#oc liyan
luwupercal · 2 years
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its been 500 years since i last posted abt this guy but heres an unfinished liyan
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Liyan - Visual Novel: Radiant Tale
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sunny-artblogging · 1 year
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toddler drawing practice ft @luwupercal‘s liyan
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zenkori · 1 year
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Bonus sketch of a watermelon-loving Shi Liyan of Jenova!
(watermelon not included, while quantities last)
@suri-chi and I had the pleasure of Shi Liyan stopping by The Cozy Lil' Art Studio as our first guest to sketch on-stage as we test things out and iron out our process for future events, and what a fine first model she is!!
Not only was she a very kind and friendly model, but a very pleasant person to chat with overall as she shared her love of books and cute things and blueberries and watermelon.
Now, I usually don't draw full-body sketches, but my lines had a mind of their own tonight as she chatted away with Suri and I while maintaining her pose, and I'm blown away by the result; it was an absolute blast to draw her!
Thank you Shi Liyan for being our muse this evening!!
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mollydastoertchen · 2 years
The year finally comes to an and and I have a question for you. 2022 was the year of new OCs, so: How many new OCs did you create in 2022? Bonus points if you introduce each of them with a lil' picture and 2-3 sentences about what their deal is. Let's have a "Babes created in 2022" party!
Ive been not so active here on tumblr, I do apologize for it! So.. yeah... 2022! I guess this is my 'furry OC outbreak' year xD I had furry OCs before that, but... I never really got into them. I couldnt grasp them as playable characters like I'm used with human OCs. But this year was when I created some babes that, oh boy, I have fun playing with! But it's not nearly as big of a count as you might think. So let's dive right into it.
1- Becks Warborn (Art by kaitoharo99)
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Becks is the leader of a mercinary pack of werewolves. He basically got created to give one of @Zelendur 's OCs - Wulf - a new boyfriend. And as Wulf is just a premium horse who can't quite tie himself down, there was this whole pack of members forming. First and foremost there are Aadit and Liyan - two mercinary members by Zelendur, who got their mingling hands on Wulf as well. This leads to Becks having to not only make sure that Wulf is HIS boyfriend that only gets to have fun with others when he allows it - but it only leads to Becks having to put the other wolves in their place if they decide to dismiss his set up rules. Its a polyamorous relationship between Wulf and Becks mostly, but Aadit and Liyan cannot be ignored at all!
Plus, through to Becks background story, I also created...
2- Dyle Warborn
Dyle is Becks older brother who did not manage to get the alpha leader title himself. In fact, when a huge brawl broke out over the new leadership after their father died, Dyle lost an eye and with it his will to lead the pack. He went from one of the strongest member to the 'crippled old dog' that had trouble keeping up with the rest. He hated being treated differently, but he just couldn't perform as well in battle anymore. He has no design yet, nor have I really fleshed him out yet. But he already got a bretty girlfriend, so... eue
3- Tucker Bust
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Tucker is probably the first furry OC I really clicked with. A charming playboy who is a bit on the dumb side. He is just a very good boy. He is the kindof casanova who knows how to click with anyone he meets, and therefore he can have very different sides on him. But in general he is just a really big puppy who is looking for his one and only love. After many failed relationships, he finally found the right guy who love him the way he is. Cooper, his angel, is Tuckers biggest obsession and he loves him endlessly. And Tucker definitely does some weird things to be liked by his boyfriend <3
4- Chris Rowland (Art by @zelendur )
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Chris is my first and only (female to male) trans character. Chris is, honestly, one of my most beloved furry OCs of all time. He struck everything in me even before he had a set design. His and his boyfriends love story is honestly so cute and stupid, I love it. Bradley and Chris have been my obsession for quite a while, and those two still tick a lot of boxes for me. My precious baby <3 He is a pure fighter who has been fighting for his and his friends all his life. In the end he opens his own tattoo and piercing shop, living his own life, but always close to his boyfriend Bradley and his bestie for life, Gary.
5- Dezel
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(His design is not set at all and definitely will be revamped a bit for the final version)
Dezel, or also known as Dessie, has been such a happy accident, haha. Zelendur and I figured that Gary needed himself a boyfriend too eventually. At first we were in love with Gary and Tucker in an alternative universe (cause oh BOY they fit together so well too!). But since Tucker is absolutely loyal to his angel Cooper, we needed someone else. And that's how Dezel got created. Dezel is a nerd first of all - an indie developer who used to go to the same school with Chris and Gary. He had been a friend of theirs for years - with a mayor crush on Gary. But he is too shy to really communicate his interest. No matter how much he tried to show it, everyone assumed he was just being a friend. Dates got ruined by others or Gary who didn't realize that it was a true date, and Dezel never got his point across. And from that somewhat secret admiration rose obsession. He uses the anonymity of the internet to flirt with his crush. And since Gary has himself an onlyfans.... yeah. Through some event Gary figures out who his generous online-admirerer is and is oddly charmed by his childhood friend. Aaand thats how they give it a try. No feelings first for Gary, but the good-natured nerd soon can finally show his worth to him <3
6- Willow Bishop
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(His design is also not set, it was just his first scribble)
After I created Chris, Zelendur was oddly charmed with the thought of another trans OC. And therefore Nicholas the demiboy happened~ I had to SNATCH the bnuy before anyone else could, cause boy I love that little guy so much <3 And here is Willow - a physics student who met Nick through their interest for journalism and especially ghost hunting. They immediately clicked and became somewhat like best friends within no time at all. He was always super charmed by the small bunny, but Will is not gay and therefore was not interested in his best bro. But when he found out that, technically, Nick was a girl who wanted to be a guy, but... still had a girl body.... Oh boy, that shook something loose in him. That game-changing fact immediately made Will show interest in the small bunny who was so perfect in any way - and now that it was also a girl body, he was totally head over heels for him. And to his luck Nicholas was just as interested as him. And then they hit it off instantly yet again. I love those two chaos-seeking idiots a lot xD Hunting for ghosts and then both being scaredy cats when things get real. Aah I love em xD
7- Nathan Evans
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My latest obsession, Nathaniel, short Nathan or Nathe! Nathan got created for this hot stud, Clint. I love bad boys, and I love tragic love stories with difficult personalities. Clint and Nathan are somewhat the 'Karanos and Donovan' of our furry roleplay, and yet they are so different and unique and I love them. They both started as best friends in a small gang of youngsters, doing little crimes to come by. Clint with neglective parents and a younger brother to take care of, and Nathan as the only child of pretty poor parents. Then Nathan had to move away with his parents pretty suddenly and a fight with Clint stopped him from saying goodbye - until he regretted it later and tried to reach his best friend with letters. Unbeknown to him Clint had gone to jail after the gang had taken it too far, and so Nathan never heard of his friend again. Until 10 years later, after a lot of shit happened in Nathans life as well, he moves back into town and meets his friend again. They have a rough and chummy friendship with both caring for the other in their own way. But after some unexpected steamy moments between the two (as Clint showed himself clearly interested in Nathans body), Nathan realizes that it's more than friendship for him. But with their relationship also come problems. Once they move together, they start seeing each others weakspots and bad habits. Anger issues, alcoholism and drugs make things escalate a lot - but both of them will reach their happy end together as they fight to stay together.
And.. yeah! That's it folks! 'Just' 7 OCs, which is, for ME, a veery high count. I have at least one more character planned, but nothing concrete yet. And Dezel and Will need proper refs, not to mention for aaaall the toyhouse pages that need to be created... ugh...
Thanks so much for asking, have fun <33
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killer-dream · 3 years
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OCs least likely to stab people:  Corvus, Liyane, Celestine, Ace OCs most likely to stab people: Myalis, Thalia, Wistari, Mars
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onceuponanaromantic · 5 years
blop Bloooooop
Before she was Turned, Seph took Further Maths for her A-levels. And because that wasn’t enough, she then went and took H3 Physics on top of that. Her subject combination at A-levels was what is commonly known as the Fear combination, FPME (further maths, physics, math, economics)
(When Autumn and Liyan, two people who took sane if slightly odd subject combinations of BCMA (bio chem maths art) and BCML (bio chem math lit) respectively, find out about this fact, they’re both kind of horrified because why would you WILLINGLY subject yourself to a) further maths b) H3 physics.)
Aradhna died before her O-level results came out and never found out what she got. But she actually wanted to go to polytechnic instead of JC, to the horror of most of her family.
thanks for the ask!
please ask me for more about my OCs. :DD
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maheshsomani · 5 years
50% Of The Construction To Be Finished Within 2 Years To Avoid Fine-HUDA
On Monday, May 8, Haryana Urban Development Authority (HUDA) ordered the allottees, who had been allotted plots in HUDA sectors to complete at least half of the construction within 2 years of the construction gets approved in lay outs. If any of the projects defaults this timeline, it will have to foot the bill of heavy penalty to have extended time period of another year to meet the condition and also retaining the ownership of the same plot.
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A noticed issued on this Monday, where HUDA has ordered 1060 landowners under HUDA jurisdiction (officer-I) to finish the minimum amount of development by March 2019. As per the notice it’s compulsory to complete construction on at least 50% of the acceptable ground coverage, and obtain occupation certificates (OC) by March 2019. Felons will be accountable to pay additional fee as per the rates prearranged in the extension policy of HUDA.
Copies of this notice have also been lined with the administrative and the account department of the state. Plot owners infringe this timeline HUDA will charge penalties from them invariably. This new policy is the revised version of HUDA policy in January. Residential/Commercial/ Institutional any development need to complete their construction within the measured timeframe. HUDA has the power to make these plot owners lose their allotment, if there’s no completion of the construction within 15 years. Under this revised rule HUDA will provide OC to the projects which have at least finished 25% of their developments instead of 10% as it used to provide for earlier.
The decision has taken on the count of vacant lands, even after several years of allotment, which eventually causes huge property tax for HUDA. Coming next to this amendment HUDA also has conducted a survey which will analyze the exact count of plots which have less than 50% development. HUDA has by issued notice to 1060 plot owners under the real estate officer-I, another 4000 allotees under the jurisdiction of officer-II are also found to be withstanding the norms and will be served notice soon. Within 2 years of allotment various sectors should start their respective constructions.
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Welcoming the move by Haryana Government the RERA expert of WB Mr. Mahesh Somani said,” It’s a positive initiative taken by the government, for pushing developers to wrap up their respective projects without any delay. Mostly it’s seen in flats in Rajarhat where merely 25% construction happened in 4-5 years after the plot allotment. I genuinely think Bengal Govt. should introduce such stringent norms to expedite project development.”
-LNN(Liyans News Network)
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luwupercal · 3 years
Imagine Roboute going through malcadors family picture scrapbook with Illiyan and showing him/telling him about his uncles:
“He’s dead”
*flips page*
“He’s dead”
*flips page*
“He’s still alive”
*flips page*
“Don’t know”
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luwupercal · 4 years
a lesson in xenopsychology
The first time the man and the child meet, it’s in the Fortress of Hera’s Library of Ptolemy, and the man assumes the child is lost.
He’s looking through the Library’s tomes on xeno species, looking for some information in particular, when he sees the boy in the corner. A cane leans against the side of the wall, and sitting on the floor by it, reading an oversized book, is a kid, no older than ten, with light brown skin and long dark brown hair. His hands holding up the book have thin golden rings, ones the man faintly remembers seeing before on others. He’s so caught up in whatever he’s learning about that he hasn’t even seen the man, and the man is certainly not the stealthiest. Superhuman physique, of course, aside.
“Hello there,” the man finds himself saying. “Are you lost?”
Pilgrims have still been coming to the site where Roboute Guilliman once sat, albeit less than before. It’s not unreasonable to assume one of the children brought along for the ride has sneaked off, though it surprises him that he headed for the Library and not to watch the Astartes train. Isn’t it a common childhood dream, to join their ranks? An impossible dream, but kids have many of those; it’s part of a healthy childhood.
The child startles, surprised by the sudden noise, and looks up at the man. It’s quite a height gap, but he manages a glance nonetheless before giving up and just looking at the man’s shoes. Does he not recognize him? Interesting.
“No,” he says, very quietly and softly. “I’m waiting for my big brother.”
“Your brother?” The man turns around fully from the shelves, though not yet putting away the books he’s been meaning to read. It’s been some time since he met a kid who wasn’t a little scared of him up close, and he doesn’t blame them, but it’s interesting that this boy seems almost used to his sort. And, well, he’ll admit it; he’s soft-hearted when it comes to children. He can spare a few minutes to look after him, make sure nothing happens while he waits.
The boy touches his own too-long bangs. “He thought I’d like to go to a library, instead of him bringing me books,” he says. “And he said, since there’s one right here, I could stay there while he did his. Thing.” He frowns. “Forgot the word. But what he came here to do.”
Pilgrimage isn’t a word most nine-year-olds have in their vocabularies; it was in the man’s, but he wasn’t a normal nine-year-old, and he’s fairly sure he knows where his life differs from the average human’s. “And he left you here?” the man inquires; if the brother’s adult, he might have some words with him.
“I can take care of myself,” the kid says, in that way only children have of saying such self-assured things because they think they know everything. “And it’s only supposed to be for a little bit. I’m not supposed to be away from any of my brothers for too long.”
Brothers, plural? “How many brothers do you have, child?”
“A bunch. My dad has a lot of sons,” the child says. 
“And do you like them?” and the man smiles his warmest, most child-friendly smile. The boy nods slowly. 
“Yes,” he says, “if they’re nice to me. Some of them aren’t.” The man’s concerned by that comment, but files it away; he doubts he’ll see the child again. The boy then lifts the book closer to his chest, and silver letters on the black leather spine gleam for a moment.
“Oh, what are you reading?” Children usually love to be asked about their interests, don’t they? Maybe he’ll talk more about this.
“Oh— uhm…” The boy freezes. “I dunno, I just found it,” he mumbles, and he’s obviously lying; he was too engrossed in the book for it to have just been something he randomly picked up. “I’ll probably get another book soon, I’m not sure if I like it.” Children’s secrets are too petty for the man, but he can’t stop himself from chuckling internally. They always think they can get away with it.
“And what do you like to read, then?” the man continues asking, as gentle as he can be.
“About the stars,” the kid immediately says. “A-and about… I like physics. Did you know nothing actually touches? Like uhm. We’re all like, mostly just bits of stuff with empty space in between and so we have this like, protective bit, so we don’t go through each other…”
There they go. The boy keeps rattling off childish trivia about the fundamental laws of physics for a few minutes, and the man listens intently all the while, while checking the books he’s picked out to see if they’re the right ones. They are, and he waits for a little bit further before interrupting the child…
“...and the thingys need to be watched, because if they’re not watched they do all kinds of weird stuff that contradicts, and—”
“Child, when’s your brother picking you up?”
“O-oh, uhm. What time is it?” His eyes widen. The child half-clasps his hands in alarm — without interlacing his fingers, just grabbing one hand with the other, the man notices — and lets the book fall on his lap.
“Half past five, I believe.” 
“Then in— five minutes? I should, I should put this back,” the kid says. He reaches for his cane, but the man simply kneels to pluck the book from the child’s lap and puts it back on the shelf. He catches a glimpse of the title and frowns for a split second, confused; it deals with xenobiology. A strange topic for a child to be interested in. “A-ah, thank you!” the kid tells him.
The man kneels before the boy. “Unfortunately, I must leave now, but I appreciate what you’ve told me about physics,” he tells him, a small smile on his face. Now that he can see the child’s face properly, he can see a large pale birthmark under his eye, and another one near his mouth. His bangs can’t quite cover his eyes, which are an unearthly purple, like the scion of an astronomically rich family who’s paid to have their genes edited. And he still can’t recognize him? Well, the child might just be too young to have learnt about him… “I’d like to know the name of whoever taught me these things, though, so I know who to credit when I tell my men,” he adds. Children like to feel special.
“O-oh! Uhm,” the kid stutters. “I’m— My name’s Liyan. B-but it’s okay if you just tell your friends you read this somewhere!”
The man chuckles warmly. “If you say so,” he says, and he reaches forward to tousle Liyan’s hair, but the kid pulls away with an eep!, and so the man retires his hand. “I hope we see each other again,” he adds, even though he knows he likely won’t, and he steps up and away from the child.
“W-wait! Sir!” the kid shouts without moving. “What’s your name?”
“Ask your brother,” the man tells him, “he’ll likely tell you! And tell him I think he shouldn’t leave you alone while he prays!”
The man leaves the library, already having informed its keepers what books he’ll take to his guest quarters; as he leaves, he nearly bumps into an unhelmeted Ultramarine. Ah— brown beard, light skin and that armor… the man recognizes him quickly.
Cato Sicarius, meanwhile, looks at him with surprise. “Lord Vulkan, I didn’t know you’d be in the Library today!”
The freshly-returned Primarch of the 18th Legion smiles at his nephew. “I had some free time once I was done responding to my sons’ fussy messages,” he says. “You shouldn’t be too surprised. I already told my brother, my business here is mostly an excuse to see him again after all this time.”
“I see,” Sicarius says, but there’s still clearly something bothering him. Vulkan won’t press him on it, though.
“Say,” the Primarch begins instead, instantly drawing Sicarius’s attention. “Out of those pilgrims seeking to pray where my brother laid… Has any of them been a family of two or more brothers? One of them a child, if that helps.”
“Hm? I’m not sure, my lord,” Sicarius admits. “I’ve been busy. If it’s not too much— why do you ask?”
“No reason,” Vulkan replies, “there was just a lost child at the Library, and I thought I’d warn you.”
“A… lost child?”
“He had long hair and a cane,” Vulkan elaborates, briefly miming long locks over his shoulder. “He said his brother would pick him up soon, but I just thought I’d warn you. Imagine if he’d gotten hurt.”
“Oh. I see, my lord.” Sicarius hesitates for a moment. “Did he say what his name was?”
“He didn’t tell me his surname, and I didn’t think it’d be appropriate to ask,” Vulkan tells him, “but he did mention his first name was Liyan. I’ll never get used to Imperial citizens naming their children after my brothers,” he adds, faux-conspiratively; but Sicarius misses it, a thoughtful look in his eyes.
“Thank you for telling me, my lord,” Sicarius says. “I’ll— I’ll ask later for his family.” He bites his lip; a tell. He was lying about asking? Really, Roboute’s children have always been a little haughty. He’ll just tell Roboute about it again, then. “If that’s all…?” Sicarius adds, and Vulkan nods.
Vulkan leaves for his quarters, and on his way there, flips through the tomes he’s picked up from the Library. The Unlikely Alliance; On the Mysterious Ynnari; Return of a Primarch. Let’s see if these aren’t censored, he thinks… Roboute, what are you hiding from me?
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luwupercal · 4 years
guilliman: do you have any experience with children
cato: i chill all the time hahah
guilliman: no i mean like a baby
cato: i was one of those once
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luwupercal · 4 years
a semester of ancient history
a sequel to “a lesson in xenopsychology”.
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Knock-knock-knock, on the boy’s door, a tall slab of simply-carved solid wood painted white. He looks up at the noise from where he’s sitting on his bed and places his book on his lap, open-face down. Silently, the door opens, and the boy’s father steps into his son’s room.
“Hello, Liyan,” he says, smiling his teeny-tiny, busy-businessman smile. The door clicks closed behind him. “How has your day been?”
“Hi, dad! It was good!” Liyan responds, grinning. “Cato took me to the Library today.”
“Did he now?” A little worry seeps into the father’s tone; he involuntarily clasps his hands together. “Did you find any new books?”
“Uh— yeah!” Liyan’s ears flush. “I— I found a book about the... history of science… I was looking for that Eisenstein man Mr. Cawl told me about last checkup, and—”
“Liyan.” An edge of sternness in his father’s voice, but a soft, fond one. Liyan yelps and covers the tips of his ears, and his father chuckles at the gesture. “What else were you looking for?”
Liyan presses together his lips, reluctant to speak. “...Mr. Cawl talked to me about my brain,” he admits, “and he said the Kiari thing was because of… my mother, and so I was looking to see if maybe she also could’ve had that? Or if it was like my joints…”
His father blinks, surprised. He opens his mouth to reply, but Liyan interrupts him, adding:
“I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t think too much about my mother, just—”
In the time it takes for him to start babbling, his father’s crossed the room. Liyan looks up when the weight on his mattress shifts to see him suddenly sitting on his bedside, offering him his palm. Liyan stops talking and places his hand over his father’s, and his dad covers it with his own other hand, gentle and grounding.
“Liyan,” he says, softly. “Why would I be angry?”
“I don’t know… You were always so worried when I told you I was learning about mother’s kind,” Liyan admits, “so, I stopped telling you, a-and Cato said I probably shouldn’t look too much into her, because you’re not... together, anymore, and…” Frustrated tears well up in his eyes, and he clumsily wipes them away. Why does this always make him cry?
His dad sighs. “I’ll talk to Cato. But, Liyan, listen to me,” and Liyan looks at his father, whose face is soft. “I understand,” he says. “There has never been anyone quite like you. It’s natural to be curious about that. If… if I seem worried, it’s because I want you to be safe, and happy.” An idea occurs to him. “And if you want to learn about your mother,” he adds, “there’s some things I could tell you.” As Liyan’s eyes widen, his father cups his tiny face and wipes a tear away with his thumb. The father doesn’t want to admit it, but when he said he understood, he meant it more than the child could imagine; he knows what it’s like, to crave a parental relationship that’s missing.
“Like what?” Liyan asks, small, so small.
“...Why don’t we get your journal first?” the father suggests, clearly stalling for time. Liyan allows it with a hiccupy chuckle, as his dad elaborates, “You might want to write it down.”
“Alright, alright — wait, dad, check this out,” Liyan adds, and under his father’s watchful eyes, he lifts a hand, stretching it just a bit forward, and he squints —
— and on a bookshelf on the other side of the room, a leather-bound journal and a pen with a bifurcated grip are shakily lifted up in the air, and start slowly hovering towards the bed.
The father raises an eyebrow, surprised; when Liyan grabs the journal out of thin air and shoots him a beaming grin of pride, he can’t help but smile back. He ruffles his son’s hair, and Liyan squeals with delighted mock-indignation. “That’s a good trick,” he admits. “Did Tigurius teach you that?”
“Mhm,” Liyan confirms, nodding. His father huffs with amusement as Liyan pushes his book aside to crack open his journal; he recalls how the Chief Librarian hadn’t even needed to be told he needed a trustworthy tutor for his son, or that he had a son at all, really, and had simply responded to his summons request with notes on what time out of his busy schedule he could spare for the child. It’d irritated him at the time, but he can’t deny there’d been some relief mixed in. His son’s existence is not easy to explain.
As the boy flips through the journal’s pages, there’s a momentary flash of what’s written right at the beginning. In the father’s effortlessly neat handwriting, there’s a short claim, This Journal Belongs To. Below it, in the son’s shakier, all-capitalized letters, is printed his name: ILLIYAN EUTEN.
Liyan opens the journal farther along, after pages of strange dreams in heavily-abbreviated notation and carefully-glued scraps and colorful pressed leaves brought by his brothers. A discolored feather bookmarks the last page he’s written on. His father almost tuts at the state his journal is in, but he bites his tongue; keeping this journal, a tradition inherited from him, is already more difficult for his son than it is for him, and if he wants to put random things in it, well — he’s earned it. (He’s just sort of... immeasurably fond of this child, as one is wont to do with one’s own children, and it feels like his hearts are being squeezed whenever he thinks about his son imitating him, or how much he looks up to him).
Illiyan holds his pen and looks up at his father expectantly. “Well?”
It’s always funny to his dad, when he says things he’s clearly picked up from Sicarius. “Well what?”
“What can you tell me? About my mother.” He presses the tip of his pen to the page and raises one eyebrow.
“What do you want to know?”
Illiyan is visibly surprised by the freedom of choice, but he quickly recovers. “What was she like?”
His father ponders the question.
“Determined,” he decides to start on. “Ambitious, even, though in a good way. And not unrealistically; she just thought there was a lot to do. And she was right. She had quite an important job, and she took it seriously. She also always needed to have the last word, on the rare occasions we argued… well, we both did,” he admits. “She was also… patient. Endlessly so. She had to be, for what she did, but it was still formidable to behold, whenever she had to deal with bickering and backstabbing.”
“Was it often?”
“Very,” his father nods. “She always kept up a front of assured integrity before her people, but it mostly meant that when we were together, she complained a lot about how impossible it all felt.” He pauses. “My job felt impossible then, too. I suppose that mutual feeling brought us together.”
He hears the skritch-skritch-skritch of the pen over the paper, but his eyes are distant, elsewhere. Only snapping to attention when—
“And… what happened?”
Liyan’s father is at a loss for words. “...Our paths in life led... different places,” he says, tactfully. “It... became dangerous, for both of us to be seen together. And…”
And she never wanted anything serious? And she said she couldn’t have a child, she couldn’t raise a child knowing their soul would be damned, she couldn’t bear to let a child born of an union between her and a mon’keigh be known to her people, when she’d been called a lapdog simply for being friendly, before? And she’d argued with him, they’d argued, and she’d told him the child could be born, and she’d love them, of course, but she could not be with them, that between them and the fate of her people, she’d have to choose her people, every time, or it would’ve all been for nothing?
...No. Illiyan couldn’t know this. At least not yet.
“...and,” Roboute Guilliman says, with a distant, grieving look, “we said our goodbyes peacefully… and she gave you a kiss on the forehead, and your name, and I could never see her again.” A beat passes, and Illiyan’s father blinks forcefully and looks at his son with a smile that’s only a little forced. “But she gave me you, and you’re the greatest gift I’ve ever been given,” and he presses a kiss to the crown of Illiyan’s head and the boy giggles, and everything is right again. “And there is some very stiff competition in that category, if you must know,” he adds dryly, and Illiyan snorts.
“Love you too, dad,” Illiyan tells him between giggles, and Roboute feels the hearts-squeeze again.
Roboute reaches forward to press a hand to his son’s upper arm, soothingly, and ask, “Anything else?”
“Well— what did she look like?” That’s an easier question, thankfully. Roboute glances at Illiyan’s journal and sees his notes on what he’s said; he looks away before he can read them all, but they give him pause.
“...She had white hair,” he begins, “and she always wore it up. I am not sure if it was an Eldar custom or not. The ponytails aren’t unusual for her people, but her personal style was… unique. She was tall—” and he gestures an approximation of where she reached by his side, if they both stood up, “and she went everywhere nearly barefoot.” He remembers that because he’d once wondered how much taller her heels were making her, shortly after they’d met, and he’d glanced down and she hadn’t even been wearing shoes. “She was very pale, with tattoos over her eyes,” and that combination had been so very striking alongside her white eyelashes in the sunlight, but that’s not the sort of thing a child would understand, so Roboute keeps it hush, “and she always held an expression of… vague, resigned wariness, like she was never sure what you would do next.” He smiles at his awed son. “She was willowy, even for an eldar — you’ve inherited her build more than you’ve inherited mine, that’s for certain,” he very seriously informs his son, gently poking his chest, “and she also blushed at the tip of his ears. Much like a certain young man, whose bedtime is nearing.”
“Daaaaaad,” Illiyan complains, but the word’s immediately followed by a yawn. His father strokes his hair in silence as he finishes writing, slow and practiced lines turning into a brief list of details. In that moment, Roboute can’t help but think of him as too big; as his son grows up, it’s harder and harder to keep up the tapestry of lies hiding him from his own subjects, and harder still if he’s determined, as he is, to keep as little as possible from the boy. Illiyan wriggles his way under the blankets once he’s done and closes his eyes, and Roboute puts the journal over the other book on the night-table and kisses Illiyan’s forehead before stepping up and away from him—
The voice is sleepy; Roboute turns towards his son. “What is it?”
“Where was she from?”
He hesitates, for a moment. “...An Eldar Craftworld,” he said, “named Biel-Tan.”
“Ohkay.” Ah, it probably means nothing to him. “Goodnight, dad.”
Roboute doesn’t reply until he’s by the door, turning the light’s dial down until the room is cloaked in comfortable penumbra. “Goodnight, Illiyan,” he says softly, just loud enough for his son to hear it.
Illiyan hears the door close. He waits — one, two, three — until he’s sure his father’s gone; then, he sits up and grabs a torch from under his pillow, takes with him the book he was reading earlier and hides under the covers. He flips back to the page he was on; where was it?
Ah, yes. “Chapter 11: Schematics of Warp-Proof Voidships Through the Ages”... Yeah, he thinks he gets it.
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luwupercal · 3 years
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VERY small man
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luwupercal · 4 years
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luwupercal · 3 years
I don’t know about you guys but whenever I make a warhammer oc I usually make them as a joke. And then accidentally give them hopes, flaws, and ambitions and accidentally turn them into a full fledged character. You know that one catgirl oc that I told you about a year ago? She’s now got a backstory and everything, she owns a rogue trader ship and has an adopted son (And also has a plan to destroy the inquisition but that’s too far into her lore to describe in a simple ask)
So I have a question for you. Do you usually make your ocs as a silly little joke or not? And do you have any tips for oc creation (since you’re like, a really cool writer)?
i DO make ocs as jokes yes so often so so often. Tara and Kraut memorably, half of Tara's origin is me joking about konrad curze having an arsene lupin/jean valjean/pontiac bandit to his inspector whatever/javert/guy from b99 like a thief that always escaped him, and then Kraut sprung into life named "Benicephalous Sauerkraut" bc i was riffing on what avg space marine names sounded like to me (tbf i was reading the horus heresy series, i know space marines have less surnames now). a lot also just started as a concept i found neat (fuckass, liyan, tavius, theseus, to some extent ves and sa'ran) (liyan in particular i had the idea for already but he metastasized as an attempt to scare @/horuslupercal with vulkan coming very near a guillyvraine fanchild unknowingly LOL), and a subset of concept i just found neat is characters ive made or co-created to give a primarch a relationship or a friend at some point because i guess thats a genre now (think viren, gwynne, iason originally though hes changed, tara to some extent also). funky times LOVE ocs but YES 
also I DIDNT FINISH THIS ASK BC I STARTED ANSWERING BC I LOV MY OCS BUT THANK U SO MUCH im just doing my best writing wise akjndslkjfndslkfjdnslfkdns my biggest tips for ocs and writing in general is to (1) always make your favourite characters if you’re gonna be the only one writing this story. dnd campaigns, big productions whatever it doesn’t matter but you need to make all the characters you make in anything you make yourself live Rent free in your brain, or at the very least facilitate another one living rent free in your head. (2) SPITE is the 3rd most important thing a writer can have, 1st is DETERMINATION and 2nd is A SENSE OF HUMOR even if it’s dad jokes. and (3) the best and easiest and most reliable way to get inspiration for anything storywise, plots, characters, endings, beginnings, whatever, is to hear about another story, or about someones life story, or about whatever, really vaguely, and then respond to that. the vagueness is super important because you want to avoid copying anything directly but if its something like “in this tv show you haven’t seen someone puts an entire revolution on another one’s shoulders!” or smth like that, you can play around with that vague gist and use to to shape your wildest desires. a good way of doing this is to traipse around tvtropes without ever going into a specific work’s own page, just looking around tropes and trope examples without looking at anything in specific. written down it sounds VERY like, legally and morally dubious but i hope that i get across that it’s just taking a really vague concept and responding to it, be it by doing it Your Own Way or by directly fighting against it or whatever it is. its like speedrunning letting things marinade in your own head basically. never be afraid of patchwork ever because referencing is fine as long as you don’t trace. (4) ok one last tip: learn to love varied people so you can make varied ocs. see the charm points in a grandma and then give her a sword. see the charm point in a sweaty weird awkward person and make them a hero and a pwoerful wizard. you will not be able to make all of your characters iconic and that’s normal and fine you don’t have to, but let your creativity run wild and constantly take in weird and wacky ideas from real life and from other fiction and u will get the turbo brainy
ALSO learn to analyze stories because analyzing stories will make it easier for you to make your own writing better ALSO learn to accept that your stories to you will be mediocre ALSO look at a LOT of bad stuff like a LOT of bad stories because looking at bad stories and at people doing shit that’s worse than what youre doing is both an ego booster and a powerful motivator ALSO give yourself space and free time, abandon your projects, return to them, do whatever you want, never tie yourself to any creative endeavour ALSO seriously give yourself free time most writers are economically comfortable because humans create better in their downtime the more downtime you have the better you create so let yourself relax let it all flood through you and once you’re ready the words will erupt out of you like a waterfall ALSO i cannot emphasize enough how much shouting about how something is bad, or shouting about how something is good, and elaborating as to why as much as possible, will help you. write essays and tag me in them this is an open request to everybody write a dissertation become a music reviewer be super critical of everything including your own work and it WILL help your brain i promise this to youuuuu. uhhh what else. OH YEAH THERE IS NEVER ANY STORY TOO DUMB TO MAKE A LITTLE SERIOUS OR TOO SERIOUS TO MAKE A LITTLE DUMB. include bits of humor and bits of seriousness in everything and if possible jump into writing w the foreknowledge that you will make this both dumb and serious
ALSO the biggest and most important writing tip of all time:
your writing is going to be mediocre. there is no way to avoid this. embrace your writing always leaving you wanting. just put it up. writing 300 mediocre things will make you a better writer than writing 1 excellentincredible thing. just write it i believe in you
That is all my writing tips i think . godspeed
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maheshsomani · 5 years
Hustle-Bustle in Builders’ Colony For Getting Occupancy Certificate Before May 1
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RERA is coming into action nationwide from May 1, 2017. That emphasizes that every state should from their Regulatory Authority by that time. The Regulatory Authority will take another 3 months to enclose the rules and regulations. Meanwhile builders of under-construction projects and projects that are at advanced completion stage are active in arranging Occupancy Certificate (OC) from the local civic bodies. Hypothetical reason would be they want to avoid their on-going projects to be monitored under RERA purview.
“RERA won’t give heed to those projects that have their OC as on the date of notification.’’- said Mahesh Somani, Vice President - NAR India & Chairman : National RERA committee, NAR India.
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“The key objective of RERA is to monitor property possession within due time. RERA will be the overseer of the duration of project completion, so that it can safeguard consumers’ interest and do complete justice to the homebuyers. Once these projects get their OC the risk to the consumers dips intensely. Thus, projects at the finishing stage are able to obtain the OC best advised to work on it.’’- added Mr. Mahesh. Let’s focus on the hurry Projects that have not received their OC will attract RERA rules. Developers won’t require any registration for the projects which get their OC before May 1. In case, project failed to obtain the OC during this period and by the buffer time of 3 months within RERA implementation will have to be registered under RERA without any condition. For, builders anyhow need to complete their ongoing projects and get the OC to be free from the registration clause. On the other hand, this under construction properties will fall under GST purview and buyers have to give the additional service tax of 15% while investing in these properties. Thus, homebuyers are best advised to wait for May 1. More about OC OC is a certificate issued by the proficient local authority permitting living inside the buildings which includes water, sanitation and electricity too. According to RERA, once the promoter gets the OC it has to be made offered to the allottees independently or to the society of allottees, as the case may be. It’s completely a developer’s duty to fulfill all requirements of the housing society with both the internal and external developments such as- roads, water supply, sewage and drainage systems, electricity supply transformer, substation, solid waste management and dumping or any other work which may have to be executed in the in the periphery of, or outside; internal works-footpaths, water supply, sewers, drains, parks, tree planting, street lighting, provision for community buildings or other exertion in a project for its gain, as per approved plans. Buyers will ensure they will get all the above facilities before signing agreements with the promoters. LNN (Liyans News Network)- Call us to buy flats in Kolkata now, we will arrange you the best possible property deal for you. You can check every detail of project on our online property portal. Drop your property requirement and give us opportunity to serve you.
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