#oc: aviel ephrayim
justtuesdays · 2 years
it’s the little things: the roster
Camden University | Middlebrooke, New York #1 Women's Volleyball Team
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Se Invenire • Find Oneself — G. Camden
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justtuesdays · 1 year
picrew tag
Thank you @ariendiel , @rebelrayne and @willkimurashat for the tag! I’m tagging — @ikemenlibrary , @notasdriedapricots , @csmicletters , @whatisreggieshortfor and @nerdferatum if y’all want to go ahead and try it!
Here are my ocs, who have been living rent free in my head this past week.
aviel ephrayim (she/her) — jake or gary
tallis winters (they/them) — talia or priya
alix marcet (she/her) — oliver or kassam
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justtuesdays · 3 years
moodboard prompt: general
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Moodboard Prompt: ✿ by @justtuesdays , basically, some self-indulgent edits of the chaotic gang have been in my head for a while now.
Carl knew he could have done this— create a successful company on his own— but he was also well aware it would have taken much longer had Aviel never taken a risk in joining the company so prematurely. Just three years later, they were no longer sitting around his dining room table in his small flat in London discussing their latest consultations. No, they were in Dublin, living in a home bigger than either ever expected to live in, any less be working in. From being just him to him and Aviel to the Niners (an inside joke between the Americans), it was incredible to see the company come to fruition.
The first to join their crew was Ruby— oh, how Ruby had revolutionized their company and work. With Ruby, Aviel and Carl expanded from finance and the private sector into public policy and gaming. Within six months, they had no choice but to hire Skylar, Jaime, and Julia. It was daunting at first, hiring so many new faces, never mind the circumstances in which some of the recruiting took place. It was hard for Carl and Aviel to share their workload with the newbies, even more, to take the newfound extra time to do other things like taking proper self-care and relaxation. Which was a running joke for some time. Eventually, their workload required more people: Sam, Aesha, and Roy, and a location bigger than Carl's dining room. Their new place, dubbed EHCo, made it easy for everyone, especially since it doubled as their home. It was unconventional but what did it matter, or so Ruby and Skylar made their thoughts known, it wasn't like any of them were conventional. Aesha has even noted that they were basically the British-American version of The Breakfast Club. Where else would you ever see a red-haired thrill-seeker, an ex-trust fund kid, previous FBI and NSA hackers, rival gamers, an anonymous computer genius, a tech entrepreneur, and a programing hobbyist living and working together beside a comedy show? All Carl knows now is that coffee comes in bulk and more bathrooms keep everyone happy.
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justtuesdays · 2 years
myers-briggs personality tag (mc x li edition)
thanks for the tag @crimswnred, @lasswithumor , and @ariendiel, i'm actually a big fan of myers-briggs (as in i use it to shape my oc's), so i most definitely took some time to write this up! not sure if you were already tagged but if you want to join in @ikemenlibrary, @kittidot and @moderarato .
tallis winters - istp
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alix marcet - istj
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chelsea - esfj
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oliver - isfp
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renny damian - entp
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rylin leon - enfj
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persie costello - enfp
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seven salazar - istj
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aviel ephrayim - infp
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justtuesdays · 3 years
moodboard prompt: home
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Moodboard Prompt: 🏠 by @voile-de-lune​ for an OC and Aviel’s place needed to be shared.
When Aviel and Carl started their own tech company they worked out their shared flat back in Central London. But as they expanded, they both knew that their apartment could no longer house their growing company. After extensive planning and the nods of the rest of their company, they all decided to relocate to Dublin and buy a Contemporary that would double as their company headquarters and their place of living. Current residents of the sleek and stylish Ephrayim, Healy and Co. are Aviel, Carl, Skylar, Jamie, Julie, Ruby and Samantha. Most of money spent on decor was focused on maintaining the tech company look, but here and there you’ll find photos of them. Photos of their first meeting, their Friday dinners, their semi-annual retreats, award ceremonies and tech breakthroughs, you name it. They take it upon themselves to capture every moment to remind them of how much they’ve done and motivate them to keep on going.
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justtuesdays · 3 years
everyone thought...but actually...
While watching a bunch of rom-com, I realized that I always favor the guy who doesn't get the girl. So I've basically become absolutely correct in identifying the guy who does get the girl by picking the guy I don't favor. LOL! Anyways, long story short, I made it into a prompt/game.
Basically, you take your OC's and name the person who people think she'd end up with (you know like delusional people like me) and who their actual end game is. The OC's don't have to be litg related.
Character: Renny Damian Everyone thought: Jake Wilson But Actually: Tim
Character: Rylin Leon Everyone thought: Bobby McKenzie But Actually: Kassam
Character: Persie Costello Everyone thought: Kassam But Actually: Carl
Character: Santana Savvel Everyone thought: No one But Actually: Rohan
Character: Seven Salazar Everyone thought: Noah But Actually: Lucas Koh
Character: Aviel Ephrayim Everyone thought: Gary Rennell But Actually: Jonathan Hayes
Tagging: @sailorpleiades , @gin-o-clock, @kittidot , @notasdryapricots, @ariendiel, @sunshinejihyun , @daisybarks , @simonsmontjoy
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