#oc: savvanah hahn
mysticstarlightduck · 13 days
Extra 2.0 OC Favorites!
Let's go with Liam Steele, Erin Niemand, and Savvanah Hahn from What Lurks In The Hollow!
Rules: share photos of your OCs' favorite color, season, shoe choice, weapon, food & drink, clothing style, mode of transportation, animal, pastime, and breakfast and if they're an introvert/ambivert/extrovert then change up any one of the five favorite things categories for the next round. BONUS: Add some music/songs that fit their aesthetic (the songs don't have to be their favorite songs, just fit their vibe)!
Liam Steele
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Color: Denim Blue
Season: Early Summer
Shoe Choice: Red Ankle Converse
Weapons: His own fists (a.k.a. punching, getting into brawls)
Food: Shepherd's Pie with Extra Cheese
Drink: Hot Chocolate & Marshmallow
Style: Ripped denim vests with DIY patches with short-sleeved white shirts, gray pants and charm bracelets.
Mode of Transportation: His late 60s/70s Mustang he got from his uncle on his 16th birthday
Animal: French Bulldogs (especially his Uncle's two bulldogs, Daisy and Sally)
Pastime: Gaming at home OR going to the arcade with his girlfriend, Savvy.
Breakfast: Pancakes/Crèpes with Butter and Sweet Cream
Personality: Introvert (and has social anxiety & ADHD)
Break Stuff - Limp Bizkit
overwhelmed - Royal & The Serpent
King For A Day - Pierce The Veil
Raging On A Sunday - Bohnes
So Far Away - Staind
Savvanah "Savvy" Hahn
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Color: Lavender purple
Season: Autumn
Shoe Choice: Worn-out blue converse with neon beads
Weapon: Kickboxing/street-fighting
Food: Simple hot-dogs with ketchup and mustard
Drink: Strawberry Cream Soda
Style: Stripped long-sleeved shirts with dark (usually grey or purple) T-Shirts on top, as well as ripped jeans.
Mode of Transportation: Driving around with Liam, but she also uses her bicycle a lot
Animal: Cats and birds, especially chickens.
Breakfast: Thick pancakes with strawberry syrup
Personality: Ambivert
Don't Fear The Reaper - PI3RCE
You've Created a Monster - Bohnes
Dancing With Your Ghost - Sasha Alex Sloan
Unsaid Emily - Julie & The Phantoms
Sick Thoughts - Lou Bliss
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter @thelovelymachinery
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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What’s their opinions on PDA?
Thanks for the ask, @illarian-rambling! Let's go with some couples from What Lurks In The Hollow.
Ask Game Here
Zach Taylors & Amy Millihan
Holding hands, hugs, quick kisses, cute little handshakes and stuff, they love that, they really, really do. HOWEVER. Neither of them like when people get too into Public Displays of Affection - like when they see those couples that full-on french kiss in a public square or get too handsy with each other, it gives them The Ick, and they so hate that.
Dylan Millihan & Christine Nespor
It depends. Dylan's generally really reserved (a very grumpy version of being shy, like "what the fuck you looking at?" when strangers stare or something), and isn't a really touchy-feely person, he doesn't deal with too much touch well. He's more the kind to show his love through quiet actions or begrudging reminders for the other to take care of themselves. Christine is a very hyper extrovert that tends to go all in into relationships, and is very much a hugger and cuddler, but she's very respectful of boundaries. As they interact, Dylan's slowly starting to like hugs - but not too much, and not all the time - and Christine is learning alternative ways to show affection other than physical touch.
Liam Steele & Savvanah Hahn
HECK YEAH, they're into it. They're generally very "loud" with things that they do - in the sense they have a very strong presence that ends up getting all the attention when they're around - and that includes their relationship. They're rarely seen without the other, and they usually walk either holding hands or with their arms around each other's waist. They kiss, lean into each other while playing at an arcade machine, they cuddle, they blast their favorite love songs as loud as possible when in Liam's car. Like "HECK YEAH WE LOVE EACH OTHER, WHAT OF IT? (:". Some people are too quick to judge and think they're too "clingy" to each other but Liam and Savvy are just generally best friends who adore each other's presence - they're The Power Couple of this book.
Erin Niemand & Indigo "Indie" Lauriel
Nope. Erin's a very introverted loner who, for the longest time in her life, didn't have many friends and/or proper social skills. Indie's an extrovert, but she's a more layback kind of extrovert who just generally does her thing and enjoys life. Neither of them are very much into physical touch BUT they do have a secret handshake that only each other knows later on in the story. They do like cuddling while watching movies, but never in public - being too romantic-y in public just feels awkward for them both.
Conner Watsen & Maeve Fernandez
They don't mind it - they'll kiss in public, hug, just generally sit close to each other, give eachother piggyback rides, etc. Both of them just generally mind their own business and live their own lives no matter what others think, but much like Zach & Amy they don't like when people get too into it in public like, "okay, it's wonderful y'all love eachother but goodness that's a bit...intense". It just feels uncomfortable, but they generally just quickly acknowledge it and then carry on like they'd never seen anything amiss.
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mysticstarlightduck · 10 days
OC In 3 Tag!
Thanks for the tag, @ominous-feychild!!! Let's go with some of the cast from What Lurks In The Hollow.
Conner Watsen
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Dylan Millihan
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Savvanah Hahn
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Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter @thelovelymachinery @bookwormclover
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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mysticstarlightduck · 23 days
Seven Deadly Sins
Thanks for the tag, @the-golden-comet (here)!
I'll go with the cast of Supernova Initiative and What Lurks In The Hollow for this one!
Rules: which of your OCs would you assign to which of the seven deadly sins and why?
Jasper Astrophell (Supernova Initiative)
Jasper's the son of an intergalactic billionaire arms dealer, and is someone who not only was raised with the world on a silver platter but who was very much sheltered from their galaxy's true realities. He loved going to parties, buying the finest flying cars and spaceships, going on dates, etc - standard "rich spoiled playboy" stuff. But he also takes after his father's sense of business and is a brilliant inventor, being also incredibly intelligent when it comes to making brand deals and is pretty much a space opera version of the Wolf of Wall Street whenever he gets involved in the company's dealings.
Savvanah Hahn (What Lurks In The Hollow)
Savvy embodies the sin of "greed" in a non-monetary sense - she's not really interested in money and honestly hates people who waste it. She embodies greed because she is a very intense person who wants to have control over the spheres of her life she can control - because she feels that, if she loses that control, bad things could happen to her and those she loves. She is also very serious when it comes to "her stuff" be it her turf, her & her boyfriend's favorite arcade machine, or her seat at a concert, and is not at all afraid to get into brawls to "keep her territory" in a very troublemaker teen way.
Vesper Foxx (Supernova Initiative)
Vesper's life ever since the day she lost everything as a child, was dictated by rage. Rage at the destruction of her homeland by foreigner invaders, rage at having to hopelessly watch her brother be tortured to death, rage at escaping and being too young to have her revenge just yet at the time. She left her younger sister and cousin behind to pursue revenge because no matter how much she tried and tried and tried to move on, that primal anger born of trauma would never leave her. She would never have peace unless her brother's killers suffered the same fate as he had. No matter how many lives she reaped on her wrathful path to achieve it. Full alien girl John Wick.
Liam Steele (What Lurks In The Hollow)
A troubled youth, Liam has a reputation for being an incredibly defiant, almost antisocial, teenager who gets into fights for the most trivial things. He's seen as a bully by kids who do not know him well and as a nuisance by any authority figures around him. But that's not what he really is - he's not a bully, he only gets into fights with people who provoke him or who try to hurt others (a.k.a. he beats up the ACTUAL bullies), and just has a short patience because no one other than Savvy ever tried to understand him, so he never bothered letting down his guard. Since he thought being vulnerable would only get him hurt, he embraced the "tough teen who listens to rock and spends the day at the arcade or skulking around town" facade to be left in peace.
Jack Tithus (Supernova Initiative)
Jack dictates his life in the pursuit of having more than what he had when he and his siblings were just street urchins on their crime-ridden birth moon. Even though so much time has passed and he's now a rich and renowned intergalactic thief, the wound of all the shame and toil they went through still haunts him. He wants all the fun, food, clothes, and adventures because deep down, he wants to prove to himself that he's more than what everyone once called a "filthy street rat." He's obsessive about being free to do whatever he wants and his incessant pursuit for more, and more, and MORE, is what drove him to continue the path of a thief in the first place - he's hungry for the opportunities he never had in the past, restless to never stop indulging himself in freedom and always keep having more and more adventures, because he fears that if he does stop, he'll prove his enemies right.
Christine Nespor (What Lurks In The Hollow)
A former wanderer who found solace in the solitude of the small town of Vinethorn Grove, Christine is a creative soul who, stifled by the toxic expectations of her shitty family, left her life behind to indulge her soul in who she really wants to be. She is hungry for adventure, for the freedom to express herself and feed her soul in beautiful sights, to see nature, see unique places, and generally indulge herself in being alive. To her, life is a wonderful buffet, and those who know how to make the most of it, are the happiest! She knows how to find the silver lining in any situation, even if others cannot.
Kye Thalax (Supernova Initiative)
I considered putting him in the "Wrath" category, but then I realized that Kye - despite wanting bloody revenge for the death of his father and the pain they suffered in the past - is far too calculated and cold to be considered wrathful. He is bitter, but his emotions rarely get the better of him. Kye is known to take a deceitful and cunning approach to taking down his enemies, sometimes even resorting to seduction to destroy them. He uses those people's vices against them - if someone he wants to kill drinks too much, he poisons their drink; if they gamble, he poisons their cards; if they just want to have sex, he seduces them and poisons them in the safety of their chambers; if the person is obsessed with killing, he poisons the hilt of their weapons so the one who dies is the killer and not the would-be-victims.
Mrs. Draycott (What Lurks In The Hollow)
OKAY SO THE ONLY ANTAGONIST ON THIS LIST LET'S GO lmao.. Mrs. Draycott is a middle-aged woman, somewhere in her very late forties or early fifties, who is considered a very "upstanding citizen" in the small town of Vinethorn Grove. She's an active member of the local community and often uses her reputation to get what she wants. Mrs. Draycott (her name is Adelaide btw) is the embodiment of a Karen and takes a creepy liking to Dylan Millihan after he and his sister Amy move into town. A "lonely" widow drawn to his youthful (23M) looks and who all too soon becomes very stalkerish towards him- often paying them unwanted visits saying she "just wanted to drop by", or stopping by Dylan's jobs, or just generally following them around town, hoping he "becomes smitten with her too". At first, the siblings just tried to politely ignore her, but as she became more insistent and annoying, Dylan eventually snaps at her at a community event and tells her to leave him alone. Feeling spurned, Mrs. Draycott then showed her full aggressive personality and became a true Karen, trying to make the siblings' lives a living hell and turning the already wary townsfolk against them.
Artemis Zreeth (Supernova Initiative)
Artemis is a very prideful and cocky young man. One of his fatal flaws is that he is often too stubborn to realize he is in the wrong and wants to do things his own way even if they eventually go wrong. A lot of why he clashes with Kye when they have to work together is that Artemis refused to consider Kye genuinely wanted to make amends and redeem their friendship.
Dylan Millihan (What Lurks In The Hollow)
Dylan has a strong personality and generally pushes people away rather than be friendly. He's also someone who isn't very approachable and generally wants to do his own thing, live his life and hates people who try to pry into his personal business. He is very bitter about the fact he had to give up his budding medical career - he was halfway through medical college when their toxic grandmother died leaving behind only MASSIVE GAMBLING DEBTS and regret - and some percentage of that resentment comes from the fact he hates the fact he was never able to fulfill his potential and got stuck as someone who in his point of view was only "half-good" - his self-esteem is kind of shitty, if you can't tell lol, and he hides it behind a layer of a harsh pride.
Aleks Keldora (Supernova Initiative)
Not necessarily envy but Aleks suffers from severe social anxiety and thinks he's "never going to be good enough" so he's "better off pretending to be somebody" else like a social chameleon.
Erin Niemand (What Lurks In The Hollow)
Erin's a loner who holds some considerable resentment towards kids who are able to be popular - which she isn't able to do - and deep down also feels "lesser" than the kids who have full families, since her mother abandoned the family - which made Erin develop some serious trust and self-esteem issues.
Meridian Shardd (Supernova Initiative)
Not on purpose - but they can be overwhelmed by being given too many tasks and may panic and not do anything instead, or will be halfway through a task and get distracted by something else and ditch the task to do that something else instead.
Indigo "Indie" Lauriel (What Lurks In The Hollow)
She's a laidback hipster girl who rarely takes things seriously and has some serious procrastinating issues, and can be generally pretty lazy.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @oh-no-another-idea, @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @cakeinthevoid @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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