#oc: isa mio
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dapperdragondesign ¡ 3 years ago
Don’t Fear the Future
Bruno Madrigal x FtM Transman OC (Desi)
Fandom: Encanto
Length: Many Chapters…
Warnings: Mentions/Depictions of Dysphoria, Family Trauma, Spicy Content- but that’s later.
Written: by @GalacticKaz on Twitter, @DapperDragonDesigns on Tumblr 
Notes: Desi’s experience is strongly based on mine as a Transman- I know it’s not everyone’s path/feelings but I wanted to share one aspect of what it can be like. I’m also rusty at writing so…sorry about that. I just wanted to share, writing this has given me a lot of joy. 
Also: This is a multi-chapter story, to follow it you can of course, follow my account or find chapters under the hashtag #Bruno x Desi
“Desi? You in today?” Luisa called out as she ducked down into the doorway of the village’s pottery and clay crafts shop. She looked around for the Artisan’s familiar face, while surveying the warm interior of the shop’s open foyer. 
The floor tiles she walked on were intricately designed with warm browns, reds and greens- weaving a large circular design on the floor of the Main entrance to the shop. The windows were filled with succulent plants and an oversized couch rested under the window. The walls of the room were lined with shelves which displayed the work of the man who lived here- Various plates, pots and ceramic goods of multiple colors and designs, all shining with a soft varnish of glaze met her eyes. The wooden beams above her had chimes dangling down which she carefully avoided stepping further in, the wind from the window made them clink together in a soft, melodic manner as they glinted in the shafts of sunlight.
“I’m in the back, Luisa!” Came a deep reply from the doorway that led to the work space “Give me a minute, I’ll be right there!” 
From the framed doorway came the figure of the Artisan Himself, He wore a collared shirt covered by oversize work overalls which were smeared with dried bits of clay, and fresh smears of wet earth. He wiped his hands hastily on the sides of the garment. His thick wavy hair was tied back, even if a few errant strands fell across his forehead, the pitch-black color of his youth had given way to a peppering of grey, mostly on the sides and a prominent streak of white that if his hair was let down, would frame the left side of his face. He adjusted his glasses, clear deep blue eyes peered from behind them at Luisa. 
“Good Morning Luisa, do we need more floor tiles already? Dios Mio…you all work quick! Give a man some time to keep up with demand!” He said with a grin. It was the hum all about the village for the past few weeks, of the famous Casita crumbling violently apart, the cracks themselves still ran through the village even- but they had all banned together to help the Madrigal Family with repairs, food, and housing in the meantime. It was expected from such a tight knit community, it was the least they could do for a family that helped so much. He, also, was part of the efforts to bring the house back to its former glory. He wasn’t one for working on scene, but a house needed tiles, pots, roof shingles…and he was the only one who could make them in the village- He solemnly promised to get an apprentice after all this was said and done.
 “Come on, let’s go to the back yard and load some more to the cart which I hope you bought over again? No more carrying them girly…” He said as he waved for Luisa to follow him through the messy crafting room and out through another door into the back yard of the workshop. Here he kept various tiles he’d made in stacks, along with the extra supply of pots and a few other items. 
“How goes the repairs anyhow? Do we need roof tiles yet?” He said jokingly, he knew they weren’t that far along just yet…thank gods, he didn’t know if his back could handle the demand that quickly. 
Luisa laughed “Oh we are not that far along yet Desi, just more floor tiles…maybe some pots for Isa, I think she misses her plants” She remarked ducking through the door to the back yard after Desi.
“Oh…that’s a relief for my poor back” He remarked placing his hands in the small of his back and giving an exaggerated weary back cracking motion, leaning into them “I’m not as spry as I was in my youth, I need the time of you all building the walls to make roof shingles.”
Luisa grinned in response, she’d always liked Desi out of all the villagers. The old man had a good sense of humor and was one of the few who would thank her with goods as opposed to just a kind word. That was his way though, Desi wouldn’t have something done for him without doing something in return. He had a philosophy almost of equal exchange.
“I’ll get the boxes for you then…” Luisa remarked- she may not have her powers but she was still far stronger than the average person, including Desi. She began to load the boxes of tiles into the cart as they made small talk about the housing repairs, about how the family was doing, about the good weather despite Pepa having lost her power to hold blue skies…
“So Everything is going well as it can be then? Good, good to hear…” Desi asked filling another box with tiles in the meantime
“Oh…we are holding up pretty well all considering…” Luisa stated “It’s a lot to handle, but I’m used to it. Although there are some problems with my Tio Bruno.”
“Oh?” Desi remarked casually- He’d heard about Bruno. The whole village was abuzz with the Misfortune Teller’s return. Desi hadn’t been in the village when Bruno was around, he’d travelled in over those impossibly high mountains a bit after his mysterious disappearance. To hear he had been living in the family’s walls was- well- it was a choice for sure. 
“Yeah…A lot of people still seem nervous around him. Heck, even the family is getting used to him being back…” she said shifting another box into the cart. “No one in the village really wants to put him up, even if none of us have any powers any more…they are just…”
“Superstitious?” Desi finished for her.
Luisa grunted “Yeah, Superstitious. Not so sure where Tio Bruno has been staying really…although since he was living in the walls, I mean…he shows up every morning still...avoids the topic really.”
Desi hummed thoughtfully, going over to look at his extra supply of pots to pick out a few for Isabella. He was not a superstitious man himself, and had no idea why the whole village blamed the man for the fortunes he told. Really, one lady had blamed him for her goldfish dying, as if that wasn’t a regular occurrence with fish. He did have an extra couch and well, if the Madrigal family ever got their powers back, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to be on the good side of a fortune teller. Desi felt a spike of curiosity for what might be seen in his own future, were that day to come.
“Your Tio Bruno can stay here, if he wants, I’m not a superstitious man.” Desi offered
Luisa blinked in shock at Desi as he was weighing various pots in his hands, so long as she’d known the artisan- he wasn’t one to offer his home, or anything personal out to others. He was one of the more…mysterious figures in the village- He’d come from outside first of all and only talked about a history of hard travelling that leant him the ability to climb the mountains. Not that his presence wasn’t welcomed, especially since the previous Pottery Craftsman was working his way up in years with no apprentice- Desi’s talents were easily welcomed. Even her sister Dolores, when she’d asked about him before, didn’t have much to add aside from that the shop always sounded beautiful with all the chimes hanging from the rafters.
“I’m…sure he’d be happy for that!” she exclaimed, quickly loading the last box of tiles into the cart. Desi held up a pot for her to load up too, followed by another heavy one.
“I’ll travel to the Casita with you as well” He said hopping into front of the cart, leaving room for her “I need to see how many more tiles I’ll need to be making these coming weeks, and how tired my old bones will feel” Luisa grinned sliding in next to him
“-and we can tell Bruno he has a place to stay” She chimed in as the donkeys pulled the cart down the cracked dirt road heading to the house. 
As the cart pulled into the ruins of the house, everyone seemed busy on one thing or another. Laying out sand linings for digging new foundations- and for spacing out rooms- Clearing away debris or pouring cement and setting tiles. Bruno himself was currently waring a bucket, lending spackle to a man on a ladder working to repair one of the old columns. 
“Ah, it seems to be coming along magnificently…and rapidly!” Desi remarked seeing his own handywork in the tiles being laid down in bright patterns over the foundation in what would be the new foyer. He hopped out of the cart as it slowed to a stop pulling out a notebook from his side pocket and getting ready to note new quantities of tiles to be made…not only for the floor on the foyer, and various rooms, but also for the walls in the kitchen…He hummed to himself scratching some notes down before greeting the house elder, Alma, warmly. He caught in the corner of his eye Louisa going off to tell her sister Mirabel something, probably about his offer to house Bruno- He watched as the word passed from Luisa, to Mirabel, to…the man with a bucket on his head who immediately gestured and jumped back in shock.
“- the help has just…exceeded anything we could have asked for” Alma continued as Desi’s attention was bought back to his conversation with her.
“Oh, yes well, the Family has done so much for us…it would be neglectful to leave you all in your time of need…” He quickly stated, pretending he had not been distracted at all- even though he could feel a foreign gaze boring into the back of his neck. 
Eventually after his discussion with Alma ended he turned around to immediately be greeted by the hazy, questioning, soft green eyes of Bruno. The man stood at about the same height as Desi, if not perhaps a bit shorter, but he did seem to be slouching. A rat seemed to be peering from under a curtain of hair.
“Hello, uh, Good Morning…” Desi said with a grin towards the other man, holding out his dusty hand
“Oh, yes, morning” Bruno said taking Desis hand and giving it a nervous shake, He did not have a strong grip, Desi noted.
“Hm…dirty.” He remarked at the residual red clay dust on Desi’s hand
Desi laughed “Well, typical of one who works with mud all day. Bruno? I assume?” he stated, the man nodded 
“And I see you have ah…pets”
“Oh yes, well, friends, from living in the walls” Bruno laughed awkwardly. His eyes darting off, then back to Desi. Everything about his body language said that while he initiated the conversation…he also wanted to leave it right now, Desi cleared his throat- my as well get to it then.
“When you go into the village, my House is the one on the outskirts, left side, five houses past the church. It has an ornate door, backyard full of pots, hard to miss.” He said, gesturing with his hands as he gave directions.
Bruno blinked dazedly- was this man really affirming he could stay there? He had known what most of the village thought of him and has bounced to and from a few houses before just figuring out his own thing to do- it had been a bit…awkward.
“Are you sure? If you aren’t, I’d be fine, wouldn’t want to put you out, or make you uncomfortable, or unpopular or….” Bruno stammered out already stepping back from Desi. Desi cut him off before he could go on- 
“It’s not a problem, I’ll have a spot set up for you in the main foyer, hope you don’t mind a couch, it’s about all I have to offer- Don’t even mind the pets.” Desi stated casually, waving his hand to dismiss Bruno’s stammered excuses. He looked back to his list to give the awkward man a chance to escape the conversation- He heard a muttered thanks and when he looked up again he had disappeared, almost as randomly as he’d appeared.
He saw Mirabel and Luisa give a small high five from behind the pillar, he was glad he could give them something to be happy about. Desi shook his head while walking off, the family had always been…interesting and eccentric. There was no reason to think Bruno would have been any different, in fact, ten years in the walls had made him even more so than the rest, Desi reasoned. 
He finished his notes about what else was needed to repair the Casita and then began the longer walk back to the village to set up a spot for the Madrigal he said he’d house for the time being.
Part Two:
17 notes ¡ View notes
abbacchiosbelt ¡ 5 years ago
🌟 Abbacchiosbelt Masterlist 2020 - Part I 🌟
An updated masterlist of all my works on this blog. Hopefully, I didn’t miss anything! I had to repost this because apparently, Tumblr has a limit on links... Anyways, please enjoy! ♥
Part II!
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All Writing 📝
AO3 Archive [A majority of my works on AO3 have been archived on this blog, though not all of them are. If you’d like to check out my AO3, here’s the link!]
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BY CHARACTER [Fics, Headcanons, Ask Prompt Responses]
Part 1 - Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
George Joestar 1st
Part 2 - Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
Part 3 - Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Dio Brando
Noriaki Kakyoin
Part 4 - Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Rohan Kishibe
Jotaro Kujo
Yoshikage Kira
Tomoko Higashikata
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijumura
Yukako Yamagishi
Part 5 - Vento Aureo 🐞
Bruno’s Gang
Bruno Buccellati
Leone Abbacchio
Giorno Giovanna
Guido Mista
Narancia Ghirga
Pannacotta Fugo
Trish Una
La Squadra
Risotto Nero
Unita Special
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Part 7 - Steel Ball Run 🏇
Johhny Joestar
Diego Brando
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Part 8 - Jojolion ⚓
Josuke Higashikata 8 (Gappy)
Yasuho Hirose
Confession Session ❤️
Phantom Blood ☀️
Jonathan Joestar
Erina Pendleton
William Zeppeli
Battle Tendency 🧣
Joseph Joestar
Caesar Zeppeli
Lisa Lisa
The Pillarmen
Stardust Crusaders 🔪
Daniel D’arby
Terence / Telence D’arby
Mariah Confession
Vanilla Ice
Hol Horse
The World
Star Platinum
Silver Chariot
Hierophant Green
Magician’s Red
Diamond Is Unbreakable 💎
Yoshikage Kira
Killer Queen
Vento Aureo 🐞
Sticky Fingers
Moody Blues
Gold Experience
Sex Pistols
Purple Haze
Bucci Gang / Bruno’s Gang
La Squadra
King Crimson
Squalo & Tiziano
Part 6 - Stone Ocean 🕸️
Jolyne Kujo
Hermes Costello
Foo Fighters
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Steel Ball Run 🏇
Diego Brando
Johnny Joestar
Gyro Zeppeli
Hot Pants
Funny Valentine
Jojolion ⚓
Gappy (Josuke Higashikata 8)
Yasuho Hirose
Jobin Higashikata
Fluff Alphabet
NSFW Alphabet
Ask Prompt
Yandere Prompt
JJBA Headcanons
Mini Fic Headcanons
Valentine’s Day 2020
Monster AU
General AUs
Unwrap Me, Baby | Joseph x F!Reader [NSFW]
Portraits of Home | Family AU - Jonathan, OC Elisa Joestar, and Dio [SFW]
Still Breathing | Cioccolata x F!Reader ! Please read the tags ! [NSFW]
Your Hand In Mine | Kira x F!Reader [NSFW]
See You Again | Prosciutto x F!Reader (Shae ☝) [NSFW]
Stay And Love Me | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Easy To Please | Joseph (Part 3) x F!Reader [NSFW]
Sweet Spot | OC x Risotto [NSFW]
Happy To Say | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Lights Out | Mista x Reader [NSFW[
In Care Of | Proscitutto x F!Reader x Risotto [NSFW]
Give In | Dio Brando x M!Reader [NSFW]
Paradise Isn’t Far | Guido Mista x F!Reader [NSFW]
Stolen | Diavolo!Bruno x F!Reader [NSFW]
Always Forever | Bruno x F!Reader x Abbacchio [NSFW]
Hold My Love | Diavolo x Doppio [NSFW]
Disregard | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Anything For You | Prosciutto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Just Like That | Prosciutto x F!Reader x Melone  [NSFW]
Full | Risotto x F!Reader [NSFW]
Need | Risotto Nero (Solo, F!Reader S/O) [NSFW]
Drift to Me | Jotaro Kujo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Reckless | Tiziano x F!Reader x Squalo [NSFW]
Purple Breeze | Merman AU w/Jotaro & Star Platinum [SFW]
Violent Intimacy | Cioccolata x F!Reader x Secco [NSFW]
Unfinished Business | La Squadra and Cioccolata [NSFW]
Human Nature | Mikitaka x Reader [SFW]
Amore Carino | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
When I’m With You | Jotaro x Reader [SFW]
Moonlight | Abbacchio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Show Off | Prosciutto x F!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Control Yourself | Sorbet x F!Reader x Gelato [NSFW]
Lovely Beings | Kars x Reader [NSFW]
I Want It All | Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Feels Right | Abbacchio x Reader [SFW]
Bomb Pop | Polpo x Reader [NSFW]
Process | Melone & GN!Reader [SFW]
Lucky You | Bruno x GN!Reader [SUGGESTIVE]
Midnight Snack | Gyro x GN!Reader x Johnny [SFW]
Ride With Us | Gyro x F!Reader x Johnny [NSFW]
Hold That Pose | Jonathan x F!Reader x Dio [NSFW]
Try | Guido Mista x GN!Reader [NSFW]
As We Believed | Merman!Risotto Nero x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Say You Will | Siren!Abbacchio x GN! Reader [NSFW]
Morning Surprise | Johnny x F!Reader x Gyro [SFW]
Tomorrow Is Safe | Naga!Doppio x F!Reader [NSFW]
Teacher’s Pet | Professor!Diavolo x F!Reader [NSFW]
Il Mio | Cioccolata x GN!Reader [NSFW]
Coming Untouched | Melone x F!Reader [NSFW]
Soft | Jotaro Kujo x GN!Reader [SFW]
385 notes ¡ View notes
tellerford-mayhem ¡ 7 years ago
Americano: No hablo su Jesus Cristo Chapter 3
Ship: Chibs x OC
Word Count: 2,500 Words
Synopsis: Isa learns that the Sons may not have been involved in the death of her father.
Rating: M
Warnings: Strong Language, Mentions of Death and Suicide
A/N: As promised, here is part 3!! Next part, which I have already started features a very different dynamic in the relationship between Isa and Chibs as he comes to terms with what she means to him.
Isa hadn't seen SAMCRO in 2 weeks, which she had found rather odd, but at the same time she felt relieved. She had hoped something fell through and the tribe was no longer selling to them. However, when she heard a group of bikes approaching that day, her heart sank. She walked outside and saw them park in front of her house. Chibs smiled at her as he took off his helmet. She rolled her eyes and stormed through them. “If looks could kill…” she heard Tig day under his breath.
She huffed and continued walking until she got to Wolf Tamer’s house. She knocked loudly on the door. “Wolf, let's go!”
He stepped outside in his boxers and shielded his eyes from the sun. He saw the bikes outside her house, so he knew why she was there. “Can you wait until I am dressed?”
She nodded and stepped inside. “We are going to Oakland.”
“Why?” She heard him ask from down the hallway.
“I'm not supposed to be here while SAMCRO is here, and I don't want to be followed while I'm alone, again.”
“You were followed?” He asked as he walked towards her while pulling a shirt over his head.
“Jax had his Scottish Bulldog follow me into Charming. They don't trust me because my uncle is Alvarez.”
He grabbed a hat off the kitchen table. “I'll tag along. Why are we going to Oakland today?”
She smiled as they walked to her car. Chibs and Tig watched her as she climbed into the driver’s seat. “To make them nervous,” she said as they backed down the driveway.
“Please don’t get me killed,” he said, looking back at the biker who was close behind them.
Chibs POV
He watched her walk into Wolf Tamer’s house and instantly grew uncomfortable. He kept a close eye on the door, waiting for her to storm back out. He heard movement coming from there before the two of them walked out and past their bikes. He heard her mention Oakland before getting into her car, smiling at them. “Shite,” he said under his breath.
“Where’s she going?” Tig asked.
“Tell Jax I’ve gotta run.”
“Chibs!” he called after him as Chibs sped away.
He followed at a distance. As soon as he entered Mayan territory, he pulled over and removed his patch; anything to lessen his chances of being spotted. He watched as they pulled into the same driveway as a few weeks ago. She got out of her car and hugged her uncle who met her in the driveway. He watched Wolf Tamer get out of the car and shake Alvarez’s hand. He sat against his bike, watching carefully until he felt the cool of a gun touch the back of his neck. “You’re a long way from home,” said a voice from behind him.
“Aye, and yer treadin’ in dangerous waters.” He put his hands up and slowly turned around. He was face to face with one of the Mayans. “Don’t worry. I’m not here for Alvarez.”
“I’m well aware. I saw you following his sobrina.”
“I’m not followin’ her,” he lied, “I’m followin’ her friend.”
“Either way, you’re awfully brave heading down into Mayan territory alone.”
“Pedro, lo dejó ir.” Her voice was a blessing. It gave Chibs a chance to find a way to escape.
“Ha estado siguiéndote todo este tiempo,” he said.
Chibs dropped his hands and turned around. Isa was standing behind them with her arms crossed. She looked sufficiently annoyed. “Lo sé. Le pedí que lo hiciera.”
Pedro shook his head and dropped his gun. “He stays here until you leave.”
She walked confidently towards him. “He can go wherever I damn well tell him to, Pedro. Now go inside before I have another conversation with Uncle Marcus.”
“Ten cuidado, princesa.”
She waited until he was out of earshot before she said something to Chibs. “I’m not going to tell my uncle anything. Go home.”
“Not gonna happen, mo leannan.”
She pushed him backwards. “Go home, Chibs!”
“Isa!” Marcus called to her from across the street. He drew his gun. “What is he doing here?”
“Ay dios mio. I had him follow me!”
“Why? Porque estás trabajando con el diablo.”
“So you hired SAMCRO?”
“Yes. I don’t trust your new partner, so I can’t ask one of our guys.”
He rubbed his hand across his face before looking at Chibs. “You realize if anything happens to her…”
“I know.” Chibs said.
Alvarez looked between his niece and the Scot. Anger and hatred welled in his eyes. “Diana has dinner ready, Isa, let’s go.”
“I’ll be right in, Tio.”
She turned back to Chibs. “Looks like you’re stuck here, now,” she smiled. “But when we get back to the rez, we are going to talk.”
“I’m countin’ down the hours, lass.” He said with a wink.
“Bleh.” she turned and headed back in.
Chibs watched her walk away. Despite the fact he was doing something they normally give to the Prospect, he was glad his tail was something sweet to look at. He grabbed his cellphone and sent Jax a text telling him that he followed her to Oakland to her uncle’s home and that he was stuck there until she left.
She peered through the curtain to see him leaning against his bike, smoking. Wolf and her uncle were still sitting at the table, full from dinner. She had made him wait all afternoon while she spent time with her family. Her aunt came up from behind her and said softly, “Nunca he visto a Marcus tan molesto por SAMCRO.”
She turned to Diana. “Si lo supieras, tía.”
Wolf was leaning back smiling as he continued talking with Alvarez. It was like when she was younger and her parents would bring her over to Uncle Marcus and Aunt Diana’s home for holidays. They would allow her to bring Wolf so she had someone to talk to. None of her cousins were her age, so she had no one to play with or keep her occupied. Marcus was as much his uncle as he was hers. “He’s grown up quite nicely.” She turned back to the window. “But this one out here…” She looked back at her. “He’s not half bad either.”
Isa shook her head. “The Scot outside can go fuck himself.”
“Don’t worry. I’d tell him that to his face, and as for Wolf…”
She rested her hand on her niece’s arm. “I’m only giving you a hard time. Come with me and help me fix dessert.”
Isa followed her aunt into the kitchen. “Your uncle tells me that you want to move back to Oakland.”
“I do,” she said as she poured another glass of wine. “I can’t live on the rez anymore. I love my family there, but I miss it here.”
Diana sighed. “I remember before your mother’s accident, she made me promise to her to watch over you. She wanted you out of this life and as far away from the Mayans and SAMCRO as you could get. If you moved back here, you’d only be in deeper.”
“It doesn’t matter where I live, this life will follow me. Literally. Have you noticed the biker sitting outside?”
She grabbed plates out of the cabinet. “Look at what has happened to your family. Your sister is gone; your brother is dead; and then there’s your parents. This life killed your parents. You are all that is left of Mateo and Aiyana.”
“I am not leaving this life until SAMCRO feels my pain,” she said.
“Isa, what are you planning?”
“I don’t know, yet, but I can’t rest until I’ve avenged my father.”
Diana shook her head. “Is that why he’s following you? They know you're up to something?”
“Why they're following me doesn't matter. They don't trust me because of who I'm related to.”
“They aren't following anyone else, so why you?”
Isa contemplated on telling her aunt their relationship with the Wahewa, but she knew if SAMCRO found out, they'd kill her. “I guess because I live too close to Charming for comfort.” She hated lying to her aunt, but it was something she had grown accustomed living this style of life.
“Please be careful. MCs are dangerous. If our crew finds out, this is going to put you right in the crossfire.”
“I can handle myself, Tia Diana.”
Diana handed her a plate of Tres Leches Cake. “Serve this to your uncle.”
Isa picked up another plate for Wolf. Her aunt handed her two extra plates when she came back into the kitchen. “I’m sure your tail is hungry.”
“I’m not taking him anything.”
“Es hora de hacer la paz con el pasado, Isa.”
“I will when the person responsible for my father’s death feels my pain.”
Diana sighed. “If you don’t take this to him, I will.”
Isa rolled her eyes and took the two plates outside. Chibs was sitting on the curb next to his bike, smoking a cigarette. “Oy, Cabrón, aquí esta su postre.”
He smiled and put out his light. “Thank ye, lass. I was getting a wee bit famished sittin’ out here.”
“Don’t start thinking I actually care about you. My aunt made me bring this to you.”
He grabbed the plate from her and began to dig in. She stood across from him and ate her dessert. “Finish the dessert and go back to the rez.”
“Look, Lass, I ken that ye aren’t gonna say anything, but you and I need to have a talk about yer da’.”
She stopped eating and glared at him. “No, we don’t.” She took the plate away from him and stormed back across the street. She found her aunt, uncle, and friend sitting around the table enjoying her uncle’s favorite dessert. “I think it’s time we head home, Wolf.”
He finished his last bite and took his plate into the kitchen. “Marcus, Diana, it’s always great seeing you two. Thanks again, for dinner!”
Diana hugged him and Isa. “I’m so happy you were able to come for dinner!”
“Te amo, Sobrina,” Marcus said from his chair.
“Te amo, Tio.”
They got back to the reservation after SAMCRO had left. Chibs parked his bike behind her car and leaned against the trunk. “Run along, Wolfie. Yer girl and I need to have a talk,” he said, shooing Wolf Tamer away.
“I’ll wait here with her.”
“Wolf, can you wait inside? I’ll holler if I need you.”
He shook his head. “I’ll sit on the porch, but I’m not going inside.”
“Fine.” She crossed her arms and turned to him. “Look, today is the only day I will cover for you in Oakland. I only did it because I wanted a peaceful day with my family.”
He smiled. “Still. Thank ye, Lass.” He adjusted against the truck and sighed. “We still need to talk about yer da’.”
She grew rigid. “The last thing I want to talk about with you is my father.”
He shook his head. He still had no information to give her, as Otto was still looking into it on his end, but he wanted to at least put the doubt in her mind. “SAMCRO didn’ kill yer da’.”
She looked up at him, anger welling in her eyes. The look cut through him, stinging every fiber in his body. “I have no reason to lie to ye,” he said “I just know we didn’ kill yer da’. We were in talks with him about a peace. We had lost too many, just like the Mayans did, but when Mateo died it sent us right back into the war with them. Someone framed us, Isa.”
She crossed her arms. “How do you know this?”
“I was there.”
“Then who killed him? Who carved the Anarchy ‘A’ into the middle of his chest and left him to bleed out on his bathroom floor?”
“I dinna ken, Lass. Tha’ I’m still trying to figure out for ye.”
“Or you’re trying to cover it up for your club.”
He shook his head and took a drag of his cigarette. “Just think about it, will ye? Why would our club kill yer da’ if we were tryin’ to make peace with ‘im?”
She looked over to Wolf who was watching them intently. “I think it’s time for you to leave.”
“Think about it. I’m sure I’ll see ye in a couple of weeks.”
“Great.” She quickly turned and stormed past Wolf with tears in her eyes.
Wolf looked between the two of them and glared at Chibs. “She might need some of yer comfort,” Chibs said motioning to the house.
“I get why my tribe trades with you, but you don’t need to be here.” He stood tall as he approached the Scot. “You aren’t going to follow her anymore; you aren’t going to come around her anymore; and you certainly aren’t going to talk to her about Mateo anymore.”
“Is tha’ right?” Chibs took a step towards him. “Well, maybe I intend to find out who really killed her da’ so she can ‘ave peace o’ mind. After which, I’ll kick yer red, Indian arse for even thinkin’ about tellin’ me what ta do.”
Wolf stared at him. “You think that because you’re some big, bad biker that you can walk over anyone. I’m not going to let you do that to Isa. She’s been through enough, and I swear if you don’t leave her alone, my red, Indian arse will be kicking your pale, Scottish one back to where it came from.”
Chibs smiled. “Oh, I’m sure ye will,” he said, “tell yer girl I’ll be in touch.”
He stared at the biker as he drove away, angry at the pain he was causing Isa. He knew she was in her room, staring at old pictures of Mateo and Aiyana with their three beautiful children. Wolf had been there through everything: her sister’s suicide, her brother’s overdose, and her parents’ deaths. Isadora had no one left, except aunts and uncles. She was completely and utterly alone, she felt, in her suffering, and there was nothing he could do to help her. All he felt he could do was keep her away from the Scottish prick that was tormenting her by digging up her past. Whether or not the Sons killed Mateo didn’t matter. Chibs was bringing up something that she didn’t want to think about.
As Chibs drove away, all he could think about was the look on her face. Doubt. It was there. She knew the Sons didn’t kill her father, but they were the closest Mayan enemy she could think of to blame them. He didn’t know why it bothered him, but he didn’t want her to think of him as a cold-blooded murderer. He wanted her to see his club and him in a better light, and he was going to make damn sure she did.
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deejadabbles ¡ 2 years ago
She fell in love with Greatheart almost immedately, and claims he is why the force wouldn't allow her to be a Jedi Knight.
Oh my goodness I'm crying that's so beautiful!!!!!
When Isa left the order she left behind the saber she had built as a youngling, but was permitted to keep her crystal. She wore it as a necklace everyday until she gave it to Greatheart, who now wears it.
okAY NOW I'M SOBBING! @sunshinesdaydream we need a whole romance novel written about them they're amazing
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Isa Mio Matchmaker OC & Greatheart Clone OC
I putting these two together because, well they belong together.
They both work at Right To Love and feature in the last third of "The Power of Love", my Hardcase X Reader fic. They both make brief appearances in "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", my Rex X Reader fic. Both a part of the @tcwmatchmakingau
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Isa Mio is a rare(ish) case. She was raised in the Jedi temple, but as a youngling she did not agree with how strict Knights were expected to follow "no attachments" and interpreted the phrase in other ways. And she had little interest in lightsabers, another thing that would entice younglings.
As a result, instead of accepting an offer to become a padawan to a master, she went into the Jedi Service Corp. She learned her real talent for healing in general, with some in mind healing.
When the clone wars began she worked aboard a medical cruiser, where she made many friends. Some very close ones.
This is also where she met the very injured medic, Greatheart, when he was evacced from battle. Due to his injuries he recovered onboard and stayed as opposed to being shipped back out with his original battalion.
She fell in love with Greatheart almost immedately, and claims he is why the force wouldn't allow her to be a Jedi Knight.
Isa desires everyone to be happy and fulfilled. While working as a Matchmaker at Right to Love she volunteers to get war veterans the support they need.
After the war she has a much lower tolerance for attending to injury on an emotional level and has stepped away from the more physical side of healing.
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Greatheart was a medic in the early days of the war. He was severely injured while protecting an injured brother he was caring for on the battlefield. Greatheart recovered, but not without needing two prosthetic legs and his back covered in scars.
While he could return to the field with the prosthetics he was given the option to remain on board and continue serving as attached to the ship. He frequently helped with planetside evacs and triage among other things.
He met Isa during his recovery and fell in love with her. When Isa left the order she left behind the saber she had built as a youngling, but was permitted to keep her crystal. She wore it as a necklace everyday until she gave it to Greatheart, who now wears it.
While on the medical ship he gained an interest in "Mind Healing" as the Jedi Service corp on board called it. He had a natural talent for calming people, which is how he got his name from his brothers.
While he works at Right to Love he also is taking courses to become a proper therapist and is also volunteering to help organize therapy and emotional and medical support animals for brothers that need them.
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Thanks for reading!
❤️Love & Wrecker Hugs❤️
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sunshinesdaydream ¡ 6 months ago
Rory Helianthus
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Warning: abuse mention below the cut. Nothing explict or descriptive.
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Rory was born Serephina Williams in the lower levels of Coruscant. As a child she went by Fi. Being lower middle class in the under levels, style choices were at a minimum. However she always chose bright colors.
Fi was an adventurous child. Venturing into lower levels than was safe and into “abandoned” spaces. She wasn’t much more social as a little, but frequently had a “baby gang” of kids of various ages at her heels. As she aged these adventures became less interesting to her peers who began to turn their attention to gaining the attention of the popular crowd. She kept a couple of close friends as well as a young pantoran girl Layla Takori that looked up to her.
As a young adult she struggled through an emotionally and psychologically abusive long term relationship and the immediate recovery afterwards. Early in this realtionship her family inherited a farm on a rural outer rim planet. Dedicated to her new relationship, her stable job, and the pace of life on the city planet she refused to leave causing a rift in her family.
When she leaves the abusive relationship she takes the name Rory Helianthus and starts taking interst in many activities she hadn't been able to before. Initially roller derby and eventually speeder racing.
Depending on where in the timeline you are looking at, Rory works in a warehouse.
Begining at entry level at a few differant ones on Coruscant, where she grew up. After taking her new name she becomes much more ambitious. Rory works their way up to supervisor and then takes a civilian position with the GAR running the supply receiving aboard a hospital ship. This is a position typically filled by a member of the military, however the GAR did not want to dedicate a trooper highly trained in combat to run the supply stores for a hospital ship.
On the hospital ship she meets Hardcase. This is a Hardcase lives situation inspired this beautiful art by Cobaltbeam.
It is Rory's long term dream to own a small cargo ship with Hardcase and travel the galaxy.
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Art By Others Sketches By Coldbrewarts Rory and Hardcase By Amalthiaph (Commission)
By Me
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Info Sheets and ABCs My Character as...
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