#oc: ganter
crtalley · 4 years
thanks for the ask! from seven of sorrows redux-redux: 
Now he’s sitting in a back corner booth, colorless white plaid and gray jeans on retro red vinyl, and a skinny androgyne in a little black dress with blue hair brushing eir shoulders sits across from him.
He wears his blond hair long and pulled back into a loose ponytail, his clothes like they were bought for someone else, and his skin like it’s never belonged to him.
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crtalley · 4 years
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@welcometowriteblr day 5 — antagonists
i; evangeline lourdes
Lourdes reclines on the sofa and picks at her nails. She hasn’t looked at me or Cat since she walked in. “Do you plan on telling me why you failed tonight?”
ii; ganter king
Ganter’s lumbered over to the jukebox while I wasn’t watching. He leans heavily on the cheap red vinyl as he picks out a song to play next. Something new, flashy, nihilist-chic.
iii; alexis joyce
Alexis tilts eir head to the side, curls floating in the thick air like it’s water. Eir smile looks wrong. Eir face looks wrong. Other tattoos wind up from the top of eir dress, dancing on dusky skin in the shifting light.
I had a hard time deciding if I wanted to spotlight one of these three—after all, they’re all antagonists to Seven in different ways, in different parts of the story. Somehow or another, they’re all standing in the way of her goal—and, honestly, she has no idea how to deal with any of them.
Lourdes is her employer, grinding Seven into dust for her own goals. Alexis is a member of the Synarchist Council, the shadow government, trying to secure eir business. Ganter is the Synarchs’ dog—and the closest thing Seven has to an actual rival in the course of the story. They’re all Lacruz born and raised, all with different outlooks—
After all, Lourdes is an Angel. She won’t tell who she pissed off, but she was thrown out of the City Above five years ago, and she’d do anything to buy her way back in. But in the City Below, she’s being hunted by Angels and Synarchs alike, and magic can’t always save her.
Ganter is a victim of his inheritance. His mother entered a blood debt with the Synarchs when the Council saved her life before he was born. When she died just a few years later, the rest of her debt was passed down to her only son. For more than a decade, he’s been working towards his own freedom—and now Seven is getting in the way.
Alexis was born to the Synarchist Council. If e plays eir cards right, e can take over eir father’s position in the hierarchy. As it is, all e’s allowed to do is keep the reins of debtors that pay their income to the Council. Anyone that cuts into eir profits needs to be eliminated. Especially Lourdes.
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crtalley · 4 years
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ganter king :: character page
“You think you’re the only one in this city who wants something?”
» 23 » he/him » sun-bleached blond » the synarchs’ dog » searching for a way out » born in debt » lives in debt » will die in debt
«most people have to adapt to the trainwreck. some people are born to it.»
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crtalley · 4 years
Happy STS from writingamongthecoloredroses! How would you describe your OC(s) outfit?
Hi hi~ Thanks for the ask!
For Seven of Sorrows, because it’s like a post-modern post-apocalypse kind of situation, it’s fun to play with modern clothes but Different.
Seven usually wears something like a branded T-shirt with jeans or shorts, depending on the weather; she grew up the oldest of four, so she’s used to being in the middle of the hand-me-down circuit: from her mom or dad, to her, to her little sisters. Fashion? Never heard of it.
Ganter and Cat are both Lacruz natives, and they dress like it—flannels, undershirts, skinny pants, basically Evolved Hipster. They wouldn’t be from Lacruz if they dressed like they had sense. They’ll blend into any crowd in the daytime.
Lourdes is from the City Above. It shows with how she dresses. She clings to her pre-war designer labels, with lacy blouses and pencil skirts her look of choice. She looks really Old World in comparison with people in Lacruz proper.
Alexis on the other hand is up to date with every new fad. E grew up in the heart of the City Below, surrounded by people high up in every industry, and e knows how to dress to get whatever e wants. Eir personal style is club-chic, with black eir color of choice, always new club dresses or button-downs and slacks. E also tends to look like e just rolled in gold glitter. That’s a personal preference.
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crtalley · 4 years
Instead of brains, my OCs have:
Tagged by @austrohungarianwriteblr​ for this ♥ ♥ ♥ Thank you~ Because let’s get real, OCs really. don’t. have brains. like why, children? why do you do this?
So instead of a brain, we’ve got:
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I tag -- @writevevo​, @acrimoneous​, @writingamongthecoloredroses​, @percvalx​, and anyone else who wants to give this a try ♥
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crtalley · 4 years
Funny As(s)k Friday! What Vine are each of your OCs most likely to reference? (Not one that reminds you of them, but one they love so much that they'll keep using it)
Okay, so if they had Vine...
So Seven has No Sense of Humor but is desperate for validation so she’d probably pick whatever one Cat laughed hardest at to keep referencing—and they’d probably laugh the most at like, “Hi, welcome to Chili’s” or “ah fuck, I can’t believe you’ve done this” (which would be Cat’s most referenced one. Seven fucks something up? Bike has a flat? Locked out of their own apartment? “I can’t believe you’ve done this.”).
Ganter is a sucker for literalism and dad jokes so his would 100% be “Road Work Ahead? Uh, yeah, I sure hope it does”.
Lourdes would consider herself Above Such Petty Humor (but would 100% watch random Vine compilations when she’s alone because she Doesn’t Get It, Why Do They Do This). Alexis is too busy to give a shit.
Xavi—a secondary character who hasn’t really been introduced yet, because he’s more of an outside-the-conflict supporting character—is 16 and honestly he would be the one who just recreates every Vine he’d ever seen on a daily basis. “I have the power of God AND anime on my side!”
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