#oc: janis woods
rattfreakk · 5 months
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A bonus Janis doodle.
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kalmiaclown · 5 months
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Finally finally finally finished @rattfreakk's request to draw her oc Janis! Had a lot of fun making this :D
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wtftaylr · 1 month
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wanted to get Some OC stuff up here like i said i would (checks calendar) (sweats) some time ago. A bit about Jan & small lore tidbit under the cut!
Janis ⋆ 29 ⋆ Zephyr ⋆ Omnisexual Butch ⋆ she/her
(it might be difficult to see, but she does have top surgery!)
The death of Janis’ father meant she was to take over as her clan's Elder, something she had been training for her whole life. Her grandmother challenged her during her designation ceremony, as is expected and encouraged during Zephyr ceremonies. Usually a few members of Zephyr clans challenge the to-be Elder, but this time around they didn't get the chance to.
Janis' grandmother -- cruel and power-hungry -- mercilessly beat her to a pulp, thereby taking over. Embarrassed and ashamed, Janis fled before her grandmother could banish her. the good ole "you cant fire me i quit" mentality lol. She eventually meets up with an Elf lost in the woods, and the plot takes off from there. But we'll get to Floyd later :)
Small aside: Janis' staff reacts to her magic, bending and contorting, sometimes even during moments of absent-mindedness (which happen a lot for Jan lol). It may even appear as if the staff has a mind of its own sometimes.
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OC in Fifteen
Thank you for the tag @rivenantiqnerd!
I'm gonna go for good ol' Ninma for this one.
“ Was my paba a bad man, slave…I mean, Narul?”
"I can do that!" She whined as Bira valiantly attempted to wipe away the grime that caked the little girl's face.
“Uh-huh! The baths are next to each other right?” She turned to the attendant for confirmation. The woman nodded. “See, Narul? If something happens I’ll just-” At this, she took a deep breath, her cheeks puffed, “Scream!”  The shrillness of the screech made Narul’s ears ring.
“Stand still, I need to show you to Narul and then you can go home,” Ninma whispered, reaching out to grab the delicate creature. The lizard quickly skittered out of reach of her hands and came to rest on a log.
Ninma looked at Narul and then back at the spirit. She took a deep breath and puffed out her chest, and tried to rekindle that royal bravado. “ I am Ba Ninma Asherdul Ninjali, daughter of King Hutbari of Labisa”
“What do you mean broken? Narul is fine. He’s big and strong. And well, he’s not broken! He’s definitely not a dummy like you!” She could feel a grain of white-hot anger growing in her chest. She leapt to her feet, tiny fists clenched, all too prepared to leap at the strange being which hovered before her.
“Poisoned? Its a doll. I wasn’t going to eat it.”
“Shhh…shhh…its okay.” Her voice was soft and kind, just like Bira’s had been.
“Maybe I am and maybe I’m not. No one is going to believe you, if you survive that is.” Ninma said as she bound the man’s hands.
“I think he’s dead.” Ninma said. She was taken aback by just how hollow her voice sounded.
“I don’t really miss them because I don’t really remember them all that well. Its like forgetting the words to a song you used to love, you’re not going to cry over it but you do feel frustrated. Maybe it would be different if I didn’t have Narul and Otilia and all the others around. Its funny, I was with Suru for just a few days but I actually think about him more than I think about my parents.” Her eyes remained locked on her hand holding onto Jani's.
Ninma spoke up, her voice cut through the din of terror and uncertainty,  “There’s the ravine, I doubt they’ve found it. If we’re quiet we can sneak through there. We’ll be okay.”
“Narul I am a grown person, and even if I wasn’t I was running around a demon’s lair when I was five years old, I am sure I will be fine in the woods for a day or two. Gods, I don’t know what is going on in your head.”
“I don’t want the throne back! That throne has brought nothing but suffering and death! I was happy, I had someone that I loved and that loved me. Zatar took him! You stole him from me!”
"I’ve been here much longer than I ever imagined I would be...”
Tagging @illarian-rambling, @mk-writes-stuff, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @roach-pizza, and @willtheweaver
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savage-rhi · 12 days
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SO, BRING FORTH SAWYER KIDDO, KIDDO (see what I did there ehehehhe)
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of! 🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner? 🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech? 🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
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Sawyer Kiddo
🌸 What are some of their favorite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
Peanut butter pie with whipped cream. Sawyer associates it with childhood. Her dad (Pax) made one weekly to motivate her to do well in grade school. If she was good, she'd get a slice first thing when coming home.
Fries. This is Sawyer's go-to junk food snack, but she can get picky with where they come from. If they're well seasoned, she loves dipping them in ranch. Again, very fussy about the brand/flavor because of sensory issues related to taste.
Sawyer loves computers and got into programming and repairing them because of video games from the late 1980s and early 1990s. When she was young, she and her cousin Carmen frequented the local arcades in Raccoon City. If her life turned out differently, Sawyer would have gone to college for a degree in gaming graphics. She has a Gameboy and frequently plays it when not working for VITA.
Zorro. Sawyer watched re-runs of the old series starring Guy Williams with her grandma (dad's side) until gram passed away. The character served as a blueprint for the person she wanted to become as an adult: someone who did good for others without them knowing (or getting praise for it) and stuck it to the bad guys by being clever.
Fencing (inspired by Zorro). Sawyer always wanted to try it out, but she didn't get into it until she reached adulthood, when her friend Samuel covered her lessons in exchange for her achieving sobriety.
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
Sawyer had a group of friends in high school called "The Pod," which consisted of Carmen (her cousin), Theo, Janis, Carry, and Martin. She met the gang at a bush party in the woods near the Arklay Mountains (way before the Mansion Incident, so no zombies roaming around) hosted by high school seniors when she was a freshman, and they all got close. What attracted Sawyer to them was their humor and carefree spirits, and despite getting into mischief, they were all loyal to one another.
Sawyer dated Janis in her junior year. They had a strong relationship, but they both got tired of hiding it from their families and decided to end it. Given the social pressures of the time, they both didn't feel safe being out. Sawyer knew she was also attracted to men and didn't want to limit herself, whereas Janis was strictly into women. They remained on good terms until Janis, unfortunately, perished during the Raccoon City Incident along with Martin and Carry.
During Sawyer's senior year, she and Theo tried dating and hit it off well, but they broke up amicably because they had different goals and aspirations. Theo was more traditional and wanted a big family someday, which went against Sawyer's college ambitions. Theo survived Raccoon City and he and Sawyer went into contact again as friends, but he tragically committed suicide a few months later because of the horrors he witnessed.
Samuel is someone Sawyer considers family ever since he took her under his wing when she was going through alcoholism and helped her land a job with TerraSave and eventually VITA. The two bonded over their shared trauma from loss due to Umbrella's meddling and also bonded over mutual likes (computers, music, books, etc.). Sawyer initially didn't hold romantic feelings toward Samuel but eventually developed a crush on him, which went unrequited since he loved her more like a sibling. However, he was secretly open to the idea, but only when they'd both call it quits with VITA. Unfortunately, that conversation never came up since Samuel caught feelings for a member of the organization and figured it would be best to keep his current relationship with Sawyer as is without complicating it.
Sawyer looks for someone who makes her safe with friends and romantic partners. In past relationships (and when caring for her cousin Carmen), she took on most of the brunt when protecting and showing up emotionally, so many of her needs were unmet. She'd like to be with someone who can appreciate her strength, give her a chance to breathe, and take some of the mental load off her. That being said, Sawyer has a hard time vocalizing this to others (much of this also ties into being parentified/big sister syndrome since she was the oldest between herself and Carmen and, thereby, was expected to "take care of Carmen") and also struggles with conveying she likes sappy romantic gestures. She also values humor and doesn't care much for people with a stick up their ass when it comes to being funny.
Currently in Duality, Sawyer's starting to consider Luis (Two Legs) a friend or someone who could be found family since he went through a lot of turmoil to keep her alive.
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Sawyer typically shows she cares through acts of service, such as helping someone with a task, bringing/sharing a snack, or going through the trouble of setting up something important. If she holds the other person in high regard or has affection for them, her physical go-to is holding hands and hugging from behind. She knows she's cared for by others through acts of service, and if she trusts them, physical touch and sharing quiet moments. Sometimes, doing nothing together says a lot more to her than being active.
🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themself? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
When she was younger and Raccoon City was still around, Sawyer would hang out at the arcade or go to the pond at one of the parks to escape things. After the incident, she retreats to one of the hiking trails outside the new city where she and Carmen moved but stopped going altogether when her alcoholism got worse.
Presently, Sawyer doesn't have a favorite spot to call her own. Due to the nature of VITA and having to travel constantly to confront BOW dealers, she's never in one place for too long.
If Sawyer could have a comfort corner, it would be filled with the Zorro series and other related memorabilia, fencing swords, board and video games, music albums, and some books she likes. If she had more time, she could get into some other hobbies.
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werezmastarbucks · 1 year
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part one - Golden
part two - Silver
part four - Green
credence barebone x fem!OC
Then he said to me: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is to love and be loved in return"
warnings: language
word count: 9056
music: awakening the forest by everrune, fireproof by the national, strange birds by birdy, this will make you love again by iamx, the spirit dragon by mordela morana, ocean rose by tim janis
She mostly spent her days crying and nights, hunting. As she watched the baby run around in vivarium, she realized that the better Qilin felt, the less of Credence there was. Still, this was an exchange on a different plane of reality for her. She couldn't imagine betraying this creature, not even for Credence. This didn't mean he didn't matter. Orlaith needed everything to fall right into place.
Since their last meeting two months have flown by, and Dumbledore's promise of changes within a month might have been just a ploy after all. Grindelwald's acolytes didn't have it easy in the woods. They died in such numbers that it was time for the Lord to get concerned, but apparently, he had other business to attend to, and never showed up. Orlaith was ready to fight him, messy or not; the earth was on her side. As May came, the powers returned to the nature, and it woke up. She was teaching animals to fight back. She was training defense spells on whoever she happened to meet at the Forest in the wrong hour. Speaking of criminals, of course.
Orlaith decided, while she was obediently waiting to Dumbledore's attack! to get the matters in order. Especially she wanted to apologize to Matilda something-porne for her unfriendly demeanor.
She's been to the castle more or less reguralry, with all the baby walks, but rarely in the daylight. As the warm May wind dried everything up, and healed some of her soul, the road to Hogwarts also was made better, without deep pools of water and heaps of dirty leaves. One day, as the baby still slept, Orlaith escaped the house and flew for the castle. On a broom; it was finally warm enough. She flew fast, like she used to; watching the glimmering water below her, rippling with the glimpses of sunlight. The castle stood in front of her an unpenetrable mass. She even flew around it a couple of times, feeling the wind in her hair, trying to stop herself from thinking she could pull quidditch. The field stood, undisturbed, with its flags, bannerols and tabards fluttering in the wind. The world was laughing happily, again for the coming summer. The summer that awaited everyone, no matter where. She had no idea that even at Nurmengard, where the severe weather always held, the ice broke off from the rocks, and the winds ceased just a little, letting the warm air gather. Which made the Lord incredibly concerned at last.
She flew through the hallways of the castle like she was a fifth-year student; gathering surprised looks with her bright hair, and the flowers in it, and with her colorful dress. The poor pupils had still to wear the black uniform, and she looked like a ghost in flesh, unhinged. Children were preoccupied with the exams, drawing near, inevitable. That was one of the things she missed about studying.
She actually encountered the Headmaster himself, as he was pondering at the portrait of a naked hag on a broomstick, flying over a village at night. The moon was yellow in that painting, the witch's hair was obsidian black. She smiled coyly at everyone who looked at her.
"Oh, greetings, Peverell".
Orlaith sometimes couldn't express how proud, refreshed and excited it made her feel, when someone called her that.
"I'm thinking about removing Bella from this corridor".
She gave a look to the witch, who waved in return.
"Are the boys getting too agitated?"
"You have no idea. Always sheer commotion at this exact spot", he turned to her, adjusting his little reading glasses and examining her appearance.
"Isn't this whole summer look too immodest for studies?"
"I have graduated, Headmaster. Under Black".
"Headmaster Black. But didn't he make it known on your graduation certificate, that your results were satisfactory at best, and you ought to still catch up even after?"
"My results were excellent, Headmaster", she forced herself not to laugh, "Black just hated me because I didn't call him Headmaster".
"Headmaster Black".
He shook his head, closing his eyes.
"So, are you still studying, or not?"
"Not anymore, Headmaster".
"But I hear you've been practicing in the woods. Again".
His stern stare made her rise on her tiptoes.
"Uh... yes?"
"Without supervision? A witch of your abilities would act unwisely if she elected to train her duelling skills against the actual criminal, pugnacious enemy".
"Would you like to join me, Headmaster? I think I've located a specific hollow where they think it's absolutely comfortable to plot invisibly. Have you got my owl, by the way? Was Professor Dumbledore made aware of Grindelwald's alliance present so near the school?"
Dippet brushed her off.
"No Grindelwald acolytes have been to Hogwarts yet, thanks to you. Why bother anybody else with it?"
She bid goodbye to him, leaving the wizard next to Bella. If he is so sinile now, she thought, what happens in thirty years' time?
She reached North Tower without other adventure and found the rope ladder hanging suggestively. She shoved her head into the class and looked around.
"Professor?" she didn't want to let her know that she didn't remember her last name.
There was shuffling behind the door, then, Matilda showed up, in a purple trapezoid dress with long, light sleeves.
"Do you remember me? I'm a Peverell you'd been looking for. We met at Hogsmeade and you gave me a prophecy, and I was rude to you".
Her eyes lit up with recognition.
"Ah, yes! Come in".
She climbed up and found herself in the Divinations class. Of course, with every new teacher the interior always changed, but this time, little to nothing seemed different. There were still crystal balls and books neatly placed on the shelves. The flying candles were now without fire, sleeping. Some empty cages were on the tops, aimless. Maybe it was more purple, understandably.
Matilda offered her a coffee, and they sat at the round table in the middle of the room.
"Were you any good at this subject while you studied?" Professor asked curiously as they made it half through their drinks.
"Complicated. I happen to be a kind of a prophet", she confessed, "but in all the wrong places. Very often, when I needed to glance into the crystal ball, I saw instead what I already knew would happen".
Matilda looked at her knowingly.
"Where have you travelled from?"
"Far away", she nodded. She suddenly felt warm, she realized, she'd underestimated this woman. Matilda didn't ask too many questions, but was politely inquisitive.
"Was it in the form of dreams, or visions?"
"Books", she replied. Matilda was impressed, although, Orlaith always felt sad when she needed to talk about it. The sight of an empty house on the autumn street flooded her head every time. The house she'd left, without saying goodbye.
"So, Professor", she decided to lead the conversation away while it was comfortable, "you told me not to prevent the tree from growing. Have you, maybe, got any more insight into that?"
The soothsayer clicked her bracelets on both hands.
"I'm sorry, but no. The initial message, too, was very foggy, uneven. It looked like something that could be changed, or, on the opposite, set in stone".
"Future can't be set in stone", she argued, "I've already changed it".
"Well. Do you want to try for yourself? If we ask the right questions, maybe you'll understand more".
She nodded. They put away the cups: luckily, Matilda didn't suggest reading the future on coffee grains. She draped the windows quickly and moved one of the crystal balls towards them.
"This is the one where I saw it first. I'm sorry, only I can use it".
"That's fine", Orlaith consented. Matilda touched the ball tenderly, like it was a baby calf. Orlaith thought of her own, sleeping at home. She might have already awaken. But she never got scared when she was alone; she just waited for her in the kitchen, where it smelt the best.
"What do you want to ask?" Matilda offered, looking inside. To Orlaith, the ball looked absolutely transparent.
"Don't prevent the tree from growing. What did it mean?"
There was silence as Matilda peered inside.
"A boy. Dark-haired, thin, very pale, he looks lost. He's alone... do you know him?"
"Credence. What about him?"
Matilda shrugged.
"It's just him. I'm sorry. You know the spirits won't just explain everything to you in detail. The veil is heavy, and it's not easy to hear through".
"I understand", she mused. Matilda looked at her with compassion.
"You look like a person who's had a lot of fights to carry these flowers in your hair".
"I'm about to have more".
Something caught Professor's eye as she moved back to the ball.
"Oh. Oh!" she gave Orlaith a look of amazement, "why are you keeping a Qilin at home?"
Ice-cold fear touched the back of her neck.
"What about it?"
"Someone wants to take it".
She all but stumbled down from the rope-ladder. Damn forbidden zone of the castle, she needed to run so much to even get to the territory where she could fly, to say nothing about apparating! Her breath in her throat, Orlaith told herself that prophecies weren't immediate; and that, in fact, of course anybody would want to take Qilin away. If they knew it existed. Newt made sure nobody, but them four, knew about it. Stairs after stairs she flew, knocking off students and rubbing against the corners; finally, she was in the yard.
"Accio broom!" she screamed, and soon, her broomstick was racing to her with pleasant whooshing through the air. Jumping up, she only made it as far as the field outside, and she disapparated immediately. Then, another course of running through Hogsmeade. Nobody could know where it was, no one, if only Aberfort hasn't lost the match. As she reached the house, her chest was stabbing with pain, knees giving in. She turned the key in the lock and threw the door open.
Qilin was lying on the sofa at the back of the kitchen. Upon seeing her, the baby got down and trotted towards her, happy.
She fell on the floor, hugging the creature. She was trembling.
"I love you. I love you so much, baby, you know I love you".
Just to be sure, she checked the second floor and the wardrobe, and used revealing charms. Nothing came of it which was good. The feeling of unease wouldn't let go though. She felt paranoid. She didn't know what, something still hovered above her. She tried to think what Matilda told her, and made no more of it.
The rest of the day she was just cleaning, letting the birds in, to play with the baby, and feeding cats outside. It was a good day, and she dreamed to take the Qilin to the field, but it was impossible. Evening came, and she decided to go at least to vivarium, the one where she had the ocean, to let the baby play in the water. She put on her evening cloak and made it upstairs to pick up the Invisibility Cloak. Qilin looked a bit tired, so, she was in two minds.
Then someone knocked on the door.
That was not normal. Even understanding it was Aberfort, she felt unhappy. What might have happened that he came himself instead of sending an owl?
Orlaith came downstairs with her wand in her hand, just in case. Waited for another knock, but it didn't come.
She walked up to the door and listened. One time. They knocked just once, scaring her.
She said to herself, you. You, Orlaith, are the Cutter, the Witch. Are you going to be afraid of a guest at your door?
She opened it and stepped back to have better swinging ability.
It was Credence.
Something felt heavy and tragic. Against the homely fire and the light of the house, he looked like a ghost. Still the same face, but white, with blacker eyes than ever. Without a smile, it was mocking her. Orlaith thought he really was a ghost, sent by Grindelwald to break her, and it meant that Credence was dead. He looked like he was resurrected with the Stone.
He stepped into the house quietly, closing the door behind him.
"Hello Orlaith", he said gently.
"What are you doing here?"
It was really him, but very, very barely.
She noticed he had his wand out, too. She instinctively stood her back against the set of stairs where, above, in the bedroom, the baby was already lying in her little bed.
He looked up through the ceiling.
"How did you find my house?"
"Just like I penetrated the dome at the pond", he replied, "I seem to sniff you out easily, even when you try to stay hidden".
She swallowed a scream.
"I know what you have here. I need it".
She put out her hand and stopped him from coming closer.
"You can't have her".
"When Grindelwald found that another Qilin survived, he was very unhappy with me".
There was something very off with the way Credence spoke; maybe it was already difficult for him. Orlaith felt her ugly helplessness in her throat.
"He told me if I don't get this baby, he'll kill me".
She had to bend her arm because he was now standing closer already. She clutched his shoulder.
"I can't", she whispered, "I'm so sorry. I can't let you have her".
Credence lowered his head to meet her eyes.
"You said you wouldn't give up on me".
And nothing more. If he shouted, blamed her, that would be easier. Credence took the first step of the stairs, moving her with his body. Orlaith clutched on the banister, trying to push on his shoulder, but he was surprisingly strong. There was feverish glint in his eyes. He only looked whithered; in reality, although the obscurial already shone through him, in temples, cheekbones and knuckles, Credence stood is ground very firmly.
"You'll need to kill me, my love", she said. Her head was bowed, his breath on her forehead. She tried to push him as hard as she could, but there was no strength in her limbs.
"I will".
She felt his arm going down with his wand, and their fists touched.
"Look at me".
She raised her eyes.
"Trust my rage".
In a moment something struck her. His eyes expressed nothing, could not. She realised, if Credence has discovered her location, Grindelwald must know it, too. His wand crisscrossed with hers, giving it a light shove. Then he jumped back to the door, and they pointed at each other.
A couple of non-verbal spells met in the air, exploding in fiery flashes. She stepped up to have a better aim and shot, trying to get him; but every spell, Credence broke mid-air, sending one in return. Orlaith ducked, allowing an orange curse bash a hole in the wall behind her. Credence stepped closer, and she forced him to retreive, showering him with superficial blinding curses. He ran deeper into the kitchen, and she followed. Wondering what she is supposed to do next. One, two, three, five, ten curses, bouncing off of each other. They fought symmetrically, guessing each other's movements as they went.
"You'll need to kill me", Credence said, standing in the destroyed kitchen, among the shreds of wood.
Credence tilted his head like he was annoyed. She recognized the mist appearing around him, and jumped back as he started to turn into a black cloud of shadow and fire.
She ran upstairs. Qilin was trembling in her bed, looking up at her for help as she stumbled next to it.
"You'll be alright, baby, you'll be fine".
She could feel the floor vibrating under her feet as the cloud grew. The obscurial moved with a howl that sounded like a thousand tortured voices. All of those voices belonged to Credence.
She reached for the Invisibility Cloak lying on the bed, holding the baby with the other hand. She just managed to grab it with the tips of her fingers when the swirl of chaos crashed the floor and sucked her inside.
Aberfort ran like he has never run in his life. He ran and ran through the valley, forgetting he could apparate closer to the gates of Hogwarts. He has completely forgotten he was a wizard, for the first time in his life. He was just human now, running through the heavily scented fields of lupins, skimmias and rapseeds; towards the castle that shone brilliantly above the dark sleeping lake. In the middle of May, Hogwarts celebrated almost every day to prepare students to the rough season of exams. By the time Aberfort finally made it to the gates, it was almost midnight; many teachers have already gone to bed, to say nothing about students. He thundered into the hall, then made it towards the stairs. He was looking for his brother.
He was lucky and knew it as Albus usually went to sleep extremely late. At ten minutes past midnight, he was still in his office, not a sign of exhaustion on his face, in his white and silver jacket, writing something at his desk. However, as he heard heavy steps from the outer class, he was ready for the visitor.
If Aberfort was a horse, he'd be covered in foam.
"She's gone", he panted with a wheeze. Albus got up to his feet.
"They're gone. Aurelius... he found them".
They apparated right to the bridge leading into Hogsmeade. It was even faster than taking the secret tunnel into the Honeydukes. As they ran through the streets, Albus held his brother by the forearm, not to let him fall. Finally, the eastern side of the village was less lit than the center. That's why they chose this house for her. From the distance, Albus could already see the shambles of the dwelling, in the place where the house used to be.
"No, it's not supposed to look like that..." he uttered. They approached hurriedly and Albus sent several Lumos light balls to hover above. The breath was caught in his throat. Something wasn't adding up. Someone betrayed them. He turned to his brother, grabbing him by the collars.
"Where's the match, Aberfort?" he shook him well to stop his eyes from rolling around in their sockets.
"It's here!" Aberfort roared. As he reached for his pocket to demonstrate it. "Here!"
"Did you tell him? Through the mirror?"
"No! He doesn't speak to me, almost never!"
He was gasping for air, thinking, intensely. Something wasn't adding up.
He used the revealing charm to try to peek into what happened here, but the house had been protected too well. It meant, Credence managed to get inside even while the dome still stood. How? If even a Dumbledore spell did not let him see what was transpiring here in the last moments before the explosion.
"Go, send an owl to Newt, gather everyone immediately", he said. Aberfort was panting like a dog. He wasn't tired anymore, but tearing apart. Albus barely thought about how he must be feeling, knowing that his son is in the middle of this.
He stood there for a couple of minutes, deliberating. Then he turned and walked back, towards the bridge.
In fifteen minutes' time everybody was gathered at his office. Newt was the most panicked, understandably. His old ticks were coming out as he paced around. Albus wished Theseus supported his brother a little, even just to stop him from being a moving target. Eulalie was intently watching something on his desk, as she always did when thinking. Her lips moved a little as ideas rushed through her brain. Bunty was staring at Albus, completely lost. She also looked like she blamed him. Jacob collapsed into the chair with red draping, gazing in front of himself, mouth slightly agape. Albus wondered if the muggle had lost his mind.
"Alright", he clapped his hands, and Bunty jumped with surprise.
"Let us not deviate from hope".
"How?!" Theseus exclaimed. "We've just lost both our magical creature and our most powerful asset".
Newt sighed like all life left him.
"Bunty, will you please, give Newt a chair", Albus asked softly. She hurriedly took the zoologist by the arm and led him to sit him down next to the desk.
"How could he have done that", Jacob murmured. "I thought he was... on our side".
"He had joined Grindelwald last year", Eulalie reminded.
"He only did that to protect Orlaith", Newt replied slowly. His eyes were teary.
"Here's the thing I don't understand", Albus said. "There are no bodies and no blood".
Aberfort shrugged.
"He obviously turned. He might have just dissolved them both completely. And died, too".
Theseus was rocking in place.
"The question is", Eulalie said suddenly, "what we do right now. Election is in a week". She looked at Albus intently. He nodded.
"We do what we planned. Everything stays the same.
"But we don't have the Qilin", Newt squealed. Finally, Theseus approached him, and patted him on the shoulder, his hand stiff. That was an endearing gesture from him.
"Grindelwald might not know it. If he had sent Credence to pick up the second baby, and Credence died on the spot, he never gets it, either. We go with the suitcases anyway and see what happens".
"That's barely a plan, Dumbledore".
"The plan was not to have a plan at all", Albus retorted.
"And when we're up there?" Theseus asked. "And we don't have the second Qilin to show people that Grindelwald had been lying?"
"We fight. We do our best to shower him and his acolytes, and we move on as we can".
There was a collective sigh.
The room was sad, divided. The candlelight was dying slowly below the ceiling. Something didn't add up.
The morning of election was cloudy, a bit cold for a June. The clouds swarmed the sky, promising a storm that would rock the land. Cold winds stabbed the earth and the village, and people, dressed too lightly for this uncharacteristic weather, were bundling themselves tighter in their colorful cloaks. In the middle of the square, where the stairs were leading up towards the Election Podium, was much hotter, the wind unnoticed. People hurdled, crowded, pushed and pulled, paced and yelled their happy slogans, chanting, organizing in separate, orange, red and green groups. Then, on the stairs, the wind ferociously attacked again, tearing the hats from the heads, flapping skirts around the legs, slapping magicians on the faces. A butterfly was struggling to fly up. In this howling vortex of cold air, it flapped its wings with fading strength, thrown around by the gusts of it; the desperate attempts almost paid off as it managed to fly up and up slowly, gradually, while there, on the top of the stairs, the dramatic revelation has already begun. Someone managed to catch it carefully in unclosed fist, and put the butterfly just behind the layer of their black and white striped blanket serving as a coat against the wind. Inside, finally in the warmth, the butterfly landed on a wet, little nose and looked around. A strange creature looked at it back and cooed soflty.
Up there, on the wide round place, Albus Dumbledore locked his eyes with Gellert Grindelwald. The green fireworks were exploding in the air, shattering the sky, as Gellert's face was being translated into all the magical sanctuaries where people watched. He was now the new leader of the magical world.
Newt was wriggling in Mr Pewdence's hands, trying to liberate his working hand. He looked at Eulalie quickly, asking, now what? She stood not far from him, equally guarded, but she wouldn't let them grab her shoulders. Jacob laid on the ground, his face white like snow, a thin trickle of blood dripping from his nose.
There was a soft snap characteristic for apparition. A couple of gasps later, people divided, and a figure stepped up from the last higher steps, towards Grindelwald. He was frail, dressed in all black, his hair covering his face almost completely.
He locked eyes with Grindelwald whose nostrils flared from how livid he became.
"So", he said quietly, "you're alive".
Aberfort shook in his place, his feet scratching the stone, but Albus garbbed him.
Credence said nothing but looked at the wizard for a couple of seconds. Then he raised his wand, slowly, and gently moved it in the air. From the tip of the wand, streams of red smoke flew up towards the wizard and formed a huge word, visible enough for the translation, above his head.
Gellert dismissed it with an impatient twitch on his hand.
"What is the meaning of this?" he demanded.
"He's lying to you!" Newt screamed. "This Qilin is dead! It's been resurrected through necromancy, it's corrupted!"
Rumble moved through the crowd, people swayed like one liquid body.
"Bring him here!" Grindelwald snapped. Newt was dragged in front of him, Dumbledore aware of every movement.
"Credence", he asked, as gently as he could. Credence turned his face towards his uncle, pale, with eyes full of hatred.
"Where's Orlaith?"
The boy smiled but said nothing.
Before getting to the zoologist, Grindelwald moved his attention to Credence again.
"You haven't only failed me, but also betrayed? You, who had been thrown out like garbage, a circus freak. I took you in. I gave you what you desired the most, your history. I gave you your name, Aurelius. I gave you a home. And now you're dying, and looking at me, for what? You dare to raise your eyes at me".
Credence was smiling. Not a single time either Newt, nor Albus has seen him smile. Gellert's spell was so quick that no one was in time to react; even Albus. He's been too preoccupied with the unrealistic oddness of this appearance. Credence himself fended it, with a wide movement, sending the red flash away, above people's heads. Albus noticed something extremely curious, familiar, about this movement, the hand outstretched recklessly. And the wand - he's seen this wand before. He's seen this wand, dragon core, seven inches, extremely stiff, red wood. A smile of disbelief curved his lips as he raised his own wand to protect.
"Where's the second Qilin?" he yelled, in the high, shrill voice, to raise the wave in the crowd. He stood a little behind Aberfort, who stared at him curiously.
"Show us the second one!"
"Yeah! Show us the second one!" someone picked up. Several voices demanded the same. Grindelwald smiled like a knife.
"There is no second Qilin. You see the only one, the real one, in front of you. All this", he motioned towards Scamander, kneeled before him, "is just a distraction".
Credence sat on the steps, supporting himself with one hand.
"Excuse me! Goddammit! Will you- hey, thank you!" there was another high-pitched voice, as if from someone very small - a child, or a female house elf. Crowd grumbled, preoccupied, and people were finally making a narrow corridor, to let them through. Another person, covered in a striped back and white blanket, was stumbling upwards on the stairs.
"Oh, the-" Orlaith's hand caught herself on the steps, "these stairs, fuck", she mumbled under her breath, her voice unusually high with exhaustion. From the blanket, a butterly flew out and disappeared in the milky sky.
"Are there... two hundred thousand of them, or something?"
"What is this?" thundered Grindelwald. He was losing patience. She threw the blanket off her shoulders. Orlaith held the Qilin baby in her hands, snuggled against her chest. She was wearing a black shirt, not unlike Credence's, and dark trousers. In all black, which Dumbledore hasn't seen her quite often, she looked ever more menacing. Her long ginger hair flew in the furious wind, like golden Celtic song. She stood straight for a second, but then bent forward, putting her free hand to her knees, panting from the running. Credence watched her attentively. She waved her hand, motioning them to wait.
"These fucking stairs!" she yelled in thin voice, but it cracked. She's never cursed that much, in front of people.
"This is precarious", Grindelwald said with finality. "This is a ploy".
Orlaith let the Qilin jump off her arms, and it trotted joyfully around, paying little to no attention to the chosen leader. It ran around in circles, enjoying the weather, as Newt looked at her with tears in her eyes. Albus, without breaking the gaze from Grindelwald, walked up to Orlaith and helped her to get up. She jerked, suddenly, as if she didn't expect his help.
"How are you holding up?" he whispered. Her gaze was stern as she only allowed him to take her by the shoulder and raise to her feet. She immediately stepped away, closer to Credence. He met her halfway.
Qilin, meanwhile, was making her way through the crowd, towards Santos. The noble witch kneeled before the animal, bowing her head low. People started forming a circle around Grindelwald as his face hardened. He saw that the Qilin had chosen, and his own, barely alive, infernally blue, was now wandering aimlessly at the edge of the platform, unused. He opened his mouth to say something poisonous at the wands ponting at him, but was interrupted.
"Ow! Ah!" Credence talked for the first time. His face was bubbling and he grabbed on it, searching support in Orlaith. She, too, was shaking, grimacing. In front of the amazed crowd, the two seemingly changed places, and Orlaith was now holding onto Credence, and Credence stood where she had stood before. He was the one who had saved the butterfly.
"Ha! The most amazing thing I'd seen in a long time!" Albus laughed. He was so relieved. Meanwhile, Gellert finally recognized the girl.
"You. I knew the chains had meant something".
"Oh", she grimaced, "shut up!"
There was a swirl of spells. Green, blue, orange flashes flew towards Gellert, and he fended them all. Orlaith pulled Credence a little at the side, seeing that he was on his last leg. He was very pale, although visibly holding on. She searched for Aberfot with her eyes. He was making his way to them, but with the pushing crowd, it wasn't easy. She noticed Credence was, although he stood on one knee, looking closely at Albus.
There was a pause in the shootout, as Gellert tried to voice towards the wizards. Albus was impatient, clutching his wand, but he could only fight the servants, not the lord. The chain was choking him.
"You know, I wish I had broken your chains", Credence muttered. Orlaith followed his gaze.
"Accio!" he screamed, in the last burst of energy. Everything seemed to slow down. She felt that, together, they were something more. In between the moving bodies, preparing to attack Grindelwald again, she could see the long silver chain with the blood-red-hearted vile sprung in the air. Dumbledore was pulled along with it, barely keeping himself on his feet. She aimed as well as she could, which was relatively new to her; she just usually shot in wide bursts, hoping to shatter as much as possible.
Golden lightning flashed out of her wand for she was the Golden Witch. Credence felt her shining next to him, keeping him warm, as he let her lean on his shoulder for support. The spell, released by her, wasn't just a breaking curse. It was her ancient magic that made it incredibly strong. It was so strong that it could destroy the heartbreak, the betrayal, the sorrow. It crashed into the vile, and the little glass bottle exploded in the air.
Dumbledore was free.
Aberfort finally grabbed Credence and carried him ten steps away, holding him in his arms. Their fingers unclutched, and Orlaith moved her wand towards the dark wizard. Dumbledore's blue, and her golden curses flew towards him, as he twisted as best as he could to avoid being hit, dancing like a fencer. She saw some familiar faces, the faces that visited Hogwarts, fall, and stepped closer. Credence's shirt was far too big for her, so, she rolled her sleeves very quickly. That second she spent on it cost her a would on her neck, burning like hell. She rubbed the spot and focused again. Let the surge of magic of the earth itself thunder down on him. She put her wand up, and people stepped back, watching. Gellert locked eyes with her. She threw her hand down, and the pillar or purple fire engulfed him.
"Dumbledore!" she screamed, holding the trap. He wasn't easy to keep, actually. She could feel his pushback, and was horrified. Albus shot through the purple, curse after curse, and soon, the others joined. The howling mass of the pillar held Grindelwald as he was forced to his knees inside. He managed to break the curse with Protego Diabolica, from the third try, no less; by this moment Orlaith had redefined all she knew about her skills. She had never, she realized, met a wizard of such power, and her careless, insinctive use of ancient magic was only good with crooks. Otherwise, focus just wasn't enough to defeat someone so masterful. But the ring of fire grew, fighting the blue flames. She was getting exhausted quickly, feeling the supportive curses around, but the magic drained her for energy. Blue dragon was growing, consuming the purple fire, and her anger was the last thing that still held up. She thought of Credence. Credence, the boy she refused to let go of, dying ten steps away from her. Someone who never knew love and yet, sacrificed his little freedom for her, twice. His sculpted pale face with heavy, dark, intelligent eyes. The way he made her feel as his hand touched her neck softly, almost with fright. She screamed and pushed, she didn't even put any words to the blow. She just pushed Grindelwald as hard as she could, like a child would push another child on the playground. He flew up, picked up by the purple flash, and was thrown off the edge.
Suddenly, it was all quiet. People rushed towards the end of the platform to see, but he was gone. Maybe disintegrated in the fire, or maybe, disapparated in the air.
She bent and held onto her knees, like Credence, while he was parodying her. All was quiet for some time. Someone was scratching their head. Orlaith panted, looked up at the stormy skies, felt the June cold on her face.
"Alright, you were right. And Black was right, I need to learn more", she admitted to approaching Albus. He smiled like she knew he would always smile at children he protected.
"That was quite a spectacle".
"Is he gone?"
"Gone, yes, dead - unlikely".
He patted her on the shoulder lightly. His hand was scarred from the chain.
"Thank you for that, by the way. That was the most exquisit job from you two".
She turned around to look for Credence.
"They had disapparated. To Hogsmeade, I presume".
People were slowly gathering around her, dozens of curious eyes, which she didn't like. She realized the translation into sanctuaries and places of viewership was still happening.
"Can I... also go, please?" she asked, huddling closer to Professor. He embraced her by the shoulder, and she clutched on Newt, too, to shield herself. They both held her.
"Yes, let's go. And you'll need to tell me where the hell you have been".
A week ago, Credence landed himself, and Orlaith, with the Qilin, on top of the Astronomy Tower where she guided him. He swayed and fell on one knee because his head spun for a second. Orlaith collapsed, too, but managed to keep the baby in her outstretched arms. She quickly stood up and unfolded the Cloak.
"Are you alright? Credence?"
He took her hand and pulled himself up.
He was not. All his body was being bitten off by frost from his bones. The monster inside of him was raging, knapping. He couldn't lift his right arm. He let the night air soothe him a little, and then Orlaith threw the mantle over him. She stepped so close that he could see every freckle on her nose.
"What's that?"
"A family heirloom. You remember when Grindelwald - Graves - gave you that necklace? Doesn't matter. It's the Cloak of Invisibility".
He didn't ask where they were going, just looked around. He had to hold her around her waist not to let the Cloak slip off of his head. He found it uncomfortable and inappropriately fantastic. He couldn't even think while she was in his arms. In fact, the pain ceased just a little, and it became easier to breathe. He was staring around curiously as they sneaked down the winding stairs.
"Oh, so good it's the nighttime" she whispered, tickling his face with her hair. "No students".
He obeyed her motions, stopping when she stopped, and whispering to the baby when it made noises. Slowly, because they were both adults, and with a baby dragon deer, while the Cloak was designed for only one person - made their way to the lower level. Suddenly, Credence heard conversation. They stepped to the wall, the Qilin between them, two of their palms covering its mouth carefully and gently.
Two students in green ties were treading down the hallway. They stood still while the two boys passed, and then, after a while, Orlaith grumbled,
"Of course it's Slytherin".
And pulled him further.
Finally, they were standing in front of an empty, flat wall. She took the Cloak off and rolled in under her arm.
"What is it?" he asked.
She couldn't hide how excited she was all of a sudden.
"This, Credence, is the Room of Requirement. One of the most tremendous places in Hogwarts. Take my hand".
He complied happily. A rare bird, ghostly bird of freedom was flapping its wings in his chest. Excitement for magic, something unfamiliar to him before, contageously, travelled to him from her. For a moment, he wasn't aching, or tired, or on the run. He was just a boy, looking impatiently, in wonder, at the wall which was changing, transforming, into a door.
She pushed the door, and they entered a huge, light, spacious room with thick red carpet on the floor, with high, tall windows in the ceiling, through which the impossible daylight was flowing; the walls were covered in portraits of witches and banners of birds, and animals, and statues of incredible beasts were in every corner. It was warm here, safe, quiet. Something bubbled peacefully on the intricatly ornamented purple potion desk at the wall; it was an amazing place. In front of him, across the room, there was what looked like a greenhouse entrance, which glowed with white light. As Orlaith let the Qilin go, the baby immediately raced towards the entrance and, in the soft pearl glow, she disappeared inside.
"We're safe here. Not even Grindelwald can find us here, the Room is hidden deep inside the castle, and no one can acess it, who hadn't been inside before".
There were steps leading up onto a little balcony. On either side of it, on the platform, were doors. The left one had the same ethereal glow, but it was somehow bluer. On the other side, the door was most usual, but with a sign of a fairy on it.
"You can stay here. Hey, I'll go pick up dinner".
He drew a breath, still looking around.
"Is this all yours?"
"Well, the Room provides me with what I need. But I designed some of it", she nodded towards potion tabel and two botanic desks with some sort of yellow flowers growing.
"Can I... can I sit?" Credence motioned towards a big, dark-red armchair standing next to a bookcase.
"Of course. Of course, hey, do what you want here. This is going to be our home for the next week, I suppose. Are you hungry?"
He wasn't hungry, he was awashed with the feeling he couldn't put to words. Most likely it was savage, reckless hope. As Orlaith disappeared under the Cloak and left the room, he changed his mind against the armchair. He wanted to see what the gates were, and followed the Qilin.
When Orlaith returned, she found Credence in the vivarium, watching the baby play. She brought her dinner, too, and the beast started stuffing her face. She was growing, and ate all the time now. Orlaith munched on banana bread and had left some food for him in the room. She pulled on his hand, breaking his sunbathing in the field.
"Leave her be", she panted, with a smile, "I want to show you the ocean".
They left the first vivarium and took the stairs onto the balcony. Credence awed at how many books there were here. They entered the second glowing gate, and at first, he thought, he had another episode for there was noise in his head. Blinking in the white sunlight, he realized that it was the noise of the ocean. Grumbling pleasantly, licking on the sharp grey rocks, it was reaching its waves towards him. Orlaith was already running towards the water while he stood, and watched her. She threw herself in the water in her clothes like she was suffocating without it.
The sun did not recognize his white, paperthin skin. He felt out of place here, a black ink spot on this harmonious beach. But he walked on, he removed his shoes and felt the sand under his feet, and then walked into the water to make sure it felt real. It was amazing how he had been kept in a dark tower in the land of eternal winter, where iron bit him, and only ravens circled above the chasm below his windows, and suddenly he was saved. He was utterly saved, he was happy, his shoulders bending forwards, as his knees caved in. He sat in the sand and was silent, tasting the salt of the ocean. Orlaith joined him soon, water dripping from her.
"It looks and feels absolutely real, doesn't it?"
He asked himself if it has all been a dream.
"Does anybody leave here? Any animals?" he wondered.
"Only fish and very small crustaceans. And there, in the field, tiny beetles". She smiled. Her eyes were concerned, palpating his face. She gathered her hair into a bun. Credence looked at her neck and the sunbeams from her earrings on her skin.
She laid her head onto his shoulder, and they watched the waves until the sun started to roll across the water. The ocean was quietening, stepping back lightly, the shining changing from white to gold.
Several days have passed, and each day he was coming to the beach. There were cracks on his arms that wouldn't heal, the general weakness which he felt every day right in the morning. He knew what it meant, the boneache and the black visible through his skin. His body was only going to hold on long enough to go through with the plan which they now could finally discuss in detail.
In the bedroom, behind the door with the fairy sign, Orlaith slept in the bed to the left, with the baby curled at her side; and Credence slept in the right. In the evenings, days and mornings, they discussed what they would do. He watched Orlaith cutting the yellow and red flowers off the bushes with thin silver scissors; they dined in the next room where the narrow corridor led. In the oval shaped hall, the knight armour was displayed at the wall, and the banners: red, green, yellow, and blue. She explained that those were the four houses of Hogwarts, but Credence had already known about it. Grindelwald had told him a lot about Hogwarts, the place that Dumbledore had chosen over him. Still, he liked to listen to her as she spoke of Gryffindor. Most of the things in her Room were noble wine-red and orange, in the colors of her house. She said he would make the first Dumbledore who's destined for Slytherin. He asked why. She smiled like it was obvious. Your bravery is quiet, she said, and you're dark. You were right about it, you are dark, but your darkness is the darkness of the room where treasures are hidden. And you're smart, since you're reading my thoughts. In your pursuit of your name you almost turned over the mountains, and nothing could stop you. That makes you a Slytherin, the quiet menace, the undiscovered hero.
"And you're so dark-haired, you look like one", she shrugged. Credence found this playful categorisation entertaining.
"And what exactly makes you a Gryffindor?" he asked.
"Well, I'm super powerful".
He snorted right in his tea and apologized. Her smile turned into a laugh.
"You have- do you have any ancient magic by any chance?" he asked. "I don't think you've ever mentioned".
"That's what makes me a Gryffindor", she nodded, still laughing. "Dumbledore constantly tells me I'm too self-reliant and reckless. But it's really hard not to be, whent he earth itself helps you. Also, I'm a Peverell. All Peverells historically are Gryffindors, and they descend from the Gryffindor himself".
"The founder?"
"But did you ever find who you were?" he remembered suddenly. He saw this question ruined her mood in an instance. She gave him an uneasy, doubtful glance. He got frightened.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."
Instead, she moved closer to him as if she wanted protection.
"I never did, no. I'm occupying the name, the body of an Orlaith Peverell who lived in the sixteenth century. She was, it seems, a lot like me, so I guess, I grew into the persona. But..."
She looked at Credence with trusting eyes.
"I have come into this world after I died. But I was born elsewhere". She put her palms up on the table and observed them. Credence, out of habit, dared to touch them, and she didn't pull away.
"I was born in the world with no magic, no magic at all. Just the planet full of... muggles".
She said the last word almost with disgust.
"I don't remember what it is".
"A no-maj. As a child, I used to read books about magic, but it was so painfully unreal. I grew up with these stories about this magical child who defeated the dark wizard. He was born just like me, thinking he was usual, and then found that he was a powerful warlock. That was the most amazing thing that happened to me. As I was growing up, I got so hung on these stories, that I spent all my time in the countryside, in the woods, looking for the special door leading to the world of magic. And I couldn't find it". She was grim as she spoke, as if she was old. What if she was old?
"Then I became an adult and realized it had all been just a story. Just a product of imagination of a writer. In our world, Credence, we didn't have dragons, and broomsticks, and prophecies, no purple enchantments, no elves, no wizarding schools. Just.... work, buses, taxes, relationships. You get up every day and go to work, and then come back and watch TV... and then go to sleep at night and listen to the traffic".
Credence thought of this world as almost amazing. If he had been born to a place where magic didn't exist, perhaprs he wouldn't have been abandoned. He wouldn't have turned out like he did, he would be normal.
"So... that's how you know the future? You read about... us... in the books?"
"Yes. But everything is differen already. Because I didn't use to be in them".
He thought of the concept.
"The worst thing is that I started a family there".
He was taken aback.
"You... had a husband?"
Something like a thorn stung him in the stomach, phantom. Not the obscurial. Other type of pain.
"Yes. But the thing is, that life almost seems like a dream to me now. I forgot my name, or his, and I barely remember anymore... I think, with time, I'll start thinking that that muggle world was no more than a bad dream. A dream".
She looked at him.
"What if it was?" He mused, "just a long dream?"
She shrugged.
"Maybe. The view of the house doesn't seem to leave me. It was autumn, I died in September. I know I left them behind, and I feel... so awful".
He was shaken to his core. He wasn't sure even Grindelwald heard about things like that. There had to be some meaning to her having ancient magic now. She didn't look like a muggle at all, not even in her previous life. He witnessed her lower her shoulders.
"I'm sorry".
"I would not go back", she said quietly, "even if the hellhounds dragged me by my ankles".
They let the thought soar onto the soft carpet.
"Well", she let her hand snake onto his chest and felt for his watch in the pocket. Credence was still getting used to that. He would stay in place, not a muscle move in his body, in concern that she could be scared off. All the while sweat breaking onto his neck from expecting a blow.
"It's late, and tomorrow's the Day", she clicked the watch closed and gave it back to him, "I'll go wash in the river". He nodded, strange feeling of readiness in him. He knew this could be very well the last evening of his life.
Orlaith was thinking about the next morning. They had already decided how they would apparate, how they could avoid being tracked while travelling. And what they would do. Late evening light in her impeccably realistic vivarium made the air relatively cold for the skin straight out of the river. As she walked out onto the grass and picked up he robe, she saw Credence at the gate. She jumped, putting the robe around herself quicky. She called his name, and he started moving. Something eerie was in the way he walked, without the usual stoop, planting his feet firmly into the ground. Unpleasant paranoic feeling crawled onto her skin as she found the baby with her eyes, grazing hundred steps away. She didn't have her wand, she wouldn't think of it. She trusted Credence completely, she knew him. As they approached each other, she decided there was something different. His face was ready and meaningful. He towered over her.
"I was in the river, Credence", she reproached him. He didn't stoop his eyes like he always did, but on the opposite, made them travel onto her neck and then back to her face.
"You need to be ready for tomorrow".
"I am".
"You need to be ready for my death".
He caught her hands which flew to his head.
"Credence, I told you-"
"I know, I know. You won't accept it, and you need me to fight".
In the silence between them his white hand let go of hers, and she touched the side of his face.
"But no matter how long I'm fighting, the obscurial is eating me. And I'm quite tired of fighting it".
Orlaith didn't know what to say. She was childishly opposed. She wanted to shake her head and stomp her foot. He held her wrist so softly, like she was an artifact.
"I want you to know something", he added. Taking her hand, he opened her palm.
"The elf wouldn't think of bringing you the ointment. I made it myself, for burns, from the slug-dragons we used to have at the circus. I sent it with him because I had been listening to your conversations with Skender".
Her throat was caught in a spasm.
"You took care of me".
He kissed her palm like he did before. He kept it to his face as if he was trying to hide. He used to have nothing, he thought. And now he knew who he was, and he had love. He had felt love, he had felt loved. And he was happy.
As his name left her lips again, he touched her neck, traced the invisible line to her shoulder, and back. They kissed, his darkness dissipating a little, with the warm summer fog. The powerful feeling of hope left him through the pores in his skin, for he didn't need hope anymore.
The light was leaving the sky. The need shoved them close to each other, and they held on, watching each others' eyes in the twilight. Now Orlaith didn't know what to say because she had said it many times. She needed him. She wouldn't let him go. She was stubborn, and selfish, and he just watched as she clung on his cooling hand.
"We go tomorrow", he said finally. "Don't be upset".
"I'm not upset", she argued. "Are you upset?"
The play of words made him smile a little.
"I was thinking. Do you have a Change-Up potion?"
Orlaith frowned.
"What's a Change-up potion?" there was again a spark of fun in her eyes. Maybe he made her drunk a little.
"It's the potion which makes you look like the other person".
"Aaahh. The Polyjuice potion".
"The Poly... juice", he chuckled, kissing her face.
"I don't. You know it takes a month to preapre it, right?"
She thought.
"But I can steal it from Sharp. He must have some in the Potions class".
"Do you need help?"
She looked sheepish but in the end, managed to get it together.
"No, you better stay here. Grindelwald must be looking for you. I'll be quick".
He let her hand slide off his shoulder, and traced her arm with his fingers. What if in a dream, he thought, watching her leave the vivarium, they were both very boring, non-magical? And there would be a lifetime of this, of him being able to hold her like that?
She shoved her head back suddenly.
"Oi! Why do we need Polyjuice potion again?"
"Well, to confuse everybody even further".
"But we'll need to be silent, because voices don't change".
"I know".
"And you'll need to act like me, you know?"
"So, a lot of cursing?"
She nodded energetically,
"A lot!"
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you-know-honey · 1 year
Curse of Twins
Papa Nihil x Oc (you)
Chapter I: Sisters
Summary: Death is close to knocking on Sister Imperator's door and she knows it, it is time to tell the truth.
Word count: 1711
Note: bad English, this is all from fans to fans. creative freedoms.
"Are you sure about this, Sister Imperator?" A sister of sin asked hurriedly as she walked next to Sister Imperator who, given her age, was walking faster than normal.
"Of course, sister. I wish to end this as soon as possible, it is only a formality for the Clergy." It wasn't like that, the Clergy didn't care that much about his life.
"But it's your private life Sister Imperator!" The young sister of sin begged her not to expose herself to everyone like that, perhaps by knowing her as the human person that she was, everyone would lose the respect or rather the fear that she instilled in everyone under her charge.
Sister Imperator's heels clicked in the cold and lonely hallway of the fourth floor, three floors below, a biographer was waiting that she had hired for this very important work. Every moment mattered because as time passed the memories in her mind began to become cloudy and she could not allow that in any way.
The Clergy had warned that they could not tell anything about them. Fuck them, she wouldn't talk about them, she'd talk about her, both of them. Of his life and he would let only a few people read it, because he was incapable of saying such things in the face of the people he had deceived all his life.
The young nun's mouth opened once more, trying to convince her of something she herself was ready to do, a last tribute.
"Sister!" I called his attention rudely "The decision has been made, I would appreciate it if he would stop trying to change it and get out of here. It's an order." He stopped walking just to look at her face and give her those looks that chill anyone's blood.
"As you wish, Sister Imperator" the young woman said in a whisper and she left quickly until she disappeared around the corner of a hallway.
Sister Imperator sighed and continued on her way. 50 years ago she did not set foot in that place, everything seemed to have been preserved in time, she could breathe and feel back in her 20s, hear the laughter and footsteps of the children who were now grown men in the service of the Clergy. A nostalgic tear escaped her cheek as she continued walking with her eyes closed, imagining that she was returning to the good times, before everything was so complicated and twisted.
Her legs carried her to an old wooden door carved with the 9 rings of hell, she touched the tattered old wood, remembering times where was bright and firm. She grabbed the doorknob and turned it, the old and stored air filled her lungs accompanied by immense clouds of dust that covered her clothes and hair. As if that were nothing he took a step inside.
It was portal in time, to the beautiful 60s. The windows decorated with translucent curtains with psychedelic flowers that reflected their designs on the floor, the record player on the carpet in the center, the vinyl records of Nancy Sinatra, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, The Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, the favorites of the moment, the beaded curtain on the bathroom door, the music festival posters hanging on the walls, the rugs at the foot of the beds with a pentragram, the nightstands full of books and cigarette butts, the overflowing closet of clothes, dressers with makeup spread and red lipstick kisses on the mirror, perfectly made beds, one of them with a goat doll that I used to remember calling Baphy…Those were the good '60s.
Time had taken its toll on the place as well as itself, nothing was like before and only shadows remained of what that room was, its memories were covered with dust until they were devoured by moths.
She approached the dresser, the white wood was unpainted and at the slightest touch it would fall to dust, on it there was a framed photograph, its glass was opaque and with several thick layers of dust. Sister Imperator could see herself, a tall, slender blonde girl in a black dress and platform heels, a malicious and knowing smile between her and her reflection in her mirror. However, her reflection had a sweet touch in her gaze.
She took the painting and clutched it to her chest, wishing she had more than a photo to hug, but it's all that was left.
They had such happy smiles, she could even remember the night of that photo, it was her first "mission" for the Clergy, they looked so happy and excited. If she had known the ending, she would have burned him and the place without thinking.
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The young woman in the chair was totally nervous, perhaps it was because of the huge painting of Lucifer behind the chair behind the desk, the atmosphere of the place or the person who had hired her.
Two weeks ago he had received a strange email from a woman who called herself Sister Imperator offering a fabulous amount of money for her services. At first she did not take it seriously, she was a recent graduate and the well-paying jobs that come from nothing were always obvious scams. After a few days that same woman had called her, she had been tempted to say no but something in her tone or perhaps in the way she said it made her accept.
A van that had all the earmarks of kidnapping children on Halloween had picked her up 2 hours ago, the driver had been very friendly, a boy with a kind smile. When he arrived he saw the facade of a huge religious institution.
She was left alone at the entrance, where a very kind and cheerful girl took her to the office where she was now.
I expected to see large crosses, suffering saints, Bible paintings and nuns with an extra habit covered, but that was clearly not the case. He found himself in a satanic ministry, although he knew that they were generally down-to-earth people, the more paranoid part of she feared that would end up as a human sacrifice in some kind of ritual.
She pressed her briefcase against her legs as she turned in the chair, she was beyond nervous and she could feel the sweat on her forehead. She had brought what was necessary, a recorder with a USB connector and your laptop, in addition to the classic notebook and several pens.
15 minutes had passed and the woman who had hired her still had not appeared at the door, nor had she been allowed to go to the bathroom as she had requested, not because she had any need, she wanted to wash her face and freshen up first but it was a denied request. She couldn't even go out to take a look at the hallway because she could see the shadow of feet behind the door and long blonde hair behind the opaque glass window of the door, so that wasn't an option either.
The office was decorated as you would expect, with the slight difference of satanic figurines and Luciferian painting. The shelves were full of books, there was a kind of small living room, with comfortable navy blue velvet sofas, a small table with some stains from coffee cups and a fireplace with some somewhat strange photos, perhaps the least strange was the of a young blonde kissing the cheek of a boy with face paint, they looked deeply in love, their white clothes were stained with what looked like blood. The window overlooked the center of the abbey, a fountain, some people passed by, nuns with revealing habits and even the boy with the pretty smile passed by that place.
The young biographer sighed, looking at her watch, while her nervous leg tapped the ground. The blonde hair behind the door moved and she could hear the murmur of voices outside. It opened and a small, gray-haired woman walked through the door, with a lively, mischievous smile. The young woman quickly stood up and extended her hand towards the woman.
"There's no need." she told him as she sat in her chair, behind the huge painting of Lucifer.
The young woman kept her hand and sat down again looking at the woman, the nervous play of her hands gave her away in front of Sister Imperator, who smiled, her nervous movements reminded him of her dear Cardinal Copy .
"I'm Sister Imperator," she said, moving her chair closer to the table. "Do you know why she's here, young lady?"
"He hired me to do her biography, lady" the girl responded quickly.
"That's right, I need you to put everything I'm going to tell you on paper. Can you do that?" Questioned, the young woman got nervous and just nodded her head several times. "But let's not forget the formalities" the woman took out a sheet of paper from one of her drawers and slid it to the young woman "It's a contract, read it."
The girl took the sheet of paper in her hands, feeling like she was dealing with the devil himself, she read it a couple of times, before putting it back on the desk.
"Have you read it yet?" Sister Imperator's tone was sweet, but in the young girl's heart it was like finding a razor in an apple.
"Everything that happens in this room is something that only you and I should know. I only want 6 copies, I will take care of the printing myself, you only have to give me the final copy. Will you sign?" Sister Imperator extended a red pen with cute gold carvings, it must be valuable.
The young woman reached out with her trembling hand and took the cold pen in her hands, she removed the cap and with Sister Imperator's gaze on her, she slid the pen across the paper, the red ink formed her signature and she felt an enormous shiver run through her ribcage along with a delicious feeling of peace.
The deal was done here and in hell.
Hello! I mean I hope you like this little fic, there's something about the young Papa Nihil that just makes him irresistible in my eyes.
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ginger-grimm · 1 year
🔃, pretty please?? I love your writing a lot. 🫶🏻🫶🏻
Only Love Can Hurt Like This
Fandom: Original Idea
TW: Talk of loss, blood, gore death, bus accident
Small Summary: A cheer squad on their way to competition. A spiked strip on the road. A harrowing accident. Killers, human and animalistic, out to get them all. Lost in the frenzy is Summer...Summer, who just lost her little sister...
The woods were dark and cold, the only thing heard was their labored breathing as they marched on, unknowingly heading deeper and deeper into terrain they would never be able to navigate.
It had been an hour, maybe. One hour since all of their lives were changed forever.
"Do we think he's still out there?" asked Jenna, her voice too loud for the other kids' taste.
Her question was rewarded with a big shush from the rest of the group.
Jenna sighed, maneuvering around another protruding root on the ground. "Look," she started, her voice a hushed whisper this time. "We're going to get ourselves lost out here. We're a bunch of suburban kids. None of us know what to do in these woods."
"We don't need to turn into fucking Bear Grills, Jen. We just have to find a way back to the road. Or some town. And we have to stay hidden in the meantime."
The role of a leader always smoothly fell into Tanya's lap. Others listened to her, even if she would never understand why. All that she did understand at that moment was that she needed to have her teammates stick together to end this nightmare before it got worse.
"We have to go back for Janie," Summer chimed up suddenly.
Things got even quieter as everyone halted.
Tanya shined her phone's flashlight at Summer. "What are you talking about, Sum?"
Summer looked at her friend, a frantic bewilderment apparent on her face. How could they even think about leaving her little sister behind on that bus?
"Janie. She's still on the bus. She's injured."
"Summer..." Jenna began, her voice dying down as she shook her head.
The sudden look of despair on Jenna's face frightened Summer. In fact, all of her teammates had a sudden look of sorrow on their faces. No one spoke up.
"Janie's-" Tanya choked on her words suddenly. "She's dead. Do you not remember?"
Summer's brow furrowed. She scoffed, shaking her head. "What the fuck are you talking about?"
"That metal scrap...from the bus. Summer, it...it impaled her. There was blood everywhere. You saw it - you stared right at her."
"Jen, enough!" Tanya admonished, never understanding Jenna's inability to read social cues.
Summer shook her head. "No..."
She turned on her heel, taking off before someone could even attempt to stop her.
"Summer, no!"
She ignored Tanya's desperate plea, pushing through stray branches and being careful not to fall over any roots on the ground. They were lying, they had to be. Janie couldn't be dead. Not her. No way.
She could hear her friends running after her, but there was no way she could slow down now. She had to get back to the bus. They were going in the wrong direction anyway.
Summer ignored the branches hitting her face. Ignored the blood that began trickling down her face as one of them sliced her skin. The tears started spilling out of her eyes and down her face.
"Summer, wait!"
She was full-on crying now, unable to keep her sobs in. Her breathing came out ragged. It felt like the air had disappeared from her throat. Finally, a branch she couldn't see in time made her trip and fall to the floor with a loud thud.
Her sobs rang through the woods. Soon there were hands wrapped around her waist and she was pulled into a sitting position.
Summer cried out as Tanya wiped dirt out of her face with the sleeve of her jacket and soothingly shushed her.
"I'm so sorry. It's going to be okay."
But she knew that wasn't true. They weren't out of the woods yet - literally. Someone was still out there and they were out for blood.
TAGGING: @waterloou @eddysocs @ocs-supporting-ocs @foxesandmagic @veetlegeuse @decennia @hiddenqveendom @arrthurpendragon @luucypevensie @richitozier @noratilney @oneirataxia-girl @wordspin-shares @nejires-hado @endless-oc-creations @lucys-chen
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end-orfino · 2 years
✨🍀 Janis for the ask game?
Aw hell yea let's go! Thanks for asking!
✨-How did you come up with the OC’s name?
To be honest, I don't exactly remember, as she was created like...4 years ago. However, usually when it comes to names for OCs the first thing that comes to my mind is what initial they should have, and after that I go online to generate names that start with that letter until I find something that fits (unless I want the name to have a specific meaning). So, knowing me, that's probably how it went. I remember that one time i misremembered her name as Jennifer, though.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
The first two big inspirations for her character were the vampire from the "Vampair" animations (made by Daria Cohen on youtube) and Balladyna - the titular character of one of Słowacki's works, a woman that killed multiple people, first of which was her sister, for her own gain. She was also left with a mark due to these crimes (afaik, I haven't read this work in years if I'm being honest) which could have inspired the original purpose of Janis's scar? Back then, everything about her was different from how she is now. She was especially more murderous and full of herself. Still, you can see some leftover aspects of these inspirations in where she lives (an abandoned castle in the woods) and what she looks like (Balladyna is recognizable by her pale skin and black, usually long hair).
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Janie Wood-Smith
Golden skin; youthful, delicate, graceful, feminine.
Waves; purity, molds to shape and imitates the art of acting, refreshing, determined.
Statues; thought, consideration, peace.
Sky; head in the clouds, naive, wistful, wishful.
Book; somewhat well-read, intelligent, calm.
Drowning; choices, wants, confusion, falling in love.
-Message/ask/reply to be added to my taglist-
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thesimsblues · 3 years
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Rules: Write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe.
I was tagged by @cyberth0t, who also chose the characters.
For the most part, the "influences" weren't people I visualized when I first created these characters; however, they provide some context both visually and emotionally.
I'm tagging: @xldkx, @budgie2budgie, and @anvilesi.
If you're interested in reading up on Jungian archetypes, narrative tropes, and/or the influences themselves, click the read more link.
JANIE HODGE Jungian Archetype: Innocent; Caretaker Character Trope: Smarter Than You Look Traits: Kind, Romantic, Competent Influences: Blake Lively, Rita Hayworth, Elle Woods
MARCUS AURELIA Jungian Archetype: Hero; Rebel Character Trope: Broken Ace Traits: Righteous, Angry, Idealistic Influences: James Flint, Richard Gansey III, Sir Galahad
NEVEN BAHRI Jungian Archetype: Jester; Everyman Character Trope: Brilliant But Lazy Traits: Funny, Underachieving, Anti-Authoritarian Influences: Ryan Reynolds, Dr. John Watson, Michelangelo
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rattfreakk · 5 months
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Introducing The first two characters of Creepypasta High, Janis and Zero! These two are going to be the main characters for the most part. Janis is a bit more eccentric and outgoing (with a creative and a little bit of murderous streak) than Zero, who usually keeps to herself and constantly worries about what people think of her. 
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🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
Thank you for the ask!
There is a "journal" of sorts in the series actually! The Testaments from the title of the WIP is a literal thing. They were originally a set of several papers and journals written by Penetinos, mostly concerned with his journeys with Narul and Ninma, his studies, and his musings about life. These were later combined into a single book, along with pieces from Otilia, Sihunu, Jani, and Fasti, and included everything from poetry, to stories, to recipes, to advice on how to weave. This new book, was then given to Ninma as a gift, and she too would go on to add her own contributions. This book tells the story of Ninma, and her journey with Narul, it is the first Testament, "The Ninma Cycle".
In appearance its fairly unexciting, save for its size. The cover is old and worn leather, the pages are a mixture of papyrus and of parchment, some pages are written with ink others with charcoal. There are illustrations, as with the handwriting, the actual quality of these illustrations vary wildly.
Shela without being prompted scurried back into the granary. She returned with something, bundled in cloth. She handed it over to Ninma, it felt thick and heavy, like a block of wood. She unwrapped the bundle to reveal a familiar leather tome, though it was considerably larger than the last time she had seen it. “These are Penetinos’s writings!” Otilia smiled. “Its more than that, open it.”  Ninma did as she was told, the first third of the book was entirely composed of Penetinos’ handwriting, but then it promptly changed. “What is all this?” Ninma whispered. Otilia smiled. “Fasti has some stuff in here, I wrote a few things, I even convinced Kameros to give me a few things. There are poems, journals, stories, advice on weaving and cooking, Shela included a guide on being a plantbrew, the important plants and such. Just about everything we could think of”
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myocsdontpayrent · 4 years
Olive’s OC Guide (1/2)
Hello. If you’re seeing this, welcome to the most self-indulgent blog I’ll ever make! Here is a small guide to the OCs you’ll see mentioned here, picrews and all. The tagging system will be simple for my own sanity: oc: [oc’s full name].
But first, you can find the picrew I used to make them here.
Spring Lyn Ellis — Spring is my babie, she’s one of my very first OCs and has been around a long time!! She originated with Kingdom Hearts and has Evolved much. She’s sixteen in most scenarios, very sweet and friendly, and has a white kitty named Princess who she adores (and also who looks strikingly similar to her, hm). She loves gardening, flowers, and her friends (and sea salt ice cream!).
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Mary Ställ — Another gal who originated with Kingdom Hearts. Mary is loud, impulsive, and often self-destructive. She’s quite smart, but she dumbs herself down to fit in. She’s usually around nineteen in most scenarios and has a ~fraught~ relationship with her older sister. She’s doing her best to start treating people (and herself) with kindness.
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Rhea Hede — My last and most recent Kingdom Hearts related OC, Rhea is a shy and socially awkward mechanic. She’s either fifteen or twenty-something depending where in the timeline she is. She loves to fix things, preferring machines to people, and tends to overthink everything. She loves her yellow lab, Kona, fixing things, and listening to classical music.
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Dawn Stavros — Dawn is my MC for the WIL interaction novel Smoke & Velvet, which you can find on dashingdon. She’s a shy and anxious basilisk in her early twenties who wants desperately to fix the world (and herself) but doesn’t know how. She’s very small and the world is very big and very much against her. But she tried to stay positive and get back up no matter how many times life pushes her to the ground.
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Lile Redding — Lile is another WIP IF MC, from The Lure of the Gallows, which you can also find on dashingdon. She’s often overwhelmed by her responsibilities as a Seer, anxious and uncertain with herself. She misses her mother more than anything. She has a big fat crush on her best friend, Leo — but shh, that’s a secret, okay?
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Janis Earhart — Janis is my MC for the story It Lives in the Woods on the app Choices. She’s kind, but she’s also tough, willing to put herself in danger at every turn in order to protect her friends. She feels deeply responsible for the death of Jane, and harbors a (supposedly) unrequited (and suppressed) love for Noah. Her favorite weapon is her bat.
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Pixie — Pixie is my MC for The Arcana. Her canon route is Asra’s, resulting in the Upright Ending. She’s soft-spoken and sweet, but beneath her quiet exterior there burns a fire of determination and courage. She strives to do the right thing, but what she really wants is a quiet, peaceful life. Her familiar is a field mouse named Flower.
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Charis Beverly — Charis is my MC for the story Last Legacy on the Fictif app. Her canon route is Felix’s — we’ll see how it ends! She’s excitable and full of energy, but she knows when to tone things down and be gentle. She can be impulsive, and sometimes lets her anger run away with her, but it’s because she cares so much that she lashes out.
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Sora Ahn — Sora is one of my CMCs from Mystic Messenger. Her canon route is Jumin’s with the good ending. She’s chaotic and mischievous, but she’s good at heart, and wants the best for people. She often feels like a failure or that she’s “too average.” She’s a writer, going from newspaper columnist to a novelist from pre-route to post-route. She loves her brown kitten Gus dearly and likes to dress him up.
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Liv MacNamara — Liv is my other Mystic Messenger CMC. She belongs to Ray’s route in Another Story, finishing with the good ending. She’s quite odd and disconnected, partially having to do with her upbringings at a Renaissance faire and the circus. Despite this, she’s very kind and always looking to help people. She’s very patient and can be stubborn sometimes (an immovable object, if you will). She has a deeply-engrained wanderlust and hates feeling stagnant or stuck.
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And that’s all for this post: sadly, there are only ten images allowed per post, so you can find the second part here!
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picrewing · 4 years
Hi! I was the one who asked about Ring and Arkan’s relationship a while back. I would like to learn a bit about Frost. (Also, congrats on getting 1,000 followers! 🥳)
Hello! :) Thank you.
Frost has an interesting creation story.
She was actually someone else’s OC to start with - her name was Janie. She was the OC to my best friend at the time and she appeared in my murder/mystery website A Dinner Game. The person and I became close friends and began doing side-roleplays together, the most major of which was a cop/killer AU featuring Janie and my character Yasuhiro. Janie had the curse that Ring does - she was reborn over and over again. At the age 10, she regained all of her old lives. She connected deeply to Yasuhiro, who had a connection to the fourth dimension which allowed him to know all possible timelines for himself.
But we also did another roleplay, a nonary game (from the video game 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors). Yasuhiro was the mastermind behind this game, with Janie serving as the main character. The climax of the roleplay featured Janie having to use her rebirth ability to enter a higher dimension, where she found Yasuhiro’s friend Takehiko stuck. She rescued him and returned back to the nonary game. Yasuhiro rejoiced... but was promptly erased from existence due to angering the time god (Nightmare).
Janie was very hurt by this and decided she wanted to find and save him, so we led into our next roleplay: an AB Game (from Virtue’s Last Reward, a sequel to 999). It featured our characters from the first game several years later, as well as some new faces. I don’t remember this very well, but the ultimate end is that Janie managed to find where Yasuhiro was in the multiverse and traveled there to get him out.
Now. I... can’t really say where he was because I try to keep this blog relatively SFW. Around this time I had discovered a pornographic game that, while yes it had porn, it also had a very compelling plot to me and interesting gameplay. So I just kind of ignored the boobs and played it. So anyway, I joked that Yasuhiro was put in the world of that game, because it was funny to imagine and worked for the lore that he was stuck somewhere. So, he was. Janie arrived at the planet, where she learned Yasuhiro had lost his connection to the fourth dimension but had instead gained a level of rebirth memory (though he couldn’t remember more than a few years, instead of everything). However, Yasuhiro was pretty satisfied with his life and didn’t want to leave, so they spent a long, long time playing cat and mouse. On a side note, my friend was asexual and disinterested in sex, so there wasn’t any of that in the roleplay. We played it completely serious. And honestly? Iconic.
So, anyway. Eventually, Janie and Yasuhiro entered a bet. Yasuhiro was frequently a demon in his lives, while Janie was the opposite. They decided that life to switch - Janie would be a demon, while Yasuhiro was not, and they’d see who’d break first. But during this time, Yasuhiro was vulnerable and naive, and the residing king of the area. Not a good combination. So for drama, I had him be attacked and taken prisoner.
Sounding familiar? Yeah, this was the invention of Arkan, Wortel, and that entire saga, haha. Forbidden lore, Wortel was originally from this weird pornographic world. It... probably still kind of reflects but oh well.
Well, anyway, Janie eventually invaded the castle and rescued Yasuhiro, who had suffered greatly. His body was also changed. Janie tried to talk to him and rekindle a form of connection, but flubbed at one point and caused him to get afraid of her and act submissive and scared. Ashamed of that, she fled, and Yasuhiro vanished into the wild. Janie took up an isolationist life in the woods. She found it pretty healing, actually - she was away from all of the stresses that’d plagued her very, very long life and just spent this time relaxing. About 16 or 17 years later though, a young dragon-humanoid (Umeji) found her hideout and befriended her. This eventually led to her and Yasuhiro meeting again, though Yasuhiro still refused to go home, not wanting to abandon his son. Janie’s own daughter from her home had arrived to the planet as well, and was pressuring Janie to leave. Janie ultimately decided to and left Yasuhiro behind, so long as he promised to come home one day.
It was a bitter goodbye, having to leave her friend (and by this point, love) behind, but it happened. Janie woke up in the AB Game and went with everyone to escape. But upon arriving at the exit door, she found Yasuhiro sitting outside of it, holding a baby Umeji in his arms. They left, and spent the rest of their life together.
... Phew! That was a long long ramble, but I promise it adds context. Also I just wanted to write that up.
So, Frost! Her backstory has changed a lot, but she’s an angel of Xefaa. As of current edition: She was originally born into the Terrakin valley a long time ago. A stranger once came to her town though, who brought with them modern technologies. Frost was very interested and ended up making a lot of expeditions to the city, where she became enraptured by all these advancements they didn’t have back home. So, she decided to bring them there. She became a mechanic and nearly single-handedly brought Terrakin valley to a more modern era. Unfortunately, not everyone was as gung-ho about this all, and also a lot of people didn’t understand it. When she was a young adult, a fire broke out that almost destroyed the entire valley. Frost took lead to evacuate people, as well as rising massive earthen walls to contain the fire. This plus her original decision to modernise the valley caught the attention of Xefaa, who asked her to become an angel. It... took a good while to convince her, but she eventually agreed. She now lives in the northern forest as a bit of a cryptid, maintaining a natural garden and keeping an eye on the demonic activity in the Meletta government. When Arkan seizes power, Frost rescues Ring and leaves him to trusted people to take care of (though he runs away). Umeji eventually finds her in his many expeditions and she teaches him magic.
“That doesn’t sound anything like what you just said.” Because her backstory has changed a lot. She used to have a partial rebirth curse like Yasuhiro had, and was tasked by Nightmare to keep an eye on Ring. Janie as her original self was replaced with my character Misa Takeda - they had similar appearances and personalities, and when my friend and I stopped being friends, I needed to replace Janie. Frost by this point was too integrated into Ring’s story for me to just drop her, so I didn’t just remove her. Misa’s backstory is being part of a traditional mountain village, where Yasuhiro sought her out and showed her city life. She fell in love with it and moved out, working for him instead. Though in original drafts of the story, she was trying to bring modern life to the village.
Frost is now sort of an amalgamation of Misa, Janie, those roleplays, and my own tweaking to fit her with current Wortel lore.
By the way, the name Frost comes from the nonary game. Janie had the number 6, so she chose her nickname to be Frost, because snowflakes have 6 points. Yasuhiro was number 5. He chose the nickname Ring, because of the 5 Olympic rings. Though my friend had thought it was because of “5 golden rings”... Actually, it was also just short of ringmaster and the Olympic rings thing was a panic-induced explanation Yasuhiro gave >:3 Before I decided to fully axe Janie, I called her Frost so it felt less like stealing. Also because I was putting Ring and Frost into a mod of the original game that inspired Wortel (this was dropped, sorry if you wanted to play it).
That was probably nothing of what you asked, but I hope you enjoyed the lore anyway.
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fiestyredroleplayer · 5 years
What are my fandoms? And Who do I play?
The Outsiders
Gay!John Laurens
Gay!James Madison
Dear Evan Hansen
Be More Chill
Girl Meets World
Andi Mack
Cyrus (obvi gay)
The Addams Family
Mean Girls
The Wizard Of Oz
That 70s Show
American Horror Story
Stranger things
IT (2017)
Beetlejuice (The Musical)
Into The Woods
Little Red
High School Musical
High School Musical The Musical The Series
More To Be Added, I’m sure
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