#oc: marie fernandez
softspeirs · 6 hours
Steer Clear
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A/N: Here we are, kids. This OC came to me out of nowhere. I had no plans to write anything for Ev Blakely, but once I started thinking about it, I couldn't stop. Meet Marie.
It was an innocuous request, in his mind. Hey, Fernandez. Run these messages to the Colonel on your way?
She had frozen in place, halfway down the tower steps at his words, and he recognized the look on her face. He's seen it a thousand times since he met her over a year ago.
"I'm pressed for time, Captain." She says. "I have to run these figures to the plotters--"
"You're on your way there anyway." He insists. He holds out a stack of messages. Weather reports, updated communications from nearby bases, messages about incoming ferries happening later that day.
She turns her back on him.
Heads right down the stairs like he hadn't even spoken, and leaves him standing there.
"For fuck's sake," he whispers to himself, and then he's taking off, hot on her heels.
She's like a wraith the way he catches only glimpses of her disappearing around corners, until finally she's in Ops, handing a message to Red at the maps before turning to pass on other messages, her steps quick and efficient.
The room is relatively quiet and he's sure he's not imagining the way people take one look at the two of them and pretty much clear out. They don't want to be stuck inside with them when the arguing inevitably starts.
He sighs. "Fernandez-- can you just wait a minute?"
"Not really, no."
The thing about an impending promotion is that he's starting to understand why Jack hates being Air Exec. He hates being stuck inside, or in the tower, or elsewhere on the base while others are doing the flying. He understands his role. He'll do it and he'll do a damned good job of it, but that doesn't mean he likes it.
Especially because it means he's in close contact with the Ops staff, who are all, except for Marie Fernandez, willing to work with him.
"Do we have a problem?" He blurts, because he already knows they do. The first day he met her she looked at him with.... nothing. She wasn't rude or anything, but he felt like he could have been any other suit standing in front of her, and it hit him in the gut like he didn't expect. "I'm not giving you orders, I just asked if you'd do me a favor." He's aware his tone is hardening. He's trying not to let it happen, but she's just staring at him in that way she does.
"I don't work for you," she points out, tone perfectly neutral, but something about it just grates. He opens his mouth to respond, but she beats him to it. "I work for the Colonel, and he's the one who gives me orders."
His hands go to his hips and he looks down at the ground, clenching his jaw as he fights his temper. "We're working together, Fernandez. All of us." He leans in, "Unless you forgot."
Her eyes narrow. "Because I couldn't possibly feel the same patriotism that you do, could I?" She pretends to think, finger tapping he chin. "I forgot that the only way to fight from the air is in the seat. Us pencil pushers don't count." Her eyes are blazing, a few tendrils of her dark hair escaping from their pins after hours and hours of work.
"You weren't supposed to hear that." He mutters. Not a good excuse, but he can't help but bite back at her. She gets under his skin - he needs to have the last word. It's a matter of pride, is what he tells himself.
"Then don't gossip where everyone can hear you, Captain." She raises a perfectly manicured eyebrow. "Now. Is there something I can help you with? Because if not, then we're busy."
He takes a deep breath, tries to lower his voice. "I'm just asking if you would be willing to take messages when you're on your way anyway--"
"-- And I told you I don't have time. I know you think I don't do anything but sit around and twirl my hair all day--"
"That's not what I think."
"Can I--" Harry Crosby's head appears around the doorframe of his office.
"Not now, Croz--"
"Shut up Harry--"
They both snap at him in unison, and he holds his hands up in surrender and backs into his office. He's been the third wheel of too many arguments between Fernandez and Blakely over the last few months, and he has no desire to get in the middle of another one, even though he's desperate for a few minutes of quiet.
The sudden quiet between them is tense and for a moment -- he doesn't even think she's aware she does it - the wall around Marie Fernandez comes down. Her face is open, vulnerable. She looks exhausted, just like the rest of them.
She takes a deep breath, settles her shoulders, and squares to face him again, and he's suddenly breathless. She is unbearably lovely. Especially when she's yelling at him. And his heart is pounding, and she's saying something but he can't hear her and--
"Well?" She snaps.
"I-- what?"
"I said, the next time you need something from Ops, send one of the other girls. There's no need for us to keep disturbing everyone else." Her voice is quieter than it was a few minutes ago and he hates it. The fight's gone out of her eyes too, and for a crazed half-second, he wants to reach for her.
To do what, he has no idea, but suddenly he feels out of control, like he has no idea how to speak or move or--
She brushes past him. The door slams behind her as she goes back to her office, just outside the Colonel's.
He pinches the bridge of his nose as the quiet of the room settles over him. He knows this has to get sorted. They can't keep fighting like this, not with the invasion so close on the horizon, not when the communication between Ops and the tower is so important.
They need to trust each other, and he needs to keep his big mouth shut and stop taking his frustrations out on her.
He knows all this, but there's a part of him that's itching for a fight, and she's always willing to give it. Perhaps it's the masochistic part of him that came back from Bremen, knowing everything had gone to shit and convinced that it always would.
Harry comes out of his office again, hands in his pockets.
"Don't say it--"
"You can't keep doing that." He says, serious.
"She started it--"
"She's just doing her job, doing what she's supposed to do."
"I asked for a favor! That's all! Goddamn, you'd think I'm asking for her to get in the goddamn seat and drop a bomb on Hitler's house."
Crosby frowns. "Look, I just-- you let her get to you, and I don't know why, but you're driving everyone crazy. We're all tired but this is too important."
He opens his mouth to argue that Harry Crosby of all people shouldn't be lecturing him about being tired, but he bites his tongue. The door behind him opens again, and he looks over his shoulder, expecting her to storm back in and demand he apologize to her, but it's Douglass.
"Fightin' with Marie again?" He asks, casually, leaning against the wall as he bites down on an apple.
"Jesus Christ." Ev mutters.
"I'm just asking because the two of you really know how to clear a room."
"I'm going to go now. Don't you two have anything better to do?"
"Besides bother you? Not really."
"Thanks, Dougie."
Douglass follows him out the door, calling after him, "Just let us know when you're finally going to do something about it so we can steer clear, alright?"
Blakely flips him the finger over his shoulder and walks back to the tower, his gut roiling for reasons he doesn't want to examine. No, he'll steer clear of her from now on. It's best for everyone.
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drabbles-mc · 1 year
Not Yours Anymore
Steve Murphy x OC Mari Fernandez
For Day 24 of @narcosfandomdiscord's July Smut Challenge: exes having sex
Warnings: 18+, language, smut, hair pulling, alcohol, light angst, Steve being a lil bastard man
Word Count: 3.2k
A/N: the way i craft up a new OC and immediately fall in love with her. trust that i WILL be looking for excuses to write more of her in the future sksksk
Narcos Taglist: @garbinge @sizzlingcloudmentality @panagiasikelia @616wilsons @hauntedforsst @mirabee @buckybarneshairpullingkink @boomclapxox @nessamc @supersanelyromantic @padbrookcottage @mysun-n-stars @raincoffeeandfandoms @justreblogginfics @ashlingnarcos @proceduralpassion @artemiseamoon @hausofmamadas @narcolini @cositapreciosa (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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There was a moment when Maristela thought that she was hearing things. It’d been so long since she’d gotten a good night’s sleep that she thought she might’ve finally lost it. She tossed and turned, her thick dark curls spreading across the pillow and getting dangerously close to getting in her mouth as she did so. She tried to force herself to just go back to sleep, enjoy what precious little bit of rest she was getting, when she realized that the knocking sound wasn’t stopping. Someone was actually at her door.
She didn’t have to check the time to know that it was too late for visitors. Grabbing her gun off her bedside table, she fumbled her way out of bed and made her way to the other end of her apartment. She was shaking her head the entire way, partly to wake herself up, partly because she was already annoyed with whoever it was, whatever the situation was about to be.
Standing up onto her tip-toes, she glanced through the peephole. When she saw who was on the other side, she sucked in a slow, deep breath. She was reaching for the deadbolt when the knocking picked up again. She almost turned around and left him stranded there off the principle of it.
There was one more forceful knock before she heard him speak up from the other side. “C’mon, Mari.”
Rolling her eyes, she pulled the door open. Steve froze up, fist raised and ready to start knocking again. Her eyes flicked from his hand to his face. “You wake up Señora Sanchez down the hall with that shit, I won’t stop her from beating you with her newspaper.”
Steve meant to have something witty to say in response to that. He was usually better at that, the bitterness that they tried to pass off as the same rough sarcasm everyone used with each other throughout the base. But after everything that had happened that day, and then to show up and see her standing in front of him the way she was, all of his thoughts came to a screeching halt.
Her hair was messy, frizzy from sleep. He knew that she’d been tossing and turning based off that alone. Despite the remnants of eyeliner that were smudged beneath her eyes, darkening her already dark circles, she looked more alert than he’d felt before she opened the door. He saw the way she clutched her gun tightly in her hand. Her finger wasn’t on the trigger, but it wasn’t far from it either.
He could’ve handled all of those details with some semblance of grace. Or at least, whatever he had that was as close to grace as he could get. But then he saw her standing there in one of his old t-shirts. One that had rips along the seam of the collar, one that he was fairly certain she’d told him to throw out on more than one occasion. And yet she clearly hadn’t gotten rid of it either.
When he had stood there staring at her long enough without saying anything, she prompted him. “What, Murphy?”
He snapped out of it at the sound of her voice, more specifically at the sound of her calling him by his last name as she stood there in his fucking clothes. “I don’t think you get to call me that when you’re still wearing my shit,” he said, gesturing to the shirt she was wearing.
Looking down at herself, she scoffed. “You left it behind—not your shit anymore.” She paused, again waiting for an answer, an explanation, that didn’t come. “So? Did you actually finally come to get your t-shirts back or…?”
He sighed, shaking his head. “Can I just,” he looked up and down the hallway, like he was starting to worry that your neighbor might come out of her apartment with a rolled up newspaper in her hand, “can I come in?”
She thought on it for a beat longer than she should have before finally stepping back, opening the door a little wider for him to step through. As he stepped past her, Mari could catch the scent of liquor, of cigarette smoke. One of those things was a constant with him, and one of them wasn’t. She put the locks back in place on the door, buying herself an extra couple of seconds, also giving him the same in case he suddenly felt like spitting out the reason he had shown up at her door in the middle of the night.
When she turned back around to face him again, the expression on his face had shifted. He still looked tired, still a little over it. But the edge in his features softened just slightly. Taking the few steps from the door to the center of her living room where Steve was standing, Mari raked her hand back through the mess of hair on top of her head. Steve couldn’t help but to notice the way the hem of his shirt crept slightly higher up her thighs as she did so. He also was too aware to miss the fact that it didn’t seem like she was wearing any shorts underneath it.
“Murphy,” she repeated, “what’s going on? Why…” she trailed off for a moment before deciding that the question didn’t need to be built out anymore. “Why?”
He shut his eyes for a moment, trying to fight the urge to snap back at her. An argument was so inviting. It was easy, and they were good at it. But he didn’t need a fight. “Please, Mari,” each word felt like a herculean effort as he tried to keep his tone in check, “can we drop the agent-officer bullshit for a minute? Please?”
That was the most she could ever remember hearing him say the word please. Stepping away, she went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass for each of them. The clatter of her gun against the counter felt deafening with how silent her apartment was.
“What happened?” she asked as she poured whiskey into both of them, a little more in hers than his.
He shook his head. “I feel like I’m losing my fuckin’ mind.”
She shrugged as she put the bottle away. “You probably are.”
“What the fu—”
“I’m sorry, did you come to your ex’s apartment in the middle of the night looking to be coddled?” she asked, the question as sarcastic as it was genuine. She had no idea what the fuck Steve would want from her at this point. He certainly hadn’t seemed like he wanted anything from her when he left her a few months before, throwing all her things that were at his apartment into a box and dropping it off like a care package.
“I don’t,” he shook his head as he walked into the kitchen, taking one of the glasses she’d poured for himself, “I don’t know. Who else was I gonna go to?”
“You and Peña in a spat or something?”
“He wouldn’t get it,” he mumbled out before taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
Mari shook her head. “I don’t think you get it.” She saw the incredulous look on his face and shrugged before downing more of her drink than she probably should have at once. “What? I still don’t know why you came banging on my door tonight.” She swirled the liquor around in the glass. “What do you want from me, Steve?”
His eyes dropped to the glass in his hand. “I don’t know.”
“Not to be a dick,” she took another sip of her drink, “but you remember that you left me, right? If you wanted middle of the night chats, maybe you shouldn’t have dumped me.”
The lack of fault in her statements stung, but still Steve said, “You still let me in.”
“Want me to kick you out?” she countered without hesitation.
“Quit,” she waved him off with her hand that wasn’t holding her glass, “fuckin’ saying my name like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like you give a shit about me still. Like you’re not just here because you didn’t wanna be alone and you’ve got nowhere else to go.”
“Where do you go when you feel like that?”
The question he asked was not the question he meant. What he meant was who do you go to when you feel like that, but she didn’t correct him. “Nowhere,” she replied honestly. “I buckle the fuck down and get through it. Because the last time I tried going to someone,” she motioned back and forth between them, “we ended up here.”
“Want me to go?”
She let out a deep sigh. “So I can feel extra shitty when you leave and go get in a fight with some guy at a bar somewhere? End up in jail, or the hospital?” She shook her head. “No. You can sleep on the couch.”
The lift in his eyebrows said that he wanted to make a comment about the couch, but he was smart enough to, just this once, keep his commentary to himself. “Thanks.”
“Yea.” She finished off her drink, grabbing her gun before going to leave the kitchen. “Wait here. You can borrow one of my shirts.”
“You left them!” she called back.
Steve had no better judgment left at that point, so he found himself following Mari back towards her room. He assumed that she could hear him behind her, but she didn’t say anything. He lingered in the doorway for a moment as she crossed the threshold. It looked pretty much the same as the last time he’d been there. He watched her as she crossed the room to her dresser. She crouched down, pulling open one of the bottom drawers where, he assumed, she kept whatever shirts he’d left behind.
His brain couldn’t take the time to process the weight of that when he saw the way his shirt rode up, revealing the black fabric and lace that made up her panties. He sucked in a quick breath, the sound much more obvious than he had bargained for. He knew that Maristela heard it, because she was shaking her head as she balled up one of his shirts in her hand and stood back up. She nudged the drawer shut with her foot before turning around.
Steve was completely inside her room now. He was looking around, as though that would make it seem like he hadn’t just been staring at her. She tossed the shirt to him. “Couch is out in the living room, in case you forgot.”
He chuckled, catching what she’d just thrown. “Right.”
She collapsed the distance between the two of them. Looking up at him, she said, “Goodnight, Murphy.”
Dropping his head back, Steve stared up at the ceiling for a moment before letting his eyes close. “Can you not, with that?”
Tilting his head back down, he looked at her. He leaned in, towering over her. “You know what.”
“If you wanted to stay on a first-name basis, maybe you shouldn’t have—”
He cut her off by pressing his lips against hers. He felt the way that she didn’t give in for a moment, the hesitation lasting just long enough to make him think that he was about to be on the receiving end of a palm to the face. He wouldn’t really be able to blame her for it. His body tensed up in return as he braced for it, but instead her palm landed against his chest as she finally let herself give into him.
Steve let the shirt she’d just handed him drop to the floor as he brought both his hands to her sides. They lingered for a moment before sliding down over her hips. He pushed the fabric of the t-shirt up, bunching it until the pads of his fingers were grazing across skin instead of cotton. His fingers splayed across her back, sliding down until they were slipping just beneath the waistband of her underwear.
She broke their kiss as he maneuvered her back towards her bed. “You’re still sleeping on the couch,” she said, her breath warm against his skin.
He kissed her again, rough and brief, teeth tugging at her bottom lip just slightly as he pulled away. “No one’s sleeping yet.”
Steve picked her up, all but tossing her onto the mattress. He peeled his shirt off over his head, tossing it aside before undoing his belt and pushing his jeans to the floor. He was down to just his boxers as he climbed up onto the bed, positioning himself over her, slotting one leg between hers. He kissed her, hand creeping up to cup the side of her face for a brief moment before his fingers wound their way back into her hair. He gripped onto her and pulled, earning a moan from her as her eyes shut, her body moving with the force he was giving. She arched her back, her core grinding against his thigh that was between her legs.
He only let go over her so that he could pull her underwear down her legs. Once they were low enough Mari kicked them off the rest of the way. Her legs were trembling with anticipation as his hand snaked up the inside of her thigh.
“Oh my god,” Steve’s words came out somewhere between a whisper and a moan as he trailed his fingers between her legs, feeling how wet she already was.
Mari tried not to think too much about the sound of Steve’s voice in that moment, tried not to let it sink its claws into her the way that it used to. Instead she gripped onto the waistband of his boxers and started to push them down. A distraction but also something that got them closer to the end goal.
Steve was quick to help her kicking out of his boxers and tossing them off the bed. He pulled her legs so that they were wrapped around his waist. His hand came back to the side of her face. He was about to pull her lips to his, thrust into her and lose himself, but she planted her palm flat against his chest. Her arm was stiff, keeping the barrier between them.
Confusion crossed Steve’s face. “What—”
She answered with her actions instead of her words. Shifting her hips and pushing against his chest, she easily maneuvered the two of them so that their positions were reversed. Steve was flat on his back beneath her, Mari left straddling his waist. He looked up at her, eyes a little wider than they had been. The smirk that was curling the edge of his mouth made Mari’s thoughts get fuzzy for a moment before she remembered the reality of it all.
His hands found purchase on her waist, gripping tight as he lined her up with him. Her palms were flat against his chest, fingertips setting into him just slightly as her eyes raked down his entire body until they reached the point where they were about to be connected. She felt the delicious dig of his grip as he pulled her, thrusting into her.
She would’ve hated how easily they found their rhythm again if it didn’t feel so good. Steve’s hands ran up her back, her fingers curling over the curves of his shoulders as her hips rolled against his. She could feel the tension in Steve’s muscles, the way he was fighting to have any semblance of self-control. His eyes roamed over her body and face. For as much as he was losing himself in the feel of her, all the sensations he thought he’d never get to experience again, he couldn’t help but to soak up the look of her too. The way her jaw was a little lax, the way her hair was starting to fall in front of her shoulders. Maybe he didn’t have the right to be looking at her like that anymore, but then again he didn’t have a right to be doing most of what he’d done already so he might as well go for broke.
Mari moved her hands from his shoulders. Steve watched as she brought them to the bottom hem of the shirt she was wearing. She was about to take it off, easily slip it off over her head and toss it aside with everything else. Before she could, Steve reached out and stopped her, grabbing tightly onto her wrists. She stilled as she looked down at him, traces of confusion lingering in her features along with everything else.
His voice came out low, raspy as he said, “Leave it on.”
She hated that he said it like that. Hated even more that it sent a jolt right to her core to hear it. She listened, though, relinquishing the fabric from her grip. She shook her head at Steve, leaning down to bring her lips to his in a kiss. Right before she did, she muttered out a quiet, “Motherfucker,” before locking her lips onto his.
Once she leaned down to kiss him, Steve wrapped his arms around her. He kept her close, feeling her hips move against his as her tongue slid along the inside of his bottom lip. In that moment the mess of everything was blotted out. It was just her pressed against him, all of the complications of it gone for the time being. Life outside the four walls of her bedroom didn’t exist and they were both better for it.
He could feel that she was getting close, the whines she let out, the intensity of her movements. Steve gripped onto her hair again, pulling her head back just enough so that he could get access to her neck, sinking his teeth into the sensitive skin there. He felt the way Mari’s nails dug into him in retaliation, but it only served to help pull him over the edge with her. His other hand glued itself to her hip as he came, pinning her as tightly to him as he could manage as he spilled into her.
She was breathless as she let herself collapse against him. All the tension in her muscles was gone. Her head dropped, forehead pressing against Steve’s shoulder close to where her nails had dug before. Both his hands drifted to her back, wandering over the fabric of the shirt she still had on.
After a few minutes of quiet between them, they each caught their breath. Mari carefully separated herself from Steve, flopping onto the mattress beside him. She was staring up at the ceiling and she could feel him looking over at her.
“You still have to sleep on the couch,” she said, draping her arm across her forehead.
He chuckled. “You sure?”
“Positive.” Her eyes shut, heart still racing faster than it should’ve been in her chest.
“Fine. Gonna keep the shirt you gave me, though.”
She shook her head as she watched him slip back into his boxers and grab the shirt from the floor. She huffed out a quiet laugh as he made his way back towards the door. “Night, Steve.”
He was glad she couldn’t see the small shift in his expression as he registered the words. “Night, Mari.”
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kawaii-sugarii · 10 months
Voice Headcanons (Canon Racers)
I've got quite a lot, so let's not waste time and jump straight to it. (Quick note: quite a lot of them will have Danganronpa VAs.)
I'll quick-fire the ones who keep their VAs: Vanellope: Sarah Silverman (her original voice) Taffyta: Melissa Villaseñor (her RBTI voice) Jubileena: Josie Trinidad (her original voice)
Now for those whom I've changed their VAs (and the reasons why (Note: It's only a headcanon, I have nothing against their current voice actors)): Rancis: Bryce Papenbrook (Makoto Naegi). There's this sort of awkwardness I'm hearing in Naegi's voice, which fits really well with my interpretation of Rancis as a friendly yet awkward guy. Candlehead: Cassandra Lee Morris (Angie Yonaga). If we remove the accent in Angie's voice, then I think it's the perfect voice for Candlehead. It sounds silly and cute, just like her. Crumbelina: Sara Miller-Crews (Lumine). She's credited with a voice, but it's barely there, so I thought she deserves a voice change. Other than that, Lumine's voice has a mix of calm and sassy, which I think would go well with Crumbelina's character.
And now to give the others their VAs (and the reasons why): Adorabeezle: Christine Marie Cabanos (Chiaki Nanami). I picture Adorabeezle having a calm, sort of whispery voice, which is basically what Chiaki's voice sounds like. Plus, with a voice like that, I'm sure it makes her sound much more caring. Minty Z: Giselle Fernandez (Aloy). The voice is pretty strong, as well as deep but not too deep, which to me is perfect for Minty, a stubborn girl with a confident aura. Snowanna: Novie Edwards (LeShawna). I swear, I wanted to give Snowanna a different VA, but I can't help but think that LeShawna's voice is just perfect for her. Loud and sharp-tongued, just like the afro girl herself. Swizzle: Kyle Hebert (Kaito Momota). Kaito's voice just radiates the bro energy that Swizzle has. It's deep, that's true, but I couldn't really think of any other character whose voice had the same energy as The Luminary Of The Stars. Gloyd: Erika Harlacher (Venti). A playful voice for a playful racer. What can I say? I've headcanoned Gloyd having a high pitched voice, and to me, Venti's voice was the perfect one for him. Citrusella: Carrie Keranen (Mahiru Koizumi). Originally, Citri's VA was Ming Na Wen (Mulan), but after hearing Mahiru's voice, I've changed it. Either way, the voice got sass, fitting for Citrusella's character. Sticky: Stephanie Sheh (Mikan Tsumiki). Minus all the stuttering, it's another quiet and whispery voice for another quiet character. This one, however, is more high pitched and quivery, which goes well with my interpretation of Sticky, a quiet and timid girl. Come to think of it, Hinata's voice would also work. Torvald: Wendee Lee (Akane Owari). Ignoring the weird lines, Akane's voice sounds loud and confident, like Torvald. And along with that, there's a sense of boiserousness I'm hearing in her voice. Nougetsia: Cassandra Lee Morris (Aoi Asahina). I know it's the same VA as the one I gave Candlehead, but Hina's voice to me sounds like how I imagined Nougetsia would sound like. There's a bit of ditziness in her voice, which goes well with my interpretation of Noggy. Minty S: Kelly Baskin/Iwami Manaka (Amber). Noticed how I gave Sakura 2 VAs? And that's because since she's a Japanese racer, I thought of giving her an English VA and a Japanese VA. That aside, despite initially envisioning her with a more calm voice, I'm pretty sure she'd be a tad too outgoing for this voice. In her case, I had to listen to Amber's both English and Japanese voices to see if both fitted Sakura, and personally? Both passed.
(That was Part 1 out of 3 of voice headcanons. Next part will feature my Present Gen OCs.)
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romanarose · 2 months
Meet my Oc’s!
Samantha Marie Waters
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From my series Sunshine Starlight Sweetheart Brightside, Sam is an energetic, quirky, compassionate redhead from a large family. With a history of child abuse, sexual assault and mental illness, when she meets Steven, Marc and Jake she does a good job at hiding it. She thinks.
Rebecca Levi
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From Seattle, this is Rebecca after Marc has to come get her when she finally decides to leave her abusive husband after years of abuse leaving her with scarring on her face. Rebecca is intense, hard working with a strong sense of justice towards everyone except herself. Rebecca is proudly Jewish.
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Candy started as just a reader with a nickname but took a like of her own. A prostitute in 70’s Colombia she is an informant to Javier Peña and Santiago Garcia. She is self sufficient, outspoken and protective of those she holds dear. Candy is Colombian and has worked her way out of brothels to own her own sex work completely.
Lacina Marie Dumas
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First picture is when santi first finds her tied up in a basement. Second picture is several months later, Laci is happy and getting better, one step at a time. Laci is a gentle soul, girly, giggly, cried easily and cares deeply for others. Despite being all of 5 feet (barely) she is fiercely protective of 6’3 Ben miller. Her father was an immigrant from French and she speaks French. She’s soft and empathetic.
Jana Abeda Fernandez
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Frankie Morales’s “lady” and the mother of his children, Jana never stopped loving him when they broke up after she got sober and he couldn’t just yet. But she never gave up on the love of her life, supporting him until the time was right to get back together. Jana is a highly educated Afro-Latina woman, she’s laid back, teasing, and fun loving ex-military current social worker. Jana has a strong sense of right and wrong and is protective of the vulnerable
Lorelei Ngoc Giang
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A lover of all things old Hollywood, Lorelei dresses like something out of a 50’e fashion magazine. Don’t let her classy look and love of flowers fool you, Lorelei doesn’t fuck around. Will swears he fell in love the day he met her when she was Ben’s ER nurse and she didn’t take his shit. When her ex boyfriend slapped her, she knocked out his tooth. Lorelei is calm, self-assured in her abilities and brain but less in her self worth. She’s stunningly beautiful, incredibly intelligent and if she thinks you’re being a dick, she’ll tell you.
Cameron MacDonald
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Not introduced yet in the LaL universe, Cam is Ben’s “one that got away” a wondering soul, a stoner hippie, Cam is a seasonal farmhand, working odd jobs during off season and traveling the country in his van. Him and Ben were each others first loves and gay awakening. Cameron is obsessed with Bruce Springsteen and old music. He loves Ben dearly and never found anyone like him since high school. Ben is happy, goofy, hardworking and can match bens high energy
And finally
Clementine O’Niel
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Originally a reader in the wrong way known as “little one”, I’m adapting the fic into a dark romance novel. Emmy is Arab and Irish,her father marrying her mother overseas, but where, no one knows.m Emmy is horrifically traumatized from the abuse of her father and other men, but even still she never stops trying. She’s emotional, a frequent cryer but also self sufficient and capable in many ways. She loves Joel very much despite it all, but she loves her unborn child more than anything
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Morgan: We're new on Tumblr! Manitoba Smith recommended this app to me a few days ago, so you can ask me, Sabrina, and the other characters anything!
- Ask Box is Open! 💖
- This is an ask blog 🔮
- Ask us questions we can answer 🪷
- Leave your questions in our ask box, please! ☕
Who are the characters in this ask blog?
💖 Morgan and Sabrina 💖
Manitoba Smith (or just Manitoba)
❤️ The Amazing Adventures of Splen-danielle 💙
🌹 The God of Roses 🌹
God of Roses
The Past Storyteller
🌲 Human Tree Friends 🌲
Cuddles Truman
Giggles Fernandez
Toothy Santha
Lumpy Croft
Petunia Peterson
Handy Ottoman
Flaky Clarkson
Flippy Hernandez
Cub Ferguson
Pop Ferguson
Splendid Madrigal
Mime Brown
Lammy Marie
Russell Jones
Mole Morgan
Nutty Anderson
Sniffles Russell
Sweetie Sanchez (my OC)
Sorry for Lifty and Shifty not being on there...
Also, the Morgan and Sabrina swap AU characters can ask you questions, too!
🌸 Morgan and Sabrina Role Swap AU 🌸
Swap!Pearl (AKA Pearl Sanchez)
Swap!Flower Girl (AKA Rosita)
Swap!Morgan (AKA Morgsy)
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antihcroes · 2 years
#ANTIHCROES is an extremely selective & private, independent, multimuse as penned by pluto
affiliated with: @liveshaunted, @souldivine, @heartfe1t (all blogs), @inspotlight (all blogs), @phantomloved (all blogs), & @sapphiredhearts
muse list can be found under the cut (ages listed are just the main ages i'll write them in, but i am willing to write any of them at any age)
daisy beacon. 19. FC: madelyn cline (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FANDOMLESS
violet cooke. 19. FC: emma myers (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FANDOMLESS
cori edwards. 18. FC: katherine mcnamara (she/they, pansexual/panromantic) - JATP
dani fernandez. 19. FC: olivia rodrigo (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - FANDOMLESS
noah grady. 18. FC: peyton meyer (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - FANDOMLESS
maya kent. 18. FC: giorgia whigham (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - DC UNIVERSE (SUPERMAN)
betty mclanden. 19. FC: kristine froseth (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - FANDOMLESS
gracie mercer. 18-30+. FC: grace van dien (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - JATP
krista patterson. 18. FC: india eisley (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - JATP
callie peters. 22. FC: odeya rush (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic) - FANDOMLESS
riley mills. 18. FC: mary mouser (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FANDOMLESS
isabelle reid. 18. FC: bailee madison (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FANDOMLESS
rory reynolds. 20. FC: sadie sink (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - FANDOMLESS
tommy warwick. 19. FC: rudy pankow (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - JATP
raine wilson. 21. FC: sabrina carpenter (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FANDOMLESS
wednesday addams. 18. FC: jenna ortega (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic) - WEDNESDAY
jay al-jazari. 19. FC: booboo stewart (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - DESCENDANTS
zay babineaux. 20. FC: aubrey joseph (he/him, pansexual/panromantic) - GIRL MEETS WORLD
yelena belova. 30. FC: florence pugh (she/her, asexual/aromantic) - MCU
amity blight. 18. FC: kristine froseth (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - THE OWL HOUSE
ricky bowen. 18. FC: joshua bassett (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - HSMTMTS
robin buckley. 18. FC: maya hawke (she/they, homosexual/homoromantic) - STRANGER THINGS
sam carpenter. 25. FC: melissa barrera (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - SCREAM
tara carpenter. 19. FC: jenna ortega (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - SCREAM
kc cooper. 21. FC: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - KC UNDERCOVER
missy cooper. 23. FC: liana liberato (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - YOUNG SHELDON
alice cullen. immortal. FC: alexandra shipp (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TWILIGHT
emmett cullen. immortal. FC: alex fitzalan (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - TWILIGHT
renesmee cullen. immortal. FC: hailee steinfeld (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TWILIGHT
sharpay evans. 18. FC: olivia rose keegan (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - HSM
ryan evans. 18. FC: owen joyner (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic) - HSM
katniss everdeen. 24. FC: naomi scott (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic) - THE HUNGER GAMES
mal faery. 19. FC: dove cameron (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - DESCENDANTS
mack fox. 21. FC: maia mitchell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TEEN BEACH
nick franzelli. 19. FC: paris berelc (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - NO GOOD NICK
monica geller. 23. FC: kaylee bryant (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - FRIENDS
rosalie hale. immortal. FC: florence pugh (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TWILIGHT
melinda halliwell. 20. FC: danielle rose russell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - CHARMED
pj halliwell. 18. FC: katie douglas (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - CHARMED
steve harrington. 19. FC: joe keery (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - STRANGER THINGS
maya hart. 19. FC: kathryn newton (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - GIRL MEETS WORLD
michelle jones-watson. 18. FC: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - MCU
cassie lang. 18. FC: kathryn newton (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - MCU
jake long. 21. FC: ross butler (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - AMERICAN DRAGON: JAKE LONG
jo march. 22. FC: maya hawke (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - LITTLE WOMEN
riley matthews. 19. FC: zoe colletti (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - GIRL MEETS WORLD
alex mercer. 18. FC: owen joyner (he/they, homosexual/homoromantic) - JATP
farkle minkus. 20. FC: corey fogelmanis (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - GIRL MEETS WORLD
julie molina. 18. FC: madison reyes (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - JATP
gabriella montez. 18. FC: isabella gomez (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - HSM
randy meeks. 18. FC: tyler posey (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - SCREAM
luz noceda. 18. FC: jessica sula (she/they, bisexual/biromantic) - THE OWL HOUSE
peter pan. 19. FC: tom holland (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - PETER PAN
peter parker. 18. FC: tom holland (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - MCU
peter parker. 22. FC: andrew garfield (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - TASM
luke patterson. 18. FC: charlie gillespie (he/him, pansexual/panromantic) - JATP
kim possible. 19. FC: sadie stanley (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - KIM POSSIBLE
sidney prescott. 18. FC: danielle campbell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - SCREAM
tatum riley. 18. FC: madison iseman (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - SCREAM
barbie roberts. 32. FC: margot robbie (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - BARBIE UNIVERSE
liv rooney. 19. FC: dove cameron (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - LIV & MADDIE
audrey rose. 19. FC: sarah jeffery (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - DESCENDANTS
justin russo. 23. FC: froy gutierrez (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - WOWP
enid sinclair. 18. FC: emma myers (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - WEDNESDAY
gwen stacy. 18. FC: milly alcock (she/her (trans female), bisexual/biromantic) - SPIDER-VERSE
gwen stacy. 19. FC: meg donnelly (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - MCU
gwen stacy. 22. FC: josephine langford (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TASM
bella swan. immortal. FC: nina dobrev (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - TWILIGHT
jeremy thompson. 21. FC: nick robinson (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic) - NO GOOD NICK
xavier thorpe. 19. FC: felix mallard (he/him, bisexual/biromantic) - WEDNESDAY
bethany walker. 21. FC: virginia gardner (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - JUMANJI
kate wallis. 19. FC: olivia holt (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic) - CRUEL SUMMER
addison wells. 21. FC: meg donnelly (she/her, pansexual/panromantic) - ZOMBIES
nancy wheeler. 18. FC: natalia dyer (she/her, bisexual/biromantic) - STRANGER THINGS
carrie wilson. 18. FC: savannah lee may (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic) - JATP
hunter wittebane. 19. FC: danny griffin (he/him, bisexual/demiromantic) - THE OWL HOUSE
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miaqc1 · 2 months
New Vs/Antagonist relationships tags added on Squidgeworld. Part 1!
Relationship: Alana [The Girl From Tomorrow] vs Vincent "Vince" Charbonneau ‎
Relationship: Alana [The Little Mermaid] vs Silverthorn [The Girl From Tomorrow] ‎
Relationship: Alana vs Silverthorn [The Girl From Tomorrow] ‎
Relationship: Alice vs Emylia (OC) ‎
Relationship: Amanda [Amanda the Adventurer] vs Shinozaki Sachiko ‎
Relationship: Amanda vs Wooly [Amanda the Adventurer] ‎
Relationship: Ariel [The Little Mermaid] vs Cthulhu [Cthulhu Mythos] ‎
Relationship: Ariel vs Triton [Disney] ‎
Relationship: Ariel's Sisters [The Little Mermaid - 1989] vs Cthulhu [Cthulhu Mythos] ‎
Relationship: Ariel's Sisters [The Little Mermaid - 2023] vs Cthulhu [Cthulhu Mythos] ‎
Relationship: Artemis [Sailor Moon] vs Pikmin [Pikmin] ‎
Relationship: Aya Brea vs Eve [Parasite Eve] ‎
Relationship: Bloody Marie | Marie Korbel vs Umbrella Renoir ‎
Relationship: Bob vs Dot Matrix [ReBoot] ‎
Relationship: Boss [Saints Row 3 & 4] vs Boss [Saints Row 2022] 
Relationship: Bowser vs Princess Peach [Super Mario Bros.] ‎
Relationship: Bulborb vs Louie [Pikmin] ‎
Relationship: Caroline Forbes vs Klaus Mikaelson ‎
Relationship: Carolyn vs Ripper [London Ripper] ‎
Relationship: Carrie Fernandez vs Reinhardt Schneider ‎
Relationship: Cassie vs Liam (A.M.I.) ‎
Relationship: Cid [Clicker Heroes] vs Original Character(s) ‎
Relationship: Cid [Clicker Heroes] vs Tsukino Usagi | Sailor Moon ‎
Relationship: Claire Beauchamp vs Sigma [Rockman X] ‎
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pcetstcrtured · 6 months
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#PCETSTCRTURED an independent multimuse blog featuring both original & canon characters across many different fandoms. as beloved & established by pluto
affiliated with: @inspotlight (all blogs), @heartfe1t (all blogs), @hcartofnovocaine/@liveshaunted, @scriberae, & @wintersreplies
note: this blog is HEAVILY anti jkr & anti smeyer, all harry potter content will be tagged if you wish to avoid it
all muses are played at 18+ in their main ages
daisy beacon - fandomless. fc: madelyn cline (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
hazel clarke - fandomless. fc: emilia jones (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
violet cooke - fandomless. fc: emma myers (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
skye daniels - fandomless. fc: jordan fisher (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
nicole danvers - mcu (captain marvel). fc: natalie alyn lind (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
samantha dylan - fandomless. fc: lola tung (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
calvin evans - fandomless. fc: noah centineo (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
dani fernandez - fandomless. fc: olivia rodrigo (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
noah grady - fandomless. fc: christopher briney (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
parker grady - fandomless. fc: gavin casalegno (he/him, demisexual/demiromantic)
rowena hart - fandomless. fc: emeraude toubia (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
athena james - fandomless. fc: sabrina carpenter (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
charlie jones - fandomless. fc: charlie gillespie (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
maya kent - dc comics (superman). fc: giorgia whigham (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
valentina lopez - fandomless. fc. jenna ortega (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
betty mclanden - fandomless. fc: kristine froseth (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
riley mills - fandomless. fc: mary mouser (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
mattie parker - grey’s anatomy. fc: madison bailey (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
callie peters - fandomless. fc: hailee steinfeld (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic)
landon porter - hsmtmts. fc: jordan fisher (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
lex porter - fandomless. fc: felix mallard (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
tori ramirez - fandomless. fc: rachel zegler (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
isabelle reid - fandomless. fc: bailee madison (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
rory reynolds - fandomless. fc: sadie sink (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
virginia rollins - fandomless. fc: madelaine petsch (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
zak sawyer - fandomless. fc: jonathan daviss (he/him, pansexual/panromantic)
ruby stevens - fandomless. fc: katie douglas (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
ellie stewart - fandomless. fc: danielle rose russell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
jackie taylor - fandomless. fc: danielle campbell (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic)
jamie thomas - fandomless. fc: joshua bassett (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
alexis williams - fandomless. fc: olivia scott welch (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic)
(super secret bonus ocs found here)
ella - ella enchanted. fc: victoria justice (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
rapunzel - tangled. fc: meg donnelly (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
whiskey - glass onion. fc: madelyn cline (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
jay al-jazari - descendants. fc: booboo stewart (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
elena alvarez - one day at a time. fc: isabella gomez (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
anna árnadalr - frozen. fc: abigail cowen (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
yelena belova - mcu. fc: florence pugh (she/her, asexual/aromantic)
john bender - the breakfast club. fc: felix mallard (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
sirius black - harry potter. fc: booboo stewart (he/him, pansexual/panromantic)
amity blight - the owl house. fc: kristine froseth (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
ricky bowen - hsmtmts. fc: joshua bassett (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
bonnibel bubblegum - adventure time. fc: madelaine petsch (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
marta cabrera - knives out. fc: ana de armas (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
eda clawthorne - the owl house. fc: jessica chastain (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
king clawthorne - the owl house. fc: tom holland (he/they, demisexual/panromantic)
katie cooper - alexa & katie. fc: isabel may (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
missy cooper - young sheldon. fc: liana liberato (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
alice cullen - twilight. fc: amanda arcuri (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
emmett cullen - twilight. fc: alex fitzalan (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
renesmee cullen - twilight. fc: danielle rose russell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
tashi duncan - challengers. fc: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
haley dunphy - modern family. fc: sarah hyland (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
cleo eastman - invisible sister. fc: sophie nélisse (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
ryan evans - high school musical. fc: owen joyner (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
sharpay evans - high school musical. fc: olivia rose keegan (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
mal faery - descendants. fc: dove cameron (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
mack fox - teen beach. fc: maia mitchell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
nick franzelli - no good nick. fc: paris berelc (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
fiona gallagher - shameless. fc: emmy rossum (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
ian gallagher - shameless. fc. cameron monaghan (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
charlie gardner - girl meets world. fc: tanner buchanan (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
monica geller - friends. fc: kaylee kaneshiro (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
regina george - mean girls. fc: reneé rapp (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
hermione granger - harry potter. fc: antonia gentry (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
rosalie hale - twilight. fc: florence pugh (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
maya hart - girl meets world. fc: kathryn newton (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
cady heron - mean girls. fc: angourie rice (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
susie hobbs - elf. fc: ella purnell (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
janis 'imi'ike - mean girls. fc: auli’i cravalho (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
alice jones - once upon a time. fc: rose reynolds (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
michelle jones-watson - mcu. fc: zendaya (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
cassie lang - mcu. fc: kathryn newton (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
gil legume - descendants. fc: dylan playfair (he/him, pansexual/panromantic)
luna lovegood - harry potter. fc: madison iseman (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
isabela madrigal - encanto. fc: cierra ramirez (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
draco malfoy - harry potter. fc. danny griffin (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
jo march - little women. fc: maya hawke (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
josh matthews - girl meets world. fc: jeremy shada (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
riley matthews - girl meets world. fc: zoe colletti (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
alexa mendoza - alexa & katie. fc: paris berelc (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
regina mills - once upon a time. fc: lana parilla (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
robin mills - once upon a time. fc: tiera skovbye (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
farkle minkus - girl meets world. fc: corey fogelmanis (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
gabriella montez - high school musical. fc: isabela merced (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
emily nelson - a simple favor. fc: blake lively (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
luz noceda - the owl house. fc: jessica sula (she/they, bisexual/biromantic)
neal nolan - once upon a time. fc: owen joyner (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
jessica olson - starstruck. fc: danielle campbell (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
luca paguro - luca. fc: tom holland (he/him, homosexual/homoromantic)
peter pan - peter pan. fc: tom holland (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
peter parker - mcu. fc: tom holland (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
peter parker - tasm. fc: andrew garfield (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
mabel pines - gravity falls. fc. katie douglas (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
gus porter - the owl house. fc: aubrey joseph (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
kim possible - kim possible. fc: sadie stanley (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
james potter - harry potter. fc: charlie gillespie (he/him, bisexual/biromantic)
barbie roberts - barbie universe. fc: margot robbie (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
liv rooney - liv & maddie. fc: dove cameron (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
audrey rose - descendants. fc: sarah jeffery (she/her, homosexual/homoromantic)
sophie sheridan - mamma mia. fc: olivia holt (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
gwen stacy - mcu. fc: meg donnelly (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
gwen stacy - spider-verse. fc: milly alcock (she/her (trans female), bisexual/biromantic)
gwen stacy - tasm. fc: josephine langford (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
bella swan - twilight. fc: katherine langford (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
emma swan - once upon a time. fc: jennifer morrison (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
bethany walker - jumanji. fc: virginia gardner (she/her, pansexual/panromantic)
kate wallis - cruel summer. fc: olivia holt (she/her, demisexual/demiromantic)
dominique weasley - harry potter. fc: madelyn cline (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
ginny weasley - harry potter. fc: luca hollestelle (she/her, bisexual/biromantic)
hunter wittebane - the owl house. fc. danny griffin (he/him, bisexual/demiromantic)
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evoldir · 10 months
Fwd: Conference: Toulouse.EnvironmentalGenomics.Feb14-16
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Conference: Toulouse.EnvironmentalGenomics.Feb14-16 > Date: 6 December 2023 at 06:33:46 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > Dear all, > France Génomique and the Research Group “Environmental Genomics” > (GDR GE) are pleased to inform you of their upcoming Symposium on > Environmental and Agronomical Genomics which will be held in Toulouse, > France from February 14 to 16, 2024. > > Topics Covered > Genomics of plants and animals and their microbiota > Exploring diversity and evolution of Life > Exploring ecosystems using metagenomics > Genomics of biological interactions: holobionts, pathogens, symbionts > Technological advances: producing and analyzing genomic data > Pangenome and structural variants > Ancient DNA and paleo-environments > > Monitoring of ecosystems functioning and health / Eco-exposome > Environmental genomics and collaborative science, a window on society > > Confirmed Speakers > A. Baud, CRG, Barcelona, Spain > S. Déjean, IMT, Toulouse, France > A. Fernandez Guerra, University of Copenhagen, Denmark > C. Marchet, CNRS, Lille, France > L. Orlando, CAGT, Toulouse, France > I. Ourliac-Garnier, Nantes University, France > J. Reveillaud, INRAE, Montpellier, France > F. Sabot, IRD, Montpellier, France > S. Sunagawa, ETH, Zürich, Switzerland > S. Terrat, INRAe Dijon, France > C. Voolstra, University of Konstanz, Germany > C. Welte, Radboud University, The Netherlands > > Registration and call for abstracts are still open! Deadline coming soon! > All information here: > https://ift.tt/D3AFUmp > > Abstract submission deadline: > December 15, 2023 > Registration deadline: > January 12, 2024 > > We look forward to seeing you all in Toulouse, > The OC ([email protected]): > Marie-Thérèse Bihoreau,France Génomique, Fontenay-aux-roses > > Lucie Bittner,ISYEB, Paris > Denis Faure,CNRS, I2BC, Gif sur Yvette > Denis Milan,INRAE, Genotoul, GeT-PlaGe, Toulouse > Eric Pelletier, > Genoscope, CEA, Evry > Aude Perdereau,France Génomique, Evry > Jean-Christophe Simon,INRAE, IGEPP, Rennes > > Patrick Wincker,Genoscope, CEA, Evry > > Aude Perdereau
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milui87 · 3 years
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Workingplace Picture
Finally my project is completed and my pictures are on canvas and on the wall. Here you can see the digital version:
The single pics are these:
1. Law - One Piece https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/666504532025606144/law-postercollage-05-i-am-a-little-bit-behind-my
2. Flover Nakamura - Neon Birds (by Marie Graßhoff) https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/664595671568023552/flover-postercollage-04
3. Atari - OC (by Milui87) https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/670123661372637185/atari-postercollage-07
4. Eraserhed - Boku no Hero Academia https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/659426891782062080/eraser-postercollage-01-i-am-about-to-move-and
5. Neela - D&D Character (by Milui87) https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/660072370097258496/neela-postercollage-02-this-is-the-second-part
6. Jellal Fernandez - Fairy Tail https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/660251399226081280/jellal-postercollage-03-and-here-is-the-third
7. Satoru Gojo - Jujutsu Kaisen https://milui87.tumblr.com/post/669679035905966080/gojo-postercollage-06
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petri808 · 4 years
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I do my best to keep these blogs updated 😊
@petrischronicles AO3 links
@petrisficlets shorts on tumblr
@petrisoriginals art of FT OC next gen characters
@petrisyaoistash links to fave yaoi stories I find
Current Fandoms w/fics: Spy x Family, Fairytail, Jujutsu Kaisen, Inuyasha, My Hero Academia, Full Metal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Akatsuki no Yona, Noragami, Rave Master, Edens Zero, Kamisama Hajimemashita, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, 19 Days
My Ao3 is the primary site that’s up to date. Direct links to posts below
Petri's Chronicles: By Header
Nalu Chronicles- AU | Tales of Edolas | My Fairytail Books | The Fairy Files | Nalu Chronicles | Nalu Fluff Wk Stories | Nalu Wk Stories | Fairy Lemon Drops | Nalu Angst Wk Stories
The Naughty Side of the Academy | Not Another Superhero Story (BNHA)
Jujutsu Kaisen Fics | Crimson Fire (Akatsuki no Yona)
Magic & Metal (FMAB) | Tale's of the Inuyasha Gang
Spy x Family | 19 Day's | Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi
A Young Girl's Zodiac Dreams (Fruits Basket)
Heaven's Blue-Eyed Urchin (Noragami)
Fairytail: the Next Generation
Ravelt to the Power of Ten (Rave Master)
A Kiss is Not Just a Kiss (Kamisama Hajimemashita)
Petri's Ficlets: By Header
Mixed Fandoms: Hauntober 2020 (Inukag, Hakyona, Todomomo, Kyoru, Nalu, Bakudeku) | Starsobafictober 2019 (Nalu, Kiribaku, Inukag, Gruvia, Hakyona, Kyoru, Yukimachi, Bakudeku)
Nalu May 2019 Prompts | Nalu ficlets | Nalu prompt ficlets
Voltron Fics | Itafushi ficlets | SpyXfamily ficlets
Bakudeku December 2020 prompts | BNHA ficlets | BNHA prompt ficlets | BAKUDEKU ficlets
Fruits Basket ficlets | Edens Zero ficlets | Rave master ficlets
FMAB ficlets | Inuyasha ficlets | Noragami ficlets | 19 Day’s
Akatsuki no Yona ficlets | Fairytail ficlets
Petri's Originals: (OC art of Fairytail next gen characters)
Link to AO3 Character descriptions
Andesine & Azurite Fernandez, Amethyst Fernandez (Jerza)
Ryuu & Nashi Dragneel, Lani Dragneel (Nalu)
Chieko Redfox, Jayden Redfox, Sage Redfox (Gajevy)
Akiko Dreyar, Isla Dreyar, Raiden Dreyar (Lexus/Mirajane)
Arashi Fullbuster, Nieve Fullbuster (Gruvia)
Zemira Conbolt (Wendy/Romeo)
Logan Bastia, Caspian Bastia (Meredy/Lyon)
Ryland Cheney, Sora Cheney (Rogue/yukino)
Tora Eucliffe, Mari Eucliffe (Sting/Lisanna)
Midori Strauss, Orion Strauss (Evergreen/elfman)
Phoenix Gryder (Cana/Mest)
139 notes · View notes
drabbles-mc · 21 days
I have emerged for the ask game 🤣
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INDIGO - Which of your original characters is the most similar to an existing fictional character?
Hope you’ve been doing well friend!
Me every time I see your name pop up in my inbox:
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But!! As far as which of my OCs most reflects an existing fictional character, I have to say it's my Narcos OC Mari Fernandez who exists in the massive amount of lore in my brain, but also in my Steve Murphy fic Not Yours Anymore
I think what started the similarities was that the faceclaim I use for her is Martha Higareda (an actual goddess????) but because Martha also plays one of my favorite complicated messy characters in Altered Carbon, I think I gave them a couple similar personality traits as well. But I do adore her and I've actually been thinking about her and Steve a lot lately because I wanna write more for them I'm just not sure what yet haha
Little gif of her for reference 🥰
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i love her so much it's actually unreal lmao
Thank you for the ask!! xo
Rainbow Writer Asks
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Country: Sicily
mh sicily is not a country. it’s an island of italy
Human Name: Faith Fernandez
‘Fernandez’ is a spanish last name, not italian
as for faith, i don’t think that’s a italian name either
Age: 16
GNDFG 16 ?? sicily was a colony in the byznatine era. 
Gender: Female
Relation(s): Roman Empire(whatever his human name is...)-Grandpa Spain(Antonio Fernandez)-Big Brother Romano(Lovino Vargas)-Cousin Italy(Feliciano Vargas)-Cousin
explain why they’re related to them please !! historical accuracy is important with hetalia oc’s 
Hair: Length: Long, mid-back Type: Semi-thick, straight Color: Light Brown
light brown ?? hhh okay but italian’s are known for dark brown hair, as are greeks and spanish people
Personality: (normal) Clumsy, forgetful, kind, nice, sweet, slightly happy-go-lucky, shy, bookworm, quiet, loveable, caring, sensitive, cry's easily
you’re murdering me here 
Personality: (2P!...evil!) Very violent, very loud, likes to use either her hands or daggers, graceful, creepy, swears a lot, slightly crazy or about as crazy as normal Russia, out-going, mad a lot, extreme mood swings
no matter how “graceful” she is, if she uses her hands to fight she’s gonna be sloppy unless she know’s katate or smthing like that
russia isn’t crazy, either 
Bio: She doesn't know how her parents died but at the age of 5 she was taken to live with her older brother Antonio(Spain), when she was 6 her cousin Lovino(Romano,8(1)) started to live with them. When she turned 16 her brother signed her up for 'Hetalia Academy', Lovino and Feliciano(2), her other cousin. For the first 5 years of her life she was rasisd in America with her parents but the next 11 years she spent in Spain and Italy. She also has a stuffed white rabbit named Kitkat.
historically inaccurate to the point where i gagged 
it’s time to throw in the towel and either scrap this oc or re-do it completely and do research, hun 
Italian Food
What's left of my family
Writing Stories
Her white rabbit Kitkat
Her friends
Most colors
sounds like a self insert
Spicy Food
English Class
Math Class
Being scared
People being mean
Sour Stuff
Color(s):Yellow, too much black, ect.
yup definitely self insert
it is a italian island- they’re not going to dislike spicy food because sicilian food is known to be spicier than italian food
What she carries: 3 bags
1 school bag
1 writing bag(side bag)
1 drawing bag(side bag)
oh really ? by themselves? okay then. 
this oc receives a 3 out of 10 in the mary sue scale, and i’m being nice 
tips : 
actually do research 
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CONGRATULATIONS ON NOT BEING KILLED! you’ve successfully made it to camp half blood, a greek demigod training facility located at the north of long island; you may also know it as camp parental issues. directed by the greek god dionysus and heroic figure chiron, the camp is the only safe place for half-bloods thanks to the magical borders keeping creatures out. demigods live in their corresponding parents’ cabin, though by no means are the gods obligated to claim their children as soon as they arrive at camp: there are some who have been overlooked by the gods. they are the UNCLAIMED – they stay in the hermes cabin, god of travellers, desperate to prove themselves worthy to their parents and hoping to find their parents’ glowing symbol above their head when they do.
will you be claimed? is your godly parent one of the twelve olympian gods, or are you perhaps a child of a minor god? with a camp invisible to mortals except ones that can somehow see through the borders, monsters and mortals can not enter unless permitted from the inside. here, you are safe from anything monstrous that intends on hurting you… and here, you will learn the essential skills to SURVIVE.
this is not a percy jackson group verse, but merely a camp for demigods. feel free to apply even if you haven’t read the books -- canon events from the books/movies don’t exist in this group verse.
please post a few bulletpoints for a bio once you’ve been accepted into the verse -- the only thing absolutely required here is how long they’ve been at camp, whether they’re a summer or year round camper and their relationship with their godly parent. whatever else you add is up to you.
FOR A LAYOUT OF THE CABINS, PLEASE CLICK THIS LINK. please note that hera, hestia and artemis are not eligible as godly parents as they are virgin goddesses; in athena’s case, her children are born in the same way she was.
there’s a limit of 4 canons per person but oc’s don’t count. also, kids of the big 3 are limited to 3 kids each due to their power & the fact that they rule over their own kingdoms. the only exception to this is for canon percy jackson characters that might want to join! i’m sure you can understand due to the 
the official group verse name is GLORY TO THE GODS – the tag for ic starters is gttgic, and the ooc tag for bios etc is gttgooc. please track them both!
if your character is taken and you’d like to join as a twin, please ask the person you’d be related to first. duplicate fc’s will not be allowed unless they’re twins.
this group verse is not first come first serve.
to apply, please submit the following: mun name / character name / character’s age / character’s godly parent if claimed / face claim
darcy deucalion / daughter of athena / carlson young. 17.
luke castellan / son of hermes & cabin counselor / jake abel. 20.
boniface ‘bo’ lacey / son of tyche / river phoenix. 18.
jonathan byers / unclaimed ( hades ) / charlie heaton. 16.
daphne blake / daughter of aphrodite / kat mcnamara. 17.
maya hart / unclaimed ( poseidon ) / sabrina carpenter. 14.
damian hatcher / son of hades / shiloh fernandez. 18.
thalia grace / daughter of zeus / kaya scodelario. 16
katie matlin / daughter of athena / chloe rose. 18.
octavia blake / daughter of ares / marie avgeropoulos. 17.
christina wendall / unclaimed ( athena ) / freya tingley. 15.
bellamy blake / son of ares & cabin counselor / bob morley. 20.
jonathan murphy / son of hades / richard harmon. 18.
cassia watson / daughter of nike / gigi hadid. 18.
stiles stilinski / son of hypnos / dylan o’brien. 18.
april small / daughter of aphrodite & cabin counselor / cara delevigne. 20.
rachel elizabeth dare / ORACLE OF DELPHI / madelaine petsch. 16.
griffin xavier / unclaimed ( nike ) / logan lerman. 15.
allison argent / daughter of nike / crystal reed. 18.
kira yukimura / daughter of zeus / arden cho. 17.
anya woods / daughter of athena & cabin counselor / karen fukuhura. 20.
ontari night / daughter of ares / madison mclaughlin. 16.
aaron grey / son of boreas ( hermes cabin ) / lucky blue smith. 18.
kara kent / daughter of zeus / melissa benoist. 16.
raven reyes / daughter of hephaestus & cabin counselor / lindsey morgan. 19.
casey newton / daughter of aphrodite / britt robertson. 18.
claire novak / daughter of ares / kathryn newton. 18.
clarke griffin / daughter of apollo & cabin counselor / eliza taylor. 18.
erica reyes / daughter of nemesis / gage golightly. 18.
nancy wheeler / daughter of athena / natalia dyer. 18.
sara lance / daughter of nemesis & cabin counselor / caity lotz. 19.
garry ‘eggsy’ unwin / unclaimed ( poseidon ) / taron egerton. 17.
steve harrington / son of apollo / joe keery. 17.
atarah shepard / daughter of nemesis / britne oldford. 16.
kaidan alenko / teacher / alfonso herrera. age n/a.
lucas friar / son of ares / peyton meyer. 17.
john mbege / son of hermes / lucien laviscount. 18.
allison reynolds / daughter of apollo / nicola peltz. 17.
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
The Dark Prince of Magic and The Light Princess of Time
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3blTkXj
by xFandomloverx
Royal!Merlin x OC
Merlin "Emrys" Ambrosius is the son of King Balinor and Late Queen Hunith. They are many rumors about how Merlin has an unstable mind and a dark personality.
Abigail Lillie Fernandez-Pendragon is the adopted daughter of Uther Pendragon, a step-sister of Arthur, a figurative sister to Morgana, friends, and beloved by the people but she is not from here.
She came to Camelot when she was 14 years old, she was from the 21st Century. 2 months being Camelot, she became close with everyone.
Uther had loved her so much that he had adopted her and made her a Pendragon a few days later. 3 years being a princess, Uther offered her hand to another kingdom, the kingdom to which everything is banned in Camelot.
Etherelia, the land of Magic and other magical beings/creatures.
Merlin and Abigail are both polar opposites.
Abigail is beloved by her people, spreading the land of Camelot with love, kindness, and patience as well as beauty.
Merlin is feared by his people.
An Angel marrying a Demon
Will the two hit it off or will it end just as badly?
I do not own Merlin, it belongs to the BBC.
Words: 7300, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Merlin BBC, Merlin AU - Fandom, Merlin (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Uther Pendragon (Merlin), Morgana (Merlin), Guinevere (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table (Merlin), Gwaine (Merlin), Percival (Merlin), Lancelot (Merlin), Leon (Merlin), Elyan (Merlin), Balinor (Merlin)
Relationships: Merlin (Merlin) /Female Original Character
Additional Tags: Dark!Merlin, Royal!Merlin, Original Female Character(s) - Freeform, Love Story, Angst, Fluff, Smut, Merlin Fanfic - Freeform, Fanfiction, Merlin AU, Mary Sue, Medieval, Pregnancy, mother - Freeform, Dark, Gore
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3blTkXj
0 notes
micaiutu · 7 years
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random oc by the-otaku62 featuring bandeau swimwear ❤ liked on Polyvore
Ribbed shirt, 430 UYU / Striped jacket, 575 UYU / Lisa Marie Fernandez bandeau swimwear, 545 UYU / Hell Bunny party skirt / SUPRA The Kids Vaider Sneaker, 790 UYU
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