#obviously they'll be a bit more prepared this time;; but they r not gonna completey prevent things TT just make em a lil easier...
mukuberry · 1 year
I feel like some ppl are treating Kazui + Shidou as complete blocks to problems in the prison, instead of people that can lessen damage. When Kotoko attacked, Shidou managed to help people's injuries, but they were still injured and extremely traumatised. When Kotoko attacked, Kazui was able to help Fuuta before she got too injured, but Fuuta was still injured. They make things better, but they do not completely stop bad things entirely, so seeing people treat them like they do when voting this round is kinda weird. Shidou can help if Haruka hurts himself, but he cannot prevent it entirely. Kazui can help if Amane, Kotoko or Mikoto hurt someone, but he cannot prevent it entirely.
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