#oc tag: Aeolia
immortal-dreamer · 4 months
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Dancing in the Crater of Luscious Return (2024)
One of my finals from art school ever. Aeolia’s such a precious character to me, so when thinking of an environmental final, I wanted to do a scene of her dancing in the blooming nature of one of my stories: Aionue.
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eisiramdeus-a · 5 years
SHIPPING INFO // Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog. REPOST. Don’t reblog.
What’s your OTP for your Muse? I’m a centuries-old Shuria & Aeolia shipper and none of you fuckers can do anything about it. Mostly because that fandom is dead and no one even recognizes this shit anymore fsakljdskd. But disregard this, yeah? It’s long gone.
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping? I’ll do anything to be damn honest lmao. I’ve written with some very... shitty partners (that wrote Shuria) and went way beyond the limit. So nothing will fuck me up anymore! I’m willing to RP most anything when it comes to shipping; let’s just not replay the nightmare. I personally want/like ships with a hint of lime & angst because my being is entirely comprised of angst so that’s all I write hhhhhh.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable? Ten years is reasonable. The age of consent should also be a given. Moreover, in medieval/ancient verses, I will not write ships with underage (less than 18) muses irregardless if it “was normal back then.” Miss me with that pedophile shit! I don’t mask pedophilia apologia under historical accuracy.
Are you selective when shipping? Within reason, I think I am, yes. As in, I wouldn’t write any ship-related roleplays about ships that I’m not interested in. I don’t expect you to, either, I suppose. Alex is a THICC BITCH and I would ship him with other muses very often but if you don’t want us to then do tell me, same as I would rather not write a ship I don’t feel like it. Worth mentioning, I am more selective when shipping with women: Alexander is bisexual and definitely attracted to women, however I, the writer, am homosexual and have an easier time shipping with male characters than otherwise. I don’t exclude heterosexual ships on the sole basis your muse is female, but I’ll be more selective about it.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW? When the dick is pulled out, the tag comes out. I tag all my mature content as “✯ ❝ no halo in her brow ❞ [ mature ]” and you may blacklist this at will. Under this tag you will find, of course, sex, but also depictions and/or mentions of violence, gore, brutality, drugs, and mental illness. But, pray all goes well, mostly sex. He deserves more fuckin’ and less strugglin’.
Who are other muses you ship your muse with? None... yet. I very recently revamped this blog and haven’t gotten to shipping anything with anyone yet. Feed me the ships, y’all.
Does one have to ask to ship with you? Yeah sure lol. Aeolia/Alex has a few vaguely predetermined ships in the canon but, again, the fandom is entirely dead so this man is legally my oc at this point. As such, let’s not presume a ship is inevitably going to form. If I want to ship with your muse, I’ll tell you when I think it’s right; you should tell me, too! I prefer plotted and mapped out writing in general, and I suppose the same applies to ships: let’s plot fam.
How often do you like to ship? I’m big thot so I’ll ship my muse whenever I feel like there’s chemistry there (usually angst/conflict based fklsajd kill me pete). I’d love to ship when possible, when both of us are in agreement about this ship, and when there’s chemistry.
Are you multiship? Hell ye brother.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? I’d say closer to ship obsessed, but somewhere in the middle with that leaning. I fucking love shipping but it’s not the end of every roleplay; it doesn’t have to be.
What is your favorite ship in your current fandom? Fandom? I don’t know her.
Finally, how does one ship with you? If your muse is a fellow thicc bitch who’s also a dumb ass and has the monumental misfortune of having some chemistry with this disastrous Greek tragedy of a man, then smash my mf messages and let’s ship this shit.
TAGGED BY:  stole lmao TAGGING: steal lmao
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