#oc: aile atlas
buns-burrow · 1 year
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the youngest is revealed! this is Aile Atlas, a terran who takes their alt mode from a carousel horse. he enjoys human fairy tales and the like, including the magical girls that meteroshower likes, who she finds fascinating as they can be cute and strong.
she's very princely, and a romantic, believing in things like true love and chivalry. he likes the idea of being a knight, despite being teased for it.
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tigertaurus22 · 11 months
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Cover art for Chapter 23, the Grand Divine Beasts
I know it’s a bit late but I’ve been busy with work, life, and other projects. As is normal I guess.
I know Aile is supposed to be injured in this scene, but the way her arm is positioned prevents us from seeing the damage.
Also introducing three OCs of my writing partner’s with the same names as characters from the Battle Network timeline.
I think the beast forms turned out okay.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 20/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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kalosophia · 3 years
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The Alphaeus — Chapter 1
SCENE: The precincts of the Temple of Zeus, below the Acropolis. Socrates has just been informed of his indictment for corrupting the youth of Athens, and is sitting beneath an olive tree, deep in meditation.
ALP. I see now before us the very image of a philosopher; poor, unkempt and much in need of wisdom I suspect from his demeanour.
TEL. Yes, I see him too, the mighty Socrates; as ever Atlas-like, bearing the weight of the world’s errors upon his ample shoulders.
ALP. I think that his own are now added to that weight, and may well prove to be more than even he can support, though no doubt he would die in the attempt.
TEL. Do you wish to speak with him, Alphaeus, or shall we pass him by on the left, and leave him to his solitary task?
ALP. Very few things in this life are free, except for the conversation of Socrates, who, had he the means, would even pay us to be the subjects of his hectoring, so much does he desire to enlighten poor souls such as ourselves.
TEL. Poor indeed, Alpaheus; but poverty sits ahead of us seated under an olive, and we should not be backward in donating to him some sort of wealth, as between us we possess more goods than he can imagine, both of the body and of the mind. Let us be generous, and share our store with him.
ALP. I agree, good Telamon. Hail, Socrates! I would ask if you are well, but your condition now surrounds you like a millstone.
SOC. Greetings, Alphaeus, and I am indeed well, thank you.
ALP. You know Telamon here, I am sure, who is my patron and a man of great generosity.
SOC. I do, though it is many years since I have seen him. Greetings, Telamon, and I trust that Alphaeus is proving worthy of your patronage.
TEL. Very much so, Socrates, as I am sure you would have too, if you had only accepted my offer those many years ago.
SOC. That is a kind thought, Telamon, but I cannot agree with it; as even now my opinions are not popular, and maybe even less so than they were then.
ALP. But the opinions of one who has so obviously benefitted from his pursuit of wisdom, are more popular than you now conceive, and are the cause of much hilarity to those who discuss and debate them.
SOC. It appears that you can see inside my soul, good Alphaeus; and it gratifies me to know how well my views are received by those that have heard them from others. If they are the cause of such happiness I am content.
ALP. When they can be remembered they surely are, Socrates. But what ails you on this fine morning, for you appear to be surrounded by a cloud?
SOC. That is ever the case with the ignorant, Alphaeus.
TEL. You have said as much so many times, but your pretence to ignorance is worn like a symbol of honour.
SOC. I was not speaking of myself, noble Telamon.
TEL. Of whom, then, were you speaking?
SOC. Of those who perceive clouds where there are none, and those who imagine sunlight where there are only impenetrable clouds.
ALP. And do you include us in that incisive observation?
SOC. How can I know?
ALP. How, indeed, Socrates, unless you wish to discourse with us and discover the truth?
SOC. That is ever my wish, Alphaeus; but discourse, to me, is not a competition.
ALP. I share that sentiment, as to me it is a great source of happiness.
SOC. Then you are indeed fortunate it seems, in having discovered such a wonderful source, and one that is so readily available.
ALP. And it is a source not only of happiness, but of comfort and companionship, wealth and pleasure, and all other good things that a man needs. Is this not the case with you also?
SOC. You are even more fortunate than I understood at first, if not only you have discovered such a source of happiness, but that you have also conceived what it is that a man needs.
ALP. You know my meaning, Socrates, so do not be trite with us. I state only what is obvious to all, in saying what a man needs in order to be happy.
SOC. And is this what you sell to your admirers, and to the audiences that surround you?
ALP. It is but a small part of what I have to offer.
SOC. Then the remainder must be indeed magnificent; but tell me, please, is it your opinion, then, that a man can be truly happy in this life?
ALP. It is.
SOC. And others too, and all men?
ALP. All, without a doubt.
SOC. Are you then happy, Alphaeus, and you, my noble Telamon?
ALP. I am, and completely so.
TEL. And I am so likewise, especially since my association with Alphaeus, from whose instruction I have gained so many insights and pleasures.
ALP. But what of you, Socrates? Answer the same question that you just now asked of us; do you then say that you are happy?
SOC. Now that I consider it, I am not sure what answer to give, or even if I agree with your assertion that any or all men can be truly happy in this life.
ALP. Why do you doubt it, as the proof is talking to you now?
SOC. I do not doubt that you believe yourself to be a happy man.
ALP. Ever you speak in the same manner, Socrates, as one who knows the condition of another better than that other himself.
SOC. How can that be, Alphaeus? For I openly admit that I do not know your condition, or that of Telamon here; but only that I accept that you both believe that you are truly happy.
ALP. Cease your dissembling! It is only fit for children and the immature. I do not believe, I know!
SOC. We are in sacred precincts here, and I much more fear the wrath of Zeus for what I say than that which you are now displaying. Stay happy, Alphaeus, and sit down here, and talk with me; or depart in peace and leave me to my meditation.
ALP. Forgive my indignation. I meant no dishonour to you or to this holy place. But what would we talk about, Socrates, that you cannot meditate alone?
SOC. That which you just now mentioned in passing, as if it were nothing but common knowledge, and upon which I meditate frequently.
ALP. And what was it that I mentioned?
SOC. It concerned happiness; and appeared to me to be the statement of one who knows in what the nature of true happiness consists, and how it is to be attained by all men in this life. Is this what you have just now asserted?
ALP. It is.
SOC. And are you willing to share your insights with me, and our friend Telamon, who still stands beside us in silence?
ALP. I am most willing; though Telamon here has heard me discourse upon these things many times.
TEL. Yet not so many as I would not be pleased to hear them again, especially on this day and in this place.
ALP. Sit then, Telamon, with us, as we have some time before my first appointment.
TEL. I will, and gladly.
SOC. Are you ready, then, to instruct me in these matters, upon which I confess I am even now uncertain?
ALP. I am ready, Socrates, to assist you out of your uncertainty. What would you have me say?
SOC. Only the truth as you perceive it.
ALP. I will do so with no little enthusiasm, if you will but ask me clearly what you now wish to know.
SOC. Thank you, Alphaeus; and in the first place it is this – what is it that you say happiness truly is?
ALP. A simple question deserves a simple answer, and it is this, Socrates. Happiness is the state of the man who has satisfied his desires, and whose desires are thus fulfilled.
SOC. My question was indeed so simple as to be barely apprehended, as I asked not of human happiness, but only what happiness truly is. But perhaps it may be that nothing else can be or become happy but man.
ALP. I assumed you did not wish to spend my precious time and energy investigating the happiness of snails and dogs, or camels or the like.
SOC. Or even trees and flowers, and the very planets and stars themselves; but it is of no matter, for it is happiness that we seek, and maybe you were correct in starting from ourselves upon this search. You say, then, that happiness is the state of a man who has satisfied his desires, and whose desires are fulfilled. Have I recalled this accurately?
ALP. To the syllable and to the word.
SOC. And do you maintain still that it is possible for a man to be truly happy in this life, according to your own or another definition?
ALP. I do so and very much, according to my definition, as I am not aware of any that is better or more universally acknowledged.
SOC. Maybe we shall discover some other as we proceed. But in the meanwhile, will you answer me this?
ALP. I will answer anything that you ask.
(to be continued)
— Guy
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buns-burrow · 1 year
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wip sneaku peaku of Splashstar's lines, i adore them tbh. my middle child
for reference, I have five terran oc's in total! they all have motifs of stars/weather/times of day, with splashstar being sunset. her other themes are tropical, beaches, etc, since shes a boat.
you'll see the others soon lol. Big sis Chromestorm, Zephyr Crux, and the youngest, Aile Atlas. Their alts are a surprise<3
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tigertaurus22 · 2 years
So, I’ve recently had the pleasure of working with asunamegamanmodelo in creating a crossover fanfic between MegaMan ZX and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
The first chapter is posted on AO3
Here’s the link:
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darkgreiga · 5 years
End of Era
Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary: The fall of the villains isn’t enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 17/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 15/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 1/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 19/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 18/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 16/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 14/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 13/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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darkgreiga · 5 years
Chapters: 12/20 Fandom: Rockman ZX | Mega Man ZX Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Aile/Vent (Rockman), Aeolus/Atlas (Rockman) Characters: Vent (Rockman), Aile (Rockman), Ashe (Rockman ZX), Grey (Rockman ZX), Helios | Aeolus (Rockman), Atlas (Rockman), Tethys | Thetis (Rockman), Siarnaq (Rockman) Additional Tags: Original Character(s), FanFiction.Net Series: Part 7 of Megaman ZX: Era of MegaMen Summary:
The fall of the villains isn't enough to stop the evil spreading in the world, especially when they are scientists who leave their legacy so that others can take over their work of destroying humanity and the world. With last person who knows the clues to the legacy gone, the next generation of Mega Men has to find a way to put a stop to the recent spike of maverick outbreaks.
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