#oc: annalise martin
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randomestfandoms-ocs · 4 years ago
oooh okay let's see!!
Audrey & Evelyn Rogers
Audrey & Stephanie Carter
Audrey & Jamie Carter-Rogers
Audrey & Zora Wright
Maya & Katie Dean
Ophelia & Venus Malfoy
Mia & Hallie Thorne
Annalise & Charlotte Jones
Annalise & Aaliya Andrews
Annalise & Anastasia Andrews
Hana & Adalia Kim
Lee & Kirsty Gilmore
Lee & Charlotte Howard-Danes
Lee & Willow Dell
Daphne & Antoinette Kingston
Daphne & Sophie Dugray
Anna McCall & Laurel Martin
Anna McCall & Elsa Lahey
Indiana Underwood & Sofia Martinez
(this isn't to say that I would be opposed to anything else lmao, but these are the ones that came to mind!)
Send me a 🔁 and I’ll list one or more crossovers between our ocs that I’d be interested in talking about
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nikkzwrites · 5 years ago
Yesterday Once More | Dark Fix-It Fic Series | Chapter 7
A/N: This fic is one that I started with my OC because honestly, I personally didn’t like how season 3 ended. So I am rewriting all of Dark with my OC Annalise Dahlheim. I hope you all like it. Some things will be expanded more on just for more depth to Dark that season 3 kinda skipped over so…. yeah.
CW: Canon Typical Triggers: Smoking, Sex, Language, Drugs, Drinking, Death, Violence, Suicide Mentions, Cutting, Violence.
Word Count:  3.7k
[First Chapter] [Previous Chapter] [Next Chapter]
Helge woke up in a child’s themed room. It was blue with foxes and hedgehogs. A very weird chair sat in the middle. The young boy studied it as his ear bled. This was the memory old Helge woke up to that morning. It helped him remember everything.
Jonas woke up in an enclosed log deer stand. He checked to see if the letter was still with him before he climbed down and started on his journey to go find Mikkel. He first needed to start at the school. He saw a frizzy-haired brunette in the hall sitting by herself in the hall. He decided she was probably the best to ask, “What day is it today?”
“Pardon?” Regina pulled off her headphones.
Jonas repeated, “What day is it today?”
“November 9th,” She answered.
Jonas sighed and admitted, “I know this sounds crazy, but what year?”
“1986,” She shook her head in confusion. Jonas thanked her and started to walk away, but got called back by the girl, “Wait! Are you looking for someone?”
Jonas stared at the girl confused on how she would know this, “Yeah. A friend. Michael Kahnwald.”
Regina shook her head, “Never heard of him.”
“Ines Kahnwald’s son,” He tried to clarify.
“The nurse,” Regina asked. She shook her head, “She doesn’t have any children.”
Defeated, Jonas then asked, “Do you know where I can find Ines?”
Regina reached for her bag after hearing the bell, “The hospital probably.” She smiled at him, “Well, see you.” As she tried to leave, she got pushed and bullied.
Jonas stared. His heart went out to his friend’s mother. She, in some way, reminded him of his Annalise. She was kind, sweet, and would help out a random stranger. He wondered silently if that’s why his best friend was always giving Annalise a hard time. He shook his head, he couldn’t focus on that right now. He had to make it to find Mikkel then get home.
Egon sat in his office when he got the file from his superior about the power plant. He sat and silently wondered if Ulrich was involved at all in this.
In the present, Ulrich looked around in the files about Mads scattered in Mikkel’s room as if like a summoning circle that he could get all the information from some specter.
Woller, at the same time, walked into Charlotte’s office with the power plant search warrant. Charlotte quickly hung up the phone and grabbed it to head to the power plant.
At the same time 33 years ago, Egon drove to the power plant. He was greeted with the face of Helge. Just the man he wanted to see.
“Anything I can help you with,” Helge asked with a smile.
Egon shook his head, “It’s about the missing Nielsen boy. The night he disappeared, you were on your shift, right?”
Helge looked as if he needed to think back, but honestly, he was just confused and concerned that the man had found out about him, “Yes.”
“Martin wants to document and corroborate the routines and times of everyone who was near here that night,” Egon explained to the man.
Helge nodded in understanding. He checked his watch then told the police officer, “I have to do my rounds and check the blocks now.”
Egon nodded, “Okay, let’s arrange a time you can stop by the station then.”
Helge stared out into space for a moment then asked, “The day after tomorrow?”
“Is 10:30, okay?” Helge asked the man.
Egon nodded, “That works. Sorry for the trouble.”
Helge shook his head and chuckled, “It’s no trouble. I just didn’t see anything. What I mean is… Everything was totally normal.”
Egon nodded and asked, “Your shift ended at six?”
Helge nodded, “Yes, that’s when the night shift starts.”
“Did you take your car,” Egon asked.
Helge nodded, “I took the state road.”
Egon looked up confused, “Were you heading somewhere else? Because you took the state road instead. Isn’t the forest road shorter?”
“Yeah,” Helge conceded, “I just picked something up for my father.” Helge nodded towards the officer and said, “I’ll see you Tuesday.”
Egon interrupted the other man’s leaving and said, “One more question. Did you see his brother anywhere that day? The older Nielsen boy, Ulrich.”
Helge shook his head, “Nope. Til Tuesday.” He closed the gate. 
In 2019, Ulrich spotted this note in Egon’s day planner.
Aleksander walked out followed by a bunch of armed guards. Charlotte stared at him annoyed. She really did not enjoy this show of force. She held up the warrant for him to see. Aleksander, without a word, motioned for the guards to open the gates for her and her crew.
Hannah slowly pulled herself away from Annalise and out of bed. The rain and thunder had woken her up from her deep slumber.  She walked into the kitchen and started to make breakfast. She was happy that she hadn’t woken the girl up yet. And as much as she loved her son, she was glad to be able to talk to Annalise alone. The woman slowly brought breakfast to her bedside. Hannah sat on the edge of the bed and gently rubbed Annalise’s shoulder, “Hey. Annalise.”
Annalise shook herself awake. She looked at the woman smiling down at her. Annalise smiled, “Oh is Jonas home?” Annalise sat up and yawned.
“No,” she explained, “But I think he will be back very soon.” She cupped her cheek gently then pulled away to motion to the food, “I actually made you breakfast. To thank you for being in Jonas and I’s life.”
Annalise smiled gently. She gave the woman a hug. The girl asked, “Can I stay with you until he gets back...I…”
Hannah smiled, “If that’s what you want, but I don’t think Ulrich will come back to hurt me.” She pet the girl’s head and said, “You have a large heart. You remind me very much of my husband, because of this, I can tell you love my Jonas very much. Thank you so much. We both need someone like that in our lives again.”
Back in 1986, Jonas walked through the rain trying to get to the hospital. He was just following the road huddled beneath his yellow raincoat. He started to panic when the police car had noticed him.
Egon, seeing a boy walking through the rain, couldn’t just leave the boy there. He lowered his window and asked, “Can I help you?” He watched the boy shake his head. Then Egon asked, “Shouldn’t you be in school?”
Jonas tried to quickly come up with an excuse, “I’m sick.”
Egon nodded and said, “You look fine to me.”
“I hurt my arm,” Jonas tried to come up with a cover, “I’m headed to the hospital.”
Egon nodded and motioned to the boy, “Get in. I’ll drive you there.”
As Ulrich tried to investigate more in the 33-year-old files of Mads, he noticed that Helge had no statement about what had happened that night. He then called Charlotte and explained. “Did you know that in 1986 your father-in-law was to be interviewed in my brother’s case?”
“No,” Charlotte said tailing the canvassing team. 
Ulrich then told her, “I searched through all the files. Helge was supposed to be questioned on Tuesday, November 11, 1986. Exactly 33 years ago, from the day after tomorrow. But there is no statement. He didn’t show. There’s just a note. ‘Why not forest road?’”
“So you think Helge abducted Mads in 1986,” She asked the man, “And now Mikkel and the other boys 33 years later?”
“Where is he now,” Ulrich asked.
“In a nursing home Ulrich!” She sighed, “He’s 75 years old. He has dementia and the evening Mikkel disappeared, Helge was with me.”
Ulrich argued, “But the evening before Yasin vanished, Woller found Helge in the forest.”
“And took him back to the nursing home,” Charlotte cried, getting annoyed. He was sounding more and more paranoid with every passing day.
“Somehow this all has to do with Mads,” Ulrich claimed.
Charlotte shook her head, “You are barking up the wrong tree.”
“Maybe,” Ulrich admitted, “but maybe not.” He ended up hanging up on his boss.
Charlotte turned, noticing a route through the field that went into another part in the woods. She started to follow it to try and figure out more.
Jonas rode in the car with Egon. He was honestly just wondering how his mother and Annalise were holding up with him suddenly gone without much of a word. Did Lise think he was out with Martha right after having everything happened? Was she wondering when he was going to be home? Was she cry-
“What’s your name,” Egon asked, pulling the boy from his thoughts.
“Jonas,” he said without much thought as he turned to the man.
Egon then asked, “And why didn’t you have your parents drive you?”
Jonas shrugged, “My mom is at work. My dad’s dead.”
Egon then asked, “Where does your mother work?”
“At the power plant,” Jonas explained knowing that was an easy out for him.
Egon nodded, “The power plant has changed Winden. This place used to look different.” He looked towards the boy for a second, “What’s that there?”
Jonas pulled out his earbuds from out his pocket and showed it to him, “Earphones.”
Egon laughed, “Those aren’t earphones.”
“You just put them in your ears,” Jonas explained.
Egon shook his head, “Now I’ve seen it all.”
In 2019, Charlotte ended up following the path. She found the gated cavern that Claudia herself was once led to. She knew she had to talk to Aleksander about this.
Egon, soon, pulled up at the hospital just 33 years prior. He let Jonas out of the car, but not before asking, “Among you teenagers, Is Satanism a thing right now?”
Jonas laughed. “No idea,” He was so grateful for the laugh before he realized the officer was serious. He shook his head and replied, “No, I don’t know. I don’t think so.”
Egon then advised, “Call your mom to pick you up, it isn’t the best time to be walking through the woods alone right now.”
Jonas nodded. He exited the car thanking the officer. He slid his bag back on his back before walking into the hospital. He walked to one of the nurses and explained, “I am looking for Ines Kahnwald.”
“She was just outside with the boy,” She explained.
Jonas shook his head, “What boy?”
Her brows furrowed. She studied the boy, “What do you want Ines for?”
“I am visiting and I locked myself out,” He lied.
She shook her head, “Ines didn’t mention a visitor. Are you related?”
“Yes,” Jonas said, “You could say that.”
She motioned towards the back doors, “Maybe she’s still out back. Otherwise, I’ll tell her when I see her.”
Jonas shook his head, “No, I don’t want to be in any trouble.”
33 years after that encounter, Ulrich snuck into Helge’s room. He walked over to the man to whisper to try and wake up the older gentleman. When Helge woke up, Ulrich introduced himself, “My name is Ulrich Nielsen. I am a police officer. Don’t be scared. I just want to ask you a few questions.”
Helge started to panic seeing the man he had nightmares every night since he was a child. He started to shake his head terrified.
“In 1986, a boy from Winden Vanished,” Ulrich stated ignoring Helge’s reactions, “Mads Nielsen. Do you remember? You were summoned to the station for questioning but there’s no transcript. What does ‘Why not forest road’ mean?”
The heart monitor screamed out of control for a nurse to check in on the older man. A nurse finally burst in to see Ulrich leaning over the man repeating the question over and over while Helge just tried to communicate. She walked over to the man and asked, “What are you doing here?”
“It’s him,” cried Helge.
Ulrich tried to explain, “I am a cop. I want to ask a few questions.”
Helge struggled out the words, “I know you!”
“What did you say,” Ulrich asked as the nurse tried to pull him away from Helge.
“I can change it,” Helge mumbled, “I can change the past and the future.”
The nurse called out to try and get someone else to help her remove Ulrich from Helge’s room so that Helge could continue living in peace. 
“What did you say,” Ulrich asked as the nurses soon surrounded him and started to carry him out, “Where’s Mikkel? Where’s my son?! Where’s Mikkel?”
Meanwhile, in 1986, Jonas walked out the back trying to find Ines so that she could help clear everything up. That is when he spotted them, the younger version of his grandmother and there next to her sat Mikkel. Behind him, the older Jonas, scarred and rugged by his many adventures through time, stated, “How little we understand of the world.”
Jonas turned to him and asked, “Is this real? Or am I crazy, just like my father? Do you even exist? Or are you the hallucination of a lunatic?”
“You are not crazy,” the wiser Jonas stated, “Neither was your father. Sometimes it’s hard for us to grasp things that go against all that we are conditioned to believe. How do you think people felt the first time they were told that the Earth was round?”
Jonas swallowed, “Yes it is. It’s totally insane.”
“And if it’s not?” the older him refuted back.
“How can that be,” Jonas asked with an insane smile on his face, “Is there a breach in time in the cave? So Mikkel hangs out here until he becomes my father?” He must have hit his head in the caves.
The older Jonas, annoyed, replied, “Even if you don’t want to believe it, that is your father.”
Distraught, Jonas looked back at the younger boy and said, “That means...That Ulrich is my grandfather and…”
“Martha is your aunt,” the man who went through this before replied.
Jonas growled, “That’s bullshit.” He was growing more and more annoyed. None of this was right. He just wanted to go home and have everything go back to normal. Martha and he doing this weird dance along the edges. “I’m taking him back and putting this right,” Jonas spitefully spat at his older self.
Knowing exactly what his younger self was thinking, Stranger Jonas pushed Jonas against the back of the car, “Don’t you get it?! If you take Mikkel back, you’ll be meddling in the course of events. Your father will never meet your mother, they won’t fall in love or get married. And you won’t be born! If you take him back now, you’ll be erasing your own existence. The role you play in all of this is much bigger than you think.” He pulled away thinking of a moment that will come to pass for his younger self not too far into his future. His heart ached as he explained tearfully, “But every decision for something is a decision against something else.” He panted as the memory unfolded for him. He could tell his younger self wouldn’t understand but was still terrified at the implications. He further explained, “A life for a life.” He started to calm himself as he asked, “What will you decide?” He wished that the outcome would change, but he knew it wouldn’t. If it had, then he wouldn’t be here as he was with a memory that would haunt him forever and a necklace in his pocket to keep her close to him.
Jonas tearfully watched as the older version of himself walked away. He then turned to watch Mikkel continue eating the green jello Ines had gotten for him. 
Charlotte sat on her desk in 2019 as she scolded Ulrich. Ulrich only used this to explain his, correct, theory that the dead boy, Mikkel, and the other disappearances had something to do with Helge. Charlotte tried to sympathize with him, but there was no feasible way this had anything to do with her father-in-law. 
Back in 1986, Helge opened up his glove compartment and grabbed the raider bar out so he could eat it.
Mikkel, himself, got hungry around the same time, so he hobbled his way down the hall to the vending machine. 
Jonas quickly followed in toe to watch Mikkel. He wasn’t completely convinced not to do anything. He was just about to approach when he saw the younger version of his mother walking up to the boy. Jonas quickly stood back just out of sight to watch. He could see them talking. He wondered if anyone had come back to do the same for him. He pulled out the letter and stared at it. Jonas then decided that he knew what he had to do.
Helge walked to the bunker. He looked around to make sure no one followed him before going inside.
Jonas crawled his way through the caves back home. He, then, made his way into his home. He snuck in quietly without anyone noticing. He wanted to first visit his mother. He walked over to her bedroom to notice something strange. There was a smaller body on the side closer towards the door. There, fast asleep, lay Annalise. He blinked for a second before shaking his head and going to his mother’s side.
Hannah, feeling a dip in the bed, quickly jolted awake. She groaned a bit expecting it to be the girl, but instead saw her son sitting there. He was dirty and sweaty, but he was finally home. “Boy, you startled me,” Hannah complained in a hushed tone to make sure she didn’t wake Annalise, “Where were you?”
Jonas just stared at his mother. He didn’t know what to say, or do for that matter. 
“What’s wrong,” Hannah asked, sitting up more in her bed.
Jonas stared at her and asked, “Do you believe in fate?”
Hannah looked down thinking about how to best answer this question. She had never lied to Jonas before, so she really wasn’t going to start now, “I… I don’t know. Maybe it’s my fate that men leave me.”
Jonas stared at his mother in sorrow. He hated seeing his mother like this. He silently wondered if something had happened while he was gone. “I think Dad loved you very much,” Jonas told her.
Both of them stared at each other, tears filled their eyes as they thought back to Michael. Jonas slowly pulled his mother into a hug and held her as she started to sob. This woke up Annalise.
The girl was so excited to see Jonas back home that she nearly pounced to give him a hug, but then she heard it. Their soft weeping. She slowly sat onto her heels and waited for them to be done. When they pulled away, Jonas looked towards the girl. She gave him a warm, tender smile before motioning up to say she was going to head upstairs.
Jonas nodded and mouthed that he would see her there in a moment. First, he had something he needed to do. The boy shut himself in his father’s studio with a bucket in front of him. He pulled out the letter and a lighter. Jonas deliberately set it aflame and dropped it into the metal bucket. He started to cry knowing that he was just destroying one of the last offerings of his father. He felt his presence in his life start to fade as the letter burned.
Ulrich walked into Helge’s room to find him missing. He looked around hoping to find a clue to where he had gone. There on the table rested that clue. ‘The Journey Through Time’ by H.G. Tannhaus with a necklace made of a coin from 1986 tied with a red sting. He knew he was on the right path. Hearing someone close a car door far too easily, Ulrich checked the window. That was when he noticed the sliding door was open. He walked out to see Helge pacing his way to the caves. Ulrich quickly called Charlotte and updated her letting her know that Helge was a time traveller. He watched as Helge went to the crossing and followed him.
While 1986 Helge climbed out of the bunker with the poor boy’s body. He dragged the body to the caves while Noah cleaned the floor. His back tattooed with Sic Mundus’s mark. 
After he burned the letter, Jonas changed into his sleeping outfit. He looked to his bed. When he saw that Annalise wasn’t there, he crept down the hall to find her in her bedroom. The boy gently knocked on the door to let her know that he was there.
Annalise sat up more in the small bed. She watched him. Jonas didn’t have to say anything. She knew what he wanted, what he needed. She moved closer to the wall so that he could crawl in with her. When he didn’t quite move, Annalise tilted her head but moved more to the other side so he could have the wall side.
Jonas slowly made his way into the bed after she crawled to the side he wanted her on. Tears ran down his face. He adored that he didn’t have to talk with her. Somehow she just knew. He rest his head on her pillow and turned to his side so that he could hold her close to him. He pulled her to him leaving little space between them. As he clung onto her, he grieved and bawled into her pillow. 
Annalise stiffened up as she felt him pull her so close to him. Not that she didn’t want to spoon with him, she just didn’t expect him to do so. She reached behind her and stroked his head. She lowly started to shush him, her voice staying hushed and compassionate to help calm him. Annalise didn’t know how long it was, but she kept caressing him and calming him until he had fallen asleep. His whimpering slowly turned to tempoed breathing. His hold never let up though. It was as if he was clinging onto the last possible string of hope he had in the world.
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hetafamilytree · 5 years ago
AmeBel 🇺🇸🇧🇾
Amelia F. Jones (🇺🇸) and Nikolai Arlovsky (Nyo🇧🇾)
Sergei Arlovsky (son)
AusHun 🇦🇹 🇭🇺  
Elizabeta Hédérváry (🇭🇺) and Roderich Edelstein (🇦🇹) 
Zselyke Edelstein (daughter)
Maria Theresa Edelstein (daughter)
István Edelstein (son)
Annalise Edelstein (Nyo🇦🇹) and Daniel Hédérváry (Nyo🇭🇺)
Franz Hédérváry (son)
Anna Hédérváry (daughter)
CanUkr 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 
Matthew Williams (🇨🇦) and Yekaterina [Katyusha] Chernenko (🇺🇦)
Sofiya Williams (daughter)
Ivanko Williams (son)
Natalka Williams (daughter)
CuSey 🇨🇺🇸🇨
Carlos Machado (🇨🇺) and Michelle Payet (🇸🇨)
Elena Machado (daughter)
Gabriel Machado (son)
Czechoslovakia 🇸🇰🇨🇿
Milos Dubček (🇸🇰) and Šarka Chytilová (🇨🇿
Eliška Dubček (daughter)
DenNor 🇩🇰 🇳🇴 
Lucia Bondevik (Nyo🇳🇴) and Mathias Køhler (🇩🇰)
Magnus Køhler (son)
Astrid Køhler (daughter)
Lukas Bondevik (🇳🇴) and Mathilde Køhler (Nyo🇩🇰)
Christian Bondevik (son)
Karla Bondevik (daughter)
Sverre Bondevik (son)
Eduard Von Bock (🇪🇪) and Raina Galante (Nyo🇱🇻)
Raivis Galante (son) 🇱🇻
Frisa 🇫🇷
Francis Bonnefoy (🇫🇷) and Lisa Martin (Beautiful World)
Jéanne Bonnefoy (daughter)
Maylis Bonnefoy (daughter)
FrUK 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 
Arthur Kirkland (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿) and Marianne Bonnefoy (Nyo🇫🇷)
Étienne Kirkland (son)
Luc Kirkland (son)
Amber Kirkland (daughter)
GerIta 🇩🇪 🇮🇹 
Feliciana Vargas (Nyo🇮🇹) and Ludwig Beilschmidt (🇩🇪) 
Heinrich Beilschmidt (son)
Leonardo Beilschmidt (son)
Bianca Beilschmidt (daughter)
Clara Beilschmidt (daughter)
Feliciano Vargas (🇮🇹) and Monika Beilschmidt (Nyo🇩🇪)
Giulia Vargas (daughter)
Andrea Vargas (son)
Giripan 🇬🇷🇯🇵
Heracles Karpusi (🇬🇷) and Sakura Honda (Nyo🇯🇵)
Chizuru Karpusi (daughter)
Koralia Karpusi (daughter)
Artemis Karpusi (Nyo🇬🇷) and Kiku Honda (🇯🇵)
Honda Chuuya (son)
HongIce 🇭🇰🇮🇸
Emilía Bjarkidottir (Nyo🇮🇸) and Wang Jia-Long [Leon] (🇭🇰)
Brynjar Wang (son)
Natalya Arlovskaya (🇧🇾) and Im Yong-Soo (🇰🇷)
Nadzeya Arlovskaya (daughter)
Im Seong-jin (son)
LietPol 🇱🇹🇵🇱
Feliks Łukasiewicz (🇵🇱) and Tiesa Laurinatis (Nyo🇱🇹)
Aušra Łukasiewicz (daughter)
Felicija Łukasiewicz (Nyo🇵🇱) and Toris Laurinatis (🇱🇹)
Mieszko Laurinatis (son)
NedBel 🇳🇱🇧🇪
Beau De Vries (Nyo🇧🇪) and Tessa Morgens (Nyo🇳🇱)
Maarten De Vries (son)
NedCan 🇳🇱 🇨🇦 
Lars van Dijk (🇳🇱) and Madeleine Williams (🇨🇦)
Jean-Paul van Dijk (son)
Anika van Dijk (twin daughter)
Lieke van Dijk (twin daughter)
PruBel 🇩🇪🇧🇪 
Emma van Djik (🇧🇪) and Gilbert Beilschmidt (Prussia) 
Frederich [Fritz] Beilschmidt (son)
Wilhelm Beilschmidt (son)
Johannes Beilschmidt (son)
RoChu 🇷🇺 🇨🇳
Wang Chun-Yan (Nyo🇨🇳) and Ivan Braginsky (🇷🇺)
Anastasiya Braginskaya (daughter)
Shou-Ming Braginsky (son)
Anya Braginskaya (Nyo🇷🇺) and Wang Yao (🇨🇳)
Wang Xue-Mei (daughter)
RomBul 🇷🇴🇧🇬
Aleksandra Dragova (Nyo🇧🇬) and Vladmir Popescu (🇷🇴)
Andrei Popescu (son)
Scotland 🇬🇧🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 
Alistair Kirkland (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿) and Mary Brown (OC)
Fiona Kirkland (daughter)
Lachlan Kirkland (son)
Spamano 🇪🇸🇮🇹
Carmen Isabel Carriedo (Nyo🇪🇸) and Lovino Vargas (🇮🇹)
Fernando Vargas (son)
Esperanza Vargas (daughter)
Nico Vargas (son)
Marina Vargas (daughter)
Santiago Vargas (son)
Antonio Hernández Carriedo (🇪🇸) and Chiara Vargas (Nyo🇮🇹)
Esmeralda Carriedo (daughter)
SuFin 🇸🇪🇫🇮
Berwald Oxenstierna (🇸🇪) and Taika Väinämöinen (Nyo🇫🇮)
Lahja Oxenstierna (twin daughter)
Lumi Oxenstierna (twin daughter)
Torbjörn Oxenstierna (son)
Beatrice Oxenstierna (Nyo🇸🇪) and Timo Väinämöinen (🇫🇮)
Petra Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (adopted daughter, NyoSealand)
Erland Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (adopted son, Ladonia)
Niilo Oxenstierna-Väinämöinen (son)
Elise (Lili) Vogel (🇱🇮) and Vash Zwingli (🇨🇭)
Liesel Zwingli (daughter)
Rika Zwingli (daughter)
Taiwan 🇨🇳🇹🇼 
Wang Mei (🇹🇼) single mother
Wang Shu-Fen (daughter)
ThaiViet 🇹🇭🇻🇳
Nguyen Kasem (🇹🇭) and Nguyen Lien (🇻🇳)
Nguyen Viên (son)
Nguyen Kanya (daughter)
TurkEgy 🇹🇷🇪🇬
Sadik Adnan (🇹🇷) and Ghazal Mohammed-Hassan (Nyo🇪🇬)
Fahriye Adnan (daughter)
Nadir Adnan (son)
USUK 🇺🇸🇬🇧
Alfred F. Jones (🇺🇸) and Alice Kirkland (Nyo🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿)
Issac T. Jones (son)
Tyler E. Jones (son)
Victoria H. Jones (daughter)
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egyptroyal · 6 years ago
so, here’s how many muses i have on this blog and the ocs’ or canonical ‘ocish’ divergent muses are bolded
Timeless Child 0 TBA Actress
Timeless Child 1 TBA Actress.
Timeless Child 2 TBA Actress
Timeless Child 3 Grace Nettle.
Timeless Child 4 Leo Tang.
Timeless Child 5 Jac Jones.
Timeless Child 6 TBA Actress.
Timeless Child 7 Jess Deyi.
Theta Sigma Michael Jones
Doctor Mobius 1 Christopher Barry
Doctor Mobius 2 Robert Banks Stewart
Doctor Mobius 3 Christopher Baker
Doctor Mobius 4 Philip Hinchcliffe
Doctor Mobius 5 Douglas Camfield
Doctor Mobius 6 Graeme Harper
Doctor Mobius 7 Robert Holmes
Doctor Mobius 8 George Gallacci
First Doctor William Hartnell
First Doctor Richard Hurndall
First Doctor Peter Cushing 
First Doctor David Bradley 
Second Doctor Patrick Troughton
Renegade Doctor Jo Martin
Third Doctor Jon Pertwee
Fourth Doctor Tom Baker
The Watcher Adrian Gibbs
Fifth Doctor Peter Davison
Sixth Doctor Colin Baker
Seventh Doctor Sylvester McCoy
Eighth Doctor Paul McGann
War Doctor John Hurt
Ninth Doctor Richard E. Grant
Ninth Doctor Christopher Eccleston
Tenth Doctor David Tennant
Tentoo David Tennant
DoctorDonna Catherine Tate
Eleventh Doctor Matt Smith
Mr. Clever Matt Smith
Twelfth Doctor Peter Capaldi
Thirteenth Doctor Jodie Whittaker
The Valeyard Michael Jayson
The Curator Tom Baker
The Other Matt Smith
The Dream Lord Toby Jones
The Emperor Paul McGann
Ninth Doctor Rowan Atkinson
Tenth Doctor Richard E. Grant
Eleventh Doctor Jim Broadbent
Twelfth Doctor Hugh Grant
Thirteenth Doctor Joanna Lumley
Time Lord Victorious David Tennant
Tenth Doctor (RMT) David Tennant 
The Moment Billie Piper 
Rose ‘RMT’ Tyler Nia Long 
Donna Noble Catherine Tate
Bill Potts Pearl Mackie
Heather Stephanie Hyam
Zezanne Dawkins Zazie Beetz
Oksana Astankova Jodie Comer
Velma Dinkley Linda Cardinelli
BAU Chief SSA Emily Prentiss Paget Brewster
Patient 4479/Joker Scott McClure
Lena Luthor Katie McGrath
Carrietta White Sissy Spacek
Mercy Louis Garrel
The Government Macaulay Culkin/Thomas Doherty
Izzy Antonia Thomas
Aunt Mama Florence Welch/Annalise Van Der Pol
Lymph Tim Minchin
Eve Daniella Alonso
Delvin Heath Ledger
Cecil Michael Jackson
WHEN I SAY SPECIFY: PLEASE SPECIFY PLEASE i have literally about 60 and possibly 80 whenever the 13th Doctor regenerates
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