#obvs this is autistic!bonnie
sickgraymeat · 1 year
Bonnie was not assigned a gender at birth but her concept of gender is so heavily based on her perception of human society and the narratives she creates around its ruins like. She is a woman by her own definition, informed by her interpretations of old human stuff, because who else could have defined “woman” for her???? Being a woman, to her, means being powerful and creative and taking care of your loved ones. Not to mention, there’s no way that little tadpole nub just grew into a human shape!!!!! She made herself look like her perception of a human woman/girl On Purpose!!!!! Gender is a puzzle and a series of observations, just like everything else about people and relationships and society. So like. Yeah when she first encountered the expectation that women/girls should have boyfriends, she trashed those magazines for her rat to shit on like any ambitious tween lesbian piece of gum would!!! But then someone she created herself reinforced that expectation, and then so did so many other people, and maybe she thought she had no choice or maybe she felt guilty or maybe she was just tired.
But again. We are all just fucking playing with little dolls in the game of life or whatever. Some more than others (……………… yeah Bonnie lol) BUT LISTEN gender is obviously a construct that we understand first and foremost through observation BUT our (or at least 20th century/PW’s generation’s) human perception of gender and the characters’ observations and interpretations do it are so goddamn important to every single character in this show. They are all performing a role and a big part of that role is gender. Once again BMO is the most flexible about this performance because BMO is the most childlike (emotionally/mentally youngest in this case bc obvs many children develop awareness and self consciousness around gender roles very very young) and therefore the least bothered by society’s expectations!!! Just like in real life!!!!
To start out, all Bonnie knows of femininity and womanhood is that mothers are women, and princesses are girls, and mothers and princesses are powerful and caring. And then she finds out that girls and women are supposed to have boyfriends, and that seems really wrong to her, but she has to be a girl/woman because she is a mother and a princess to the extent that she understands those roles!! Meaning not 100% in line with the human definition (mothers don’t raise their children the mammal way, princesses are inherently the highest rulers of their kingdoms) but rather based on her perception of it. Which like GET THIS!!!!! Our perceptions of human definitions of gender and societal roles ARE the definitions of those things!!!!!!!!! I wanna scream abt it it’s so fuckign interesting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway tangent but in conclusion Princess Bonnibel Bubblegum is the most transgender character ever to NOT actually have any gender assigned at birth to be transing (unless the MG whispered it to her ig) and that’s just how cool she is!!
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campgender · 1 year
every time that post about describing your Type when it comes to fav characters is on my dash i’m like hmm idk but just now i realized oh duh it’s autistic in a blunt way + cunty. some are at different points along this spectrum but they’re all on it. free space for queerness bc obv & extra close to my heart if canonically mobility impaired although y’all know im rejoice! chronic illness be upon ye! about everybody
in roughly chronological order: bert from sesame street, ryan evans, warren peace, lando calrissian, sam wilson, bodhi rook, cassian andor, raphael santiago, meliorn, magnus bane, alec lightwood, enjolras, hermann gottlieb, trent crimm, roy kent, jughead jones, cheryl blossom, betty cooper, bobby singer, cas, rufus turner, anne bonny black sails
maybe i’ll make a venn diagram
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zombee · 2 years
Blood Under the Skin author’s notes
welcome to my disastrous author’s notes! if you’re planning on rereading Blood any time soon, maybe skip these for now, as i reveal a lot of Secrets.
I publicly shorthand this fic to “medieval au,” but know that in my head I call it princess stede au
Which is why I chose princess songs for chapter titles. And c’mon “someday my prince will come” is PRICELESS poor stede I made it up to him with the whole public sex rimjob okay
Barrabas = Barbados, baharla = Bahamas it’s not that good I still think “baharla” is stupid lmao
I think of any of the shit I’ve written so far, this has the most potential to be made into something original. But I’d have to drop “bonny prince bonnet” because I couldn’t keep “bonnet” and I would be DEVASTATED okay
Stede’s wedding clothes were inspired by his canon wedding clothes, a bit. The color anyway. Poor baby ☹
Ugh I do want to let yall in on some of ed’s inner monologues but WHAT IF I write an ed pov what then!!!!
Ed only “chuckles” until he laughs outright after stede is alive after the poisoning
Doing things “on the inside” vs “on the outside” is autism coding aka masking, and it fades slowly until stede doesn’t do it at all, UNTIL he’s helping ed with his wound, and he does it on purpose to keep calm for ed’s sake. Because it’s still a skill he can utilize instead of a defense mechanism!
Stede is immediately on board with the marriage (obvs) and so he says “his betrothed” and then switches, of course, to “his husband” as soon as they’re married
The cravat scene, and then the stockings scene, are mirrored when ed puts the boots on stede. “now the other, please” and “now you’re perfect” are said first by stede, then by ed
When nigel says “I would call it more sort of flouncing” and then stede says he “flounced after blackbeard” when he first accompanies him to the army camp, that’s on purpose because he’s feeling Annoyed and Ignored
“He was free to think of grisly things he’d like to happen to them inside his own head while he kept a polite expression on his face.” – SO SO SO my princess stede here has been abused his WHOLE life instead of just in childhood/early adulthood. He never got to be a funky lil rich guy on his own, so he wears politeness like armor (very sansa of him – book only I hate GoT). As I hope u noticed, he gets more expressive as the fic goes on
Ed kissing stede at the wedding asldkjfd I just need to WRITE THE ED POV ALREADY
Since my first two big AUs are ed pov, I was worried about trying stede’s. But then I wrote the lines “the flowers clashed with the candelabras, the entertainment was gauche, and the eighteen courses lacked a cohesive narrative.” And I knew I’d be okay.
I had a sideplot of “ed’s men” from the wedding being his bros from all the way back in his pirate days, but I cut it because it didn’t fit anywhere
I will confess I wrote that ed didn’t let the servants into their room on the wedding night because I wanted some sexy undressing. But then I figured out the whole backstory with his mom and was like OHOHOHO
I just love my sweet autistic princess stede, I love how he always puts things in framing of “the ____” (the clothes-cutting, the staring, the thigh-fucking) I just LOVE HIM
“Stede was able to push the sleeves over and off his wrists without assistance, leaving him bare and self conscious.” – and then in the aldra islands he wears “a lovely sleeveless linen vest” because CONFIDENCE and GROWTH.
“Blackbeard was suddenly very close behind him. Stede could smell the wine on his breath.” / “Bonny Prince Bonnet.” His lips tickled Stede’s ear and his beard brushed against his neck. “The things I’ve heard about you.” / Stede very carefully did not blush. – this was very sexy of me actually and a CANON CALLBACK? In a cartoonmayor fic? Never
When ed says “it’s the fear” when he notices stede has a boner on their wedding night, and then he comes in hot after battle in that one scene ready to frick, ohohoho
Ed telling stede to close his eyes, and then sliding the nightshirt down – that was literally the image that inspired me write this fic.
“you can open your eyes” Of course he could, Stede very nearly said out loud. He opened them anyway. – stede always obeys direct orders (at first) but this is kind of our first hint of Bratty Stede. He pays close attention to exactly what everyone says (my sweet autistic princess)
I think it’s quite obvious what The Staring meant but when I do The Reveal That It’s Love I hope some of yall reread because it’s hella fun to go back and see where I emphasize it (I hope)
Stede, because of his thing with direct orders, is always careful to request (“would you please?”) instead of demand. This changes too throughout the fic especially when he tops
“Oh, yes, we had a jar of their paprika for a while. It was so unlike the one we make here!” – this is a dracula daily reference
I also had a subplot where the whole court was SCANDALIZED and assumed the WORST when stede’s cut-up wedding clothes were found, but ehhhh I just wanted to get stede out of the palace and yknow, I didn’t want to dwell on implications of assault. So just know they’re gossiping about it and triply deserve what they get in the end.
“good night ed” “night stede” – this is of course the first time ed uses his name dun dun DUNNNNN. I also use this exchange three times, and the third one is particularly special. Ed uses “stede,” at first, when his defenses are lowered. That’s why stede blushes at the end of ch.1, because ed calls him by his name instead of his title. Why does he continue to use prince bonnet after things are sorted between them? Well, [redacted in case I write an ed pov]. Also “good night ed” “night stede” I use in a lot of my other fics.
Only one bed? Only one bed. And then I take it away from them but I give it BACK after a week okay
The real journey in this fic is ed becoming the little spoon he is
Don’t ask me the difference between hose, trousers, and pants I DO NOT KNOW
I honestly thought this fic would have a lot more erotic un/dressing but the muse didn’t give me more than a few scenes
Originally I had stede be ticklish too and this whole big scene where ed’s like “we have nothing in common” and stede says they’re both ticklish but that’s not where the fic took me so I cut it
Stocking scene is based a little on that excellent fan art by @aivelin ​https://aivelin.tumblr.com/post/681807914544087040/wonderful-collaboration-with-amuseoffyre-read-fic
The badminton twins (and calico jack) were originally involved in the assassination plot. Jack was going to be another prince and stede was going to be RAGING JEALOUS but again the fic just didn’t take me there so no jack at all and less badmintons then planned. I’m not complaining.
When ed says “absolutely not, fuck off” to the badmintons one of my early readers commented “LMAO ED SAID THE VIBES WERE ATROCIOUS” and I still think about it
“he wore an understated outfit” that includes SHIMMERING HOSE stede I love you SO much
Ed ignores stede because [redacted in case I write an ed pov but you can probably figure it out from context clues]
Yeah yeah I gave ed the canon stede thing that he pays his soldiers but I had to establish early that he’s brilliant
“No!” Stede did more than flinch this time. Had he really just said “no” to his husband? That was worse than blushing. – look how far this baby bratty boy gets toward the end of the fic I LOVE HIM. Also yeah sorry while he’s “flinching” and worried about “punishment” throughout the book… I don’t dwell on that shit but it was Bad guys. Real bad.
“He hoped never to return to the court of Barrabas.” EXCEPT AS A KING YEAH BOIII
A lot of the traveling camp stuff was inspired by The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley. That book imprinted on me as a kid along with the prequel-sequel The Hero and the Crown
I mean a lot of this is just a love letter to the fantasy novels I read as a kid
Blackbeard asks, instead of orders, about the boots. “Would you like to try on a pair of mine?” – Stede allows himself to consider the request before he says yes. Also boy oh boy [redacted for ed pov purposes]
“They were black of course” THIS IS ONE OF MY FAVORITE RUNNING GAGS AND NO ONE HAS EVER COMMENTED ON IT. Stede being like “I love him but god some VARIETY please.” And then I drop it in the scene where they’re in the meadow that yeah, ed has been wearing more colorful clothes like he DESERVES since they got married
Boot scene inspired by this fanart by @shoomlah ​https://shoomlah.tumblr.com/post/682077235089440768/could-be-arranged
Stede getting more and more exasperated with The Staring is also one of my favorite bits
I did technically make stede and ed in their early 30s because while it is very precious to me that they’re older men finding first time queer love (not hating on AUs where they’re younger, I also love those), for Plot Purposes I felt like… offering a 48 year old prince for a treaty is a little silly lmao, AND I needed time for them to dismantle the monarchy. Anyway I don’t dwell on their ages so headcanon as you like.
Cupcake/Thunderfoot is very good please clap
“While he bumped along on Cupcake, not reading,” BITCHY STEDE ILYSM
Stede uses “it would not do” then I have ed use it in the balcony scene bc I love that shit when partners start to parrot each other
Mary sweetie I’m SO so sorry I killed you off in this fic I truly am but it had to happen for the marriage part of the arranged marriage to work, and for stede to be a 33 year old prince who hadn’t been married off yet.
I had to write porn using words like “backside” “take himself in hand” so I just let stede say cock it was just easier
The first time stede even lets himself THINK the word fuck is after he jacks it in the tent ehehe. I was explaining that to an ofmd discord and people were like “he does say fuck though” and I was like yes. Yes I understand that. This is an AU it is not canon. “but he does say it in this episode and this one” YES I UNDERSTAND THIS IS AN A L T E R N A T E U N I V E R S E
“you were made for fine things, prince bonnet,” “so were you, edward” first time we hear stede use the full name and also [redacted ed pov but hopefully you get the gist from context clues]
Erotic horseback riding lessons is also where stede starts to do things On The Outside and be a lil bratty out loud finally.
I literally copy pasted the wikihow article on horseback riding and made it horny with stede’s thoughts
Ed romance novel hero when
Ed calls him stede again in this scene ohohoho
“And then. His husband started to run his hands all over Stede’s body. There was even brief contact with his crotch. His cock gave another definite twitch.” Yeah this is basically a scene from ski au yeah I reuse scenes from my fics SO WHAT
It’s my medieval bullshit au and I’ll give them showers if I want to
Small motif about mirrors in ed’s castle runs throughout
Erotic bathing scene is my favorite in the fic. It is like, 1300 words? I’ve since written single scenes that are longer ([redacted] and [redacted] in Persephone au so far are both longer) but my writing is pretty snappy and brief. Which is NICE i LIKE that about my writing, but how someone can write like, a 5k word sex scene is absolutely unfathomable to me. One day I might get there.
“Absolutely not.” Stede held his breath for just a beat after that before he felt safe to continue. “We are going to pamper you tonight, my husband.” – stede feeling (mostly) comfortable saying no to ed <3 and calling him “my husband” for the first time <3333 I’ll spoil the ed pov here, every time stede says that he just thinks HUSBAND(!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Blackbeard was staring, so who knew really. – have I mentioned HOW MUCH I LOVE STEDE
“It was time for the touching.” – one of my early readers commented “my ace ass reading smut” and I still think about it
There’s a motif with the back of ed’s neck, see if you can spot them all. This was inspired by “The Nettles in the Garden Don’t Go Away,” a soulmate au retelling of season 1, and a fic that actually had me spiraling in despair that my writing will never be that good. https://archiveofourown.org/works/38007859/chapters/94929583 please read it
stede follows the curly girl method in every single one of my fics and this is no exception
“but Ed had quite a lot of hair and he was worth it.” IS THE FIRST TIME HE *THINKS* OF ED AS “ED” GOSH GUYS SOMETIMES I JUST LOVE MY OWN WRITING SO MUCH. Notice it starts to shift more and more until finally he stops thinking of him as blackbeard entirely.
“This is the body soap. It’s–“ “Lavender.” “Yes! You have a nose for fine things, as well.” “It would seem that way.” I’ll never write something this romantic ever again pack it in boys I’ve peaked
Idk why I always use “snuffling” to describe ed’s sleep sounds in my fics but I always do
“got it for you. My bonny prince” stop ed STOP he’s so in love
I was feeling grumpy about trying to describe the castle (visual description is NOT my forte) but @semisweetshadow​ my beta and fandom bestie said “you captured how stede feels about it that’s what’s important” and I’m still glowing from that compliment
I’m an iggy blameologist for LIFE for LIFE and having stede call him iggy is one of my favorite bits for sure
“Stede did not ask about the tapestries, or the candelabras, or the portraits. They had a distinct lack of flair that he had come to associate with his husband’s taste,” – if you didn’t catch this it’s because the castle was not originally ed’s and he never redecorated. Not because he has bad taste ed I love you
The queen’s rooms/king’s rooms with a passageway between is straight from my very favorite book series, the Queen’s Thief books by megan whalen turner. There’s another rather obvious reference in the second to last chapter also (The Queen, called Aldra after her country)
Although stede calls him ed out loud as he’s been instructed to, he does call him blackbeard a few times when he’s distressed, including the Balcony Scene
I know that jim is ooc from canon but look they’ve been in a happy relationship for years and flourished and they’re SECRETLY GOOFY even in canon so it’s justified okay
What stede tells Lucius in the record-keeping scene matches up with what Lucius writes in the epilogue ohoho
Yes I had Lucius say “fade to black” in a medieval au i channel daddy jenky always
In my wwdits au, I made Lucius such a fucking dick because he was Laszlo. I had my excellent beta for ski au point out he was too mean in that one, so I rewrote that. And then in this one he’s supportive and nice, hooray for Lucius
Show of hands who guessed the “when is ed the most beautiful” bit was gonna end when he bottomed
Was so glad I worked in a “Frenchie/Oluwande dream team” aspect of this fic.
“Did they not teach you how to switch in Barrabas?” “I did not know that was even an option.” “Oh,” said Blackbeard. His eyes glittered. “It can be fun, in the right circumstances.” – come on you all knew how this was going to turn out right???
Moon ceremony directly inspired by Tamora Pierce (the spies stuff too actually). Ngl I felt real silly with the worldbuilding in this whole fic, but a lot of you were very encouraging in your comments thank you very much for that. I do like the idea of a trio of gods representing the balance of all things, idk.
Alanna is of course another tammy reference
“Brave Prince Bonnet.” Ed’s lips skated against his own as he spoke. “You always do surprise me.” – do u get it because ed was always surprising him wait don’t leave—
“Blackbeard wouldn’t let him eat anything but broth and toast, and he was starting to get annoyed.” – this is the last time stede will think of him as blackbeard, and it’s because he’s “not allowing” him to do something.
Ah, the ol’ “sex dream making it obvious I want to have sex” trope. Look my fics are just three tropes stacked together in a trench coat what do you want from me.
OKAY BUT BUT B U T “Tell me what it means.” “No.” – this is the first time stede EVER disobeys a direct order and it is NOT A COINICDENCE this is when ed finally breaks on the fricking. Yeah yeah a glimpse into the ed pov but c’mon
“These fucking stupid hose. I can’t get a hand in.” “I’ll be sure to– ah! I’ll be sure to wear pants next time.” – I’m not 100% sure but I think I only have him wearing pants after this. Horny boy. Also a hint that stede is into ~exhibitionism~
Stede accepting ed’s past is very important 2 me and I put it in every fic. Canon parallels etc.
When ed explains he almost lost stede and that’s what finally made him break on the fricking, the epilogue reveal it was actually *izzy* sending assassins just delights me because IT’S IGGY’S FAULT THEY FINALLY BONED LMAO
“The first time his husband fucked Stede in the ass, it would have been perfect. If not for the assassination attempt.” Will I ever write a better opening line I don’t think so. And my hope is I distracted you with the porn to the point you forgot about the assassin until it comes back around.
“Tell me you’re sure again,” Ed said. / “I am fully fucking certain that if your fingers aren’t inside of me in the next thirty seconds I will scream.” – I posted this to the ofmd thirstposting group on facebook and people lost their MINDS
Look I know bottom/top discourse can be annoying and I know if they’re not vers ed is the bottom I KNOW THIS but bottom!stede is very precious 2 me. Anyway they ARE vers in this so nananabooboo
I can give stede one (1) hands free orgasm I do not care if it’s not realistic
Some definite [redacted ed pov] going on in this chapter
He does start joking around about his violent tendencies after this bc love and acceptance
Stede positing the assassins might be trying to start a war between ed and barrabas is correct – it was just iggy doing it!
The “stede kills someone, olu & jim comfort him” very canon of me please clap
When ed is like “wait YOU killed him?” that is kind of a reference to my wwdits au lol
Stede asking for fricking to help him not feel the pain is actually a reference to a tywin/sansa fic I like I know it’s gross I’m sorry but it’s so FUCKING good. Let me know if you want that link.
Okay so obvy stede goes through a lot of Sexual Growth. but with the thigh-fucking, ed also goes through some with stede where he’s like, yknow, so concerned with stede feeling comfortable all the time that he doesn’t always pay attention to what stede is ACTUALLY signaling (I mean, [redacted ed pov]). Anyway so the intercrural is a little bit ed *trusting* stede. I’m always keen to work on consent on all levels, not just verbal, so yeah. They’ve fucked A LOT at this point, ed knows stede very well, and if stede ever told him flat out “no” of course he’d respect that. ANYWAY.
Also lots of bratty stede in these two smut scenes aw yis
“For fuck’s sake,” said Frenchie. “Let us watch, or leave us alone.” Do I have a smut scene in my head where Frenchie and stede DP ed MAYBE I DO MAYBE I DON’T
Calling the aldran princess tiffany is just a lil joke on the tiffany problem lol - https://medium.com/swlh/the-tiffany-problem-when-history-makes-no-sense-703b86522627
Ed backstory is very precious 2 me DISMANTLE THAT MONARCHY BABES YES
“there was a room with showers” I HASTILY MENTION BEFORE A RIMJOB SCENE OCCURS
“You are not Blushing Baby Bonnet. You never were. And if anyone ever makes you feel like that again, I will kill them.” / “Maybe a maiming, darling. No need to go so far.” – see stede accepts ed for all of him (canon parallels huzzah) and they can JOKE about it now even though [redacted ed pov but I bet you can guess]
Yeah I headcanon stede as gay (as in homosexual gay not blanket term gay) (and usually ed too) but idk sexuality is always fluid imo so having him react to the lesbians is kind of a winkwink nudgenudge there. And also the “winking over the thigh while she eats someone out” is from orange is the new black, which I didn’t think I got past the second season but god natasha Lyonne you imprinted on me in that moment
Idk why stede would have read porn his whole life and never read about ass eating but it’s fiction let me have this
Okay okay so scene where ed comes in hot in the tent, i think/hope I handled it okay. You should all know whenever I write from a bottom pov, I’m channeling my bestie, and they would be very VERY into something that rough. So stede is obviously Into It, but like I said in the notes it’s something they should have talked about first. And like, [redacted ed pov] is really why it doesn’t happen in that moment. anyway stede’s a lil slut and I’m glad they talked about it.
OKAY SO the nightshirt wedding night scene is the inspiration for this fic, and the “stede explains his fantasies and ed responds with ‘I just want your dick inside of me’” is the thing that KEPT ME GOING when I stalled out on this fic. I knew I wanted to write it so bad and if you paid attention to the tags when you first read this story you’ll notice it says “Bottom stede bonnet” “OR IS HE” because I’m not subtle
“always from the perspective of the ravishee, never the ravisher” look modern aus are fun but it’s real fun to play with silly pov like this lol
Butt plug hurt/comfort it’s the new hot genre
I’ll be honest the scene with the barabassian emissary doesn’t make much sense but you get the vibe right
For some reason I seem to stall out at like 25k, that’s been the case with all five of my multichapters so far (shoves coffeeshop au in the corner) so I was gnashing my teeth about this. Until I was like, yknow what, I literally don’t have to show the whole fucking war or dismantling of the monarchy, stede topping REALLY IS A GOOD WAY TO END THE FIC and it is. It is! It is, right?
I did know for sure the last line was going to be “I’ve always loved it when you blush.”
And then the epilogue my beloved. Iggy you fool. Monarchies suck. Etc.I
HOPE YOU LIKED THE FIC I think of any of the multi chapters I’ve written so far it’s really the best one. I’m working on (and hopefully almost done with) a hades/Persephone AU right now that has got some fucking cool wordbuilding and I only stole like 25% of it from lore Olympus. Hit that subscribe if you want to know when that comes out! Cheers m’dears!
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delilahmidnight · 6 years
Ah ok, I see, we’re supposed to believe that this asshole personality of Connors has been his coping mechanism after watching wes die. Yeah, right.
I kind of feel annalise in this scene a lot. Obvs I haven’t been thru what she has but group therapy has never made me feel better. Even if the entire group listened and validated me, I’d still feel the gnawing doubt of, you don’t really know me, you have no idea who I am or what I’ve been thru or what a horrible person I am–how can I trust you? And that just me with my regular old depression, without Annalise’s added trauma/ptsd
You know it’s sooooooo funny to me, connor acts like a jerk–literally all the time, I cannot name one nice thing he’s ever done off the top of my head–and were supposed to believe that inside he’s this misunderstood bad boy with a heart of gold when a) he seems to have an enviably good and supportive relationship with his family, so he can’t blame a bad childhood for it, and b)….he’s literally……never done anything……to prove otherwise. Ever. Like, people hate him and don’t believe he could be a good person because he’s never shown inclination to be one. He’s never given anyone a reason to be nice to him, being the nasty little bitch he is to everyone all the time for absolutely no reason and with no provocation. People believe he’s an asshole, because he’s a fucking asshole. Whose fault is that?
But she still can’t look any of them in the eyes when telling them off, except connor when he’s directly jeopardizing annies case
Baby!! She’s trying af but annie can’t help interfering–we know annie could do a better job but she’s not even giving bonnie a chance and i think the judge is right–she should just try her own case if it bugs her that much, dont embarrass bonnie!
Bonnies literally always tuned in to the Annalise channel isn’t she 24/7 always thinkin bout her wondering if she needs anything like dam bish get a hobby
Asher “chuckleheads” skdjggjcjkdjfnf
Nate is an amazing baldfaced liar
Asher trying so hard to protect laurel. Autistic!Michaela not understanding Ashers hint. Laurel being stubborn as usual, and then even more stubbornly forcing herself to look at the photos. Bonnies mouth quirking down and away the way it does when shes unspeakably sad in company. Bonnie being the one to gently turn over the photos.
Listen. Baby has not only butterflies, but pressed seaweed and a pink (!!) bathrobe hanging in that bathroom. I’ve never been so in love with my tiny fairy starlight child g o s h
Lmao I’m having coming out flashbacks too
No one ever notices Bonnie. So bonnie notices everything.
“Might have”??? “Might have killed wes”???? What the fuck does that mean??!?
Ok I know this is all very dramatic and all but
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LOOK AT MY BABY MY SWEET LITTLE PUMPKIN–SHES IN HER BARE FEETIES RIGHT NOW EVERYONE ELSE AROUND HER IS TALLER AND SHOES ON BUT HERE SHE IS BAREFOOT ON THE HARDWOOD I CANNOT EVEN (sidenote this is the most bonnie picture ever or what–the butterflies, her pose, standing at the edge of the group like wow)
I mean like I don’t think he killed wes but that doesn’t mean he’s not an asshole or that I like him at all
Yikes. Thats….a bit far, laurel.
The return of guard puppy!bonnie
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Oh gosh her wrists are still crooked even tho shes furious at connor shes still shrinking into herself When Will I Die
Annie dismissing bonnie, but in the most gentle way shes ever done. Bonnie giving THIS DEFIANT FACE
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TO CONNOR BECAUSE SHES SO READY TO FUCK HIM UP. Bonnie still hating being dismissed because she wants to protect annie, and taking it out on the kids
Connor is like. The worst.
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Did you ever see a woman so beautiful you started crying
Lmfao bonnie is.
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Not amused with Laurels gallows humor.
Definitely expected bonnie to offer to go with laurel to the obgyn ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
OMMMMMMMMM BITTYS JEALOOOOOUUUUUUUUUUSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! And annie starting at the sound of her voice 😂
Bonnie moving in closet to barely whispe her suspicions to annie–and the fuckign height difference, I’m being murdered in my house on a Friday night
Awwwwmmmm babyjaan!! Its not like she would give Annie any vodka even if she did have any in the house so idk why annies even asking 😂
I mean meggy absolutely has the right to shut laurel out after how awful she was to her, but I really, REALLY want them to be friends and support each other because god do they both need it
The look annie gives connor for offering to take the stand….almost makes me not dislike him as much. Almost.
Bonnie looking to annie for approval and annie nodding, I’m gonna fucjing die oh god
I mean she did shitty things af, but i kinda feel sorry for atwood too
My bitty baby with her fairy fingers dancing, even in court
Bonnies apology to annie and her voice going hoarse…..im gonna kill meself
The kids all tryna save Connors dumb ass from doing something dumb
Holy. Shit. Oh my god it was denver the whole time. But wait, who is that guy??? Where have I seen him before??? And who did wes call that day at the station???
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