#oc: gared
pineappical · 10 months
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yknow what. gar sona + a minecraft model
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wrongcreature · 2 months
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kilaem · 1 year
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plays barbie doll with my artificer during her adult life
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comradeacerbus · 4 months
Another Sneak Peak at my Upcoming Animatic Posted on Ko-Fi!
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There are a bunch of other images, including ones that are colored, as well as a progress report, posted exclusively on my "Fren Tier" over on Ko-Fi. If you wanna see them and more WIP peeks, be sure to head there and subscribe for me. Every little penny helps a bunch ;u;
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williampaladin · 2 years
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Another drawing I did on @magma_com , Sandt the wizard elf, and his demon friend Gare. 
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chaoticbeanz · 7 months
Hellfire's Girl
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Summary- A new girl moves to Hawkins and has already made an impression. 
Pairing- Eddie Munson x Fem!oc
Warnings- friends to lovers, slow burn, she/her pronouns, cursing, mainly nickname will be used, 
Notes- This is my first Eddie fic. Also, I will be straying from the storyline. Please don't forget to comment. I'd love to hear feedback.
Moving to Hawkins wasn't as bad as I had originally thought. Sure it sucks that I had to leave, but knowing I was only about 3 hours away from my friends made me feel better about it.
Starting my senior year in a new high school on the other hand… blows.
Well, it would have if I cared about fitting in. Back home no one judged. But here? Oh boy did they. I had to keep some of my hobbies on the down low, for now at least. Apparently, Dungeons and Dragons was considered “Devil worshipping”. So much for me trying to find people to teach me how to play. Or so I thought. Barely one week in Hawkins High is all it took for me to make a friend. Or a few.
~English class~
I was sitting in the back because I couldn't pay attention today. I was a passing student so I wasn't worried. 
As I tuned out the teacher, I started doodling on what should've been my notes. The only thing on my mind was smoking my last joint that was tucked away in my car. I was unconsciously drawing clouds around the leaf I had made on my paper.
“Hey, New girl.” I heard whispers next to me. Turning my head to see a boy wearing a shirt with the words “Hellfire Club”. Maybe it was a new band?
“Do you partake or just like drawing?”
This felt like a trick question. Was he trying to get me caught or being friendly? I've learned quickly not to trust anyone yet. The jocks and the cheerleaders are the royalty in the ranks. Any lower on the food chain and you're a target no matter what.
He felt my hesitation to the question so he continued, “I only ask because if you need “flower”- he points to my picture- I know a guy.”
That sounds even more suspicious! I lean in slightly whispering, “You do realize how that sounds like a total set up right? Why should I trust you?”
The boy puts his hands up in defense.“That's fair. But wouldn't me asking you just be me outing myself? Why would I rat both of us out?”
“I’m Gareth by the way.”
“Lena. And hypothetically if I were to say I had “flower”. Would you partake?”
“Uh Duh.” We both laughed silently.
“You seem pretty cool Gareth.” I could tell that took him by surprise but he tried to cover it up. 
“Uh, thanks. So do you.” he paused for a second “Would you wanna come sit with me and my friends during lunch? I can't guarantee that you'll think they'll be as cool as me but…” I giggled.
“I’d love to. And trust me if they're like you I'll like them way better than the “royalty”.”
With that said the bell had rung, dismissing everyone for lunch. I put my notebook in my bag seeing Gareth standing in the corner of my eye. Like he's waiting for me. How sweet.
“I have to put some stuff in my locker. You can go ahead and I'll find you.” I smiled at him. He nodded his head but looked unsure. Like he thought I was lying about sitting with them. Nonetheless, he walks out of the room towards the lunch room while I head to my locker.
~3rd Person~
As Gareth walked to the lunch room, he thought about Lena. Was she being serious about sitting with them? Regardless he would have to mention her to his friends. Even if she didn't sit with them she was one of the good ones.
As he walks through the doors, a roar of multiple conversations bounces off the walls. He grabs his lunch and then heads to his table with his dungeon master and best friend seated at the head of the table.
The kiddies arrived just as he sat down. Now was his chance.
“Hey guys, I invited the new girl to sit with us.”
Everyone at the table paused as if processing what Gareth had said. Then a chorus of laughs erupted from the group. “I’m serious!”
Eddie wipes a fake tear from his eye. “Good one Gare.”
“Yeah like a girl is gonna sit with us.”Jeff rolls his eyes.
“You're delusional man!”
With Gareth trying to defend himself and the group in denial, they had not noticed Lena approaching their table.
I rushed to my locker to dump whatever I didn't need for my next classes. Then into the bathroom to make sure I didn't look crazy. I wanted to make a good first impression on Gareth's friends. It’d be nice to have real people to hang out with who are not snobby rich fakers.
When I got to the cafeteria I scanned the room to find Gareth while going through the line to just get some fruit. Surprised that they had peaches I grabbed two then spotted Gareth after I paid. 
As I was heading to the table, a blonde cheerleader I met earlier stopped me. I think her name was Chrissy.
“Hey, would you like to sit with me and the girls?” she smiled sweetly.
“Oh thanks but I've got a seat already.” offering her a smile back. I didn't want to hurt her feelings because she seemed like the only genuine popular girl I'd met.
“Oh, that's okay! Maybe next time.” she then walked away to her table.
I started walking again and as I approached the table it seemed like they were arguing about something. Before you could catch what was going on they all fell quiet when you stood in front of their table. Looking at the boy standing at the opposite side of the table. 
~3rd Person~
Eddie was not buying it for one second as soon as the sentence left Gareth's mouth. A new girl sitting with them? The freaks of Hawkins High? Yeah right. But alas Eddie believed that Gareth was committed to the bit til he had enough. He stood from his chair and slammed his hands on the table.
“For fucks sake! Why would she…” 
He never finished his sentence. Once he saw her walking and stop right in front of his table he was speechless. No one ever makes Eddie Munson speechless. 
The boys turned to see why he shut up and were equally astonished, besides Gareth of course. He wore a smug smile, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair. 
“Uh hi. Gareth said I could sit with you guys.”
Silence from the whole table. They just couldn't believe that Gareth was telling the truth. With no response, she tried again.
“Is that okay?” I asked as I looked at the boy directly across from me. He seemed like the leader of the pack so I awaited his response. But nothing. They all just stared at me like they had never seen a girl before. I don't know if I should be flattered or concerned. Before I could feel embarrassed and think this was a bad idea, Gareth spoke up.
“Here, you can sit next to me.” He scooted the chair next to him out for me to sit.
I sat down hesitantly, eyeing everyone as they still didn't speak. Lingering a little longer on the curly long-haired boy. He was cute no doubt. I toss that thought immediately away. Friends Lena. You're making friends. It was too soon to be having a crush on someone.
“Don't mind them. They didn't believe me when I said you were sitting with us.”
Gareth went around the table, introducing everyone to me. Next to him was Jeff. Across from me was Mike, and to his right was Dustin and Doug. Lastly, at the head of the table was Eddie. “Guys, this is Lena.”
I gave them all a smile and waved. Also noticed that they all wore the same shirt. I made a mental note to ask about it.
 Dustin seemed to be the first of the group to come to his senses. “So, where are you from?”
“Harrison. It's about a half hour outside of Cincinnati.”
“What made you come to Hawkins?” Mike asked with a confused face.
“Uh, well my dad overlooks construction jobs. The company he works for has a new location. So he decided to move closer since he’ll be running that place.”
Everyone seemed to become more comfortable as I answered their questions. Seemingly deciding that I wasn't a threat. As I talked I subconsciously worked on opening my peach. It was what I always did to them. Slightly crack open the top, and run my finger all the way around. Now and then lick my finger to stop the juice from running down my hand then twist until it splits in half.  Once opened I took a bite and noticed they all were staring again.
“What?” I said wiping the corner of my mouth.
“How in the hell did you just do that?” Jeff asked.
I couldn't help but giggle. “It’s my party trick.” I took another bite.
~3rd Person~
“Is that okay?”
The way she looked at Eddie stirred something inside of him. Genuinely asking for permission. His permission to sit with them. He was so dumbfounded to speak. Just taking her in. From her pretty brown eyes to the Queen t-shirt and jeans she wore that hugged her curves in all the right places to her ring-adorned hands holding peaches. She looked godsent. Well, at least that's what Eddie was thinking. He got a weird feeling as he saw you take the seat next to Gareth. Jealousy? What? No way he was already crushing on the new girl?! He barely even spoke a word to her, just listened to her answer any questions the guys had.
He watched her as she absentmindedly moved her fingers through the peach. His mind started creating naughty thoughts he couldn't shake away. The way she licked her fingers, completely oblivious to what she was doing to him. The juice of the peach slipped out the corner of her mouth as she took a bite. All he wanted to do was lick it off her. Oh, how he was already done for. 
Jeff was the first to express his bewilderedness. Man, hearing her giggle? Eddie wanted to bottle it up and keep it forever.
“It’s how I've always eaten peaches. They're my favorite,” she says like it is the most obvious answer in the world. Before anyone could ask about the side with the pit, she does the same trick to split it again in half and then pop the clean pit out. She holds out a slice offering it up to anyone. Before Eddie could act, Dustin took the offering.
“Well in that case should we be calling you Peaches then?” Gareth joked.
She pondered the thought and then shrugged with a smile. “I wouldn't mind that.” Right at that moment, Hellfire as a collective decided that from now on they would only call her Peaches.
Tagged: @luv4peterba1lard @arlxtarts @midnyghtsolstice
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it.
If you would like to be tagged or share your thoughts please leave a comment. It would be greatly appreciated.
part 2 underway
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garricks4thwingqueen · 5 months
My Little One (I'll Do Anything For You) Garrick Tavis X OC
This is an idea that I'm grabbing from one of my dreams. Garrick girls well be feed well from me. He has a chock hold on my heart.
Synopsis: It was never easy being Amber Melgren the daughter of none other than the General Melgren himself. Amber was about to start her first year at Basgiath War College and she knew this wasn't going to be an easy thing to do with her last name and having to eventually face her ex who she hadn't seen since he started last year. Her ex was also her father's ideal match for Amber. Amber was used to these high standards from her father but started to feel more rebellious as she got older especially after losing her family member, she had the most love from at the age of 13, (which was her mother.) One of her father's strictest rules given to Amber before she had to start her first year had reminded her what he told her several years ago which was to not fall in love with any of those rebellion children.
Fic is still in the works!
Trigger Warnings: Mentions of parent death, swearing, hinted at smut.
Word Count: 917
Part 1:
I stood alone in the training room flicking dagger after dagger at the target on the wall. I kept missing everyone of my targets even though I knew I could hit it spot on, after all I spent my whole life training to be a dragon rider, I mean what else are you expected to do when your general Melgren’s daughter? It was now September and my ex had barely said a word to me since I started my first year at Basgiath this past July. Dain had started  a year ahead of me. We were dating for almost a year before he started, however he broke up with me the night before he had to cross the parapet. He's been breathing down Violet's neck and his avoiding me honestly didn't even bother me until he spoke up in sparring when my squad leader volunteered to spare me when my assigned partner ended up being sick. Garrick knew what I was capable of, Dain apparently not so much. I didn't even notice the door to the training room open until I felt a hand on my waist and one on my wrist. “A little more flick of the wrist and then you’ll have your target.” Garrick Tavis breathed softly behind me, flicking my wrist forward. I turned once the knife hit dead center “Blasting off steam cadet? I don't think I'd want to be the face of whoever you were envisioning.” Garrick chuckled. “Dain.” I replied well aware both of Garrick's hands now rested on my waist and neither of us had made any move to step away from each other. “Dain?” Garrick questioned with a raised eyebrow. “Long story.” I sighed. “I've got time.” Garrick said motioning to the bench. “We used to date it basically approached a year almost to date the night before he started here then he called it quits the same night. Not to mention that earlier was even the first time this year that he even looked in my direction. Pretending like he still cares, even though he's basically been shoved up Violet's ass since we started this year. I felt Garrick’s calloused hand reach up and cup my face. “You deserve better then him anyways.” He said his finger was now softly rubbing my cheek. “Gare.” I sighed quietly before our lips slightly brushed each other, before it became deeper & more intimate as Garrick now pulled me on his lap. “Amber”  he breathed as we stopped for air. “That was.” I started to say. “Incredible.” Garrick said softly. “Yeah.” I said with a heavy sigh, knowing how wrong this was. “My Father would flip if he ever found out about us.” I said with a quiet voice burying my face into his shoulder. “That's a risk I'm willing to take.” I started to trace his rebellion Relic that ran down the length of his arm; which was given to him and all the other rebellion children by my father's dragon Codah; when their parents committed acts of treason against Navarre. “Gare if anything ever happened to you because of me or because of my father.” I said quietly, “Look at me.” He whispered, lifting my chin up. “You're different from your father; me giving you extra training and spending extra time with you wasn't just for sparring purposes; our flirtatious banty moments were real and I think we both know I can hold my own.” He said with a smirk on his face. “Gare it's more complicated than that.” “Try me princess.” He said softly. I sighed “You really are stubborn aren't you Tavis?” “Give it all to me.” He said. Sighing and resting my head against Garrick's shoulder “It all changed after my mom died. He was never hard on training me at all as she lightened him, I was 13 when she passed due to her dragon being injured. Up until then I actually hoped I was going to end up in infantry. Training started slow and then he got stationed with Colonel Aetos and had me and Dain training almost constantly. After the rebellion surprisingly he lit up a bit, not without giving me a warning to never fall in love with any of those parents' children.
A few years passed and then he was delighted when my boyfriend who was going into the infantry and I split and then Dain and I started seeing each other. So freaking delighted he has our wedding basically planned and as far as I know he still thinks we are an item unless someone else has told him otherwise. Honestly Dain and I were both too chicken shit to mention it and he was starting here anyway so not like it mattered. I'm pretty sure he has the hots for Violet and that's why he did it and waited so he wouldn't have to deal with my father.” I paused and added “He's not one to take a beating lightly when he's upset. Upset and angered even worse.” “Dain’s a dick and I'm willing to risk it.” he said, pulling me in for another kiss. “Will take this as it goes. It's better if no one knows right away anyway, you get lash enough for your last name and then if anyone finds out you’re with me and hurts you because they think you're trying to sleep your way to safety.” He sighed, “I couldn't deal with you getting hurt because of me either, so wet for me.” He chuckled.
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jo-harrington · 2 months
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Corroded Coffin Fest - Day 20 - Under the Covers
Summary: Eddie enlists the guys for help to surprise you and quickly learns that there might be something a little more sinister in all of their pasts.
Word Count: 937
Pairing: Eddie Munson x OC (The Knight from As Above, So Below, written in 2nd person POV you/your for immersion) You do not need to read AASB to read this but if you're interested in more of Eddie's fluffy adventures into the world of monsters and cryptids, Heaven and the Hymns of Heaven miniseries are for you.
Rating: T
Warnings/Themes: Unofficial official Hymn of Heaven, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Eddie is simping hard, Fluff, allusion to monsters and nightmares, DnD references
Check Out the Main Post for @corrodedcoffinfest here! Even if you didn’t start on Day 1, you can still join!
Tagging: @the-unforgivenn at her request.
You can find my masterlist here.
Please do not interact if you are not 18+.
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October 1984
You had a great relationship with Eddie's friends.
Enough that sometimes Eddie questioned whether they preferred your company over his. You brought them snacks, showed Gareth how to parallel park, and even helped Dave with his research paper for English. He couldn't fault them. Despite your flaws, you were pretty much the gold standard of Dungeon Master's Girlfriend if there ever was one.
What was it they said? When god made you they broke the mold?
So when he went to his friends to ask for their help to surprise you, he was confident that they would say yes.
And they did.
You'd been busy picking up shift after shift at Bradleys. Almost too busy for dates and outings, but you always carved out free time for Eddie and the guys.
But you deserved the world, so Eddie had a plan.
He, of course, had a key to your little apartment, and decided to smuggle the guys over one afternoon to set up a night in for the two of you. Snacks and subs from the deli and the most epic blanket fort anyone had ever seen. He'd pretty much brought every single sheet, blanket, pillow, and couch cushion from the trailer over to your place and asked the guys to do the same.
"Star Wars bedsheets Gare?" he scoffed when the younger boy revealed his contribution.
"You're one to talk, what the hell is this? Butterflies?" Gareth slapped Eddie's otherwise-neat pile, sending everything tumbling to the ground.
"Alright! Focus!" Jeff intervened before the fight would inevitably break out. "What time is her shift over? We've gotta work fast."
Soon enough there were load-bearing pillow columns and vaulted ceilings made of a set of old starry bedsheets from someone’s childhood bedroom. The coffee table was shoved to the side and was stocked with all the food the two of you could ever want for your date, and in its place in the middle of the floor was a soft little nest of cushions and blankets. It was situated in front of your shitty, secondhand television set so you and Eddie could watch reruns of Love Boat together.
Of course the boys all had to make smoochie noises to mock their fearless leader.
At some point, while Eddie was inspecting everyone's handiwork to make sure it was perfect, the guys got restless, so they started to snoop.
"Hey what's this?"
Eddie looked up from his scrutinizing to find all three of them huddled together, flipping through the copy of A Modern Bestiary for the 20th Century.
"Put that down, it's nothing!”
"Uh," Jeff snorted. "It only looks like the coolest book ever. Look at this...harpies and selkies and...what is this? Anatomical nervous system of a dryad? Where did she get a book like this?"
Eddie quickly crossed the distance and snatched the prized tome out of Jeff's hands.
"Technically it's my book," he explained dismissively. "And it's not for adventuring parties. Only Dungeon Masters. Which, if I wasn’t mistaken, only includes me. Now help me fix this one blanket, you guys almost ruined this whole thing."
As they made their way back to fix the fort, Eddie dropped the book onto the cushy blanket nest and it fell open to a random page. A page featuring a creature that looked very similar to a fitted sheet, with claws at the elastic corners, and a face made up of the creases in the fabric.
Dave was the one to take note of it, rather nervously in fact.
"Hey, uh, I don't know about you guys," he tried to laugh it off. "But I think I've heard about something like that before. When I was a kid."
"Oh yeah?" Eddie hummed in disinterest.
"When I was younger my mom always told me not to sleep with the sheets over my head. Said they would suffocate me. Or the bed might swallow me whole."
"Funny," Gareth snorted. "I used to hide under the covers after bedtime and read comics with a flashlight. My mom said a creature would come and steal me away if I did that...that it would be drawn in by the light."
Then it was a domino effect. Jeff jumped in with his own story, and finally Eddie, who suddenly took the situation a little more seriously as he realized they all had warnings about a monster that lived at the foot of the bed.
They tip-toed closer to the book and cautiously read about the creature; it had some latin name they couldn't pronounce, but the pages about it were laden with warnings of portals and mimicry and devourer of sleeping people, and then they realized...that they might very well be surrounded by the creatures right now.
They suddenly closed ranks, huddled together, back to back, and stared at the fort they created in fear.
"What if the whole thing collapses and eats us?" Jeff asked.
"It can't eat all of us Jeff," Eddie scoffed. "We're gonna have to choose who to sacrifice so that the rest of us can make it."
The four of them glanced at each other, and then their hands jumped to their faces to stick a finger on their nose. Dave was the unfortunate loser of the Nose Goes.
"God damn it, why me?" he shouted, and then they all started to bicker.
Before long, pillows were wielded against one another and it was a flurry of arms and limbs and feathers and fluff. A pillow fight of epic proportions that practically destroyed the fort that they had just put together.
That was how you found them when you got home, wrestling under a pile of blankets from the collapsed pillow fort.
The movement stopped as you slammed the door shut, and Eddie's head popped out from some opening in the pile
"Hey sweetheart," he smiled sheepishly. "Uh...surprise!"
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Trauma ask game for any OC of your choosing: 2, 6, and 17!
This one's going to be a long and detailed one due to the first question XD. I appologise. 2. Any interesting scars? This one's going to involve some art since Josh is covered in them. It'll make the post longer so just a warning. Also one of his scars requires a self harm warning. I've left that one until last. I've also just placed REDACTED for plot points I haven't published on Ao3 yet.
Starting with ya boi's face. There's a few iterations of face scars for him as time passes. Starting with pre-Corprus-
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He has two, one that cuts through his left eyebrow (cuts from his eyelid to just below his hairline). He got this due to a skull fracture at age nineteen. Essentially REDACTED happened and he had an unexpected reaction, which led to REDACTED slamming his head into a mahogany desk because he ruined the REDACTED and that shit is worth more than him! He was eventually sold to REDACTED who ran a Camonna Tong affiliated syndicate in Cyrodiil. Or as he writes in his journals-
"Teldryn Ensirhaddon-Sero is worth precisely 700 drakes. A good price - for a kid, or so I am told."
The second one cuts across his upper nose bridge and ends around his left cheek. This is a result of a failed escape attempt whilst he was being moved from the Imperial City Prison to a carriage destined for the Gold Coast. He was hit in the face with the pommel of a sword and the impact broke his nose. It then got infected in the 8 weeks and repeated reopening of the wound from subsequent beatings whilst he was chained to the floor of a ship.
Next is face scars post-Corprus.
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More or less the same, but we add a third scar to his left cheekbone the cuts into his hairline. This is the result of the successful excision of a small tumor.
Post Kogoruhn-
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He's broken his nose for a second time and should have his second nose scar that runs in the opposite direction of the first. This is a new application of one that is already present in his Dragon Crisis design, I just hadn't figured out how he got it. Decided with this piece. Next is post Morrowind main quest.
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He adds a series of mourning scars to his cheeks to commemorate his late husband. This also involves shaving his head as a part of the ritual, hence the shorter hair (this is circa Tribunal which is a good year after).
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Here he is right before the Oblivion Crisis.
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And after, where he re cuts the scaring. Dragon Crisis and post Red Year.
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A few more added, mostly a diamond shaped mourning scar near the outer corner of his eye and a notch taken out of his ear from when he was thrown in Windhelm's dungeon. Though he's been pretty lucky with not getting more scars, that all ends with- Post Dragon-Crisis
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Josh gets attacked by a REDACTED and gets his face ripped open. The scars actually stretch right across his torso, but face wise it effects his right side. The mauling lost him half of his right ear and part of his left. It also effects the muscles in his mouth, namely that half of it is paralysed. He's more self conscious of that than anything else. Alright, body scaring time! Pre Corprus
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Mostly it's down to a few shiv slashes from his time in prison. He's got one along his right side that's from a REDACTED who tried to REDACTED, leaving him bleeding out behind a tobacco drying shed. He's got one on his upper thigh from trying to scale a fence.
Thems Corprus.
This is where most of his scarring comes from and I've added to the design since August.
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The scaring covers most of his body, with the start point being his left forearm. The first tumor grew from the point where he was grabbed by Dagoth Gares. The scars are the result of the extensive and horrific attempts made by Divayth Fyr and his daughters to prevent the tumors from regrowing. This resulted in the repeated removal and cauterisation of the tumors as they grew back. Josh's Corprus scars stretch from his left arm, a warped and gnarled hand print. This scar isn't connected to the rest on his body but it is one of the worst. The main scar stretches over most of the right half of his body. Starting from his chest, it travels up, along his shoulder and up his neck before curving around his back and along his left shoulder. The large burn on his chest is the worst of it. The removal of a particularly large mass from his chest resulted in the almost complete removal of his right pectoral muscle and the birth of a lot of lame "one nipple" jokes on his behalf. He has a significant weakness on this side as a result of that muscle being removed.
That scar travels down his torso before spreading out along his thigh in another large scar, though this is mostly a surface burn. The scar reaches his toes and the deformity in his foot resulted in the removal of his first and second toes as well as part of the ball of his foot. He wears a prosthesis that he designed himself to help himself walk. Without it he can't balance and requires a crutch.
Like the scar on his cheek, he has a few smaller excision scars. One on his right hand, and another on his elbow.
The scar is technically dead tissue and oozes a strange substance (congealed blood) if cut. Part of the ordeal involved him lost in a dream sequence where he technically accepted Dagoth Ur's offer. He has two identical brandings on his palms as a result.
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He has a few scars just from what he does for a living. Almost as soon as he got off the boat in Seyda Neen he found himself getting stabbed. He's got a slash through his left shoulder, two on his belly, and one large stab wound that saw him almost bleed out. There's an arrow puncture on his left flank from that time he got swindled.
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Teldryn, when facing Dagoth Ur, managed to get crushed under the hand of Akulakhan as it fell into the lava beneath Red Mountain.
Corprus did something to his body. It was stronger, technically, but he didn't heal well. He left that battle with his pelvis broken in a few places as well as fractures in both femurs. When it became readily apparent that he wasn't going to die from the injury pretty much anyone on Vvardenfell who knew the healing arts tried their hand at mending the bones.
Some priests from Vivec City had an idea that involved physically realigning the bones before healing him with magic. He has two long scars on either hip as a result and one along his back. It took him a long time to learn to walk again and the injury still gives him grief. He can't swing his legs outwards and therefore can't ride a mount.
By the Dragon Crisis, he's added a crushed lower leg to the mix after he has a section of a ship fall on him. He's lucky the same priestess who pioneered his first surgery lived in the same town two hundred years later. Even if she wasn't his greatest fan. After the Dragon Crisis.
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The guy's been mulled by a dragon. He's kinda upset about it since it affected his face so much. Those scars do reach across his torso, though.
The ring finger scars (Self Harm Warning)
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Josh has two sets of circular scars that run around the finger that he wears Moon-and-Star on. This happened at a breaking point for him where he attempted to sever Indoril Nerevar's connection to him by removing the ring. Remove the ring, remove the problem.
Unfortunately it's not quite that simple, the ring is fused to his finger via some sort of magic that no one understands. He got the brilliant idea to amputate the finger. So he got drunk in an alley behind a tavern in Kvatch, took his dagger out and got to work. Turns out his bones don't just slice off like that and ends up passing out from drink before he makes any actual progress. There was a lot of blood.
He was found by a friend, who quickly became something more before he was taken in the Siege of Kvatch.
6. Whats their greatest fear?
Answered here. Short answer, that time will claim what he's built.
17. Do they have any pets?
Josh wants a Nix-Hound, but he's never had a pet before. He thinks a Nix-Hound will make him look badass in a "guy gets a doberman" way.
His girlfriend has rabbits...he tolerates it.
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unmotivatedartistry · 1 month
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head -- lineart: $5, colored: $10, shaded: $15 bust -- lineart: $10, colored: $15, shaded: $20 half body -- lineart: $15, colored: $20, shaded: $25 full body -- lineart: $20, colored: $25, shaded: $30 you can also get art in a chibi artstyle for the price of a bust!! that means chibi -- lineart: $10, colored: $15, shaded: $20 complex background/foreground -- extra $5 note: lineart can be solely filled in by the background color or can be filled in with a single color different than the background color. note #2: having two characters will double your price.
more info+art refs:
If you're interested: PLEASE be detailed, send as many refs as you think is good, as well as a pose reference if you have a specific pose! Also please be patient, I am a student and a minor!! I'm busy!! But I will try my best to get your art done as soon as possible (within a week, maybe two!!). But, worry not!! I will update you with every update on the art (sketch(es) -> lineart -> color pallete choices -> flat colors -> shading -> background, extra details, etc) and you can absolutely change things at any time (well, maybe not at the shading stage. it depends.)
I'll do any fandom art, ocs, etc. Anything that's a person? I'll do it. I'll warn you if I'm not the best with certain subjects or characteristics, so don't worry if you're not completely sure!!! Please refrain from NSFW, gare (blood is okay, just not gorey injuries or organs or stuff like that), furry or animal art in general, mecha or highly detail mechanical stuff or whatnot.
Anyways, let's get on with reference art!
some recent works of my art! (in alt text would be what they're classified as and how I would price them!)
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pullingyourstrings · 1 year
Sunny with a chance of rainbows
Pairing: dad!gareth x bestfriend gn!reader
Summary: Your best friend Gareth becomes a single dad and you decide to help him raise his daughter Sunny.
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: oc!Sunny Emerson, oc!Anne, character death, dealing with grief, fluff, happy ending.
Gareth was your best friend since you were kids and you still talked everyday, even when you moved out to another city. So it was obvious you were coming back to Hawkins the day he called to tell you his girlfriend Anne got into a car accident, leaving him and their 6 months old daughter, Sunny, all alone.
You arrived at Mrs. Emerson's house the same day, supporting them any way you could and helping Gareth move back and into his feet on the next few days. He was immensely grateful to you, but insisted you didn't need to stay forever. He and his mom would make it work. But you knew his mom was old and sure, she could help with Sunny, but babies need a lot of care and attention and she couldn't do it alone all the time while Gareth worked hard to support his family.
"Gare, please let me help you. At least until Corroded Coffin fires off and you don't have to work at that shitty restaurant anymore" you offered.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna bother you more than I already did, I don't wanna ruin all your plans and–" you understood where he was coming from, even grieving he was always kind and selfless, but to you this was more important than anything. You remembered all the times Gareth and his family helped with your troubled childhood, how many times they welcomed you in their house, how many times they went to your presentations when your busy parents couldn't make it, how Gareth's mom taught you how to cook and how to fix a lightbulb for when you were on your own, his sisters taught you how to wear make up and his dad helped you get your first job. You remembered how Anne always treated you nicely, how she made sure Gareth called to check up on you. It was only fair you gave something in return to all of them.
"I'm staying. You're not bothering me. I can stay here with her, help your mom around the house..." you turned your attention to Sunny, resting her head on her dad's chest and giving you the side eye. "Isn't that right, honey? We're gonna have so much fun!" you talked in a warm, reassuring voice and Sunny expression changed, smiling big and giving you grabby hands. She threw herself from her dad's arms and you grabbed her.
"That's right! Let's go inside to play, yeah?" you walked towards Gareth's house, tickling Sunny's tummy and making her giggle. "Say bye bye to daddy" you waved at Gareth's direction and Sunny mirrored you. Gareth smiled and waved back before getting in his car and leaving for work.
You never wanted kids, mainly because you've always been scared of the pregnancy part, but helping your best friend raise his kid? That's pretty rad. You found yourself quite enjoying it and getting more and more attached to Sunny. She was the funniest smartest little girl you've ever known. She liked playing games, listening to music and dancing. She was really easy to take care of, she rarely threw tantrums and enjoyed quiet times watching TV or when you're reading her a book. Mrs. Emerson said her good behavior meant you were doing a pretty good job at raising her and you liked to believe it was true. After all, you weren't doing it alone and Gareth was indeed a really great dad. He always said he wanted to be the dad he never had. He played with her, took her to corroded coffin rehearsals, they often baked together... He made sure to give her everything she needed, all attention and love he could.
Time flew by and suddenly it was Sunny's 2 year old birthday. Still, you only stayed with her while Gareth was working and went home to your little cabin as soon as he got home. Mrs. Emerson would always invite you to stay, since after Gareth's sisters left to build their own families, she often felt lonely. Sunny has been a light on her life and she also really enjoyed your company. But you thought it was better this way. You liked to give them space to be their own little family because, sometimes, you still felt like an intruder. You weren't trying to replace her mother. You were just trying your best to raise her in a respectful, kind and loveable way and you hoped that, wherever Anne was, she was watching approvingly. You knew Gareth was. You two spent a lot of time together, from taking Sunny out on fun trips to the mall, the park or the beach, to staying home with her, baking and watching movies. And you often caught him staring at you while you played with her and he had this look on his face, this soft smile and shining eyes, that you couldn't point your finger on what it meant. So you took it as approval, as recognition that he saw how much you cared and loved his kid. So much, that you couldn't help but miss her and be worried whenever you were apart from her.
You received a call one night, a tired Gareth on the other side and you could hear the faint noise of Sunny's crying.
"Hey... Can you come over please? Sunny has been crying nonstop since you left and I-I don't know what to do."
"I'm coming." you left immediately, heading to his house. You walked up the stairs quickly, finding him with her in his arms, swaying her back and forth. You could tell she was tired, eyes closed, body limp on his arms but she still cried, inconsolable.
"What's wrong?" you asked worried, approaching them.
"I don't know! I tried everything, I fed her, changed her diaper, checked her temperature. Everything is fine, you're fine baby" he talked more to her than to you, kissing her forehead gently and shushing her.
"Can I try?" you offered and Gareth nodded, placing her in your lap. You hugged her close to your chest and started humming to her a little song you made up when you just started doing this. She stopped crying when she recognized you and your voice, sighing deeply. She was asleep just minutes after.
"Huh. I guess she just missed you. She's so used to having you around" Gareth whispered as you placed her in her crib gently as to not wake her up. "Which is great. Because I guess I'm pretty used to it too" he completed when you turned to face him. And there was that face again, the one you couldn't point your finger on. You understood it now as he got closer to you.
"Listen, Gare, you don't need to do this. I love Sunny like she's mine but we don't have to just because I'm helping with her" you placed your hand on his chest and took a few steps back.
"I know but I want to. I really like you, Y/N..." he grabbed your hand and despite you shutting him down, he still smiled softly.
"I like you too, we've been friends forever but..." his smile faded. "But I knew Anne and I'm not in any way trying to replace her." you confessed. You knew you were letting your insecurities get in the way, but he needed to know.
"I understand that." He took a step back, leaning on the wall opposite from Sunny's crib. You leaned beside him, watching her sleep. "You're not replacing her though. She's part of our life and she always will be. But knowing her, she would want Sunny to have the best family ever. She would want us to be happy. And you make us happy." he reassured you. "So if you want to just... keep things like they are... that's fine by me. But I really, really want us to be a family. Like, officially." he finally looked at you, your eyes meeting again. You thought about it, your heart racing uncontrollably. This wasn't new. You always had a special place for Gareth in your heart and the connection you two had was something meant to be since the first time you met. Raising Sunny together was only a confirmation of that, besides being the best thing that ever happened to you.
"Okay" you smiled "I think I want that too."
Nothing really changes, other than you moving in with them to stop paying rent and stopping answering "Oh no, we're not a couple" when people in the street asked about you and Gareth.
With Gareth being your best friend since forever, you were already close, already knew all of his perks and you already loved him when it all started, so your relationship blossomed easily. Gareth is easy to love and fun to be around and he found himself in the same situation, falling in love with you more and more everyday. Eddie would often joke and say that you looked like the perfect family he saw on tv ads.
Eventually Corroded Coffin blows up and the boys sign a deal for their first tour around America. Gareth finds himself in a conflict, because he REALLY doesn't want to leave you and Sunny in Hawkins while he travels. He'll just miss you too much. But this was always his dream, he couldn't just drop it now that they finally got something. So his plan was to arrange everything so it would accommodate you both, from the most comfortable tour bus to how it would work with Sunny's education and healthcare. That way, you couldn't say no when he invited you to go touring with them. And you're glad he did because it was a blast. All the fans knew about Sunny and they really loved and cared about her. They also knew about you and how happy you and Gareth were as a couple, so they're always respectful and kind. Sunny grew up on a tour bus, traveling the world, and all of you loved it so much, so happy you created this amazing family.
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pineappical · 1 month
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weird dog
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romanscoming · 2 years
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the two boys may have only met her once or only twice when they’d passed her up in the hall of the school, HAWKINS HIGH, or on the street.. but it was different the pass days, no seeing her on the streets, in the halls or even in the classrooms or the cafeteria,, but now, the next night on the news was ‘her’
their world did not end in a bang, or a whisper, but rather, one scream of fear and a cry of whimper.
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Picture yourself, a highschool student—pretty, fun, cute, everything perfect beside.., you having a small little crush on a geek,, named Todd.. and teases him and his friend Dave., a lot… Maybe they kept you joking around, or bullying them, but it’s all it cover up for your crush on the boy, from you going to the comic book store to see all of the three friends all today in a window, you’d finally see the beauty in his friend asf well,, you were slowly falling inlove with the two boys without even thinking, but maybe you’ll invite them to your party and pop up with a confession for the both of them.
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The 2nd most popular cheerleader,, beautiful, cute, sexy, adorable but with great beauty there comes pain, and pain is within throughs of other people putting you down, and telling you, your not worth it but the DnD-Freaks; Edward "Eddie the Banish" Munson, and his closest friend, Gareth "Gare the Great" Emerson sell you drugs and cover up all your pain by getting high with you, and maybe doing a little more and causing thinks that aren't suppose to happen actual happen within seconds of having the best weed ever with a couple of sweetheart mental head boys an, curly haired burnet and dark brown longed haired wavy haired one, but their is a 1st time for everything, 1st time having weed/drugs, a 1st time of stepping out of your shell, and lastly a first time getting letting a boy boys doing this to you also..
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sleepyiswhumping · 4 months
For the OC questions - 15, 22, and 29 for whoever you want! :)
Ooh, these are excellent questions!
For Garrett -
15. If you had to choose a single object to act as a symbol for your oc, what would it be? Why?
A weighted blanket. Despite being a big, stoic, tough guy, at the end of the day, he's a huge softie and a very comforting person to be around. He's always comforting others, helping whenever he can. (And on the rare occasions he lays on top of Talbot or Alex he's very much a living weighted blanket :D)
22. How long can your oc stay focused on one task before they get bored? Do they constantly have to switch things up or do they hyperfocus? What sort of things is it the opposite for?
It depends on the task. When he's doing anything with his boyfriends or caring for someone, he's as focused as possible for as long as possible; he won't let himself get bored. However, his days and nights at work are a struggle. His job is quite boring, unfortunately, and it drives him a bit crazy at times. Fortunately, he's got plenty of white noise playlists to help him focus.
29. If your oc was in a video game, what would their idle animation be? (When the player stays still for too long, the animation that plays.)
Gare's idle animation in a video game would most likely be standing with his arms crossed, glancing around occasionally.
Thank you for the ask, Kabie!
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marvelsmylife · 6 months
Agreed girl there isn't enough Gare on here! My friend and I are working on a collab together called Weapons and Flame. It's gare x oc as well as boh × oc if you wanna check it out here is the link to it. Part 2 is coming shortly! Would love any feedback if you do!
Ahhh I’m definitely going to check it out ! ! !
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2af-afterdark · 11 months
just now playing what in hell is bad and browsing the tag at the same time and i saw your post about her pronouns are he him. i completely agree with you that its probably very garing to most people but as a genderfluid any pronouns type of guy this game rules. its such a bizzarre problem because whenever games give you a pronoun choice they just autofill every gender marker, but the way the game switches multiple times in one sentence almost makes me feel like they only tagged half the gender markers to autofill? or the more deranged option, which is that the script was just written like this? unhinged.
See, I am non-binary, but in the way I think most other people would say genderfluid (gender is fun, isn't it?) so the pronouns don't bother me in a personal way. I generally prefer certain pronouns at different times (sometimes I'll have a she day, then a them week, then a he night, so on and so on). But my masc identifying friends and my OC find it... uncomfortable to have the game constantly switching to she/her when they specifically chose he/him. I would love if the game was way more inclusive and the fluid pronouns were an active choice people made rather than a quirk of them missing parts of the script that needed to be changed.
Glad it's working for you though. I'm sure it's nice to have a game show some genderfluid love, even if by accident (and I am convinced it's an accident).
That post was also partially because the male mc options are... not amab. MC is afab coded (the sex scenes make refrence to afab markers), which is great for the afab players regardless of gender identity, but for the amab players... not so much. It's a complicated feeling that I don't know if I'm explaining well?? Sorry.
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