#oc: darisha voss
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shimmer-like-agirl · 7 months ago
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Eat your heart out, Night City
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ghostoffuturespast · 3 months ago
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Grandpa would like to make the arguement that crocs don't require socks to wear and that cargo pants because pockets for: grenades. Also, who needs clean pants when you're on call for merc work and are probably just gonna get stinky again anyway.
Lime green and mustard yellow goes with camo, right?
Style Points
V Rose +10
Darisha +10
Grandpa -20
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Leave her alone, it's laundry day!
@shimmer-like-agirl says Darisha Voss would never be caught dead in cargo pants and crocs. @ghostoffuturespast says Valerie Hye Jin Li (aka Grandpa) would wear cargo pants and crocs while alive and well any day of the week.
I say Valerie Rose Barrère thinks they have utility but still must be color-coordinated.
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shimmer-like-agirl · 15 days ago
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Redwood Market Shopping & Lunch Date
At this point in their relationship, River hasn't given up trying to get Darisha to stop drinking Spunky Monkey, and she's already over the lecture about the amount of sugar she's consuming
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shimmer-like-agirl · 20 days ago
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shimmer-like-agirl · 3 months ago
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He's mad because she said hot dogs are a viable option for dinner. She's mad because she just really wants a hot dog before they hit the club and doesn't want to pay for herself
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shimmer-like-agirl · 1 year ago
MY HEART!!! I can’t even @ghostoffuturespast you’ve left me absolutely speechless
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Shimmer & Shine
Dear @shimmer-like-agirl,
I don't know if you remember last May. I sent you an ask for one of those word prompt games. Which for the life of me, I can't find the actual list for. (Thank you, tumblr search function. You barely work when I need you to.)
Now, I don't begrudge you for not doing the one I asked, but you need to know that you not doing the one I asked has literally been sitting with me for the past eight months. This whole time. It's been on my mind. Your own namesake! Took me a while, but I just couldn't let that go.
Anyway, I wrote this little number for you, friend. Hope you don't mind I took ya girl for a little spin without asking. 🧡👻
Read below or on AO3.
Chin cupped in one palm and free fingers entwined around the stem of her wine glass, Darisha sighed. Despite the abysmal amount of wintry rain pouring down outside, the club was boisterously packed. And, even though the weather wasn’t doing her curls any favors, she should have been thrilled at the full house for this evening’s show. However, Darisha’s mood was scraping the bottom of the barrel and even the effervescent bubbly of her sparkling white wine wasn’t enough to lift her spirits. 
Perhaps she was pouting. Maybe a little too much. But it was hard not to when the one person you wanted to be there wasn’t. Sighing again, she picked at the shimmer of purple sequins lining the hem of her cocktail dress before swirling her glass, tipping it back, and finishing off the last of her drink. 
Her time probably would’ve been better spent warming up in her dressing room and not worrying about it. After all, it wasn’t his fault that something important had come up. Wasn’t his fault that he’d been slammed with cases all week. And wasn’t his fault that she had insisted it was fine before he’d given her a quick kiss and swept out the door with those long strides of his. 
But saying and knowing were two different things. And it was just one of those nights. When doubt insisted on cuddling up next to you.
Amethyst eyes scanned the crowd, but only focused on the empty seat next to her.
A murmur of excitement rippled through the club as the house lights dimmed and the band filed out. The show wasn’t about to stop for her disappointment. Darisha took that as her cue to vacate her seat at the bar and drag her ass to the stage, the clack of her heels solitary as she walked across the floor.
The musicians made a business of settling themselves in, making last minute adjustments to mics and instruments; the quiet rattle of cymbals, the low pluck of strings, the test of keys. Darisha fiddled with the cable running down her microphone stand, even though it didn’t need it. Swiped the imaginary dust off the satin of her skirt, even though there wasn't a speck on it. Blinking the brilliance of the stage lights off her lashes, she made introductions to the backlit faces of the crowd and took a deep breath.
Let the sultry balm of song take over.
The music soothed her heart, took the edge off the loneliness. 
But it was a rest, a moment between numbers, that lifted her heart. Truly made it soar.
Darisha caught a glimpse of him when the stage lights transitioned. When the blinding glare of the lights softened to reveal what was behind the partition of that invisible curtain. He’d squeezed himself in at the back corner of the bar, the collar and shoulders of his coat drenched from the rain. The bartender handed him a beer. They exchanged a few jovial words before he took a sip and looked up, caught her eye and made her heart skip a beat.
River beamed at her. A brilliant smile.
One that helped her shine.
Needless to say, after the show, her heels were a lot more excited to get off the stage than they had been to get on.
Darisha practically threw herself at River, not caring about the damp still on his coat. The hug was worth it. “Thought you weren’t gonna make it?” 
He squeezed her back. “Managed to wrap up early.” And pulled her into the sweetest of kisses before parting to whisper in her ear. “Wouldn’t miss you for the world, Darisha. Not if I can help it. Love you, babe.”
“I love you too.” She grinned up at him and made a futile attempt to fix the wet fluff of his collar. “Even if you're a little too fashionably late sometimes.”
“Well, I can see about making it up to you. Made sure there was only one name on my calendar for the rest of the evening… Might’ve even bought an extra bottle of wine.” River winked at her. “I’m all yours.” 
“Sounds like a deal. Let me grab my coat and let’s get out of here.”
They walked to the dressing rooms, hand in hand.
The door to the alley creaked open and shut just the same. The two of them watched as the rain poured down, sheets cascading off the awning overhead while slips of neon reflected off the puddles that had gathered in the asphalt. Sparkling drops of iridescence amongst the grime and grit.
Darisha should’ve worn a warmer coat. Perhaps a longer dress. Icy air pricked at her knees and made her shiver. But then there was an arm around her, River tucking her into his side to share some of his warmth. She leaned into him, sighing content as their breaths curled with one another in the cold.   
Worth it.
“I can bring the truck around.” River offered.
She considered for a moment. “While I appreciate the thought, I’ve spent enough of the evening alone without you. We’ll make a break for it.” 
“In your nice heels?”
“How about a piggy back ride then?”
“Not very dignified in this dress.” She reached down to clasp his hand, tugging him forward and smiling over her shoulder. “Trust me, you’re worth way more than these shoes. Keep up, will you?”
“You don’t even know where the trucks parked at.”
She’d do it. Maybe with some reluctance. But she’d trade her entire wardrobe just to hear the music of his voice. She’d certainly, at least, brave the weather.  
Darisha got a head start. River laughed.
And they both dashed out onto the streets together, hand in hand through the shimmer of winter rain.
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shimmer-like-agirl · 9 months ago
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shimmer-like-agirl · 1 month ago
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Night At the Drive-In (River picked the movie)
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shimmer-like-agirl · 9 months ago
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shimmer-like-agirl · 24 days ago
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shimmer-like-agirl · 6 months ago
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shimmer-like-agirl · 1 month ago
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When your perfect Valentine's Day is spending it with your partner in an empty, hole-in-the-wall ramen shop
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shimmer-like-agirl · 2 months ago
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My Perfect Sunday
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shimmer-like-agirl · 1 month ago
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Feeling totally normal about the upcoming MB/F pose pack that @baublekute commissioned from @viralnymph Look how cute they are! I'm in love
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shimmer-like-agirl · 4 months ago
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movie night
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shimmer-like-agirl · 2 months ago
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Upcoming pose pack from @theviridianbunny that I'm completely in love with💜😍💜
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