was making. After all, it was his idea to take a dip, when they found this lake, hidden deep in this forest. He was his usual overly confident and teasing self, never once thinking she'd actually do it.
Yet, here she was, just in her chemise, her eyes lingering on his darkened ones, before she stepped into the soothingly cool lake. The water was clear and sparkling, giving this place a magical feeling. The plants beneath the water tickled at her feet, her steps getting heavier and slower the further she walked into it.
When she turned around to see Sebastian still rooted to the ground, the first thing she noticed was the very apparent blush all over his freckled cheeks and forehead. Even his ears were glowing red.
She knew, now standing in the warm rays of sunshine, that he'd be able to see through the fabric and see her silhouette. But what she didn't know was how the sunrays made her hair look even more golden, her skin glow and her eyes stand out so much more.
"She's a goddess," Sebastian thought to himself, as he gulped thickly...
...and merely choked, as in the same moment that she looked away, her arm reached out, pulling on the bow of her chemise.
Just like the green bowtie in her hair showed everyone around her, that she was his, she would show him, just how much she meant that.
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After half a year (also counting the 4 months of avoiding it) I finally finished this art!!! I'm so happy how it turned out! Thank you @rednite-dork for the help! 💕
Here are the two artworks of Harriet without the background! 🤭
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divider by @saradika
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seedsinmygarden · 4 months
MC's Wedding Day
for: @rosy05
this was a fun request!! i randomized every (former!) student and used that as my basis. while there were certainly some I could have done easily (like MC and Amit inviting Shah or MC and Imelda inviting Kogawa), I wanted the challenge. enjoy!
Word Count: 2,017 words
Tags/Warnings: Set in a time where Fig didn’t die in the Final Repository Battle; takes place seven years after the Battle Below Hogwarts— thus, all student characters aged-up to their early 20s! Fluff, some found family.
“HEADMASTER BLACK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Phillip Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          What in Merlin’s bloody beard is this? He scoffs, preparing to owl back, but then his wife, Ursula Black, spots the letter over his shoulder. “Is that a wedding invitation? Darling, we should go!” “Absolutely not. To be quite frank, I don’t even know why I was invited!” “Perhaps it’s only a formality?”
          After some persuasion from his wife, Headmaster Black attended the event. He started off still grumbling, but eased up only a tad as the ceremony turned out to be rather lovely (and both Eleanor Gryffindor and the Minister of Magic were in attendance as well, seeing as Phillip, MC’s now-husband, was a renowned Auror). Besides, it was free food and he supposes there was some good conversation to be had among the other… witches and wizards, in attendance. He exchanged brief conversation with Phillip and MC when they visited his table (shared with a few other professors and their spouses) during dinner, only just congratulating them after a firm nudge from Ursula on his right.
“PROFESSOR MATILDA WEASLEY and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Thomas Dharby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Weasley was shocked to say the least, but not too shocked. She had remained in touch with many of her former students, but she had never been invited to one of their weddings before! Since it was only just outside of Hogsmeade, it wouldn’t take much of her time to attend and so she did. It was a beautiful wedding, especially when Tommy loudly proclaimed his vows as if he wanted the whole world to hear them because, well, who could blame him.
          Upon the first opportunity she saw during the reception, she had made her way to the lovely couple and thanked them for inviting her to join them on their day, to which MC had smiled and invited her to an embrace. “Oh, how you’ve grown into the wonderful adults you are. May your lives together be full of fortune, love, and happiness.” 
          Well, Professor Fig didn’t quite need an invite as he was the person walking MC down the aisle. When MC had asked him to walk them down the aisle alongside their father, Professor Fig could not have been more honored to do as much. He won’t admit, but he cried after MC had left. He got to watch them grow up into the wondrous person they are now and he was ecstatic to be there as they take their next step in life— quite literally.
          He watches as MC wedded Peter Green, the quiet Ravenclaw that was seemingly Madame Scribner’s favorite student in all her years as librarian of Hogwarts (and he was sure she would have been invited had she not passed away so soon). The dinner and reception were both lovely as ever, and he could see the love in both their eyes as they had their first dance, not far from the love he held for Miriam when they first wedded. MC was in perfectly good hands.
“PROFESSOR DINAH HECAT and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Lucan Brattleby and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          When the former Unspeakable first received the invitation, she was a bit surprised. It certainly wasn’t everyday that former professors would be invited to the wedding, though perhaps she had more of an effect than she thought back when they were students. 
          She later learned that with both MC and Lucan long out of school and working in the same department as Aurora, of course they were going to reunite and, as it seemed, a relationship kindled from there. When she arrived and witnessed the couple tell their vows, she knew the love they held was true and wished that it would live forever for them— one of a kind, she told them when she got the chance to speak to the couple. 
“PROFESSOR ABRAHAM RONEN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Annabelle Sallow and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          To say he was giddy was certainly an understatement. He cheered so loud, one could have heard it clear across the castle. He knewwww, he kNEW, from the moment Anne and MC sat together in 6th year Charms (how she was cured, Ronen will never know, but he always had an inkling that MC was involved) that they would come to spend the rest of their lives together. Now to get an invitation to their wedding? Merlin, he was pleased!
          The venue and reception were beautiful, and he could see the hint of charmwork weaved into the space, including Avis, the very first charm he had taught them in their 6th year. To know they had valued him so much in their lives that they would invite him to witness their marriage brought him to tears alone, and he was ready— more than ready— to sing their praises (and maybe brag a bit about some of the present charms as he had taught them so long ago). When he finally came face to face with the newly married couple bearing MC’s surname, he gave them both a great big hug and wished them all the best on their new lives together.
“PROFESSOR ASEOP SHARP and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Everett Clopton and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Well, this was certainly a surprise. An unexpected one. Yet, it was also rather welcome. He found himself itching to go, but at the same time, he wasn't exactly a party person, he had always been much more introverted... but then again, MC was one of his best students (and possibly the most powerful ever) and they were a joy to have in his classroom, though he would never admit that out loud. 
          In the end, he decided to attend the ceremony and since he had a plus-one, he took along Professor Ronen to keep him company. He knew the man's giddiness would rub off at least a bit and allow him to enjoy the wedding— and enjoy the wedding he did! He didn't quite dance, but he got to sit in on the scenery and atmosphere, and found himself grateful that he had decided to attend. (Even Professor Ronen managed to drag him out to the dance floor for one dance and of course, bragged about it later.)
“PROFESSOR MIRABEL GARLICK and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Amoria Dovah-Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Garlick gasps happily at the sight of the wedding invitation, and to see that it was located in MC's own conservatory, a beautiful location on its own... Merlin save her. Though it had been a while since the two were out of school, Garlick was rather close with MC and Poppy as they started a combined herbology/beasts in the Gilded Perch corridor, a dream they shared since they had found it all those years ago (as MC had enthusiastically shared with Garlick shortly before graduation). 
          When she arrived, she could feel all the love that was put into the new conservatory, and the love that the now-married couple had for each other. Amoria always had a fascination with beasts, particularly dragons, so of course there was a couple baby dragons about without their mothers (whether it be abandoned or the mother was dead :( ). She congratulated the couple when she was finally face-to-face with them, happily wishing them all the best on their new lives together like a pair of beautiful budding roses. 
“PROFESSOR CHIYO KOGAWA and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Poppy Sweeting and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Like Professor Sharp, Kogawa was rather surprised to have received this invitation— unexpected, yet welcome. She found herself sighing with a smile as she looked at the beautiful artwork on the invitation itself— a phoenix and a badger, no doubt reminiscent of the couple whose wedding she was invited to. She decides then and there to attend— MC was a wonderful person and to be marrying Poppy Sweeting… Kogawa knew they had found true love with the sweet yet stern Hufflepuff girl. 
          The wedding ceremony was beautiful, of course, as was the reception. MC had expressed their excitement upon Kogawa’s arrival and chatted with her a bit while Poppy danced with her few bridesmaids— some mutual friends of her and MC’s— and Kogawa, of course, wished them well. 
          Professor Onai couldn't have been happier to walk her daughter down the aisle to MC. The two have been inseparable since they first met in Charms class in their 5th year and even through all the hardships they had experienced, well… they experienced them together and it only brought them closer. 
          Handing her daughter off was truly a gift in itself. She had heard MC’s muttered compliment and Natty’s giggle in response and smiles. The ceremony itself was beautiful and went off without a hitch, and when the reception came with dinner and dancing involved, Professor Onai sat and watched the lovely couple. She remembered the excitement Natty brought with her after her first date with MC, and she certainly didn’t need to be a Seer to know that her daughter was in good hands.
“PROFESSOR SATYAVATI SHAH and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Scarlet Fawkes and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Professor Shah scoffs. A former student inviting her to their wedding? Please, this must be a joke. However, after a brief conversation with Professor Garlick, who was also invited, Professor Shah decided it was worth her time and went only as long as Professor Garlick joined her. Of course, Garlick was excited, and even shared the color of her gown with Shah so they could match if Shah so wanted to.
          The venue itself was beautiful, but the reception area was extravagant. So much more than Shah was expecting. It was in the Highlands, and it was a clear sky, and they were so lucky to have picked a date where there would be a few constellations and even planets spotted in the sky. MC visited with Professor Shah, thanking her for coming and the two shared in spotting some constellations. Shah wouldn’t say it aloud, but she was proud of her students and the wonderful people they grew up to become. 
“PROFESSOR BAI HOWIN and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Mr. Leon Hans and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Certainly a pleasant surprise when Professor Howin received the owls. She knew that MC had been traveling the world with Leon as he played Quidditch, and they studied, rescued, and rehabilitated various beasts that they found around the globe, often owling Howin with their finds and anything else interesting they see along the way.
          She attends the wedding, marking it the first time she saw them in years and MC was excited that Howin was there. She doesn’t converse much as she wasn’t a party person, but she still wishes the couple all her best and only the best lives together going forward. 
“PROFESSOR CUTHBERT BINNS and a plus one are cordially invited to the union of Ms. Florence Watts and Mx. MC. Dinner and dancing to follow, owl with regrets only.”
          Unfortunately, he cannot even leave Hogwarts as he's confined to its walls. (It's a ghost thing.) He sends an owl with regrets, but adds a letter wishing them all the best and a few books as a wedding gift. Hopefully they understand. 
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canisvesperus · 5 months
Oh fuck it. That which is real is irreplaceable. 2011-2014.
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vallerianella · 11 months
Hi! i hope you don't mind me asking but do you have a list of all of your twst ocs?
hi! no worries at all, I love answering questions 🥸
as of right now, no one actually really has an official profile on this site bc well... I hyperfixate😅. I can however list off ocs and their origins. for any further information, it'd probably be more effective to send an individual ask about them 😔. I'll place that list under a read more!
betty dormire, the dormouse blake déchirer, the mirror shard (tangled)
satine aquila, just a mere eagle, probably...
claudio asteriidae, the little mermaid's knife diana nereide, the needle stabbing sensation the little mermaid experiences (I still have no idea how to paraphrase this 😔) loire operetta, sebastian
adelaide beaumont, belle (beauty and the beast) mirabilis (yvette) rhodantha, snow white gwendolyn viel, the evil queen's disguise/cloak
elaine perleau, the pottery warehouse roxie, the trojan horse
cherise lancaster, carmilla dorian schiele, the picture of dorian gray suji, the witch (hansel and gretel)
vallerianella (tangled fandorm);
gallerian morta, mother gothel sasha amönau, the tower tiara tourmaline, rapunzel's crown
an yao wen, the matchmakers (mulan) amora harmillan, victor's ring (corpse bride) ray exspiravit, zero (the nightmare before christmas) svetlana dovett, the blue fairy (pinocchio) yuyuka hoshikawa, the red shoes (the ballet)
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thechaosmuses · 7 months
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Below the cut is a list of all my original characters, from every fandom, organized by such. I figured I would go ahead and put this up, as well as a canon muse one, for my oc and canon starters so that way it's easier for y'all to see who is included without going to every separate muse list.
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The Vampire Diaries
Elizabeth Haven Mikaelson Roman Ryker Mikaelson Erik Flynn Mikaelson Kareena Dawn Mikaelson Thyra Selene Mikaelson Karsyn Devyn Mikaelson Mateo Maxwell Mikaelson Serenity Faye Mikaelson Sawyer Finch Mikaelson Aurelia Nova Mikaelson Felix Ares Mikaelson Willow Luna Mikaelson Tobias Floyd Mikaelson Zephyr Raven Parker Zariyah Dove Parker Kennedy Taylor Parker Myles Zane Parker Mariana Joy Parker Paisley Juniper Parker Braeden Talia Salvatore Holden Atlas Salvatore Ezra Grant Salvatore Liberty Faye Salvatore Jensen Graham Gilbert Easton Reed Gilbert Jesse Jonathan Gilbert Elias Rhodes Gilbert Jazmyn Sophia Gilbert Atlas Rowan Petrova Titus Izaiah Petrova Kamen Maverick Pierce Natalie Adrianna Pierce Eleanor Marie Bennett Salem Elijah Bennett Gabriel Graham Gustin Belladonna Sharie Bennett Seraphina Rose Ward Theodore Joseph Brickenden Kaia Asherah Halloran Carter William Forbes Cameron Myles Lawrence Jameson Tyler Rosza Tatum Jaxson Lockwood Tatiana Jade Lockwood Taylor Jacob Lockwood Axel Madden Hughes Ashton Malik Hughes Sebastian Sawyer Sharpe Niall Nash Novak Montgomery Felix Langston Ophelia Esme Lovell Sapphire Lee McGuire Rami Calder McGuire Warren Jaxon Kingsley Jeremiah Michael Kenner Cecilia Jaklyn Labonair Rosemary Belle Whitlock Hadley Kamryn Fuller Kamryn Avery Marshall Lorella Diane St. John Andrew Kolton Rogers Blair Lilith Walsh Zachariah Cole Norwood Matthias Lucien Delacour Matias Camilo Garcia Cyrus Boyd Mikaelson (spn to tvdu) Harmony Iris Johnson (tw to tvdu) Chandler Matthew Rawlins (tw to tvdu)
Jubilee Fawn Ellison Carson Elijah Mayes Maddox Rhett Lancaster Malia Rayne Lancaster Makai Reid Lancaster Delilah Anne Malone Austin Blake Coleman Damian James Taylor
Teen Wolf
Aspen Bella Stilinski Adrian Archer Argent Addison Athena Argent Lyla Sage Martin Amaia Tala Alexander Malik Elias Hale Madelaine Emery Hale Isaiah Parker Lahey Amadora Constance Sharpe Callum Tate Raeken Dawson Cole Reynolds Jared Taylor Parrish Stephen Ezekiel Hemming
Amelia Mae Allen Melody Athena Hayes Lucilla Marie Nightstar Eden Faith Cruz Elijah Luke Cruz Valentina Rosalie Hart Adaliah Ember Darhk Alexandria Skye Earp Lillian Dahlia Campbell Adriel Xavier Grant Talon Colt Ashford Silas Kai Parker Josephina Jazmyn Walker Elyza Alice Pierson (tvdu to spn)
DC Comics
Kiera Jaylin Davis
Kailee Elizabeth Holtz (hero and villain verse) Kaiden Edward Holtz (villain and hero verse) Camelia Waverly Maximoff Kaleb Jonas Barnes Maxine Josephine Rogers Melody Elizabeth Young Anastasia Sloane Lenkov Wren Nika Volkov Wynter Nadia Volkov Cordelia Ara Odinsdottir Amora Delphine Brantley Celeste Juliet Livingston Nikolai Nathaniel Novak (tvdu to mcu) Charmeine Ayla Hanlon (spn to mcu)
Stranger Things
Stella Blake Russell Scarlet Ember Ward Valerie Mae Henderson Mitchell Elliot Mayfield Meredith Eleanor Mayfield
Ambrosia Nyx Tartarus Acacius Nile Tartarus Duncan David Dalveron Damien Dawson Dalveron Brantley Cole Kline Rosalie Grace Anderson Rowena Greyson Andrews Ryker Grant Andrews Aviana Summer Archer Dylan Bryce Thatcher Sterling Atlas Ward
Evelyn June Buckley Ethan Jace Buckley Hazel Jayne Walker Hayes Jesse Walker Izaiah Edison Hendrix Waverly Chloe Hendrix Matilda Iris Monroe Fallon Pierce Richards
Book Babes
Cyra Lux Vespara Wilder Blaze Hawthorne Dion Ignis Vanserra Pyralis Jax Vanserra Warren Forrest Hayward Solana Aruna Meridian Anatole Cyrus Solari Althea Zaria Cadlawon Tynan Kerrell Visita Kirsi Gwyneira Nieves Lyall Colden Whittaker Caspian Calder Conway Maribelle Aelia Sommer
Wyatt Keegan aka Aries Kianni Phoenix aka Sagittarius Leon Cyrus aka Leo River Mira aka Cancer Dylan Lucas aka Pisces Josephine Nova aka Scorpio Conrad Atlas aka Taurus Kailynn Amelia aka Capricorn Taron Sage aka Virgo Alice Skye aka Libra Aaron Micah aka Aquarius Adelaide June aka Gemini Arianna Rose aka Gemini
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lucky-dyse · 2 years
OC Masterlist
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Tron OCs:
Note: this is an AU for the oc
Ouran is an ENCOM system OC, so he won't be on the Legacy Grid unless he's moved in the thread.
Smiles - Bio
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Non-Fandom OCs:
Charles Lyons
Frost - Backstory
Icarus Lancaster
Hugo Practice
Emerick Harrington - Playlist
Sebastian Meridian - Playlist
Silas Sedrick
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Archived Characters:
characters will not be used until futher notice
Administrative Triplets - Bio
Administrative Triplets can be used as NPCs in scenarios where Canon Clu is dead.
Simon (Tron) - Bio
Simon Harrington - Backstory
Emerick (Tron)
Because of the deletion of my old RP blog, you might find these bios in @dysonbradley-archives
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All OCs
You can send asks for these OCs, just make sure to specify who you're sending it for
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peoniarose · 3 years
WIP Game
I would like to thank @ionlyjoinedforboydholbrook for tagging me. It has been a trip going through my WIPs. It has revived some creative juices for some of these. I have so many ideas for different things. I am not joking...
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Zuko x Hai (OC)
Sokka x Kaida (OC)
Sparrow Series
Back at You
Childhood Friends
Try Again
He Said, She Said
Clay Danvers x Amelia Branson (OC)
Nick Sorrentino x Marcella Froy (OC)
Bella Bridgerton (OC) x Sebastian Hathaway (OC)
John Constantine x Theodosia Bridger (OC)
Ray Palmer x Cora Lancaster (OC)
Winn Schott x OC
Brainiac 5 x OC
Cisco Ramon x Gisabelle Montes (OC)
Tom Branson x OC
House Havenfall Series
Sweets Series
Steve Murphy x OC
Dear Friend
Ezekiel Reyes x Catherine-Marie Ariza Delgado (OC)
Opie Winston x Madeline Teller (OC)
Katherine Maine: Ace Archer
Flowers and Fangs Series
The Coach’s Daughter Series
Theodora Rodan of Riversong
Sam Merlotte x OC
The Mackenzie Diaries
Bright Heart Series
Paragon Series
Harry Potter x Lyra Malfoy (OC)
Kurama x OC!Urameshi
A/N:...so as you can see I have a lot of ideas just hanging out and there are more... I would like to add that I don’t have that much people to add so I am just going to tag as many as I can and would like anyone who wants to join in to join in =) As always, this is a no pressure tag... @ithinkwehitametaphor @justfandomwritings @everyhowlmarksthedead @boydhoebrook @magicrowiswritingstuff @toomanystoriessolittletime @holbrook-boyd and anyone else who wants to join in on the fun!
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ao3feed-kurthummel · 4 years
You Need More Than Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Bkabt
by Being__alive
Sebastian Smythe can't believe his eyes. Is Blaine Anderson really proposing to Kurt?
Words: 2311, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Esperanto
Series: Part 4 of Kurtbastian Works
Fandoms: Glee
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, James Lancaster (OC), Rachel Berry, Nick the Warbler (Glee), Jeff (Glee)
Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Additional Tags: Minor Kurt Hummel/Sebastian Smythe, Endgame Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Glee Season 5, glee 5x01, Angst, Marriage Proposal, Kurt Hummel Deserves Better, Caring Sebastian Smythe, Sebastian Smythe Needs a Hug, Hurt Sebastian Smythe, Eventual Fluff, Friendship, Friends to Lovers, One Shot, Alternate Universe, Some Canon, Rants, Gay, No Smut, Romance, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Drama, Love Confessions, Jealousy, Emotional Manipulation, Love
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/36Bkabt This is an automatic feed of all new stories posted to the Kurt Hummel tag on AO3. Because of that, it is not guaranteed that Kurt is the main character in the story. There is also no judgment made as to ships, length, or warnings. Please verify content upon clicking through to AO3.
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sofunsd · 5 years
南加的春天總是過得特別快,時間一下子就來到了四月底五月初啦!而不知道是不是因為避開復活節的關係,這週末在橙縣和洛杉磯的活動相當豐富、版面都快擠不下啦! 譬如在橙縣Costa Mesa有著世界上最大的寵物博覽會Pet Expo、洛杉磯市中心有南加最大的拉丁嘉年華Fiesta Broadway、星光熠熠的新港灘電影節(NBFF)和世界知名的鄉村音樂節Stagecoach Festival、還有骨董車展美食節手工藝展等等,真的又要開始頭痛週末要衝哪個活動才好啦~!
週末去哪 Fun?SOFUN 帶您漫遊OC & LA~
Newport beach film festival (4/25~5/2)(OC)
新港灘電影節(NBFF)可說是橙縣最大的電影節活動,致力於爲橙縣帶來全世界最好的經典與現代電影作品,並用一流的國際電影節目啓迪觀衆。NBFF今年進入第20個年頭,為期一週的電影節活動將放映來自全世界的350部優秀電影及表演活動,預計將吸引超過50000名的影迷前往參加。因為它地理位置臨近洛杉磯,很多電影買家、銷售代理和國內外的投資人都會參加這個電影節,非常積極地參加各種項目並和製片人交流商談。Newport Beach、 Costa Mesa 和Santa Ana地區的多家戲院都有參加這次的電影節活動,購票訊息及詳細播放時間請參考官網。
時間: April 26 Thur~May 3 Thur;播放時刻表請上官網
地點: Newport Beach, Costa Mesa 和 Santa Ana 多家戲院
官網: https://www.newportbeachfilmfest.com/
Pet Expo (4/27~29)(OC)
喜歡小動物的朋友們千萬不要錯過這周末在橙縣Costa Mesa所舉辦的寵物博覽會Pet Expo!這場號稱是世界上最大的寵��及寵物產品博覽會,已經舉辦了30年,在會場將會有近1000隻的動物等著你,有狗、貓、鳥、魚、爬行動物、齧齒動物、山羊、豬、兔子、微型馬等等你想得到的各式寵物,還有可愛的動物競賽、狗狗訓練、神奇杜賓犬表演、狗狗戲水表演或如petting zoo或pony rides等和動物親密接觸的機會喔!想要領養或購買寵物的民眾,也可以直接在現場辦理領養或購買手續,一步到位。今年更讓許多寵物主人把家中寶貝們都會到現場,新手主人可以向他們交流教導寵物聽話的秘方,或約臨近的寵物家庭一同出遊,幫家中的寶貝交朋友喔~
時間: April 26  Fri;10am~6pm   |  April 27 Sat;10am~7pm   | April 28 Sun;10am~6pm
地點: 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa,CA 92626。(OC Fair & Event Center)
網站: http://www.petexpooc.org/
票價: 一般票價16美元,60歲以上長者14美元,6~12歲11美元,5歲以下兒童免費
Jackalope: An Indie Artisan Fair (4/27~28)(LA)
喜歡與眾不同風格和diy物品的朋友,可千萬不要錯過在 Old Pasadena 一連兩天的 Pasadena Jackalope Indie Artisan Fair,展場將有兩百多位在地設計師的原創手工製品,還有各式原創衣裝、居家裝飾等,相信一定可以掏到你愛的飾品,現場也有許多美味的手工食品和食物餐車等著民眾來嚐鮮,活動免費入場喔~!
時間: Apr 27 Sat & Apr 28 Sun;10:00 am~5:00 pm
地點:  275 S Raymond Ave, Pasadena, CA 91105, USA
網站: https://www.jackalopeartfair.com/visitpasadena
Doheny Wood (4/27)(OC)
在南加海邊漫步的同時卻看到一台台30、40年代的木製老爺車,是不是瞬間有掉入時光機當中的感覺呢? Doheny Wood是每年四月在橙縣Dana Point的Doheny State Beach舉辦的木製骨董車展示活動,每年聚集了來自世界各地對Woodie的蒐集愛好者在此交流,今年展示已進入第21個年頭, 現場將展示 200 台左右的木製骨董車,喜愛Woodie這種特殊車身風格的你可不要錯過囉!
時間: April 27;8:00 am~3:00 pm
地點: Doheny State Beach [south end of park]
網站: https://sites.google.com/site/socalwoodieclub/
Cherry Blossom Festival in Monterey Park (4/27~28)(LA)
在華人聚集的 Monterey Park 將會在4月27日及28日舉辦第22屆日本櫻花節,帶大家感受一下傳統日本文化。現場有太鼓表演、傳統藝術舞蹈、武術、茶道和各式各樣的日式街頭小吃,也有各種適合兒童參加的遊戲和diy活動喔!
時間: Apr 27 Sat;11:00 am~7:00 pm;Apr 28 Sun;11:00 am~6:00 pm
地點: 350 S Mcpherrin Ave, Monterey Park, CA 91754 (Barnes Park)
票價: Free
網站: http://www.montereypark.ca.gov/673/Cherry-Blossom-Festival
Fiesta Broadway (4/28)(LA)
  想要體驗拉丁文化不用跑去中南美洲,這週日到洛杉磯市中心就對啦!是滴,南加最大的拉丁嘉年華Fiesta Broadway將在這週日上午11點隆重登場,這個活動自1990年首次舉辦以來,每年都有超過20萬人參與,把封街的百老匯街擠滿擠爆~!會場橫跨30多個路口,到處都有拉丁美食小吃、手工藝品,還有知名的拉丁歌手演唱宏亮有朝氣的拉丁音樂,也有兒童的專屬遊戲區,大家都會盡情在街上唱歌跳舞、扭身搖擺!想要隨著熱情的拉丁音樂起舞、品嚐各式小吃和體驗拉丁文化的民眾,可千萬不要錯過喔~!
時間: April 28 Sun;11:00 am~6:00 pm
地點: 200 N Spring St, Los Angeles, CA 90012
網站: http://allaccess-la.com/fiesta-broadway
California Poppy Festival (4/27~28)(LA)
想多認識加州州花罌粟花嗎?可不要錯過在 Lancaster市所辦理的加州罌粟花嘉年華活動!由於Lancaster有著羚羊谷罌粟花田保留區,每年三四月開放的罌粟花海非常壯觀,也讓Lancaster市因此聞名。罌粟花節則都會在地球日前後舉辦,主題以保護大自然、提倡環保為主,在55英畝的會場裡有數百種展品和不容錯過的音樂舞蹈表演、藝術展覽、動物表演,以及令人垂涎的美味佳餚等。
時間: April 27 Sat & April 28 Sun;10:00 am
地點: Sgt. Steve Owen Memorial Park (formerly Lancaster City Park) 43063 N. 10th Street West, Lancaster, CA 93534
網站: www.poppyfestival.com
票價:  成人 (13-61歲) $10.00 ;  小孩 (6-12歲) $5.00;5歲以下FREE;62歲以上/現役或退伍軍人 $5
Stagecoach California’s Country Music Festival (4/26~28)(Riverside)
Indio的帝國馬球俱樂部(Empire Polo Club)才剛辦完眾所矚目的Coachella音樂節,接下來又將辦理鄉村音樂界盛事的Stagecoach Festival!!這是由Paul Tollett創立,The Messina Group和Moore Entertainment主辦的音樂狂歡節,主要的音樂表演包括民謠、主流和另類鄉村音樂等等,可以說是全世界公認收入最高的鄉村音樂節,樂界頂級鄉村歌手如 Florida Georgia Line、Keith Urgan和Garth Brooks今年都會登台表演。喜歡鄉村音樂的你,別忘了戴上牛仔帽、穿著長馬靴來到Indio的沙漠區狂歡,參加這一難得盛典!10歲以下免費入場喔!
時間: April 26 Fri~April 28 Sun;12:00 pm-12:00 am
地點: Empire Polo Club ,  81-800 Avenue 51,  Indio, CA 92201
網站: http://www.stagecoachfestival.com/
Movie of the week 週末電影推薦!
復仇者聯盟:終局之戰  Avengers: Endgame
這星期的電影介紹就不用多說了,絕對是引頸期盼已久的漫威電影「復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 」。去年的同一周上演「復仇者聯盟 3:無限之戰」,睽違一年之後,推出最終回。這部片是集漫威電影宇宙10年之大成的宏偉鉅作,將帶來前所未見,最極致、最致命的存亡對決。這次劇情是保密到家了,聽說唯一看過完整劇本的男人就是飾演鋼鐵人的小勞勃道尼,據他所說這次的片尾是漫威宇宙中最棒的 8 分鐘,所以大家拭目以待,真心希望上集那悲壯的結局只是個煙霧彈,最終回可以能夠是完美的結局喔!小編已經早早去預訂票了,等不及謎底揭曉!
ONgoing! OC/LA Fun不停
Street Food Cinema (4/27~10/26) (LA)
夏天的周末就是要在戶外看電影啊!「街頭美食電影院」(Street Food Cinema)將在洛杉磯縣11個地點舉辦50多場電影活動,除了播放賣座的電影之外,還包括電影放映前的現場音樂演出、名人訪談和其他娛樂活動,現場還設有美食餐車喔!打頭陣的是本周六在洛杉磯國家歷史公園將放映經典的浪漫愛情電影《戀夏 500 Days of Summer》,當日復古流行樂隊「The Flusters」將於下午6時30開唱,現場還有多個洛城美食餐車如「Astro Donuts and Fried Chicken」、 「Boba Ni Taco」、 「Cousins Maine Lobster」、 「Phillyfornia」等。活動將持續至10月26日,充滿童年回憶的《侏羅紀公園 Jurassic Park》以及今年獲得奧斯卡最佳原創歌曲的《一個巨星的誕生 A Star is Born》等等,是電影迷們不可多得的機會!(查看電影名單請點這裡)
時間: April 27 Sat ~Oct 26 Sat,
地點: 每部電影的播放場地均不同,詳情請查詢官網
票價:成人 $14 起、兒童(6-12) $6 起、五歲或以下兒童免費
Renaissance Pleasure Faire  (4/6~5/19)(LA)
南加州一年一度文藝復興嘉年華(The Original Renaissance Pleasure Faire )又來囉,每年都會在四月和五月的每個週末舉行,約有20萬人參與,可說是西岸最大規模的文藝復興嘉年華。參與的民眾都會盛裝打��,宛如坐了時光機回到過去﹐玩著文藝復興時期的遊戲、穿著當時的服飾、走在當時的街頭看著莎士比亞的經典戲劇表演、騎士武劍比賽等,現場也會有很多售賣手工藝品﹑飾品﹑小吃等小商店,有興趣的朋友趕快去華麗變身一下!!
日期:April 6~May 19;Every Sat & Sun, 10:00 am~7:00 pm
地點:Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area (15501 E. Arrow Highway, Irwindale, CA)
票價:成人 $29.95美元;5-12歲兒童5-12 $15;4歲以下免費
Knott’s Boysenberry Festival (3/29~4/28)(OC)
南加州 Knott’s Berry Farm 盛大的 Boysenberry 波森莓節又要來啦!每年春天為期ㄧ個月的波森苺節都會有各種與波森苺相關的美食美酒和娛樂表演。在這個為期31天的美食節裡會有過75種獨一無二的波森苺風味佳餚、飲料、還會有啤酒花園、葡萄酒、Live show、舞會等等。沒嚐過 Boysenberry 酒、啤酒和西打的朋友們不要錯過這次機會喔~!一天票價$46起跳,每天開放時間可能會稍有不同,去之前請參考官方網站!
時間: Mar 29 Fri~April 28 Sun;10:00 am-10:00 pm
地點: 8039 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA 90620, USA
網站: https://www.knotts.com/play/boysenberry-festival
Butterfly Pavilion (3/17~9/2)(LA)
今年潮濕的暖冬引來了南加數億隻的蝴蝶遷徙,而在洛杉磯的自然歷史博物館也將有彩蝶翩翩飛舞喔!這個長達半年的蝴蝶展位於博物館南側,裡頭將展示20多種加州本地蝴蝶如queen butterfly、mourning cloak和 buckeye,以及10多種來自佛州南部和德州的亞熱帶品種蝴蝶如 the malachite 和the grey cracker,這裡會有專人解說蝴蝶的生活習性,如如何用管狀口器獲取花蜜、毛毛蟲變成蝴蝶的過程、喜歡停留在哪些植物等等,相信每次參觀蝴蝶館都可以獲得不同的體驗喔~!
時間: Mar 17 Sun~Sep 2 Mon;9:00 am~5:00 pm
地點: 900 Exposition Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90007
網站: https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/butterfly-pavilion
Shark Lagoon Nights (2/22~5/17)(LA)
洛杉磯長灘市著名的太平洋水族館(Aquarium of the Pacific ) 從今年2月至5月的周五晚上,都會舉辦免費的教育活動「鯊魚礁湖之夜Shark Lagoon Nights」,拉近孩子們與海底的終極捕食者的距離。訪客們除了有機會認識不同種類的鯊魚、還可以用手觸摸竹鯊魚和魟魚喔!
免費的鯊魚瀉湖之夜是否舉辦完全視天氣而定,可在惡劣天氣下取消,活動舉辦日當天水族館皆會開放到晚間九點,園內也有簡便快餐可供購買。本季開放時間尚包括: 3/8、3/15、4/5、4/19、4/26、5/3、5/10 以及 5/17。
時間: Feb 22 Fri~May 17 Fri
地點: 100 Aquarium Way, Long Beach, California 90802
網站:  www.aquariumofpacific.org
Art lessons in the wild contest (1/26~4/27)(OC)
若您家裡有個喜歡畫畫、又喜歡海洋生物的小朋友的話,可別錯過這週六開始在橙縣Dana Wharf 的野外藝術課程!一位知名海洋環境保護專家暨藝術家Robert Wyland 特別針對3到12歲兒童設計了此項結合藝術和戶外賞鯨的課程。藝術課程每週六於上午9點在Dana Pride的寬敞的沙龍內進行,每週僅限20名兒童;然後從10點到12點會進行2小時的賞鯨之旅,不只講解生態也教孩子們如何用眼觀察、用畫筆畫下來。最後這些畫還會進入比賽,優勝作品除了有機會獲得Wyland 提名、表框外,還有機會獲得價值2000美元的獎品喔。整個活動希望鼓勵人們以全新的方式看待奧蘭治縣沿岸的海洋生物,並將下一代引入這個美麗的生態系統。
時間  Jan 26 Sat~Apr 27 Sat,  every Sat at 9 a.m.~ noon
地點:  Dana Wharf Sportfishing & Whale Watching, 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA
網站: https://danawharf.com/wyland-art-in-the-wild/
票價:   成人$45 ; 小孩免費但建議捐贈5元給art program
Art of the Jewel: Crevoshay Collection (now~5/12)
洛城的自然歷史博物館開始有長達半年的新展出囉!這是由號稱為「色彩女王 (Queen of Color)」Paula Crevoshay大師的傑作,讓民眾可以看到從平凡無奇的石頭變成奢華的寶石的過程。 這次將展出超過50件奢華的珠寶 ,包括耳環、手鐲、胸針等,包括從加州碧璽(California tourmaline)、蒙大拿藍寶石、月長石、珍珠和黑鑽等製成。而也因為Crevoshay對藝術、科學和自然世界的熱愛,珠寶採用植物、動物和昆蟲的形式,包括蘭花、蝴蝶、蜘蛛等。有興趣的民眾不妨帶著孩子們,一起去探索礦物的美妙、了解寶石的特徵,以及如何將它們轉化為優雅珠寶的藝術喔!
時間: now to May 12 Sun;9:30 am to 5:00 pm
地點: 900 Exposition Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90007
網站: https://nhm.org/site/explore-exhibits/special-exhibits/crevosha
Pirate’s Dinner Adventure: Legend of the Loch Ness Monster (Now~10/1)(OC)
在Buena Park的Pirate’s Dinner Adventure可以說是一個結合餐廳和劇院的複合空間,可容納700名賓客,整個餐廳中央有一個人工打造出來的潟湖、湖中停放著18世紀中46英呎長,40英呎寬的西班牙大帆船,賓客就在六艘船的甲板邊用餐、邊看著舞台中的舞台劇演員們演出。故事設定為Captain Sebastian帶領著他的海盜船員們在尋寶途中、遇到了尼斯湖水怪、安妮塔公主、還有國王的追兵等一連串故事,演員們在極具舞台效果的狀態下還會表現出多種空中翻滾特技,讓你邊用餐邊驚呼,小朋友們甚至還可能被Captain Sebastian邀請上舞台、成為他的船員之一呢!是個非常有趣的看秀兼用餐經驗,趕快去嘗試看看!
時間: Now~Oct 1, 每晚演出時間不同,請上官網查詢
地點: 7600 Beach Blvd, Buena Park, CA  90620
網站: http://piratesdinneradventureca.com/special-offers/
票價: 12歲以上 $61.95;2-11歲 $36.95
週末去哪FUN?帶你漫遊 Orange County & LA (4/26~4/28) 南加的春天總是過得特別快,時間一下子就來到了四月底五月初啦!而不知道是不是因為避開復活節的關係,這週末在橙縣和洛杉磯的活動相當豐富、版面都快擠不下啦! 譬如在橙縣Costa Mesa有著世界上最大的寵物博覽會Pet Expo、洛杉磯市中心有南加最大的拉丁嘉年華Fiesta Broadway、星光熠熠的新港灘電影節(NBFF)和世界知名的鄉村音樂節Stagecoach Festival、還有骨董車展美食節手工藝展等等,真的又要開始頭痛週末要衝哪個活動才好啦~!
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Napping time 👶💤
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Little Amanda often had trouble falling asleep...even after being fed, having a new diaper and being sung to all afternoon by Harriet. When she walked into the bedroom, to wake her sleeping husband, trying to ask for help, Amanda's chubby little arms reached out and her fussy little sounds turned into something coherent for the first time.
Harriet's eyes went wide. Her first words!
And Harriet understood them so clearly. Amanda missed her dad! Of course! She just wanted to be close to him, snuggle up to him and feel his comforting warmth. Harriet lips curled into a smile as she gently kissed the girl's head, before letting her down on the mattress.
Straight away, Amy crawled to Sebastian and curled right on top of his back, her little fist holding tightly onto his shirt. It barely took a minute before her eyes were closed, her breathing slowed and her fussy sounds were turned into the smallest little hums.
Harriet couldn't help but watch this peaceful picture in front of her. She took in the little snores from her husband, the steady and synced breathing of them both and the soft shake of her daughter's curls. They have grown much darker since her birth and with every day passing by, she looked more and more like her father. She was just as curious and smart like Sebastian.
But the way she missed her dad, whenever he left the house or even just the room and immediately wanted to shower him with kisses the moment he was back...that was just like her mother.
They both loved Sebastian endlessly and they always would.
After giving both a soft kiss to their temple, Harriet left the room, chuckling to herself at the thought of telling Sebastian Amy's first words.
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Okay, okay...I told myself I would post Harriet's and Sebastian's story more "chronologically" except for my lake drawing, buuuut...I wanted to draw dad!Seb so desperately, I had to do this first!
This is a heavily referenced artwork, because I'm definitely not an artist that can draw a body free hand 🤣 And also this is more in a modern style, because again...I'm not a highly experienced artist, so I stayed very close to the source material 🙈
I hope you still like it and can gush over dad!Seb with me! 💕
divider by @saradika
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Going on a picnic 🥪☀️
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Harriet and Sebastian enjoying the warm summer days by going on a picnic 🤭
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Another artwork finished!! I'm really getting into digital art now that I have stopped worrying about using real life references and tracing. It is just a fact, that I'm not a very skilled artist yet, but this is also a lot of practice and brings me so much joy! And that's what drawing is about, right? That it's fun!
I want to make sure, that in all of my art and writing the characters are aged up, if the situations are 🌶spicy🌶! So please be aware of that!
divider by @saradika
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Say hello to Harriet Lancaster!🌻
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This amazing art of Harriet was drawn by the absolutely talented @rednite-dork and I cannot say enough how much I love this! Again, thank you so much for drawing her so beautifully!
Under the line, you can find her student ID, I did a while back! 🌻
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I'm honestly so proud how her broom turned out haaa 🙈
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Harriet Lancaster (with AI) 😍
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I made those such a long time ago already! 👀
Maybe I should generate some new ones! 🤔
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Autumn colors 🥰️🍂🧡
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harrietlancaster · 5 months
Sunbathing ☀️🥰️
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i love them so muuuuuch, your honor 🥺️😭💕
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