#oc: charis beverly
myocsdontpayrent · 4 years
Olive’s OC Guide (1/2)
Hello. If you’re seeing this, welcome to the most self-indulgent blog I’ll ever make! Here is a small guide to the OCs you’ll see mentioned here, picrews and all. The tagging system will be simple for my own sanity: oc: [oc’s full name].
But first, you can find the picrew I used to make them here.
Spring Lyn Ellis — Spring is my babie, she’s one of my very first OCs and has been around a long time!! She originated with Kingdom Hearts and has Evolved much. She’s sixteen in most scenarios, very sweet and friendly, and has a white kitty named Princess who she adores (and also who looks strikingly similar to her, hm). She loves gardening, flowers, and her friends (and sea salt ice cream!).
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Mary Ställ — Another gal who originated with Kingdom Hearts. Mary is loud, impulsive, and often self-destructive. She’s quite smart, but she dumbs herself down to fit in. She’s usually around nineteen in most scenarios and has a ~fraught~ relationship with her older sister. She’s doing her best to start treating people (and herself) with kindness.
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Rhea Hede — My last and most recent Kingdom Hearts related OC, Rhea is a shy and socially awkward mechanic. She’s either fifteen or twenty-something depending where in the timeline she is. She loves to fix things, preferring machines to people, and tends to overthink everything. She loves her yellow lab, Kona, fixing things, and listening to classical music.
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Dawn Stavros — Dawn is my MC for the WIL interaction novel Smoke & Velvet, which you can find on dashingdon. She’s a shy and anxious basilisk in her early twenties who wants desperately to fix the world (and herself) but doesn’t know how. She’s very small and the world is very big and very much against her. But she tried to stay positive and get back up no matter how many times life pushes her to the ground.
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Lile Redding — Lile is another WIP IF MC, from The Lure of the Gallows, which you can also find on dashingdon. She’s often overwhelmed by her responsibilities as a Seer, anxious and uncertain with herself. She misses her mother more than anything. She has a big fat crush on her best friend, Leo — but shh, that’s a secret, okay?
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Janis Earhart — Janis is my MC for the story It Lives in the Woods on the app Choices. She’s kind, but she’s also tough, willing to put herself in danger at every turn in order to protect her friends. She feels deeply responsible for the death of Jane, and harbors a (supposedly) unrequited (and suppressed) love for Noah. Her favorite weapon is her bat.
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Pixie — Pixie is my MC for The Arcana. Her canon route is Asra’s, resulting in the Upright Ending. She’s soft-spoken and sweet, but beneath her quiet exterior there burns a fire of determination and courage. She strives to do the right thing, but what she really wants is a quiet, peaceful life. Her familiar is a field mouse named Flower.
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Charis Beverly — Charis is my MC for the story Last Legacy on the Fictif app. Her canon route is Felix’s — we’ll see how it ends! She’s excitable and full of energy, but she knows when to tone things down and be gentle. She can be impulsive, and sometimes lets her anger run away with her, but it’s because she cares so much that she lashes out.
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Sora Ahn — Sora is one of my CMCs from Mystic Messenger. Her canon route is Jumin’s with the good ending. She’s chaotic and mischievous, but she’s good at heart, and wants the best for people. She often feels like a failure or that she’s “too average.” She’s a writer, going from newspaper columnist to a novelist from pre-route to post-route. She loves her brown kitten Gus dearly and likes to dress him up.
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Liv MacNamara — Liv is my other Mystic Messenger CMC. She belongs to Ray’s route in Another Story, finishing with the good ending. She’s quite odd and disconnected, partially having to do with her upbringings at a Renaissance faire and the circus. Despite this, she’s very kind and always looking to help people. She’s very patient and can be stubborn sometimes (an immovable object, if you will). She has a deeply-engrained wanderlust and hates feeling stagnant or stuck.
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And that’s all for this post: sadly, there are only ten images allowed per post, so you can find the second part here!
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