#oc: lam'ya
swingingliveaway · 7 years
1, 11, 17 for oc rivals
1. MeanestI wanna say Azhirei because hegrew up really privileged and also he‘s a dick. Like he can be adecent person, maybe, but he just doesn‘t really care about peopleor consequences and being from a pretty influencal family hasn‘thepled with that.Also probably Daís because she still hasn’tfound her moral compass and can be a grade A asshole if she feelslike it.
KindestTerysh. He‘sbasically my „cinnamon roll, too good, too pure for this world“baby Jedi. Like he just wants to help people and be good and theOrder really doesn’t deserve him tbh.
11. Most ticklishLam‘ya, not that anyone(besides Andronikos) would dare to find out just how ticklish sheis.
Cruellest ticklerN‘heri,especially when it comes to certain tiny Twi‘leks who willconstantly steal every single one of her sweaters.
17. Judges a book by its coverAgain Azhirei and Dais becausethey‘re terrible people, but also Jaimari because she basicallyonly judged people by „worth trying to rob them or not“ and thatcan‘t be good.
Judges mostly by personality I would say Cerulian, but since shesees with the Force that‘s basically just how it is because shecan‘t do it any other way. Other than her, definitely Shadil. Atsome point she doesn‘t care much for factions or anything likethat, she just refuses to put up with any shit from anyone.
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swingingliveaway · 9 years
Pairing of your choice, Forsythia!
Oh God, Rob, I’m so sorry this took so long. And it’s not really good either, but staring at it for any longer won’t make it better, so there. I chose my SI  and Andronikos for this one.—
Forsythia -Anticipation
„Whyexactly did I agree to this?“
„Becauseyou can’t resist me, obviously.“ Lam'ya dragged a hand along hischeek, smiling at him in that way she did, when she knew she wouldget exactly what she wanted, before getting a little more serious.„But if you really did not want to go, you should have made itclear, Andronikos.“
„It’s fine. Iguess“, he looked around, hoping that his discomfort wasn’t asclearly visible as he feared. „I was just wondering. You could haveasked one of your pet Moffs for company. Or someone else.“
„Well,“the Twi’lek woman at his side shrugged slightly. „I could have. But I’lllet you in on a secret: they’re all so horribly dull.“ Theycontinued through the entrance hall of the building where thegathering of the Dromund Kaas upper class took place. „And I’m notsure how well they would have taken to an evening with nothing butSith for company. Ashara and Xalek are just apprentices – as muchas I like them, they have no place here.“, she went on, in a ‘whatwould people say’ tone of voice.
“Whatabout Talos…he is used to Sith.”
“Yesand he gets very excited about relics, a passion perhaps not sharedby too many of tonights attendees, especially when he pokes into their families lives, he wouldn’t be the best fit. And never mind Khem.“ She let out a little laugh at that. The Dashadewould make an entertaining addition to the evening in an entirelydifferent way.
„Youmay have a point there.“
„Youknow I do. Besides“, she let go of his arm and twirled in frontof him. „This way you know that all of this is just for you.“
Andronikoshad to admit that there definitely was a convincing argument there. He lethis eyes wander over Lam'yas body, the way the dark red and golddress clung to her body, calling out to him, making sure hisattention was on her entirely. The corners of his mouth curled up andhe reached out to pull her closer to him again, hands trailing downto the small of her back.
“Yousure about that, Sith?”, he murmured.
“Prettysure”, was the response, purred into his ear as she pressed herbody closer to his, as usual not caring about etiquette. “And waituntil you see what’s beneath the dress”, she added, soft lipstouching the edge of his jaw ever so slightly. Then she pushed awayfrom him for a smirk. “Which you only will, if we make it throughthis evening.”
Withthat she turned around and walked further into the Estates entrancehall to greet some of the other guests, while he just let his eyesfollow her.
Hestill wasn’t quite sure how he had ended up with that woman, but hecouldn’t wait to be back at their home with her.
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swingingliveaway · 9 years
Which character you should hug, SWTOR  OC edition
I loved the one @darth-char did, so I had to join in
Sha'dil: She'll probably be in full Trooper gear so hugging might not be the most comfortable thing to do and honestly, she'd prefer if you kept away from the weapons she's carrying around. She'd always be up for a fist-bump or high-five though, and that's something, right? Shamira: Hug the tiny cat Jedi, Force knows she needs all the hugs she can get, but she'll never ask for one. Hugs should be soft and carefull though, except if she really knows you well (or of you're her brother because than there will be full on tackle-hugs). Cerulian: Definitely hug Cerulian. She gives great hugs that make you feel better and you might get some life advice out of it. Just don't be mean to Qyzen because then you might be faced with a very disagreeable overpowered Jedi. Jaimari: Sure, hug the Smuggler. Just don't be surprised if you're missing a few credits, weapons or articles of clothing afterwards. Phena: Do not hug the tiny muderbot. Please don't. Actually, don't initiate any physical contact at all if you don't want to be very roughly removed from her person. Perhaps wave from a distance. Lam'ya: You probably shouldn’t hug Lam’ya unless she asks for it. She’s fine with you bowing and kissing her hand, though. Daís: Well, you COULD hug Daís, she probably wouldn’t even mind. Just don’t say anything that might be a password for brain washing or you might end up slightly poisoned. Also there is a chance she’ll lull you into a false sense of security and make you spill your secrets. Larn’her‘irca: If you value your health probably don’t hug Nheri. DO you know how many weapons and gadgets she carreis around? You’d probably hurt yourself and she’ll just be amused by your pain/injuries. You could duel her instead, but the result would probably be the same. Ikraam: Hug the strawberry. He might pick you up while hugging you and grin at you goofily and be all adorable in general. You might feel like the world is a better place afterwards. Terysh: Absolutely. Hug Terysh. Just let him know beforehand, he's not too good with suprises, and you'll be fine. It will be slightly awkward at first, but there's a chance he'll blush and that makes up for anything.
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swingingliveaway · 9 years
16, 26, 27 and 30 for all your ocs? or whoever you'd like c:
Oh God, sorry Aurrie, I (of course) totally forgot about his yesterday D: (And, man you picked some tough questions here). I’ll just do two characters for each question I think.
16. What are their best school subjects? What are their worst? List five of each.
In the Imp military academy Daís was really good at anything strategic or infiltration related because that stuff is some really valuable knowledge to her. She was really vored by some politics related stuff though, especially when it came to things like which Alderaan house is related which which other house or in a truce and stuff like that. She prefers to just read up on those things when she actually needs it.On the other hand during Sha`dils training all the physical things were really her thing, combat and assault training were a lot of fun. The basic medical training she received wasn’t really her thing, she doesn’t have the patience for things like that (so she is very, very glad to have an excellent medic like Elara in her team)
26. How does your character prepare for bed? Do they sleep at all or can they stay awake for days on end without trouble?
Thanks to the Force Carulian can actually stay awake for anextended period of time, but rarely does it if not entirely necessary because that jet lag/hangover feeling afterwards is just really not worth it. She likes to read in the evenings or talk to Qyzen in her or his quarters where it’s at least kind of quiet. They sometimes just talk about the planets they’ve been to, but also memories from their lives and things about their respective cultures. She actually takes off her mask during those talks because Qyzen doesn’t care about her lack of eyes (and that thing really isn’t that comfortable).
27. If your character had one thing to say to their parents before they died, what would it be?
Phena doesn’t really remember her mother, but if she had the chance to talk to her father again she would thank him for keeping her safe as long as he did and tell him she got their estate back amd that despite everything she’s doing fine.Lam'ya would tell them of her rise to power and something along the lines of „not suffering in vain“ and about Lord Kallig and that about her plans to reform the Empire in the hopes of making them feel better about living and dying as slaves.
30. Finally; if your character was forced to eat one thing for the rest of their life, what would they choose and why?
Since Jaimari is a bit of a food lover / foodie having to eat only one thing for her entire life would be pretty horrible to her, but all things considered she would probably decide on some kind of high quality steak dish.Larn’her‘irca on the other hand can survive on pretty much everything, food is more of a means to an end to her, so she would take the practical approach and choose something that would provide the right amount of energy.
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swingingliveaway · 10 years
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The further I get in the Sith Inquisitor story line, the more I think Lord Kallig is probably one of the nicest people you meet, nevermind him being dead for a really, really long time.
Sith-Gost greatgranddaddy is looking out for you.
(Also if Aloysius isn't the coolest name for a mean old Sith, then I don't know what is)
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