#oc: jin amachi
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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Team Magma are fucking nerds, who the fuck sends an intent-to-steal notice to the place they're going to steal from. That kinda goes against the point, doesn't it????? Also starting off by going " How are you. We are doing fine" hello?????????????
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fagopiro 6 years ago
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some sketch requests for my dear friends <3 first are from fandoms: 1. Finland from Hetalia 2. Misaki from Bang Dream 3. Jin Ling from Mo Dao Zu Shi
others are OCs 4. Kobayashi Haru (fan character for Puella Magi Madoka Magica) 5. Sora Amachi (character from fan idol group SparkleS (by @cool-ass-cucumber) )
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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Again. ORAS Dialogue cooked. I think it's so important that Wally is upset after losing. I think it's so important that he yells in frustration, just for himself. Cause he's allowed to be frustrated! And he is! But he also knows he has so much more to go! To grow!!!
I also think Wally thanking the player for never holding back is key too. The player is someone who respects him enough to not baby him. They're rivals! Even if Wally isn't where he wants to be just yet, the player doesn't coddle him or anything, they help him push forward!
Hgvhvgvgvcg sorry y'all, Wally always gets me.
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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A call from May.
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And this is from Scott! And yeah, this kinda confirms to me that Scott's end goal was to get the player to the Battle Frontier. Potentially as a new product/ hj.
Also, this is pretty much cementing to me that Jin was honestly encouraged to take the elite 4 + champion rather than them fully wanting to. Don't get me wrong, they want to see their journey all the way through, but it's less bc they desire to be champion and more that they felt their journey was completed, you know? It doesn't help that almost everyone is going " so, are you going to take the pokemon league now?" And Jin, the impressionable 12 year old who feels like they have to prove their strength to others is like " I guess? Sure". You'd think they'd be more passionate given the fact that being champion means that no one can question their strength again and they kinda are. I dunno how to describe it. It feels less like something they really really want and more of checking off a box with mild enthusiasm. Does that make sense????? I dunno if that makes sense.
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
More Jin team thoughts but not Gijinkaverse related. Mainly on the pokemon's bond with Jin + the potential backstories. Again, not Gijinkaverse related, those will have a different backstory for each character.
Esme( Sceptile): Esme is Jin's starter and thus is the closest to them. On the surface, they look like each other's opposite, with Jin seemingly being this angry angsty teen and Esme being this very laid back treecko. Despite this , they both have this tendency to jump into things without fully thinking things through, so they are kinda on the same wavelength in that regard. Esme's laid back nature did help Jin with their anger in their youth- she would help calm them down by resting on their shoulders or , as a Sceptile, gently gnawing their head/ putting pressure on their head ( I need to check Sceptile's height I don't think it's taller than Jin as an adult actually. The point still stands). Jin's determination to do the gym challenge ( up till their dad) and the frustration they would feel whenever they lost badly ( ie, Wattson) was what finally made her start taking her role as leader seriously - she felt that she was letting her trainer down, her team down, by not being as active of a leader as she should be. In a way, Jin and Esme balance each other out, and it's what makes their bond so strong.
Fang( Mightyena) : A rather short one bc Fang got retired from battling at some point. She's somewhat of an outlier among her species: she isn't the type to really be aggressive with other pokemon, moreso staying in her lane. She's also, as far as her species go, isn't that intimidating ( mainly bc she doesn't have that ability). When she was caught, she expected to continue to stay in her lane....only for her trainer to be a kid with a temper and her leader being an unserious treecko, both whom would often get themselves into situations that weren't necessary. So she quickly found herself trying and failing to be the voice of reason. She was never good at commanding an audience ( or so she thinks) so she would often just watch as her teammates got into another avoidable fight. Though, even so, she grew to love them. Even when she realized she couldn't really keep up everyone in terms of raw power, she still liked being part of this weird team she calls family. Jin especially has been kind to her - they like petting her in particular, which she assumes is for her fur ( Tomoko conducts static so they would have to be careful petting her). She was actually surprised when they would enter her in some contests! It honestly flatters her that Jin sees the beauty of the not that scary mightyena. And for that, she's grateful.
Sora( Swellow): If Fang was the outlier of her species, Sora was the Pinnacle of his- which also kinda made him an outcast lol. He's very prideful, both in his appearance and in skill, to the point where he was notorious within the route he was in for starting fights constantly, all to show off his skill and prowess. And then he got caught by Jin after getting beat by Esme. Naturally, this wounded his pride. Jin and Sora are honestly pretty alike, mainly in how stubborn they both are, and because of that, they would butt heads a lot, with Sora not really listening to Jin unless it was something of common interest ( aka, winning a battle to prove a point). Throughout their journey, both Jin and Sora not only chill out a bit, but gradually start to better understand each other. What really helped with this was the shared interest in pokemon contests! I think both of them sharing this, especially with Jin first entering the Cool Contest, effectively helped them get along. By the end of it all, Sora and Jin share a deep respect for each other, with Sora occasionally showing bits of affection to their trainer ( whenever Jin mentions it, he gets huffy though, lol)
Something I thought of just now: Originally, Sora was just going to be a wild pokemon Jin caught. But then this idea came up to where Sora actually used to have a trainer before Jin, maybe multiple? I've always imagined Sora being incredibly skilled, but lacked proper guidance, mainly bc he didn't believe he needed it. So maybe he was a pokemon who used to have a trainer(s), but bc of his pride, said trainer(s) thought he was too much to handle, and would release him back into the wild - which was even more of a problem bc he kept picking fights. I think it would be very interesting, honestly, and would add more layers to why Sora n Jin didn't get along at first. Sora was abandoned before for being too difficult, so why wait for his trainer to give up on him as well? And that would make their mutual respect and affection all the more sweeter.
Vex( Mawile): Vex is interesting bc outside of his rivalry/romance with Sora and his general love for fighting, I haven't fully fleshed him out? I know he's rather cheery, eager to go along with almost anything. He's not energetic per say but he is lively and lax enough to like a good laugh and playful tease his teammates. But even with all that, it's still kinda hard to figure out how he thinks, especially towards Jin. This is a problem given Vex is one of Jin's designated mega pokemon outside of Esme, and in order for that to work, I need to establish a deep bond between Vex and Jin. It's easy to say that they do, but it would be unfair to just not have any details of their dynamic.
I know he likes fighting. I know he enjoys using sneaky tactics to get a win ( fake tears, sucker punch etc). I know he isn't afraid to really go in a fight. But there has to be more than that right? I'm not sure right now, Vex is someone I have to think about more.
Tomoko( Manectric): Tomoko is arguably the one pokemon here that has a good head on her shoulders, at least in comparison to the battle hungry Sora n Vex, or the carefree Esme. Fang too, of course, but unlike Fang, Tomoko commands respect. She is no nonsense, both towards her team and her trainer, and isn't afraid to zap em to get their heads straight. She doesn't do this out of cruelty, but rather bc she can see how this team could work well together,but doesn't. If she's going to be part of a team, she wants to be part of one that's aligned together. I think Jin early one would be frustrated with her boldness, honestly feeling that she's always disappointed in them or their team. Getting scolded by a pokemon in its own language is not a great experience. But again, Tomoko isn't doing this out of ego or distaste. She is rather compassionate and tries her best to understand others, especially her trainer. I think she realizes how she's been affecting Jin, and gradually goes from scolding to simply being a source of comfort for them. Her approach to things can only work so well after all, and while it helped Esme realize that she really did want to be a leader, it only made Jin feel more insecure- something she feels incredibly guilty over.
I think Tomoko gradually softens the more she's on the team. Again, she was always compassionate and respectful, but her strictness with the others could come off strong. She gradually learned to ease up a tiny bit, and let the chaos of her team flow - she loved them for it. She's still not afraid to zap someone if she thinks they're being stupid ( cough Sora and Vex, cough)
Mirage ( Flygon): The baby sister of the group! She's as lovable and excitable as one would expect, she's the light of the party! As a trapinch, she was pretty much coddled by Jin - who thought she was adorable - and liked being carried around when given the chance. While her singing was horrendous as a trapinch, Jin was nothing but encouraging, loving the small Pokemon's enthusiasm and passion. Mirage's desire to battle didn't really come from her trainer though ( well it did, a bit), but rather a new and improving Esme, who was actually starting to take her leader role seriously. Mirage wanted nothing more than to be as cool as her big sis! So she works suuuuuuuper hard for her trainer, even if she loses a lot! Jin encourages her though, and is never angry with her, which is great!
Overall, Mirage is much a needed bundle of joy and positivity within the group. This continues even as she evolves and starts to tap into her dragon side more ( which makes her a bit more difficult to handle, but she's still overall the same energetic trapinch Jin met in Mirage Tower). She is upset that Jin can't hold her like they used to, or she can't perk on Jin's head once she's fully evolved. Though she's gotten into the habit of just flopping on them lol.
Caspian ( Milotic): One of the newer editions of the team, and thus haven't gotten to know Jin all that well. While in game I was able to evolve Caspian rather quickly, I don't think it would be that quick in universe. Caspian was caught as a Feebas, so my best guess as to how him and Jin met was that Jin potentially rescued and healed him? Which ultimately decided for Caspian to join Jin, to repay them for their kindness? I think I'll semi stick to the canon games version of how Feebas evolves- either by beauty stat or via trade. Maybe Lisia actually helps Jin make Caspian feel beautiful - more than he already does, anyway. I feel like Caspian was honestly fine with his appearance before evolving. He didn't think he was the most gorgeous thing ever, but he didn't hate his appearance either. Getting pampered was certainly an experience for the rather modest and somewhat reserved Caspian though - but he would be lying if he said didn't like the gesture.
Upon evolving I think he became the much needed calm and serene feeling the group needed, as Mirage was the more lively addition. Caspian was always soft spoken and gentle, often softly cooing or gently nudging when it comes to Jin. By the time Jin catches Caspian, they aren't like how they were before, but I also imagine the stress of team magma and aqua are really starting to get to them. Caspian as a Milotic is long and cool, so Jin would find themself resting between a coiled Caspian to help ground themself. Caspian, of course, is more than happy to oblige.
Spirit ( name will change) ( Ninetails): REALLY short bc I only used to him a tiny bit and he's very new: I don't really know what his personality and relationship to Jin is just yet! So he's kinda up in the air.
Okay that's it! MAN I'm beat. If you wanna ask questions about these guys or give ideas on backstories n shit ( to be clear again, this is NOT the Gijinkaverse version, just the pokemon as actual pokemon and their lives before and after getting captured), feel free to share!
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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Oh hey Steven.
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I'm so glad I'm going out of my way to talk to more NPCs and to go to places that will be plot important. Why? Bc I genuinely did not know Steven was here. I didn't know he took the initiative to watch the mossdeep space center so the player can explore Mossdeep. Which I think is really cool! I was wondering how the pacing of this would go, since Jin wouldn't want to leave the center if no one was protecting it ( Thanks Scott) and....well Jin still doesn't like Steven lmao, but I think they can let go of their pettiness to take on the gym leaders. ( note: they don't like Steven for stupid reasons, aaaand is slightly bitter that they have been dealing with almost all the team aqua and magma stuff with Amber. This is something I want to address but I also don't want to ruin Steven's character in his genuine kindness. I think I can achieve both but I reaaaaaally gotta be careful with it)
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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Shout out to this magma grunt, I hope he's doing well.
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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a-tale-of-legends 5 months ago
I'm kinda realizing that Amber gets Latios, but then Latias is all alone :(
I know Jin is the obvious answer but man, they would not be beating the draconid allegations. First their Sceptile, which can mega evolve into a dragon type, then their Chosen by fucking Rayquaza, then -depending on if I go through with it- they get their own Salamence and potentially a Latias. And finally like. They doooooo kinda look like Zinnia. Mainly with the eye color, eye shape and hair. Which, I should clarify, was completely accidental, I just thought it looked cool-
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a-tale-of-legends 3 months ago
Welp! That concludes Jin's Playthrough!
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I love this team that we've built, even the more recent additions that didn't get some time to shine. This was really fun!!!
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Back home :)
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a-tale-of-legends 3 months ago
Also yeah, not gonna do the battle frontier, I don't have the motivation for it unfortunately. Plus, the more I sit on it, the more time I give away from Amber's run + the motivation for that.
In other news, I have finally given names for Jin's latest three pokemon!
Ninetales -> Spirit( placeholder) -> Kuro
Bagon/Salamence -> August
Latias -> Verity ( I forgot there was a lake verity in game lmao but whatever)
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a-tale-of-legends 3 months ago
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Huh. So there's where the battle frontier is.
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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About to face the E4. One last roll call.
Esme - The carefree but determined leader!
Sora - The prideful yet skilled flyer!
Vex - The battle hungry menace!
Tomoko - The level headed second in command!
Mirage - The ever joyful siren!
Caspian - The healer with a pure heart!
Was all of that cheesy! Yes! I don't care! Onto the league!
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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Hi Vito of the Winstate family
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Damn man. You lost once lmao.
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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The cinematic!
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a-tale-of-legends 4 months ago
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