#oc: lady bug persik
waterloou · 5 months
tell me more about ur heartbreak high ocs nowww
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Maya Arroyo (Harper oc)
Maya spends her time in the library to escape her alcoholic mother. Her father is in the picture but he works himself to death and her mother hasn’t been sober since her younger brother died a decade ago. If she’s not at the library she’s at the skate park. She won’t touch alcohol and usually will help people home from parties if she ever attends.
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Lady Bug (Lilly) Persik (Ant/oc oc)
Lily is a singer in a local band(also a bassist). She makes all her clothes and works at the local record store. She’s a bit socially awkward but really comes out of her shell when she’s onstage. Blushes easily, incredibly funny, loves a good laugh.
(Ant gave her her nickname)(thanks V for the idea✨)
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Beetle (Benjamin) Wagner (Ant/oc oc)
Beetle is best friends with Spider, Ant, and Dusty. He’s a huge romantic and falls in love with everyone (specifically his best friend Ant). He loves giving people little things that remind him of them and it’s not uncommon for his friends to find something small hidden in their pockets. He’s not immune to their antics but out of the four of them, he’s the most down to earth. He works at his father’s auto garage after school.
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Birdie Li (Harper/Ant oc)
Big party girl, throws some of the best parties at school. Is the type of girl to dance on tables and attempt a stage dive. No brain to mouth filter. Promiscuous as hell(corrected the map when she thought no one was looking).
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Dingo (Dorothy) Ryan - she’s Douglas’ best friend, kind of came with his nan’s house bc she’s her neighbor/family friend and nan babysat her often. She’s ace as well. Works at a corner store. Smokes like a chimney. She’s out of shape and can’t fight to save her life.
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