#oc: isaac da ville
Isaac would a 100% try his very beat and study as much Spanish as he can practice just to surprise Sol with it
I'm talking he has an incredible duolingo streak in Spanish, is watching movies and shows and reading books
he listens to the music and watches any piece of media available just to correct his pronunciation
the day he feels ready, he starts talking to his girlfriend in Spanish and, since Sol is distracted or maybe not fully awake yet she answers normally, before registering that Isaac Da Ville has talked in Spanish
Gryffin records it all and uploads it online just for laughs
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Character Introduction: Isaac Da Ville.
Tumblr media
Summary: Isaac might be one of the few people with Da Ville blood in his veins that do not wish to become powerful. Instead, he believes the only thing worth seeking is knowledge, and with that the ability to help others. When the chance to learn and discover way more than he thought it was possible appears, Isaac knows he must take it... Even if it means becoming the Heir. Even if it means losing his own family and freedom over it.
Age: 24
Pronouns: he/him.
Magic: mind reading; telepathy.
Character Study:
Isaac had been sleeping less than two hours for three days straight, the fog covered almost everything, including his glasses, and his brain was sleepier than normal.
In other words, his usual filter that avoided his direct thoughts to go to his mouth was completely gone.
"Excuse me, are you a ghost?" He asked, unsure of which answer he preferred. "Maybe not. Maybe she's an angel," he thought, trying to focus his eyes on her.
The stranger laughed, as if Isaac's question had been a joke. Her eyes almost disappeared with her smile.
"Neither a ghost or an angel, I think." So he had said it out loud. Oops. "Are you sure the cold hasn't freeze over your brain?"
She handed Isaac the coffee thermos, and then took of the winter hat she had been wearing: it was hot pink with a big white pompom at the top.
Without waiting for an answer, she put it on his head.
"How does it look?" He asked, not being fully awake, then he gulped down the coffee: he needed to stop saying dumb things.
Sol put her hand to her cheek, acting like she was thinking and turned her face, observing him from different angles.
"I'd say it fits like a glove, but it's a hat, so..." she joked and he snorted on the coffee. "I'm Sol."
"I haven't seen you around, Isaac," Sol commented, "Do you have evening classes?"
And the spell broke. After he would tell her his surname, Isaac knew that her smile would vanish and she would ask for her winter pink hat and her silver thermos back. That she would step away from him, pretending an excuse to walk on the other direction and that they would never talk again unless he started the conversation.
In moments like these, anyone who could read minds would use their power with no hesitation. Even if he could lie and say that the opinion of other's was not important, the idea of meeting someone outside of his family who would talk to him willingly, filled his insides with a warm feeling.
Or, maybe it was just the coffee.
"No, I..." he doubted. He didn't want to lie, but saying the truth could be equally horrible. "I'm a Da Ville," he blurted out, bracing himself for her reaction.
Sol's smile was gone.
And... there it was.
Isaac lamented internally. With a bit of luck, the library would open soon, and they wouldn't have to talk anymore. With a bit of luck, she would be browsing for something at the other side of where he would be, and they wouldn't even see each other.
And everything that could've been would only take place in his imagination.
"Um... What does that mean?" she asked instead. He frowned slightly, and she rushed to explain herself. "I'm sorry if it's something important and I don't know it! I came here not very long ago and even now I still get lost, and there's only five streets in this town!" she blurted out, nervous.
"You... You don't know the Da Ville's?"
Is the Blood Thicker? Taglist (ask to be added or removed!!) @enchanted-lightning-aes @rose-bookblood @writing-is-a-martial-art @the-orangeauthor @lockejhaven @moonlitinks
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Heads Up, Seven Up
tagged by @asher-orion-writes! Thanks, dear!
Rules: just to post the last seven lines of your writing!
Luckily for me (and you) my last seven lines are actually Isaac and Sol's confused and sleepy (on behalf of him) meet cute!
"I haven't seen you around, Isaac," she comented. "Do you have classes in the evenings?" And the spell broke. After he would tell her his surname, Isaac knew that her smile would vanish and she would ask for her winter pink hat and her silver thermos back. That she would step away from him, pretending an excuse to walk on the other direction and that they would never talk again unless he started the conversation. In moments like these, anyone who could read minds would use their power with no hesitation. Even if he could lie and say that the opinion of other's was not important, the idea of meeting someone outside of his family who would talk to him willingly, filled his insides with a warm feeling. Or, maybe it was just the coffee.
I'm tagging @memento-morri-writes @italiangothicwriteblr @rose-bookblood and @the-orangeauthor as well as opening the tag for anyone else!!
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good morning!! pumpkin for the october ask game mayhaps? :-)
Good morning Eddie!! Thanks for the ask!
pumpkin: is your OC a fan of the cold weather? if not, how do they battle it?
Isaac doesn't like the cold at all. He prefers mild seasons like spring and fall, where it's actually nice to go outside and read there. In winter he practically only leaves the Manor to go to the Uni Library, Sol's or Gryffin's.
He fights the cold by layering and layering and...layering. Coats and sweaters and shirts and undershirts and gloves and hats and scarves
to the point you can only see his eyes and barely nothing else.
[October OC Ask Game!]
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Hi Carmen!! For Isaac DaVille and 2 other DaVilles of your choice:
Do they cry easily?  What makes them cry?
What is/are their love language(s)?
How would they react to being flirted with?
How patient are they? Can they wait a long time for something they want, or will they struggle with even the shortest of waits?
~Morri🗡️ (@memento-morri-writes)
Hi Morri!! Thanks for asking! How was your exam???
Let's choose Isaac, Florian and Isadora then:
Do they cry easily? What makes them cry?
Isaac does not, but because he expresses sadness without crying. To make him cry the situation should be really really stressing (cause high cortisol levels and reducing them by crying), or he should feel either useless or impotent.
Isadora used to cry easily. Now she waits until nobody is around to cry if she has to, nobody needs to see her crying anyway. She cries when she is feeling angry, which hates cause she fels like it automatically dismishes her point in the fight.
Florian cried a lot when he first arrived to Clay River after his parents' accident. He used to cry when he woke up from a nightmare and went sobbing to wake up Gabrielle. If he dwells to think too much of Roman and Louisa, some tears can exist, yes.
What are their love languages?
Isadora's love language is acts of service: she will offer to proofread your essay, to paint your nails or do your hair, to lend you clothes or take you home after a party if you don't want to walk alone.
Isaac's love language is physical touch: he will take your hand and squeeze it once to ask you if you are okay, grab you by the shoulders from behind to encourage you, give you high fives when he is proud of something you've done, kiss your forehead when you are down.
Florian's love language is gifts: he will randomly give you little trinquets he's found that remind you of him. A little pebble that's the color of your eyes, a necklace from a gift shop he though you could wear with something else, half of his cookie because you mentioned it was also your favorite.
How would they react to being flirted with?
Isaac would be very awkward in a cute way. is not like he doesn't know how to flirt, but he is so aware that someone is flirting with him he doesn't want to say the wrong thing. He is also actively trying not to read the other person's mind as both of them have the conversation.
In case of Isadora, it depends on who's flirting with her. If she doesn't like the person, she will do her damnest to either be completely oblivious about it, or accept all the compliments with disdain until the person feds up and leaves. If it were someone for real, I think she would do a pretty good job at flirting back, but her brain would be in Panic Mode.
Florian has not experienced it yet. Something tells me he would laugh it all and think it's normal and then six months later understand that it was flirting and that he was flirting back and he would have an oh moment.
How patient are they? Can they wait a long time for something they want, or will they struggle with even the shortest of waits?
As long as Isadora's having a good day, she can be patient and civil. If she is not having a good day however and you make her wait more than five minutes she is going to stomp in to wherever you are, and probably tell you to either speed up or to move aside so that she can do whatever needs to be done and leave.
Isaac and Florian are both really patients. They've discovered is kind of the only other option when Clay River is filled with people who act like Isadora even on their good days.
Thanks for asking I had so much fun!!!!
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Hi cozy
Attempting to do blorbsday again. Which of your ocs have the most vibes over anything? They have less traits than things that you feel about them. They're a mood more than a person. (I love vibe ocs.)
ohhhh Happy late late blorbsday Sleepy!!!
Hmmm... I think the most Vibes™ Character for now is Sol Fraser, a secondary character of ITBT?
She's Isaac's gf, has pink hair and works for Crawford Da Ville at the library.
I... don't think I know more about her except that her magic is to "absorb" and change the colors of things (ergo the dyed hair) which she uses to create shenanigans.
But I love her!
Thank youuuu
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Heads Up, Seven Up
tagged by my wonderful @memento-morri-writes (whose line made my heart warm, morri that was such a good line i could feel the love radiating from it)
rules: share the seven last lines you've written!
as always, spanish version first, and then english version :]
spanish version
Pero también sabía que leer las mentes podría ser una cualidad preciada para el futuro de los Da Ville. El chico se subió las gafas con un gesto distraído. Luego le dirigió la mirada a Crawford. “Sabes que no depende de mí. Que no son deseos egoístas, Isaac.” Pensó, sabiendo que su nieto le oiría. De manera imperceptible Isaac asintió con la cabeza. Y Crawford supo que si llegaba a ser el Heredero sabría poner el deber y a su familia por delante de su corazón.
english version
But he also knew that reading minds could be a precious quality for the Da Ville's future. The boy adjusted his glasses with a distracted gesture. Then he locked eyes with Crawford. "You know it does not depend on me. That these are not selfish wishes, Isaac." He thought, knowing his grandkid would hear him. Almost in an unnoticeable way Isaac nodded his head. And Crawford knew that if he turned out to be the Heir, he would know how to put duty and family over his heart.
tagging @euphoniouspandemonium @rose-bookblood @akindofmagictoo and open tag!!
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Happy Blorbo Blursday!
For any 2-3 characters from itbt?:
What is their sense of humor like?  Are they easy to make laugh, or are they set in stone?
How easily do they trust others?  Is there a reason why they’re this way?  Are they trustworthy themselves?
What is their greatest desire? (Bonus: How far would they be willing to go to get it?)
Who do they trust most in the world?
What are their love languages?
Where do they feel most at home? Why is that place so special?
~Morri🗡️ (@memento-morri-writes)
Happy Blorbo Blursday Morri! Thanks for asking, is good to have a distraction from my current situation haha
I'm gonna do this for my (very different) pair of older siblings: Isaac and Elaine!
Isaac loves witty jokes, the ones you have to think to get. I wouldn't say is hard to make him laugh, but he is always so engrossed on something it is hard for him to pay attention.
Elaine is way more difficult to make relax, tho. Like her brother, her mind does not stop, but it is not filled with wonders and hypothesis but strategies and plans on how to get ahead. How to be better. Power hungry, ther's simply not that time to laugh.
(maybe Griffyn can make her smile if he tries hard enough, tho. i think part of it would imply making a fool of himself, but i also think he would do anything to see the Blood Witch smile)
Isaac trusts almost everyone almost right away. Elaine is the complete opposite, always trying to guess secondhand intentions from people. Isaac does this because he sees a potential ally on everyone (and he can read minds, so if you ever thought of backstabbing him, he would know). Elaine on the other hand grew up with the idea that she needs to guard herself against everyone, just in case, one day someone could hurt her. I do think both of them are trustwrothy though, you just need to learn how to win that trust first.
Elaine needs to feel like she has succeed. When there's nothing else in a particular field she thinks she can achieve, only then she will let herself relax (and being the next Heiress, the greatest title of her family, is probably the best position on the Da Ville's). Isaac longs to know enough to calm and rest his brain from the thousands of questions he's always thinking about. Of course, no one will ever know enough, but that is sort of another appeal of knowledge in his opinion.
Both of them would go as far as their conscience would let them, that is to say Isaac would always refrain from hurting others and Elaine would do whatever it takes as long as she isn't forced to make a choice she will regret in the future.
Actually, themselves and at the same time, each other. Both of them have been some kind of "save space" inside their family. But everyone has skeletons in their closets and some things are better not to tell.
Isaac's quality time (and that's how Sol has sneaked in and out of the mansion many many times), and I guess Elaine's would be act of services. She is no one to devote completely (not usually) to someone, but if she found someone she could be vulnerable with, she will be ready to do whatever she can to ensure that they are happy.
Elaine feels at home when she's in her room and its late at night. There are no expectations on her, no responsabilities and she can breathe. Isaac has made of the Manor's library a home (sometimes even sleeping there for weeks, way too focused on his research of whatever topic he has chosen for the week). He also feels at home when he is hugging Sol, she makes all the noise inside his brain quite down if not disappear almost completely.
thanks for asking about one of my favorite pair of siblings! I love them to pieces, as you might guess haha
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