#oc: natalya sinyansky
naruyuki-writes · 4 years
Really Just Your Dog [Satalya]
Anton Sinyansky is working as a guard in a prison.  His nights are long and lonely until Inmate #09 arrives and throws him for a loop.
Pairing: Satalya
Word Count: 4301
Inspired by: Shama (Kajitsu Niru)
A blaring alarm sounded off around the prison, alerting everyone to new arrivals being let into the rest of the gen pop.  Except, as the doors opened, only one prisoner was pushed through.
“Ow, you didn’t need to be so rough.  I was going,” Inmate 09 murmured as her cuffs were released from her wrists.
“I barely touched you, but I’ll be sure to take your complaints into consideration,” Brady shook his head and left, signaling to close the doors behind him.  09 hummed and took in her surroundings.  She watched for any girls in particular that stood out to her, ones that would be easy to make an introduction to.  There were girls sitting alone at tables or lying down in their cells, girls grouped up chatting in corners, or becoming rowdy over card games.  There weren’t as many inmates as she expected, but considering she was in a higher security branch of the prison it made sense.  She spotted three girls talking together at a table, the fourth girl looked like she was just sitting at the table and not sitting with them.  She jaunted her way over to them, formulating a plan in her head.
 Anton and Lorri watched closely as the newbie was released into gen pop.  It only took her a few minutes of looking around before she immediately cozied herself up to a group of girls.
“That’s weird, only one?” Lorri said to herself.
“Guess crime rates are declining,” Anton said.
“Hah, good joke.”
“What number is she?”
“I’ve got no clue.  The idiots around here have a hard time keeping track of the numbers,” Lorri reached down to the filing cabinet and searched for a minute before slamming it shut again, “she doesn’t even have a file in here, yet.”
“Eh, we will find out sooner or later.”
“Wow, she’s making herself right at home,” Lorri commented, gesturing as the newbie looked to be buddy-buddy with the group of girls she sat down with.
“She will surely be an interesting one to handle.”
 Later in the evening, still working well into the night, Anton was to patrol around the cell blocks.  Walking from top to bottom, the smell of a cigarette wafted up to him.  He peered over the railing, grabbing onto his glasses as he looked for the sign of smoke in the dim lighting.  It was coming from the next floor down.  He rushed to the stairs and power walked to find the inmate dumb enough to light up in the middle of the night, approaching the cell with the tiny orange light burning at the butt of the cigarette.  There were two glowing eyes in the dark, one pink and one red.  He walked up to the cell and grabbed the bar, speaking in a hushed tone as to not start an uproar with the inmates in the middle of the night,
“Inmate, what are you doing?”
“Just indulging.  What, you want a drag?” The inmate who approached was none other than the newbie.  A petite woman with dirty brown hair done up in a loose braid, and tiny black horns at the top of her head.  She offered the cigarette through the bars.  Anton cut his eyes at her and snatched it from her fingers.  He dropped it onto the floor and smothered it into the ground with his boot.
“Damn! You could’ve just said ‘no’ instead of wasting a perfectly good cig.”
“Maybe think twice before offering contraband to a guard,” his eyes flickered down to her chest with her number on it, “09.”
“Hehe, something wrong with your eyes? You can’t seem to keep them on mine.” Her comment was met with a silent glare.  “I guess I don’t mind if you look, though.  You’re pretty cute, yourself.”
Anton’s face lit up like he had been blasted with a chilling wind.  The breath of cold air was difficult to take, but it was welcomed anyway.  09 covered her mouth and giggled,
“Wow, you’re easier to tease than I expected from first impressions,”
“G-Go to sleep 09,”
“Sure, sure,” as Anton began to walk away, she reached through the bars and grabbed his hand, “come visit me again,” she winked.
 Anton listened to what she said from the night before and went back to her the next.  He found that she was smoking again and so the events of last time repeated themselves.
“So, anything you have to tell me about this place? Any people to watch out for, whether that be inmates or guards?”
“Tch,” Anton laughed to himself, “I do not think you need my help.  I saw you, the first day and you were getting along with the other girls quite fine,” he shook his head and leaned back against the railing.
“Aww, you were watching me?” Her mouth curled into a coy smile, “already a fan of mine before I could introduce myself~♡”
“More like, already a handful before I could figure out your number,” Anton looked away from her smiling face, rubbing the back of his neck to calm himself.
“Well, who knows?  Maybe this handful could use your help one day,” she grabbed the bars and pressed herself against them.  Anton turned his head back towards her, having the misfortune of gazing directly into the seductive gleam behind her pink and red eyes.  He crossed his arms over his chest and cleared his throat.  “I know you’ll trip up one day,” she whispered, but he still managed to hear it.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“Keep coming back to me and you’ll find out.”  His jaw went slack as all the blood dropped from the top of his head to the soles of his feet.  No noise came from his opened mouth.  09 pushed back on the bars.  She brought her hand up to her chin, holding her arm up with her free hand, and observed Anton for a moment.  She cocked her head to the side as she looked the still stunned man up and down multiple times before smiling.  Seemingly satisfied by her study of him.
“I need to… finish my patrol now,” Anton said as he finally emerged from his dazed state.
“Goodnight, Anton.”
 Every night shift had been longer and lonelier than the last.  It wasn’t until 09 showed up that the night shifts became less lonely and quickened in pace.  Each night he visited her, she had lit up a cigarette.  When more time passed, he became laxer with her.  He let her smoke while she listened to him speak until eventually, he agreed to her insistent offers.  09 would hold it out for him to take a drag when he paused to think in between talking.  Each night she squeezed out more information from him while she just listened.  There were moments few and far in between, where she spoke about wanting to leave.  Thinking about plans.  How she wouldn’t mind being with him on the outside.  He knew what she was doing, but he let it happen.  If it was to take the edge off the loneliness, he’d even let himself be used by her.
During the rare agonizing day or mid shifts, they stared at each other in the cafeteria.  On one of those particular days, Brady and Chad were the guards on duty with him.  They were standing around together talking as Anton stared in the vague direction of 09, barely adding to the conversation.
“Damn, Anton,” Chad basically wrapped him up into a chokehold, “new girl been here for how long and you’ve already got her crazy for you,” he smirked as 09 was smiling in their direction as she walked by.
“Wha-? No, I do not have anything going on with 09.”
“Going on with her? I was just saying she’s looking at you hard as shit, but if you wanna brag, go ahead.  We’ll keep your secret safe, won’t we, Brady?”
“Yeah, whatever.  Just be careful.  She’s an inmate, after all, that can only end badly,” Brady sighed.
“Yes, I am well aware.”
 Anton had been assigned to the booth that overlooked the cell blocks for the first time since 09 had arrived at the prison.  They hadn’t placed 09’s file in the cabinet in the booth then, but surely by now her file would be on record.  When Lorri stepped out for a bathroom break, he rolled over to the filing cabinet in his chair.  He riffled through the disorganized mess until he pulled out ‘Inmate #09’.  Her real name was Sapphire Schäfer and she had been sentenced to life in prison on the count of murdering a man named Zachary Sayer in the second degree.
“Did he deserve it?” Anton asked Sapphire.
“You know,” Sapphire was sat on her cot, looking indifferently at her nails, “there’s nothing I really wanna talk about tonight,” she responded, unfazed.  It was like he hadn’t asked the question.  Almost as if he hadn’t said a word in the first place.
Anton blinked, jaw going slack.  She had a way of hitting such a specific nerve that she knew would destroy him in an instant.  Like an owner, scolding her dog.
“Goodnight, Anton,” and just like that, she dismissed him.
Anton tossed his glasses onto the table and buried his face into his hands, groaning loudly.
“Girl troubles?” Chad asked and squeezed Anton’s shoulders from behind.
“Fuck off, Chad,” Anton hissed.
“Girl troubles,” Chad repeated knowingly.
“Seriously,” Brady sat up from the couch, “I thought I told you she was bad news, man.”
“Who’s bad news?” Lorri asked as she entered the breakroom.
“No-” Anton couldn’t get a word in.
“Inmate 09,” Chad said.  So much for ‘keeping his secret safe’.
“What? Anton, do you know how much shit you can get into for being in a relationship with an inmate?” Lorried walked up to him, leaning her hands onto the table.  If his hands weren’t gloved, he would have sunk his nails into his skin out of pure frustration.
“I am not! But you jackasses will not stop talking for me!” Anton shouted, slamming his fist into the table.” All three of them flinched from Anton’s outburst.  His usual cool and calm facade had completely melted away.  What enraged him more than the trio that relentlessly harassed him was the fact that he could hear her giggling in the back of his mind.  Why was she the only thing he could think of? No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t not care about her.  He knew exactly what she would say if she saw this side of him, too.
“You’re so scary when you’re angry, but it’s kind of hot.” Her endless flirting would be the death of him.  
He hated how she brushed him off like that even though he knew very well that was the kind of response he was bound to get.  It was nothing new, but it stung worse than all those years ago.  Maybe it was because she knew him, truly.  She made him happy despite it clearly being a terrible idea to allow someone like her to be a source of happiness when all she was going to do was break his heart in the end.
The next few nights, Sapphire gave him the silent treatment.  He stopped by her cell each night and tried to speak to her, but she ignored him or pretended to be asleep by the time he arrived.  He was selfish, he knew he was.  But if she got to manipulate him, then he got to be selfish.  He got to be angry that she was acting coldly towards him.  Was she trying to put up a wall against him? It didn’t matter anymore.
The next mid-shift he was given, he was going to show how selfish he could really be.  He slipped away to the break room when no one was paying attention and sneaked some shots of brandy he had stashed away in his locker.  He was going to need the liquid courage for what he wanted to pull.  During lunch was when Sapphire made all of her cigarette transactions.  Otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to light one up every single night.  He watched as she headed over to the same table she sat at the first day she arrived.  Once he saw the beginning of the deal, he rushed over to her, grabbed her arm, and snatched the carton out of her hand.  Her eyes went wide with panic.  She went to pull away, but he didn’t let go of her arm.
“Contraband deals in broad daylight?” He announced loudly.  The inmates looked, as well as the guards.
“What’s going on, Anton?” Brady began to approach.
“I am taking this one to solitary for clearly breaking the rules,” he pocketed the carton of cigarettes into his breast pocket and pushed past Brady with Sapphire still in hand.  She did not say a word or make a noise the entire walk to solitary.  However, he did loosen his grip when they were away from prying eyes.  His hand tempted to fall down to her hand, but it remained in its place on her bicep.
Once in solitary, he opened her confined cell door and looked at her.
“I will… be searching you for any more contraband on your person,” Anton said.  She didn’t even look him in the eyes.
“Fine,” she muttered and turned around, lazily lifting her arms.  He put his hand over his mouth and cleared his throat.  Despite the power balance clearly being in his favor, Sapphire was the one truly in control of the situation.  He wanted to be confident about it, but there was no way he could genuinely treat her so badly.  Not without feeling a sharp pain in his chest.  His hands shakily reached out for her waist.  He slowly placed his hands on her and kept them still for a few moments.  Sapphire, waiting, turned around and finally looked him in the eyes.  He couldn’t decipher the look she was giving him.  She seemed so sad; hurt, almost.  Her hand reached for the back of his neck and she slowly pulled him down to her level.
 Anton melted right into the kiss.  He grabbed her arm again, but this time like she was made of glass.  For a fleeting moment, all of his pain went away.  He indulged in her smoky kiss for a brief moment.  But his eyes went wide and he stumbled backward with a yelp.  His face flushed as red as her piercing eye, the tingling sensation all over his body too intense to handle.
“What are you doing?! Let go!” He sputtered.
“As if I’m letting you go,” Sapphire teased.  She pushed her hands into his chest, squeezing him, and backing him into the cell wall.  He let out a shrill squeal as her hands traveled all over his body.  He closed his eyes and stood there, he was paralyzed in fear.  He knew that she probably knew already, but being discovered was still the worst horror a person could live through.  She pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to the loud beating of his heart.
“So, what’s your real name?” She absolutely knew.  Anton didn’t answer her.  He just bit his lip and stayed silent.  “Hey, there’s nothing that we can’t tell each other.” He couldn’t tell if that made him feel worse or better.  It was probably both at the same time.
‘I’m such a fool…’
 “Natalya,” she said in her normal octave, which wasn’t much higher than the one she used regularly.  It was more like returning to her original octave, instead of her normal one.
“Natalya,” Sapphire repeated.  She raised her hand up to caress her cheek, bringing her other hand up to run through the taller woman’s fluffy silver her.  “Of course, you are much too attractive to be a man,” Sapphire knocked off Natalya’s cap as she continued to play with her hair.  She leaned her head into the affection, her body asking for more.  She wondered what their lives would have been like if they had met on the outside.  She wondered if they could even have a life together on the outside.  In her buzzed state, she was entertaining the idea of all those wistful comments Sapphire made about escaping.
“Sapphire, do you want to leave?”
“Eh?” Now it was her turn to be surprised.
“I will set you free if you want me to.”
“Yes! Let’s leave.” Natalya closed her eyes, her life almost flashing before them.
“Wait here, I will be back for you soon,” Natalya rushed back to the main building.  Passing the wall clocks on the way, she knew it would be downtime for them.  Perfect.
“Hey, Anton! You’re back.  What happened with 09 back there?” Brady greeted.
“Do not-” Natalya cleared her throat, having to remember to speak lower again, “do not worry about that.  I handled it.  Instead, take this gift!” Natalya pulled the bottle of brandy out and presented it to the trio.  Brady leaned back into the couch with a stunned look.  Chad poked his head out from behind the couch, nodding his head at the offer.  Lorri folded her arms, chuckling with amusement.
“What’s the special occasion?” Lorri asked.
“No special occasion, just an apology for a couple of nights ago.  I did not mean to snap at everyone, I was just feeling frustrated.”
“Apology accepted,” Lorri and Chad cheered in unison.  Lorri grabbed the brandy from Natalya and headed to the cabinet to pull out four glasses.  Chad jumped over the couch and almost stumbled face first into the table if it weren’t for Natalya grabbing him.
“Brady, joining us?” Lorri asked, looking over to him still seated on the couch.
“... Why not?”
 It did not take long before all three were drunk and asleep on the couch again.  With a few guards off the floor, that would make escaping a touch easier.  She took a deep breath and gulped down one more glass of the brandy before leaving the rest of her life behind.
When Natalya returned, Sapphire was sitting down, staring at Natalya’s cap in her hands which had been knocked off earlier.  She looked up as she appeared in the doorway.
“You’re back!” Sapphire jumped up excitedly from her cot, reaching up on her tiptoes to plant another kiss on Natalya’s lips.  Again, it felt like all of her fear had been washed away.  When Sapphire pulled back, she placed Natalya’s cap on her own head.  “I have a plan,” she smiled.
The situation she was in felt extraordinarily strange, especially after the trauma she experienced at such a young age.  From being told she was disgusting for kissing one of the other girls back in her childhood, to watching a woman undress willingly in front of her.  She wondered if it was a normal progression of the steps, but figured that their whole situation was beyond normal.  Natalya loosened her tie and unbuttoned her shift.  Sapphire turned around as she only had to zip down her jumper and take off her heels.  Natalya looked down at her bandaged chest and sighed.
“Hmm, it’s probably time to take those off,” Sapphire appeared in front of her. Natalya looked up and away as Sapphire pushed her jacket and shirt off.  She pressed herself against Natalya, cold hands running up her back.  The bandages went slack as they had been cut in the back by Sapphire’s dangerously sharp nails.  “You’re going to need to help me with this,” Sapphire said, gingerly pulling the tie from over Natalya’s head.
“Of course.”
When they finished exchanging outfits, Natalya talked about possible exits they could take to escape.  Sapphire pulled her braid up to the top of her head and secured the cap in place.
“You sure you’ll be able to run in those,” Sapphire looked back and down at the heels that Natalya adorned.
“I have experienced my fair share of high heels, I will be okay,”
“Really? Then get that brain of yours into gear, and let’s get out of here!” Sapphire grabbed Natalya’s hand and began to run through the halls.  Natalya ran slightly ahead of Sapphire to lead the way.
“If we take the exit here we might be able to get out--” Natalya noticed in the corner of her eyes, almost running past a crisscrossing hallway, a guard was turning a corner down in their direction.  She grabbed Sapphire and pulled her back behind the wall.  “Maybe not that way…” They scurried into the other direction to find another turn to make.  After running down too many risky corridors and missing too many close calls, Natalya stopped running.
“This will never work with the two of  us…” Natalya hung her head.
“What? What do you mean?” Sapphire leaned closer to get a look at her expression.
“If both of us leave together, they will spot us and we will not be able to escape.  However, if I run out the main door and cause a distraction, you can escape.”
“W-What? Natalya, no… we can make it-”
“Sapphire please,” Natalya grabbed her other hand and pulled her close, pressing their foreheads together.  “Just do it… for me,” they shared a farewell kiss before Natalya pulled away.  Sapphire held onto Natalya’s hand as she moved in the opposite direction of her, their fingers begging not to let go or draw any farther from each other.  But with one more flash of a wavering smile, Natalya pulled far enough away and broke the lock.  Sapphire watched her go in disbelief.  The heartbroken expression didn’t last long before she broke out into a smirk, trying to hold back giggles.
“She did all the work for me~” she sang as she strolled out the door to her freedom.
 Natalya knew she was doomed, knew that she wouldn’t make it.  She had a feeling that conspiring with an inmate really was going to land her in some serious shit.  Lorri and Brady were right, but she had always been well aware of that.  And even though it would cost her her life, she wouldn’t change a thing.  She lived her whole existence trapped in a cage, too afraid to really live her life the way she wanted.  But now, even if she was trapped in a cage for the rest of her natural-born life, she got to find some happiness in Sapphire.  Even if all Sapphire wanted was an obedient dog, she’d be her dog.  She hung onto her every word after all, listening to all of her commands.  Regardless, she was grateful.  She would sacrifice herself for the woman she loved.
Guards from the watchtowers began to shout and panic, the siren blaring soon after, alerting that a prisoner was escaping.  The path ahead of her turned blurry as her eyes filled with mist.  She had stumbled, her hands grazing the ground as she righted herself again.  Along the way she thought she had even lost the black and white striped inmate jacket that always hung off Sapphire’s shoulders.  She wouldn’t stop running though, persistent to keep going until her last breath of air left her lungs.  Her ears were ringing with the sirens and the shouting and the pounding of her heart filled with fear and exhaustion.  Her feet were beginning to ache and sting from running in Sapphire’s heels for so long.  There was a brief moment when she had genuinely thought she might make it past and escape.
 A shot echoed out through the whole prison.
 Her face slammed onto the dirt path below her as she fell short.  She gasped and rolled over, bringing her hands to her face as blood streamed from her nose.  She wanted to get up and while the rest of her body was throbbing and pulsing with heat, she could no longer feel her left foot.  Lying on her back, she could hear footsteps approaching.  She was grabbed by the collar of her jumper and pulled up to face a red faced Chad.  Behind him were Lorri and Brady.
“Anton?!” Each one looked more stunned than the last.  More guards came and began to shout at the trio.  Chad was pushed out of the way and Natalya’s wrists were pulled above her head and bounded together.  She hung her head in defeat 
“This was the only one,” one of the guards said.  Natalya’s eyes lit up with relief.  She had made it out, unnoticed.  Tearfully happy for her in the end.
‘I’m really just your dog…’
 Sapphire pulled Natalya’s cap off her head and tossed it in front of her.  She shrugged off her jacket and laid it next to her.  She almost ripped the tie off of her neck, before finally figuring out how to loosen it.  She sighed and leaned her head against the cool metal wall of the truck she stowed herself away in.  The engine roared to life, and the doors of the cab in the front closed.  Time to go.  She leaned her head to the side and went to lean her weight onto her hand before crushing something underneath of her.  She retracted her hand, then riffled through the pockets of the jacket until she found the carton of cigarettes Natalya confiscated, along with a lighter she had never seen before.  Upon opening it, she sighed in relief as the cigarettes hadn’t been totally crushed.
“Don’t mind if I do,” she popped one out and lit one up, taking a long drag from it.  She may have spent a month and a half in prison, but it would have been much longer without her obedient little dog.  She thought about where she had ended up and laughed to herself, shaking her head.
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admintan · 6 years
A short story of my two OCs, Sapphire and Natalya, in their DnD au.  Ryan and Sapphire get into a fight and Natalya is there to comfort Sapphire.
Pairing: Satalya
Word Count: 1416
It had been another long and stressful day; it always was.  Fighting and surviving as they travelled just for it to happen again when they got to town and settled down.  Ryan and Sapphire had got into a little bit of a fight; nothing really major.  Sapphire rolled her eyes at his last comment and got up to exit the room.  She left just as Natalya was coming upstairs to retire to her separate room for the night.
“Oh, Sapphire.  What is wrong?” Natalya’s question was left ignored as the High-Elf raced down the stairs and out of the inn.  She walked off to the side where the buildings’ proximity to one another created an alleyway.  She rested her body against the wall and let out a loud sigh.  She squeezed her eyes shut to calm herself down only for her brain to force her to relive the situation she just went through.
“I love the warm welcome back into your life after we’ve been apart for so long,” was the last thing Ryan said before she stormed out.  The bar downstairs was closed so there was no one there, but she heard loud footsteps coming from inside quickly approaching.  Sapphire peeked from around the wall when she heard the door open.  The Half-Orc mercenary had followed after her.  Sapphire wasn’t quick enough to pull her head back behind the wall and was spotted by Natalya.
“What are you doing out here by yourself? What is wrong?” Natalya placed her hand on Sapphire’s shoulder and showed a look of genuine concern.  Sapphire bit her lip, her pride was forcing her to keep up the stone cold facade but her bottled up emotions were becoming too much to handle on her own.
“I… had a fight with Ryan,” her voice wasn’t harsh and aloof.  It was soft and wavering.  Natalya opened her arms up, confusing Sapphire by what the gesture was supposed to mean.  The women made eye contact and Sapphire was hit with the need to hug her which made the intentions of the gesture clear.  She stood there and considered whether or not she could allow that level of vulnerability and then she was resting her chin on the mercenary's shoulder.  She felt the warm embrace over take her; she felt safe.  The feelings from the hug finally caused her to reach her breaking point.  She started to tear up and as she did she hugged Natalya back.
“I’m sorry,” Sapphire said in Elvish to show more of her emotions without the repercussions of the Half-Orc understanding what she said.  She was trying to keep some sort of pride in tact, after all.
“It is okay,” Natalya said.  The women pulled away and Sapphire was quick to wipe her tears away so Natalya wouldn’t see.  Natalya then cupped Sapphire’s cheeks and said, “It will all work out.  You still have him and you have me…” Natalya pulled Sapphire’s face closer to her’s, “you have me” she repeated.  Sapphire wrapped her arms around Natalya again and inhaled deeply, breathing in the scent of soap and iron.  Even after taking a bath in the steaming hot water of the hot spring the smell of iron always lingered on her, it was becoming a scent Sapphire enjoyed.
“I don’t know why I’m acting like this, I didn’t mean for it to happen,” Sapphire murmured.  Natalya faintly chuckled, “it is perfectly normal.  It happens to best of us.”
“Do you want to go back inside?” Natalya asked.
“Maybe…” Sapphire answered without thinking.
“Okay.  I will finish sharpening my-”
Sapphire started thinking of Ryan again.  A deep sense of dread filled her stomach.  She noticed Natalya walking away and suddenly she was being pulled with her, not even having felt Natalya's hand holding hers.  Sapphire had expected to be left outside to be alone and in her thoughts, but the larger woman was gently pulling her along.  Sapphire followed her and they want back to Natalya's room.
Sapphire sat there for a few minutes before the uneasiness began to well up in her again.  Sapphire got up and left the room.  She headed back out of the inn.  There was a tightness in her throat and chest and her stomach felt like a pit of anxiety.  She ran her hands furiously through her hair, ripping out the ponytail, causing knots and hair to stick up in every which direction.  She was about ready to lose her mind; she paced back and forth in front of the inn until Natalya found her again.
“I did not notice you leave.  You Elves are stealthy bunch.” Natalya walked in front of Sapphire and stopped her pacing.  “Let us walk, da?”
The two walked in silence for a few moments before Natalya piped up.
“Are you okay?” Natalya asked.
“I’m fine.”
“That is lie,” Which caused Sapphire to glare at her.  “Would you like to talk about it?” Sapphire didn’t answer and Natalya didn’t persist.  Sapphire wasn’t one for being very open and so as a million thoughts raced through her mind she hesitated to make a decision.   She kept teetering back and forth between wanting to talk about it and not.
“I was the reason why he got sent away… when we were young I was a very terrible child.  In fact, I still am.  I did many bad things and I blamed it all on him so that my parents…” she sighed and ran a hand through her messy hair,  “I hate them just as much as I hate myself for what happened.   The one time that I actually wanted to do a prank with him,  we got caught and I tried to take the blame for it, but my parents wouldn't listen.  He was banished from Orchis and exiled to Sakura.  He told me that he spent most of his time in a temple of Hana, learning her ways of light and life.  It was supposed to be for children who misbehaved; to set them back on the right path.  He spent 100 years of his life separated from me.  60 years stuck in that temple and 40 trying to look for me.  And not a single day went by where he didn’t think of me.” Sapphire glanced at Natalya from the corner of her eye and saw that she was looking straight ahead.  “I thought of him too.  I got away from my parents because I couldn’t stand to be around them or be in that kingdom because everything felt so empty without.  He has no idea how much I missed him because I’m an idiot and can’t properly convey it to him.”
The silence came back and the loud thoughts of regret pushed their way into her head, killing the silence.  She pressed her long nails dangerously hard into the palm of her hand until Natalya spoke up.
“Sometimes we struggle greatly with words.  If that is case, we must show through action.  Notice how I take good care of your weapons, da? If they break in middle of combat and you die,” Natalya cocked her head to the side and shrugged.  An odd look on her face.  Sapphire chuckled and bumped Natalya with her shoulder.  “We should head back now.”
They returned to the inn and quietly made their way back upstairs.
“Are you staying with me tonight or are you going back to your room?” Natalya asked as she looked like she was ready to either hug Sapphire or head into her room.
“I’ll go back to mine.  You’ve--” Sapphire smiled and shook her head.  She hugged Natalya and received a tight squeeze.  Sapphire leaned back, arms still around Natalya.  “Thank you, by the way.” Natalya just smiled warmly in response.  Sapphire felt her cheeks flush and her heart skip a beat.  The overwhelming urge to kiss her became uncomfortably apparent at the forefront of her mind.
“Goodnight, Sapphire.”
“Goodnight,” They pulled apart but as they did their hands caught each other’s and for a split second Natalya gently squeezed Sapphire’s finger tips before they broke apart.  Sapphire watched Natalya walk down the hall as she slowly opened the door to her room, once Natalya made it to her door Sapphire slipped into her room and closed the door.  She looked over at one of the beds to see Ryan fast asleep.  And then the events of the evening replayed in her head and she couldn’t help but smile to herself as she went to bed.
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naruyuki-writes · 4 years
I Love You, Too
The year and a half that Natalya and Sapphire spent with each other were filled with ups and downs.  Life and death situations that quickly built the bond between them.  It was all too clear that they were both pining for one another and they finally couldn’t hold their feelings back.
Pairing: Satalya
Word Count: 3770
          They had been travelling for weeks and they finally made it to a city with a large bathhouse.  There were multiple rooms for public bathing, but there were also private rooms that were sectioned off for an extra price.  It was always Sapphire who suggested that they should take a nice long soak and unwind after for a couple of days after so much continual hard work.  It would drive them crazy if they never took a break, she would say.  She was more than willing to pay for the private room and any cleaning that their clothes and armor needed.  They were escorted to their private room, given towels and a tray of hygiene amenities, then they were left to their leisure.
           “Sapphire, how deep is the pool?” Dop asked as she leaned over the side, staring down into the murky water.
           “This doesn’t look clean,” Eclipse added.
           “The depth depends on the bathhouse, but it should be five feet at most in the center and shallower at the edges.  Also, the water isn’t crystal clear because they add oils into the water.  It keeps your skin soft and healthy, my dear,” Sapphire said, casting her towel to the side and walking into the pool.
           “How hot is it?” Dop was still leaning over the side, clutching her towel.
           “Too hot to jump in.” The teen deflated and waddled over to the edge.  She slowly hiked up her towel as she stepped in.  The water felt like it was boiling compared to the frigid air outside.
           “Oh geez, that’s so hot.”
           “I told--” A wave of water splashed over Sapphire and Dop as Eclipse had jumped into the center of the pool.  She popped back up and pushed her bright red hair out of her face.
           “How was that, Natalya?” She asked.
           The Half-Orc approached the edge and gave her a thumbs up.  “10 out of 10.  You form perfect ball every time.” Natalya then pulled her own towel away from her waist and joined Sapphire.
           “Why do you mock me every single time we come to a bathhouse?” Dop leaned forward and grabbed Eclipse’s shoulders, shaking her back and forth.
           “I would never mock you,” Eclipse’s face was blank and her voice monotone.  Dop just pushed her back into the water and sat down at the edge, melting into the hot water.
           “These trips never start off relaxing,” Sapphire sighed.  Natalya chuckled and pushed the hair out her face, slicking it back against her neck. Sapphire smiled, her eyes flickering from Natalya’s chest back up to her eyes.
           “But by end, you will have relieved huge amount of stress,” Natalya smiled back.  Sapphire’s skin was already flushed red from the heat of the water, but Natalya’s smile added heat to her face that no bathhouse could match.  She looked back to the entrance of the room and noticed Ryan was still standing there, covered up by his towel.
           “Ryan, you know that we don’t care, right?”
           “I-I know! I just like to let everyone else get in first before I do.  That way… no one is paying attention to me.”
           “We don’t care!” The girls said in unison. He whined.  He shuffled to the edge and got into the water with his towel still wrapped around him.  He then placed it back up onto the cold tiles and sank until his chin was just above the water.
           “One day you will get used to it,” Natalya reached over and clapped a rough hand onto his shoulder.
           “Mmm, maybe if we have a couple of years together.”
           “Of course we’ll have a couple of years together,” Dop said.  There was an awkward silence as they all exchanged looks with each other.
           “Once I find my mentor, I wouldn’t mind hanging out with you all for some time longer.  She always wanted me to have a relationship with someone other than her.”
           “She’ll be pleasantly surprised to know that you have four friends then!” Ryan grinned.
           “You haven’t really talked too much about her, just that you need to find her.  What’s her name?” Sapphire asked.
           “Her name isn’t important.”
           “Okay, well, a description then?”
           “Mmmmm…” Eclipse was quiet for a while.  “She’s taller than Natalya, but much more slender in build.  She has long black hair that she always wore in a ponytail.  Cute freckles…” a small smile curled up onto Eclipse’s lips. Everyone leaned in as she stared down into the water, not speaking.  She then looked up, remembering where she was at.  “That’s it,” she said before descending into the water.
           “Interesting,” Natalya smirked.
           “I know, that sounded scandalous,” Sapphire wiggled her eyebrows, looking up at Natalya.
           “Taller than me though? That’s pretty tall for a human woman.”
           “Eh, I’ve seen some get quite tall.”
           “Yeah.  You’d think they’d be smaller in this part of the country with how little there is to eat, but I guess they have to be hearty to survive the cold.”
           “I am quite hearty myself,” Natalya flexed her already well-defined biceps and shoulders.  Sapphire gave a long hard squeeze to her bicep.
           “I think I have to agree,” she laughed.
           “You are toned yourself,” Natalya said and poked at her stomach.  Sapphire slapped her hand and bit down on her lip so as to not burst into laughter.
           “You know I hate it when you do that!”
           “I cannot help myself!” Natalya grabbed Sapphire’s sides and squeezed them, making the Elf squeal.
           “Stop!!” Sapphire tried to push the other away but she was much stronger.  She instead slipped underneath the water and resurfaced by Dop and Eclipse.  “Save me!”
           “Hey! No roughhousing in the pool!” Dop yelled as she stood in front of Sapphire.
           “Dop I will tickle you too,” Natalya threatened as she waded over to them.
           “Oop, sorry Sapphire you’re on your own!” Dop made a quick escape.
           “You’re a traitooooooor!” Natalya grabbed Sapphire again and continued to have fun and games until Sapphire accidentally palmed Natalya in the face.
           “It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt!” Ryan said way too late.
           “I am fine, I have been hit by harder and lived,” Natalya tried to reassure Sapphire as she went back and forth between apologizing and scolding her.
             Once they were done messing around, they cleaned their hair, washed their bodies and dried off.  Their clothes were neatly folded up and waiting for them outside in the changing room.  Once they were dressed they rushed through the cold night air to the closest inn they could find and paid for two rooms.
           “All right,” Ryan clapped, “what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?” He looked around and waited for the girls to decide.
           “I wouldn’t mind the two R-- ahh-- ahh~hhh~hhh~” Dop awkwardly cut herself off and sang a very shaky note.  Ryan politely clapped.
           “You’ve been practicing!”
           “I have!” Dop laughed and looked away.  “Um, but Eclipse and Ryan, our trio is always fun.”
           “I’m fine with that.”
           “No complaints.”
           “Aww, what’s wrong Dop? Can’t handle being squished together by two old ladies?” Sapphire teased.
           “I know that it’s freezing outside but both of you are heaters! I wake up in the middle of the night sweating!”
           “I am fine with it being just us two,” Natalya’s hand somehow sneaked it’s way onto Sapphire’s waist, pulling her close. Sapphire’s heart had skipped a beat and she wasn’t feeling as cold anymore.  Dop and Ryan headed upstairs first, Eclipse making intense eye contact with Sapphire and Natalya before following the other two.
           Sapphire and Natalya entered their room and closed and locked the door.  They dropped all of their things and sighed.  They took off their heavy coats and undressed down to their lightest layers.
           “Finally, a bed to rest on,” Sapphire flopped down onto it.  Natalya joined her on the bed, smiling down at her.
           “It has been a while since we got a room to ourselves.”
           “A long while,” Sapphire rolled over onto her stomach and slid off the bed.
           “It reminds me of when it was just the three of us, and you were still paying me for my company,” Natalya leaned forward, leaning her head against the palm of her hand.
           “Haha, I paid for your services, not your company. It was you who couldn’t get enough of me,” she just smirked.
           “No, I could not.” The smirk on Sapphire’s face quickly dissipated, being replaced with a more doe-eyed stare.
           “Why did you decide to stay?”
           “You know I had no family.  I had been mercenary my whole life.  I know I look big and tough, and I am, but I also get lonely. Meeting you four and seeing what you all did just for love… it…” Natalya looked away and frowned, “I had no one to do that for.  I do not want to fight, just to fight.  I want to fight for those I love.” Tears began to stream down her face.  Her chest trembled as she tried not to cry.
           “Oh, Nattie,” Sapphire moved in front of the other and reached up to cup her cheeks, wiping her tears away with her thumbs. “Please, don’t cry.  We all love and care for you, and we want to protect you too.  Every single one of us appreciates how big your heart is.” Natalya took in a deep breath, leaning away to dry her face.
           “I am sorry.  That does not happen often.  I do not want to make you worry,” Natalya grabbed Sapphire’s hands and stood up, pulling her up as well.  Sapphire smiled sadly.  She wrapped her arms around her neck and hugged her tightly.  Natalya returned the gesture by wrapping her arms around her waist, pressing her warm body even closer to her’s.  Sapphire nuzzled her face deeper into Natalya’s neck, breathing in the lavender-scented body wash she cleaned herself with.  They held each other close for a long time until Natalya attempted to pull away, but Sapphire held on tighter, not ready to let go so soon.
           “Are you okay?” Natalya asked.
           “Mhm, I just… don’t want you to be sad,” she whispered.
           “I am not sad.  Not with you holding onto me so strong,” Natalya’s fingers traced up along Sapphire’s back, but it was impossible for the Elf to press her body closer to the Half-Orc’s.  She let out a shaky breath.  Natalya continued to trace her fingers up and down Sapphire’s back until she began to quietly moan.
           “Nattie,” she dug her nails into her forearm, trying to suppress all of the feelings that were stirring in her tummy.
           “Do you like that?”
           “Yes,” Sapphire nodded.  Natalya grabbed her hips and lifted her up.
           “Wrap your legs around me.” Sapphire did so, and Natalya sat down on the bed.  She warped one arm around her waist and brought the other one up to her neck to make Sapphire loosen her grip.  “I got you, lean back.” Sapphire leaned back, her hands loosely holding onto Natalya’s shoulders.  Natalya leaned forward and pressed her lips to Sapphire’s collarbones, quietly kissing up, up, up.  A trail of kisses made their way up her throat until they reached her jawline. She held Sapphire’s neck and leaned her head up so she could look at her face.  Her cheeks were red and though her lips were parted, deep marks were left in the skin from having bit down hard on her bottom lip.  They made eye contact but the Elf couldn’t hold it for long, becoming shy under the Half-Orc’s gaze.  “Is this okay?”
           “Y-yes,” she stammered.  Natalya flipped them around, Sapphire’s back pressed up against the soft mattress.
           “You are so wonderful to look at,” Natalya’s eyes wandered over her whole body, her dirty blonde hair spread out on the bed like a curly halo around her head.  She covered her face with her hands, but Natalya gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms above her head.  Her brown eyes shimmering and sparkling in the moonlight, flickering up to look and her, then back to the side with mad embarrassment.  Natalya pulled the tight band of fabric that held her chest down off and threw it somewhere to the side.  She then untied Sapphire’s lace bra and lifted her back off the bed to pull it off as well.  Natalya ran her hand down her chest to the top of her matching lace panties.  Her skin was smooth and brown like a fawn’s pelt.
           “Nattie,” Sapphire grabbed her hand and brought it back to her waist.
           “You haven’t kissed me yet.” Natalya tilted her head in confusion.  She hadn’t kissed her any lower than her collarbone, but she was going--
           Sapphire pulled her into a deep kiss.  It felt like fireworks went off in Natalya’s chest when their lips connected.  Her breath hitched and she was almost frozen.  When the fireworks subsided and her head caught up to what they were doing, she kissed back.  Trying to find a rhythm that felt right for them.  Natalya leaned up slightly, their lips just barely touching.  Sapphire smiled and then began to shower her face with kisses.
           “Kissing you feels right,” Sapphire said when she was finished.
           “It may become my favored thing to do.  I am not done with you yet, so we will see,” she moved back off the bed so she could access all of her body easier.  “Do you have anything you like?”
           “I… like to be… ate out.”
           “What coincidence, I love to eat.”
           “Ahh! Don’t say things like that! It’s embarrassing…”
           “You are so cute Любимая моя,” Natalya caressed her face, her hand travelling down her neck, stopping over top of her breast. She could feel just how rough her palms were compared to soft and squishy her breast was.  It was kind of fun to squish.  She squeezed it a couple more times before Sapphire groaned in irritation.
           “You can’t go a couple of minutes without playing around, can you?”
           Natalya just chuckled and smiled, “No, I cannot help myself.”
           “Nattieee!” She whined.  Natalya only laughed more and leaned down to give Sapphire a kiss.
           “I will be more serious.”
           “You better.  Or it’s gonna be me over top of you.” Natalya let out a squeak of surprise, her beauty had captivated her so much that she forgot how dangerous she truly was.
           “I will be more serious,” she repeated.  She gave her another kiss and then moved her head lower down Sapphire’s body.  She continued to squeeze her breast in one hand, but she drew her fingers in and pinched her nipple, pulling slightly to earn a quiet moan.  Natalya grabbed her other breast and swirled her tongue around her areola.  She licked and licked and licked until she brought her lips around her nipple to suck on it.  With each little pull, she took more of her into her mouth, sucking harder than before, and gently dragging her front teeth over the tiny bud.
           “Mmm, Nattie, I want you to do that to my clit,” Sapphire mumbled.  Natalya just hummed in acknowledgement.  She kneeled and brought her mouth down to the top of her panties, kissing right above the lace.  She grabbed her hips and lifted her up to pull them up her legs.  She kept them lingering around her ankles and pushed her face in between her thighs.  She kissed and licked her inner thighs, sucking until she left bright red marks. She ran her tongue from inside her thigh closer to the edge around her pussy.  She had a strong scent that filled Natalya’s senses, she felt a rush of excitement that almost reminded her of fighting.  But it was the excitement she felt when Sapphire protected her in combat, or when they would double team an enemy.  It almost drove her mad how intense the feeling was in her stomach.
           “I am going to eat you alive,” she said to herself.
           “Hm? Oh! FFFuck!” Natalya spread her lips apart to get a good look at how wet she was and she was absolutely soaking.  She licked from the bottom of her entrance to top of her clit.  She sucked on her clit with fervor, pulling off with a wet smack.  Sapphire reached down to grab a handful of Natalya’s white hair, it was soft and fluffy and the more of her heat she enveloped into her mouth, the harder Sapphire gripped her hair.  She moaned and whined, thrusting her pelvis into her face.  Natalya tilted her head to make room for her fingers to rub in between her pussy, prodding at her entrance.  “Yes! Yes! Put your fingers in!” She shouted.  Natalya pushed her fingers inside, causing Sapphire to gasp. Her other hand reached down for more hair and gripped onto it just as hard.
          Natalya grunted but she ignored the deathgrip on her head and continued.  She pumped her fingers into Sapphire, curling her fingers up to hit her sweet spot. Sapphire lifted her head up as the ecstasy from the feeling ran through her whole body.  She slammed her head back down onto the mattress and whined so hard she sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
          “Nattie, I’m gonna--I’m gonna fucking cum,” her words came out quiet and strained as she desperately gasped for air that her lungs would not let her breathe in.  The waves of pleasure from hitting her sweet spot and the pressure that had swiftly built up from working on her clit finally sent her over the edge.  She squeezed her eyes so tight that her vision went white for a split second.  She arched her back and curled her toes and let out a long, high-pitched moan.
          When she came down from her high, her fingers relaxed and cramped with pain from holding them in such a tensed position for so long.  She panted out moans of the lingering pleasure and ensuing exhaustion.  She brought her arms back over her head and let her eyes flutter open.  Natalya pulled her fingers out and licked them clean. She took a big breath as she finally had the chance to breathe.  She slipped out from between Sapphire’s thighs, wiping her mouth mostly clean from all of the saliva and cum that covered her mouth and chin.
          “Fuck, I need a drink,” she walked over to her bag and pulled her flask of vodka from it, taking a few gulps.  She walked over to the bed and sat down next to Sapphire, offering her the flask.
          “Thanks,” Sapphire accepted the offer and took a swig, then handed it back.  Her chest was pounding in her ears.  Her eyes were drooping closed again.  Cumming that hard took all of the energy she had left in her sore body.  She pushed herself up and then rested her head into Natalya’s chest.
          “Did you enjoy yourself?”
          “Hmm, I did,” Sapphire weakly smiled.
          “Good.  I did too,” she then chugged down the rest of the contents of her flask.  She pushed the lid back on and then tossed it over to her bag, missing it, causing a loud clang to startle the dozing Elf awake. “Sorry, sorry,” she wrapped her arms around the smaller woman and held her tight.
          “I love you.” Before she could even process what Sapphire said, the response came immediately,
          “I love you too.” And she had for a very long time.  She had fallen so deeply in love with her during their time together and all she wanted to do was make her happy.  Even if the feelings weren’t mutual, she wanted to keep her safe.  Sapphire could hate her guts and want her to die, and she knew that she would still be hopelessly in love.
          “You didn’t even hesitate.  Did you even hear what I said?” Sapphire joked.
          “Yes and no.”
           Sapphire readjusted herself, stradling Natalya’s lap. “When did you fall in love with me?”
           “When? Oh… I do not think there was specific time. You did so many little things that kept stealing pieces of my heart, until you took very last piece.”
           “You’re such a sap,” Sapphire pulled Natalya closer to press their foreheads together.
           “What about you?”
           “Me? Oh… that’s…”
           “You’re gonna find a way to tease me even though… it was so scary when I realized.”
           “I will only tease you small amount.” Sapphire slapped Natalya’s cheeks and groaned in annoyance.
           “I will kiss you so hard.”
           “Are you… threatening me?”
           “Maybe.  Keep it up and you’ll find out.” Natalya only grinned.
           “Tell me.  I want to know.”
           “Fine… it was the first time those agents of Orchis came after us.  And they… almost killed you because you wouldn’t let me go.  I was so scared because I didn’t want to lose any of you, but seeing you look so lifeless almost…” Sapphire squeezed Natalya’s cheeks and sat in silence for a moment.  She took in a deep breath and held it for a minute before she continued speaking, “I just knew I didn’t wanna stop seeing your dumb face.”
           “You think my face is dumb?”
           “Noo,” Sapphire frowned and rapidly slicked back Natalya’s hair.  “You have the cutest face.”
           “That is not true, Dop has cutest face.”
           “You got me there.  But you’re pretty damn cute,” Sapphire kissed her cheek, “when I finally accepted my feelings were not all that long ago.”
           “Oh? When was this?”
           “Remember back in Springgrove? I asked you to dance with me and you said that you didn’t know how to, so I told you I’d teach you.”
           “That’s when I knew that there was nothing I could do to escape how badly I wanted you.  I just wanted to do small things like that with you for the rest of my life. Watch you get dressed in the morning, help you clean your axe, listen to the advice you always have ready to give. Now I finally have you… why did it take so long?”
           “It does not matter.  Every moment I got to spend with you made me happy.  Now we get to look forward.”
           “You really are always ready.”
           “We should sleep now.  You look very tired.”
           “I’m not tired,” she yawned.
           “You always wake up before me anyway, do not fight it.”
           “My brain is always half awake, what can I say?”
           “You can say ‘goodnight’,” Natalya turned leaned back with Sapphire still on top of her.  Sapphire reached back and pulled the blankets over top of them, scooching off to the side, but wrapping her legs around one of Natalya’s.
           “Goodnight, Nattie.”
           “Goodnight, Любимая моя.”
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admintan · 7 years
June 20, Lemonade Stand
“This is what Americans do… Lemonade Stands,” Natalya was sitting on her lawn, drilling pieces of wood together for her daughter.  She came home today saying that she wanted to start a lemonade stand.  While she was sitting there, her husband was out at the store with their daughter getting lemons, lots of sugar, and lots of ice.
“Natalya, I see you’re doing more menial work,” Nile said as he walked up.  Natalya sucked her teeth and looked behind her.
“What the hell do you want, Nile?” Her accent thickened.
“I heard some drilling and loud Russian and wanted to check out what was happening,” he smirked and snickered at Natalya’s predicament.
“Nile, when was last time you did manual labour for your daughter, eh?” She stood up and got in his face.  “When was last time you gave her piggyback ride, or carried her on your shoulders entire time while grocery shopping?” Nile opened his mouth to respond but Natalya cut him off.  “Do not care.  I do care when you invade my personal life and I did not ask.” Nile sharply inhaled.  He obviously had no comeback.
Past him, Natalya saw their car pull up, “Go home Nile,” she muttered and pushed him out of the way by his face.  She jogged over to the car and leaned into the open window to speak to Noémi.
“Hallo my little черника.  Did you and Papa get everything you needed.”
“Mhm, and he even got me a chair for our stand.”
“Our?” Natalya questioned.
“Yeah, we’re all going into the lemonade business together.  You are going into the lemonade business with me, right?” She looked at both of her parents while they gave each other a look.  They were going into the lemonade business with their daughter.
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admintan · 6 years
I love Natalya and Sapphire. They've never met in any au except my dnd one and they're perfect for each other. My interracial lesbians ;u; I love them so much
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