#oc tag: roxanne cain
gochujangst · 17 days
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Achluodump 1
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angsty-prompt-hole · 1 year
My OC’s In Class
I was tagged in this a while back by @addisons-damn-dialogue and never got around to it due to a series of life events. I’m going to be doing this for the whole extended Dresden Crew since they are actually in high school for most of the story (and I don’t give the whole entire extended crew enough attention).
Kira: She’s the quiet, model student who always finishes her work early and usually spends half the class reading whatever book she checked out that week. After she gets her powers, though, she ends up cutting classes or leaving midway through a lot due to monster troubles. She somehow still manages to pass all of her classes.
Emily: Kind of like Kira, but she doesn’t have Kira’s book smarts and she has chronic severe anxiety, so she is ALWAYS worrying about whether or not she did something right and whether or not her homework will get done. Has had panic attacks over homework assignments. Kira usually helps her with the stuff she struggles with.
Pickle: It completely depends on who else is in the class with him. If it’s someone he’s really good friends with, he is absolutely awful because he spends the entire class trying to talk to them or pranking them. If you can manage to isolate him, he’s usually fine.
Cain: Cain is usually pretty well-behaved, but he is a drama kid at heart so he goes extra hard on any assignments that allow him to get creative, much to the chagrin of everyone else. If he shares a class with Emily he spends half his time being an “i fucking love my girlfriend” type of guy, and if he shares a class with Kira he usually just bothers her for the entire class because it annoys her.
Carter: It’s a miracle he’s passing all of his classes to be honest. He regularly skips all of the classes he hates, which is everything except for shop classes. In his shop classes he just dicks around with his friends and makes mechanical nightmares the likes of which his teachers have never seen.
Maxine: Maxine is usually well-behaved, unless Pickle is in the same class, and then it’s just total chaos and prank wars. They had to be forcibly seated on opposite sides of the room in one class because they would not leave each other alone. Their pranks kept escalating to the point where Pickle once hid Maxine’s entire desk. Both of them are banned from ever taking the same chemistry class ever again.
Maxwell: Unlike his twin, Maxwell is quiet and well-mannered, and he’s often the teacher’s pet. He’s a model student and is well-liked by everyone. He has decent grades. However, he is not immune to Pickle’s shenanigans, nor is he immune to his sister’s, so he still gets in trouble because of them sometimes if he shares a class with them.
Caitlin: Caitlin gets super bored in class because she’s the type to do all the work ahead of time and then just coast the rest of the semester. She regularly has to leave school to help her parents with stuff, though, so she kind of has to get all of her work done early. She is one of the only ones who can stop Pickle’s shenanigans dead in their tracks by virtue of her phenomenal ability to ignore his very existence.
Roxanne: She dropped out of high school, but when she was in class she was not a very good student lmao. She would regularly fight with her teachers, show up drunk or high, and just be a general disturbance and menace to society. She’s calmed down significantly since then and is working on getting her GED.
Tagging: I’m leaving this as an open tag, so if you see this and want to do it, go for it!
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glitterwolfvi · 3 years
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my sona ^
hi! I have a few things you can call me! you can call me Roxanne/Roxy, Finnick/Finn, Caine, or Wolfe! I'm trans masc demigirl wolfgender! I'm also bi aceflux polyam! I take commissions, but check description for if it is open
pronouns: pup/she/it/he
this is my little blog where I'll rb things! sometimes including my art from other blogs!
feel free to ask me to tag things!
here's some blogs I work on. as for ask blogs, feel free to ask what I'm currently working on!
@the-tulip-town-tragedy - my story thing I'm working on
@ask-tulip-town - ask blog for between working on the story
@ask-tulip-town-va-ver - ask blog for Tulip Town answered with voice acting!
@tagging-tulip-town - for those "tag your oc" things but tagging Tulip Town
some links!
Transformers MTMTE Dub Channel
Joint Channel W Friends
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gochujangst · 3 years
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Here are my current official renders for my characters!
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angsty-prompt-hole · 2 years
My Characters! (Mobile-Friendly Version)
Welcome to this brief little intro to my characters who I love to hurt (or who love to do the hurting). I have hundreds of individual OC’s, so it’s a bit of a task to list them all here individually. For now, this’ll just be a place to collect tags I use for characters and their character introductions that I swear I am going to make one day. Bear with me as this is a huge work in progress.
Last updated: 2/28/2023
The Dresden Crew: Main characters of the Dimension Jumpers saga. The lineup for A Hero’s Call consists of Kira Shade, Emily Ward, Pickle Ward, Carter Shade, Cain Arthur, and Allison Collins. They are later joined by Maxine and Maxwell Ortega, Roxanne Lusk, and Caitlin Halinger.
A Hero’s Call Lineup
The Main Gang: The other protagonist group for the Dimension Jumpers saga. Kira Shade, Scissura, and Kralik Windwalker are the only two out of the group present in A Hero’s Call. They are joined by Sierra Reaves, Rodney Miller, Lucent “Mallory” Ran'kai, Isa Lee, and Jackson Merrick over the course of the series.
The Main Gang
Villains: There are quite a few antagonistic characters in my universe, most of them from the Dimension Jumpers saga. Chaos’s cult and Forest’s cult are the main antagonists of many of my main WIPs, but the villains category also includes characters like Red, the Bloodhunters, The Ringmaster, and The Hag.
Miscellaneous Villains
The Bloodhunters
Catalyst: Characters from my WIP Catalyst. This is Magnus, Cariad, Valeria, Aislin, Lily, Twist, and Micah as the main characters, and miscellaneous Order members and demons as secondary characters.
Main Catalyst Cast
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