#oc: lewyn ii martell
thesadboy · 2 years
The Freedwomen AU
Children of Lyanna
Children of Rhaella
Children of Elia Martell
In an AU where Rhaegar still dies at the Trident, but the women he had hurt survive and thrive...
Elia and her children are smuggled out onto a boat headed to Dorne with the help of her uncle Lewyn. As she recovers from the trauma while safely back at home, she realizes that she's pregnant due to Rhaegar bedding her one last time before going off to battle. All her loved ones are scared that this pregnancy will kill her but with the help of a skilled midwife and maester, a successful c-section is performed on her without killing her. She brings her last children into the world, a pair of twins and they live a happy life with their mother and siblings.
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Rhaenys Targaryen Martell
"Talisa Sand"
"The Sunsailor"
-Being the eldest and having had the most memories of the viciousness of the court in Kingslanding, along with narrowly surviving Amory Lorch's attack, she's incredibly protective of her siblings. Because of this, she also prefers to keep to herself and can take some time to get her to warm up to you.
-She doesn't like being called "Rhae" as a nickname, as she also associates it with her sire who abandoned her, so Oberyn came up with the nickname "Nyssy." Ever since then, it's been a term of endearment for her from her family
-Grew close to her great uncle Lewyn's paramour, Alba Sand, and often loved spending time with and learning from her.
-When she was first brought to the Water Gardens, she enjoyed playing in the water with the other children. This love of the water stayed with her as she grew and she became quite a skilled swimmer and sailor. Her mother would joke that she was half-mermaid, something that has her equal parts embarassed and touched.
-Loves reading on different parts of Dornish history, be it of real accounts or mythological ones. Her favorite story is about how Nymeria came to Dorne, especially the part where she encouraged her people to intermingle with the inhabitants out of a wish to unite them.
-Trained alongside her cousin Obara, wanting to learn how to defend herself and her loved ones. This causes the cousins to be the best of friends and for her to become quite skilled at both the sword and the bow. Whenever she had time, she'd ride out to hunt for birds and would often bring enough for her family to have banquets. During these banquets, the Smallfolk would also be open to feasting alongside their Lords and Rhaenys would enjoy sharing stories with children, low or highborn.
-Loves her little brother Aegon and calls him "Eggy", though not to the extent of their Targaryen ancestors. In fact, the idea of incest puts her off that when Elia admitted that part of Rhaegar's plan behind the prophecy was to marry her and Aegon to "the third head" she was disgusted.
-Prefers to believe she was named after The Queen Who Never Was instead of one of The Conquerors, it makes the idea of her naming more palatable to her.
-Became a skilled merchant thanks to her voyages where she brought back treasures and new trade partners for House Martell. During these voyages, she went under the alias "Talisa Sand" but has also embraced the moniker she had earned, that being "The Sunsailor." She had also caught the eye of a certain redheaded Stark heir while doing a trade deal in White Harbor. She returned his feelings and some say that they had a Rhoynish wedding ceremony while at sea.
-After some confusion regarding her identity was cleared and she and Robb Stark came clean to their families, Ned and Elia permitted them to marry. It not only helped heal any aminosity between Dorne and The North, but it also opened up trade deals between the two kingdoms. After she wed Robb in front of a Heart Tree, she preferred to keep the surname Martell.
-Had three children, a girl named Elana then twin boys named Brennon and Torren. Her children would later found the new cadet House of House Stark, House Sunstark.
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Aegon Targaryen Martell
"Aegon Swiftspear"
"Aegon the Beloved"
-Very passionate, impatient, and loving. It was often said that he seemed to be his uncle Oberyn born once again, which would make his heart swell with pride as he saw his uncle as more of a father to him than his sire.
-Trained under his uncle in the way of the spear and how to use speed to his advantage. Him incorporating these lessons into duels he participated in earned him the moniker "Swiftspear" which he proudly embraced, seeing as it was similar to the moniker of one of the few historical Targaryens he did like, that being Baelor Breakspear.
-When he learned about Rhaegar's initial plan to marry him and Rhaenys to the intended "third head", the idea seemed so ridiculous to him that he laughed.
-A huge mama's boy, something he was initially embarrassed about but as he grew older, he wore it with pride. To him, Elia Martell would always be the best choice of Queen and he admittedly is bitter over the treatment she had received while at court. As such, he's often the first to react angrily among Elia's children if someone insults her.
-Tended to be extremely impulsive which at first, worried Elia as it could be a sign that he may turn out like his sire. But over time, the positive influence of his relatives helped curb this trait of his, though it does occasionally kick into full gear if anyone mistreats his loved ones.
-Loves the color blue and often wears it, even occasionally dyeing his hair blue. He only does the latter in privacy though.
-Like his uncle, he's bisexual. This sprouted rumors that he had bedded numerous people, though these were highly exaggerated, much like other hypersexualised talk of the Dornish. He's also polyamorous, having gotten into a happy and loving four-way relationship with his cousins Arianne and Tyene along with Ser Daemon Sand. This became a rather scandalous and infamous topic of gossip out of Dorne, but Eggy and his lovers could care less.
-While his older sister was often aloof and kept to herself, he was more outgoing. Smallfolk and nobles alike were drawn to his magnetic personality and he made many friends. He also earned the moniker "Aegon the Beloved" after he and his sister Lorea started suggesting and coming up with laws that could help the smallfolk which his uncle Doran implemented.
-Eventually married Arianne through a wedding following The Faith of the Seven. But the two married their paramours in a Rhoynish wedding ceremony.
-Had six children. His children with Arianne included twin girls named Aria and Elia, then a boy named Maron. His children with Tyene included a girl named Nymella, then a boy named Mors, then another boy named Olyvar. His and Tyene's sons were named after their uncles who died in the cradle. Different cadet branches of House Martell were formed by his and Tyene's children, with Nymella forming House Nymerion, Mors forming House Martell of Planky Town, and Olyvar forming House Martell of the Greenblood.
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Lorea Martell Targaryen
"Lorea the Just"
"Lady Lustrious"
-The older of the twins, being born five minutes before her twin brother.
-Named after her grandmother Loreza Martell. When Elia told Oberyn about her intention to do so, Oberyn admitted that he would want to also name a daughter of his after their mother, so they settled on a compromise.
-Headstrong and confident, she often fought for the right thing to be done. As such, she was often seen by her Uncle Doran's side whenever he oversaw any grievances from his people, often advocating for true justice and fairness. She disliked certain parts of Westerosi culture, such as the kinslaying taboo or bastardy stigma, speaking up for those who killed abusive relatives in self-defense or for bastards whose birth brought them troubles. Because of this, like her brother Aegon, she was loved among the smallfolk but unlike him, the highborn found her to be a thorn on the side. This reputation of hers earned her the moniker "Lorea the Just" which the smallfolk would call her earnestly, while the highborn would call her that mockingly.
-Is very close to her uncle Doran, and he considers her to be another daughter of his. She learned under his tutelage and with her cousin Arianne, they became his most trusted advisors.
-While she mostly dislikes her Targaryen heritage and doesn't have a high opinion of most Targaryen men, she can't help but be fascinated with the lives of the often overlooked Targaryen women. In particular, she loves reading about the daughters of the conciliator and has collected different songs and stories made about Saera.
-Interested in horticulture, medicine, mixology, she learned how to care for different plants and turn them into potions and poisons. These, she would distribute to the smallfolk whenever she visited the Shadow city.
-Between her older siblings, she's closer to Aegon because of their similar dispositions and she's the one who came up with his nickname "Eggy" while he gave her the nickname "Rea"
-Can be very stubborn, and quick to form opinions of people before getting to know them. This has landed her in trouble several times, and while she has improved over time, she still sometimes catches herself making jumping to assumptions of others that she holds onto.
-Because she's the more outspoken of the two, she's the "speaker" of the twins, with her talking for both of them while her brother Lewyn often hides behind her. She was said to shine as bright as her House's sigil, earning her the nickname "Lady Lustrious"
-She's close friends with her cousins Sarella and Elia along with Allyria Dayne.
-While delivering her potions to the Smallfolk, she met a Tyren Toland, who was a son of Lady Nymella Toland's distant cousin. The two fell in love and had three children, a boy named Valero, then a girl named Nymara, then another boy named Teodore. Her and Tyren's sons were named after his cousins Valena and Teora while their daughter was named after her cousin Nymeria.
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Lewyn Martell Targaryen
"Lewyn the Scholar"
"The Nomad Prince"
-The younger of the twins, being born five minutes after his twin sister.
-Named after his great uncle Lewyn, who died sacrificing himself to give Elia, Rhaenys and Aegon a chance to escape. He's often seen tending to Lewyn's grave in House Martell's crypt, making sure the candles are lit and flowers are replaced.
-A lover of the arts, he busied himself with painting, pottery, and poetry. It was said that he had a lovely voice and was also skilled at the harp, though people comparing him to his sire whenever they witnessed the latter would upset him. He also loved reading, often being found sitting by a candlelight with his nose buried in a book.
-Very soft-spoken and shy, he often hid behind his mother or sisters' skirts. It was observed that when he was introduced to his extended family, he was initially scared of Doran and Oberyn and that when he and his siblings were first brought to the Water Gardens, he played by himself in a corner of the pools.
-Between his older siblings, he's closer to Rhaenys because they are similarly aloof and prefer to keep to themselves. He often calls her by her nickname "Nyssy" that it's rare for her to call her Rhaenys except during the few times they fight.
-Despite his shyness, it was said that there was a charm to him that could only be noticed once you gained his trust and were close to him. In particular the younger Sand Snakes were fond of him as his gentleness and patience made him a great babysitter for them. He was also close to his second cousin, Meria Sand, who was the granddaughter of Lewyn and Alba through their firstborn, Myriah Sand.
-Unlike his namesake, he wasn't really interested in learning to fight. The most he would do was just learn how to defend himself should he ever become ambushed. He did keep small daggers in his boots though for safety.
-Growing up, he seemed frail and fragile like his mother was, often having to be tended to by Sunspear maesters. Even though his family would always reassure him that they don't mind caring for him, he couldn't help but feel guilty over it.
-Was the first to learn of Rhaenys falling in love with Robb since she told him, at first he was wary of the Stark boy, but grew to like him too and approve of their relationship.
-When he reached his sixteenth nameday, he revealed to his family that he wanted to make something of himself instead of "being a burden to them," wanting to go see more of Dorne since most of his early life was spent indoors out of concern for his constitution. His uncle Doran and his mother initially forbid it, but some convincing from Rhaenys and Oberyn, he was permitted to do so. With his most precious belongings, some food and water, and a spare change of clothes, he left with two Sand Steeds.
-During his travels around Dorne, he regularly wrote to his family and sent them gifts while they would have money sent to him whenever he would temporarily settle in a town or city. To their surprise, they learned that he had acquired a retinue of paramours, as various older ladies had grown drawn to his charm.
-Eventually, he did return to Sunspear with his paramours and many bastard children. His paramours were affectionately dubbed "The Ladies of the Dunes" since he met most of them while traveling through the dunes while his children were called "The Sands of the Dunes" to differentiate them from their cousins the Sand Snakes. While he introduced his paramours and children to his family, Meria Sand would admit she love for him and would proudly become a Lady of the Dune.
-Among his many children were a girl named Larra who was his firstborn, a boy named Elias, twins named Doren and Dara, a child named Alina (who would refer to themself as neither a man and woman), and many more.
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ao3feed-tywin · 2 years
The Sun and the Storm
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GDyceb1
by hooplahoopla
Instead of fostering in the Vale under Jon Arryn, Robert Baratheon, son and heir of Lord Steffon, instead gets sent as a ward to Sunspear in Dorne under Princess Loreza Martell. As well as Robert, so goes his elder bastard sister, Baris. Conflict, romance and turmoil will abound in this AU.
Words: 3582, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Oberyn Martell, Original Female Character(s), Elia Martell, Robert Baratheon, Doran and Elia and Oberyn Martell's Mother, Steffon Baratheon, Ashara Dayne, Doran Martell, Stannis Baratheon, Lewyn Martell, Original Characters, OC Canon - Character, Cassana Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Aerys II Targaryen, Rhaegar Targaryen, Tywin Lannister, Rhaella Targaryen, Ellaria Sand, Mellario of Norvos (A Song of Ice and Fire), OC Baris Storm, Sand Snakes (ASoIaF), Harmen Uller, Arthur Dayne, Arianne Martell, Mya Stone, Gendry (A Song of Ice and Fire), Sarella Sand's Mother
Relationships: Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand/Original Female Character(s), Robert Baratheon/Elia Martell, Doran Martell/Mellario of Norvos, Cassana Baratheon/Steffon Baratheon, Princess Loreza Martell/Maron Qorgyle, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Doran Martell & Elia Martell & Oberyn Martell
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Steffon has a bastard daughter during the Stepstones war, Dorne (A Song of Ice and Fire), Polyamory, Robert Baratheon is raised in Dorne, Good Robert Baratheon, Young Oberyn is a little shit, takes place over the years, Friendship/Love, Mature Robert Baratheon, Stormlands (A Song of Ice and Fire), Dornish Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire), Stormlands Culture & Customs (A Song of Ice and Fire)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/GDyceb1
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