#oc fishwoman
ragsy · 5 months
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i still have fallout fever, so i made some fallout!au versions of a few of my ocs
The quest to recruit Mark as a companion involves payment of caps in exchange for returning proof of varying cryptids in certain areas of the wasteland, only to find that every cryptid is just him, going about his daily business, now embarrassed to find out that he was doing such a bad job at staying hidden.
Kenneth's quest takes the player deep into Vault 47 in search of the holotape containing Kenneth's medical education (literally all the memories of it from the simulation world), which evolves investigating the VR Simulation Pods experiment, and piecing together what went wrong in Kenneth's pod to strand him in the glitchy version of the simulation world.
Fishwoman has no recruitment quest-- she just shows up if you have more than 30 caps worth of chems or alcohol in your inventory, stays until she can pickpocket them from you, and then leaves again. Occasionally shows up in VATS to flip the bird at whatever you're fighting.
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kewpiekills · 11 months
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yellowfin tuna
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fanaticsnail · 10 days
By @drawing_dankart. CHECK OUT THEIR INSTAGRAM
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The way I let out a scream when I got this in my messages earlier today. The most beautiful gift out of the blue, and I'm in awe. Just look at her.
My girl!! My lady!! My Heart-Pirate Fishfolk security officer OC who I'm obsessed with. SHE IS SO PRETTY!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAA.
Thank you so much, there are no words I could say to express my gratitude for such a beautiful present.
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katrinthecat · 3 months
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She just can't he such a sunshine
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Bracket G Round 1
Poll 30
Robbie (@superiortrash) vs. Fishwoman Diane Fishwoman (@ragsy)
443. Robbie (@superiortrash)
genderfuck lesbian, yuckydisgusting, aspiring (read: failed) actress, con artist (if you ask her she'd say it's performance art,) tries to act Cool and Confident but is THE most pathetic little meow meow, horrible fashion sense, attention whore, sillay, childhood trauma, lives in her car, everything to me, etc etc.
bony east asian woman with a bright green mullet, tan skin, and yellow eyes that no one's really sure if they're natural or not. usually wearing suits and ties in gaudy colors and patterns with a sports bra underneath.
444. Fishwoman Diane Fishwoman (@ragsy)
She's a fish. She's a woman. She's a local small-town cryptid who has repeatedly conned her way out of being caught by the authorities, and she just stole your wallet. Catch her stealing porno mags from the local gas station. Dream girl material, tbh.
She's a short, muscular fishperson with blue scales, a fluked tail, yellow eyes, and sharp snaggleteeth. She's like if Undyne from Undertale and the Asset from The Shape of Water were dirtbag beach rats. Her face is usually set into a sneer or a scowl.
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nvzblartdump · 1 year
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As I get back into One Piece art, it's probably a good time for this pic of Wydah, my Chain Catshark Fishwoman OC. This is actually a variant on the original picture, which is a full nude request available on my N(t)oo Saucy For Work blog.
Still had fun recreating her outfit and building on the old patterns i used and really enjoyed doing her markings.
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hotgossgorl · 9 months
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More stuff idk
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dreamy-cinnamon · 4 months
Namazu (sasaki's mother for my op au)
So by checking the results noticed that most of you wanted her to be a fishwoman(I personally wanted mermaid but I anyway put fishwoman)
Anyway i did two version here's she is
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And mermaid version
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I forget to color her glass and I'm too lazy I hate me
Both are cat fishes based because I din't wanted make same species than sasaki ... okay I based it off a joke about sasaki purring like a cat XD but that work to you ?
I prefer the mermaid one mostly because I feel like I did the fishwoman one lazy...
I have nothing to tell ...
If you ask yes sasaki did know his mother as a kid but she din't raised him with maguro and she's not maguro's wife
If you want to ask stuff about her go on my ask blog @ask-kiris-crew
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bloglop · 2 months
♡ ∩_∩
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| SFW Alphabet with Mila!
For anyone who wanted to know more about my one piece OC, here it is!
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A = affection (how affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Mila is pretty skittish at first but once she’s set on you that’s it. She will literally love and adore you like a puppy, always wanting to be close and especially to be involved with whatever it is that you might do
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Well…at this point in her life the friendship would probably be through work, and Mila would be the most loyal friend you could possibly want. She’s extremely selective about who she chooses to let into her small life so as a best friend she would want to give you the world. There’s definitely a certain fishwoman who Mila knows and considers to be an extremely close friend!
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Mila would love to cuddle. Full on climb you like a monkey style cuddles where she can really bury herself into your chest/the crook of your neck and then stay there permanently. Bonus points if she’s comfortable enough around you to let some of her Zoan fruit attributes like her ears out as she enjoys receiving scratches behind them.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Definitely not right now, and Mila is not very good at either. Does making toast count as cooking?! She can spoil her partner by making lots of tea and lots of toast…that’s what she subsides on, anyway.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Honestly probably a letter. She would do it face to face but might struggle to make eye contact, and, worried about looking insincere, would find doing it in writing might be best. She’s a little cowardly but she means well and hates to see people she cares about get hurt.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment like that is…slightly nerve wracking. Mila doesn’t really think about her future much. She doesn’t mind commitment, but a legal commitment, something as big as marriage would have to be taken SLOWLY!
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
The gentlest. She knows if you stay soft you get eaten, so she tries to harden up and be clinical professional, but she just longs for a gentle touch and a kind word every now and then.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Mila loves hugs but it’s a pretty rare thing for her to get one. Her hugs are clingy and desperate and she will rarely be the first one to pull away. She’ll get you from behind around the waist or nuzzle you from the side, or very slowly shuffle closer and closer when sat next to you until she’s basically curled up in your lap.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She would want to wait for the other person to say it first. Not out of stubbornness, but out of the fear that she was being too clingy and overly affectionate and misreading signals. What will end up happening most likely is that she’ll blurt it out when she was trying to play it cool.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
She is a jealous jealous jealous girl! Blame how isolated she is in day to day life. If she gets attached to someone, she will obsess and adore and become totally infatuated. When Mila is jealous she gets extremely icy and prickly and monotone, a complete contrast to how babbly and fidgety she usually is. She’ll hit you with the big old hare eyes stare and think quite horrible thoughts about whoever is getting too close to you or making her jealous.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are small but loving, like nervous little pecks, she loves to kiss you on the cheek and hands. She also loves to “kiss” by touching noses or rubbing cheeks together. She likes to be kissed on her forehead and the bridge of her nose where her scar is.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Mila is OK around kids- she doesn’t dislike them, just has no experience with kids as she was the youngest sibling.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Most mornings Mila is up and at them before 7am, but on a non work day if she was with a loved one, she’d be awake before you, cuddled up to you in bed under the blankets just gazing at you with her big eyes. She’d want to just spend the morning having fun, tickling each other or clinging to you whilst you cook her something.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Again, work nights are pretty unrelaxing with Mila. She’ll get in late to some hotel or random inn, brush her teeth and go straight to sleep. On a more relaxed evening, she would enjoy just getting to watch you do your thing, maybe just sit on your lap whilst you do some work or reading. She just wants to be close to you, you don’t even need to talk. She would also very much appreciate a massage of any kind, shoulder or foot in particular since she spends all day doing a very active job.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Mila is the kind of person to try really hard to keep a lid on anything jarring or upsetting about herself because she wants to save face. She feels like anything that wounds or hurts her is a failure or a sign of unprofessionalism, so most things she tries to hide and keep a secret until she can’t anymore and it will just burst out in some upsetting way. She unfortunately does not know how to talk about her feelings very well.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Mila is slowwww to anger but she is quick to get hurt if that makes sense. She doesn’t get angry- she gets wounded. Anything bad people do to her she turns that anger inward and beats herself up for it, for not being “better” because if she was “better” then xyz wouldn’t have happened to her.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Mila would write down everything about you so that she wouldn’t forget, and she would keep it folded up in her pocket to reread and memorise when she’s far away from your side.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Honestly something tooth rottingly fluffy like the first time you held hands or something. She would have literally felt sparks between your fingertips, touch makes her so giddy and being palm to palm would send her over the moon.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Mila is protective in her mind as in she gets very jealous and petulant and will be very cold to people who make her feel jealous over you. Mila is such a hard worker, she would just love to be pampered and protected by a no nonsense person who might give her scary guard dog privileges.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Mila would be so eager to celebrate you! She would give it everything she had! Flowers, chocolates, and of course love letters! She would hope to be with someone who would let her be her most giddy enthusiastic self over them!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I mean the jealousy is noooot particularly pretty. She gets extremely possessive extremely quickly and though she’s sweet, feels like you’re all hers. Also the working for villains thing makes her pretty morally grey at best, despite her cute appearance. 🫢
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
A little, but her job makes it hard. She always looks like a bit of a tired mess. The only thing that matters is if her uniform is clean and her scars are covered. Her hair gets brushed once a day if that.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Of course she would. If Mila loves you, you’re her whole wide world. She really trusts so few people, if you’re her most special person, she would be completely heartbroken to be without you in her life. That being said- she would, on the outside, do her best to just get going and move on and appear unaffected. She prides herself on at the very least trying to look like she can roll with the punches and remain autonomous with or without a partner, even if that isn’t actually the case.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Mila smells like Taro, and her favourite colour is lavender!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Mila doesn’t want someone who will disrespect her. Teasing is fine, but she gets enough condescension and genuine cruelty from a lot of her clients- she wants someone who actually cares for her wellbeing.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Mila will fully burrow under the blankets and conceal herself in a blanket den to sleep, like a proper Hare.
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stephdragonness · 7 months
🎪One Piece: Entertaining the Captain🎪
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"Lot of long Boring times over seas on the big top, At times captain buggy relaxed on his throne in the tent to watch his crew practice. today the ship doctor wanted show off her new outfit and start practice her routines, Flashy outfit of harlequin gypsy was a flashy surprise for the captain.. he did not expect such dazzling of display and caught his attention, he slouched in his chair, try to cover his face of blush and as well the 'tent' he was making himself. only think to himself " that's One flashy Babe"
i was trying figure ideas out my OP sona as "the Sea Witch" costome in big top, try sort a witchy look but i went with a jester look, i just like jesters ok.. so try combo look to carnival gypsy mix.
©ONE PIECE© Buggy the Clown ©OC/FC/ART©StephDragonness© Fishwoman Sona Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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ragsy · 2 months
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Please excuse the sticky notes and terrible lighting, but I'm thinking about character relationship graphs and I couldn't rest until I'd committed them to paper
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kewpiekills · 20 days
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finally working on my dyke-focused fishgirl dating sim
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fanaticsnail · 22 hours
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As soon as I saw the template I ran. Heat and Tobiuo just make me so happy.
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Although it does make me sad they'll never get to lace fingers 🥺
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katrinthecat · 5 months
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Time for pirates to die
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kakusboyfriend · 2 months
Um transfem fishwoman OC for one piece so instead of being a generic pretty lady with a tail she's some grotesque beast. Is this anything
God we need more monstrous fishwomen (fishman women?) for fucking real. Cis or not I need them to have Meat. Look at this fucker
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Come on girl....
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Bracket G Second Half
These ocs are competing from Friday 21st at 5pm GMT!!
417. Monoxol (@xolborsaysstuff)
418. Bowl (@banana-breadses)
419. Present (@sleepyblr-heart)
420. Eddie Alfaro (@calicojackofficial)
421. Iris Setsuna (@mp9001)
422. Jaden Flint (@penn-dragon)
423. Allium (@autumnocs)
424. Amnesia & Shredder (@graveyardfaggot)
425. Sunshine Fairfield (@starry--skies)
426. Bennet "Benny" Day (@rockfact)
427. Hallie Mathews (@wingedcatgirl)
428. Cozbi Pitcher & Serial Number J-23 (@p0tato-kn1shes)
429. Inundate & Uriel (@allisterke)
430. Ducky - Garret aka The Hero (@moethman)
431. Ursa & Marie & Madeline (@lumarys)
432. Icarus (@andromedaexists)
433. Ve'Qren (@zillastar13)
434. Lt Tobias Rodriguez (@theantagonist)
435. Deafheaven Leppard (@ratsovereignity)
436. Summer Jet (@kung-fu-cutbug)
437. Meenie Tenenbaum (@pathos-ii)
438. Dr. Burrow (@pretzelsareunderrated)
439. Faniffor-Riil-Willon (@duskdragon39)
440. Tyo (@gender-eater)
441. Ava (@balsamic-pepsi)
442. Kin (@rainstormkist)
443. Robbie (@superiortrash)
444. Fishwoman Diane Fishwoman (@ragsy)
445. Lemon Slice (@heavenlysphere)
446. Piceous (@dotstronaut)
447. Atari  (@sodapupz)
448. Kieran (@dumbassjester)
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