#oc Ava
thelightone · 1 year
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peapod20001 · 2 years
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Ohoho Maximus <3
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I think Ava is gonna be a rabbit actually. originally she's a dog but I don't want that many dogs in my like. main oc cast. I need a name for their world. or at least like a title.
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slaasherslut · 2 years
An Angry Bean Rises: Ava's Side
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You Aint Goin' Nowhere 1 | 2 from @bluecoolr
Red part 2 from @cries-in-latino
You Aint Goin' Nowhere 3 from @bluecoolr
Red part 3 from @cries-in-latino
The Devil in Disguise from @probably-a-plant-thing
You Aint Goin' Nowhere 4 from @bluecoolr
I Wanna Talk from @the-pinstriped-hood
An Angry Bean Rises from @rottent33th
Percy's Side from @the-pinstriped-hood
Michael's Side from @kalid-raven
This is a continuation of the stories above (the list is in chronological order, Ava's Side coming right after Michael's.)
Please message me and lemme know if i missed anything above or if anything is in the wrong order i love all of you so fucking much <3
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Ava sat on the couch plucking away at her guitar strings when a heavy knock came at the front door.
"Come in!" She shouted as she continued moving her fingers. The door slowly opened and a dishevelled Vincent stumbled in. Ava did a double take on him.
"Whoa whoa whoa, what the hell happened to you!?" She threw her guitar on the couch as she quickly rose to her feet. Vincent clutched his stomach as he wobbled in the house. She quickly shut the door behind him.
"What happened? Lemme see it." Vincent gave her the OK as she gently lifted his sweater. His stomach had a massive area where a purple bruise was starting to form. She gently touched it and he winced.
"Sorry." She said quietly. "Anything feel broken?" Vincent nodded. She pulled his shirt back down. As she did she noticed a small trail of blood coming from underneath his mask and moving down his neck.
"Fuck okay come on, lets get you into the kitchen." She guided the injured giant to the kitchen and pulled out two chairs at the table, motioning for him to sit in one. He gently lowered himself into the chair with a grunt and Ava sat in the chair across from him. She put her hands on either side of his mask before looking at him for approval. It was then she noticed how swollen his eye was. Vincent hesitated for a moment before nodding and she gently slipped off his mask, setting it on the kitchen table. His face was bruised, cut and swollen. A black eye already starting to form around his unscarred eye. Several small abrasions dotted his pale face, a trail of blood flowed from his nose, coating his mouth and the inside of his mask.
"Jesus fucking Christ Vinny, you get into a fight with a brick wall or something?"
"No, Michael." He signed.
"Same thing." She chuckled as she stood to grab the first aid kit that was kept in a drawer in the kitchen. She cracked it open to make sure everything she needed was inside, grabbing a small towel from the counter and running it under the water in the kitchen sink.
"So" She started as she walked back to her seat. "You gonna tell me what happened or do I have to play twenty questions?" Vincent looked down at the floor in shame. She gently grabbed his face to face back up at her as she examined his wounds. He was going to be fine but he already looked like shit. She gently took the towel and began wiping the blood off his face. She tried to be as gentle as possible but Vincent still let out a wince every once in a while. Once the blood was mostly gone he breathed a sigh before explaining, hands moving with nervous shakes.
"I got into a scuffle with Darrell..." He hesitated, fingers curling and uncurling trying to find the words. "I tried to kill him.." Ava went silent for a moment, hands freezing before they dropped to her knees. She gripped the towel hard, squeezing out a mixture of water and blood that ran down her arm.
"YOU DID WHAT?!" Ava screeched. She arose from her seat and started pacing around the room, her fingers from one of her hands raked across her scalp in frustration while the other still gripped the cloth in her hand. Tiny drops of water and blood trailed around her. Vincent was surprised when she started laughing. She started yelling, waving her arms like mad, blood flew from her hands to the wall behind her. "I honestly cant believe you, I cant fucking believe you right now, Vincent.. You tried to fucking kill your girlfriends best friend! Are you insane or just plain fucking stupid!?" His heart shattered even more than it had before. He knew he deserved this but her words just really fucking hurt.
She threw the towel down on the table and leaned against the chair she was sitting in.
"What for?" She asked. Vincent didn't move.
"I said WHAT FUCKING FOR VINCENT?! WHAT WAS SO BAD THAT YOU FELT LIKE YOU NEEDED TO KILL HIM!?" Ava was screaming now, she was absolutely fuming. Darrell was an incredibly sweet guy, like family to everyone in Ambrose. She had no idea what the fuck was running through Vincent's mind when he tried to murder him.
Vincent grunted before aggressively signing. "Hes a killer, Ava... A murderer." Ava stared at him absolutely dumbfounded. Murder had sort of become something of a normalcy in Ambrose, but she never expected Darrell to be a killer. That didn't really matter to her though. The man she lay next to every night had a kill count higher than the amount of men she had slept with. Murder was little to nothing.
"Yes and?" Ava rolled her eyes at him.
"What do you mean 'and'?" Vincent asked. "You don't care?"
Ava laughed again, even harder this time. "Okay so you're insane and stupid. My best friend is a killer, the man I have a home with is a killer, I have a killer sitting in my fucking kitchen! So no! I don't care!" Ava was so mad she almost started crying. "And you're a hypocrite if you do care. You're a killer too Vincent! So stop acting so fucking godlike You're not doing any acts of service here!"
Ava went silent, and Vincent didn't dare to say anything. Not that it would have mattered, anything he said would have just angered her more. She collected herself and walked towards the living room, coming back a few seconds later with her black purse. She scavenged through it, pulling out a prescription pill bottle with an assortment of different pills and a label that has long since faded. She poured a handful into her hand and grabbed four red and white tablets, handing two to Vincent.
"Take these, they'll help with the pain and take the swelling down a bit." Vincent accepted them and nodded his head. "The bed in the guest room is already made, you're welcome to hide out there for a while." He nodded again, signing a quick thank you before reaching for his mask.
"Leave it. Ill clean it for you." She didn't even look at him. He slowly pulled his arm back before giving her a final look and retreating to the upstairs bedroom. Ava sat back down at the kitchen table and dry swallowed the two other pills before putting her head in her hands.
"Fuck, this is going to be a nightmare."
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☾ tag list: @rottent33th@cries-in-latino@vincent-sinclair-deserved-better@the-pinstriped-hood@allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons
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the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
Fair Metal Friends
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The house rattled again as the Novelist trekked to complete her work, fingers dancing gracefully over her keyboard. Unfortunately she couldn't get over the sound of some of the hard backed books stacked haphazardly on her bookshelves hitting the wooden floor with a chorus of loud thumps and Macavity trying to take refuge from the tremors. Ceasing her fingers as she stood hearing a slightly muted chorus of yet another Judas Priest song nearby. She knew exactly where it was coming from: Bo’s Garage.
Percy sighed. Her Southern Paramour was many things: Impossibly Handsome, a skilled mechanic, a talented photographer. Aware of how loud his music was not one of them. The bay of his shop was open and his music flooded almost the entire small town of Ambrose. Having been subjected to several songs and not by choice, she closed her laptop and saved her work before heading over to the shop to take care of the noise problem.
Her heels clicked down the street as she got closer to the problem, thankfully as another song was coming to an end. Spotting a friend of hers with Bo as they headbanged to another song, unaware of Percy who had pulled the plug to the stereo.
“Who the fuck-?!” Bo exclaimed as Percy was swinging the limp cord in her hand. “Percy? Darlin’ what the hell?”
“Your music is shaking the house, Bo. It's a little too loud, honey.” She walked over to the stereo system itself and turned the dial back a considerable amount before plugging it back in so as to not ruin her eardrums. “I understand that almost everyone in Ambrose likes heavy metal and I am outnumbered but may I please make a request that you be considerate, just a smidge?”
Ava, who had been hanging around Bo grinned. “Sorry about that Perc, we were just enjoying ourselves….” The guitarist had come to Ambrose only months after another friend of Percy’s, Ellie had.
“Be that as it may Avana,” Percy smiled. “I’m still working on my next book and need peace and quiet to conduct my thoughts.”
“Darlin’ you been’ workin on that book three days straight now, when’s the last time you took a break? The rest of us barely see you anymore and you’ve become reclusive again. Why don't you chill here with Ava and I? We’d welcome your company..” Bo grinned, certain he could win his writer over with his usual southern charms.
“Bo, you know how much this book means to me.” Percy’s smile faded into her usual tired expression. “I’ve gotta get back, I don't have any time for your headbanging hooliganry…” She turned her heel to walk out of the garage only to feel Bo’s hand around her wrist.
“Excuse me? Headbanging Hooliganry? You really did walk out of the fuckin’ 20’s didnt you? When was the last time you seriously had any fun?”
Percy closed her eyes. "You're really not going to let go of my wrist until I agree, will you?"
Bo's smile fell. He hadn't seen Percy in days he had been worried sick. Somewhere in his mind he thought he had done something to upset her, but it was just her usual workaholic ways.
"Please darlin' if you stay with Ava and I for just a little while, we promise to keep the music down. Deal?" Bo held out his hand. Percy agreed and shook his hand. "Deal."
Bo hadn't gotten a good look at his girlfriend but he knew she certainly had a rare style. Pantyhose, heels, a pencil skirt and an old style blouse. "You look good by the way, Angel." He kissed her cheek and she took the only other stool in the shop, tucking one leg behind her like a lady.
Ava nudged Percy, "You called us Hooligans. Where'd that talk come from?"
The Novelist blushed, embarrassed. "I sometimes let it slip that I lived with people from the 1920's."
"Certainly would explain your taste in vintage everything.." Bo mused.
"My grandparents actually, parents died in a car accident when I was young. My Grandparents raised me on things like VHS tapes, reel to reels, old Jazz vinyls, black and white movies..." She listed off.
"So you never actually have experienced Rock and Roll before have you?" Ava leaned back staring at Percy. "That would explain a lot."
"My grandparents were really strict in raising me. Good grades, good job, wanted babies before they died. Old fashioned thinking. They thought that things like Rock and Roll, horror movies and sex before marriage was sinful so, I didn't have many friends. If any at all....They would be rolling in their graves if they knew what I had been up to..."
"You mean actually getting to be yourself and experiencing life?" Bo snorted. "No offense darlin' but your grandparents sound like the biggest wet fuckin blankets in the universe."
Ava hopped off her stool and turned the stereo back on. "I'm gonna agree with Bo, you really need to get out more. Hey what if we could help you find some music you like instead of what your grandparents told you to like?"
"You think you could do that?"
"Absolutely, Between Vinny, Bo, Ellie, Lester and I we could make you a whole mixtape to listen to!" Ava grinned patting Percy on the back.
"Are those heels ever easy to wear? While I will admit you look damn fine in them, maybe wear those cute little what'dya call'em.....Flats!"
Percy grimaced. She had been trying to hide the blisters on her heels for days now.
"Listen why dont you take your shoes off, relax and listen to some music with us. You need to unwind."
Percy nodded and took a seat in the car in the bay laying back in the backseat and letting Judas Priest sing her a lullaby.
Tag: @rottent33th @slaasherslut @allthingsblood @cries-in-latino
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sumbsdrawingblog · 5 months
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evelyn-art-05 · 5 months
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Sins of the general, sins of the soldier
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uncaringdoodles · 1 year
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Some of my brain creatures. Just some funky characters that I put through hell
*slaps file* these babies can hold so much trauma
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its-avalon-08 · 5 months
Can you write one where lando has a crash and you are his best friend. lando isnt responsing over radio and you are freaking out and about to cry. the first thing he says is "tell y/n im ok" and you get together at the end of it. thanks and love ur works !
ruin our friendship (ln4)
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y/n chewed on her bottom lip, anxiety gnawing at her stomach. the race had been chaotic from the start, a downpour creating a treacherous track. but nothing had prepared her for the radio silence that followed lando's crash. every tense second echoed in the sterile white of the garage.
"lando, lando, come in," the radio engineer's voice crackled with barely concealed panic. y/n squeezed her eyes shut, picturing lando's trademark grin, the one that never failed to calm her down. images of fiery crashes from past seasons flashed in her mind, each one a shard of ice in her already churning gut.
then, a voice, weak but undeniably lando. a strangled cough broke through the static, followed by, "tell y/n... i'm okay." relief washed over her in a tidal wave, threatening to spill over into tears. tears of gratitude, of terror temporarily subdued. she grabbed the radio, her voice thick with emotion, "lando, you scared the living daylights out of me!"
the crackle of a weak chuckle came through. "just a little spin, nothing serious." a beat of silence, then, "i'm okay guys. all ok. tell y/n to get back to the flat."
the flat. their flat. a shared haven in the whirlwind of the f1 circus. relief morphed into something more, a fluttering in her chest she couldn't quite define.
two days later, y/n helped lando, stiff and sore, out of the car after his hospital release. his arm was in a sling, but his smile, though weak, was genuine.
"careful there, clumsy," he teased, a familiar spark in his eyes. y/n rolled her eyes, guiding him towards the elevator.
inside their flat, the familiar smell of home greeted them. as she helped him settle onto the couch, a comfortable silence settled. then, lando cleared his throat.
"y/n," he began, his voice serious. y/n met his gaze, a million unspoken things swirling in her own blue eyes. "this whole crash… it made me realize something."
he paused, his hand reaching for hers, sending a jolt through her. "i can't… i won't lose you, not like this. not when…" his voice trailed off, a blush creeping up his neck.
y/n's heart hammered against her ribs. "when what, lando?"
"when i've been a complete idiot for the past five years," he blurted out. "i… i like you, y/n. more than just a friend. i have for ages."
the words hung in the air, heavy with unspoken feelings. y/n's breath hitched. "you… you like me?" she whispered, a smile blooming on her face.
"like you? y/n, i'm in love with you," lando confessed, his gaze intense. "always have been, scared to ruin our friendship."
y/n's smile widened, the last remnants of fear dissipating. "scared? lando, i…" she leaned forward, her lips brushing his ear, "i thought i was the only one going crazy."
a laugh, genuine and relieved, escaped lando's lips. he pulled her close, the warmth of his body seeping into hers. "so, what does that mean?" he asked, his voice a husky rumble against her cheek.
"it means," y/n whispered, her voice laced with newfound confidence, "that you're a bigger idiot than i thought, for waiting so long."
the kiss that followed was filled with the unspoken words of years, a promise of a future brighter than any podium finish. they weren't just teammates anymore, they were something more, something exhilarating and terrifying – a love story finally taking the checkered flag.
well i hope you liked it! thank you for sending in your request and do send more <3 happy reading!
leave a like! leave a note!
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spicymotte · 11 days
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a berries-related crime is about to happen
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thelightone · 1 year
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peapod20001 · 1 year
also may I have a Michael you haven't posted him since December and he's on me mind
You saw what happened to the sketch </3
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I still can’t draw people holding babies rip
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I can't write anything rn my brain isn't working but CONSIDER
"I think I may be gay."
"Yeah? What made you realize?"
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slaasherslut · 2 years
An Angry Bean Rises: Ava & The Sinclair Boys
Part two of "An Angry Bean Rises: Ava's Side"
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Ava awoke from her short nap on the couch to her phone vibrating on the coffee table. The stress of today and all the yelling tired her out and gave her a massive headache, the pills she took earlier had done nothing. The vibrations caused annoyance to build up inside her. When they didn't stop, she answered.
"What?" She answered, the annoyance was obvious.
"Hey sweetpea, you doin' alright?" It was Lester and he sounded concerned. She felt bad for how she answered him.
"Hey baby, where are you? I've been missing you." She sat up on the couch and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.
"I'm just helpin' out around town, everyone's all in a tizzy. Have the twins been there yet?"
"Vincent is here, I have him up in the guest room. Cleaned him up a little bit, Michael really did a number on him. I think a few of his ribs and his nose is broken." Lester sighed, Ava sighed right back before she continued. "Can you come home? I need you here... please?"
Lester smiled softly, it could be heard in his voice. "Of course, ill be home as soon as I can. Okay?" She hummed in response. "I love you, Ava."
"I love you too, Les." The line then went dead. She checked the time when she hung up, looks like she was only asleep for around half an hour. She was definitely gonna need a lot more sleep than that after today was over.
She set her phone back on the coffee table before making her way upstairs to check on Vincent. As much as she was absolutely furious with him for the way he acted, he was still her brother in law, and she knew Ellie would be disappointed if Vincent went home in a worse state. When Ava approached the guest room, the door was already open halfway. She tapped her knuckles on the door before pushing it all the way open. Vincent was laying in bed seemingly in deep thought. The sound of the door opening and her footsteps alerted him to her presence, turning to face her and attempting to sit up. Ava made a motion as if to say "No, don't get up" before walking over and sitting on the edge of the bed.
"How are ya feelin' Vin?"
"Still in pain but ill live." He signed.
Ava nodded. "Listen, I know today has been totally fucked up. I'm gonna try to talk to Ellie and-" The front door swung open. She assumed Les had finally made his way home until a different southern drawl called her name. It was Bo. Oh god not him too. She called down to him. "Were up here!" She gave Vincent an apologetic look before Bo made his way into the bedroom. He nodded a greeting to Ava, who was moving to stand, before looking at his twin.
"Damn Vince, you look like you got hit by a truck."
"Feels like it." He signed back. Bo stood with his arms crossed. The longer he stood there staring at Vincent the more Ava could see the gears turning in his head. He was thinking, and that thinking was starting to make him angry.
"Vin." Bo started. "I fuckin' told you not to do it you jealous bastard. I fuckin' told you not to. Ya did it anyway and you dragged me into it." Ava scoffed. She thought she was quiet enough to where it wouldn't be heard but Bo turned his attention towards her, barring his teeth and clenched jaw.
"What're you huffin' at, princess?" His voice was filled with malice.
Ava chuckled. "Jealous bastard? Really? You of all people are gonna call Vincent a jealous bastard?" She took a step closer to Bo, glaring at him. "You've killed men so violently that Vinny couldn't even use the bodies for so much as breathing the same air as Percy. You aint one to talk, bud."
"Oh shut the fuck up, this aint yer fight." He sneered.
"Aint my fight? You two are in my house and my friend was almost murdered today so yes it is my fucking fight!" Ava was, for the second time that day, yelling at one of the Sinclair boys. They're argument was so heated and loud that they never heard the front door opening and closing followed by footsteps bounding up the stairs. She was pulled backwards as Lester came up from behind her. Both parties continued to scream at each other while Vincent sat on the bed in silence watching the calamity unfold
"HEY!" Lester shouted loud enough to be heard over the screaming. The three others stopped and stared at him. All three of them have never heard Lester get so loud or angry. "Quit fuckin' screamin' in my house! You!" He pointed at Vincent. "Fuckin' stay here!" He turned to Bo. "And you! Go downstairs and shut the fuck up for cryin' out loud!"
The room fell into a deafening silence. The three were still baffled. Lester was never one to yell or even raise his voice. Ava could feel her stomach flip at his angry outburst. She was glad he did it though, she was tired of all the yelling. Bo muttered a few hushed curses before storming out the door and down the stairs.
Ava gave Vincent an apologetic look. "Sorry for all the shouting, Vin. Ill bring you up some water and a couple ice packs." Ava said before Lester closed the bedroom door as they left him to relax. The couple walked down the hall a ways, stopping at the top of the stairs before they both breathed a sigh of relief, Lester leaned back against the wall. Ava looked at him with a sly smile. He had a puzzled look on his face but his lips started to tug upward.
"Whatcha lookin' at me like that for?"
"You're kinda hot when you get all angry." Ava giggled as a blush coated his face. He grabbed her by the belt loops of her shorts and pulled her to press her body against his.
"You think so?" He asked as her arms wrapped around his neck. She bit her lip and nodded with a giggle. He pulled her in for a deep kiss when the sound of a car horn was heard coming from just outside. They separated with a sigh.
"Were finishing that later." Ava pointed at him with a wink as she started descending the stairs.
"Yes ma'am." The couple jogged downstairs, Ava headed for the door while Lester went to go find Bo. She looked out one of the front windows to see Percy's signature mustang in the driveway. Ava walked outside to meet her, walking around to the drivers side as the window rolled down.
"Hey Perc." Ava leaned her elbows against the door.
"Is Bo here?" Percy bit her lip, she looked worried. This girl could never go without her "southern tempest" for too long.
"Yeah hes inside, you gonna take him home?" Percy nodded and Ava laughed. "Okay ill go get him." She pushed herself off the car and jogged inside. Lester and Bo were standing in the kitchen talking and drinking a beer.
"Bo!" She called "Percy's here to take you home!"
Bo muttered a "thank god" before downing the rest of his beer and heading out the door, jumping in his girlfriends car. Ava shouted "Love you!" as they backed out of the driveway. The door quickly shut and the stressed out girl fell back against the wood.
"Oh thank god! I don't think I could handle another minute of all three of you under the same roof today."
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☾ tag list: @rottent33th @cries-in-latino @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better @the-pinstriped-hood @allthingsblood @25bohemianmoons
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the-pinstriped-hood · 2 years
Ice Cold Heart
This is a Band AoA AU fic
Mentions of Ava @slaasherslut
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It had been a month. A month since she had been sealed away in her own room like a richly decorated tomb that meant absolutely nothing. Her Parents keeping her away from the outside world like some disgusting little secret they desperately needed to keep. So far she had kept to her new room at the southern manor she had been taken to. The only difference being the door was always unlocked and partially cracked open. Bunny preferred the dark. It was about the only thing she was used to ever since being taken in by her childhood friend Ava and her fellow bandmates, the Sinclair Brothers. She had been encouraged to make friends, Bunny wasn't exactly sure how she had managed it but she had made one out of Vincent, the resident guitarist, bassist and lyricist for the band. Vincent sort of approached her like a feral kitten who had never been socialized. Lots of gentle movements and snacks, eventually moving onto physical touches like hugs which Bunny found she quite liked. Eventually the girl stuck to the long haired southerner like she was his shadow. Vincent figured he could get to know her better and to boost her confidence by letting her help with his work and letting her watch. Her self imposed mutism kept both of them quiet as she wrote sticky notes with morbid ideas for songs. Stuff that came out of her own tortured mind regarding her past.
Bunny shied away from Bo and Lester, Ava especially since in Bunny's eyes, Ava had abandoned her all those years ago. She didn't yell or scream, only looking at the Front woman with a sad kind of blank stare like a puppy that had been surrendered to a shelter. Her gazes didn't linger for long.
It was another long night for Vincent and Bunny was with him looking over ideas for another new song. The silence was tense, the raven haired man tapped the table to get Bunny's attention. "You should talk to her. You know she feels bad." He signed. Bunny closed her eyes, breathing in and out slowly before scribbling something on yet another sticky note.
"There's plenty to discuss. You can't keep quiet forever, it's not good for you or her. I know you're hurting, Bunny. But it's not good to dwell on the hurt. You need to move forward."
'theres nothing to discuss with her.'
More scribbles.
That stung. Seeing this girl cast herself so low. Ava had told him about Bunny when they were kids. How she was going to one day save Bunny from the Dragon and carry her away to a life of happiness. Seems that rescue came too late and that happy little Princess became jaded, cynical and cold towards her own childhood friend.
'She left me to ROT Vincent. She promised me she'd come back and never did. Not when it mattered. Not when I needed her the most. I don't even know why she came back for me now in the first place. Why would she need me? I'm a relic of her past.'
Ava wasn't faring any better. The day she finally brought Bunny home was heart wrenching. Her friend had shied away from her open arms with sneers and cold expressions, choosing instead to lock herself away again in another room. Lester found Ava in their shared bedroom, breaking down crying. She had failed Bunny, it was all her fault she hadn't gone quick enough to save her and now Bunny had closed off her heart to everyone she once knew.
Tagging: @rottent33th @soupbabe @6lostgirl6 @devil-doll13 @shonkgobonk @bluecoolr-main @probably-a-plant-thing @damien-mlm @kalid-raven @texaschainsawslvt @allthingsblood @angxlslasher
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sumbsdrawingblog · 6 months
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