#oc: danner
To be Hated
The Ivory Isle writing snippet, taking place after the events of the main storyline. You don’t need to know that much, I just wanted to share the writing.
Content warnings for it:
Suicidal thoughts, wanting to be hated, depression, like lots of depression, food, self hatred
Word count:
2045 words
Axel sighed as he paced around the outskirts of the forest outside their base. Danner and Azazel had taken shelter in an abandoned cabin when they first got to Safehaven, and took the others in with them when they got there. He just couldn’t handle being inside longer than he needed to. He hated the way he crept about the old wooden building, trying not to make them uncomfortable by him just being there. Not that that did anything, of course, seeing as a hush fell over everyone whenever he entered a room. The only one who didn’t react like that was Danner. Axel still couldn’t understand why none of them hated him. Well, Maia might have, but not as much as she used to.
Maybe he wanted them to hate him. Maybe it would be easier. More comfortable to know that they at least felt something other than just uncomfortable around him. Maybe he wanted them to hate him the way he hated himself. He finally wore himself out from his pacing, sitting down against a nearby tree as he shut his eyes, trying to block the cabin from his vision.
Axel wasn’t alone long, as Danner walked over to him — he didn’t catch from where, only opening his eyes when he realized that Danner walked to him. Danner was holding two bowls of stew, and sat beside Axel, silently handing him one of the bowls. Axel took it, mumbling a “thank you,” but didn’t eat anything just yet. Danner nodded to him, trying to assure him that it was fine.
“Come on… Rene’s cooking isn’t that bad, is it?” Ah, so that’s who made it. Axel didn’t hang around too long with the others, so he couldn’t be sure much of the inner workings of that necromancer.
“Oh, no, sorry, I just— I’m not hungry.” Axel wondered what the person he once was would have thought of the way he said that. It was nowhere even close to a frame of strength or confidence, though he wasn’t sure if he ever had that. But now he was downright pitiful.
“Axel. You haven’t eaten anything today, I know it. I’m supposed to be helping you get better, and I can’t help with that if you refuse to eat.” Danner sounded oddly stern, yet Axel knew it was because he cared. He shouldn’t have. Really.
“You don’t have to help me,” Axel mumbled, “I would’ve been better off if you guys had let me die anyway…”
“No, Axel, don’t say that. We couldn’t just leave you to die. You’re a person, you—”
“And why not?! Everyone hates me anyway! And they should! All I’ve done is hurt you guys, and yet you still- you still-” Axel’s voice wavered, and a few tears fell. He realized that he was holding the wooden bowl in his hands tightly, and that through his emotions clouding everything else — something his teachers would have hounded him on in the past — some of the stew fell onto his trousers and the ground.
“Oh, I-I’m sorry, Danner…” Axel sounded scared, and he set down the bowl quickly, only resulting in more stew to spill and a small wince from him.
“Don’t be. Axel… no one hates you. You don’t deserve to be hated. Trust me. I care about you, at least. Az certainly doesn’t hate you, because I don’t. Rene and Percy don’t like you, yeah, but they don’t hate you. Maia is, well, Maia, and Chord—”
“What about Andre,” Axel’s voice wasn’t strong, per se, but it was more confident than it had been this entire interaction, and Danner wasn’t exactly being comforting, though Axel knew he was trying. “He has to hate me, right?”
“Axel… I don’t know if I’m the one who needs to talk to you about this. Do— do you want to talk to Andreas himself?”
Axel stayed silent. He didn’t know if he did want to. The gods knew he wasn’t sure of anything anymore.
“I’ll… I‘ll go to Andreas after dinner,” He mumbled, before picking up the bowl of stew and starting to eat.
Danner merely nodded to him, but that was enough. Axel didn’t actually mind having Danner nearby. It was good to know that someone tolerated him. And at least Danner didn’t look ready to fight when Axel entered a room. Not that Axel could blame anyone — he knew what he did.
They sat together, silently eating the stew as the sky turned to hues of bloody red and soft pink, the sun beginning to dip beneath the horizon. After a while, just as purples and indigos were starting to colour the canvas of clouds and air, and the specks of stars had begun to pierce it, Danner looked over to Axel’s empty bowl, taking it and his own back to the cabin.
“Now go talk to Andreas!” He called out behind him.
As if it were that easy.
No matter, Axel had said he would do it, and he didn’t want to make a liar of himself. He wasn’t sure if he could handle Danner not liking him anymore. The one person who tolerated his existence.
Axel got up reluctantly, deciding to check the cabin first. He wasn’t sure what the others were doing in there all the time, seeing as no one other than Danner would talk to him, and Axel would get away whenever he could. When he got inside, he saw Danner and Azazel in the kitchen, talking while Danner cleaned the dishes from supper.
“I’m just saying, are you sure we can trust him?” Azazel’s tail swished nervously as he spoke, neither of the two noticing the figure at the entry.
“I’m not sure, but I’m not going to let him be alone. I don’t think he could take it. He needs someone, Az. I promise that I won’t get hurt.” Danner was insistent, and Axel decided to leave before he regretted it, not wanting to have the conversation he was about to but not wanting to eavesdrop on the one he just was.
When he looked back at the coats on the wall by the door, Persephone’s was missing. She was probably off doing whatever stuff she got up to — Axel didn’t have an inkling of an idea of what she was interested in.
He kept quietly making his way through the house, footsteps soft as he tried not to startle anyone. When Axel reached the stairs, he hesitated. He could still turn back. No one would know. No. Danner would know. And Axel wouldn’t disappoint him like that. And Axel would know. Knowing him, the fact that he turned from something that scared him — just because he was nervous! — would follow him around forever.
Disregarding his shaking hands and legs, and the way his stomach fluttered two steps behind him, he walked up the stairs. He winced each time they creaked, and mentally scolded himself for his pathetic behaviour. He sighed a breath of relief when he got up the steps, and went to the makeshift boarding room. Once there, he saw Andreas, yes, but also Chord. They weren’t talking, but it was clear that Axel was an intrusion on their moment. The two moved from the way they were leaning against one another, but their fingers remained laced together.
Axel couldn’t help but notice the way both of them tensed at Axel just being there.
“Er- Andreas,” Axel grimaced at the use of Andreas’s full name, but pressed forward. “I was wondering if I could talk to you?” Oh, he hated the way his voice sounded so weak. He was nothing like the soldier he used to be. The part of him that still was that stronger self was yelling at him, berating him for his very existence.
Chord’s hand held Andreas' tighter, but Andreas looked up at Chord. They had a moment of nonverbal communication, a language that Axel was too disconnected from to speak, before Andreas looked back over to Axel, who had been standing awkwardly the entire time.
Andreas gave a small nod. “What is it?” His voice was wary, yet understanding as ever.
Axel hesitated. “I- well, I wanted to talk alone.” He looked to Chord to see how he might react to that.
Chord seemed even more wary and cautious than Andreas, and Axel winced at the reason why. It wasn’t like he had ever been anything but horrid to Chord.
“Oh, uh, y-yeah, alright then…” Andreas started, before noting Chord’s expression. “Chord. I’ll be fine.” He looked back to Axel, and repeated, “I’ll be fine.”
Andreas stood up, letting go of Chord’s hand. Chord’s feathered ears folded back slightly, similar to the way Axel’s eyebrows would crease whenever Andreas— No. No, he wasn’t going to think about that. It would only make everything worse. More… awkward. Well, more than it already was.
“I’ll be back in a bit,” Andreas said to Chord, before looking over at Axel and walking out of the boarding room.
Axel followed Andreas silently, as he was most of the time now. Once the two were outside, Andreas barely walked away from the cabin before turning to Axel with his arms crossed.
“So? What did you want to talk about?” Axel hated how crass Andreas sounded.
He hesitated to tell Andreas. He knew he would find it difficult, but now that he was about to talk about it, it felt so insignificant. Like it was going to just be an inconvenience for Andreas. He took a deep breath before beginning. “I was wondering… Do- do you hate me?”
Andreas looked up at him, mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. “Axel, I- I don’t think I could ever hate you. I’m upset. I’m angry. But… I don’t hate you.” He sounded absolutely incredulous, as if the very notion of Axel mentioning such a thing was absurd.
“Why not?!” Axel’s eyes brimmed with tears, and he once again mentally berated himself for such strong emotion. “Why don’t you? I have given you every reason to hate me, yet here you are!”
Andreas took a step back, increasing the already almost far distance. “Axel. I don’t hate you because I cared so much about you. I can’t hate y—“
“You should! I hate knowing that even a small part of you still cares! I have done nothing but hurt you, hurt Chord, hurt everyone, and yet you try to forgive me?! I can’t even forgive myself… Why won’t you just hate me?”
Axel couldn’t stop the tears beginning to fall, not that he even cared anymore. Oh, he would beat himself up about it later, but he barely even noticed the blurry vision, the heat of the salty tears against his cheeks, the quietest sound of a sploosh as they hit the ground — a sound that would be lost if not for the sheer silence before Andreas spoke again.
“Axel.” He was standing by Axel, right by him, his hand on his shoulder. “I don’t. I can’t and will not hate you. I’ve moved on, but that doesn’t change everything in our past. You can’t make me hate you. Please don’t hate yourself.”
“It’s not that easy,” Axel said, his sobs rendering his voice cracked and quiet, “It’s not that easy, Andre. I wish it could be.”
Andreas wiped Axel’s tears from his face and sighed, “I know. It never will be. But you need to learn. It’s going to take time, but I believe you can do it.” He paused. “I loved you,” He said, before he walked back into the cabin.
Axel collapsed onto the ground, sobbing more. He shook as Andreas’ words rang through his mind.
“I loved you, I loved you, I loved you.”
When he finally calmed down enough to go back inside, though he felt like a thin piece of glass about to shatter, the clock in the entrance read 23:00. He tried to walk up the stairs as quietly as possible, but the creaks that always were there seemed so much louder in the darkness and silence. He got to the boarding room, and collapsed onto his cot as quietly as he could. His sleep couldn’t come fast enough, and yet it was immediate.
If only the night lasted longer.
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muppet-facts · 2 months
Muppet Fact #1162
Matt Danner, supervising director and voice actor for Muppet Babies (2018), has said that the 2D animated yellow fish is named Phineas T. Cup.
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Muppet Mindset. "A Livestream with Matt Danner!" YouTube. May 28, 2020.
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dreamyexpertise · 2 years
... god i really need to draw more of my ocs being cutesy
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and before you ask, he's shirtless because that's just his style. no lemony-scented stuff happening behind the scenes here
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Part One
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Jake x OC(f)
Warnings: talk of human remains, spooky themes, alcohol use, club scene, cramped spaces. Most of what I've written about the Catacombs is based on fact, but overall this is a work of fiction so please don't take everything as such.
Previous Part Here
Memento iroe in die consummationis.
I’d planned to go straight to the Catacombs as soon as I arrived in Paris, since I had booked a ticket to visit for that afternoon a week in advance. But the combination of jetlag and a restless thirteen hour flight got the best of me. When I arrived at the hotel and dragged my bags into my room, I practically collapsed onto the bed and went into a comatose state. By the time I woke, I’d missed the entire rest of the day and most of the night. So, I decided to just go back to sleep. What was the harm in a few more hours of rest anyway?
The next day, I woke up at 11. Later than I’d have liked , but better than sleeping through another day. Rolling over, I swung my legs over the side of the bed and sat up rubbing my face. Taking a deep breath, I stretched my arms in front of me and yawned. Running my hands through my hair, I pushed it out of my face and stood to gather my clothes and get ready for the day. This didn’t take me long, and thankfully, I had the foresight to book a second ticket for a visit to the Catacombs for one o’clock that afternoon. 
Tugging on my Danner hiking boots and grabbing my bag, I left my hotel room and began my trek to the Catacombs. When I arrived, I was just on time for my time slot. Thanking the attendant, I began my descent into the ossuary. With each downward step, the air became cooler and more damp. About halfway down, I pulled a light jacket from my bag and put it on. 
Taking my time, I studied all of the plaques and murals along the guided path until I reached the Samaritan Fountain. This is where the query workers mixed the mortar they used for the masonry work. When I reached the fountain, I gazed down at the well opening it sat upon. I wasn’t sure why I felt compelled to do so, but as I peered into the darkness below, I felt someone walk up behind me. Straightening, I glanced around for the stranger. But there was no one. At least, noone near enough to me to have caused the feeling of someone entering my space. With a furrowed brow, I continued on.
As I made my way through, I began to look for the signs of the ever present yet ever invisible cataphile. A cataphile is someone who explorers the unmarked sections of the catacombs. Most cataphiles do not also act as unofficial tour guides, but there are a few who will for a price. I knew this coming here, so I was prepared to pay whatever price that may be. 
Continuing to follow a fellow group of tourists, I spotted one of the telltale signs of a cataphile. A small cluster of coins. An American quarter, a German €1 coin and a 50-øre coin. These coins were to show what languages the cataphile could speak and mark an entrance to an unmarked section of the catacombs that was safe to go through. Glancing around, I noticed a guided tour coming from behind me. Turning to face ahead, I continued on at a leisurely pace, letting the group steadily pass me. I slowed until I was nearly the only one left in the passageway. Waiting to make sure to watch the last person walk around the bend, I turned around and walked toward the small opening between the bones I’d seen the coins placed in front of.
The opening was at the bottom of the wall of bones and looked barely large enough for me to belly crawl through. Not wanting to miss the opening between visitors, I took a deep breath and took my bag off my shoulder and nudged it through to the other side. Lowering to my knees, I laid down and began to pull myself through. Midway through, I heard the sounds of voices coming from the otherside. My heart began to race and I rushed to pull myself the rest of the way through. 
I just barely made it before I heard the sound of footsteps coming closer and then continuing on past. Breathing a sigh of relief, I grabbed my bag and draped it across my shoulder. Standing up and lightly dusting myself off, I hear someone approach.
“J'imagine que vous aimeriez voir les vraies catacombes, Madame. C'est bien cela?” I hear them say.
Turning I face the cataphile and can just barely make out their outline from the light thrilling in through the cracks between the bones. Nodding, I reply, “Oui, pouvez-vous me montrer le chemin ? Être mon guide?”
“À un prix,” They say, rudding their fingers together as if rubbing a coin. “You are American, yes?”
“Yes, I am,” I say. “What is your price?”
“Ah, I could tell. You almost speak in perfect French, but your accent is just a bit off,” They say crossing their arms. “First, I must know what it is you seek in the catacombs mon cher. Then we set the price.”
A bead of sweat trickles down my neck. I hadn’t thought I’d be asked this. I’d read that most guides don’t ask questions. They just want proof that they’ll be paid and that’s all they require. I’d counted on that fact, actually. What I seek would surely send any guide running. Should I tell the truth or withhold it and hope by the time they realize it’ll be too late to turn around?
I decide on the latter and say, “I am seeking the druids.”
They remain silent for a long moment, “The druids you say? Hm, we will see. 5,000€ and I will take you to what you truly seek.”
My heart lurched in my chest at that amount, but I’d put back more than twice that for this. Slowly, I nod my head in agreement. “5,000 and you will take me where I need to go and guide me back? And should I want to visit again, will you take me for the same price?”
“Oui. Do we have a deal madame?” They say extending their hand.
“Oui.” I say taking their hand and giving it a firm shake.
“Come then, we shall begin our journey. You may call me Pip. What may I call you?” They ask while turning and walking further into the tunnel and putting on their headlamp.
“Addey, you can call me Addey,” I reply, hurrying after them and doing the same.
“Okay, Addey. Do you want to go just to see the druids or would you like to see the sights along the way?”
“Seeing the sights will be fine,” I say, glancing at my watch. There was plenty of time between now and midnight. The longer I could draw this out the better.
“Magnifique, to the theater we go.” 
About an hour later, we arrived at the theater and Pip drew back the velvet curtain. As I stepped through, I couldn’t help the small gasp I let out. The theater was nothing like I’d imagined. I’d thought it would be a shabby projection screen and some metal fold out chairs, but this… This was magnificent. There were rows of plush theater chairs leading down to an opulent stage. It felt as if I'd stepped back in time. The lanterns lining the aisle gave off an almost heavenly glow as I walked closer toward the stage. 
There were people filling the first few rows of seats watching the play unfold before them. I took a seat at the end of the third row and watched the actors tell their story. From what I’d gathered, I could see that this was a play about love, as the best ones are. And the leading man yearned for the love of the captain he’d served under during the war. It was beautiful and tragic. When the lights went up and the cast took their bow, everyone stood and cheered. Wiping a tear from my cheek, I stood and joined them.
“So you have loved and lost then?” Pip asked, leaning in so that I could hear them above the applause. All I could do was dip my head before they took my hand and said, “Come, it is time to move on. What do you say to finding some wine?”
With that, they took me to one of the underground clubs. The club, Gens Beaux, was crowded and the air was hot and heavy. Pip led me to the bar and signaled to the bartender before turning back to me. “So what do you think so far of our city beneath the city?”
“It’s fascinating!” I practically yell over the music. “I knew about the clubs, but I’d no idea there was a true theater here! I’d thought it was just a white sheet and a projector.”
Pip laughed and said, “Oh no, that would not do. Though that is what we used before the discovered the theater and during its renovation. It took nearly six years for us to restore it to what it is now.”
My jaw dropped, “Really? That’s amazing!”
Nodding their head and taking a sip of their wine they continue, “Oui, I imagine it’ll take just as long to restore the new section we found.”
“Oh? What did you find?” I askwith genuine interest.
Shaking their head, they lean in close and say, “It’s a secret. No one can know until it’s finished.”
I laughed and say, “Alright, keep your secret.”
Turning to face the crowd, I watch in wonder. People’s bodies moving to the rhythm of the music, the lights casting odd shadows. I’m sure the query workers that built this place never would have thought that this is what it would be used for. But then again maybe they did, I think as I recall the theater. They’d built a space for people to gather and enjoy the arts, so perhaps they thought there would be parties too.
Taking a sip of my drink, my eyes catch on a pair staring back at me. They belong to a man across the room, his hair long and his looks are rugged but handsome. He’s wearing a necklace of some kind that reflects the light when it hits it. I tilt my head to the side and continue to take him in. He does the same and drinks from his glass. He seems to be a part of a group consisting of three other men and a couple of women. They seem to be close.
“He is handsome, yes?” Pip asks.
Jumping slightly, I laugh and reply, “I can’t be sure, a little too dark in here to tell.”
With a laugh, Pip tilts back their head and finishes their drink. “Come, time to go.”
And with that, we continue our trek through the catacombs.
taglist: @peaceloveunitygvf , @edgingthedarkness , @jakekiszkashangnail08 , @writingcold , @vanfleeter , @gretavanfleetposts , @katuschka, @thewritingbeforesunrise, @wrldabomination, @lipstickitty
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, just let me know 🖤
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poisonblossomsartbox · 2 months
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This is my new Kindergarten OC, I don't have much information about her yet but she's the assistant principal and friends with Dr. Danner
She needs a name!!!
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jacenotjason · 4 months
I want to see your whiteboards tho they sound cool :[
(also Patty and Tuk being friends sounds amazing pls tell me more)
yehh i did a whiteboard with the boyfriend. and i went on like a mission to draw all my ocs.
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tuk n patty
like i said, i wanted them to be friends, but like.. closer? like romantic but not actually bc tuk is aroace.. idk what the term is or whatever but there they are
tuk likes patty bc she gives him crackers, patty likes tuk bc he doesnt speak often.
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op radford jumpscare
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vito and mort drawn from memory
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KAY thats all
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kg-confessions · 19 days
I used to draw Dr. Danner ALL THE TIME last year because I was literally his #1 fan...And I still am, because I love him and he's literally my oc 🙏🏿 - And I just seen Dr. Danner get hate suddenly...😡 Heh.... Whoever's hating on my pookie....see my pinky, see my thumb, see my FIST you better run 🐺💔(/J/REF /JJJJJ/REFRENCE PLS IM SLASH J)
Confession #20
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drfirsnogayny · 1 year
Kindergarten Tags
General & General 2
🍎 Protagonist
🍗 Nugget
🍩 Lily
🍫 Billy
🌺 Cindy
🔪 Buggs
💵 Monty
🪀 Jerome
🥇 Felix
🥈 Ted
🧼 Ozzy
🔐 Carla
⚙️ Penny
🟢 Madison
🔴 Ron
🟣 Alice
🎯 Austin
🥬 Emmy
🐊 Davey
🚬 Hall Monitor
⛔ Stevie
💊 Ms. Applegate
🥼 Dr. Danner
🎶 Ms Lovelett
🔫 Mr. Principal
🧫 Ms. Principal
🧹 Janitor
🪠 Bob
🗡️ Regis
🍛 Lunch Lady
🥄 Margaret
🩺 Nurse
🐈 Agnes
🍊 Jenny
🦋 Byron (Ocgram)
OCs for my AUs:
🎨 Polly (BRev)
❄️ Penelope (BRev)
🩹 Vincent (Demonic Class)
🍟 Eddie (fanchild)
Alternative Universe:
💾 Applegang
📺 Broadcast Revolution
🍀 Flower Color Gram (I take part)
🌻 Kindergarten 3 (Biolitary school)
🩸 Kindergarten: Depressive school
🔪 Kindergarten x Cleavers Cult
⛩️ East
😂 Memes
🪩 Music Club
Kindergarten 1&2:
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Broadcast Revolution:
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wonderland-upsidedown · 2 months
Hello all and welcome to my stranger things side blog!
I'll be posting some original fics here, but also take requests (which may or may not include ocs, and I am happy to write for some of your ocs as well if you'd like to see them interact with mine!)
I am an adult, in case you don't like to follow anyone 18+, but this blog is not 18+ only
My rules:
1. Be respectful of my opinions, be that ships, character opinions, or headcanons, etc.
2. Don't complain about my oc-based writing style, it's what makes me most comfortable, if you don't like it don't follow
3. Don't send me inappropriate asks. Like I said, this is NOT an 18+ blog, I have a separate blog for that.
4. Don't request any incestuous, pedophilic, or bigoted content, I'm aware that the show includes topics such as racism or homophobia but I'm not comfortable writing that kind of thing
My Ocs:
Cor-1 (Cori) Elodie Munson- she/they/it (not eligible for shipping asks)
Nessa Munson- she/her
Honesty Henderson- she/her
Ava Byers- she/her
Stella Sinclair- she/her
Nicola "Nine" Hopper- she/they
Violet Livingston- she/her
Molly Duke- they/them
Dusk Todd- she/they
Aurora Wheeler- she/her
Alice Hargrove- she/her
Selene Harrington- she/her
Demeter Buckley- she/they
Dr. Arista Danner- she/her
Note: not all ocs are canon to my personal timeline, so they may not appear in some main storyline fics i make, or in subsequent aus
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reddie-ao3feed · 7 months
Of Floods Sharks and Survival
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/K4Due8Y by Firestarter2003 Still dealing with the guilt of not saving Georgie when he was 19, Richie thought it was best to leave Miami for a little while. Now 6 years later, a now 25 year old Richie returns to Miami and got a new job as a stocker at the local superstore where he reunites with his friends, his now 9 year old godson and his ex-fiancé who is now dating a woman named Myra but the reunion is cut short when a massive tsunami hits Miami and floods the superstore trapping the losers club and Richie’s godson inside. When trying to find ways of escaping they discovered that being trapped in a flooded superstore is the least of their worries when they learn that there are 12-foot sharks waiting patiently for them to enter the water before attacking Words: 2104, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of Aus based off of Movies, Part 6 of The Losers ABO Verse Fandoms: IT (Movies - Muschietti), Bait (2012) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M Characters: Eddie Kaspbrak, Myra Kaspbrak, Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough, Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom, Beverly Marsh, Carole Danner, Mike Hanlon, Finch Uris (OC) Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Myra Kaspbrak, Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Ben Hanscom/Beverly Marsh, Carole Danner/Mike Hanlon Additional Tags: Stenbrough, stenbrough - relationship - Freeform, Reddie, Reddie - Relationship - Freeform, Past Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Engaged Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, married Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Parents Bill Denbrough/Stanley Uris, Getting Back Together, Survival, Blood, Death, Mentioned Georgie Denbrough, Sharks, benverly - Freeform, Benverly - Relationship, Mike Hanlon Deserves Love, Gay Bill Denbrough, Gay Stanley Uris, Gay Richie Tozier, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha Richie Tozier, Beta Eddie Kaspbrak, Alpha Stanley Uris, Omega Bill Denbrough, Alpha Beverly Marsh, Beta Ben Hanscom, Alpha Mike Hanlon read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/K4Due8Y
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barkthulu · 2 years
My OC’s
I created my OC’s back when I was in middle school. Whenever there’s nothing to do, I’d write random stuffs on Word document. That was the beginning of my creation. Here are my characters:
Drew Lankson
Willy ‘Danner’ Walson
Markis ‘Callahan’ Bernardi
Gina Starly
‘Abul’ Aphelion
Didn’t draw them yet, but I’ll post their pictures when I have time. When I have time, I have a gacha club with all these characters. I can post their pictures (again when I have time).
Also, I have more OC's coming up soon.
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I think there’s something poetic about the entirety of Azazel and Danner’s story/ies.
I won’t say much for spoiler reasons, but still.
They are so intrinsically tied together, inseparable on a very narrative level. You cannot have one’s story without the other; in ways their stories are the same (i mean they do know each other but i mean even the personal, before they knew each other stories).
And the end? The one that couldn’t go any other way? Of course it couldn’t.
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bloodstainedbarn · 2 years
Coming up with names for OCs is so difficult ;-;
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phatkochi · 3 years
I know that I'm not active myself, but I low-key missed back when the Kindergarten fandom was alive lol
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drdanners-art-lab · 4 years
Lazy sketches
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Featuring some of @miracle-kitten 's ocs Kevin and Sadie (top hat gal)
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sequs-art-box · 4 years
Stuff I've been sketching :/
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