#oc: othonna
badsithnocookie · 4 years
Kill Count Achievement names via @visionmarred
Eirnhaya Illte, former Empire’s Wrath
100 - Things got out of hand 1,000 - Things REALLY got out of hand
Brynaerith Illte, Empire’s Wrath (au)
100 - Just getting started 1,000 - On a roll
Arlanya Illte, GSI contractor and bounty hunter
100 - Billable Hours 1,000 - Miscellaneous Sundries
Othonna Haab, Darth Imperius
100 - Aconite 1,000 - Blood Lily
‘Nell Cadera’, Champion of the Great Hunt
100 - Line ‘em Up 1,000 - Knock ‘em Dead
‘Maranis’, Cipher Nine (former)
100 - Never saw it coming 1,000 - Right between the eyes
Awenyth Loren, Jedi Battlemaster
100 - There is no Emotion 1,000 - There is no Peace
Nisha Kyo, Bar’senthor
100 - Failed Negotiations 1,000 - Lightsaber Diplomacy
Leth Nul, Republic Special Operations
100 - Collateral Damage 1,000 - Unavoidable Casualties
Bestian Myrric, Voidhound
100 - Night on the town 1,000 - Narsh Hangover
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ghostlyfoliage · 4 years
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It's my first succulent arrangement! I chose low light plants because I'm hoping to keep this as a centerpiece on my dining room table. There's String of Bananas (Senecio radicans) and Ruby Necklace (Othonna Capensis) for kinda a ground cover to fill in empty spaces and an Aloe Vera pup to face the side of the window. Not sure how they'll do, but we'll find out). The plant furthest back is a Gasteria, and the rest are Haworthias.
The clay sculpture in the center is one of my OCs, an iguana anthrop named Anamyse - which I think I made in my early college years... which seemed somehow appropriate for the arrangement, and gave me a space-filler to arrange the succulents around.
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Finally finished it!! OMG!!! Argh.
Yes, I have a little fun with Krita’s brush, so I had some “embellishment” matching with the ambiance/ personality of other people’s OC. Some of you already know/suspect the following gift, and some other don’t!
Soooo, let’s introduce them! And after I could hide in same and shyness.
Ivy & Andronikos Revel from @insufficient-focus! I really love Ivy, and I made a pose who represents the relationship between them two (or what I have understand)! :p
Petra & Idan Lumielle of @lumielles, because I gradually like them more, so I try to honour that evolution! Thumbs up to the whole nice family! :p
Vassana & Theron Shan from @storyknitter ... because I cannot resist to them, they are so sweet aaah!! My hand and my heart draw them without I cannot made an objection.
Othonna from @badsithnocookie.. The idea from the last minutes, but I really love your works so! And your blueberry is irresistible. At first I want to try a pose and finally after your brainstorming I tough that it could suits her?
And for finish, Theron Shan, Lelu Kallig and Andronikos of @melissagt! I redraw some of details since the first work (like the position of hands) but I CANNOT CHANGE THEIR FACE! Ugh.. I have failet (again) Cupcake face (it’s too much funny, sorry).... so, deeply Sorry! T^T And yup, it’s better to not speak about his hair.
I’m sorry, you’ve got all awesome other (and other people’s too!! \o/) I know it’s not perfect, but I try to do my best. However, I hope you will enjoy all of you this humble drawings. Merry Christmas to you and the whole Tumblr! \o/
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
truthfully i don’t know if nell would sit torian down and go ‘your dad was right,’, no matter how much she feels that way, because despite her adoption by and of mandalorian society she still feels, as both a chiss and a cadera, a little like an outsider herself. she would absolutely want and encourage him to rebuild instead of wallowing and taking shit from the other clans lying down but she would. also take pains to follow his lead, i think, because as much as she could and would fistfight anyone on her husband’s behalf she’s also politically aware enough to know that she’s probably also viewed as a kind of outsider and doesn’t want to undermine whatever standing cadera might have left by making it seem as though she’s trying to hijack it for some purpose of her own (or the ascendancy’s, despite her having left it)
they’re both relatively minor ocs but i’ve been sort of toying with the idea of nell and thonna being siblings or cousins or something, with nell having left the ascendancy/formed her low onion of the sith in part because of thonna being outed as a Force-sensitive/ending up forcefully at a Sith Academy. it’s sort of messy and contradictory that nell is pissed with the chiss for bouncing thonna out and pissed with the sith for taking her in but what are people if not messy and contradictory.
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
sierra’s post about the song earlier reminded me that i was thinking about TWINE earlier in the week and realised it is the perfect othonna/lana song
just. two evil ladies, out to rule the galaxy
The world is not enough But it is such a perfect place to start, my love And if you're strong enough Together we can take the world apart, my love
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badsithnocookie · 4 years
pro/cons othonna
never needs a reservation, and always gets a good table. (just don’t think too hard about why)
gives expensive but tasteful gifts. prefers meaningful gestures to performative ones, but is not averse those gestures being large meaningful ones.
not averse to pulling strings on behalf of an SO
unusually for a sith of her standing, believes in committing/marrying for love, rather than political or social reasons - but also differentiates between love and passion.
High Maintenance
passive aggressive/chilly when angry. sensitive to ice queen jokes.
tends to put work before pleasure
prone to cattiness and drama
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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today in unnecessary memes
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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one thing i will confess i love about kotfetet - the amount of Dramatic cutscenes
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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so the last time i did a lanamance through sor was actually a jedi, so i never saw this! it’s cute as Heck and i’m all the more glad i did it
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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original: (x)
i spent entirely too long on this. bonus: i still haven’t been able to replace my tablet, so this was all done with mouse.
the only pairing i could think of for bastard magnet/bastard with a crush was officer!eirn/sith!quinn, but drawing them twice felt self indulgent even by my low standards. maybe i’ll do them some other day.
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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what if we kissed 😍 in the shack on rishi 😘
and we’re both girls 🙈🙊
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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anyway, thonna was in dire need of a new outfit, so here we are. noble councillor with wartime ambassador legs. pale red + dark red dye.
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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the couple that conquers together stays together
thonna’s new outfit: Outlander Armour (world loot), Exarch meditation gloves, exarch meditation legs (both from star fortress), dark augur belt, arkanian smuggler boots, dark grey + red dye (cartel vendor)
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
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lana that’s gay
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badsithnocookie · 5 years
ocs + html colour quiz
Eirnhaya Illte - Midnight Blue #191970
Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust.  You're good in social situations and want to fit in.  Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy. Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone.  You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen. Your outlook on life is slightly darker than most people's.  You try to see things for what they are and face situations honestly.  You'd rather get to the point than look for what's good.
Awenyth Loren - Dark Magenta #8B008B
Your dominant hues are red and blue.   You're confident and like showing people new ideas.  You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be. Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done.   The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going.  You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation.  You are flexible and see things objectively.
Aemilia Myrric - Ghost White #F8F8FF
Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust.  You're good in social situations and want to fit in.  Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy. Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project.  You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working. Your outlook on life is very bright.  You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
Othonna Haab - Yellow #FFFF00
Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definately not afraid to get in and stir things up.  You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling". Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done.  The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going.  You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right. Your outlook on life is very bright.  You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
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