#oc: lydia hazel
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kingsmosaic · 1 year ago
for my oc’s 🤍
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filibusterfrog · 2 years ago
Hey, do u take questions about your ocs? Just that the hare and that rabbit and owl family are just. I love them so much. I would kill for them. If you've played any games by Rusty Lake, they kinda have the same vibe I think. And i like that. Idk anyway I was just wondering if there's any lore behind them?
oh theres plenty of lore theyre actually characters from my comic (x) but otherwise heres a rundown. the animal thing is a metaphor theyre not actually animals
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moonyasnow · 4 months ago
OK IT STARTED OUT AS 'haha I think I wanna answer ALL of these questions that'd be fun' BUT @screamintoad YOU ASKED FOR IT
ALSO YOU KNOW WHAT? THROWING IN MY SIDE OC FLÉCHER TOO BC WHY NOT (oop— how many of you even know he exists???)
Everything under the cut bc this is gonna be longgggggggggggg
I tried my best to make all the answers interesting but there are like 2 questions where almost every character just has 'N/A' written for them
🎲 - Biological parents Tomoe - father Takahiro & mother Hanae, very loving Irina - mother Diana & father Anthony - both absolutely terrible. Diana is dead and who knows where Anthony is. Both were neglectful and verbally abusive Spike - mother Marta & father Dino - no idea where mom is and dad only the guy who fathered him Junia - father Argus & mother Lydia - father died before Junia could meet him and Lydia was very controlling and often put Junia's confidence down Lisle - mother Carla & father Elliot - raised him, maybe a bit TOO loving, almost to the point of being yes-men. See him as some sort of miracle. Veronica - father Vladimir & mother Cecilia (both dead) Veronica does not remember much about either of them Victor - mother Cecilia & father Vladimir (both dead) Victor remembers them very well and misses them both Artemisia - father Simeon & mother Marigold - the king and queen of the Land of Dawning. father has barely been in her life at all and mother has tried to hide her away from the world bc she's worried what people will say about Artemisia- both for Artemisia's sake and her own Flécher - Dad Angelo & mom Lisa. Angelo and Lisa broke up when he was a baby, and Angelo got custody
👑 - Person who raised your OC and/or was important during their formative years Tomoe - Her parents, her grandparents, her history teacher Irina - Her childhood friend 'Clover'- her at that point only experience of a love that wasn't toxic or abusive. But losing him was so painful she practically repressed her memories of him Spike - His grandmother Junia - Her mother Lydia Lisle - His mother Carla and father Elliot Veronica - Her adoptive father, who she just calls 'father', and her teacher miss Averesch who was the closest she ever had to a maternal figure Victor - Veronica who always protected him when they were children. Also Idia and Ortho; even if it was just for a short while, they were a comfort in his daily life of fear Artemisia - Her sister Cerise was incredibly important to her Flécher - His dad Angelo. Angelo was pretty young when he had Rocky (Flécher's first name - Flécher is both of their surname) so they're pretty close
❓ - Estranged family/relatives they've never met Tomoe - Her mother's parents (never met) Irina - Her father (estranged- she has no idea where he is but thinks he's probably alive) Spike - His mom (never met) Junia - Her dad (died before she was born) Lisle - His uncle and cousin (FORMERLY estranged) Veronica - The relatives who kidnapped Victor (only met once- WHEN Victor was being kidnapped) Victor - His and Veronica's adoptive father (estranged) Artemisia - Her father (so distant they might as well be estranged. She cannot remember ever speaking a single word to him, or vise versa) Flécher - His mom (can't remember)
📎 - Siblings/close family Tomoe - Sachie, Kouta Irina - Her uncle(though 'close' is a bit of a stretch) Spike - His gran Junia - N/A Lisle - N/A Veronica - Victor Victor - Veronica Artemisia - Cerise, Valerian Flécher - His dad
✨ - Children (current or future) Tomoe - Grim(kinda counts), Nuru(f) Irina - Malina(f), Malachi(m), Mallory(nb), Malek(m), Maleah(f), Malcolm(m), Malindt(nb), Malissa(f) Spike - Roza(f) Junia - Hilda(f), Julian(m), Hazel(nb) Lisle - N/A Veronica - N/A Victor - Toby(m), Genevieve(f) Artemisia - N/A Flécher - Does fur babies count? If so he ends up having a BUNCH of dogs in the future.
💎 - Chosen family Tomoe - Grim, Irina Irina - Tomoe, Grim Spike - Leona Junia - Jade, Floyd, Azul, (later on Trey's family) Lisle - Idia Veronica - Victor(does it count if they're blood-family too?), Vil, Rook, Epel Victor - Veronica Artemisia - Lilia, Malleus, Sebek, Silver Flécher - His best friend Valentine, probably
🧸 - Childhood friends Tomoe - Tooru, Kaede, Miki Irina - She has forgotten his name Spike - Oscar + his other friends in the gang Junia - Some kids she used to play with as a child Lisle - All the kids in his village (though he thought he was better than them) Veronica - Victor, Sebek(? 'friends' isn't exactly the right word) Victor - Veronica, Idia, Ortho Artemisia - N/A :( Flécher - Some people from his class in school. Sage Island isn't a very big place, so there aren't a lot of kids there, so they're all pretty tight with each other
🏆 - Best friends (past, current or future) Tomoe - Tooru, Karde & Miki (past), Ace & Deuce Irina - Malleus, Jamil, Ruggie Spike - Oscar (past), Leona, Floyd Junia - Jade, Floyd, Kalim, Lilia, Cater, Skully Lisle - Cater, Idia Veronica - Victor, Cater Victor - Veronica, Idia, Ortho Artemisia - Idia Flécher - A guy in his class named Valentine; they've been seat-neighbors since they were 10
💌 - First crush/love Tomoe - Leona Irina - Her childhood friend Spike - A store clerk a few years older than him when he was 9 Junia - A neighbor's son Lisle - N/A Veronica - A crush on a girl in her class from when she was 10 Victor - A crush on a teacher when he was 6 Artemisia - Jamil Flécher - Irina (his first serious crush at least. And since she's only a year older than him he at first thinks he might have a chance. Is a bit sad/disappointed when he finds out she likes someone, but isn't too upset about it)
💋 - First kiss Tomoe - Leona Irina - A guy she had an infatuation with before TWST Spike - Neige Junia - A boy who had a crush on her when she was 12— she didn't like him back, she was just incredibly confused Lisle - N/A Veronica - That girl she had a crush on when she was 10. Veronica was going to just kiss her on the cheek, but her crush moved her face at the last second. Afterwards Veronica ran away out of embarrassment. Victor - Jack Artemisia - Jamil Flécher - Has not had it yet
🌹 - First relationship Tomoe - Leona Irina - Malleus (That guy she was infatuated with does not count bc he never said the two were an item. He basically just lead her on) Spike - Neige Junia - Trey Lisle - N/A Veronica - Cater Victor - Jack Artemisia - Jamil Flécher - When he was 7 he and one of his classmates were 'dating' for 2 days
🌶️ - First intimacy Tomoe - Leona Irina - Again, that one guy she had an infatuation with before TWST (everything about the situation wasn't great. She didn't even start out liking him— but when he showed some kind of interest in her, she was drawn to it, since no one ever really had before then. It didn't feel particularly satisfying, but she didn't mind, because someone actually wanted to touch her AT ALL for like the first time. And he kissed her sometimes, and sometimes held her for a little while after, which were more than enough for her— starved for affection as she was— to fall in love with him. She was hoping it would become a relationship, but he was also an inexperienced teenager and instead of just saying he didn't want a relationship he lead her on and used her for a LONG time. But she kept being around him because she'd developed feelings for him and she was just hoping that if she waited long enough, at some point he'd come to love her, too.) Spike - Neige (he's a hopeless romantic and had never been in a relationship before Neige) Junia - Trey (Junia had wanted to do stuff with other guys she was attracted to before Trey— but how controlling her mother was meant she just didn't have any opportunity to) Lisle - N/A (he is not interested at all. In fact, imagining himself in those kind of scenarios actively disgusts him) Veronica - Cater (she does not let anyone even come near her unless she trusts them. And that kind of intimacy for her is reserved only for someone she trusts and loves a LOT, and who she can sense returns those feelings. And she just didn't trust anyone her age who she found attractive in that way before Cater) Victor - Jack (his trauma means he's veeeeery choosy about who can or cannot touch him even strictly platonically, so he never felt safe enough with anyone before Jack) Artemisia - Jamil (she was never interested before him) Flécher - N/A
💍 - Partners (current or future) Tomoe - Leona (Leomoe 🦁x🌻) Irina - Malleus (Mallina 🐉x🐰) they get together directly after his Overblot, because she confesses to him right after it Spike - Neige (Spineige ❄️x🥊) they got together about a year before the start of TWST's plot Junia - Trey (Trenia ♣️x🐚) Lisle - N/A Veronica - Cater (Catonica ♦️x🐝) they get together after NRC Victor - Jack (Jacktor 🐺x🩸) Artemisia - Jamil (Artemil 🐍x🦢) they get together during GloMas- but secretly Flécher - I'm thinking he might end up with Valentine eventually? In like a sorta casual on-and-off thing?
💔 - Exes Tomoe - N/A Irina - Again, infatuation guy does not count Spike - N/A Junia - N/A Lisle - N/A Veronica - N/A Victor - N/A Artemisia - N/A Flécher - He and his classmate he 'dated' when they were 7 'broke up' because his 'partner' said his favorite animal wasn't cool
🍑 - Notable flings Tomoe - N/A Irina - infatuation guy (who knows maybe I'll give him a name one day) Spike - N/A Junia - N/A Lisle - N/A Veronica - N/A Victor - N/A Artemisia - N/A Flécher - N/A
✏️ - Classmates Tomoe - Grim, Deuce, Ace (1A) Irina - Sebek (1D) Spike - Vil (3C) Junia - Ruggie, Victor (2B) Lisle - Cater, Idia (3B) Veronica - Floyd (2D) Victor - Ruggie, Junia (2B) Artemisia - Literally no one 🥲 I put her in the ONLY otherwise empty class (1E) she and Malleus are both the only ones in their class. Sibling vibes Flécher - He does not go NRC but his class in the school he goes to on Sage Island has around 15 kids, including himself
⚙️ - Coworkers/boss Tomoe - Crowley (boss) Irina - Crowley (boss) Jade, Floyd, Ruggie, Junia, Lisle (coworkers, former), Azul (boss, former) Spike - Leona (boss) Junia - Jade, Floyd, Lisle, Ruggie (coworkers) irina (coworker, former), Azul (boss) Lisle - Jade, Floyd, Junia, Ruggie (coworkers) Irina (coworker, former), Azul (boss) Veronica - N/A Victor - N/A Artemisia - N/A Flécher - Crowley (boss) Sam (also boss, just the level under Crowley)
🐾 - Pets Tomoe - Cat named Mochi (pre-TWST) Irina - Wanted but never had bunnies Spike - N/A Junia - N/A Lisle - Some fish growing up Veronica - N/A Victor - Too many to count, almost all dead now. But still around :) Artemisia - N/A Flécher - A big golden retriever named Bonnie
🔪 - Enemy/nemesis Tomoe - Azul (Lawful Good straight-A student vs Lawful Evil straight-A student) Irina - Victor (bc he hates Malleus and is very open about that fact) Spike - N/A (unless he finds out what happened in Book 5, in which case it'd be Vil. He literally tried to poison Spike's boyfriend Neige) Junia - N/A Lisle - N/A Veronica - Leona Victor - Malleus, Lilia, Sebek, Rook, Vil, Epel, Victor Sandersson ( @theolivetree123 ), Fuan Abbysnor ( @fumikomiyasaki ) Artemisia - Rook Flécher - Riddle. He always tries to stop him from having fun dancing while at work >:( so now whenever he sees Riddle he's made it his personal mission to annoy him. 'Off With Your Head' does nothing to Flécher bc he's magicless anyway so he considers it something he can live with.
💢 - Person they can't stand Tomoe - Crowley (not for her own sake, she's independent enough to manage herself, but how well she can take care of Irina and Grim directly depends on him) Irina - Ace (he's just so mean, and she's incredibly sensitive to that sort of thing bc she believes if someone is treating her badly, it must be bc she did something to deserve it) Spike - N/A (UNLESS he finds out what happened in Book 4. Then it'd be Jamil, for betraying Kalim. Spike would have trouble even being in the same room as jamil and their friendship would be instantly over) Junia - Vil (reminds her of her mother) Lisle - Leona, Idia (former) Veronica - Leona (they're in very similar positions, but Leona has just decided to, in Veronica's eyes, 'give up', instead of fighting against other people's perception of him) Victor - Kalim (Victor's happy-go-lucky thing is 100% a facade, made entirely out of whole cloth. And Kalim never understands Victor subtly insulting him) Artemisia - Rook (she wants him to stop stalking her so badly) Flécher - Anyone who litters
⚰️ - Someone they lost (not necessarily dead) Tomoe - Her entire family Irina - Her childhood friend Spike - His gran, Oscar, all his friends Junia - her mother Lisle - N/A Veronica - Victor Victor - Veronica Artemisia - Older sister Cerise Flécher - His mom? Although he doesn't remember her
🩹 - Someone who was a source of trauma Tomoe - Whoever sent her to twisted Wonderland? She didn't have any notable trauma before being separated from her family through coming to Twisted Wonderland. Irina - Her parents. They MESSED HER UP. Spike - The former friend who betrayed their gang Junia - Her mother Lisle - His cousin Briallen Veronica - Her father leaving her alone at her school Victor - His 'adoptive' (surprise adoption, that is) 'father' (now dead at the bottom of a cliff in some mountains— probably already eaten by mountain lions or something). He was verbally and physically abusive to Victor and put him through a lot of traumatic, invasive medical procedures that basically turned him into a magitech cyborg. Artemisia - basically everyone around her growing up (with the exceptions of her sister Cerise and brother Valerian), they all treated her like a freak or monster Flécher - A cat scratched him in the face once when he was a toddler and now he's afraid of them. Grim 'gives him the heebie-jeebies'
🗑️ - "It's complicated" Tomoe - Whether she'd choose to go home or stay in Twisted Wonderland Irina - Her opinions of her parents Spike - His relationship with his 'dad' Junia - What she thinks are her actual good qualities Lisle - His opinions of his parents Veronica - Her relationship with her father Victor - How many lives he's taken (both human and animal) Artemisia - Her upbringing in general Flécher - His future plans
©️ - Bonus: Canon NPC important to them Tomoe - Grim (basically her son. Him being taken away in Book 6 is the catalyst for Tomoe finally making up her mind that she's staying in Twisted Wonderland Irina - Malleus (Her Favorite Person, and the first person to ever return all her love in full) Spike - Leona (his first and closest friend at NRC) Junia - Azul (Junia feels she owes him a life debt for saving her, she's eternally grateful) Lisle - Cater (his first true friend- the first person who saw his true colors) Veronica - Vil (she looks up to and admires him a lot) Victor - Jack (absolutely the healthiest thing Victor's ever had in his life) Artemisia - Lilia (Lilia is 0.1 seconds away from literally going 'my child now') Flécher - Sam (basically manages him at work, and has actually taught him lots of good life lessons)
AND I'M DONE [ collapses ]
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
@nyx-of-night @theolivetree123 @babyghoul138 @skibidibabygirl @screamintoad
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valyrra · 1 year ago
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@shanaraharlyah made me realise I never did a good post here about Eve
OG HL Sheet by @wepepe-draws. TYSM for sharing! (took from X)
Second beautiful art is made by @giselsann-opencommissions (comission for @localravenclaw my baby <3)
The beautiful moodboard is made by @esolean (she's literally the best at this game)
Name: Eve Makaroff (Eva Makarova (rus)) Gender: Female Ethnicity: Slavic Eye colour: Hazel (natural) Hair colour: Blonde, but can change based on mood Height: 5'9ft (176cm) Talents: Metamorphmagus Figure: Hourglass shape, curvy Likes: Expensive gifts, fashion, plants, flowers, animals Dislikes: Difficult things, being ignored House: Hufflepuff Alignment: Chaotic Good Short lore: Daughter of the infamous russian wizard and dark artifacts dealer Igor Makaroff (OC). Eve was taught magic in Koldovstoretz until 6th year. Then she got transferred to Hogwarts, Hufflepuff, when her parents moved to UK.
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additional notes:
She's friends with Ren Aries (localravenclaw's OC), Lydia Parkinson (esolean's OC), Hellendil (shanaraharlyah's OC), Vanessa Nott (my OC), Natsai Onai (CC)
Her love interest is Akande Ogundimu (yes, I took Doomfist from Overwatch and literally made him as (my(?) OC, cause Eve is originally an Overwatch OC).
Here's also her (mostly X Akande) playlist <3
Meet Eve
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DC OC's Basic Information
Hey y'all! I'm Z/El and thank you so much for being interested in my OC's!
Here is the link to my Main Masterlist and My Navigation and my OC OC Masterlist
Just starting here, I am white. My characters are white. That being said, for the stories (such as Bex's) obviously I have main characters that aren't and if I ever write anything that isn't correct and is offensive, please correct me and I will fix that and apologize in advance.
Anyways, here is the basic information on all of my characters!
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Name: Ashlea Elisabeth Moore
Also Called: 
Birthday (Zodiac): 
April 22nd of 1985 (Taurus)
Where They Were Born: 
Clarksville, Tennessee
Waitress Photojournalist Journalist (Writing/Reporting) News Anchor
Family (Their DOB If Known)
Mother: Elizabeth Moore (1964) Father: General Michael Moore (1964) Brother: Dorian Moore (1979) Brother: Avery Moore  (1982) Sister: Ryleigh Moore (1988) Sister: Arielle Moore (1992) Sister: Jesika Moore (1995) Husband: Clark Kent (May 3rd of 1987) Son: Jonathan Michael Kent (June 9th of 2012) Daughter: Taylor Martha Kent (May 14th of 2015)
Dark Brown Hair Curly Hair  Dark Blue Eye color Glasses (Wears Contacts) Favorite Color is a Dark Violet 175.514 cm (5’9.1)
Face Claims
Child: Emily Carey Adult: Paget Brewster
Name: Lydia Taylor Swan
Also Called:
Lyds Sibyl
CEO Heiress Head
Birthday (Zodiac):
May 20th, 1979 (Taurus)
Where They Were Born:
Gotham City
CEO of Swan Industries
Family (Their DOB If Known):
Mother: Elsa Swan (1958-1995) Father: Sebastian Swan (1959-1995) Brother: Sebastian Ryan Swan (1981) Sister: Elsa Elizabeth Swan (1984) Brother: Alexander Beck Swan (1989) Boyfriend: Jeremiah Wood (1979) Boyfriend: Oliver Queen (May 16th of 1978) Boyfriend: Jack Bennet (1978) Husband: Bruce Wayne (April 7th of 1975) Adopted Son: Richard “Dick” John Grayson (March 20th of 1990)  Adopted Son: Jason Peter Todd (August 16th of 1996-Summer of 2012)  Adopted Son: Timothy “Tim” Jackson Drake (July 19th of 1998  Adopted Daughter: Cassandra “Cass” Cain (January 26th of 1996 Step-Son: Damian Al Ghul-Wayne (August 9th 2004) Daughter: Elisa Mary Wayne (December 14th of 2015)
Dark Blonde Hair Straight Hair  Dark Green Eye Favorite Color is a Dark Grey-Cyan/Lime Green 178.9684 cm (5’10.46)
Face Claims:
Amanda Seyfried & Emily VanCamp
Name: Rebecca Dylan Pixie Evans
Also Called:
Bex Star Hummingbird
Birthday (Zodiac): 
January 13th, 2005 (Capricorn)
Where They Were Born:
Waitress Journalist (Writing/Reporter)
Family (Their DOB If Known):
Mother: Rebecca Evans (1988) Father: Jonathan Weir (1988) Boyfriend: Joey Ventiligo (2004) Boyfriend: Steven Wheeler (2005) Boyfriend: Damian Wayne (August 9th of 2004)
Black Hair Curly Hair Hazel Eyes Glasses Freckles Favorite Color is a Dark Blue 177.8762 cm (5’10.03)
Face Claims:
Child: Reagan Revord Teen: Leighton Meester Adult: Elizabeth Olsen
The Evans Girls
Name: Taylor Marie Williams
Also Called: 
Birthday (Zodiac):
October 14th, 1992 (Libra)
Where They Were Born:
Cookeville, Tennessee
Librarian PR Manager for Wayne Enterprises
Family (Their DOB If Known):
Mother: Gwendolyn Williams (1957) Father: Peter Williams (1952) Boyfriend: Jason Todd (August 16th of 1991)
Black Hair Straight Hair Blue/Green Eyes Favorite Color is an Almost Black Pink 176.4284 cm (5’9.46)
Face Claim:
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
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starzzmissthesun · 4 months ago
Welp I should be doing my assignment for class but I will never shut up abt my ocs for this story given the chance so character designs!!!
For Margaret she has hazel eyes, dead straight black hair, shoulder length but a bit longer/shorter at random parts bc she cuts it herself, she's unnaturally pale so people make jokes that she's a vampire, it makes her insecure, her eyes are more on the downturned side- kind of droopy, and she's always got dark circles from laying awake at night, she's got beauty marks that she thinks of as imperfections (even though she adores Lydia's freckles) they're placed above her lip to the left, one to the right of her nose/on her cheek, and another above her right eyebrow that she tries to cover with her bangs, she's got long lashes, heavier on the bottom than the top, and on the rare occasion that she does give a real smile, it's wide awkward and all her teeth show, including the pointy canines that's always pokes her lip when she's bites on it, she's skinny, too skinny, she often doesn't have an appetite but she's got a love for sour candy and twisslers
Jamie doesn't have a solid design just yet even though she's been around for 5 years😭 but I imagine she's got short brown hair, just past the ears, as long as she can get it without her parents making her get a hair cut, she used to have it bleached so the very tips are just a bit blonde, she's tall, more than she would like to be so she's always hunched, dark brown eyes that make her feel even plainer (especially when she compares her self to Lydia), and that's all I've got for Jamie :(
Lydia's also not that flushed out design wise but she's a red head with dark green eyes and freckles all over, it makes her feel like the average red-head stereotype, her hair is just below her books, curly and layered, she's got warm skin that gets a honey colored tan during the summer and dimples on only one cheek, heart shaped lips
Some stuff abt Lydia
Her favorite colors are yellow and orange like the sunrise, her favorite books are The Outsiders and Speak, her favorite movies are The Craft, But I'm a cheerleader, and the Nightmare Before Christmas, some of her favorite songs are Lover Rock, Are you bored yet?, Pleaser, and Roslyn, she loves to pick flowers and press them between the pages of her books, she can't ride a bike, and will eat just about anything, but she's got a hard time saying no to people and never gives herself breaks, constantly burying her own emotions till she burns out
I don't have a sketch book rn, so none of these sketches are good. But here's the owns I did of Margret. I really wanted to the others, but I NEED my sketchbook. I kind of just went crazy w ur description. (Also I literally love these characters SO much)
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chocos-universe-2 · 8 months ago
HH (Hazbin Hotel) - S1
HB (Helluva Boss) - S1 - S2
FNaF - All Games + VR - 1-2
CupHead - OG Game + DLC + Show
Poppy Playtime - Chapters 1-3
TADC (The Amazing Digital Circus)
Total Drama/Disventure Camp
BB (Baldis Basics)
FNF (Friday Night Funkin') - Mods Included
BATIM (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
AAF (Andy's Apple Farm)
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 1-2
Suction Cup Man
Sally Face
Inside Out 2
Clone High
Chikin Nuggit
Cookie Run: Kingdom
Fairly OddParents
Fairly OddParents: A New Wish
Dandy's World
Finding Frankie
The Simpsons
South Park
★Fandom OC's★
HH (Hazbin Hotel) - Luna (Wolf)
HB (Helluva Boss) - Evelyn (Hopeless Bride)
FNaF (SB) - Roxy - Human + Ronni - Animatronic
CupHead - Damien (Chalices Brother/Demon - Dating CupHead)
Poppy Playtime 1-2 - Michael (Player)
Poppy Playtime 3 - QuietMouse (A Smiling Critter) + Michael (Player)
Frowning Critters - LoudMouse
TADC - Mikey (Old Doll, Dates Jax in later Episodes <so not official yet>)
Eddsworld - Harper (Apart of Edd Crew)
Total Drama - Rosalina Jane (Daughter of Bella Jane, Crushing on Alex, Appears in Season 1, 3, 5) + Alex Miller (Crushing on Rosalina, Appears in Season 1, 2, 3, 4 (for a little), 5)
DVC - Bella Jane (Mother of Rosalina Jane, appears in all seasons)
CreepyPasta - Ella and Ethan Connor (Killer Siblings) + River (Killer Clown) + Lorelei/Lor3l3i (A Witch, Dating Ticci Toby)
Baldis Basics - Ms. V (Vacuum) - (Gotta Sweeps ex high school gf)
FNF - Play With Me <OC Mod> - Sage (Normal Human/High School Student) & Darla (Vampire)
Villainous - Moria (Flug Simp, Failed Experiment/Clone)
BATIM - Candy (Dating Bendy) Lydia (Candy's Mum, Wife of Charels, my friends - @imma-vincent-van-gogh-kms - OC)
AAF - Mimi the Mouse (Designer, dating Claus the Clock)
DDLC - Emiko (Apart of Literature Club)
Mr.Hopps Playhouse 2 - Emara (Child) & Ms. Leaf (Squirrel)
Sally Face - Eddie Smith (Once Human, Died By Suicide, Dating Larry Johnson)
Inside Out 1-2 - Love (Anxiety's GF, Appears in the almost end of Inside Out 1)
Clone High - Agatha Christie (Clone, Dating JFK)
Chikin Nuggit - Sweet Raspberry (Lion)
Cookie Run: Kingdom - SunLight Cookie (They/It)
Fairly OddParents + A New Wish - Alex (IRL Me -Technically-, she only appears in the crossover AU)
Dandy's World - Parker the Pancake & Twisted Parker the Pancake (She's 10, Just a Toon) Sally the Spaghetti (Main Character/Toon, Thanks to my mom for picking the character/toon:3)
Finding Frankie - Beauty Bella (A Bee)
The Simpsons - Candy the Cotton Clown <> Bethany Bunny <> Alison Tara (The same person, dates Krusty the Clown)
Trixie Isabella (Angel)
Trixie Isabella (Past - Human)
Midnight Michelle Myers (Vampire Overlord Demon)
Midnight Michelle Myers (Past - Human)
Hayden (Fish Demon)
Hayden (Past - Human)
Alec & Amelia (Midnight's Parents - Past)
Jessica (Hayden's Mom - Past)
Rudra - (Experimented to an Angel Demon - Dating a Human)
Scott - (Past Rudra)
Maggie (Born Human - Dating an experiment)
Keith (Tired Birista - Human)
Emmet - (Dating Keith, Human - Stay at home partner)
Jackie - (Born Dark Winged Angel)
Theo - (Born White Winged/Horned Demon)
Daniel - (Human - FemBoy)
Aiden - (Human - Emo Type Style)
Hazel - (Human - Dating Emmy)
Emmy - (Human - Dating Hazel)
Sherry - (Undercover Spy, Human - Dating Ava & Lynn)
Lynn - (Angel - Dating Ava & Sherry)
Ava - (Winged Demon - Dating Lynn & Sherry)
Anna - (Half Wolf Half Human - Little girl)
Nikki - (Human - Anna's mom)
Ace - (Wolf - Anna's dad)
Dahlia- (Cat Princess, Banisned to Earth - Little girl)
Bella - (Vampire - Dahlia's Adoptive Mom)
Sophia - (Human - Yandere)
Oliver - (Human - Senpai)
My OG Blog is @chocos-universe if you just want your OC tkls or just plain old character tkls:) (You can find more information there)
my third blog if you just want plain old characters interacting, it's for you!⬇️
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matthewanon · 1 year ago
Ground - @kittenanon
Especially You - Theo (new Scream oc)
At The End of the Day - Ameara
Ice Cold Pool - Rose
Only Friend - Casey
What You Like - Wes
Sun Tan - Steph
Uncomfortable - Gwen
Marvelous - ETHAN!!!!!
That’s What I Get - Carrie
Pulling Leaves off Trees - Mindy
Scrawny - Steve
Pictures of Girls - Ariana
I’m Full - Quinn
Talk Like That - Violet
Coastlines - Lydia
OK - Chad
Drunk on Halloween - Jessica
Treacherous Doctor - Tara
Hurts Me - Matt
These Days - Eeva
Pleaser - Rhea
Trust Fall - Ryder
Quarterback - Tommy
Virtual Aerobics - Anika
I Don’t Want to Talk - Wren
Hard to Believe - Ambrose
Just Like A Movie - Maxine
Dig What You Dug - Wendy
Are You Bored Yet? - Daniel
Another Story - Oliver
1980s Horror Film II - Brooke
Nobody Gets Me (Like You) - Georgia
Sidelines - Jessica
It’s Only Right - Jennifer - another new OC
Guitar Romantic Search Adventure - Hazel
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hazeldragonblossoms · 1 year ago
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heya, i'm hazel dragonblossom, a fictive of a wizard101 oc! i'm part of the merlynic system, and i still play wiz when i can!
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tags + pixel credit below !! ↓
hazel speaking (talk tag)
scrapbook (exomemories)
fav (self explanatory)
song scrolls (tunes and jams!)
fictblr (more of a general tumblr tag, for fictive/system stuff)
the spiral (various worlds i'm too lazy to make tags for. like marleybone. fuck marleybone)
ravenwood (lots of character art, world design, and stuff about the vibes of ravenwood/wizard city as a whole)
ravenwood forums (mostly memes tbh. a nice blend of wizzy and tumblr wizardcore posts to cultivate the Vibe)
theurgy (aes, vibes, lore, and analysis, as are the rest of the magic tags)
astral magic
shadow magic
grandmother raven
grandfather spider
headmaster ambrose + gamma
professor sylvia drake + professor moolinda wu
professor cyrus drake
professor malistaire drake + professor dworgyn + acting/assistant professor malorn ashthorn (MY BESTIE)
professor dalia falmea
professor lydia greyrose
professor halston balestrom
professor alhazred + assistant professor arthur wethersfield
i also generally tag any canon characters i knew, like ceren nightchant or duncan grimwater :3c if i remember any noncanon characters, i'll make tags for them too!
pxl crdt: 🌌 | 🌅 | 🍁 | blinkies | 🏷️ | 🪴 | 👻 | 🌸 / 🌸
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selfshipping-shapeshifter · 2 months ago
The Self Inserts™:
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Amber/Jonas (Everything Else):
Last names:
Maiden Names:
Beetlejuice: Deetz | Everything Else: Jones
Married Names:
Gravity Falls: Pines | Grounded: Tully | Hazbin Hotel: Morningstar | Deltarune: Kaard | Ocs: Hendrix
Human, for most s/is: Amber is short (standing at 5'1), plump, curvy, and has longish dark brown hair with half of it dyed a dark yet vibrant red from the tips. Their hair is usually down and it's straight but they try to make it a little wavy, but sometimes they might tie it in a side bun with a few strands let down on the sides of their head. They have pale-ish skin, hazel eyes, and a pretty small tattoo on their left hand (off to the side next to their thumb) of a simple lightening bolt, which is a reference to a movie. They always wear glasses and earrings and they tend to wear fashionable outfits with a lot of accessories and jewelry that fit either a gothic style, a cottagecore style, a pink cutesy style, and sometimes other styles like more masculine outfits or casual outfits, but they prefer dressing more formal or fashionable
Bendy: Unlike both Alice and Allison; Amber has a glowing halo floating above their head, inky black wings, and an imp tail to match their little horns. Their hair is the same as their human self but it's black instead of dark brown and they put it up in a bun more often. They switched out their dress for a slightly different black dress to add more differences between the three of them
Hazbin Hotel: They're a vampire bat demon with the same body type as their human form. They have bat wings on their back, bat ears on top of their head, same hair as their human self except it's black instead of dark brown (still dyed red), fangs, claws, short gray fur, and glowing gold eyes. They started wearing just gothic outfits instead of the other styles they used to. They were cursed to wear roller skates because of their death and the boots itself are made with black leather and have a silver chain with a skull charm on it
Super Mario: Looks close to human!Amber except with glittery fairy wings on their back which glows a faint purple. They tend to dress two different styles; gothic and cottagecore, either feminine or masculine
The Great Mouse Detective: Same body type as human!Amber except they're an anthropomorphic mouse with sand-colored fur. They're still gothic but they tend to wear more fancy outfits like suits, although they still wear dresses
Undertale, monster: I have a few ideas but one of them is a candy monster whose body is made entirely of pink hard candy (red for Underfell which tastes like cherries). Same body type as human!Amber and same clothing style, just their body is a hard candy like lollipops and tastes like strawberries
Deltarune, darkner: In the process of reworking
Basic Info:
Beetlejuice: Amber Deetz is Lydia's older sister who's older by 9 years. Amber is the one Beetlejuice tries to marry and he almost got away with it before Barbara stops him. Along with the deal to marry him, Amber adds another condition; for Beetlejuice to turn them into a vampire, which he does before he gets eaten by a Sandworm. A few weeks pass and Beetlejuice meets up with Amber again and they, intrigued by this weird ghost, decides to let him stick around. Their relationship goes from friends, to friends with benefits, to eventually lovers
BatDR: Amber knew Sammy and Susie during their time working at the studio as a script writer for the episodes, who mostly was assigned to write for Alice which is why in the cycle their appearance reflects Alice in a way, although they don't look entirely like her unlike Allison and Susie
FNaF: The human s/i is usually human and works for Fazbear Entertainment as a technician for the animatronics. The animatronics prefer them and they usually get all the jobs involving interacting with the animatronics. For the Roger Stanford Springtrap, they didn't work for Fazbear and instead found Springtrap somewhere and took him in
Grounded: Usually works with Wendell; I might write them to be married to him with or without Trudy depending on the oneshot or headcanon
Hazbin Hotel: They were cursed to wear roller skates because of their death; which was death by a roller coaster. They lost their head as well, which resulted in their head being detachable in Hell. Their roller skates are stuck on and can only be taken off during certain circumstances and they can't wear any other shoes, much to their disappointment. They use a cane to help when they wear the skates, which is black wood with a silver skull at the end of it. The cane also works like a staff too and can be summoned at will. They're also a vampire and has a diet like one. Their full demon form is a much bigger bat who foams at the mouth
Portal 2: Amber took Chell's place and at the end decided to save Wheatley and take the cores with them when they left
RSatSD: Multiple ideas. Sometimes they might be a princess or sometimes they might be common folk or something supernatural
Super Mario: Not many ideas yet but Amber’s friends with Peach and their kingdoms are close to each other
The Great Mouse Detective: Amber is a mafia boss to a gang called The Colony of Freaks. They have a rivaling gang called The Gilded Age and I don't really have any of the characters in either gang made or fleshed out, but I have a very vague idea for a few of them. Basil and Amber have an enemies to lovers dynamic and he has been trying to arrest them for months now. It's sort of a one-sided rivalry for a while, as Amber has always been interested in Basil and flirts with him constantly while Basil thought he hated them at first because they're a mafia boss and he's actively trying to arrest them (and they somehow keep escaping his grasp), but after spending enough time with them, he realizes he actually likes them as a person and the flirty rivalry they have is thrilling
Undertale: For my human s/i I could either write them to be in Frisk's place (or with Frisk as an older sibling) or they could be accepting to monsters when they return to the surface if they don't go Underground. For my monster s/i, their appearance might change on a lot of things but they probably live in Snowdin and are neighbors with Sans and Papyrus. If I go with my purple cat s/i, they might be Catty's sibling, which also goes for Deltarune too
Deltarune: In the process of reworking
Ocs: Amber might be a human, selkie, vampire, mermaid, witch, or whatever else depending on how I'm feeling, but if it's a Klaus oneshot then they might either be a selkie, mermaid, or vampire
Ma'lanna (Skyrim):
Same body type as human!Amber. They're a Khajiit who's covered in purple fur with hints of black and white along with slightly different shades of purple, their fur pattern being that of a tabby cat. They're either a Dagi-raht Khajiit or a Cathay Khajiit. They have longish black hair they keep down, glowing yellow eyes, gold hoop earrings in their ears, and they tend to wear black leather armor
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An old screenshot of Ma'lanna that's pretty accurate except the eyes
Basic Info:
I'm in the process of changing their backstory, but;
They weren't born with purple fur; it was originally black before they used a spell and accidentally turned their fur purple and they kept it ever since
They use magic a lot but tends to use a sword during battle that they made themselves, or a bow if they're far away
Jill Cipher (Gravity Falls):
Demon form: Jill has royal purple skin, a glowing light purple left eye and a black triangular eyepatch covering the right. Their hair is black instead of dark brown with a dark yet vibrant red on their tips on the right and purple on the left. They have fangs, silver freckles, claws with a black gradient on their arms and legs with a glowing brick pattern on their arms in the colors cyan, hot pink, and sea foam green. They wear a monocle, a small floating top hat, and a fancy outfit with a white button-up shirt and black ribbon tie, a black and white galaxy skirt, a purple vest with a brick pattern on it, and a black trench coat with a few tints of purple on it
Human form: Pretty much human!Amber except they still wear their eyepatch, their freckles are a normal color instead of silver, has subtle fangs and purple eyes- well, eye, and they have the same hair as their demon form. Dresses the same as human!Amber
Triangle form: A purple triangle with a ribbon bow tie, a monocle, and a shorter top hat than Bill's
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I drew these using a base I found on Pinterest and using a screenshot of Bill for my triangle form (I'd link the base but I can’t find it but it was a free to use) (also the hair is shorter than it is now)
Basic Info:
Bill Cipher's twin sibling who's older by 5 minutes and used to be close with him in their childhood but drifted apart ever since the destruction of their dimension. Bill keeps in touch and often annoys them and they just deal with it and annoy him back, although they rarely, if never, reach out first due to them not liking how toxic Bill turned out. They don't have the heart to cut him out completely
Jill's blush in their demon form is silver because of their blood looking like glitchy mercury
Love (Inside Out):
Same body type as human!Amber. Love has reddish pink skin which glows like the other emotions and they have longish hair, all of it a dark yet vibrant red instead of half being dark brown, and it's tied in a side bun with a few strands let down on the sides of their head. They have red eyes and they wear a red dress with a white button-up shirt underneath and black sheer stockings with a garter belt and black Mary Janes
Basic Info:
Instead of taking place in Riley's headquarters, I'll write any of my Inside Out oneshots/headcanons with my s/i in my own headquarters. So the emotions are in Amber’s head instead of Riley's
Love, as you can tell, is the emotion which has everything to do with "love", however they love focusing on romance and Amber’s relationships and crushes but they also deal with platonic and familial love too
Cherry (TADC):
Same body type as human!Amber. Cherry is an anthropomorphic cat plushie and has red fur, pink eyes in the shape as hearts, and they wear glasses. They have longish hair in the same shade as their fur tied in a side bun with a few strands let down on the sides of their head. They wear a pink frilly dress with a white button-up shirt underneath
Basic Info:
Their human form in the real world is Amber, although they don't really remember it that well along with their real name. At least, not yet
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aliverse · 2 years ago
which ocs are pro low rise jeans and which are against?
OOF! Let's see
Pro: Eden, Jane, Rue, Hero, Taylor, Alanis, Riley, Paris, Zara, Posie, Hadley, Ariella, Isaac, Destiny, Riley, Carmen,
Anti: Esme, Belle, Othello, Kathryn, Priscilla, Wren, Liberty, Arden, Eliza, Rory, Caroline, AJ, Lana, Faith, Lauren, Sawyer, Hazel, Matilda, Emery, Enid, Dove, Amelia, Audrey, Estella, Lydia, Juliet, Tate, Astrid
Send me an ask!
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that-scouse-wizard · 2 years ago
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arrthurpendragon · 7 years ago
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                                                by: @perfectlystiles
Hazel Martin is starting her freshman year of high school alongside her older sister Lydia. But Hazel is now experiencing all the crazy stuff happening in her hometown, including video store mountain lions and multiple murders which accidentally puts her directly in the line of fire of a power hungry alpha. 
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wild-stdreams · 8 years ago
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MURPHY + MARTIN ⇢ the girls who are... ‘something’ (x) @thedeliriumseries
“You’d think that our family would have had the decency to warn us about all of this shit, but apparently not.” I huff, flopping down onto Lydia’s bed sending the paper sheets of my unfinished homework up in the air. Neither one of us feels like we’re any closer to working out what the hell we are or where it all comes from but Lydia is doing a much better job at hiding her frustrations.
“Are we even sure that it’s hereditary?” She says, turning around in her desk chair away from her calculus work with an eyebrow raised at me. “It could just be a coincidence.” 
“That we’re related and both have freaky abilities? Yeah... it’s no coincidence Lyds.” A light frown creases her forehead and I can’t tell whether this makes things better or worse. 
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petrichor-musings · 4 years ago
Now with MACHINE-RELATED NAMES! (& half a dozen others)
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? For those not in the know, this is like the second or third post on this blog. It’s been AGES since it was last updated. Recently @local-robotgirlthing asked for some robosona names, so I went through computing history & electronic components to pull out my favs :>
We hoard names we like, not necessarily names that we’ll use for ourselves, but names we think are interesting. Anyone is welcome to take a name for themselves, members of their systems, pets, OCs, characters, whatever they need!
Types of names included: Birds, Space, Machines, Colors, Trees, Plants, Earth, Word-names, names of gods & legends, names from books & stories, names from my ancestry, & a bunch of other names (mostly older or foreign names) that didn’t fit elsewhere!
Also, if you like these names, check back every few months years, as we (occasionally) update this list!
Lark, Larks-
-Space & Physics
Sagittarius (Sadge for short)
Fermion (Fermie for short)
Anya (short for Anyon or Anion)
Synthé (pronounced sin-thee with a soft th)
Nixie (like Nixie tube)
Deka (as in Dekatron tubes)
Rheo/Rhea (as in Rheostat)
Cray(a) (as in Cray Supercomputers)
Kibi/Mibi (as in kibibyte & mibibyte)
Dera (1950s vacuum tube computer)
Altair (as in Altair 8800)
Eta (as in the greek letter or the ETA10)
Curta (as in the Curta Calculator)
Hedera Helix
Thistle or Tilly for short
Sphalerie/Sphene (short for Sphalerite)
-Gods & Legends
Aéron or Aérin
-Books & Stories
Virilidaine or Daine for short
Vernik or Wernich
-Other names
Llewellyn/Llywellyn (hloo-ellen)
Cailin (Colleen)
Alastor or Alistair
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years ago
I love you for who you are
Relationship: Negan x Reagan (MY OC)
other characters mentioned: Aaron and Lydia
Warnings:fluff, nerves of coming out, mentions of sexualities including pansexuality, bisexuality and gay.
A/N: Hey guys so Thursday is bi pride day so for that I wrote a one-shot of Negan coming out to Rae as bisexual. Now this is my opinion because I think that he’s bi but please don’t come for me. It’s just my opinion and I don’t care if you think its clapped or not I’ll respect your opinion so please respect mine. Hope you enjoy my lovelies!! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!!
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It was the month of June and Rae was excited because it was pride month, Rae was a pansexual and she knew that many people in Alexandria were bisexual, lesbian, gay or other so she made a rainbow cupcake for Aaron, a bisexual cupcake for Lydia and a pansexual cupcake for herself and made a few extras for each. She had told Negan the night before and that she was excited he wasn’t because he wanted to tell her that he was bisexual but he was afraid to.
He didn’t know how she’d react to him coming out to her but he was gonna man up and tell her. He found her working in the garden amongst the flowers and when she saw him coming she wiped her hands on her jeans and stood up “hey baby” she kissed his cheek “hey yourself beautiful” she blushed cutely and moved a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Let’s go for a walk” she slipped her fingers through his and they walked across the street to the path in front of the joined houses as they walked she could feel how tense he was she knew something was wrong “Neegs what’s up you’re as tense as fucking wire” he stopped in his tracks. “I have to tell you something” she took his hands in hers “don’t be scared to tell me” she leaned up and kissed him “Rae I’m um” he paused and looked down and then back at her ‘grow some fucking balls’ he said to himself “Rae I’m bisexual.”
A smile spread on her face instantly “that’s awesome babe how long have you known?” He smiled he could finally breathe “since I was a teenager” she leaned up and kissed him “I kinda suspected” he tilted his head “how?” She cupped his cheek “well before we got together i saw the way you were eye fucking Rick so I kinda figured it out.” He chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck “uh yeah” she caressed his cheek and her ice blue eyes met his hazel ones.
“Don’t be ashamed of who you are and I love that you’ve told me and I love you all the same and what can I say guys and girls and other genders are pretty hot” he chuckled. “If I’m being honest I did have the hots for Rick, but that was before I met your sexy ass” he pulled her to him and bit his lip “I mean you did eye fuck him a lot so you gave me a lot of bi vibes.” He kissed her and they continued walking “have you been with a guy before?” he looked at her as they walked “no I have had crushes on guys but I’ve never actually been with them if I’m being honest I’ve actually fucking wanted to be with a guy.” She rested her head on his shoulder “I understand where you’re coming from it’s not fucking easy because if you tell them and they’re straight then they’ll tell everyone else” he nodded “exactly.”
“I did kiss a guy once though” she looked up at him with a smile “ooh who was it?” he shook his head and laughed “he was just some random fucking dude in a club we were a little fucking drunk but he came over and kissed me and I remember liking it.” “I remember when I first kissed a girl it felt the same as kissing a guy, normal and good and I’ve been with trans males and females and they’re all awesome to be with.” “That’s what it was like for me when that guy kissed me it felt normal and good” she squeezed his hand and kissed his cheek “would you be offended if I said I really wanted to kiss Rick?” She looked up at him with a smile “no not at all I just think you’re aiming a little to high” he chuckled and rubbed small circles on her hand “you’re right as always” they ended up at Rae’s house and when  they got inside Rae gave her husband a bisexual coloured cupcake. “Just remember I love you for who you are” she kissed him and shared the cupcake. 
@negan-morningstar​ @negans-dirty-girl​ @smcc212​ @daisysouthmoore​ @you-a-southpaw-doll​ @impala-dreamer​ @londoncapsule​
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