#oc glaer
imnotevenhere9 · 3 months
The Hobbit OC - Glaer
Some of you might remember that back in may of 2021 I drew my original character Glaer, who is an elf from the Woodland realm. And a few days ago when i was scrolling through my masterlist, deleting a few fics i no longer wish to have on my page (nothing from LOTR or TH, don't worry), I stumbled upon that drawing (first picture). And as I was extremely bored, I made the wise decision to redraw it (second picture).
I haven't been drawing much these past three years but I still think there's a great progress in my drawing abilites, which I am so thankful for. The main difference is I now own a drawing tablet, instead of just finger drawing on my phone as I did for the first drawing. And my overall understanding of proportions got much better.
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Uhhhhh So in my Waterdeep campaign I think I’m developing a relationship with another PC  Like they’ve always had great chemistry, and we’ve playing for months, and it’s developing really naturally. But it’s also super weird because I’ve never played a romance before. The closest I’ve done is jokingly failed to seduce an NPC
We’re a FG game so we did a voice chat last night to sort of figure out where both of our characters were coming from, rather than bore the everyone in the group with relationship exposition and we’re somehow completely on the same page
I’m super attached to my character (I usually play maniacally laughing idiot with a big axe) and was nervous to sit down and sort of share the backstory and her reservations (She’s... a little more complex than I usually create. High trust issues, PTSD drawing off of my past history, family issues that I have loose ends in case my DM wants to tie in any where). His background would both throw up huge red flags for her, but would bring out different aspects of her personality that I would love to explore
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lord-westley · 3 years
The OC Games
Hello Friends and welcome to the 2nd Tolkien Hunger Games! This time around, instead of pitting authors against each other, we are now forcing their OC’s to fight to the death. Thank you @midearthwritings for helping me compile the list of OC’s. I apologize ahead of time for wonkiness of photos
May the odds be ever in your favor
@midearthwritings | Naya & Ofelia
@entishramblings | Arryin & Rowan & Beylanor
@guardianofrivendell | Tullaina & Lucy
@laurfilijames | Prim
@messiambrandybuck | Messiam
@elvish-sky | Aeri
@cassiabaggins | Cassia & Delphina
@claraofthepen | Rantin & Athenir
@thewhiteladyofrohan | Heidi
@grunid | Barkem & Jrie
@imnotevenhere9 | Glaer
@citrusro | Tawaren
@tolkien-fantasy | Madea
@pistachiozombie | Leanna
@tolkienblackgirl | Melati
@lady-latte | Alfries & Melathi
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​As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
Leanna snatches a pair of sais
Barkem stays at the cornucopia for resources
Cassia and Prim fight for a bag. Cassia gives up and retreats
Athenir runs away from the cornucopia
Arryin runs away from the cornucopia
Glaer and Tawaren fight for a bag. Glaer gives up and retreats
Messiam grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty
Heidi runs away from the cornucopia
Aeri snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag
Delphina snatches a pair of sais
Tullaina snatches a pair of sais
Rantin runs away from the cornucopia
Lucy runs away from the cornucopia
Malati stays at the cornucopia for resources
Alfries runs away from the cornucopia
Meliath finds a backpack full of camping equipment
Naya runs away from the cornucopia
Jrie finds a canteen full of water
Madea runs into the cornucopia and hides
Ofelia runs away from the cornucopia
Beylanor runs away from the cornucopia
Rowan runs away from the cornucopia
      Day One
Tawaren discovers a cave
Rantin chases Rowan
Prim goes hunting
Beylanor searches for a water source
Jrie searches for firewood
Heidi discovers a cave
Athenir practices his archery
Tullaina searches for a water source
Arryin sets an explosive off, killing Ofelia, Madea, Aeri and Messiam
Leanna defeats Malati in a fight, but spares her life
Meliath, Lucy, Cassia, and Alfries raid Glaer’s camp while she is hunting
Barkem practices his archery
Naya thinks about home
Delphina makes a wooden spear
| Four People have Died |
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      Night One
Rowan thinks about winning
Malati, Beylanor, and Barkem get into a fight. Barkem triumphantly kills them both
Cassia climbs a tree to rest
Arryin quietly hums
Lucy and Prim run into each other and decide to truce for the night
Jrie thinks about home
Tullaina, Heidi and Tawaren sleep in shifts
Leanna, Rantin, Delphina, Meliath, and Naya sleep in shifts
Athenir starts a fire
Alfries trap kills Glaer
      Day Two
Barkem sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate
Lucy makes a wooden spear
Cassia forces Tullaina to kill Rowan or Delphina. She decides to kill Delphina
Prim travels to higher ground
Arryin defeats Meliath in a fight, but spares her life
Rantin defeats Naya in a fight, but spares her life
Tawaren stabs Alfries while his back is turned
Leanna steals from Athenir while he isn’t looking
Heidi diverts Jrie’s attention and runs away
| Five People Have Died |
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      Night Two
Lucy starts a fire
Arryin looks at the night sky
Tawaren and Prim tell stories about themselves to each other
Barkem thinks about winning
Heidi forces Rowan to kill Cassia or Jrie. He decides to kill Jrie
Rantin fends Meliath, Athenir, and Leanna away from his fire
Naya screams for help
Tullaina cries herself to sleep
      Day Three
Tullaina scares Tawaren off
Leanna severely injures Lucy but puts her out of her misery
Athenir and Cassia work together for the day
Meliath explores the arena
Rowan recieves an explosive from an unknown sponsor
Naya steals from Heidi while she isn’t looking
Barkem tries to spear fish with a trident
Prim receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor
Arryin travels to higher ground
Rantin travels to higher ground
| Two People Have Died |
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      Night Three
Rowan tries to sing himself to sleep
Arryin receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor
Meliath and Tawaren tell stories about themselves to each other
Naya and Heidi huddle for warmth
Rantin, Cassia, Prim, Athenir, and Tullaina sleep in shifts
Barkem is awoken by nightmares
Leanna starts a fire
      Day Four
Leanna, Rowan, Arryin, and Meliath raid Tullaina’s camp while she is hunting
Athenir poisons Tawaren’s drink. He drinks it and dies.
Prim tends to Rantin’s wounds
Barkem dies from hypothermia
Naya attacks Cassia, but she manages to escape
Heidi hunts for other tributes
| Two People Have Died |
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      Night Four
Athenir cries himself to sleep
Meliath passes out from exhaustion
Leanna, Naya, and Heidi cheerfully sing songs together
Prim looks at the night sky
Tullaina defeats Arryin in a fight, but spares her life
Rantin dies from hypothermia
Rowan starts a fire
      Day Five
Cassia sprains her ankle while running away from Athenir
Meliath practices her archery
Heidi searches for firewood
Naya camouflages herself in the bushes
Tullaina attacks Prim, but she manages to escape
Leanna discovers a river
Arryin is pricked by thorns while picking berries
Rowan fishes
| One Person has Died |
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      Night Five
Rowan, Tullaina, and Meliath discuss the games and what might happen in the morning
Naya bashes Leanna’s head in with a mace
Arryin, Cassia, Heidi, Prim, and Athenir sleep in shifts
      The Feast
Heidi stabs Naya in the back with a trident
Prim decides not to go to the feast
Rowan decides not to go to the feast
Athenir kills Cassia for her supplies
Arryin shoots an arrow at Meliath, but misses and kills Tullaina instead
      Day Six
Meliath convinces Arryin to not kill her, only to kill her instead
Athenir stalks Heidi
Rowan sprains his ankle while running away from Prim
Arena Event | A tsunami rolls into the areana
Prim, Athenir, Rowan, Meliath, and Heidi survive
| Five People Have Died |
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      Night Six
Meliath attempts to start a fire but is unsuccessful
Rowan, Heidi, Prim and Athenir sleep in shifts
      Day Seven
Meliath picks flowers
Athenir searches for firewood
Rowan makes a wooden spear
Prim explores the arena
Heidi goes hunting
      Night Seven
Meliath throws a knife into Athenir’s chest
Rowan receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor
Heidi screams for help
Prim falls into a frozen lake and drowns
      Day Eight
Meliath kills Heidi while she is resting
Rowan accidentally steps on a landmine
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Meliath, @lady-latte​‘s OC wins!
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
Glaer character sheet
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Name: Glaer
Birthday: 9th October; around 3 000 years old
Race: elf
Gender: female, she/her
Relationship status: single
Love interest: Thranduil
height: 6′1
skin color: very fair
hair: light brown, straight, ending at her lower back
eye color: green
Features: she has a scar going from corner of her mouth to her cheek bone on the right side of her face; sharp jawline; long pointy ears
Jewerly: she wears a simple wooden ring on her middle finger on left hand that she got from her mother as a child
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Personality: Glaer is very curious, she would never turn down an opportunity to learn more. She is creative, she loves to draw, paint and make wooden carvings, especially when she’s on a journey. She tries to be as polite as she can, but when someone is pissing her off she turns to a very sarcastic and bitter person. 
Glaer usually knows where the line is and she makes sure not to cross it, but sometimes she forgets and says something she isn't supposed to. That often ends up in a fight. Depending on who the person is, she will either apologize and ignore the person for a while after it, or she will say something worse than before and make the fight even harder to resolve. 
She is kinda stubborn, she stands by her opinion and there are not many things that will make her change her mind. She is kinda clumsy sometimes, so she already ended up with multiple cuts on her fingers thanks to her wooden carving. She is not easily embarrassed, or at least she won’t let you know that she is.
Relationships: Glaer is daughter of one of the highest counselors in Mirkwood, so she grew up having a very close friendship with Thranduil. It grew into a love, however Thranduil was already married at that point, so she just supported them and tried to forget about her feelings. 
When Thranduil’s wife died, she helped him with mourning and became a mother figure to Legolas. It was when Thranduil saw her playing with his son, he realized his feelings for her. She was always there for him when he needed her, she was always ready to fight for what she thought was right and he loved that about her. But as they were both stubborn, neither of them wants to confess their feelings. 
Legolas views her as his real mother, even though he knows she’s not. He knows about their feelings for each other and constantly tries to get them together, only to always get a speech that the other one probably doesn’t feel the same.
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
Glaer picrew
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(from this picrew)
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(from this picrew)
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
For the OC development : 2, 9, 23 & 36!
The ask is here!
2. Does your oc have dreams or nightmares? What are they like? Is there a recurring one?
Glaer does have nightmares. They are usually about her loved ones dying, forgetting about her or hating her. She cares very much about people who are close to her, so the nightmares are sometimes really traumatizating.
9. Is your oc afraid of touch or do they actively seek it out? Is there a reason for this? What are the exceptions?
She's not afraid of touch, but she doesn't really like it either. She grew up in 'not very much for physical affection' household, so if someone hugged her unexpectedly, she would probably just awkwardly stand there not knowing what to do. Of coure there are some exceptions, but Glaer would have to trust you on like a whole new level so you can be able to get affectionate, even if it's just hugs, holding hands, .... ( *coughs* Thranduil is on that level *coughs* )
23. What is the most annoying sound to your oc? What’s the most pleasant? Is there any reason?
Annoying sound: that would probably be when glass shatter on the floor. She just hates it, it annoys her so much
Pleasent sound: birds singing!
36. How stubborn is your oc? Are they easily convinced of the opposite opinion, do they not agree but let it happen anyways? Or do they cause conflicts with their inability to budge in their decisions?
Glaer is very stubborn, not many things can change her mind. But she's able to step back and accept something even if she's against it, only sometimes tho. A lot of times she ended up fighting with Thranduil just because they're both stubborn and refuse to step back most of the times, but they always apologize after a while of not speaking and basically ignoring each other.
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
For the OC ask : 3,6&11!
The ask is here!
3. What does your oc’s voice sound like? (Or, if you have one, what’s their voiceclaim?) Can they sing, whistle, or roll their rs? Do they have any speech impediments or notable dialects/accents?
She does actually have a voiceclaim! It's Tessa Thompson (she played played in Thor: Ragnarok, Men in Black: International,....), here's a video of her (and Chris Hemsworth) so you don't have to google!
6. What kind of clothes is your oc least comfortable wearing?
Glaer isn't really a fan of extremely tight clothes. She likes clothes that is a bit loose so she can move freely, but not too loose so it would get in way. The same counts for dresses! Tight clothes is just no for her, she doesn't feel comfortable in it at all
11. Does your oc have any interests/hobbies that they hide from everyone? Why do they hide these interests?
Glaer collects broken jewelry! It's not like she's ashamed of it, but she just doesn't like annoying questions like "Why would you collect something that is broken beyond repair?"
She collects it because it's a reminder for her that just because it's broken, doesn't mean it's not pretty anymore. She loves that it creates something new, and even when it's not for use anymore, it still looks beautiful to her
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
3, 10 & 19 for the OC questions!
The ask is here!
3. What do other people tend to think of them?
At first she seems a little cold and distant from everyone, so that's probably the first impression she makes on someone. But when they know her for some time, she turns into a very sarcastic, but still nice person! She might crack a joke here and there, but not very often.
10. How would their love interest describe them?
Thranduil would describe her as stubborn, creative and caring. Glaer is one of the most stubborn people he ever met, she's almost on the same level as dwarves! She's like a mother figure to Legolas, so of course she used to take care and play with him when he was a child, that's why caring. He loved the sight of her playing with his son, it was also the moment he realized that he had feelings for her! Thranduil loves everything she makes, paintings, wooden carvings, sketches,... He would probably make some sarcastic comments about them, but he really loves them.
19. What were their parents like?
Glaer's parents were very strict. They didn't let her talk to other elfs that were below their status, so the only friend she's ever had was Thranduil. They also didn't show affection as much as parents should, so there were no hugs, saying 'I love you', 'Im proud of you',... They loved her, they just didn't show it much. They teached her everything about politics from a very young age, she used to spend a lot of time in library because of that too. They teached her how to use bow aswell, her mother gave Glaer her old one as a gift that us now very dear to her. Over all they were a bit distant, but still quite loving parents.
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
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I decided to draw Glaer (my oc) instead of studying for my Chemistry test, so I hope you enjoy ✨
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imnotevenhere9 · 3 years
For the 20 OC questions : 4, 7, 12 & 20!
The ask is here!
4. Do they have kids? Do they want to have kids?
She's already like a mother figure to Legolas! She doesn't exactly desire to have kids, but if it happens she won't have anything against it and she'll be happy to be a mother to her child.
7. What’s their handwriting like?
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Kinda like this? It's a little messy but still got the 'I have high status' vibes
12. How many people broke their hearts?
Actually just Thranduil. She already had feelings for him when he was getting married, so it did break her heart a bit, but she was happy for them!
20. Do they like the ocean? If they do, what do they like about it?
She loves the ocean, it's magestic to her. Ocean is a actually one of the most frequent things she paints! She loves the mysteriousness but still very welcoming energy that it has.
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OC ask 2, 45, 55
2. What is their voice like?
Oh! So, I suck at voice/accents, but in my head, she has a fairly standard “common” accent, but tends to growl her Rs and catch on her Gs because she was taught infernal by her father, and common by her mother (tiefling and human, respectably)
45. Do they believe in ghosts?
Well, their tavern is tended by a poltergeist they’ve dubbed “Bob”, so why not
55. What is their zodiac sign?
They don’t have corresponding zodiacs, but my girl gives off some serious Aries energy, god bless her poor party
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imnotevenhere9 · 4 years
× Masterlist ×
Started: 25.3.2021
Last updated: 22.6.2024
Total works:  29
Prompts •  S/o match ups •  Taglist (open) • Moodboards requests
× GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED = can be read as fem, male or gn reader 
- Imagines
Thorin Oakenshield
- Imagines
Comfort time (untangling his hair and redoing his braids; GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED, FLUFF)
Peaceful night (you comfort Thorin about his worries; GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED, FLUFF)
- Headcanons
Thorin taking a liking to a new member of the company who’s a skin changer (GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED, requested was fem reader, but there’s really no mention of it so-, FLUFF)
- Imagines
Under the stars (him confessing his feelings for you and braiding your courting braid; GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED, FLUFF)
Dance Lesson (Fili teaches you how to dance; GENDER OF READER NOT SPECIFIED, FLUFF)
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1  
S/o match up #2
- Imagines
Everything (you and kili try to find each other after botfa; GN! READER, FLUFFY ANGST)
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1
S/o match up #2
- Imagines
Stares ( Thranduil doesn’t like other elves staring at you because you wear sexy dress and gets jealous; FEM READER, FLUFF)
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1
The Company
- Headcanons
reader forming a friendship with the company and becoming unofficial mother hen of them
Bilbo Baggins
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1
Glaer (OC)
- character sheet
- oc ask games
- Picrews
- drawings:
By me #1
By me #2
- Imagines
Morning kiss (Aragorn doesn’t wanna get up, so he convinces you to stay in the bed; FEM READER, FLUFF)
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1
S/o match up #1 
- Headcanons
S/o match up #1
- Headcannons
S/o match up #1
Sirius Black
- Imagines
Selfish (Reader and Sirius were together before he went to Azkaban, now it's too late to go back to what they had before; MALE READER, ANGST)
#1 - dark green & gold
Remus Lupin
#1 - brown
Ron Weasley
#1 - red
Cedric Diggory
#1 - yellow
reading Shadow and Bone
Jay's random writings Masterlist
100 followers celebration
400 followers celebration
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