#oc: Nelix Fink
gutsfics · 7 days
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i mentioned once or twice that in my version of RCD, its actually Neel who plays Ragnar in Secrets of Ninradell instead of Chadley, & i think it kinda kicks off his acting career
so heres a poster for a dumbass hallmark movie hes in. he plays Sasha. idk who the other guy is, or what the name of the character he plays, but i love him already. feel free to send me ideas for names (for both him & the character he plays) & ideas for who he is as a person
i think Neel & this guy get along like a house on fire & neither of them are really taking this movie to seriously, but they have great chemistry & are clearly having a lot of fun with it
they ruined several takes of The Big Climactic Kiss At The End by making out way too sloppy hardcore. as a bit.
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gutsfics · 5 days
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Neel's red carpet look, mayhaps?
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gutsfics · 7 days
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uh oh girlies it looks like im starting to send Neel through a cunt era !!!!!!!!!!!!!
im kinda obsessed w the idea of him becoming That Bitch after he starts acting. hollywood's new it girl <3
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gutsfics · 7 days
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Simon & Neel
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gutsfics · 18 days
20, 29, and 47 for Neel Mo and Tag
20. What movie or book could they watch/read a hundred times and never get tired of?
Neel's go-to book is Small Gods and his go-to movie is Clue <3
Mo doesn't exactly have a go-to book. sometimes its hard to find in-tact readable books in the nuclear waste land, so he doesn't really bother with them much, except to take ruined ones in for recycling at the Big Mountain. he does have a copy of D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine, but thats not exactly light beach reading. he hasn't ever seen a proper movie, just those informational videos inside the vaults he comes across
I don't think Tag has ever sat still long enough to finish a book Or a movie tbh. the last movie he went to in the theaters was in 2013 and he left before the first trailer before it even finished
29. What video game would appeal to them the best?
Neel's favorite games are Stardew Valley, Fallout: New Vegas, and Grand Theft Auto 5
i dont think Mo's ever had the opportunity to play a video game? but he would like old-school arcade games like Donkey Kong and Space Invaders. maybe like those hunting arcade games where the controller is a gun?
Tag would LOVE exploding shit in Minecraft and then get bored after a few minutes. hes not really a video game guy
47. What kind of first impression do they usually make?
Neel comes across as either hard working or socially awkward, depending on where you first meet him
Mo comes across as stoic, cold, and calculating. he's the kind of guy where if you put your hand out for a handshake, he'll just stare at in intensely until you get uncomfortable
Tag comes across as erratic and dangerous, unless you meet him as one of his therapy clients, in which case he'll seem like a normal dude? maybe a little off-putting but hey he gives really good advice and in genuinely helping you. and then you'll see a guy who looks just like him on the evening news laughing manically as he guns down half of the Los Santos police force by himself?
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gutsfics · 18 days
11 and 32 for neel pls :)
11. Are they messy, or do they clean up?
i'd say its like organized mess. things have their spot but its just kinda. A Lot of things. but he loves vacuuming, he has a really good vacuum.
32. Would they be the one to start an argument?
An argument, yes. every argument he's ever been in, no. he tries to be pretty chill & hes better at it than when he was young, but sometimes he lets stressors build up until he snaps & argues over something stupid lol. or sometimes he might argue for fun and to be annoying. really it depends on who hes arguing with and what its about
tsym for sending this in <3
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