#oc: rachael altmann
atrxxxie · 6 months
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amazing art by @dance-on-the-bones 🖤
my tall&hot Toreador mommy Rachael Altmann and @solanumoph young Ventrue Protestant pastor Michael Sandler
They are besties! ✨✨
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atrxxxie · 25 days
Hi everyone and welcome!
🖤name’s ataraxie, 24 y.o, bd 05.10 (your local spooky october child)
self-taught artist, role-player, goth, lolita fashion fan
🖤main fandoms🖤
#TheWitcher #DragonAge #WorldOfDarkness #VampireTheMasquarade
🖤my ocs!🖤
Dragon Age: Yara, Rhiannon Weingarter, Tair Haim, Dolores Cantori, Hela Visnadottir, Belette, Herja, Seraphine de Segur, Aisa Ruerin, Susie Moreaux, Malena Bianchi, Oisin Ronan, Niamh Ronan, Andin Lavellan
The Witcher: Agneshka the Witch
Vampire the Masquerade: Rhian Lanza, Rachael Altmann, Erzsebet Andrashi
Original characters: my story “Martyrs of the Third Light”: Yrim, Wranne, Maeria; solanumoph’s story “Spheria”: Lady Rhiona, Lady Narvia, Reinellen, Iolie.
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