#oc: cora hinkle
agena87 · 1 year
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Top to bottom, left to right:
Aubrey Pyle - Clementine Fraley Adalyn Lund - Adam Lund Clark Bello (x2) Cora Hinkle - Emanuel Nia Kowalski
I'm pretty sure no one cares about my silly new 'verse, but it's my blog, so if I wanna talk about these characters and the world they live in, I will.
Warning: disturbing subjects.
So. I think it's pretty obvious that this thing is taking place in a cyberpunk-y world. What I imagine, is that the world went to shit about two centuries ago, mainly due to the overuse of natural resources and technology, and non-artificial food got ultra-rare (like, only the rich could have access to fruits/vegetables, or even rarer meat). Nearly all food was made from non-nutritious matter, and people (read: the poor) started to die. Most people were like "well, what can we do?", but some were not so easily defeated, and well, as predicted long ago, they started to eat the rich. Among those, were a priest, Adam Lund, who started to preach cannibalism, after a self-proclaimed angel, Emanuel came to him. He was immediately followed by Adalyn, whose relationship with him is still a mystery to anyone (depending on who is asking, they would say they are siblings, cousins, husband/wife, or they just happen to share the same surname without being related in any way). Adalyn then convinced some of her nun friends (Nia, Clem & Cora) to join them. After a few weeks, as the group was hunting, they met Aubrey who was going after the same man (he was part of a group of men who abused her some months before - they were the one who gave her a Glasgow Smile); Clem was immediately smitten, and begged Adam to not kill her (as if he could have), and that's how Aubrey joined them. Finally, a few more months later, Emanuel reappeared with Clark, a werewolf (to the surprise of everyone who didn't know they still existed) prisoner, and gifted him to Adam. Clark is now kept as a (sexual) slave for the group.
Aaaaanyway, this story (well, not a story) is just lots of blood, (perverted) religion, violence, and sex (sometimes all of those at the same time).
OK. Now, that this is done, maybe I'll be able to stop thinking about those 24/7, and go back to my actual story.
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