#oc: Lily Astor Cullen
roadtogracelandx45 · 5 months
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Meet Lilian Caroline Elizabeth Astor Cullen.
She is going to be appearing in Star Crossed Lovers.
Born April 14th, 1899
Day of change: April 15, 1915, by Carlisle Cullen at the urging of adopted children Rosalie and Emmett
Coven: Cullen
Mates: Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale
Brief info:
She is the only living child of John Jacob Astor IV and former nanny of his elder two children, Elizabeth. Vincent and Ava.
To try and shield Lily from any hurt or rumors, John’s sister, Caroline took her in but later sent her to a boarding school in England which she is later picked up by her father and his new wife, Madeline for a return trip back to New York on the Titanic.
Aboard the ship, Lily is informed of her true parentage, and in order to get her wits about her flees and ends up first meeting Rose Dewitt Bukater and Jack Dawson then later Emmett and Rosalie Hale. The latter two ending up changing her life forever.
Emmett first by saving her before she topples overboard after being shot by Spicer Lovejoy for defending Rose and Jack when the boat is sinking. Even at 13 she knew true love. Then Rosalie 3 years later at her sweet 16.
Information about twilight and on will come soon
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roadtogracelandx45 · 5 months
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On this day in 1899, Lilian Astor Cullen is born in Manhattan, New York to John Jacob Astor and Elizabeth.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 4 months
Starcrossed Lovers| Emmett x OC x Rosalie
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Lily Astor McCarty info
Volume One- The Ship of Dreams
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Star-Crossed Lovers|Twilight
Summary: Before Lily was Lily McCarty, the second mate of Emmett Cullen and Rosalie Hale, she was an heiress that ended up in a bad car accident just feet from Rosalie who rushed to save her. Even without Alice's visions, she knew that Lily was going to be another important person in her life.
Possible Edward/Lily
*messing with the timeline a bit to make the ages add up**
Word count 1304
One: It Will Be Fun
"Come on Lily, it will be fun."
Always seemed to be famous last words when it came to Lily Astor, the adopted daughter of John Jacob Astor and first wife Ava, it was said to her by her father when they boarded the Titanic to come back from Europe. He ended up dying in the sinking while she and Madeline, his pregnant second wife, were on a lifeboat bobbing up and down in the icy water.
She never forgave Madeline nor did she forgive herself. It was because of her that they stopped in England and changed their return trip back to New York. If she hadn't been at the boarding school, if she had been in New York instead, he would still be alive.
The second and third times ended up with her being at a police station house and her mother or older brothers being called to come and pick her up.
She could have blamed everyone else but herself and she wanted to, but she knew the Colonel wouldn't have liked that and she needed to own up to her mistakes.
This led her to the third instance, she was in the backseat of a car with her older brother and a couple of his friends when the driver, Andrew swerved to miss an oncoming milk truck and in doing so, the car went down the slope through a wooden fence and slammed into the tree showering them in glass and sending sparks into the air.
"Lily, calm down! We will get you out." Andrew called, he and the elder Astor brother had gotten out of the car easily but Lily and the others were having a hard time getting out of the back.
"I am calm!" She retorted angrily, her voice carrying to where the Cullens were hunting. "I was calm when the damn Titanic sank and I am calm now."
Edward, who was the closest snorted with laughter, there was no way that girl was calm, they could all hear her rapidly beating heart from where they were at and her tone wasn't calm either.
"Who is she joking?" Emmett added peering out from behind the trees to look at the group, the girl was now standing up, pointing her umbrella at the man that she called Andrew, her dark red locks were coming out of the bun it was in, and they didn't need their vampire hearing to make out what she was saying.
"If she is calm then Rose is the Queen of England."
Rosalie was Emmett's wife and was known to be ultra-dramatic over little things. And it looked like this girl was like her.
"I have more style than the Queen, Em, and you know that," Rosalie commented as she joined them, tensing when the warm honeysuckle scent wafted over to them.
Emmett who started to laugh tensed too. Normally human scents didn't bother them and they were able to ignore the need for it.
But this one was more alluring than the others. And before Emmett could help himself, he was out of the woods and going towards the car, his wife and adopted brother following.
"Excuse me." He started, using the pompous manners that he picked up from not only Carlisle but Edward, "Do you need some help?"
The girl's bright blue eyes met his golden ones and she smiled relieved.
"Please, I suppose that Andrew and Vincent seemed to have forgotten their muscles at home."
"Lily." Andrew started as Emmett moved around resisting the urge to shove him out of the way.
They had just had an instance where Jasper, their newest vegetarian had attacked a human and they had to move, and personally, he didn't want to move again.
They had just settled in the countryside and were happy.
He offered the girl a smile before holding his hands out to her, it was a really easy fix to get her out of the car.
She just needed to be lifted up and over the door frame and she would be safe on the ground.
He hooked his hands under her armpits and lifted her up, almost surprised when she didn't flinch at how cold his skin was.
"Thank you,"
"Emmett.' He said, "Cullen."
"Lily Astor." Rosalie, Edward, and Alice had joined them by then and the smaller of the trio was vibrating with excitement.
Andrew elbowed his way between the two, standing in front of the girl, "Andrew Gatsby, thank you for your help."
"Look, we are having a birthday party tonight for Lily." John commented, "It's her 16th birthday, you all should come."
"We would love to." The smallest of them all answered before Edward could. They all knew that he was going to say no, he usually did. Andrew glowered before looking at Lily who had tucked some of her bangs behind her ears, a pink tinge covering her cheeks.
What in the world was going on?
Lily never got like that before, she was more of a lady than this.
"Come on Lilian, I am sure that your mother and stepfather are worried," Andrew said as he grasped her hand tightly causing her to wince.
"Let go now Andrew, I can walk just fine on my own. I didn't need your help when I had to learn how to re-walk after hypothermia and frostbite. And I don't need your help now." With that, she reached over to the side of the car and grabbed her umbrella, "thank you again for your help,  Mr. Cullen." She popped the umbrella open and started up the field.
"Sorry about her," her brother commented as Andrew started after her cursing angrily. Rosalie turned back to him in an effort not to chase him down and rip his throat out. He reminded her of Royce. And she ripped his throat out personally after he raped her.
"She has gotten more headstrong and stubborn since she got out of the hospital. She was on the Titanic with our father and stepmother. She gave up her coat and gloves to Madeline before she got ducked into the water by someone they were trying to pull into the lifeboat."
He had the full attention of all the Cullens now, the Titanic had been a major event that Carlisle was on and they had heard horror stories of all the people dying and how he felt powerless to stop it.
The older Astor sibling seemed surprised that admitted that out loud, but it was common knowledge that their father died on the Titanic and that the survivors were on the tiny lifeboats bobbing up and down in the cold for hours until the Carpathia came.
"She was confined to a bed on the Carpathia. And then again for 3 months when they landed, she wouldn't let anyone else help her."
Lily's raised voice floated back to them and he sighed, "Excuse me, I have to go save Andrew from himself." He pulled an invitation out of his pocket and handed it over to Alice who was still all but vibrating with joy.
" Thank you for all your help." With that he followed his sister and the other man, his own voice rising to be heard over Lily's voice. "Rose whatever you are thinking don't, she is human and you have Emmett," Edward warned.
"Oh Edward," Alice sang before patting his arm, "She is going to be one of us, I have already seen it."
Edward groaned, this was the last thing that they needed, it was enough of a culture shock having Alice and Jasper join them but a human? That was going to be a whole other ball game and they weren't ready for it and honestly, he didn't think that Lily would be ready for them.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 2 years
Hearts Made of Glass Masterlist| Twilight Fan fiction
Lily Astor info
Two Three
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