#oc: Eskel zulan
dirthara-dalen · 5 months
My trooper Eskel has not had the easiest life thus far.
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Born in Imperial space four years before the great galactic war broke out. His mother was Sith Lord albeit a rather reluctant one and his father a former member of the republic military turned smuggler before being forced into slavery. Eskel did not know his father growing up as his grandparents had him killed for 'sullying their bloodline'. Livia, his mother, did everything in her power to raise Eskel how she knew Alain, his father, would have wanted to.
Like his mother, Eskel is force sensitive but unlike what happened to his mother, she let him choose the path he wished to take in life. Of course she taught him how to utilize his abilities but also how to hide them. The moment he turned sixteen he enlisted in the Imperial army. The only reason he was permitted to enlist was due to his mother being a Darth at that point. He also did not any tattoo's at the time.
He served under various commanders but he will never forget his first major deployment that ended with him being transferred to the Shadow Fist unit. The deployment in question of the battle of Alderaan. That whole experience left a mark on him. He couldn't comprehend all of the civilian deaths. He defected during his second encounter with Havoc squad after he killed his commanding officer with the saber his mother had given him.
He fled imperial space for the planet Mirial. There he received tattoo's based on everything he had done before Alderaan. He also abandoned his first name, Joran, opting to use his middle name and his fathers last name from that point forward. He laid low for a few years before enlisting in the republic military using forged credentials. He ended up fighting for the republic for about two years before the treaty was signed.
When he received word that he was being transferred to Havoc due to his skill set he was extremely hesitant. Eventually he was convinced to join by Garza, even though he did not trust her.
As per the game story everything goes as it happens in the game. However, after Tarvus is dealt with Garza gets an anonymous tip off with evidence about who Eskel really is. Many of the higher ups in military attend a special 'council' where Eskel is forced to reveal everything. It is clear after that Garza doesn't fully trust him despite proving he was loyal to the republic. Eskel briefly has a relationship with Elara but breaks it off citing it to be too dangerous.
After dealing with Rakton and the Revanite crisis, he resigned from Havoc and the Republic as a whole becoming a freelance mercenary. His only loyalty at that point was to himself and his mother whom he hoped to help escape the empire for good.
A post about just his parents is coming soon as it is rather long.
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