#oc: altan snow
thesadboy · 2 years
The Freedwomen AU
Children of Elia
Children of Rhaella
Children of Lyanna Stark
In an AU where Rhaegar still dies at the Trident, but the women he had hurt survive and thrive...
A pregnant Lyanna flees to Essos with the aid and company of a guilt-ridden Arthur Dayne. She leaves behind a tear stained letter for her brother and in Essos, she and Arthur Dayne form a tentative understanding, as she still largely distrusts him due to having effectively been her jailer but knows that he's her only source of protection. They chance upon a Khal Batu's khalasar and initially fearing the worse, soon learn that the stories of horse heart-eating savages who go around raping and razing villages to the ground are tall tales made by Westerosi. The two form an unusual friendship with the khalasar though it starts with the khalasar treating them with suspicion due to to knowing about how many outsiders view them. It takes time but they are integrated into the khalasar after gaining their trust and respect and there, Lyanna falls in love with a bloodrider named Akban as the two train together. They form a happy and loving family with Akban whole-heartedly accepting Lyanna's son as his own and Lyanna giving him children.
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Aemon Targaryen Jon Snow Son of Lyanna
"The Green Wolf"
"Jon the Andal"
"Jon Saddlesnore"
-Was raised in both the customs of the North and the Dothraki and as such, he worships both the Old Gods and the Horse God
-On the shorter end, like his mother’s side of the family, with most of his playmates towering over him. He's honestly sore over that point.
-Had a weak heart and was deaf in the left ear, which scared Lyanna since her mother had died from the former. Consulting the Dothraki healers told them that recent inbreeding on both sides of his family tree resulted in him inheriting these diseases, but they would reassure mother and son by encouraging steady and regular exercise, which Jon followed. Now, you wouldn’t guess that he had a heart problem, though it wouldn’t take long for one to realise he’s half-deaf
-He had actually ended up leading to his mother and Akban getting together since as a young boy, he looked up to the bloodrider and wanted to be strong and brave like him. Akban, amused at his attempts to emulate him took him under his wing and taught him how to fight but also taught him the Dothraki ways. Seeing how the bloodrider was gentle and patient with her son helped Lyanna further realize that not only was her image of the Dothraki farther from the truth, but that there was also a beauty and peace to their ways that she couldn't exactly feel back at home. This then made Lyanna bond and fall in love with Akban.
-Fluent in the Common Tongue, Dothraki, and Old Tongue. Any other language though? He’s helpless at even getting the pronunciations right.
-Has a large age gap with his siblings, due to Lyanna having to take time to be comfortable with sexual intimacy and Akban being understanding of it and waiting patiently until it was safe for her to bear another child
-Like with all Dothraki children, he was raised in a communal setting and as such, the other members of the khalasar are family to him just as much as Lyanna and his siblings are.
-Every now and then, he can't help but wish he looked like his family, feeling out of place with his pale skin and Northman features. But his loved ones will remind him that no matter what he looked like or where he came from, he would always be family.
-Rides a dark mare that he received as a gift from Akban's father, Arban, which he cherishes and calls "Shade." When on long rides that would take days, she often served as a source of comfort and also sustenance as he sometimes relies on her mare's milk.
-For all that he was effectively raised half-Dothraki, he doesn't really like fermented mare's milk and it's become an inside joke with the khalasar. His mothers and sisters would say that it's because he has a Northern belly, which would always cause him to blush.
-Has mixed feelings towards Ser Arthur, knowing what the man did, yet he can't help but feel indebted to him since he helped keep him and his mother alive before they met the khalasar.
-Might seem brooding and quiet when you first meet him. But around the ones he loves, he's joyful, sweet, and kind.
-Accidentally found out he was a warg when he was nine during horseback training with Akban. He had spent the previous night training with a sword to the point that Lyanna had to drag him to bed and was sleep deprived the next day, causing him to nap right while he was on his horse. He ended up warging into his horse and causing a bit of a shock from Akban and some onlookers, who thought that some dark magic was used on him until he woke again. Lyanna would explain to both Jon and the khalasar about what had just happened, having remembered Old Nan's stories. Now, the incident is looked back with fondness and laughter, with the other members of the khalasar playfully teasing him about it and even gave him the affectionate nickname of "Jon Saddlesnore." He takes it all in stride though and will even joke about it at his own expense.
-Likes wearing Green as a reference to the Great Grass Sea that he calls home and a more subtle reference to his mother's House sigil.
-Having been raised on horror stories of Robert and Rhaegar, he sought out to be everything they're not, which includes being decent to women. Of course, he falters every now and then, but he does his best to be a gentleman and Lyanna makes sure to let him know and learn whenever he does.
-He helps with the khalasar by hunting for game or capturing live animals. The results of his labor would serve as food, livestock, or would be traded or sold.
-He admits that the Dothraki style of braiding makes his head feel uncomfortable and as such, he opts for going into a simple ponytail as a marker of strength which he occasionally decorates with little bells
-A part of him longs to see the North, wanting to know how beautiful his mother's homeland is and meet his still living family. Though he knows that as much as it pains him, he wouldn't truly be safe in Westeros.
-A protective big brother, he always defends his siblings no matter what and often sides with them.
-Got Ghost during a nighttime excursion with his brother and step-father where they would release captive slaves of a merchant they had previously crossed paths with. He also freed the animals the merchant kept and while all of them ran off, only a tiny albino direwolf puppy with bright red eyes remained at his side. Seeing it as a good omen, he would keep the pup and give it a name.
-Will not hesitate to give Ghost belly rubs or scratches.
-While he has no children of his own blood, he did adopt an orphaned baby girl that he found during a hunt, her parents having been killed by a wild animal. He would name the girl Lyra and it would prove to be a fitting name as she grew to be very musically gifted.
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Khair Snow Daughter of Akban
"The Half-Wolf Half-Horse"
"Khair the Khaleesi"
-The first of Lyanna and Akban's children, conceived on the night when the two fully realised then confessed their feelings for each other
-Said to have looked like her maternal grandmother Lyarra, albeit with darker hair and Akban's dark skin
-She's close to her paternal aunt, Akban's younger sister Erhi, who she considers to be a second mother to her.
-Due to taking after her father’s height, she’s taller than her older brother, which is something she teases him about 
-It was said that like her parents, she had a ravenous appetite and whenever her favorite foods were given to her, she’d scarf them down in one go. Even as a full grown woman, this habit of hers hasn’t left, which exasperates her aunt and amuses her grandfather. Additionally, she was known to be rather swift and agile, even on foot, making her a force to still be reckoned with even once she’s pushed off her horse. These notable traits, along with her being the first child of a Stark and Dothraki in the khalasar, earned her the moniker “The Half-Wolf Half-Horse”
-Likes crafting and stitching, having been the one who made some of the clothes the khalasar, especially her family, wear. She's also the one who made her own hat.
-Gifted with a skill with the whip and arakh, her weapons of choice, to the point that she can deftly maneuver herself and even be able to use them in close quarters when it normally would be ill advised
-Her grasp with the Old Tongue is a bit broken, and she feels embarrassed about it especially when compared to her older brother. It's for this reason that she sometimes feels that her mother favors her siblings over her, but Lyanna will always be quick to give her kisses and remind her that that isn't true
-Rides a spotted mare that she calls "Milkmare" due to the spots reminding her of a cow, it started out as a joking nickname but it ended up sticking.
-Sometimes has a hard time understanding hyperboles or metaphors, which can lead to some misunderstandings. The khalasar have grown used to it and when speaking to her, are much more direct in their words.
-Has the habit of assuming people will act honourably or honestly, the same way she and her mother would act. It has nearly landed her in hot water multiple times. This both endears and worries Lyanna, due to it reminding her of her brother Ned, who could be a bit naive.
-A natural born leader, her sense of duty and compassion has endeared her to the khalasar with some even saying that they wouldn't mind if she became their Khalakka. Though there are those, particularly the older or more Westerosi mistrusting ones, who are doubtful that a "half-Andal" could be a good choice of leader. The latter is something that she would agree with, since if ever she became Khaleesi, she would feel guilty and that it would only be handed to her because of her grandfather having been the former Khal before Batu took charge. It doesn't stop her avid supporters from affectionately calling her "Khair the Khaleesi," which embarrasses her.
-While she does love her little sister, the fact that their age gap is also large means that they can’t relate to each other as much. As such, she is closer to her similarly aged cousins, Erhi’s daughters Nekhii and Qara.
-During a trade negotiation between Khal Batu's khalasar and a Khal Gan's khalasar, she had struck up a lively conversation with a young man from the other khalasar. This young man was Esen, Khal Gan's nephew and khalakka. It soon became clear to both khalasars that Esen was smitten with the one year older Khair and she soon grew to reciprocate his feelings over a continued friendship between the khalasars. Eventually, Esen would propose to her after he managed to be the first man to beat her in an unarmed one on one combat. They would have two children of their own: a son named Chono, then a daughter named Khaliun.
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Saran Snow Daughter of Akban
"Saran The Wise"
"Wolf Rider"
"Saran The Silent"
-Socially awkward and often has trouble looking people in the eye. Akban was worried that this meant something was wrong with her, but the Dothraki healers assured him that it was just her character and there's nothing wrong about it
-Isn't afraid of things that even some of the most seasoned warriors in the khalasar would be scared of, often approaching them with a blank or serene expression
-On the shorter end, like Jon and Lyanna, not that she minds
-Can come up with solutions or plans on the fly, making her a good problem solver
-She wants to be close with her sister, but their age gap and Saran feeling overshadowed makes it difficult
-Very quiet to the point that people can sometimes forget that she's also in the room, as such, she ends up learning lots of interesting gossip and rumors both in and out of the khalasar
-Her demeanor and looks reminded Lyanna of her father and her brother Ned
-An observant person, she can be quite perceptive to things that most wouldn't notice at first glance and this combined with her silent demeanor, is something she takes advantage of to also learn secrets
-Fluent in Dothraki and the Common Tongue. She can also understand some Old Tongue words but speaking or translating them is another matter for her
-During one of the men's nighttime excursions that she secretly joined in, she tried freeing a captured greyish brown wolf pup and upon glancing at it, felt an instant connection with it. When she managed to free it, the pup wouldn't leave her side and she couldn't bear to part with it, so she took it in and named it Amber due to its eyes reminding her of a stone she saw in one of Vaes Dothrak's markets
-Can give some good advice, though her bluntness and monotone voice can make her come off as cold and it can end up worsening how one feels, though that's not her intention. As such, people go to her for advice only if they want absolute brutal honesty
-Unlike her siblings, she doesn't ride a horse and instead, rides Amber. The first time she did, it gave Khair and Erhi a heart attack until she reassured them that she's fine. This, along with the unexplainable bond she had with the wolf, earned her the title of "Wolf Rider"
-Can make a good ale with a secret recipe that only she knows, some in the khalasar have pestered her to tell them, but her lips are locked
-Because she's a Mama's girl, she heavily dislikes Ser Arthur for his part in kidnapping Lyanna, often viewing him with suspicion
-Clumsy with the arakh and whip, so she prefers using a small dagger
-Uninterested in the opposite sex, to the point that some of the young men in the khalasar made it a game to see who could get her to fall in love with them. She rebuffed, or was even oblivious to, all their advances. However, she did enjoy the company of women and eventually found a lover in Delbee, the daughter of one of the khalasar's healers.
-Once, she had entertained the thought of working with the Faceless Men when her father and aunt had decided to visit Altan in Braavos, but her love and loyalty to the khalasar made her decide against it
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Altan Snow Son of Akban
"Altan of Braavos"
"The Cart Horse"
-The liveliest and most outgoing of Lyanna's children, his charisma made him the most popular
-Unlike with his sisters, Lyanna and Akban hadn't been planning on another, making him a surprise baby. This didn't stop them one bit from loving him though
-Said to have been like a mix of Lyanna's brothers Brandon and Benjen, having the former's outgoing personality and the latter's looks.
-He wasn't one with a taste for combat, only learning enough to be decent with the arakh and bow. Initially, Akban tried to get him to be interested in learning how to fight but after an intervention from Arban, he eventually stopped and learned to be accepting of his son's interests
-Had a keen eye for detail, which lends itself to him finding some rather valuable things in places most people wouldn't think of looking.
-Good with numbers, something that he likes to cheekily lord over Jon who struggles with them
-Like with Khair and Akban, he's rather tall, having hit his growth spurt much earlier than his brother. In fact, he's the tallest of Lyanna's children
-Ever since his first time in Vaes Dothrak, he's been interested in the mercantile business, being able to easily haggle with vendors and merchants.
-Admittedly, he was closer to his grandfather than his father, often being found reading at Arban's side. During the old former Khal's final days, he served as a great source of comfort and had been the first to discover that he has passed away in his sleep.
-Gifted a chestnut stallion that was sired by Akban's horse who he called Branny after his late uncle.
-Knows the most languages among his siblings, but he's the one with the poorest skill in the Old Tongue. He also admits that he has difficulty grasping Rhoynish.
-When he was eighteen, he made it known that he wanted to become a merchant and see Braavos. The khalasar were reluctant but supported his decision, while Lyanna was accepting from the start. So after gathering some things he had collected and building a cart and caravan, he made his way over to Braavos. When he eventually reached it, he purchased a house with a stable and set up shop there where he sold various goods he had found and acquired. This decision of his would make him be known as "Altan of Braavos" within the khalasar.
-His shop in Braavos sells all sorts of oddities and items he had collected such as gems, weapons, and books. Though he also sells things made from horse hair or horseskin that he personally made.
-Once, he had searched for Branny after the stallion broke out of his stable while in heat and discovered that Branny had snuck into a nearby inkeeper's stables where some zorses of a traveling Jogos Nhai were kept, siring a rather fast and hardy crossbreed. This gave him the idea of starting a business of breeding and selling horses, with Branny being his main stud horse. So he'd go around acquiring horses or setting up agreements with other equine owners to offer Branny as a stud. It would become a successful business and Altan would keep some of Branny's offspring and purchase or tame some more promising looking horses. When he wrote to his mother about the success of this business, Lyanna joked that he picked a fitting name for his steed.
-His charisma and affable nature has made him popular with women, much like his late uncle Brandon, though he's noticeably less boisterous about it. He also admits to liking both men and women, like his mother, and he had a crush on some of his other male peers in the khalasar.
-Alternates between settling down in Braavos or traveling around with his cart and Branny to sell his wares
-He met a former sealord's daughter named Zella when they both watched a play being performed. Since she was also a trader and merchant, albeit a seafaring one, they found lots of common ground that had given way to a friendship and eventual romance.
-Initially, he was hesitant over pursuing a more serious relationship with Zella after she told him upfront that she had multiple husbands. However, when he struck up a friendship with Zella's husbands, he opened up to the idea and eventually became another husband. He even became a lover to some of them, including a Tyroshi named Koro.
-Had two children, a daughter named Sara then a son named Altin. He did consider Zella's other children as his own though, and they would occasionally stay with him in his Braavosi home or accompany him on his travels.
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🎉🎉🎉 200 follower hunger games simulator oc challenge! 🎉🎉🎉
It’s been decided that the hunger games simulator is going ahead! Very much looking forward to it!
First, the participants! I can have a maximum of 48 ocs join this challenge and a minimum of 24 challengers (If it turns out more people want to join, I’d happily increase the number). If you have multiple ocs, feel free to submit them for the challenge. However, I’m going to focus on having it be fair for everyone so your other ocs will only join if there’s space by the time I start the simulator.
Leave a comment with who you’d like to join and I’ll update this post with who’s joining. I mean, Destino will also be joining too, for a bit of fun.
Make sure I can also find the reference of your character in an easy place as the sim also comes with a add a photo button and I think that’d be fun.
Each week, I’m going to post an update with how your ocs are getting on with some art to go along with it. Any “deaths” will be drawn in a comedic way (I definitely don’t want to drawn any of them seriously hurt). Feel free to also draw some moments from this too if there’s any I haven’t drawn. The OC that wins the hunger games simulator challenge will have a drawing of their victory!
I will be starting this on Saturday 29th April.
Good luck competitors!
1. Destino the Absol
2. Deca the Missingno
3. Rimi the Lycanroc
4. Marley
5. Capital
6. Armando
7. Nix
8. Mothball
9. X
10. Suicune
11. Prince
12. Shadow
13. Acacia
14. Ziska
15. Wimmy
16. Romeo
17. Altan
18. Snow
19. Ultraviolet
20. Sabre
21. Lucario
22. Ryan
23. Esmeralda
24. Magby
25. Gizmo
26. Inari
27. Conductor
28. Viola
29. Chomps
30. Blair
31. Rudy
32. Arthur
33. Chime
34. Lunar
35. Peri
36. Hiro
37. Vekpa
38. Ginjiro
39. Genji
40. Sugar
41. Chippy
42. Lumi
43. Amy
44. Mase
45. Kyandoru
46. Dravol
47. Spirit
48. Harumi
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furiarossa · 6 years
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August 2018 just ended: here's what we posted online this month, thanks also to the support of our beloved patrons!
Il Cammino delle Leggende (The Way of Legends) / OCs:
Odd couple that should fly but can't | Dog fight 2 | L'Avvoltoio e la Farfalla cover | Watercolor McWoodland | Sheridan and Paul (black and white) | Blindfury page 13 | Blindfury page 14 | Blindfury page 15 | Fuse gold | Chibi Blindfury | Young Matenze | Arban Altan reference sheet | John and the shiny shoes |
Animals and other cute creatures
A special tanuki | A colorful samoyed called Brair | A cat in the snow | Relaxing in the sunlight | Look! A half pink lion! | Angry cat | Cetonia aurata | Flying in the sunset |
Anthro/furry/hybrids (not commissions)
Kaeden headshot | Kobold (BW) | Blue wolf | A books and some relax |
Two Red Cats
Strip 83 - I prefer this insect, thank you [Blog][Tapas] | Strip 84 - Lily's whiskers [Blog][Tapas] |
The Arrogant King | A urban demon | The Strenght of Water | Seafoam Pearl |
Sketch 368 (Young Hannibal) | Huevos high life (Hannibal + Janice Poon) | Sketch 369 (100 themes challenge, Night) | Sketch 370 (100 themes challenge, Expectation) |
Werewolf&Cannibal webcomic
Joking in the middle of the apocalypse [Tapas][Blog] | Spoiled food? [Tapas][Blog] |
Other fanarts
Forever loyal to Rose (Steven Universe) | Thor, Loki, you're the light of my eyes |
Luke + Luke | Lisa + Lisa | Chibis: Sausage ice cream? | Kobold | Ariel + Ariel | Guldo + Guldo | Zikeny Werewolf (black and white) | Joe Wolf | The Adventures of Oliver and Nubia strip 24 | Gold among the water lilies | The Adventures of Oliver and Nubia strip 25 | Fusion dance (Arnhem + WereFox) | Pet Remedy Comic Strip |
Patrons only!
Luke + Luke (WIP) | Kobold (WIP) | Sausage ice cream? (WIP) | Lisa + Lisa (WIP) | Wolfladies fight (WIP) | Guldo + Guldo (WIP) | Ariel + Ariel (WIP) | Werewolf Zikeny (WIP) | Oliver and Nubia strip 24 - 25 (WIP) | L'Avvoltoio e la Farfalla cover (WIP) | Joe Wolf (WIP) | Joe + Joe (WIP) | Hannibal and Janice chibis (WIP) | Oliver and nubia strip 26 (WIP) | Xander (pack for patrons) | Kobold (pack for patrons) | L'Avvoltoio e la Farfalla (pack for patrons) | Zikeny Wolf (pack for patrons) | Fuse Gold (pack for patrons) | Colorable linearts vol.18 (35 colorable linearts, pack for patrons) |
+++WRITING (mainly in Italian, sorry)+++
Blog posts
ICDL illustrazioni - Scontramondi collection parte 1 |
Sunset - Belarda contro i vampiri (su questo blog/su wattpad)  
56. È ora di riunire i branchi [Blog][Wattpad] | 57. La discarica [Blog][Wattpad] | 58. Leggende intorno al fuoco [Blog][Wattpad] | 59. La leggenda delle Sunset parte 1 [Blog][Wattpad] | 60. La leggenda delle Sunset parte 2 [Blog][Wattpad] | 61. Una decisione sofferta [Blog][Wattpad] | 62. Il mistero della scomparsa di Alice [Blog][Wattpad] | 63. I Volturi sono un incubo non-vivente [Blog][Wattpad]| 64. Urgono provvedimenti drastici [Blog][Wattpad] |
Come scrivere di ogni cosa (su questo blog/su wattpad)
Come superare il blocco dello scrittore [Blog][Wattpad] |
Schede dei personaggi/luoghi/specie
Urban Legends
Un vampiro diverso da tutti gli altri | Il portale di Miomarto | Un viaggio sabotato | La città senza nome | Le creature senza nome | E il pericolo arriva anche sottoterra |
Kuroshihellsing (Wattpad)
Prova 23: Il Maligno intruso | ICV - Roran | Prova 24 - Quanto resisti ad un'intervista? | ICV - Ciel Phantomhive | ICV - Seras Victoria | ICV - Tanaka-San | ICV - Il Maggiore | ICV - Finnian | ICV - Sebastian Michaelis | ICV - Integra Farburke Wingates Hellsing | ICV - Mey Rin | ICV - Alexander Andersen | ICV - Walter | ICV - Baldroy | ICV - Lizzie | Giudizio della prova | Un capitolo troppo caotico | Prova 25 - Calma | Viaggio all'inferno e dintorni |
+++ FANSITES/FANBLOGS MAINTENANCE (Not counted in the final count of the published works, of course, but we put them in  the pile because it's still the work we do for the art community and for  online fandom) ++++++  
Fannibalgallery: reblogged fanarts 150 |  Lycangallery: reblogged artworks 150 |
Total of the published works in August 2018: 107
So, what do you think? We were good? We could do more? Support us on Patreon and help us creating more stuff, better stuff, and to extend our world!
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