#oc: apollo mantis vi shon
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stuff in my mantis board on pinterest
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planetsolaris · 3 years
knocks on ur door politely. ocs?
hoo boy here we go (they all have pun names ace attorney style btw)
The Main Three (affectionate nickname)
Tomas B Nebula(he/him) is the main character, or at least i try for him to be the main character. the truth is everyone steals everyone's thunder. anyway. tomas is a caring fish alien with a dad complex
no ok for real; tomas used to be a famous thief, who stole valuables and "information" and sold them to dubious people. by the beginning of the story he's left that life behind, or is trying to at least. tomas is very kind and honestly just has a heart of gold. he's devoted to his friends and to helping people, even if really bad anxiety gets in the way
he's also italian and from an alien species thats just the luca sea monsters but plus water bending
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Laura Anne Dromeda(she/her), scientist, film enthusiast, meta jokes get out of jail free card, tomas' best friend and responsibility.
she's just. a chaotic little gremlin (emphasis on the little) with absolutely no self preservation instincts and seems to be babysitted by tomas at all times. seems. in reality they babysit each other but thats a whole other thing
ironically, as of now at least, she's the only person in the cast with a real job. (she's an astrophysicist)
despite her cynical and chaotic personality, she cares and loves tomas deeply, which she shows through not-so-gentle bullying. she's eccentric and passionate about film and science, will Absolutely lecture you for hours on end if given the chance
shes also argentinian because she deserves to be cool <3
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Daniel Fénix (he/him) (the one on the right), every cast needs a himbo amaright. a very. anxious himbo. (thats two ocs with anxiety. its almost like. its almost like the author wants to tell us something)
daniel is just. just a sweetheart of a man. a real giant teddy bear. he's really sweet, if a little dumb and mostly clueless. he's very hesitant to accept help of others, though, due to a long history of bad people and bad decisions. unfortunately for him tomas and laura will befriend anyone whether they like it or not
daniel is shy as a result, he reads like it's the only thing he knows how to do. he owns piles and piles of books (he really likes the old ones too. picture of dorian grey gay people books)
he's half british half argentinian (again) because i want to spite the English
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still main characters, but separate from the main three in a weird way dont question it
Apollo and Artemis Vi Shon (he/they and she/they respectively) (she sometimes uses bug/bugs but very very rarely)
the twins my beloveds. ive already talked about them in a separate post (see oc tag bellow) but for the sake of completing this post:
their nicknames (and essentially what everybody calls them) are mantis and beetle in that order. the nicknames were given by beetle because her special interest is bugs and shes just a Weird Girl(affectionate) like that
mantis is cold, closed off, barely ever smiles (beetle SWEARS she saw them laugh once) he essentially talks like miles edgeworth but with a shorter temper and more prone to screaming at people. yet, he treats everyone with almost mocking respect
he loves his sister very very much even if he doesn't show it that much, when you compare it to how he treats everybody fucking else its really obvious
beetle, on the other hand, is the complete 180 of their brother. she's a bundle of sunshine and loves to LOVE and her friends and just. everything. she's a therapist and has autistic girl swag <3
beetle is the type of person to pick up a live tarantula with her hands (and gloves bc they dont want to hurt her Friend) and SHOVE it into her friend's face screaming "LOOK AT HIM"
mantis and beetle have a. relationship. they have a lot of story and issues between them but at the end of the day they love each other a lot
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hello sol ocs lovers and sonic fans i think you should all know how shadow core mantis is
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mantis is so shadow coded
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hey sorry. your boyfriend is being haunted by the visions of people he killed :/
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mantis listens to this shit thinking "shes just like me fr"
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oc posting hours but for reasons im not educated enough on psychosis to canonically make mantis psychotic but if the girlies want to claim him i wont complain
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DO tell me about an OC you gave way too many personal traits to??
ummmm maybe mantis? the man is a complete mess he is my punching bag oc
to name a few:
he is the brooding serious type that secretly cares about people, he likes magical girl animes, he is a witch with a specialization on communicating with the dead, he is a pathetic wet cat, he is very silly also, he has psychosexual issues (thats between me and god), he just has a lot of relationship issues in general. i could go on but i wont
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who is mantis. eye emoji
you know how everyone has a punching bag oc? mantis is the oc i use to repedeately roundhouse kick and shoot in the face
you may recognize him for the giant fucking scar on his face which i need a couple tw's to get into, his puffy black and white hair and chronic deadpan face. he is permanently angry and the rest of the gang had an inside joke of how no one has ever seen him laugh. also he's like, a contract killer that calls himself an "exorcist" because he literally has magical powers related to dead people (both him and his sister are witches, beetle has Magical Empathy and she uses it to give therapy this isn’t a joke)
what else can i tell you about him
his real name is Apollo (beetle's is Artemis) and he has a pet white crow named Milkshake. if you wanna know what his arc is, think of what i call the Hunter pipeline (from very scary to pathetic and sad wet cat) also! i invented some kind of magical type of disability for him, where his staff serves as the equivalent to a mobility aid, being that using magic without it requires so much effort it can give him from headaches to migranes and sometimes even cause him to faint
(also he has some fucked up gay thing going on with tomas but that's for me and the rats in the walls)
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(lowers my sword) wym you wont let me devote my entire existence to you i thought you were into me
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mantis is like "im fighting demons" and the demons are bisexuality
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look i know nobody knows my ocs but here have this
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chaosandthe-deadblog · 11 months
id love to hang out but unfortunately i killed someone years ago and her ghost still haunts me. so. im probably gonna be busy
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okay i guess this is what i'm doing tonight. here's how my ocs would play minecraft
tomas: he made an underwater base as soon as laura explained him how. he spends a lot of time fishing. i think exploring gives him anxiety so he always does it with laura. he's mediocre at designing builds but the effort is appreciated
laura: shes a total redstone nerd. she makes farms and huge redstone builds for everyone in the server that lag it to shit. she also is a mod and the only one allowed to use cheats (they had to ban them because mantis was abusing /tp) she has a dog she would die for named Bolt and a full diamond armour. no one wants to pick up redstone anymore to avoid encouraging her
daniel: from the way he builds youd think hes using creative mode behind everyone's back, but he actually just has a pinterest addiction. he makes the prettiest builds in the entire server and he doesnt even need to gather his own materials because he set up a system: he'll build beautiful houses and other things for the others IF they get him the materials he needs. he also collected all the cats and has a gigantic library in his home. he assisted tomas on building his underwater base
beetle: she built a bee sanctuary as soon as she learned there were bees in the game. she collects all the flowers and has a huge garden. she is also the best at combat. she built defenses for everyone's home. everyone always asks to go explore with her because she slaughters the mobs like its nothing. she also was threatened to be kicked out of the server because she kept hunting her friends for fun
mantis: hes the one that likes mining the most, and hes essentially everyone's ore dealer. he spends most of his time in caves and mines because, quote, "that way everyone can leave the fuck alone" he also built his base inside of a cave like fucking batman
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planetsolaris · 3 years
Request just for you: Draw your current favorite OC!
and what a perfect way to introduce him! this is Apollo Vi Shon or "Mantis" like everyone calls him (he/they) he's got a twin sister named Artemis or "Beetle" (she/they/bug) who loves bugs (yes, she was the one who gave them the nicknames)
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he's an asshole and i adore him
also i wrote him before getting into ace attorney and realized that i had accidentally wrote miles edgeworth as a witch alien
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