#oc: natamai shabre
shabre-legacy · 1 year
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shabre-legacy · 1 year
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shabre-legacy · 10 months
list of oc names so I can refresh my own memory on who I've mentioned and talked about and need to make sure to keep up on.
Kathale Cresym - imperial agent, human, swtor
Leikael Shabre - smuggler, mirialan, swtor
Tyrenic Shabre - jedi knight, mirialan, swtor
Maida Tarkin - imperial officer/rebel spy, human, star wars AU
Shaialis Coro - Sith warrior, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Shelerik Coro - Jedi Knight, Mirialan/Sith Pureblood, swtor
Annilai Jhasis - jedi consular, cathar, swtor
Leita Naberrie - Rebel spy, human, star wars AU
elazari Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Nyaisa Shabre - republic trooper, mirialan swtor
Ciski'zut'sairma "Izutsa" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Ikhirr Jhasis - republic trooper, cathar, swtor
Agent Fifteen "Niaken" - imperial agent, mirialan, swtor
Nastao Rasu - sith warrior, Zabrak, swtor
Kyiari Lesana - jedi, twi'lek, swtcw/star wars AU
Zriq'ozak'luskomu "qozak" - imperial agent, chiss, swtor
Natamai Shabre Lok - bounty hunter, Mirialan, swtor
Leshlaa Phizaas - jedi consular, togruta, swtor
Savri Gedyc - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Tisna Cizm Lok - bounty hunter, mirialan, swtor
Kirjula Fesep - Jedi, Twi'lek, swtor au
Tama Riczu - Smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Sadarie - smuggler, Mirialan, swtor
Kyhra Alithna - bounty hunter, togruta, swtor
Zohla Iyoriun - jedi knight, sith pureblood, swtor
Aacha Lesana - Rebel recruiter/jedi self training, twi'lek/human (clone), sw rebel era
Izalia Iyoriun - jedi consular, sith pureblood, swtor
Ireri Tvilan Kallig - sith inquisitor, mirialan, swtor
Vin'atan - dark side force user, force ghost stuck in Ireri's head, swtor
Marat - jedi padawan to tyrenic, mirialan, swtor
Riqr Arist- jedi, bio father to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
Jyshya Jhur - republic navy pilot, friend to nyaisa, gf to zohla, cathar, swtor
Jasuri Nil -freelance bounty hunter, sister to Natamai and Savri, wife to mako and akaavi, cathar, swtor
Orrishk - protege to tama, wookiee, swtor
Lucn Riczu - cousin to tama, mirialan, swtor
Nezva Wren Shabre - bio mom to shabre siblings, mirialan, swtor
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
I think I’ve mentioned that Natamai threatened 3 adult Mando’s with a frying pan when she was twelve. Here’s how it went down.
It was a year before the end of the war and the treaty of Coruscant. The Sith, then Lord Mynrich, later promoted to Darth, was traveling with one of his favorite young slaves. He was planning on gifting her to a Grand Moff who would be killed by a Jedi the next year. His plan would never work out. He refused to notice how much she hates him. They stopped on Ziost to refuel before heading on to the frontlines of the campaign that Mynrich had been ordered to help with. That was where they were supposed to meet the Grand Moff. As they walked through the hanger back towards the ship after refueling and resupplying, an officer stopped the Sith and they talked for a moment. Natamai took the opportunity to look around and noticed a few loading droids moving supplies onto a ship. She wasn’t sure who the ship with the skull of some kind of creature painted on it belonged to, but she knew based on the look of the ship that it wasn’t imperial and that was good enough for her. The Sith and the Officer were facing away from her, engrossed in their conversation. 
As the droids all moved into the ship with another load of crates. She ran. She pushed herself to move as quickly as she could without making any load noises and in a stroke of pure luck, she managed to make it to the waiting crates. She found one she could get into and crawled inside and closed it behind her. That’s when she realized it was a crate of cooking pots and pans. Frying pans, open fire stew pots, the kind of baking pans you cover and place on the flames, spatulas and large spoons and ladles, things you would use to cook decent field in a war or hunting camp. This was going to hurt. But she was used to pain. She just had to wait till they hit hyperspace anyways and then she could hide elsewhere in the ship. She braced herself, stuffing a large part of the bottom of her tattered shirt into her mouth so she couldn’t scream just as the first shock hit. Mynrich had noticed her gone and was trying to use her shock collar to find her. Unfortunately for him, he used it so often that she had figured out how to brace herself against it and he would have to find her to make the shocks stronger and as long as she stayed quiet, he probably wouldn’t. So she used everything she had to stay silent curled in a crate full of pans as the droids came back and lifted it and loaded onto the ship. After a while, the shocks faded, likely because Mynrich wandered out of range while looking for her and not long after that, the ship shook as they took off and headed into the sky. As they flew out of the atmosphere, they reached far enough that the clasps on her collar loosened and she was able to use some of the utensils (mainly some rubber spatulas that had clearly never been used) to pry it off.
Soon, they hit hyperspace, but being in the cargo hold in a crate of uncomfortable cooking pans, she didn’t notice. She did notice the footsteps and the voices. They came closer, clearly heading towards the cargo hold. Natamai panicked and unsure of what to do, grabbed to handle of a heavy frying pan and prepared. If they opened the crate she was in, she’d attack. So, when the footsteps stopped outside her crate and a small sliver of light appeared, she jumped up and swung as hard as she could before pausing in a bit of shock as she stared at the people in front of her and the ring of metal hitting metal faded. She’d hit one of the Mando’s in the arm. His armor protected him mostly, but there was still the force of the blow, but they didn’t move for a moment. They had not expected a child to jump out at them. While they stared in shock for a moment, Nat recovered first. Striking the same guy in the arm again, then in the knee, causing his leg to buckle and aiming for his head as he went down. The others reacted, grabbing her and prying the pan out of her hands and hauling her out of the crate. The big weequay mando carried her up to meet the alor while the other two human mandos headed to the medbay to get the guys knee fixed. 
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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Just give me the name and hand over the credits. 
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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Natamai’s a Mando now!! And ridiculously proud of that fact! Savri may be getting a bit overwhelmed with her constant questions and attempts to get him to sit still for lessons in Mando’a
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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Nobility are the worst. Nat dislikes Alderaan almost as much as she dislikes Dromund Kaas
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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I’m not backing down. I won’t let anyone scare me, I won’t let him break me. I will take what I want. 
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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Natamai is a professional with a code. She’ll make a great Mandalorian when she gets the chance
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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shabre-legacy · 4 years
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