#obviously there’s reasons you’d want permanent hair removal and you can do what you want with your body
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I keep getting ads for at home laser hair removal and I can’t help but think like. That one meme from 2014 about sh. Promise you’ll stop for me.
#obviously there’s reasons you’d want permanent hair removal and you can do what you want with your body#but the ads are like. get rid of your ass hair! laser your balls!#would you have a butterfly remove it’s wings as well?#ball hair is the best and I’ll say that with my whole chest#shush up jj#personal
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Eivor x Fem!Reader - Ink Me Up
Oh, what to do when the Norwegian woman tattooing your thigh is insanely attractive, clearly gay, with a criminally good bedside manner?
Warning: about tattooing and obviously needles.
Word count: 4363
Can be found on AO3 here.
Heavily inspired by this post here. The tattoo itself is purely self-indulgent. Eivor is stupidly attractive and it's not fair. (Y/N) replacer safe.
After months of saving and deliberation, the time had come. For the longest time you had dreamed of getting something big, bold and beautiful permanently inked into your skin. Something meaningful. And you wanted someone talented to tattoo it.
Thus, you found yourself scouring the web for reputable tattoo shops, hours upon hours poured into searching artists’ portfolios, hoping that someone was skilled enough at black-and-grey realism within a relatively close radius. If you were going to pay a hefty sum for a tattoo, you wanted it to be perfect. Your desktop was flooded with reference images of sword lilies – the subject of your desired ink – and about a dozen different parlours, tabs whittling down one by one during your search.
The final tab was the website for a slightly pricier shop, but one of the artist’s Instagrams utterly captivated you. Their artwork was extraordinary, the details in their pieces stunning and intricate; you decided investing a little extra cash would be worth it. Eivor Varinsdóttir, handle @wolfkissed_ink. Grinning, you emailed the artist, requesting a consultation.
You explained to the artist during that consultation that you wanted a composition of black-and-grey realistic gladioli on your left thigh. Sword lilies represented strength, after all, and you wanted to commemorate overcoming a difficult part of your life with something gorgeous and symbolic. That and, well, flowers were pretty. Within the week they had responded with a sketch that was beyond what you could have possibly thought up yourself: two stunning, bloomed sprigs of the flower with petals floating either side, lifelike as a monochrome photograph. Smiling ear-to-ear, you booked up your first appointment.
Unbridled excitement led to the time before your appointment soaring by, with you opening up the file of the sketch almost every day. Bringing us to the present: you stood anxiously outside the parlour door, 12:50pm, ten minutes before your scheduled appointment. Sucking in a shaky breath, nerves both good and bad, you stepped inside.
The tattoo shop was sleek, modern and decked wall-to-wall with flash sheets, the small designs varying in style, colour and detail. Everything was spotless, as one would expect, with shining awards dotted about. Just seeing the various trophies did well to quell some of your anxieties, knowing you were in good hands, that you’d end up with a lovely piece on your thigh. A stout man covered neck to foot in swirling Japanese designs manned the front desk, smiling warmly at you, obliterating any stigmas you had heard from older relatives about tattoo culture.
Biting your lip, you made your way to the desk, mustering a nervous smile. As thrilled as you were about getting the tattoo, the whole pain aspect was still rather daunting. “Hey, one o’clock appointment for (Y/N) (L/N)?” You fidgeted with the hem of your shorts while the gentleman checked his desktop.
“With Eivor, right?” he verified. You nodded.
“Sorry I’m a little early—”
“No, not at all! Rather you be early than late,” he chuckled, clearly sensing your worries. His eyes flickered across a clipboard. “She’s not with a client at the moment, so I’ll send you through now, if that’s alright.”
“Sounds good, thank you,” you bade, pulse quickening. Come on, you’ve wanted this for so long, you can’t pussy out now.
The guy asked you to wait by the desk as he ventured down a long corridor, the black paint giving off an ominous vibe that did nothing for your nerves. A few seconds later, he returned, cocking his head for you to follow. Your knuckles were white from gripping the strap of your purse so tightly.
He led you to the room at the end of the hall, holding the glossy black door open for you. “Go easy on her, Eivor, it’s clearly her first,” he called out, flashing you a wink, before letting the door close behind you.
Holy shit.
She was hot.
Eivor was nothing short of a modern day viking. Tall, rippling with muscle, late twenties to early thirties, blond hair strewn into an unruly braid with a strip on the right shaved clean to the flesh, revealing a fucking skull tattoo of a bird…a raven? Her face was stupidly handsome, eyes blue and icy but warm with greeting, a long and gnarly scar cutting into the flesh of her left cheek with a smaller nick protruding from her upper lip. Hell, the nape of her neck was marred with an even more vicious looking scar. She wore a tight black t-shirt that strained around her deliciously grizzled arms, which were adorned with Norse-looking runes and text curving into circles, ink that carried on to her hands and neck. The smile she offered you made you weak in the knees.
“(Y/N), right? I’m Eivor, a pleasure to meet you,” she greeted, voice deep and gravelly, decorated with a rasp that to you sounded like butter. Fuck me, she’s a tall, tall glass of water.
You shook her hand when she extended it to you, marvelling at the patterns and blacked-out bands on her long, thick fingers. Her nails were cut extremely short, confirming the strong lesbian vibe she gave off. “Likewise,” you squeaked, cursing yourself for acting like some bloody schoolgirl.
She sauntered over to her setup, weight carried in her shoulders, consolidating her already intimidatingly attractive butch energy, sanitised her hands and pulled on a clean pair of gloves. “Come on over,” she said, grabbing a disposable razor from a box. “I’ll just need to make sure the area is shaven, if that’s alright.”
“Of course,” you replied, joining her by the leather chair, covered by a sheet of cellophane. It was a relief to see all the hygiene precautions taken in the shop. Eivor picked up a disinfectant wipe.
“Left thigh, if I remember correctly?”
“Mhm, yeah.”
She dropped to one knee – wasn’t that a fucking sight – and wiped down the expanse of your thigh before gliding the razor over the flesh.
Hesitantly, you asked her what the general procedure was, desperately trying to divert your thoughts from the sapphic spiral they were travelling down.
“Alright, after I’ve finished here I’ll apply the stencil. You’ll get to check if you like the placement, and if you don’t I’ll keep going until you’re happy with it. It’s a big piece, so we’ll have to split this up into two sessions, as we discussed alongside payment.” She brushed away the loose hairs and peach fuzz. “I’ll do the linework this session, and the shading next time.” With one final pass of the razor she pulled back, tossing it into a bin.
Eivor then picked up a sheet of thin paper with the sketch printed on it. She plucked a purple pen from her table. “Give me a few minutes to trace the stencil, then we’ll apply it and see how you like it.” You nodded, trying to focus on your breathing.
While she traced over each line of the sketch, she kindly attempted to soothe your fears with small talk. “I’ll admit, I’ve never heard of a ‘gladiolus’ before our consultation. Any reason why you chose it?”
You smiled. “They represent strength. I finally got through a rough spell and wanted something to celebrate with,” you explained, heart skipping a beat at the soft expression on the artist’s face.
“All the more reason to get this perfect then,” she said with a grin. The way the scar on her upper lip quirked was positively adorable. A couple minutes passed and she re-capped the pen. “Stand up straight for me, darling.” Oh.
Cheeks burning with bashfulness, you complied. Eivor took a second to angle the stencil before smoothing it over your thigh, leaving a purple outline once she removed the paper. “Just have a look in that mirror over there and tell me if you’re happy, okay?”
You walked over to the mirror and stared at your thigh. The tattoo was large – which you expected, with the amount of detail in it – and perfectly central, the loose petals appearing to float down the length of your thigh. “Perfect,” you breathed out, giving the woman a thumbs-up.
Eivor switched over her gloves and gestured for you to take a seat on the chair. “Get comfy, then. Do you have water?” Nodding, you took out your water bottle from your handbag. “Brilliant. Still want to do this?”
“Hell yeah.” Weirdly, the nerves about the pain (not about the sexy artist) had almost wholly subsided, leaving you brimming with anticipation.
She poured some jet black ink into small caps, no larger than the tip of your thumb. “Remember to breathe through it and hold still, yeah? You picked a smart place for your first tattoo, not too close to the bone.”
“I’ll try.” Eivor opened a sealed packet containing a new, sterilised needle, inserting it into her tattoo machine. She switched it on, the buzz of the machine’s piston filling the room with a gentle hum. Looking up at you, she cocked her brow – if only your gay thoughts could bugger off for two minutes – as if to ask, ready? Affirmatively, you beamed at her.
Dipping the needle into the ink, she pulled the skin of your thigh taut. Immediately, you noted the warmth of her hand on your leg, fighting off a shudder. Then came a mildly painful scratching sensation as she brought the machine to your thigh.
Honestly? It wasn’t bad. Irritating, like an itchy eye, but not drastically unpleasant. You followed Eivor’s advice, keeping your breathing steady, averting your attention to the artwork on the walls, some of which you had seen on her Instagram portfolio. Portraits, flowers, animals, realistic-looking jewellery…the woman had mastered black-and-grey. You knew you picked the right artist. The frown of concentration on her face spoke volumes about her dedication to the art, steeled and intently focused on the lines she was pulling.
When she wiped the area and reached for more ink, she glanced up at your face. “All good?” she asked.
“Yeah, no issues here.”
“Wonderful.” She set back to work, positioning her needle over the flower’s curved stem, dragging it downwards in a slow arc. “Your skin takes ink like butter, by the way.”
“Oh, that’s good,” you breathed out. Her hand suddenly felt a little warmer. Tell me this woman does audiobooks, you thought.
After a few more lines, you tried to pepper in some small talk without breaking her concentration. Fortunately, her bedside manner was immaculate, and she entertained your questions without any grudges.
“Your voice is really soothing. Where abouts are you from?”
“Oh, thank you. I’m from Norway, moved here a few years back.” She grinned at the compliment. “It’s funny, people usually say the opposite about my voice.” You wondered if they were deaf.
“It’s a nice rasp,” you chuckled. Buzzing stopped, more ink.
“I was bitten by a wolf when I was nine,” she explained. Buzzing recommenced, scratching returned. “My larynx never properly healed from it, so I’ve sounded like some chain-smoker since before I hit double-digits, despite never touching a cigarette in my life.”
“You don’t sound like a chain-smoker, though. I mean it.”
Her grin widened. “That actually means a lot.”
An hour passed by, most of it spent in comfortable silence, with Eivor checking in on you occasionally to see how you were coping. Certain patches of nerves stung a little more than others, but none of it was unbearable. That was until her machine passed over a particularly rough area. It fucking killed, the burn of the needle seemingly deeper than anywhere else, the sting infinitely more intense than before. You hissed, gritting your teeth together.
“Ow,” you winced, clutching onto your water bottle in an attempt to relieve the pain, to no avail.
Eivor continued pulling her line, her rasp coming out in a low mantra. “Just breathe through it, nice and slow…” You tried to follow, attempting in vain to relax your shoulders. “Keep holding still for me…” Your breaths came shallow but steadily so, the stinging slowly becoming more endurable. The machine reached the end of the line. “Good girl,” she muttered, blissfully of absent mind.
Good girl.
Oh fuck.
Just when your clearly gay tattoo artist couldn’t get any hotter, she comes out with some hot-girl bullshit like that. And fuck, you didn’t think you had a praise kink before, but now this certainly awakened something. Why, why did it have to sound so good in her husky voice? No, you were absolutely not going to fantasise about your artist, not when her hands were on your skin, on your thigh of all fucking places. God, this stupidly attractive Norwegian butch was making you uncomfortably hot.
When she finally pulled away, sweet bloody reprieve, you took a sip of your water. “That wasn’t fun,” you remarked.
“Took it like a champion, though,” she beamed proudly, clearly unaware of the affect her words had just had on you. “Need a break?”
“Just a minute or two, thank you,” you sighed with relief. Eivor wiped you down and analysed her work.
“We’re just over halfway there,” she commented. Only halfway? Fuck. You allowed your eyes to wander over the black lines, all perfectly smooth from practiced precision. Yeah, this woman was talented.
“I mean, that killed, and that was my thigh…” you trailed off, making her laugh. “What was the most painful tattoo you’ve gotten?”
Eivor answered without hesitation. “My head, without a doubt. Packing solid black into that thing was agony. My fingers killed, too, but all completely worth it.” You couldn’t help but agree with that last part. Her hands looked extremely good, both with and without those gloves.
“I’m guessing places with more nerve endings and by the bone are the worst, then?”
“Definitely. The palm of the hand is the most sensitive, and it’s tough to get right. Ink bleeds, skin bleeds…and if you don’t do it well it’ll just fade. All that pain for nought.”
You gulped down some more water. Ouch. “Duly noted.”
After ninety odd more minutes, Eivor switched off her machine for good, the linework finished and utterly flawless. “All done for this session,” she announced, changing gloves once more to clean and wrap the area. There was minimal irritation around each line, and the wipe felt wonderfully cool against the reddening flesh.
Once she finished placing various equipment in a tub labelled ‘autoclave’, she escorted you to the front desk. You paid half the decided fee of the tattoo and booked your second session for three weeks’ time. Eivor gave you an aftercare kit, explaining in detail how to keep the tattoo clean, how to prevent infection, and to avoid direct exposure to sunlight as much as you could. Eagerly, you listened, trying to drink in as much of her voice as possible before departing.
“I’ll see you in three weeks, then. Take care, (Y/N),” she grinned. From the moment you stepped out of the shop, you knew that grin would be engraved into your mind for the weeks to come.
The second appointment couldn’t have come quickly enough.
You spent an embarrassing quantity of time thinking about your dreamy tattoo artist, right up until the day you walked back into the shop, this time free of any concerns pertaining to the tattoo. The gentleman from before recognised you and asked how the tattoo was holding up, if you’d had any issues keeping it clean, to which you replied all was good. Only this time, Eivor came to greet you by the front desk.
“How’s it going?” she asked, welcoming as before.
“Really good. I just hope I’ve been doing everything right,” you chuckled, anxiously glancing down at your thigh. The redness had completely disappeared a few days after your first appointment, the black ink proudly meandering over your skin.
Eivor smiled reassuringly. “Trust me, you’d know if you haven’t. From here it looks like you’ve done a fantastic job of keeping it clean, anyway.” You followed her to her studio, mentally noting how she was wearing an even tighter black t-shirt than last time, the fabric clinging to the defined contours of her muscled back, biceps, abs… Needless to say, the gay thoughts had returned at full-force.
As before, she shaved and disinfected your thigh, but instead of a stencil she had the full greyscale reference images for the design printed and taped to a metal beam above her table. She took careful time in diluting various caps of black ink into a plethora of greys, experience shining through as she added precise amounts of diluter to each cap. There was something addictive about watching the woman work, with how methodical she was, how delicately she handled the bottles of ink.
When she unpacked a needle, you noted the shape was different to before. “Now, some parts are gonna be only a little rougher than before. Others will suck, I’ll warn you now,” she mentioned as you positioned yourself on the chair.
“Mama didn’t raise a bitch,” you joked. Eivor laughed.
“You handled it like a trooper before. I have zero doubts you’ll do the same today.”
And so she began, making multiple passes with the machine unlike before, packing in the different shades of grey in front of her, scratching into the already broken skin. It wasn’t massively painful, but Eivor was right – last time was a breeze in comparison. You rested your eyes and bore the pain, focusing on the faint music playing from the shop’s reception.
As previously, she was ever considerate, checking up on you as she worked – albeit not as frequently, now that you were accustomed to the needles – and encouraging you through the nastier patches. You tried your hardest to not look at your thigh, wanting the final result to be a surprise, but over time it grew increasingly difficult not to sneak a glance at her hands. Merely the thought of them flustered you (pathetic, you knew) and nothing would be more embarrassing than drifting off into a less than appropriate fantasy about the woman when she was simply being professional.
Time blurred together amongst your inner dilemma – to look or not to look – until Eivor’s signature rasp caught your attention. “Time for your least favourite part,” she said, giving you a knowing look, positioning her needle in one of the petals over the area that hurt like a bitch previously.
“Oh god, I forgot about that area.”
“Just own the pain and keep still, alright?”
“I’ll try.”
Eivor smirked: a wicked thing that could have killed every sapphic in a mile radius. “Squirm and I’ll pin you down. I’ve had to do it before, and I’ll do it again.”
That, under different circumstances, would be an appealing notion.
Closing your eyes once more, you tried to decipher the song lyrics resonating through the shop’s hall, grimacing when the needle penetrated the skin. Just focus on Rihanna, focus on Rihanna…
“That’s…not so bad, actually,” you mutter, not entirely self-assured of the words leaving your lips, hoping some placebo affect would take place.
Eivor chuckled, dipping into another shade. “You sound convincing,” she drawled.
“I’m – ow – serious… Okay fuck, that’s way worse.”
“Shh, it’ll be over soon. Find something to focus on.”
So you did, on what happened to be the first thing in your immediate line of sight when you re-opened your eyes: Eivor’s bicep. God, her shirt strained around the muscle, black fabric against tanned skin and the deep green runes littering her arm. Perhaps the ink had something to do with her ancestry, given that the woman said she was Norwegian – that or she was just a mythology nerd. Your eyes trailed over the spirals of script, the perfectly concentric circles. Mind wandering, the idea that she may have tattoos on her back and front piqued your interest. Then came the delightful image of Eivor without a shirt. Pinning you down. Fuck.
Before long the pain subsided, leaving a dull ache where the needle had worked at your skin. “All done, darling,” Eivor murmured, wiping the patch. Darling. You knew it was simply her bedside manner, trying to keep you as relaxed as possible, but damn was it having the polar opposite effect. Cheeks feeling impossibly hot, you unscrewed the cap of your bottle and took a sizeable gulp of water. She gave you a moment to breathe, now that the most difficult part was out of the way. Still flustered, you drained half your bottle.
Concern plastered on her face, Eivor leaned closer, inspecting your face intently. “Are you feeling faint?” she asked, evidently worried. “It’s important you tell me if you are—”
“No, no, I’m fine, really.” You were stuttering, annoyed with yourself that you made her worry. “Just being weird. I promise.”
“You do?” Her eyebrows were still upturned, not entirely believing you.
You nodded frantically. “Yeah, really. Please don’t worry.”
Taking a slow breath, she restarted the machine, relief flashing across her features. She gestured for permission to continue tattooing, which you granted, and set back to work.
Cursing internally, you let your eyes flutter shut, thoughts full of nothing but ‘good girls’ and ‘darlings’ in a husky Norwegian accent. Numbing yourself to the needles, you drifted off into slumber.
“Hey, (Y/N)?”
A gentle pressure squeezed at your hand, slowly stirring you, bringing you back to the world of the living. Yawning, you opened your eyes, gaze brought to a gloved hand atop your own.
“Good evening,” Eivor said, retracting her hand and watching as you gasped and scanned the studio for a clock in a panic. Evening?
“Kidding,” she laughed. “I finished up ten minutes ago.” You shot her a half-hearted glare through sleepy eyelids.
“That was mean,” you pouted. She grinned.
“I do stab people for a living.”
Snorting, you swung your legs over the side of the chair, stretching them to regain a semblance of sensation. Chest pounding with excitement, you looked to the mirror at the side of the room, then at Eivor, silently asking permission to peak at the finished tattoo. She held out her hand in gesticulation.
Giddy with anticipation, you walked over and… Holy shit.
It was beautiful.
Each shade of grey blended into one another in a perfect harmony, so seamlessly that the black outline from before was barely visible. The shadows underneath each leaf, each petal looked real. Every speckle and wrinkle on the petals shone through, love and attention going into every marking. The falling petals were akin to a photograph, with the light grey background wash tying them to the main flowers, each little shadow appearing to give them different depths. It was beyond anything you imagined. All that pain, mental and physical, turned into a lifetime of beauty.
You didn’t realise you were crying until the salt of tears rolled into your awe-parted mouth.
“I’m, well… Wow.” Beaming, you turned to face your artist, who looked at her artwork with pride. “Thank you, Eivor. Thank you so much.”
She shook her head and offered you a box of tissues, from which you took one gladly. “I’m just honoured to have helped you lay that chapter of your life to rest. May the sword-lilies battle any shreds of it that remain.”
Stunned by her poetic inclination, you dried your eyes in silence, lips curved into a joyous smile. Meanwhile, she removed her gloves.
“You have tissues at the ready. I’m guessing people cry a lot here?” you asked, finally prying your eyes away from the masterpiece on your thigh.
“Mostly from the pain,” she remarked.
“You know, you could just lie to me so I don’t feel like such a fucking sap.”
The sound that left Eivor’s mouth in response was nothing if not angelic. She practically howled in hearty laughter, echoing through her studio, her eyes crinkling at the corners. You didn’t think it possible for your grin to widen further still, but her outburst was contagious in the best way.
“I’m glad you’re happy with it. Truly,” she breathed out, chest stilling from her fit.
“It’s beautiful. Happy is an understatement.”
Eivor made her way over to the desk in the corner of the studio, where a graphics tablet lay alongside a stylus. “Now, before I dress it, I’m legally required to ask you if I have permission to photograph the tattoo for advertisement purposes. I appreciate it’s a personal subject matter and completely understand if—”
“Go for it,” you shrugged.
“Are you certain?” You nodded.
“Of course. It’s a work of art.” The smile she gave you was genuine.
“This’ll only take a minute. Thank you, really.”
She knelt down and snapped a picture with the tablet, checking the quality. “All done.” Eivor then proceeded to sanitise her hands and slip on one last pair of gloves, grabbing the wipes and plastic wrap from her station. “The photo will be uploaded to the shop’s website and my professional Instagram, if that’s alright with you. Completely anonymous, of course.”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Although, it’ll be weird seeing my leg on my feed.” She chuckled.
“Feel free to email or DM if you have any concerns with the healing.” Patting your leg, she stood up to her full height, placing her gloves in a biohazard ziplock. “Well, I’m honoured to have given you your first tattoo.”
“Honoured to be your…canvas?”
And just like that, your time with the artist was up. You watched wistfully as she put together an aftercare pack at the front desk, your previously overjoyed expression drifting into a sad one. After paying, you thanked her one final time.
“Take care, søta,” she said with a wink.
The very moment you arrived back home, you whipped out a Norwegian-to-English translator and immediately tried to replicate her pronunciation of the word she called you, blushing profusely when discovering it meant ‘cutie’. And upon opening your cleaning pack, you found an addition that wasn’t present in your previous bundle:
A small slip of paper. On one side, a mobile number. On the other, in beautifully neat cursive,
I’d love to take you to dinner. Text me if you’re interested?
Yours, Eivor
#eivor#eivor varinsdóttir#eivor x reader#f!eivor x reader#female eivor#tattoo parlor au#modern au#ac valhalla
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Old Habits (Warren Worthington x Reader)
So I was digging around in my old files and I found this from a few years ago. I’m sure I published it somewhere once but I have no idea where. Either way, the writing isn’t too bad so I thought some readers here may enjoy it.
Before, when you originally met Warren, you had never had an issue with reaching out and grabbing his wings if he tried to march away from you. It had become a habit.
There would be an argument over something inconsequential and both of you would scream and shout like children. Warren would realise that his temper was getting out of control and try to stalk away from the fight before it got out of control. You would snatch a fistful of his feathers or the edge of a wing; anything that was within range was ample gain. It never hurt him but he stopped moving due to the sensation. Then he would turn around and kiss you until your lips were bruised and you couldn’t breathe properly.
This time…
You had been eternally grateful to Charles Xavier for bringing Warren back despite all his previous actions and your heart belonged to whoever had saved his life. When you had seen him walking through that portal, you had sold yourself on the notion that you would never be seeing him again. A bitter reality without the white angel wings that you had spent hours wrapped in.
The fight had been inconsequential really. Something about his sulking and yelling at anybody who tried to get close to him.
But now you withdrew your hand as quickly as you reached out.
Warren still spun around to look, the metal feathers screeching against the walls as he did so. Instead of kissing you, his eyes fell on your bloody hand and he reached for it with tentative hands. “I…” his words died in his throat.
You met his eyes with a clouded expression and sighed. “Sorry,” you said. “I forgot…” Your eyes fell on the huge metal wings and you sighed. “I didn’t think that through. I’m sorry.”
“No,” Warren said. “No, you shouldn’t have had to think about it in first place.” Unlike the feathered version, these wings made a horrendous noise when they bristled and even he winced at the sound. “Just go and get somebody to look at that.” And he stormed back into his temporary room, slamming the door far too loudly behind him.
You sighed, shoulders slumping. Charles had approached you to see if you could possibly fix the situation and maybe convince Warren to relax a little more in the mansion. His end goal obviously being to offer the angelic mutant a permanent place to stay.
Stomach churning, you hurried down the stairs to the nearest mutant that could heal your hand or at least somebody who knew basic medical skills.
Two stitches and a little bit of healing later, you were sitting in your own room and staring down at your bandages. While you had been standing up there, it hadn’t hurt at all but now it was burning like fire. You rubbed it gently and sighed. Warren had always been self-sabotaging. At this point, shutting you out could almost be classified as a hobby of his.
So eventually – at an hour that any reasonable person would be asleep at – you climbed out of bed and marched over to the room to quiet your wailing mind. If you didn’t know Warren’s self-destructive tendencies you would have presumed it was too late.
But you had lived with the man before.
You didn’t bother knocking. You knew that Warren would have pretended he didn’t hear you. So you counted on him forgetting – or purposefully – not locking the door.
“I’m tired of this,” you said when Warren finally noticed you and removed the headphones that were blaring rock music so loudly that you could hear them from across the room. You walked over and sat on an untouched desk, watching the winged mutant carefully. “Every day, you make me sit and watch you turn all that anger and hatred inwardly and I can’t do anything about it. I feel useless when it comes to you. Like there’s nothing I can do to help.”
“Help?” he scoffed. “Help what?”
He rolled his eyes and sat up on the bed, those metal feathers screaming a symphony as they were dragged across the wall. “I don’t need your help,” he said. He glanced at your bandaged hand. “Look what happens when you try. I’m fine. They said that my feathered wings will grow back soon and then I’ll be able to get as far away from this fucking place as possible.”
“I want to stay.”
“Then stay.”
You gave a forced laugh. “And here I thought you knew me well enough to know that there isn’t a chance that you would leave without me following.”
Warren crossed his arms and his wings puffed up as he attempted to become more intimidating. It would work on most people. Not you. “Nobody likes codependent twits,” he grumbled. “But then again, it’s not my problem if you want to chase me around the country like some lost poodle. If you get killed, I don’t want anybody blaming it for me.”
“It’s not… alright, no, I’m not rising to that,” you said firmly. “No matter how often you insult me, I’m not going to leave and you know that by now. Warren, won’t you at least consider staying here? There are others who –“
“Joined forces with an ancient evil and attempted to bring about the end of the world because they were offered shiny wings then almost died and had to be saved by their enemy out of pity. Just so many of those assholes running around that I can barely even walk without seeing one.” His hair was falling into his face now but he didn’t seem interested in doing anything about it. “But they don’t count if they switched sides during the actual battle.”
“You were unconscious the majority of the battle.”
“Thank you for reminding me. I wasn’t aware.”
You sighed and reached out to move his hair away from his eyes. It said something that he didn’t move away despite the glare he was sending in your direction. “Wouldn’t you prefer to be able to rest for a little while until you got back onto your feet?” you asked. “I’ve been talking to some of the people here and they’re all friendly if you give them a chance.”
“I don’t see any weapons attached to your back that are constantly hurting people you actually care about,” he noted.
“My hand was my own fault,” you repeated. You stood up and moved closer, reaching the uninjured hand past his head and resting it gently on the metal of his feathers. “See? I’m being careful now and it’s not getting me hurt. If I had taken a few more seconds to think it through, I wouldn’t have grabbed your wing out of habit. But you said they’ll go back to being normal soon.”
“Apparently,” he said. “Some of them have fallen off but they’re meant to do that. What would you do if they stayed metal? You’d have to start finding your own beds instead of curling up next to me constantly. Something tells me you won’t find these wings ‘comforting’.”
A phrase you had always used when speaking about his wings and it hurt to hear him spit it with such bitterness in his tone. It had always been something genuine to you. “They probably won’t keep me as warm as the normal feathers,” you admitted. “But I don’t doubt that I could grow used to them and love them as much as I adored the originals.”
He scoffed. “Always a fucking optimist. Even when I have tattoos that probably will never fade etched into my face.”
“I’m not always an optimist,” you said. “When you disappeared into that cage fighting thing for months without telling me and then came back with your wing fried to a crisp, I was so worried that I thought I would vomit. I lost countless hours due to nightmares about waking up and finding you dead or missing again.”
“And then you did.”
“I was too late,” you said. “No matter what you said, I knew that your wings were making you distressed and I wanted to help but I didn’t know how. If I had figured out how to fix things sooner then there wouldn’t have been a reason for you to go with that asshole.”
Warren just glared at you and then flicked his bedside lamp off and lay down on his side. It used to hurt his wings when he slept like that but you were unsure that the metal felt anything. Either way, you lay your hand on his shoulder temporarily and then took the hint to leave the room. There was nothing else for you to say or do.
Almost a week passed where you only opened the door to throw random food and drink items at Warren where he was pretending to be asleep. Sometimes he would mumble something and other times he would continue to ignore you. You took the bandage off a few days later. It was something Warren undoubtedly noticed but he didn’t say anything until the day you opened the door to find everything strewn across the floor in such a state of disarray that you flinched.
“What’s the problem?” you asked.
Warren glanced at you out of the corner of his eye and muttered something about not having any shirts that weren’t torn to shreds by his new wings. Which later led to you going shopping and returning with a bunch of new shirts with cuts in the back for the new wings. It took you a while and he grumbled under his breath when you dumped them on the floor but you didn’t say anything.
The charade continued day in and day out but you weren’t deterred. You waited patiently for Warren with a well-learned routine. This had happened many times before. A waiting game that you had perfected over many years of worrying about the angelic mutant who held so much of your attention and your heart.
You walked through the door with a milkshake in hand when he was busy plucking the metal feathers off his wings. Silently, you placed it down and settled cross-legged behind him on the bed to help him peel off the shedding metal over the unreachable areas.
It came off easily and you happily spotted some of the soft, white feathers peeking out from beneath the metal. You ran your fingers happily over it and smiled. They would be returning soon.
“You’re going to need to preen these daily while they’re growing out,” you said. You didn’t expect an answer but you said it with the knowledge that you would be the one to do it. “Otherwise they’re going to be crooked and then you won’t be able to fly properly.”
Warren’s feathers fluttered slightly as he turned around to face you. They didn’t sound quite as horrible when they brushed against the wall now and there were fewer grooves than before. Deep scratch marks already tore up the bedframe and one of the bedside lamps had disappeared a week ago. “Just leave.”
“Alright. I’ll be back tomorrow.”
“Why do you bother?”
Your fingers brushed the doorknob and you shrugged. “It’s just force of habit now.”
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Of Academic Interest
Fandom: Indiana Jones
Collection/Series: Tribute to/Part of @alloftheimaginesblog ‘s ‘Secret’s Out’ Saga world.
Pairing: Indiana Jones x Plus Size Female History Lecturer Reader (Glasses are mentioned very briefly)
Writer: @writings-of-a-hufflepuff aka @hufflepuffing-all-day-long
Rating: T
Warnings: N/A
Summary: You’re one of the newest history lecturers and Indiana turns up to watch your open lecture on the Cult of the Beautiful Dead
Notes: I love Angela’s Secret’s Out Saga, i’m happy that I get to send her requests and see the amazing things she writes for it and lately i’ve been getting the urge to write something for the world/au/series.
This is a homage, a tribute, to it, obviously none of this is canon unless Angela says so.
This is set before Indy and the Reader are dating.
All facts come from an essay I did at university on the Cult of the Beautiful Dead, which I also did an hour long presentation on.
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You were relatively new to the history department at Marshall College and were somewhat of a novelty to students and staff alike having only been there for a few months. Being one of the few female professors and on top of that specialising in some more taboo or ground breaking historical takes on the history of gender and sexuality, you had successfully caused quite the stir.
The majority of your colleagues were accepting, happy to have you and generally interested by your studies and research. Despite being relatively new to academic teaching they were supportive, although there was a small subsection of the humanities department who, in typical old man fashion, talked down to you, treated you like a coffee girl and disrespected your expertise. You had taken to stealing their students from their modules and attracting them to your modules instead as a passive form of fighting back.
Students were clamouring to be taught by you, to get onto the list for your modules or to get to see your open lectures. You were the only member of the faculty who talked about the more riveting elements of history such as prostitution, sexualisation, and even ghosts. In comparison to the same lectures on Anglo-Saxon England and the Civil War, you were significantly more interesting to the student population. That did not, however, remove sexism within the student population. While female students actively enjoyed your lectures, got involved more so than in other modules, and felt a sense of comfort in a more female friendly space, you found that a small portion of the student male population tried at every turn to either explain your own specialism to you or to discredit you. You had long since taken to finding it rather amusing, especially when most of those individuals were failing your course.
You had been asked many months ago to prepare an open lecture on the history of surgery and medicine, the faculty head had told you to pick any topic you wished so long as it was well researched and you could put on a good lecture for the student population. For some it might well be their first ever history lecture, for others it was just an addition to their usual workload, nonetheless you’d chosen a topic that was of interest to you and that you felt confident presenting.
Standing before a podium in a large lecture hall, you push your glass further up the bridge of your nose and flick through the pages of notes in front of you to temporarily distract yourself from the crowds of people that were slowly making their way inside and to seats. It was a large hall, one that could hold upwards of 200 people and despite years of public speaking under your belt there was always an anticipation, a sense of nerves, before you began a lecture or presentation.
You checked the microphone on the podium, happy to find it in working order and smiled at a few familiar faces in the front row, some of your students who had apparently decided to spend their free period listening to you talk some more. Checking the time you waited a few more minutes before choosing to start, letting the last stragglers find a seat or for those unlucky enough to stand at the back after all seats were filled. It was a large turn out and you could feel those nerves buzzing in the pit of your stomach as you cleared your throat and picked up your notes.
“Good morning, everyone! Thank you for coming despite your busy schedules to hear me drone on once more about dead people,” Light laughter and small chuckles filled the space as you began, your students looking at each other with a shake of their heads. “Today i’m going to be talking to you about something called the Cult of the Beautiful Dead in Victorian medicine. Specifically surgery.”
You find yourself drifting from the podium, pacing across the stage even as this requires you to speak louder without the microphone. There is a familiar energy in your body that demands you move as you speak, to expend it in some physical way. “The Cult of the Beautiful Dead pervaded the world of art within the 18th and 19th centuries. It has been defined as ‘a subjective fascination with idealised images of the deceased in such a way that permanently embalmed bodies and stable images displace and replace impermanent reality’, but I would characterise it within medical and surgical art somewhat differently.”
You stop briefly, give yourself time to breathe and them time to process your words, in that brief moment your eyes glance across the crowd and spot a familiar face that makes your cheeks warm and your heart stutter. Professor Henry ‘Indiana’ Jones Junior.
Professor Jones was known throughout the history and archaeology department for his digs, his finds, and his immense knowledge, that and his good looks and charming persona. He was friendly, enticing, handsome, and treated you as an equal. While you could not consider yourself friends, you did have a healthy respect and rather decent crush on the man. In fact, the only reason you weren’t friends, you suspected, was your inability to talk around the man without stuttering. He had no reason to be at your lecture, but he’d come anyway, in fact it looked as if he were the only member of the archaeology department present.
You forced yourself to tear your eyes away and continue, “It is the idealised image of the female body on the dissection room table or the surgical bed with her flowing hair, her soft, pale skin, her perfect, unharmed nature and her sexualised passivity which characterises the Cult of the Beautiful Dead within medical art. On your seats you would have found copies of a painting by Henri Gervaux and an illustration by Hasselhorst, I will be talking today about these pieces of art and how they fit in with the realities of the dissection room.”
You move across the stage again, wait as they find out their papers and find yourself looking over at Dr Jones again. He is intent in his observations of the papers in his hands, interested, actively engaged and that is a bigger compliment than anything you think. It would be heartbreaking, you decide, if he were bored by or disinterested in your lecture. While you don’t need his approval, you are an academic in your own right, you do desire it.
You continue on when he looks up, shifting your eyes away quickly, “In the 19th century women were less likely to be patients of surgeons than men and even when they were operated on they were by no means symbols of the Cult of the Beautiful dead. See Before the Operation by Henri Gervaux,” You wait for them to find the print of the painting, “It is a portrait of Dr Pean, a French Surgeon, and depicts the moment before an operation on a young woman and fits into the ideal of the Cult even though the woman is anaesthetised and not dead.”
In this fashion you continue your lecture, moving across the stage discussing the sexualisation of the female body in medical art and the realities of surgery in comparison. You’re highly aware of Dr Jones’ eyes on you as you move across the stage, to the point that you stumble at points in your oration. As time goes on you find yourself relaxing under his gaze, accepting that he is here purely out of interest, not to judge you or pass criticism. His active engagement with your lecture, the notes you can see him scribbling down in a notebook, is rewarding and reassures you that he is enjoying himself even on a topic so far removed from his own studies of ancient civilisations and centuries old artefacts and skeletons.
You reach the end of your lecture, returning to the podium and straightening your skirt, “Are there any questions?”
Hands pop up across the room, but it is one in particular that you are drawn to. You don’t expect him to ask questions, you don’t expect him to have any, but you are a little scared to hear what he has to say. It shouldn’t scare you, this active academic engagement, the meeting of minds, but you so desperately do not want to make a fool of yourself.
“Dr Jones?” You gesture for him to go on and ask and he stands in response. Tugging at the tweed waistcoat and adjusting his glasses on his nose.
He smiles at you as he begins, “Dr Y/L/N,” He addresses you by your title, formal and respectful. You are reminded, once more, that he has never failed to treat you as an equal. Unlike some of the other male professors, “I was just wondering what your opinion was on the eroticisation of death in this period?” You let out a little laugh, for no reason other than a little relief at the ease with which you can answer that question.
“Thank you for your question Dr Jones, well art such as Hasselhorst’s helped to eroticise death in the 18th and 19th centuries, death became equated with beauty, even if the reality of the dissection room failed to live up to the standards of the Cult of the Beautiful Dead. What we see is death portrayed often as a young woman. She is often portrayed as beautiful with long flowing hair, a fair face, a soft pale body, naked, open to the eye and most importantly passive. The dead woman in this period is a passive object, dead, yet sleeping, immortally captured at her most beautiful and unable to object to any sexualisation or objectification. She cannot talk back. Death is an obsession of the Victorians and it’s prevalence in medical art like Hasselhorst’s shows just how deeply connected death, beauty and the erotic became at this time.”
“Do you think we’ve continued that desire for passivity today? The way in which we expect women to act?”
“What do you think, Dr Jones?” You turn the question back on him, eager to hear his opinion, knowing that your own certainly sees the way 1930s society demands passivity from women even if death is no longer eroticised in the same way.
“I think we’ve perpetuated that desire for passivity from women within our society, demanded they hold their tongue, keep themselves in check and in place and as objects of desire, but not too much or else they’re no longer respectable. I think we expect women to be passively sexual, unknowingly so, innocently so, yet they must be attractive else their worth is diminished. An outspoken or intelligent woman is demeaned, pushed out from academics or workplaces. Don’t you agree?”
“I do.” You take a moment, give him a smile before answering the next question and the next and the next. You expect him to leave like many of the other members of the audience once his question has been answered, instead he stays, listens to your responses to each question and pays you rapt attention.
You find yourself even more interested in Dr Jones than you were before. His acknowledgement of the treatment you and other women have faced when attempting to make a name in a career or in academics is refreshing and his engagement with your lecture is enjoyable and endearing. You curse him a little for making your crush, your infatuation deeper simply by coming to your lecture.
You find yourself packing up your notes at the end, listening to the sound of feet leaving as you grab your notes and stuff them into your leather satchel. A tall shadow falls over you as you heft the bag onto your shoulder and you smile up at Dr Jones as he stands before the podium notebook in hand, he folds the glasses off of his nose and pockets them.
“How did you enjoy the lecture, Dr Jones?” You run an anxious hand through your hair and twist your wide hips in a nervous movement, always finding yourself a little flustered when one on one with the man. There’s a part of you that worries about coming under scrutiny from him, the part that has so often been judged in life for your gender, your area of study, and your weight. Years of nasty comments, suggested diets and family obsession with the size of your body had created a paranoia almost, a sense of expectation. You were just waiting for the scrutiny to be voiced.
“It was one of the most interesting lectures I've had the pleasure of watching. You should write a book, it might be a worthy next research project and please call me Indiana.”
“Only if you call me by name. I think we can both drop the doctor? I wasn’t expecting to see you here, I...I didn’t think the Victorians would interest an archaeologist.” In truth the idea of Indiana Jones wanting to learn about people not long dead, a period which rarely requires archaeological excavation and has few true mysteries, had never crossed your mind.
“In all honesty?” There’s a pause as he looks away from you with a charming smirk before turning back to you, teeth showing through his smile. “You interest me. I’ve read all your books, all your papers, every time you lecture I stop at the door and listen. You’re a compelling orator.”
“You listen to my lectures?” You can feel warmth flooding your cheeks, your neck, your ears at his admission. Feel a familiar sense of butterflies flapping about in your stomach. You look down briefly, smiling at the ground before meeting his blue eyes again.
“When I have time, surprised you haven’t noticed me hovering in the doorway. You really are one of the best academics I've ever met.”
“I...thank you.” You’re a little lost for words, you have barely shared more than a few polite conversations with Indiana, too intimidated to talk in depth with him and yet here he is extolling your values and praising you.
“Don’t let Dr Carr convince you otherwise.” He taps his fingers in a rhythm on the wood of the podium, looking away from you and towards the door where you can see the much older Dr Carr standing waiting impatiently for you to leave the room for his next lecture.
“You heard...the other day.” You think back to the argument you’d gotten into with the old professor over his sexist attitude towards you, his constant demeaning comments. You had thought it had been a private argument, but it seems not. You were still rather angry about the whole thing in truth.
“Yeah, look he’s old school. Doesn’t think women should have degrees or PhDs, ignore him. You’re a better academic by far and he’s just angry that he’s been passed over for the chair again. He’s a washed up old academic, he’s only still got a job because the Dean feels bad for him.” He says the last part loudly, on purpose you’re sure, loud enough for Dr Carr to hear and turn a glare on him. You know he won’t say anything to him though, Dr Jones was the university’s prized archaeology professor, he brought in more artefacts than the other’s combined and more students. Dr Carr wouldn’t say a bad word against him. Couldn’t. It was enjoyable to watch the old fuddy professor go red in the face and huff at the doors.
“I don’t know what to say. I...Thank you. I know we don’t...we don’t really talk, but thank you, I. It’s been hard joining the faculty, it’s a very masculine environment and I...it’s nice to know there’s someone in my corner.” You think to your Grandfather telling you that academics would make you barren, cause you to go insane, think to your mother telling you to find a nice husband and settle down, that you should desire the life of a housewife alone. It has been very difficult simply getting this far and to know you have him in your corner, someone in your corner means a great deal, in a new city, a new job, a new career.
“Always.” The two of you stand there in silence, just staring at each other, despite the impatient noises being made at the door by Dr Carr. You grip the satchel strap tighter over your shoulder and tuck your hair behind your ear.
“Would you like to get some coffee?”
“Now?” You don’t have any more lectures for the day, just your office hours later to answer any student questions, but the offer still surprises you.
“Yeah, I don’t have a lecture until later and...if you’re free I have more questions.” He holds up the notebook, little post notes coming out of the side, it’s thick from writings and usage. It flatters you that he’s so interested in what you have to say, in your mind. You think it might be more of a compliment than anything physical.
“So it’s entirely professional then, Dr Jones?” You’re not sure where the confidence comes from to cause the words to fall from your lips, to cause a little smirk to lift at them as you look at him over the top of your glasses. Flirtation is one area you are not confident in, despite it all.
“Well, I wouldn’t say entirely, sweetheart...I’d like to get to know you better.” He’s utterly too charming for his own good you think and too charming for your poor little heart, but despite any concerns you have, any worries about his intentions you still find yourself agreeing. You’ve wanted to get to know him better for so long, too scared to talk to him in more than passing that you can’t let this opportunity pass you by. Refuse to.
“That sounds...lovely.”
“Shall we?” He offers his elbow out to you and you take it, wrapping your arm through his and pulling yourself to his side. He is taller, broader, and warmer than you. He smells woodsy and a little like black coffee and everything about this moment has your heart skipping a beat.
“We shall.”
You take great pleasure in the dissatisfied sneer on Dr Carr’s face as the two of you walk arm in arm out of the lecture hall.
@charradelange @belfry-bat @gabile18 @beccaboo929 @trasheater
#plus size reader#secret's out saga#alloftheimaginesblog#indiana jones x reader#indiana jones#indiana jones/reader#female reader#female identifying reader#indiana jones reader insert#indiana jones readerinsert
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Into the Darkness / Part 3
The Darkling x Reader
A/N: This does not follow canon, it’s literally just lemon zest 🍋 ... I have a vision of Ben Barnes in his black Kefta and riding boots permanently stuck in my brain right now. Attempting to write it right out of there.
Warnings: 18+ please due to NSFW content. Some dom/sub interaction, being restrained, coercion, questionable consent (thankfully it takes place in a fantasy universe), sexual content including oral, rough unprotected* sex. I don’t mention her actual age, but Reader is not underage.
*Irl, please don’t go wild in the country without protection.

[My GIF]
“Moi soverennyi... why have you woken me?”
“Why do you think, little dove?”
You realised that this was to be your life from now on.
His hands pulled you up from your prone position, and you found yourself crushed against his body. You knew this was done on purpose - firstly, so that you knew he was naked and secondly, so that you felt his erection against your thigh as he did so. Which you did. How long had you slept? It was probably longer but you felt as if it was only a few minutes, and yet he already wanted to - what had he called it? - fuck you again? You were still sore from earlier; your throat and between your legs felt rubbed raw.
“Turn around and get on your knees.” His voice sounded harsh for some reason, so you rushed to obey although you wondered at his tone. Maybe he didn’t like appearing needy for you, this would after all be the third time he’d had you in the saints knew how many hours. As you were thinking this, your head was pushed back down into the pillows, meaning you were now balanced on your knees and elbows with your bottom in the air.
A long finger was pushed inside you from behind and you cried out in surprise. Another finger joined it immediately and you yelped again. “Be quiet! You make too much noise, woman.” You felt his thumb moving onto the area he’d concentrated on before, rubbing circles onto it, and once again you felt pleasure rippling through you. His fingers started moving in you; coupled with what his thumb was doing, you couldn’t deny that it was enjoyable. You were breathing very shakily.
Suddenly it all stopped, only to be replaced by his hard length abruptly sliding into you without any warning. You screamed, but he’d anticipated this and had pushed your face right into the pillow, virtually silencing all your cries.
He began thrusting into you, grinding against you without mercy, the fingers of one hand digging into your hips, while the other hand kept your face buried in the pillows. You felt him remove it, “Keep your head down,” he said as he did so. His hand went to your breasts, squeezing, massaging as they hung heavy above the mattress, pulling at your nipples and making you squeal. “Will you be QUIET!” he hissed in your ear.
It felt incessant to you, was he never going to stop? He was loudly grunting this time with the effort of pounding into you. He got to make noise, but you didn’t?
You heard his long-drawn-out groan and felt relief, knowing what it meant. Once again, the warmth spread inside you and he pulled out. You felt his juices running down your legs this time, cooling as they hit the air and your skin. You slowly stretched out your back and leg muscles, and lay down gratefully on the bed. The sheets were sticky, you noticed with distaste. You felt the mattress lift slightly; he’d got up and was heading to the door.
You caught a glimpse of his naked body as he walked across the room - tall and lean but nicely muscled. The door was unlocked and he left the bedroom; you supposed he was going to re-dampen the washcloth. He returned, and sure enough you felt the warm washcloth making its way over you. He’d also brought a second washcloth and was attempting to clean up the sticky areas on the sheets.
Perhaps the action of washing you had sparked something; just as you were relaxing into enjoying it, he put his hands under your knees and pulled them up, opening your legs as he did so. You’d started squirming, feeling very exposed and uncomfortable, when you were dealt a stinging blow onto your right thigh. “Stop moving!” he ordered. Gasping, you looked into his angry face but ended up giving another longer, louder, gasp as he quickly shoved his now-erect-again cock fully into you.
You hadn’t even noticed him getting hard again. How long did it take for this to happen in men, you wondered? There was so much you didn’t know. Then you realised that he’d lifted your legs right up and placed your ankles on his shoulders.
This gave him a whole new angle to thrust into you from; he was making the most of it, his pace so fast and each deep thrust forcing a pained moan from you. You were still very tender, but that didn’t seem to have any impact on Kirigan at all. He was obviously extremely keen to continue his ‘training’ of you to accept him at any time, at any place.
For some reason, this time he didn’t finish inside you, leaning back so that his cock slid out of you, spilling onto his stomach instead. However it soon became clear why, when he told you to clean it all off him. You’d reached for the washcloth but he shook his head at you, so you dropped it back onto the bedside table.
Instead, as he’d intended, you’d used your tongue to lick him clean, meaning that all you could taste was his now-familiar salty/musky tang as you lay under the covers, staring up at the ceiling with him lying beside you.
Listening to his shallow, even breathing, wondering again why you’d ended up in his bed as his only ‘companion’.
»»————————————-———-���⚜ ———————————-————-««
You’d eventually fallen asleep, and when you were shaken awake again some time later, you weren’t surprised this time. You looked at him as he leaned over you, and were surprised when he kissed you, tongue easing into your mouth.
He pulled you onto your side, and you felt his cock between your legs. He thrust into you, one hand going to your breast and the other to your thigh, pulling you against him. He moved his fingers to where he disappeared inside you, finding that spot with his thumb and rubbing it over and over, making you jump. His pace was slightly slower this time, his thrusts less punishing. Once he’d released inside you, he continued rubbing at you, massaging your breasts and kissing you until you climaxed. You remembered to thank him as instructed, and he’d stroked your hair as if you were a pet.
This time, as soon as he slid out of you, he more or less fell asleep immediately. It took you longer, as you now had an extremely painful ache between your legs which was difficult to ignore. In the space of a few hours, you’d gone from untouched virgin to having been fucked five times in a row without respite, and it was taking a terrible toll on your body. Your throat still burned, and your hand went between your legs trying to soothe the heat which burned there, and you finally drifted off to sleep.
When you next opened your eyes, it was brighter in the room. He was still fast asleep, but almost as if he’d sensed you were awake, his eyes flickered open. He gazed at you, reaching over and stroking one of your breasts, before rolling your nipple between his fingers. He propped himself up on one elbow, leaning over and letting his tongue lazily run over the nipple and surrounding area, before starting to bite at it. Then he moved to your other breast, beginning the same ritual.
You jumped again as he bit down. “Would it be correct to say that you like my breasts, moi soverennyi?” you asked, staring back at him. “A lot?”
He laughed. “Yes, it would be.” He sat up properly, placing both hands on them and grasping greedily at them. “In fact, I’d go so far as to say I’m obsessed by them. They’re so... full and soft, and a perfect fit for my hands. They’re partly why you are here.”
You sat up a bit. “I’ve been wondering about that... why I’m here, I mean. I did not know you before I was brought to your quarters.”
He toyed with your nipples as he said, “Ah, but I happened to see you in the Camp about a month ago... coming out of your tent in the early morning. In just your trousers and undershirt. You were not aware I was watching you. And I would be lying if I said I didn’t study your body closely in the dawn light, through your thin shirt. Your breasts - what I could see of them - looked perfect that morning. I couldn’t get that vision of you out of my head. And now I have you, in every way. I can touch you, kiss you, fuck you, whatever I want.”
Grabbing one breast again, he kissed your nipple, lapping at it. He looked up at you, grey eyes looking softer than usual. “I’d say that makes me a very lucky man.”
You were silent, absolutely amazed that you’d caught his eye over all the other Grisha women.
He continued, “I’d sent the Oprichniki to bring you here the morning you deserted. I’d decided by then that I needed to make you my companion, only to find that you’d disappeared. But luckily you were in the first place they looked.” He laughed, “You didn’t make it particularly difficult to find you.”
You’d been turning over all he’d just told you in your mind. “You said ‘partly’ why I was here?” you queried.
He nodded, “Yes. I also checked your medical records. You are young, healthy and fertile.”
Your mouth dropped open at the implication.
He said, quite matter-of-factly, hand sliding from your breast to your stomach, “In addition to fulfilling my needs, you’re going to have my child.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
You were in his tent at the Camp, several days after his revelation. Things had progressed pretty much as they’d started. He’d schooled you in various other sexual positions, had eaten you out several times, and shown you various other things he liked you to do while you were sucking him off. He’d praised you as a quick learner, and continued to take you pretty much whenever he pleased.
He’d finally noticed how chafed you were, and had brought you a balm from the medics. It had helped a little, although not with your sore and over-used vagina and throat.
There were no shackles now; he knew you wouldn’t jeopardise your family by trying to escape. You were even allowed to venture outside. While you were in his tent, you wore a linen robe or more likely nothing at all. But you’d been given a black Kefta to wear when you did leave the tent, the Grisha woman who’d brought it to you giving you a strange and - possibly jealous? - look.
The black Kefta had confused you and so you’d questioned him about it, about why it wasn’t blue.
“Because you belong to me,” he’d answered shortly. “This proclaims that you’re off limits to other men.”
Now it made sense. You’d seen the stares and side-long looks as you walked through the Camp, had heard the whispers. One thought came to you, so you voiced it.
“Your little Sun Summoner had the same, I hear.”
He laughed, “Are you jealous?”
You vigorously shook your head, “No!”
“She wore it for the Winter Fete, that’s all,” he shrugs. “You get to wear yours all the time. And it’s different to hers. Much more splendid. Everyone now knows who you are.”
You glared at him, “And who am I exactly?”
“My consort.” He began undoing his fly, “Come here and kneel down.”
You knelt in front of him. It had taken very little time for you to learn that he liked you rather than him to free his cock from his trousers before you sucked him off, which is what you did now. He slid it into your mouth, as usual keeping his hand firmly on the back of your head so he was in control of you.
You’d also quickly learnt to make almost no noise, as you were no longer servicing him in private.
He moved back from you after a few minutes, leaving your mouth unexpectedly empty. However you’d noticed that in the past couple of days, blow jobs now usually ended in sex. He moved to the large chair in the corner of the tent, sat down and beckoned you over to him.
You went to him and he gestured to his lap. You obediently straddled him, taking his cock inside you as you did so. Moving on him, you saw his head going back, his eyes closing, jaw clenching and hands groping your breasts. He came fairly quickly, no doubt due to the partial blow job, and you slid off him, walking to the other side of the tent to pour a basin of warm water from the large metal jug sitting on a low flame, and a washcloth.
You ran the cloth over him, tucking him back into his uniform trousers before seeing to yourself. As you stood to take the basin away, he caught your wrist, looking intensely at you.
“You’ve learnt well, in a very short space of time. You’re being a very good girl.”
“I thought I was a woman?” you snarked, and he laughed, “Fine...woman, then.” He ran his thumb over the skin of your wrist, “You’ve been taking my cock so well, and you like it rough now, don’t you?”
You nodded dutifully, “Yes, moi soverennyi.” In fact, you didn’t particularly, but you had to keep this dangerous man happy.
“When is your monthly cycle due?” he suddenly asked you. Blushing deeply - this was not something you usually discussed with men - you answered, “About 10 days’ time.” “Make sure to keep track,” he instructed you, “it shouldn’t take long for you to get with child.”
You could believe it. Since you’d been brought to him, he’d been on you constantly. You felt as if you were permanently hobbling around; in addition to oral sex, he usually fucked you three or four times a day, which, according to more gossip you’d heard in the past, was not usual except maybe between newlyweds on their honeymoon. Which you & he definitely were not.
But you’d surprised yourself by having some kind of feelings for him. You were in fact jealous of his ‘little Sun Summoner’ as you called her, although he’d confided to you that they’d never had sex. He also told you that while he had felt a connection with her, she’d ruined that when she’d run off and disappeared from his life.
You’d asked him what he’d do if she returned, and he’d shrugged, “Nothing. She is dead to me.” But you wondered if that was true, or if you’d be cast aside for her.
You seemed to have accepted that you’d be with him for a lot longer than you’d initially expected. Especially if you did become pregnant. He had become more tender with you lately, kissing you when you least expected it or running his fingers down your cheek. One morning, you’d awoken to find him gazing at you and stroking some strands of hair off your face.
But he could still be arrogant, harsh and demanding, meaning that you did your best to keep him pleasured. He would still take you without warning; he’d once shoved you up against the wall of an empty corridor in the Little Palace, undoing your trousers, moving your underwear aside and pushing inside you right then and there. He’d been thrusting into you like a madman, and as usual you felt like it went on forever. You were petrified that someone would see or hear the two of you, in fact you still weren’t sure they hadn’t. But you’d acquiesced as always, and let him have his way with you.
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
Ten days later, he asked if your period had started. You confirmed that it had, that morning. “Well, we shall have to try even harder, shall we not?” Inwardly, you groaned. You definitely wouldn’t be able to walk if that was the case.
He didn’t leave you alone even for those few days, just carried on fucking you when the notion took him. His stamina was quite impressive. He’d even left a strategy meeting he was attending a mere half hour after he’d had sex with you, spent 10 minutes rutting on you, before fixing his slightly dishevelled uniform and returning to his meeting.
He’d also had you brought over to the large tent where he and his senior men held these meetings. One of his men took you to a side entrance which led to a little area screened off from the main space, containing a plain table and chair.
He’d arrived a few moments later, striding over and bending you over the desk, putting his hand over your mouth and pushing roughly inside you from behind, grunting quietly and thrusting into you for some time. His mouth was next to your ear, and he gave his signature long low moan as he came. Then he was gone without one word spoken, before you could even stand up and turn round.
A few minutes later, the same Oprichnik who’d brought you over to the tent arrived, smirking, to take you back. His eyes had run over your body quite blatantly and when you arrived at your tent, you’d said, “Thank you. I’ll be sure to tell General Kirigan how interested you were in my well-being.” The smirk and roving eyes were instantly replaced with fear, and he hurried away from you.
You couldn’t deny Kirigan made it plain that he found you totally desirable, which understandably did wonders for your self-confidence.
However, this back-fired on you. You were now on nodding terms with Ivan, Kirigan’s second-in-command. He was another dangerous man, who you also wished to stay on the right side of. One evening, you were sipping at a small glass of kvas when Ivan came into the tent. He was looking for his commanding officer, who was in one of his interminable meetings.
You asked if he wished to wait for him, as he shouldn’t be long in returning. He accepted and also took a glass of kvas with you, growing more conversational as the time passed. He regaled you with tales of some of his & Kirigan’s exploits, and you’d been laughing at one he’d just told you when the Darkling came striding into the tent. Ivan leapt to his feet and stood at attention.
As he took in the scene before him, Kirigan scowled ferociously at both of you, barking out, “What’s this! I leave for an hour, and you’re sniffing and drooling round my woman like a dog in heat, Ivan?”
Ivan’s face reddened, and he shuffled his feet guiltily. Like most of the men, he found you very attractive. They all knew that Kirigan was fucking you, and he had in fact been thinking what a lucky bastard he was when the man himself had arrived.
“No, moi soverennyi! I assure you... I was waiting for you and I merely spoke of some of our past campaigns.” Kirigan sneered, “Which caused her to laugh? Is what we did so amusing?”
His glare turned to you, “Is it?!” You shook your head, “No... well, it was just Ivan mentioned that you happened to rip your trousers once when you...” but you stopped talking when you saw the expression on his face.
Ivan hastily took his leave, saying he would update him in the morning instead.
The Darkling looked at you with icy eyes. He took off his Kefta and threw it onto one of the chairs, and began unbuckling his trousers. “Take your clothes off, and get on the bed.”
»»————————————-———- ⚜ ———————————-————-««
#the darkling x reader#the darkling#aleksander morozova#general kirigan#shadow and bone#ben barnes#aleksander morozova x reader#general kirigan x reader#the darkling imagine#the darkling fanfiction#the darkling into the darkness
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Two Little Lines

Let’s just keep playing around with the pregnancy/baby theme, shall we? 😂😈 it’s going to be on the fluffier side, however, we are gonna sprinkle in some very mild NSFW. And we got real angsty with Kenma and we’re just gonna make em all real long. Sorry this took me a few days to do!
Let’s be honest, Kenma would be the cautious one that would more so plan for pregnancy.
Life’s going great for Kenma—great job, cushy life, hot wife??? How did he get so lucky?
Cause he’s cute af that’s how
He was finally ready to add another player to the party.
However, life can’t always be perfect and apparently neither can the two of you trying for a baby.
For the last year and a half now, Friday nights were your thing. No streaming, no work, no phone calls. You and Kenma—that’s it. And while he definitely had become very explorative in that time, every negative pregnancy test was wearing his drive down.
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone that Kenma isn’t a fan of going to the doctor, even to check on how his little swimmers are doing. “If it’s not meant to be, we’ll find another way.” But you could tell it was breaking his heart a little bit.
Frisky Friday’s became fragile Friday’s, in which the two of you really just cuddled in bed together, fireplace lit, and talked about hopeful dreams of finally having a child together, until one of you hopefully got in the mood.
Shit, this whole ordeal was even making your marriage rough. Kenma had been so hard on himself lately that he could barely look at you, which caused you to start to feel insecure, causing the both of you to fight.
It’s Friday night. No streaming, no work, and no phone calls. That was how it was supposed to be. But instead, Kenma is naked in bed atop the comforter, playing with his switch.
It’s pissing you off.
“I don’t know what you wanna do anymore, Kenma. Do you even want a family? Do you even want to be with me anymore?”
“Why would you even say that?” It’s Friday night. The two of you are supposed to be hanging out in bed, naked and just being together, not picking fights with each other. But since that seems to be the case, you see Kenma flush with anger.
“Maybe because you’re playing Animal Crossing instead of looking at me??” Your husband sighs before putting his switch on the night stand before taking down the loose knot that his hair typically resides in. He’s anxious. “You’re acting like I’m not upset about this too.”
As you’re talking to him, you cautiously clamber over him, your face filled with raw emotion. And, after being married for the better half of a decade, you can see what he’s feeling. Failure, distress, and pain were only the start of it. “Please, Kenma. One more time, and we’ll start looking at other options.”
Apparently one more time was all it took, according to the three pregnancy tests you’d taken a month later. Seeing those two little lines on one of the tests that your husband had bought in bulk sent your heart into palpitations. You were going to be a mom.
Kenma comes home from work that Friday—you decided to surprise him. “What do you want to do tonight Kenma?”
??? “Honey, it’s Friday. Don’t we usually...” he stops. Either you were giving up on trying, which you two would have discussed, or... “wait, you don’t mean...”
Holding up the positive pregnancy test, you begin to cry. Kenma does too.
“Baby Kozume has joined the party.”
Only the two of you would get pregnant while having an IUD implant. Literally, that was just your luck. But it was still possible.
Which you had yet to tell Kuroo—at the moment you were thankful the two of you weren’t cohabitating yet because you were able to hide your unbearable morning sickness.
You were at least waiting to see your doctor to have your IUD removed before telling him, mostly out of fear but also because, if he did notice your morning sickness, you could pawn it off as symptoms of the removal.
You hoped that this wouldn’t take too long or as be as painful as it was going in, but then again you were going to be pushing a human out in nearly 8 months.
It’s a Wednesday afternoon; Kuroo has already finished classes for the day while you’re still out at your appointment. He did have a key to your appointment, but it was strange that you weren’t home considering you didn’t have classes.
He wasn’t gonna call you out on it though—Kuroo trusted you. Instead, he opted to just rummaging around your apartment, cleaning up dishes that were left standing in the sink and making lunch for the two of you.
The minute you walked through your door, the smell of his cooking wafted through the air and absolutely did not agree with you or the baby’s sense of smell. “Fuck,” you grit out before bolting to the bathroom to hurl.
??? = Kuroo.
“Babe? You okay?” Your response was more vomiting, which was apparent both by sound and by visual—you hadn’t even closed the door to the bathroom and Kuroo got to witness the scene clear as day.
In comfort, Kuroo rubs your lower back in an attempt to coax the remaining bile from your body. Disturbing, was the only way Kuroo could describe it, considering you rarely ever puked. In the last six years of dating, he’s only seen it once while you drunk.
When the nausea finally passed, Kuroo cleaned your face up with a warm rag before sitting you on his knee while he sat at the edge of the tub. “What’s wrong, baby?”
“That, actually.”
“What?” Kuroo’s a smart guy, however it took him a few minutes to decipher your two word puzzle. “Wait, seriously?”
“Yeah, I was gonna tell you today, actually. I just had to go get my IUD removed.” For a moment he’s stunned—the IUD was supposed to be nearly foolproof. But nearly is the key word.
“Babe, you’re pregnant! Holy shit, I gotta call Kenma and Bo and tell them they’re gonna be uncles!” 💀💀💀
“Sooo, you’re okay with it...?” After all, there was a reason you had chosen to go with an IUD after your guys’ last pregnancy scare two years ago.
After all, being a freshman in college wasn’t necessarily an ideal time to start a family.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” He balks.
“Because we’re college students that still have another year to graduate?” You deadpan as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
“And? Now we’re gonna be married college graduates with little baby Kuroo.” M a r r i e d?
“I think you’re getting a little ahead of yourself, Tetsu.”
“What, you don’t wanna marry me?” For a minute, his face contorts with...confusion? Sadness? Anger? A myriad of all the above? “I’ve wanted to marry you since high school.”
“Is this a proposal?”
“The rings been in my gym bag since senior year.”
Akaashi Keiji, contrary to popular opinion, was a real romantic.
Even as college students, while your focus should be on your studies, Akaashi never slacked on making you feel special and loved. He knew it, you knew it, and your poor neighbors that shared the wall between your bedrooms knew it.
Kinda made it awkward when the two of you would leave for class and you’d meet your neighbors’ eyes in the apartment hallway. But ya know, it is what it is.
Honestly, it’s too challenging not to go at it every day when your boyfriend is the sweetest, most endearing human to walk the planet.
But enough gushing about Akaashi. Four years into your relationship, you had never felt so off in your life. The last three weeks, all you wanted to do was sleep and eat, you couldn’t focus on anything at all. You couldn’t even have sex with Akaashi.
You know, your wonderful partner that you literally boned everyday? Yeah.
It felt like a permanent, three week PMS for a period that never came. Not that that was entirely abnormal for you—intense amounts of stress can throw off your menstrual cycle and stress was certainly no stranger to you.
But no. You knew your body and you knew it well. Something was wrong.
Just in case things went awry, you scheduled a doctor’s appointment with Keiji’s knowledge. After all, it could very well be nothing and there was no point in causing your man to worry.
“Miss, were you aware that you’re nearly six weeks pregnant?” 💀💀💀 obviously not, doc.
Not entirely convinced, whether because you’re a tad dense or because you really just don’t want to believe the doctor, you swing by a local drug store to grab a test. Just in case, like somehow the doctor would be wrong.
Thankfully, you get home before Akaashi is back from work for the evening, giving you the privacy of seeing your results with your own eyes. Even though you literally could go look at the results and notes from your doctors visit, but ya know.
You don’t even know how long you sat on the floor of your shared bathroom, just staring at the two little lines. You didn’t even realize Akaashi came home.
He calls your name, at first not necessarily concerned that the only light in the apartment was peeking from under the bathroom door. But with no answer, he calls out your name again. No answer. “Honey, is it okay if I come in?”
“Y-yeah?” You aren’t really sure how to answer. How the hell was Akaashi going to react? You guys didn’t have time for a kid?? You’re completely zoned out, staring blankly at the bathtub in front of you. Lowkey, you’re freaking out Akaashi.
Even more so when he sees your hand loosely cradling the pregnancy test—judging by your reaction, he knows what the result is. But he can’t think of anything to say, what is there even to say?
He’s not upset, no. Shocked? Obviously. Mad, not at all considering he’s just as much responsible. The “R” word is what triggers him.
Responsible, in the sense that in less than a year, the two of you were going to be parents. It swelled joy within him. While the two of still had yet to speak, Akaashi comes to your side, sliding down the wall to sit beside you before wrapping his arms around you.
“So, are you hoping for a boy or a girl?”
#haikyu!!#haikyuu!! imagine#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu scenario#haikyuu imagine#haikyuu requests#haikyuu kuroo#kuroo x reader#tetsurou kuroo x reader#kuroo tetsurou#kenma fluff#kozume kenma#hq kenma#kenma x reader#kenma scenario#hq akaashi#akaashi keiji#akaashi imagine#akaashi headcanons#samwrights
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Instinct |5|
Attack on Titan Fanfic
Levi x Reader
Summary: An unwelcome(ish) blast from the Captain’s trainee days comes back to the Scouting Regiment and old habits die hard.
Instinct: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
Warnings: Swearing (Obvs), Smut - Orgasm denial, knife/cum play (Oh yeah I went there!).......Sub Levi.....Like Oooof!
This took me wayyyyy to long to finish. So i’m sorry! Thank you to everyone who has messaged at one point or another asking if there will be more chapters.
This was going be the last chapter...but I decided that i loved it too much. There will be more but there will just be a time jump to a much more recent arc. So if you wanna be tagged let me know :)
Huge shout out to @submissive-bangtan who not only inspired me to do a Sub as f**k Levi but also helped me out with a few ideas (knives and cleaning of certain fluids :P) when my Smut brain died for a while.... Thank you, you’re amazing and I purple the hell out of you!!!
Permanent tags: @spideyboiiiiiii @pjimochi @nefelimalfoy
Sooo enjoy:
“Hhhhhmmmm Cold” Levi hissed as you removed the ice filled packet from his ballooned ankle.
It was a rare sight seeing Levi actually laying in his bed, you just wished it was under better circumstances. You’d done as much first aid as you could for him, his ankle had been iced and was now elevated comfortably under a few pillows.
The mission had for most purposes failed. Levi’s squad was slaughtered as well as countless others from the unit. The female titan had surprised everyone with a hardening ability everyone had yet to even comprehend; allowing her to escape. The corps nearly lost Eren, it was only thanks to Levi and Mikasa you didn’t. Mikasa disobeyed direct orders resulting in the subsequent injury of Levi. Things were not looking good for humanity. Faith In the corps had gone to lower depths than you’d thought possible; Eren’s custody was to be transferred tomorrow to the Interior police. Erwin had one last final plan; the option of failure for this non-existant.
“Don’t move!” you ordered
“I’ll be back with some tea” Levi responded with nothing but a huff but even Levi dare not move under the gaze you shot him before heading downstairs.
“How’s he doing?” Hanje asked
“As grumpy as you can expect” you responded placing the water jug over the flames. Hanje smiled weakly, even behind the bright glare of her glasses you could see the dim and tired dying out glow.
“I know everything looks bleak but even when we discover the smallest amount of knowledge about the titans it will help” she offered
“I know, just wish the squad would feel your optimism, but this plan has got to work tomorrow otherwise we’re fucked even you can’t deny that surely?”
“I try not to dwell on any other outcome than our victory tomorrow.”
“I thought I told you not to move?” Frowning at Levi who’d sat himself up, legs dangling over the bed. As petite as he was the tone on hi body was near ridiculous as was his physical strength. The underwear only teasing his thighs.
“You did, I’ve ignored you. It’s not bad, I heal fast” You placed the tea next to his bed, sighing with a shake of your head.
“This is why I … At least let me strap it first” You grabbed a bandage from the draw and plonked yourself next to him and shoved him on his back and cradled his leg over your thighs and began wrapping.
“I wish you’d just listen to me, just once” you confessed defeated as you got up sliding your shoes off near the door subsequently locking it. He did used to listen but only when he submitted in the bedroom, never in the field.
“I’m going to keep you off your feet for a little longer” You offered with finality to a Levi who already had his legs dangling over the bed ready to get up again. You hindered him from getting up any further pushing him back as he went to stand. He conceded, bratty pout slapped on his lips; he pulled himself up to resting his head against the pillow. Your legs clamped either side of his waist resting on the back of your calves trapping him where he lay. Even injured he was strong enough to put up a fight but he didn’t.
Wise choice! Plan successful!l
“Yeah?” he questioned, his lips curving up at either end wickedly; his hands rested and gripped at your behind. You naturally arched into him.
“Mmmhmm” your hands found solace brushing up his undercut from the side and tangling in his hair.
“I was thinking we could play a game, like we used to or have you forgotten how much you like it when I’m in charge?” you traced a finger from his neck in a delicate soft move to under his chin. He chased your finger meekly into a kiss, soft at first. His grip on your behind grew tighter. His lips rougher, dancing with yours. His eyes flashing back to the echo of training days, two cadets sneaking out to the training posts.
With enough motivation to stay where he lay you slid of the bed and scooped up his harness that was hung pristine and delicate on the back of the door.
“Take everything off and put this on, I’ll be back in a minute” The leather was removed from your hand with instant obedience.
You took ten minutes to return, you only needed three. The other seven were purely for his imagination to stew.
On your arrival back he’d done as you asked.
“Good Boy” His eyes bloomed. Those words. Coming from anyone else would easily have earned a broken jaw, but from you; they riled something at his very core. He would sin to the heavens for you just to hear those words roll off your tongue. The leather, ribboning round his skin. Beautiful as it tried to contain the muscle underneath.
You grabbed the chair, wrist swinging it in front you. Your head nodded to the chair
He sat.
“Did you think I’d forget how my Levi likes to be treated?” Your fingers clasping together at the base of his neck, your chest almost to his, your hips angling into his groin; his palms already applying pressure at your hips.
“Did you think I’d forget every last dirty thing I can get you to do to me?” your words slipped into a whisper at his ear as smoothly as your lips enveloped his ear lobe. Adams apple bobbing a deep groan in his throat as your teeth pinched the skin and your hips rolled into him hard.
“You sound so beautiful when you moan for me” praise tickling awakes the triggers at the back of his mind. He was weak for it, but what really drove him when you were in charge was the need to please you; to drag every breath, moan and obscenity from your lips. When you demanded it of course. When he was yours, the ability and familiarity of following orders to a fault remained in tune with his Corps life.
“Wanna play?”
“Yes” You tugged at his hair.
“Yes, M’aa…m” You ground your hips against him again for a final time as he grew hard beneath you.
“I’ve just got to grab something from downstairs”
“Again?” he whined.
His hands were locked in yours, pinned above of his head. His wrists looking so pretty with rope weaved around them. He was unable to see the way your mouth had curled into a smile, laced with satisfaction. Thee make shift blindfold seeing to that. He’ll have a reason to smile every time that cravat is round his neck from now on. His eyes had blown out so beautifully when he saw what you’d brought from downstairs. His thighs were tinted red, small red squares. The way he hissed through his teeth as the riding crop struck. Your core hovered, aching for the pressure of his thigh centimetres below.
“If I don’t cum from your words while I’m riding your pretty thighs you’re going to say blind and tied and I’m going to ruin every orgasm that I allow”
“If you do” he countered.
“If I do… you’ll be able to see and touch me and when I’m finished with you I’ll let you make me cum once however YOU want. Does that sound good to you?”
You lowered onto his toned muscle. His agreeance of his reward was tainted by a sigh that melted into your ears like honey when your hips circled; spreading how much he affected you.
“I’ve hardly even started and yet feel how filthy your thigh is already, coated with me”
His body fidgeted; Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed hard. The thought of getting dirty with you was too good. He wanted to feel your cum coat his thighs as you unwound above him and he wanted to SEE it.
“I’m waiting” You prompted. You wanted his words mixing with your hip movements. He’s was never much of a talker, so all them years ago you started doing these ‘games’ to get him to articulate what he enjoyed the most; and he was ridiculously good!
“I bet you wish it was my tongue in between your legs instead of my thigh don’t you?” Your fingers curled into his skin just above his chest, pressing more weight through your hands.
“Why don’t you tell me why…I should” you prompted through supressed moans as he tensed his quads beneath you. His hair falling off of his forehead as he rolled his head to the side, veins twitching frustrated in his neck.
“You love when my tongue glides through you, the way my teeth leave pretty little bruises on the inside of your thighs”
“Mmmm” you hummed in bliss rocking your hips.
“The long flicks of my tongue, the way you quiver and your leg tighten around my head”
Your hips circled in long drawn out ones, rushing to that high quicker than you thought you would.
“Your clit in my mouth, the way you arch your back when my fingers disappear into you. I love it when your fingers scratch down my back, marking me whispering how good you take my cock into your ear”
Your hips jolted along his tensed muscle, nails dragging down his chest
“Fuck” you hissed leg muscles dancing, clenching his thigh. A victorious smirk plastered across his face.
“Didn’t take you long were you that desperate?” You gripped his jaw harshly bringing his face to the centre, his lip partially pouting.
“Watch your mouth” you shoved his head to the side. He huffed, the regretful moan that followed when your hands clamped down around his weeping cock.
“You’re now going to suffer a bit longer for that cockiness” Your hands weaved through the harness tugging gently.
“But I’ll do as I said after”
“How’s that” you preened talking over the deep groan rolling around his throat as you lowered yourself down on him.
“Mmm tight…soo good” he whined. He had the audacity to roll his hips into you without permission.
“I don’t think so…” you half choked keeping your moan from him.
“You’re NOT going to move and you’re NOT going to cum are you?”
“No ma’am” Muscles twitched in his arm as the frustration was tugged onto the rope cocooning his wrists. You weren’t going to make it easy for him. The rhythms of your hips were something Levi confessed in being weak for; especially when he couldn’t control them. You could never get over how sexy it was when Levi’s bottom lip disappeared under his teeth, groans filtering through.
You stifled yourself as you lent backwards grabbing your next play thing. His cock now pressed firm against the velvet patch inside you. Your fingers traced over some light lines on his chest, a subtle hint and memory triggering gesture.
Red trickled over tense pectorals, the stain spreading through the white linen. Hisses passed through pursed lips. Your hips circling torturous and slow clenching around him; his hips jutted up minutely as the glinting silver blade caressed over his skin. His head rolled back into the sheets; drunk on the sensation, goosebumps igniting a pathway where the red trickled down.
“Did you think I’d forget how much you love it when I make you bleed?”
“God I can feel your cock twitching; you love it when I mark you don’t you”
“Mmmhhmmm” he hummed, redirecting every ounce of energy he had to not fuck up into you. His cheeks secured in your hand fast.
“Excuse me?” you cued.
“Yes, fuck!” He whined.
“Does that sound like you want more?” You gave him a moment to retrieve a breath which you only stole clenching around him.
The knife edge balancing elegant over his collarbone. Obedient metallic soldier waiting for its command.
“More” he pleaded.
“Manners” Your hips had stilled waiting for the magic word. You detected slight exasperation amongst the breath of his whine of the sudden stopped motion.
“Please, god please don’t stop moving, you feel so good. Please mark me as yours, please”
“Much better” you praised, your hips resumed their light circles; your breath hitching when he reached the velvet goldmine at the front of you. Eliciting hisses from his lips, clenching and drawing neat lines soon to be littered with little pin pricks of red.
“So pretty” you cooed, hands ghosting down the centre of his chest; his muscles tensing at the contact.
The rope fell away from his skin, pretty rose pink lines now glazed on his wrists. His eyes flitting adjusting to the light finally landing between your thighs and his. Cum and arousal glistening off them. His arms had dropped above him resting on the squishy cotton of the pillow. His pupils fully blown out saturated with desperation.
“Can I move now?”
“Mmm yes, but you still can’t cum until I say” He didn’t need permission twice. He sat up, his freed hand supporting you at your lower back. Your own hands tightening together at the back of his neck; fingers gliding past the soft prickles of his undercut. The moment your back touched the mattress his head dived to the crevice of your neck allowing him to nudge your head to the side. Hot thirsty kisses decorating your neck, kisses becoming heavier across your clavicle. Fading red petals drifting away quickly. The kisses across your scarred side were longer, almost more sincere and compassionate. The warm comfort of oxytocin you brushed away pushing his head further down to where was really aching and pressing on your priority list. Humanities strongest weak for the treasure between your legs offered no resistance.
“Fuck…Stop!” you cried yanking his head up from your core, his chin glistening, cheeks tainted light pink from the heat.
“Just fuck me now” you whined. Moist plump lips made their way up your body. Your devilish eyes holding onto his with a vengeance.
Heavy breathed expletives diffused into the air. Levi’s low grunts getting deeper rapidly. His head already buried heating up your neck with nips and bites. Blossoming pink half crescents indenting on his back.
“You feel so fucking good” you managed in unison with the harsh juts of his hips.
“Fuck… I can’t” he struggled.
“After 3 and you can cum, you’ve been such a good boy” you purred. You were trying your hardest to control your muscles, hindering them from releasing the intoxicating waves.
“Ugh I can’t” he whined again. The desperation emitting through his struggling pants shoved you straight into a convulsing mess. He broke. Pulling out unable to hold just one more second. Spilling out over your stomach.
“That desperate you couldn’t even hold on one more second; and now you’ve made a mess” you were chasing your breathes, body basking in the aftershocks.
Exhausted pants fanned across your neck, low groans soaked in his throat.
“Mmm, I’m sorry” He whimpered. You dragged him into a suffocating kiss, his knee pressing against your soaked core causing sweet shudders.
“Seeing as you couldn’t control yourself you can clean your mess up” He nodded accepting his task, shifting upwards to leave the bed.
Oh no!
“With your tongue” you added holding his arm.
He made sure to scatter your breasts with wet prolonged kisses. The attention firing through your nerves like a flame spreading through gasoline. He smirked as his lips engrossed around your nipple which was already stood pining attention. His body shuffled down; eyes face to face with his mess. Your eyes never faltered, fixed on the all too intoxicating view of his tongue brushing against your skin, lapping up his own cum. A starving kitten getting all the cream.
“If only everyone else knew just how filthy you really are. The clean freak stops at the bedroom door” you shuffled under his mouth, already feeling that fuzzy feeling in between your legs pooling round your bundle of nerves.
“Nobody would believe you baby” he cooed in response creeping back up to nudge into the crevice of your neck; you could only hum in response.
“Enough now, let me go and get a towel and some water so I can clean you up” you offered glancing at the red smeared over his chest.
“Not yet”
“If I know you and you know I do; you watching me clean up my own cum would have easily made you want to fuck again…so… I’d rather do that” Fingertips trickled down your body, dipping between your legs.
“Mmm see…your just as much of a slut as I am. Annnddd you said I could have you once exactly how I wanted”
“Well you know I’m a woman of my word”
#attack on titan#LEVI ACKERMAN#levi x reader#shingeki no kyojin#Attack on Titan Imagine#instinct#captain levi smut#attack on titan smut#yes i'm a damn hoe
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VLD AU where Shiro didn't die and as a result of that change the outcome is wildly different:
- Basically Shiro was actually teleported somewhere by Black in S2 instead of dying.
- I love Kuron so he's still in this I promise.
- Keith finds the real Shiro in S3.
- Keith also still leaves the team for a while and Shiro is the black paladin again.
- Keith foresees his fight with Shiro in the quantum abyss like in canon except it's the real Shiro this time (this plays off the idea that I think? one of the cast members mentioned? that OG Shiro could've turned on the team as well because he had the arm?)
- Keith and his posse arrive in time to stop Honerva taking control of Shiro.
- As an added bonus, Lotor isn't really killing Alteans for their quintessence because that plot point was STUPID so it's actually Honerva using a clone of Lotor.
- While I love TBP with my whole ass heart and wouldn't change anything that happens in that episode at all, in this AU the team knocks out Shiro before Honerva assumes control and removes the arm, and the fight at the clone facility is Keith and Shiro teaming up against Honerva.
- It's not so much a "fix it" AU because I actually like S7 the way it is as it is an AU where things happen differently because why not.
- So Keith and Shiro fight Honerva and the clone facility is destroyed, the dramatic moment where Keith and Shiro fall to their deaths still happens but the astral plain sequence is different; Shiro and Keith both enter Black's astral plain and Shiro shows Keith how to see with the lion's eyes, their souls merge and their combined power yeets the black lion back to their team in time to help them battle the generals.
- Honerva escapes the fight obviously she has to be the big bad again later.
- Keith and Shiro rescue the one clone that survives the destruction of the facility and that's how Kuron still exists except he calls himself Ryou instead.
- It's mildly weird for everyone at first but Shiro and Ryou are kinda like twins now (also they remove the galra arm from the clone too but give him a different looking one from Shiro's).
- Did I mention Lotor is innocent already because he's innocent in this AU, they find out it was a clone of him all along and the real Lotor would Never kill people for their quintessence (I have a lot of problems with what happened to Lotor I just don't talk about them a lot lmao).
- Keith gets permanent clairvoyance from extended time in the abyss except he can't control it and everything he sees is out of context, yaaaay.
- They still fight in the rift but Lotor and the generals are fighting alongside the paladins and they trap a robeast in there instead so no one dies horrifically, also I miss the robeasts.
- The castle of lions doesn't get destroyed and the robeast was big enough to seal the rift, yaaay.
- You'd think that the soul merging thing would mean that Keith and Shiro are co-pilots but you thought wrong sorry I love Captain Shirogane.
- Except this time Atlas is a single lion that can turn into a smaller mecha and Shiro is the white paladin (I'm thinking his hair turns white still somehow like when he and Keith merge to control the black lion or something).
- Atlas still merges with Voltron so Keith and Shiro aren't co-pilots but they are co-leaders.
- The events on earth happen pretty much the same barring a few differences like Shiro already having a new arm, (that actually has a bicep lmao), Shiro becomes the admiral of the Garrison too because it's what he deserves.
- I didn't watch S8 and never will so I don't know exactly how this change in events would affect that except:
Shiro actually contributes more to the story and doesn't just carry that tiny pistol as a weapon, he has a white bayard.
He actually saves Keith in That Episode.
Keith and Shiro spend some time together and address shit they honestly should have talked about on-screen in the carnival episode.
Allura doesn't die because FUCK that.
Kuron/Ryou is a separate person from Shiro and is still alive.
Keith's quintessence sensitivity is explained at some point because I am not content with the implication that it's just because he's an alien and there isn't a deeper explanation.
Keith isn't a good leader just because he's Galra because that was STUPID and took away his agency and accomplishments.
Honerva gets what she fucking deserved because she did shitty things and hurt a lot of people regardless of her reasons and I hate her (death?? Death.).
Lotor becomes the new emperor of the Galra and with the help of Voltron, the Garrison and the Blade of Marmora the empire becomes a place of peace.
The lions don't just yeet off into the night never to be seen again because the Galra problem might be solved but Voltron was never created exclusively to fight the Galra and the universe definitely still needs them.
Keith spends some time with the Blade of Marmora but isn't away all the time because he still needs to lead Voltron, they still do relief work but also campaign against other evils in the universe as well (and if he can't make it in time for a battle Shiro can always lead the team in his stead because they're co-leaders anyway).
Keith and Shiro don't get married but are in a happy relationship. In their free time they travel around the universe and explore new planets.
Allurance wedding because my heart aches for them. They become the leaders of New Altea together along with Coran.
The team does not go their separate ways so much as they go spend time with their families and do some other stuff in between expeditions with Voltron.
I've seen Zero episodes of S8 aside from gifsets and mentions of it but I think the important negative points have been negated now?
If someone wants to write something for this go ahead please do I would but I don't have the time so here are my notes in case anyone is interested in seeing them. This idea just came to me one day and I had to jot it down lmao.
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Blind Date || johnny
childhood friend!johnny x fem!reader • fluff, tiny angst, friends to strangers to lovers, mention of cheating (not between the characters) • Your best friend sets you up on a blind date, but when the date doesn’t show up, Johnny swoops in to the rescue!

“I already told you no.”
“C’mon, please? It’s just one date!”
“Yeah, you said that last month too. And a couple weeks before that. I’m done meeting strangers.”
Kara, your best friend, pouts, flopping backward onto your bed, so she’s looking straight up at you. Luckily you moved your laptop in time or she would’ve fallen on it.
“Please? I swear this’ll be the last one. Hyuck vouched for him! He’s really nice and super sweet. And he’s not even anyone’s reject as far as I know.”
You quirked an eyebrow up, eyes still focused on the email you’re composing on your screen. “Obviously he is, or he wouldn’t be single. And like I’m gonna trust your boyfriend’s taste in men?”
“Going through a breakup and being rejected on a first date are not the same thing.” She sits up, folding her legs underneath herself so she’s crisscrossed. A hand comes to rest on your knee, finally dragging your eyes away from your work. For the first time, you notice how concerned your best friend looks. Concerned and worried for you, but you honestly don’t know why. “YN, it’s been so long since you broke up with… him. You keep refusing to put yourself out there and let someone love you. And refusing to let yourself fall in love again.” She patted your knee gently before standing from your bed, headed toward the door. “Just one last date, and if it doesn’t work out, I’ll never set you up again.”
The date is set for a Saturday, and Kara happily helps you pick out the perfect outfit and decide on makeup. She drops you off at the restaurant and promises to pick you up if you need it. You’d agreed to meet him at the bar, and now you’re wondering why you didn’t push her for more info on the guy. You were going into this practically blind, while he knew your name, face, and occupation. But Kara trusted him, so you just had to trust too.
No one stood out at the bar, no heads wagging around to get a look for any newcomers, so you found two open barstools. Your butt claimed one, and your purse the other.
Ten minutes passed without anyone coming up to you, so you ordered a drink. Maybe the wine would distract you from the fact it looked like you were getting stood up. Or walked out on. That was really the thought weighing on your mind, so of course, you didn’t turn the bartender down when he offered to refill your glass.
Oh, thank god! With a smile plastered to your face, you turned to greet who you assumed could only be your date. But the smile dropped when you saw the tall man occupying space next to you.
He was just as tall as you remembered, maybe taller. And he’d filled out in the shoulders and arms. Even though he wore a dark button-up, you could tell he’d added definition to his upper body over the years. Not that you were checking. And you definitely weren’t totally entranced at the way he had started styling his hair back with gel, a single piece slipped out to rest on his forehead. That one strand of hair calling back memories of being teenagers and carding your hands through his shaggy, overgrown hair while you told him he needed to start using gel to tame it. Oh, and that grin on his face, that caused whisker-like wrinkles that had always made you laugh and poke his cheek.
This could not be happening right now.
“Johnny Suh, I thought you were living in South Korea.”
You didn’t mean for your voice to sound so aggressive, but it did, and that gleam in his eye was disappearing.
“I thought you had moved away too.” He just stood there, looking over you, the grin faded, but still smiling. Always happy. Usually anyway.
“I moved back a few years ago.” Johnny looked at the stool you had your purse on, obviously signaling that he wanted to sit. Your watch told you that you’d been here for 30 minutes and there was no sign of a blind date. So with a sigh, you removed your bag, and let him climb onto it. Or slide onto it rather.
“Were you saving it for someone?” He waved for the bartender, his shirt sleeve slipping down to show he still wore that silver linked bracelet he’d got when you were 15 years old.
“Apparently not.” Your glass was empty again, and you let the bartender fill a third glass while Johnny ordered. “When did you move back here? Or are you just home for a visit?”
A cool, easy smile splashed across his face. “No, I’m here permanently. About a year ago I got offered a job here, so I made the trek home.”
“What kind of job?”
“Photographer for a magazine.”
You nearly spit your wine all over his expensive looking shirt. “P-photography?” He looked over at you confused, handing you a napkin to wipe your chin, a nod in answer. “But you said you were going to school to be a doctor. We argued over that for so long and then you just—” You cut yourself off. No reason to dig back into those old emotions.
He nodded again, understanding perfectly where you’d been going. He’d always been good at that. “No, yeah, I was originally going to school for that. Make the parents proud kind of thing. But once I got there, I realized it didn’t really matter. My parents would be happy as long as I was happy.” You nod. “Yeah, you told me that plenty of times. So I changed to an arts university but stayed in Korea. I liked it there and I’d already started to make friends anyway.”
It’d been too late, but at least he had finally taken your advice.
You looked over at him. He was drinking from his bottle of beer, and for a moment you remembered being 16 and sneaking into your parents’ liquor cabinet to try vodka for the first time. Johnny had nearly thrown up, and you’d told him you loved him for the first time. Your face went red at that memory.
“You should’ve told me. I would’ve been so proud.”
Johnny’s eyes found yours, a sad lift to his lips. “I tried. You blocked me everywhere, remember? Not even your friends would get a message to you from me. I gave up trying after your parents told me you’d left for college.”
You wanted to hang your head in shame. All those years of friendship down the drain because you were too stubborn to unblock him on social media. It occurred to you that he was still blocked, no wonder you hadn’t heard the news he was back.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled. You’d never been very good at admitting when you’re wrong.
But his eyes perked up none the less and a grin found its way back to his mouth. “I’m sorry, what was that? What’d you say?”
You rolled your eyes. But a smile had crossed your face too, so you relented, just this once. “I said I’m sorry. For just ditching you back then. I should’ve been okay with the choices you made, even if they took—” You snapped your mouth closed real fast.
His eyes were nearly twinkling. “You’re not gonna finish that either? Nearly 10 years later and you still can’t admit that you cared for me?”
Brows furrowing, you turned to fully face him, a finger coming up to poke his chest. “I couldn’t admit my feelings? Are you actually being serious right now, John Suh?”
“You wouldn’t even tell me why you were so mad that I was leaving, just that it changed the future. What was I supposed to understand from that?”
“Are you saying that if I had told you I was in love with you, you would’ve stayed and gone to Northwestern with me like we planned?”
His face fell a little.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” You turned back to the bar, glad to have the break so you could take another sip of your wine.
You nearly jumped when Johnny’s hand brushed yours on the bartop.
“No, I wouldn’t have stayed. But we could’ve tried to work things out.”
You sighed.
This is not what you had signed on for. This was supposed to be a night out to meet a stranger and have a drink, not to open up wounds from the past. “Johnny,” you hesitated, took a breath. “I did tell you. I told you a lot that last year.”
His eyes went wide, mouth slightly falling open. “What are you talking about? When?”
A blush covered your cheeks. “Every time we got drunk and you kissed me.”
He looked like his eyes were going to pop out of his head. “What?” He pulled away, trying to think back to being 17 and 18 years old, getting drunk in your basement. Something seemed to click cause his eyes shut and he took a long swig of his beer. “I thought I made that up.” Another drink. “I thought I imagined the kissing and the confessions because I had gotten so drunk.”
You couldn’t help the laugh. With his eyes squeezed so tight, it was like he was trying to prevent them from falling out. “Nope, those were real. I thought you refusing to acknowledge or talk about it meant you didn’t actually feel that way.”
His eyes finally opened and he looked down at you, all soft and open and warm. “That explains why you had as much of a breakdown over it as you did.”
“I did not have a breakdown.” You felt indignant for all of 5 seconds before his eyes were calming you down again. “A tiny one, really. And like you said, totally justified. Mostly.”
He laughed then, and you felt like you could drown in it. You didn’t even know you could miss a sound so much.
Things were smooth from there. Johnny told you all about Korea and school, the friends he’d made, the jobs he’d worked. He told you about his two short, failed relationships, and about how he got the magazine job (“They liked my Instagram more than my portfolio!”). His parents were doing well, nearing retirement, and they were happy he was home (“My mom basically had a party the first night I was back, can you believe that?” Yes, you totally could.).
But then it wound around to you. You talked about school, how you’d decided to try California since you didn’t have a best friend for Northwestern anymore. You shared your horror stories from the part-time jobs you worked, and the excitement when you finally got hired as an intern at a publishing company when you’d moved back home after graduation. You’d worked your way up to assistant editor, and things were looking bright.
And then he asked the question you’d been hoping he wouldn’t know to ask.
“Now, I thought I had heard you were getting married.” You wanted to choke on your water. “But, no ring, you didn’t mention anyone, and you’re sitting at a bar alone on a Saturday night. What gives?”
A big sigh. You hated talking about this. But, maybe it would be nice to get it off your chest to someone who had never even known him and wouldn’t find some way to defend him. You gave Johnny a smile.
“Yes, I was engaged, almost two years ago. Things seemed good.” You shrugged. It wasn’t that you were sad about it, but the sting still felt fresh. “People tell me I worked too much and drove a wedge between us. Some people say they saw it coming a mile away. Which, if someone knows your partner is going to cheat on you, shouldn’t they tell you?” Johnny stiffened at that. You sighed again. “Some combination of us not being right, me working too many hours and not giving him enough attention, and him… not being ready to settle.” You looked over at Johnny, who sported a sweet frown and furrowed brow. “Honestly though, I don’t think we ever really loved each other.”
It felt like a boulder lifted off your shoulders. It was the first time you’d been able to get the words out. And you didn’t worry that Johnny would judge you.
His hand brushed over yours. “Why’d you say yes?”
“Cause I thought I had to. That’s what was expected of me after three years with someone.”
He nodded, but you could tell he didn’t really understand. Not that he needed to.
You let out a big breath and a giggle. The four glasses of wine were maybe starting to hit you now. But not too bad that you would regret your words tomorrow. “I don’t think I’ve loved anyone since you. You were the first boy I ever loved, and I don’t know that I’ll find someone worthy again.”
Johnny bloomed right in front of your eyes. His smile was blinding and his eyes soft, and you just wanted to bask in him for a bit longer.
But the bar was closing, and Johnny was offering you a ride home, and you accepted.
He walked you to your door, exchanged numbers, and promised to message soon so you could maybe have lunch. Before he could leave though, Johnny grabbed your hand.
“You know… I’ve never loved anyone but you either.”
His goodbye was a kiss to your forehead and a shy wave as he headed for the stairs.
You hadn’t even unlocked the door yet before Kara was calling. Her voice seemed exceptionally loud after the quiet goodbye from Johnny just a moment before.
“So? How was it? Did you have a good time? He’s cute, right?”
You laughed, sticking your key in your lock, and pushing your door open with your shoulder, just a bit wobbly. “He never showed.”
“What? What are you talking about?” She sounds absolutely scandalized. You’re sorry to ruin your friend’s (and her boyfriend’s) perception of this guy, but you weren’t going to lie to spare her feelings.
“He didn’t show up. I sat at the bar waiting for him until I was joined by an old friend. I kept an eye out, and no one ever came looking for me. Maybe you didn’t show him a good enough picture and he couldn’t recognize me.” You shrug even though she can’t see. Your shoes are kicked off by the door and you reach around to try to wiggle the zipper of your dress down.
“That—that doesn’t make any sense, YN.”
“I’m sorry babe, but that’s the truth.”
“But… YN he just told me he had a really nice time.”
You froze in the middle of your room, dress dropping from your shoulders. “What? But I didn’t talk to anyone else.”
“I swear. He texted me that he’d found you, that you shared drinks, and that you talked for hours.”
The both of you sat in silence for a moment, trying to process exactly what was happening.
“What’s your friend’s name? The guy you set me up with. You never told me his name.”
“His name is Johnny Suh.”
The noise that escaped you was halfway between a laugh and a sob.
“YN? Are you okay?”
“Hah, um…. I don’t know.”
“C’mon, talk to me. What’s going on?”
You ran a hand down your face, feeling hot and cold, and a little bit agitated. It would be just like him to pull something like this. “That’s who I was with. That’s my childhood friend.”
“Really?!” You pulled the phone away at her shrill voice. “Why didn’t he say anything? He recognized you? Why didn’t he say anything to me? I don’t understand...”
You laughed this time, finally moving toward your dresser to pull out pajamas. “Yeah, well that’s John Suh for you. He’s quite the enigma.”
She’s quiet, thinking over something quite hard. “What do you want me to do?”
“What do you mean?” You drop onto your bed, pulling your laptop open to search for his profile on your social media site. You’d got his number tonight, it was probably time to unblock him.
“He messaged me earlier, asking to set the two of you up for another date. What do you want me to do?”
You’d found his account. His profile picture was of him and his mom, and you couldn’t help the little smile that came to your face. After all these years, Johnny had been able to maintain a spot in your heart. Maybe you could give him the second chance you’d both been craving for so many years.
Even though the dork had just promised to set up a date while asking your best friend to do the same thing.
You let yourself smile more widely at the thought. “Yeah,” you said, closing your laptop and shoving it away. “Set us up.”

#johnny#nct johnny#nct#nct au#nct fanfic#johnny suh#suh johnny#johnny seo#seo johnny#johnny fluff#johnny drabble#fanfic#au#toalltheficsivelovedbefore
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Chapters: 4/10 Rating: Explicit (eventually) Relationships: Dabi/OC Additional Tags: Alcohol, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Friends to Lovers
Read it on Ao3 here
Chapter Four: The Good Stuff
The deserted playground was as good a place as any for drinking in the fresh night air. Dabi sat on a swing, nursing the whisky bottle as though it were his only child. Hoshiko sat on the swing beside him, her glare penetrating his temple.
“I’m saving you from yourself, y’know,” he growled when her scowl finally became more than he could tolerate. “You clearly can’t handle your liquor.”
“I can handle it,” Hoshiko hissed. “I just can’t keep up with your pace. You drink that stuff like it’s juice!”
Dabi snorted his laughter and took a swig straight from the bottle. “Ooh, it really is the good stuff,” he said with a wide grin. “This would definitely be wasted on you.”
Hoshiko reached out to grab the bottle, but Dabi hopped off the swing and rounded the set so he could stand behind her.
“I’ll push you. If you can manage to not throw up, I’ll share it with you.”
“What the–? I’m the one who’s sharing with you!”
Still, despite her protests, Hoshiko gripped the chains of the swing, full of determination, and Dabi pushed her. She kicked her legs out as she reached the peak, then curled them back as she swung back towards Dabi, and he pushed her again. She swung higher and higher, hooting with childlike joy, while Dabi cheered her on.
“You’re gonna go over the bar if you get any higher!” he yelled, but he continued to push her, smiling widely at her shrieks of excitement.
“Have I won, Dabi?” she squealed. “I think I might have won a taste of the good stuff!”
Dabi laughed as he slowed the swing to a stop. “Yeah,” he whispered into her ear as he caught his breath. “You won, Hoshiko. I really didn’t think you would.”
Hoshiko beamed at him as she grabbed the bottle and took a long gulp. “Damn, that feels warm going down,” she said, then started coughing as the heat filled her chest.
Dabi patted her head and chuckled. “Warm going down? I’ll keep that in mind.”
Hoshiko’s fist balled and she punched him in the arm, but without any real malice. “You’re an ass, Dabi, but that was fun. I can’t remember the last time I laughed like that.”
Dabi smiled. If he were being honest, neither could he. There had been nothing but a burning, roiling, resentment building in him for as long as he could remember. It had only been since he’d started spending more time with Hoshiko that he recalled that he could even feel other emotions. Not that he would tell her any of that. The feelings he was having would remain between him and the good stuff that he snatched back from the only person he considered a friend. He lifted the bottle to his lips, then felt something cold hit his cheek.
“Oh no,” groaned Hoshiko. She grabbed Dabi’s hand as he pulled his hood over his hair, and they sprinted to find shelter as the rain began to pour down from the darkly clouded sky.
He didn’t know where they were going, but Hoshiko dragged him along to an apartment complex and pulled him inside as she fished a jangling set of keys from her pocket.
“Welcome to my humble abode,” she sighed.
Inside wasn’t much to look at, with plain-looking walls and basic furniture. Still, it was dry and warm, and Dabi peeled off his soaking wet jacket as Hoshiko went to grab a pair of towels. They rubbed their hair dry, but Dabi’s clothes were still sopping wet.
“Hmm, I could lend you something to wear until your clothes are dry,” said Hoshiko, “but be warned; it’s not going to fit whatever the hell aesthetic you’ve currently got going on.”
Dabi shrugged.
“Okay, the fire’s on in the living room. Go warm up.”
Dabi obeyed, standing in front of the fireplace. He wanted to sit, but his clothes were still soaked through. He unfastened his belt and kicked off his trousers, before removing his white shirt, that was practically see-through at this point. He shivered and crouched down before the warming orange flames.
“Oh!” Hoshiko gasped as she walked into the room to find Dabi in his underwear.
He smirked. “Well, I figured there was only one reason you’d drag me home with you like this. Figured I’d get things started.”
Hoshiko rolled her eyes and threw some clean clothes at him: a pair of black cotton leggings, and an oversized hoodie with cat paws at the cuffs and ears on the hood.
“Is this … a joke?” Dabi asked, staring at the garments in disbelief.
“It is not,” Hoshiko confirmed. “I did warn you though. I’ll go hang your clothes up so they can dry. Just put them on so you don’t get ill.”
Dabi breathed deeply, swallowed his pride, and squeezed himself into the leggings, then slipped the hoodie on with ease. It was comfy, but still mildly traumatising.
“Cute,” giggled Hoshiko when she returned. She had also changed into a pair of spotted purple pyjamas. “Can I take a picture?”
While he sat and fumed, Dabi heard the clink of glasses, and was soon handed a shot of the good stuff. Hoshiko sat beside him, warming her toes in front of the fire while holding her own drink, the half-empty bottle within easy reach.
“I wanted to ask you something,” said Dabi, and reached to pluck the pink strand of hair that Hoshiko always tried so hard to hide. “This streak seems a little out of character. There must be a story behind it.”
Hoshiko released a loud groan. “There is, though not much of one.” She took a sip of whisky. “When I was in school, I was obviously bullied for being the quirkless freak. But there was this one girl, and she never said anything mean to me. Never defended me, either, but she wasn’t actively horrible. She also had this cool quirk. She could permanently change the colour of anything. Last I heard, she’s working for a fashion company. They are really high quality. Bright colours that never run. She’s pretty in demand within the industry. Anyway, back in school, I was going through my dark and moody phase. I wanted to dye my hair black, and I figured I’d ask her if she could do it for me. Then it would stay black forever.”
“Oh, I see where this is going,” Dabi said with a chuckle.
“Yeah, well, the bitch coloured this strand bright pink,” Hoshiko growled, still clearly raw over the whole event. “I can’t dye it. If I cut it, it just grows back pink. It’s permanently pink, and there’s nothing I can do about it. I was so furious that I punched her in the face and got expelled.” Hoshiko shrugged. “It’s all been downhill from there.”
Dabi laughed and knocked back his drink. “That’s too funny. The curse of the pink streak.”
“It is a curse,” whined Hoshiko. “It totally killed my aesthetic. I didn’t leave the house for a month after it happened. I had to change my whole hairstyle just to hide it.”
Dabi tugged at the strand. “Maybe you should embrace the pink.”
“I’ll embrace it when I’m dead,” she hissed. She slapped Dabi’s hand and tucked the rogue strand back into hiding. “For now, it stays buried.”
Dabi shrugged, then stifled a yawn. “The fire’s making me feel drowsy. I’m gonna nod off.”
Hoshiko reached back and pulled a blanket from the sofa they both leaned against. “I don’t mind if you sleep over. Your clothes should be dry by the morning. You can have the sofa. I’m going to head to bed.”
With that, Dabi wrapped the blanket around himself and shuffled onto the sofa.
Hoshiko chuckled as she watched him quickly drift off. He looked like a mildly burnt burrito, but kind of cute. With a soft sigh, she took herself off to bed.
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Q’s Christmas Wish - 00Q
((Written for MI6 Cafe’s anon prompt gift exchange, week 3. Probably my favourite prompt to write for.))
Q’s not at all sure why he did it.
It’s not like he believes in these things, nor is he superstitious. Santa Claus has never been real to him, and stars are in no way, shape, or form magical or divine or anthropomorphised in his mind. He’s not even feeling especially desperate or lonely. Not really, in any case. He's a firm believer in everything just happening, without there being a higher force or any particular reason as a deciding factor behind it.
He has been feeling a little gloomy lately, yes, that much is true. But it’s not like his life isn’t full of uncertainties and instability, what with him being the Quartermaster of MI-6 and all. He’s also made his peace with the fact that he’s in love with someone he’d do much better to ignore instead; after all, Bond is a double oh agent and his adventures with the fairer sex are both numerous and well documented throughout Six.
But Q wouldn’t be Q if he wasn’t stubborn, and besides, he doesn’t have time for a relationship anyway, so really, it has all worked out fine for him, has it not? Bond will never ask anything of him that he cannot give (an exploding pen notwithstanding, and even then Q can see himself caving and building the bloody thing for him, eventually) and he’ll never need to struggle to share his time with work, his cats, and a significant other. It’s a win-win situation if he’s ever seen one.
So why, then, did he do it?
Why did he, in a fit of madness or inebriation or recklessness or what have you, look up at the darkening sky of the cold December evening and, upon seeing the very first star of the night, make that simple, stupid, silly little wish of his?
And why did he, upon reaching his flat afterwards and after making his way to the sofa with both cats in tow, take out his personal tablet, do a bit of digging to find the correct email address, and write that short, fanciful, foolish message to someone he doesn’t even believe in?
Dear Santa, he had written, a half-empty glass of wine in one hand and the fingers of the other practically flying over his tablet’s keyboard, setting aside for a moment the fact that I don’t actually believe in you, there is something I would ask of you if given the chance. I know miracles aren’t exactly in your job description, but I’m perhaps in need of one, either way. There’s someone that I’d need returned home, someone dear to me despite every instinct of mine screaming for me to run; but hearts, eh? What can one do but sigh and learn to live with it? But I digress. In any case, this someone has a worrying habit of disappearing when the situation gets tough (or, sometimes, even when it doesn’t), and he’s a valuable asset to the place I work for. So if there’s anything you could do, anything at all, to bring him home, I would be forever in your debt. And I’m rather good with computers, so I wouldn’t be opposed to it at all if, say, you’d need help with surveillance. After all, keeping track of all of those children and finding out who’s been naughty or nice cannot be easy in this day and age. Best regards, Q
Bond is still wherever it is that he’s gone this time after finishing his mission (and he’s ditched his radio while he’s at it, if only so that Q hasn't got a way to keep track of him - because of M’s orders, naturally) when Q checks the agent’s status once he’s finished with the email - for old habits die hard and cats, much like old dogs, are not exactly known for learning new tricks with any particular ease. But Q’s used to it, he really is, so he doesn’t even bother sighing, simply logs off and pushes the tablet away in favour of getting up and going to refill his glass.
He’s not one to overindulge, however, so he sips the golden liquid at a more sedate pace, now. His thoughts still remain with Bond, but when don’t they? He’s learnt to live with that, as well, and has become quite a professional in pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind when his focus is needed elsewhere, so by the time the glass is empty Q is back to the good old strategy of ignorance, avoidance, and detachment that has served him so well for such a long time.
He then goes to the kitchen to fix dinner for both himself and the cats, and afterwards heads to bed for some reading before sleep finally claims him.
The next day Q goes back to work, as one does when it’s almost Christmas and one has spent the better part of the week guiding an annoying agent through a mission that has gone pear-shaped more than once, and said agent hasn’t even had the good grace to come back home. Instead, he has done one of his infamous disappearing acts while Q gets to be the one to sort out the mess left behind completely on his own.
Yes, he might be feeling a tad bitter about it, but he’s got every bloody right to. So there.
Q greets his minions and enters his office, his thoughts fully focused on removing his outer layers and getting a mug of tea to start his day the right way, and so he fails to notice that someone has already beaten him to it. He uncurls his scarf from around his neck, takes off his beloved parka, and gets as far as hanging both on the stand next to the filing cabinet before his mind registers the still steaming Scrabble mug situated next to his closed laptop.
”What the…?” is all Q gets out when a shadow moves suddenly at the edge of his vision, and before he quite realises what has happened, his back hits the closed door of his office and he feels rather than sees a firm chest snug against his own, a pair of slightly chapped lips covering his, and an arm wrapping itself around his waist while a gentle palm cradles his head, protecting it from hitting the hard wood of his door.
Q flails for a moment before his other senses catch on, as his eyes had automatically closed upon being attacked. The scent of a familiar cologne filling his nostrils is what finally clues him in on the identity of his would-be assailant, and Q relaxes into the kiss. His hands find their way to Bond’s shoulders, at last, and although his grip is light he is doing his very best to kiss Bond back with just as much enthusiasm.
The fact that this right here is one of his many fantasies concerning this particular double oh agent does certainly not escape Q’s notice. Though to be fair, he never did imagine quite an attack-snog like this - in all honesty, his imagination pales in comparison. Q has yet to decide whether it’s a good or a bad thing.
The kiss goes on long enough that Q almost manages to forget to wonder just what had caused it.
Almost, but not quite, as eventually they both need to accept the fact that from time to time, breathing is highly recommended if one plans to continue living.
Bond is the one to - reluctantly - pull away from the kiss, though he moves his head only enough to be able to rest his cheek against Q’s while they both take in much needed gulps of air.
“Bond… You’re back,” Q says when he can no longer remain quiet. He feels silly for pointing out the obvious, but the kiss they just shared seems to have robbed him of his higher brain functions. He can only hope that it won’t be permanent.
“Did you miss me?” Bond seems perfectly comfortable remaining exactly where he is, pressed snugly against Q with his arm around his waist. The fingers of the hand cupping Q’s head begin to run through his hair gently, and Q lets out a soft sigh and shivers at the feeling.
“You might have not disappeared the way you did,” Q says instead of replying to that question. It’s not like it wasn’t a rhetorical one, anyway. “And you didn’t have to thrown away your radio, 007. I would have appreciated that.”
“I might have, Quartermaster,” Bond agrees mildly and nuzzles at the side of his neck. “But I had things to take care of.”
“Of course you did,” Q says, trying his best to not appear quite as affected as he is by Bond acting like his more affectionate cat, Orion, with all of her headbutting and licking his face and everything else.
Bond’s next move better not be to lick his face, though. That’s where Q drew the line.
Well, for now, anyway.
While Q has been busy pondering the similarities between Bond and his cats, the man in question has progressed into leaving tiny little bites onto the skin of his neck. Q cannot truthfully say that he minds all that much, but he is aware that he ought to stop Bond nevertheless. For one thing, they’re still at his office, in full view of the security cameras (never mind that Q can easily delete any incriminating footage, it’s the principle of the thing); and for the other, he has absolutely no idea what has brought on this strange - if pleasant - new behaviour of Bond’s.
So Q clears his throat and says, “Bond?”
“Yes, Q?” Bond murmurs against the skin he’d just been biting, causing Q to shiver anew.
“Why, exactly, are you suddenly kissing me?” He pauses to gather his thoughts after yet another teasing bite nips his skin. “Not that I didn’t enjoy it, but I am curious to hear why now of all possible times.”
”Because I’ve been wanting to do it for a long time,” Bond replies, pulling back enough to be able to look him in the eye. “Also…”
“Also?” Q blinks, and Bond gestures upwards.
Q looks up, and yes, there really appears to be a real, live mistletoe hanging from the ceiling right in front of the door.
“That was not there when I left last night,” he feels compelled to point out.
”You’re not wrong.”
”Then how did it end up there? Or should I be asking, why did it end up there?”
”Well obviously someone put it there.”
”Obviously,” Q echoes and keeps on looking at Bond. ”It was you, wasn't it?” That would explain why none of his minions warned him about it when he came in - or about Bond’s return, for that matter.
”I can neither confirm nor deny such an allegation,” Bond replies. The kiss he plants on the corner of Q’s lips, however, speaks for itself.
”Why?” Q asks, because sometimes short and simple does the trick better than anything else.
“It’s Christmas,” Bond replies. “Seemed only appropriate.”
Q gets the feeling that that’s not quite everything Bond has to say about it, and he wonders if he can get to the bottom of it. But later. “Technically, it’s only the 23rd,” he points out in any case.
“True,” Bond acknowledges, “but I was hoping that you wouldn’t actually be at the office on Christmas Eve.”
“I hadn’t planned on being here tomorrow, no,” Q admits. “Well, unless 004 manages to cock things up again.” Q knows that these things happen, after all, no matter how good the agent in question is; and while 004 is good, he’s certainly no Bond.
Bond chuckles and nuzzles at Q’s cheek with his own stubbly one, and Q shivers. His arms tighten around Bond’s neck, which makes Bond hum appreciatively and turn his head to capture Q’s lips with his again.
This time Q is an equal participant in the kiss from the very first moments, and it’s an even lovelier kiss than the first one. Q keeps his eyes closed and his arms wrapped around Bond’s neck and surrenders to the kiss.
Lack of air is, however, an eventuality, and even the most loveliest of kisses must ultimately end. Q pulls away slowly and obligingly tilts his head for Bond to kiss his way down to his throat.
He’s still wondering what exactly Bond had been up to between the end of the mission and his sudden reappearance. Bond had only said that he’d had things to take care of, and Q’s curious about what they could have been. Well, perhaps one of them had been the acquiring of the mistletoe, which, yes, he can now see Bond not wanting him to find out about too soon. This all wouldn’t have been much of a surprise otherwise.
He’ll ask Bond about it, he decides, but not right now. Now they’re at work and while this has been absolutely lovely, Q is fully aware that they both have things to do that do not include kissing against his office door.
(Though that certainly should be included, in Q’s opinion.)
“Won’t you call me James?”
“James,” Q amends. It feels strange to call Bond by his first name, but also right. Strangely right, even, Q thinks and smothers a giggle against Bond’s shoulder.
“Yes, love?”
“Um,” Q says and blinks, not having expected to hear that. “You’ve not been to see M yet, am I correct?”
“You are.”
“And am I also correct in assuming that even though you don’t have your radio, you do have the rest of your kit with you? Well, what’s left of it, anyway.”
Bond nods. “I left it at your desk.”
Q turns his head to look at his desk, and indeed, Bond’s kit rests there next to his no longer steaming Scrabble mug. How he missed it before is anyone’s guess, but Q firmly blames Bond and his mouth for distracting him so thoroughly.
“I shall look at it momentarily,” Q tells Bond.
“Is that your way of telling me to leave you alone, Quartermaster?” Bond asks, pretending to sound hurt. Or at least Q hopes he’s just pretending.
“It’s my way of telling you that we both have obligations to take care of, James,” Q replies. “And much as I have enjoyed this, we are at work and in full view of the cameras right now.”
“I am aware of that,” Bond says, sounding smug now. “R will be dealing with the evidence, and I may have requested a copy for myself.”
Bond just chuckles and kisses Q gently on the lips. “Don’t worry, love, I’m sure she’ll have one made for you too.”
Q groans. “Not what I meant, and you know that!”
Bond just smiles. Q wants to simultaneously push him away and pull him even closer, but in the end he does neither.
“So, can I take you out to lunch today? And dinner, after work?” Bond then asks, now more serious.
Q blinks but nods. “I would like that, yes.”
“Excellent. I’ll be back after noon.” Then, finally, Bond pulls away from Q, who shivers at the feeling of losing his warmth. He has no idea why his office suddenly feels so chilly.
“Are you cold, love?” Bond asks. “I made you tea, I hope it’s still warm,” he adds and glances at Q’s desk with the beginnings of a frown on his forehead. Q immediately wants to reach out and kiss it away.
“Thank you, James,” he says softly and walks to his desk to pick up the mug and take a sip from it. It’s brewed to his exact preference, and whileit’s no longer hot it’s still warm enough to comfortably drink. Bond looks at him and his expression clears when Q takes another bigger sip.
“I shall see you later, then,” Bond says fondly. “Try not to get lost in your work, love, or I may be forced to kidnap you for our lunch date.”
Q snorts. “I’d like to see you try.”
Bond winks at him. “You just might.” Then he finally turns to the door, opens it and steps out into the branch proper, leaving Q to drink his tea and think back over the last fifteen or so minutes.
He’s still not exactly sure what had truly happened, let alone why it had happened, but he’s ready to take it as one of those things that Bond just does.
Because really, it cannot have anything to do with the email he’d sent. Or the star he’d wished upon.
Can it?
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Duty [4/12]
CHAPTER 4: Getting Dolled Up
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: another 2.3k (next week is longer, promise!)
Warnings: A mouthy Sam, groping and a smooch or two
Series Summary: Ex-army doctor, and now on-mission-for-the-Avengers doctor, Major (Y/n) (Y/l/n), had prepared herself for anything. That was, of course, until she met a devastatingly charming Sergeant from Brooklyn with a quick wit and a kind smile. I wonder what will happen.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 3
You always liked to think that you were pretty prepared for anything that might be thrown your way, you had, however, not considered James Buchanan Barnes in an all-black velvet suit. Good god that man did things to you.
“Might want to close your mouth there, Doc,” he smirked at you, “You’ll catch flies.”
You shut your mouth quickly and swallowed, ignoring his smug look.
The team had been summoned by the New York mayor to oversee a gala at an art gallery. Intel suggested that there was going to be an art thief operating that evening, trying to steal one of the pieces of artwork, named “The Power of Reciprocity”, in a more concealed room down a corridor outside of the main room, and the thief would be using the gala as a cover to steal a piece. On the floor would be Tony, posing as himself, and then you and Bucky as undercover guests. In a van nearby would be Sam and Nat, as Steve was currently in New Jersey scoping out a newly reformed gang.
This was how you found yourself eating a bowl of Lucky Charms (because these events only ever have canapés, and you’ll be damned if you were going to go hungry), with half of your make-up on, wearing sweats and trying very hard not to obviously drool over Bucky Barnes as he stood there in his full suited glory.
You placed your now empty bowl in the dishwasher and turned back to Bucky, “I’ll admit, you scrub up nicely Barnes.” This was a small understatement, he did a lot more than scrub up nicely, he might actually be perfect, but there was no way he’d hear you say that. You walked up to Bucky, and continued, “Best I go get dressed and show you up before your head gets so big it needs external support.” You patted him on the chest, partly to satisfy the itch your fingers had to run themselves over every part of him, but also for effect as you walked towards your room.
Nat had tasked herself with finding you the perfect outfit, her reasoning being that she knows what can kill a man, both figuratively and literally. Per Nat’s styling advice, your hair was in a delicate up-do with a few strands framing your face, Wanda had done your makeup to bring out your eyes and the dress you pulled from some vastly expensive shop did wonders for your figure. In the end, you had both agreed on a floor length royal blue dress with jewelled detailing around the waist and the neckline. Nat had also supplied you with a knife thigh holster, as a gun would be too obvious in the dress. She had also bequeathed you one of her favourite knives, but not before adding a quick, “If you lose this, I will end you and everything you care about.” You also had on some heels that were a little too high for you, but you were just there to look pretty, so had thought why not?
You knew you looked good from the bolstering that the girls had given you, but that didn’t remove the butterflies that fluttered gently in your stomach. Ignoring them, you walked out into the kitchen, swaying your hips a little more than usual. The click of your shoes caught the attention of the team gathered there, and silence fell immediately.

“You ready boys?” You called out to them winking at Nat, as she chuckled at everyone eyeballing you. Bucky wandered over to you and gave you a not-so-subtle once over, and then a twice over.
He offered his arm, “Shall we?”
“Lead the way, Robocop.”
You took his arm and walked out with what had been becoming a permanent smile across your face.
“Hey lovebirds, give us a smile!” You heard Nat shout,
You and Bucky turned your heads at the same time before the undeniable ‘click’ of a camera. You turned back shaking your head, Bucky laughed gently beside you. You gave them all the bird as you both walked away, and they eventually made a move to follow you.
You perched your elbows on one of the high tables skirting the side-lines, waiting for someone to get hurt. What a great job you have. The champagne flute you held managed to stop you wringing your hands nervously.
“Hi, sweetheart,” A louche voice breathed in your ear as a hand moved far lower than you appreciated, following your curves. You were not in the mood to be dealing with this tonight. You grabbed the hand, twisting it and slamming it on the table. You looked up to the man.
“Do that to me again sweetheart,” you mimicked, “and I’m going to shove your balls so far up your ass that they’ll hang either side of your tongue instead.”
You put your glass down and strode away, trying to find Bucky to ease your mind, and hoped that he looked murderous enough that any glare he sent would put anyone who looked at you the wrong way off. Before you could find him, you heard Sam’s voice in your ear.
“Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
Nat also spoke up, her silky voice full of barely concealed laughter, “I fully endorse any form of violence you wish to inflict upon that man.”
You chuckled, feeling your anger dissipate, and whispered, “Tash, you’d endorse any form of violence no matter the context,”
There was laughter filling your ear, and a buzzing of agreement. You scanned the room, subconsciously checking if Bucky was still okay when he appeared beside you.
“You okay?” His eyes scanned your face, and you gave a smile, a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding was released.
“Yeah, I’m all good, Buck. I doubt that guy will ever try that again though,” you breathed out, a whisper of a laugh present. A scowl had formed on his face, and you knew he needed a distraction before he got too caught up in planning someone’s murder, “Come on, let’s dance.”
“Dance?” He questioned.
“Yeah, you know, you move your feet in time with music, maybe even smile?”
“A smile? Don’t get ahead of yourself Doc,” Sam’s voice filled your ear once more.
“Butt out, birdbrain,” Bucky growled.
“Come on Sarge, whaddya say? For recon purposes.” You grinned at him,
“For recon purposes? Well, I can’t say no to that.” he offered his hand to you, a bright smile lightened his features before he put his own glass down and pulled you onto the dancefloor. You were focussing intently on not rolling your ankle because your knees had gone a little wobbly at his warm hand and warmer gaze that had fixed intently upon you. What you didn’t know was that it had been on you the whole evening, and he couldn’t quite get himself to stop.
On the dancefloor, you were acutely aware of Bucky’s gloved hand on your waist and his thighs brushing against yours as he expertly led you around, weaving between the other guests. Wow, you needed to get your head out of the gutter. Tony caught your eye whilst he was talking to the mayor and winked. Why did he seem to always know what was going on? Trying to concentrate on what you were actually here for, and not the movement of Bucky’s shoulder under your hand, or the tickle of his breath on your neck.
“Uh, Buck?” He hummed against you, his chest vibrating against yours, “Is it normal for people to stare unblinkingly at us?” He froze, “There’s someone at your 7 o’clock, light blue suit.”
Bucky spun you both around slowly, and spoke quietly, “I think he might have recognised me, Sam, Nat? How should we proceed?”
Your ear filled with static and then Nat’s voice, “I think you know what to do, Barnes, think Cap Pre-Berlin 2014, the mall.”
You pulled back and glanced at Bucky, “What happened in 2014?”
Bucky’s face was completely unreadable, “Sorry about this Major.”
And suddenly his lips were on yours, his right hand had moved from holding yours to on your cheek, whilst his left squeezed your waist. Automatically your left hand moved to the nape of his neck, and your lips moved against his. His unique sandalwood scent, the scent of him, filled your senses and everywhere he touched you felt like it was on fire. Before you had fully processed the kiss, and far too early for your liking, he pulled away. His ears were a bit pink, and he looked at his shoes sheepishly. You opened your mouth to say something, but Sam interrupted.
“Think you put him off alright, put me off my damn soup, jeez! You’re paying for my therapy after that!” He gave a chuckle, “Stark and Barnes, you’re on. He's headed through the door to the painting.”
You looked back up at Bucky, “You got a bit of uh- “, you swiped your thumb over his lip, “Um, lipstick,” you clarified, trying not to stumble fully over your sentence
“Bad guy, Barnes, pick up your chin”
“Thanks, Tony,” grumbled Bucky, but he still didn’t move, his eyes not leaving your face and you could almost see the cogs whirring in his brain.
You whispered to him, pushing lightly on his chest, “Go catch the bad guy, Sarge, I’m not going anywhere.”
“Right, bad guy, yeah,” and he went to the door with purpose, and you had to prevent yourself from saying something else you might regret. You knew there was something between you, there was attraction (you had caught him looking more than once), but you’re scared if you begin to care a whole lot more, that it might break you when he got hurt. Maybe it would change the team dynamic, or you could be used as leverage and a ploy against him. There were many potential downfalls if you admitted your feelings. It also terrified you that someone might be able to see underneath your toughened exterior. He might be attracted to the idea of you, the person on the outside, without knowing what he's getting on the inside.
“Hey Doc,” Nat’s voice cut through your downward spiral, “Think they might need some help down in the side room.”
You walked as quickly as you could without arousing suspicion towards the corridor. As the noise of the main hall died down, the clicks of your heels felt obnoxiously loud, something was off.
“Bucky? Tony?” you called out down the corridor, wondering where they had gone. If only you had looked at the blueprints before, guess that’s karma for not paying attention during the briefing. Tony would have your ass later. A large forearm closed around your neck, crushing your windpipe, and you convulsed, trying to get some air into your lungs.
A deep voice rumbled behind you. "No time for that. " His voice reverberated through your body, making you shudder at its malice. As your vision started to tunnel, Nat’s voice was in your ear, saying something you couldn’t work out. It sounded like you were underwater. Nat. Her knife. You moved your hand to your holster and pulled out the knife, sharply jabbing it into the guys leg, aiming for any artery you could find. He yelled out in pain and dropped you. Falling to your knees you gasped for air, taking long deep breaths and trying to calm yourself. The guy was now lying next to you, twitching. You knew in a couple of minutes he would bleed out and die, but at this point you were too thankful to care. When he finally lay still, you reached over and pulled out the knife, trying not to look at his paled face and shocked eyes. You had never quite got used to taking a life, no matter how necessary, it was never a pleasant ordeal. You were in the business of saving them, felt upside down doing the opposite. As you stood up Bucky hurled around the corner.
“What happened? Are you okay? Who’s this guy? Natasha said you weren’t answering comms and we got scared. I thought something might have happened to you,” he stopped, looked at the bloody knife in your hands and his face moved slowly back to your face, more questioning now, “Where did that come from?”
“A woman never tells,” you winked, hiding your fear behind a façade of calm, and slowly slid the knife back into its place on your thigh. Tony rounded the corner.
“Bad guy won’t be getting away, that’s for sure,” he regarded the body at your feet with a look of surprise and mild amusement, “I’m going to tell Sam he really doesn’t want to mess with you.” He brushed past you and Bucky, before adding finally, “Cops are on their way, I’m going to enjoy the free booze!” And with a wave, he was out of sight.
You wrung your hands and said to Bucky, not quite looking at him, “I’m going to head home, you’re more than welcome to stay here though.”
“Nah, I’ve outdone my social interaction quota for the month, I’ll drive you.”
Once more, you heard Sam pipe up in your ear, “Anyone still bothering you Major? I can come in and kick their ass for you, I’ve been told I’m quite adept at it.”
“Just a one old man, around 6”2? 260lbs? He has a bionic arm, but I reckon I can handle him Wilson, thanks for the offer.”
“Yes ma’am,” came the reply.
Bucky feigned offense before taking your hand, squeezing it twice before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and helping you in the direction of the car. You leaned on his shoulder, thankful for the solidity of it and its ever-present stability for you. As he placed a soft kiss on the crown of your head you decided that your feelings for him were a problem for future you, present you was going to enjoy his company without feeling guilty.
New York Times
Art thief found tied upside down with his own trousers, is now threatening to sue the Avengers and well-known billionaire Tony Stark. More on page 4.
Chapter 5
tags (message me if you want to be added!!):
@broco8 @nerd-without-a-cause @sebbbystaaan @mcubuckyandsteve @cutiepiemimi13 @velvetwonderbucky
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New Man (Pt. 3)

A/N: Alright, guys. This part sucks, not even gonna lie. School has been taking up every waking moment I have and my train of though for this fic completely fucked off. It kinda takes a weird turn because @abigailredgrave told me she thought Kyle in the 2nd part sounded like Eggsy from Kingsman....and I agreed, so yea. So, this will probably be the last part for this since it’ll tie into the 2nd movie of Kingsman. I’m gonna get to work on Waiting for Love (but don’t expect anything soon).
Summary: Go read the first 2 parts here. Kyle disappeared off the face of the earth. Or did he?
Warnings: Normal John Wick threats, fluff. Kinda boring.
Taglist: @anita-e-taylor @futuristic-imbecile @samanthagraceg @beyond-antares @cuttlefishcatfish @gwenebear @derangedcupcake @cumberbatchbaps @celestiaelisia @lunaticgurly
It seemed like I was the only one worried for weeks about John assaulting Kyle. I thought for sure that he would have ran to the cops to press charges, but nothing ever happened. In fact, it was almost like he fell off the face of the earth. His Instagram didn’t have any updates and there were no recent articles about him. I had a fleeting thought that John might have taken care of him but knew better than to think that lowly of John, considering he knew I wouldn’t want him to do that. No matter how much I hated the guy.
The front door closing alerted Dog and I to John’s arrival home. He had finally convinced me to move in with him permanently, for safety, he claimed. Dog jumped up to go greet him, with me following behind, simply watching the interaction as John dropped to his knee to pet him. He glanced up, seeing me and flashing me a soft smile as he stood back up.
I fell into his embrace, sighing happily and running my hands up his suit jacket as his lips met mine. John’s hands settled on my hips while I held the knot of his tie between my fingers teasingly. He broke the kiss and groaned in disappointment at his own actions.
“Wait, wait. I need to talk to you about something before we get carried away,” John sighed, running his tongue along his bottom lip.
I pouted slightly but removed my hands from his tie anyway. He led me to the couch and sat me down, which worried me slightly.
“Is everything okay?” I asked nervously as he sat himself next to me. I immediately thought back to the incident with Kyle, wondering if something finally got back to John.
“Yes, stop worrying,” he laughed softly and pulled me sideways into his lap. He ran his fingers through my hair while he continued, “I wanted to talk to you about a job offer.” I gave him a blank but confused stare, which prompted him to chuckle again and explain himself, “I told you about the manager of the Continental, Winston. Well, he told me he’s building a café in the hotel and was looking for someone to run it. So, he asked me about you.”
“How did he know I would have the experience?”
“Winston knows a lot about a lot of people, sweetheart. I wasn’t even surprised,” he shrugged. “Is that something you’d be interested in?”
“Why? So, you can come bother me all day while I work?” I teased him, poking his nose with the pad of my finger.
“Hey!” He laughed, grabbing my finger and bringing it to his mouth to bite the end of it. “Yes and no. It'd be nice to see you throughout the day, but it’s also one of the safest places in New York,” he mumbled at the end, hiding his face in my neck.
My heart burst at his reasoning, not only to see me but the fact that he was always worried for my safety. I hugged him tightly, letting him push his face deeper into my neck and scratching his beard along my skin.
“You’re so sweet,” I murmured. He just about purred into my neck as I ran my nails along the nape of his neck.
After a little more persuasion on John’s part, I finally agreed to have a meeting with Winston about the position. I would be managing the café while still working the counter, but would have the responsibility of two other workers.
The construction was very much underway and would be done in a few weeks, so Winston showed me what he had planned for drinks and cups. The cups were dark gray and void of any design on them, much like how the patrons here dressed. It was boring to say the least.
“Win, I adore the menu, but these cups are terrible,” I sighed. The menu wasn’t complicated, simply containing coffee and classic espresso variations with none of the insane customization of mainstream coffee shops. I was kind of happy about that, I realized, as I remembered some of the insane orders from my old job.
I saw John glance at me out of the corner of my eye. This was the first meeting he actually sat in on with me, so hearing the nickname and insult drop from my lips was a surprise to him. He furrowed his brows at me and glanced back at Winston, who looked neither offended nor angry at the statement I made. His eyebrows shot up and a smirk spread over his lips as he realized I had befriended Winston.
“If you have any suggestions, my dear, please do tell,” Winston smirked as I slid over a rough design. “This is perfect,” he nodded.
A few weeks later, the café was ready for its opening day. I would obviously be hitching a ride with John in the mornings, which had its downsides. One of them being how early he woke up. As I got accustomed to the new workplace, the weeks seemed to breeze by. We would enter the hotel, followed by Dog, greeting Charon almost as one voice. I had gotten to know other workers in the hotel, so I would greet them, as well, on the way to the café. John would walk me to the café, sometimes in a hurry as he and Winston would fight over being the first customer of the morning. The bar itself was shoved into a corner with a back entrance and tables set up around it. A sign hung proudly above the front counter reading “Continental Café” with Winston usually standing directly below it, waiting for me.
John would grumble as he had to wait a whopping two extra minutes for his own drink while Winston teased him with a short quip, “Better luck tomorrow, dear boy.”
Late in the night, he and John would be huddled in a corner table and talking over secret Irish coffees I would make them while I closed up. Overall, working at the hotel wasn’t terrible. An added perk was Winston allowing Dog to sit next to the bar instead of making Charon watch him all the time. Most times it was better than a chain coffee shop since the patrons were well behaved out of fear of John. It had only taken a week before people noticed his presence around me and concluded that we were together without having to say anything. The journey to people realizing it was the most amusing part.
One afternoon, John sent me a text asking about the length of the line, which was fairly long as everyone was looking for their afternoon pickup.
“How’s the line?” he asked.
“Be there in 5.”
I rolled my eyes at the message before handing over the cup from the order I had just taken to one of the baristas. Before helping the next person in line, I grabbed another cup, made John’s drink personally, and set it aside on the counter next to me. I helped a few more people before noticing John approaching as the next patron stepped up to the counter. John stood directly next to him, reaching across, practically in front of him to accept the cup I handed to him.
“Hey, what the fuck, man? There's a line,” the man huffed without bothering to look at who cut him off.
“Thanks, hon,” John smiled at me, probably surprising a lot of people who rarely saw the sight.
The man recognized John’s voice almost immediately and muttered a curse under his breath before turning to him, “Oh, hey, John. I didn’t see you there.” Just as fast as the smile appeared on John’s face, it disappeared as soon as he faced the man.
“Davis,” John said blankly and stalked away with a second glance in my direction. The man, Davis, refused to make eye contact as he ordered, speaking quickly before making himself scarce on the other side of the bar.
It was inevitable that at least one person would complain about the lack of options at the café, but I wasn’t worried about it. Most people ordered Americanos and went on their merry way. Most.
I sighed as a young teen, presumably a child of another assassin, approached the counter. The vibes that rolled off them screamed high maintenance, immediately causing me to cringe at what their order was going to be.
“I need a venti caramel latte with black coffee, six pumps of caramel, five pumps of vanilla, four pumps of cinammon dolce, three pumps of butter pecan, and one pump of ameretto at one hundred and twenty degrees,” the girl demanded nonchalantly, never tearing her eyes off of the phone she typed on.
I blinked a few times, the gold marker in my hand hovering over the cup as I tried to comprehend the order. I glanced up, seeing the kid finally tear her gaze away from her phone at my silence.
“I’m sorry, but this isn’t Starbucks. We don’t have any of those syrups,” I sighed and set the cup on the counter.
“Can’t you just make it anyway?” she huffed.
“Did I not make myself clear? Anything not on this menu can’t be made because we don’t have those syrups. If you want Starbucks, you can walk out the front door, make a right and walk three blocks. If not, I’d be happy to pour you a coffee,” I explained as composed as possible while clenching the counter with one hand.
“You have to make this!” she raised her voice. “Do you know who my dad is!?” she shouted at me.
“If you have any complaints, you can take it up with The Manager,” I answered and then continued smugly, “I don’t think your father told you who my boyfriend is.”
“I don’t give a fuck whose dick you suck at night!”
I glanced at the patrons behind her who shifted nervously at the interaction, as if John was going to magically appear. I opened my mouth to interrupt her rant but stopped as a man came jogging over to the counter and grabbed her by the arm. They exchanged words in a language foreign to my ears, but the tone of his voice was chastising. That much was clear. Two words I did know slipped from the man's, presumably her father, mouth. Baba Yaga. The girl stopped talking after that, refusing to meet my eyes after what her father had just told her.
When he finished speaking, he turned his attention to me, “Please, let me apologize on my daughter’s behalf, Mrs. Wick. Extend my apologies to Mr. Wick, as well.” He dragged his daughter away and out of sight before I got the chance to correct him.
After months of the same routine, I grew increasingly comfortable at the hotel. I eventually relished the relative silence, considering my previous job tended to get fairly loud at rush hours. It was when there was any loud commotion that you knew something was wrong in the otherwise solemn establishment. The Continental was dignified, with its patrons bound by a sacred set of rules.
So, when I heard an all too familiar voice shout forbidden words in a rage, my heart dropped. I had just read the headline, “Kyle Eagan spotted for the first time in a year,” when the shout pulled me away from my phone. There was no one in line, so I ripped my apron over my head and ran down the hallway to the slightly cracked door of a meeting room.
The sight in front of me caused my chest to tighten in fear. Charon was standing in John’s way, with an arm wrapped around his middle. Cassian was behind John, with an arm firmly around his neck to hold him back. John had a white-knuckle grip on his switchblade, clenched teeth and a blood red complexion. John’s body shook with the effort to fight against these two men, though he could have gotten past them easily if it was someone other than Charon. He would rather not hurt the man who continually had his back and probably ran his fan club.
I scanned over to who he was directing his rage to, seeing a group of equally well-dressed people. Chills ran over my skin as I spotted the smug grin of the man in the front of the group. Kyle. He was clad in an expensive suit, thick framed glasses, and his hair combed neatly off to the side. In other words, he looked completely different to how he normally dressed.
I took a few deep breaths and mustered up enough authority in my voice to get John’s attention, “Jonathan!” I walked hesitantly into the room, not really understanding what this was all about. I watched John’s face change in an instant as he recognized my voice in his murderous rage, letting his body relax slightly and stop fighting against Charon. I marched over to him, not even worrying about the other figures in the room. I took his wrists in my hands, hearing the switchblade retract before I even touched him.
“You shouldn’t be here,” he murmured with hunched shoulders but a stiff voice.
“And you shouldn’t be threatening to kill people in the Continental, dear,” I smiled and shook my head at his unwavering stare and flaring nostrils.
I glanced over at Winston, who stood in the middle of both groups and took a lazy sip of coffee, “What’s all this about?”
“I wish I knew,” Winston shrugged. “Jonathan, here, hasn’t let them get a word in, yet,” he flicked his gaze over to John to make a point while taking another sip.
At that moment, heels clicked softly into the room, attached to a woman I had never seen before. She was framed on either side by two intimidating Belgian Malinois.
“Nice of you to finally join us, Whiskey,” Kyle smirked and met my eyes mockingly.
The woman glared at him, “I just flew in from Casablanca, where I manage a Continental. I’d appreciate it if this was quick.”
“Sofia?” John asked incredulously, all kinds of lost.
“Hey, John,” she sighed.
“Please continue,” Winston addressed the strangers plus Kyle.
Kyle was about to speak up when an older gentleman stopped him, “You’ve done quite enough, Galahad.”
“But, Harry…”
The man ignored him and walked forward, “We’re from Kingsman, I’m Arthur,” he said and shook Winston’s hand. “You know Whiskey already, it seems. She used to be with Statesman.”
“Can we get to the point?” John asked impatiently.
“We need help from the Continental,” Kyle…or, uh, Galahad, interrupted. “Our members have been almost entirely wiped out and we’re dealing with a worldwide epidemic.”
The chuckle that released from John’s throat was dark and mocking, “So, let me get this straight.” He took a step forward, causing the Continental assassins to step with him warily. His gaze was directed on Kyle, solely, “You went through all the trouble of getting fancy training for a fancy agency in an attempt to outdo me or impress her,” he waved his had over to me. “Or both. Yet, here you are asking for my help.”
Kyle clenched his jaw, his nostrils flaring slightly as he grew angrier at John’s words.
“This is bigger than whatever quarrel you have with the boy, Jonathan,” Winston chastised. Kyle’s eyes flicked over at Winston at the demeaning term.
“We would appreciate your help, Mr. Wick,” Arthur continued.
John straightened up, meeting Arthur's…Harry's eye, the other being covered by an eyepatch. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, composing himself back into the hardened features of the Baba Yaga, “Who do I have to kill?”
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Alpha!Werewolf!Sam x Omega!Werewolf!FemaleReader
Summary: You’re a bonded Omega who left your human family when you were turned. Now, a year later, your mother and father have hired an interventionist to extract you from what they assume is a cult.
Warnings: Pregnancy, kidnapping, dominance, violence. References to: claiming, choking, oral sex, unprotected sex (obvi), biting, rough sex, some dom/sub overtones.
It’s not that you didn’t love your family, in fact, it’s quite the opposite, love is the reason you disappeared. Being bitten by a werewolf meant that life as you knew it was over. You had nightmares of killing your mother under a full moon, unable to control your base instincts: ripping out your father’s heart and eating it raw under the night sky.
Telling them the truth wasn’t an option; your father’s a physiologist, your mother a nurse. They’re level headed people who at the first mention of lycanthropy would have had you committed.
You couldn’t stay. You couldn’t see a way out, so you ran.
You wrote a note. Most of it was lies, but you wanted it to seem plausible. It wasn’t in your character to just abandon the people you loved, so you had to make it seem real. You had to hurt them so they would let you go. You wrote about meeting someone you wanted to start a life with, about how they’d suffocated you for twenty-five years and you just couldn’t take anymore. You told them they drove you to leave.
You cried as you set the note on the kitchen table early one brisk autumn morning, then walked out the door falsely assuming you’d never seem them again.
One Year Later…
Sensitive hearing is part of the werewolf package, it’s one of the few perks that are permanent and not just some amazing ability you development under a fat moon. The truth is that between full moons and heats, you’re pretty much a run of the mill woman, save for the few heightened senses like hypersensitive smell and hearing.
So, you hear the man peeking through the curtains of your living room window before you ever see him. You mute the television and listen intently as he tramples your flower bed. After several minutes of creeping around the house, he announces his presence by knocking at the front door.
Something doesn’t feel right. Picking up your cell phone you move to the front door, opening it and pressing ‘call’ beside Sam’s name. You let the phone ring, setting it on the table, Sam’s distant voice answering as you open the door.
“Y/N?” He’s a big guy smiling unnervingly wide in his cheap suit. He smells faintly of chicken noodle soup or body odor, you’re not sure which.
“Do I know you?” you ask taking a step back.
“My name is Gary Thompson, and I need to talk to you. May I come in?” There’s a locked screen door between the two of you. He tries the handle, failing to hide his displeasure when it doesn’t turn.
“No,” is your matter of fact response. “That name doesn’t mean anything to me. Who are you?”
“I represent a whole bunch of people that care about you,” he says as he nods confidently.
“What are you talking about?” you ask, one hand on the inside door.
“I know this is confusing, but I’d like it if you’d come with me. I can explain everything to you.”
“I’m not going anywhere with you. I think you better leave now,” you warn, backing away.
He yanks on the screen door again, this time grabs the handle and pulls with everything he has. He’s strong and the door is flimsy. The lock breaks without much force, and he lunges for you as the screen swings open, bouncing off the side of the house.
“Sam!” you scream as his stranger wraps a hand over your mouth. You bite him, wailing as he curses, replacing his hand with a rag.
“Christ, Mitch, she’s pregnant.” You’d know your mother’s voice anywhere, even as she mutters in a low hush, there’s no question. The cardigan you’re wearing slides off your shoulder and you hear, “Oh my God, look at her arms.”
You know exactly what she’s talking about, the handprints on your biceps where Sam held you up in the shower, fucking you senseless as you came twisting on his cock. You really hope they don’t get the chance to see the rest of your body because the skin is littered with bruises and teeth marks. The remnants of Sam’s last rut. Your sex life, while rougher than you ever previously fathomed enjoying it, is a hundred percent consensual. The Omega in you loves those marks, begs Sam to squeeze harder, to hold you down and make you his. It’s not a conversation you’re at all ready to have with your parents.
You mumble into the tape over your mouth, pulling at the rope that’s bound your hands together in your lap. “What the hell, is she gagged?” Now it’s your father’s voice.
What the hell indeed.
You feel someone tug the pillow case off your head and blink as a dingy motel room comes into view. Your mother, in tears, is seated at the small table in the corner, your father standing next to her. Gary is sitting on the bed next to you. “I’m going to take the tape off your mouth, but you can’t yell. Do you understand?”
You nod, glaring at him.
“For God’s sake, just take it off her, she’s…” She can’t bring herself to say the word again like it’s filthy: pregnant.
He peels the tape slowly, ripping every fine hair in its wake. Once removed, you take a deep breath and kick him in the leg as hard as you can. You know you’re not getting far but you try anyway, the fight’s part of who you are now. Gary yelps and your father is the one who grabs you by the shoulders and sits you back down on the bed.
“Asshole,” you mutter, spitting toward Gary. You don’t fight your father, instead refusing to look at him as you sit obediently on the bedspread.
“I’m so sorry,” you mother begins. For a split second you think she’s talking to you, but instead she wipes her eyes and gestures toward Gary. She looks at you before dropping her line of sight to the floor, “You’re safe now baby, just try to calm down.”
“Safe?” you howl, raising your hands, tied at the wrists. “I don’t feel very fucking safe right now.”
“It’s alright, it’s to be expected,” Gary explains, standing up to adjust his belt as if he’s just won a prize fight. “They live in this culture of violence, day in and day out.”
“What?” You question, genuinely perplexed as to where this is headed.
“I’m so glad you asked, Y/N.” Gary pulls chair from the table so he can sit in front you, just out of harm’s way. His hand is bandaged, blood seeping through from where you bit him earlier. “The most important thing is to remember that we’re here because your mom and dad love you very much. I’m here as more of a moderator, just try to think of me as a friend. Someone to listen and offer an outside perspective.”
“What are you-” you stop as the wheels turn in your brain, the pieces clicking into place on gear at a time. Of course. It makes sense now. “This is an intervention.”
“Intervention is such a clinical term,” Gary waves his hand dismissively, offering you a well-rehearsed smile. You wonder if most people really fall for this act. “This is just a conversation about the life you’ve been living. I think we can all agree that there are points in everyone’s life when things spin out of control and we find ourselves in a situation we might not want to be in anymore…a situation we don’t know how to get out of with a little help from the people who know us best.”
“This is a safe place,” you mother leans forward, clutching a wet kleenex in her hands. “You don’t have to be scared of anyone here. No one is going to hurt you anymore, not even…” She stops looking to Gary, who turns to you with a somber expression.
“Sam,” He nods gravely. “Maybe we should talk about him, confront the elephant in the room.”
You know damn well that Sam would never hurt you, but they obviously don’t. He’ll find you, and when he does you’re not sure what he’ll do. “Look,” you bite your lip, struggling for the right words. “You guys really need to rethink this. You just have to trust me when I tell you that if he finds us and you’re keeping me here…” Anything else you say at this point makes him sound like a sociopath, so you stop.
“What will he do?” Gary asks opening a small notepad. “Would you say that Sam is a violent person?”
Oh God.
“Look, he’s not violent. But you just broke into my house and kidnapped me. I mean, I’m his-” You stop just short of saying I’m his Omega. They will never understand the dynamic between you, it’s just not possible. Stuttering you repeat the words, “I’m…his.”
Your mother closes her eyes, your father looks at the floor. Gary turns to them, offering an analytical explanation as if you’re not even in the room. “This is just another form of control, the displays of ownership are very common, especially with this cult…this group. Typically a woman belongs to one man, however, I’ve seen a few cases where one woman will be passed around until she’s no longer…desirable.”
“I don’t think I’m explaining myself the way I want to.” You take a deep breath, trying to present in a calm and collected manner. “No one controls me, or passes me around like an appetizer.”
“I know that’s what you think, sweetheart,” Mitch, your father, speaks up for the first time, “But you just need to listen to us, hear us out.”
“You can’t see things when you’re in the middle of them,” your mother pleads, desperate but hopeful that they’re getting somewhere. “Dr. Thompson has spent a lot of time studying and getting to know this…group you’ve fallen into.”
“So you think I’m part of a gang or something?”
“Gang, cult, they’re all just terms that really don’t help us right now,” Gary interjects. “You’re a smart girl, Y/N. Your parents have told me so much about over the last six months, hell, I feel like you’re practically family. I know that deep down there’s a part of you that knows there’s something wrong with Sam and his friends, something that’s not right.”
This all makes sense; if you didn’t know the truth about werewolves and shape-shifting under the full moon you’d probably come to the same conclusion. “Look,” you flex your hands where they’re still bound resting in your lap. “I understand how this looks, I do. But you have to believe me when I tell you that the only person holding me hostage is you. Sam has never hurt or threatened to hurt me. We love each other and we’re going to have a family together.”
“God help us,” you mother tilts her head toward the ceiling.
“I’ve spent the last few months gathering information about your situation. I spoke to a young woman named…” Gary flips back through his pad of paper until he finds what he’s looking for. “Laurie, does that name ring a bell?”
Fuck. Laurie used to work at the bar with you, Sam’s bar. She meant well and was nice enough but she’s human so she didn’t understand. Sam fired her the week after the two of you bonded and she started asking too many questions. She even had a sheriff’s deputy sent to the house to check on your well being.
“Laurie told me that you two were pretty good friends until she voiced her concern about some of the things she saw happening. She said that Sam dragged you out of the bar one night and she couldn’t reach you for three days. When you came back you were covered in bruises. She said he marked you.”
“She just misunderstood,” You reason, shifting on the mattress, You’re six months along with your first child, not a huge belly yet, but big enough to become uncomfortable.
“Oh, misunderstandings happen.” Gary shrugs. “Can we see your neck?”
You swallow and remain silent. Looking to your parents, you lock eyes with your mother and Gary reaches up and sweep your hair to the side. There are three audible gasps as they get a clear view of the bite mark at the crook of your neck and shoulder. It’s healed now, just scar tissue in the form of a bite mark: Sam’s bite.
“That is not love.” Your father moves toward you, setting on the edge of the bed as if he’s afraid to get too close.
You’ve had just about enough of this victim bullshit. While you understand why they believe what they do, the thought of anyone assuming Sam is some abusive captor makes you angry. You set your jaw and stare cold and hard at Gary. “I asked him to bite me, begged for it actually.”
“Disgusting,” you mother hisses, clapping a hand over her mouth.
It’s the truth. You bucked under Sam as he knotted you, panting and pleading for him to claim you. When his teeth sunk into your flesh you came clenching around his cock, chanting Alpha, Alpha until your throat was raw.
“Okay,” Gary stands up, moving to comfort your mother who looks white as a ghost. “I think maybe Y/N and I need some time together, to sort through some of this more disturbing material.”
Your parents don’t question his decisions, just stand and head for the door.
“You’re leaving?” you ask.
“We’ll be back honey, just try to listen. We’re doing this because we care.”
The door clicks shut, Gary flips the deadbolt and then it’s just the two of you. He saunters around the room, rolling up his sleeves. “I have to take a few precautions, I’m sure you understand.” He pulls a roll of duct tape from his bag, then a taser. “If you move or fight me, I’ll zap you good, you got that?”
You’re still, your eyes never leaving the taser. You afraid now, this has gone from irritating to something more terrifying. “I’m pregnant,” you offer, watching as he drops to his knees wrapping tape around your ankles.
“All the more reason for you to behave yourself.” He smiles, then tightens the ropes at your wrists. “I think we both know you’re a pretty fucked up person, the things you let him do to you? Man.” He whistles. “Anything happens to that baby, we just blame it on the daddy. A man with a history like that, no one would even question it.”
He pulls a manila folder from his briefcase, then moves the chair closer to you before taking a seat. He pulls out a photo holding it up inches from your face. You’re looking at a black and white photograph taken from some distance, through an open window. It’s an older picture, just after you met him, it’s of Sam fucking you up against the wall in the back storeroom of the bar. He’s fully clothed save for a peek of his ass cheek hanging out from his shirttail. You, on the other hand, are completely naked, bare thighs wrapped around his waist. He’s got a mouth full of your breast, sucking on as much of your tit as he can get. To top it off his hand is wrapped around your neck, your flesh giving way as he squeezes. The photographer caught you mid-gasp, adding to the intensity of the photo.
“See,” Gary leans forward. “They’ve had me following you for a long time now. I’m not as naive as your parents. I don’t buy into the fact that you’re a saint.”
He lets the photo fall to the ground and reveals another. This one was clearly taken outside your house, you’re guessing through your bedroom window. You’re seated in Sam’s lap, lying with your back on his chest. He’s nipping at your jaw from behind as you ride his cock, one of his giant hands spread wide over your swollen stomach.
This is from last week.
“You’re a fucking pervert,” you hiss, looking toward the door, making it clear that you won’t entertain this stomach-turning exercise.
“I’m proving a point,” Gary inches his chair close, tapping you on the knee. “I get it, you got in over your head, fell in love with a bad guy before you knew what kind of a person he really was.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about,” you’re exasperated. “You’ve got it all wrong.”
“This isn’t just one guy with a kink, half the women Sam and his friends have around have marks just like yours, like that bite on your neck. I mean Jesus, you have to know that’s not a normal thing.”
“Please,” you plead, “please just let me go home. I’m fine. I’ll find a way to make things right with my parents.”
“I can’t do that, sweetheart. I’m being paid to break this, to help you see what you’re really a part of. You have to trust me.” He places his hand on your knee and you flinch.
“A second ago you were threatening to kill my baby, now you want me to trust you?”
“I would never purposely hurt your child, but I will do what I have to save your life,” he quips.
“Sam is going to find me.” He doesn’t know it yet, but that’s a threat.
“I hope so, I’d like to have a talk with him. He needs to know that we’re watching. People will come forward eventually,” Gary states, matter of fact.
“He’s gonna find me and he’s gonna kill you,” you snarl.
“I really hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Gary, you’re so far off base I don’t where to begin.”
“Then why don’t you tell me where I’m wrong. Because from the outside it looks like this: Thirteen months ago you were a happy young woman, just graduated from college, getting ready to start a new job. From all accounts, you were well adjusted. Then one night you just poof, disappear. You leave your parents a letter that and no one hears from you again. So they call me because this is what I do. I rescue young women like you and bring you back to your families. I didn’t take that much to find you, just a friend who had access to the police database. You weren’t trying that hard to hide, so I thought to myself, fuck Gary, maybe she did just run away with some guy. You can imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto this sick little group these guys put together. The one thing I can’t quite figure out is how do they draw you in? I know it’s not religious, Sam’s no David Koresh, but whatever he has over all you girls, it’s something like I’ve never seen before. No one will fucking talk.”
“So you honestly think, after all this time watching us and snapping dirty pictures, that Sam is a cult leader?”
“See, at first I thought it was a gang, a bunch of hardass bikers mixed up in the usual. Drugs, maybe some organized crime…but it’s more than that. I know something happens during the lunar cycle, how you all disappear whenever there’s a full moon. I can see in the way you’re looking at me right now, there’s a total belief in whatever line of bullshit Sam’s feeding you.”
“I’m gonna go off on a limb here and say you’re less interested in helping me and more into the idea of exposing what you think is the next Jonestown.”
“If you help me, I’ll help you. I’m gonna write a book, we could sell millions.” His eyes light up, he’s clearly been thinking about this for a while.
“You really wanna know Gary?” You laugh tipping your head back.
“Yes,” Christ, he’s desperate.
“Sam’s a werewolf, we all are. Well, most of us anyway. When I say I’m his, I mean it literally: he’s my Alpha, I’m his Omega.”
“You honestly believe that, don’t you?” He sits back in his chair as if you’ve just blown his damn mind.
“You think I’m lying? You asked for the truth and I’m giving it to you. Last year when I disappeared it was because I got bit. ”
“You mean the mark on your neck?”
“No the wolf that turned me bit me on the arm, that healed a long time ago. The bite on my neck is where Sam claimed me, it happens when you bond. We’re mated for life, the scar is marking his territory.”
“So he claims you and you’re his? Just like that?” He’s writing furiously.
“More or less, it’s a bit more nuanced than that,” you shrug.
“And once you’re mated, are you expected to give him children right away?” He gestures toward your stomach. “I suspected that was part of it, half the woman in the group are pregnant.”
“It’s biology dude: we mate, we fuck, we reproduce.”
“And you wanted this? You wanted to have a child with a man that you only knew….”
“A day,” you smirk. “I only knew Sam for a few hours before he put his pups in my belly. When you know, you know. There’s a scent that your intended mate gives off, like pheromones. It just kinda takes over.”
“Pups,” Gary mutters, scribbling in his notebook.
“You think I’m crazy, right?”
“I think you believe what you’re telling me is the truth.”
“Wonderful,” you squirm.
“And Sam, he’s the ah, the head werewolf?”
“Head werewolf? This isn’t a city council.” You laugh you give is one of genuine amusement. “Well, we call it a pack leader, he’s not just my Alpha, he’s the Alpha. But yeah, I guess you could call him the head werewolf.”
“This is really, good stuff. Really helpful. I can see it’s a much more complicated dynamic than what I’ve come across before. Can you explain to me what drew you in? What made you believe that this was possible?”
There’s a twinge in your stomach, more than just the baby moving. This is your body reacting to Sam’s proximity, much the same way your heat trigger’s his rut. He’s calling out to you and he’s close. Another cramp shoots through your belly, your cringe, moaning in pain. “He’s coming for me now, you should untie me Gary. You’re a jerk but I don’t want him to kill you. He’s gonna be really pissed if he finds me tied up like this.”
“Ahuh,” he’s still taking notes, “and how exactly would he know where we are? I’ve done this a dozen times before, I take precautions.”
“Because I’m his, he just…always knows, he can feel me.” You lean to the side, trying to alleviate the uncomfortable ache of your hips. You can’t sit the way you need to with your legs tied together, the weight of your stomach bearing down on your pelvis. “Please just cut the tape on my feet, it hurts for me to sit like this.”
He glances up, dismissing your complaint. “It’ll be fine, tell me more about this psychic connection you think you have.”
“I’m serious, you need to let me go.”
“I’m the one who’s serious.” He gets up from his chair. One thing’s for sure, Gary’s got a short fuse. He towers over you, pointing his finger in your face. “We can do this the nice way where you and that bastard child in your stomach are nice and comfortable. Or we can try a little aversion therapy, see if it helps your attitude.” He brings your attention back the taser that’s sitting on the floor next to the chair.
“You really shouldn’t have said that,” you whisper.
Gary doesn’t get a chance to respond, instead, the door explodes inward, wood shattering as it’s kicked off the frame, landing with a thud on the ground. Dean’s the first thing you see, followed by Sam who’s red-faced behind him.
Gary screams, a high pitched junior high girl sound as Dean grabs him and pushes him up against the wall with a gun poking his cheek.
“If he moves, shoot him,” Sam commands, kneeling in front of you. He looks you over from head to toe, reaching down and ripping the duct tape at the ankles with a simple flex of muscle. “Are you okay? Is he okay?”
His hand moves from your thighs to your stomach, cradling your unborn child with both his hands. “We’re fine, just please untie me.”
“Shit,” he mutters, pulling at the rope around your wrists. He looks back at Gary who’s pissed himself in fear, wet soaking through the front of his pants. “Did he touch you?”
“No,” you shake your head, “but he would have hurt me if you hadn’t gotten here. He’s was gonna shock me with that thing.” You point to the taser lying on the carpet.
Sam closes his eyes, ticking his head to the side as rage boils up from his gut. “Who is he?”
“I think my parents hired him to find me, they think I’m in a cult or something. He’s been following us for months, Sam, look at the pictures.”
Sam bends down and picks up one of the grayscale photos from the floor, his pupils shuttering from the photo to you, then Gary. You assume it’s one of the pictures you’ve already seen, but it isn’t. When he lays it on the bed to pick up the folder you get an eye of your naked breasts, you’re clearly changing in the laundry room. Sam looks through the rest, then shows you a nude photo of Marie, Dean��s Omega. She’s on her knees sucking Dean’s cock on their living room couch.
“Look at this,” Sam holds up the photo for his brother inspect. “Looks like we caught a real sick fuck.”
“Nonononono,” Gary panics and Dean looks from the picture back to him. “It’s not what you think.”
“Really? Because it looks like you’ve been sneaking around the neighborhood playing private detective when you’re really just a peeping Tom.” Dean hits him on the side of his head with the butt of his gun and blood pours from the wound. Gary howls, blood streaming through his fingers.
Sam picks up the taser, stalking toward the two men. “I’ve got him, Dean.” Sam takes his place and Dean begrudging release his hold on the man. “What’s your name?”
“Gary Thompson,” he sputters in terror as Sam’s hand closes around his neck.
“Well, Gary I’m gonna let Dean discuss the photos with you in a minute and believe me, he’s not going to be nearly as nice as I am.”
“I am definitely not,” Dean confirms, standing behind Sam his arm folded over his chest.
“But right now Gary Thompson, I want to address the fact that you threatened to electrocute my pregnant wife. Because despite whatever little scenario you’ve cooked up in that head of yours, that’s what she is to me. That’s my wife and my unborn son.”
“I’m sorry,” Gary cries and Sam squeezes hard as his face turns red. “I didn’t understand, but I do now and I’m so sorry. Please don’t kill me.”
“He knows,” you explain stepping closer. “He knows what we are. I told him.”
Sam side eyes you, then looks back to the man he’s choking, releasing his grip. Gary drops to his knees, coughing as he clutches his throat. “Did he believe you?”
“No, he thinks you’re a cult leader who’s brainwashed all us mindless women. He’s gonna write a book about it.”
“Oh,” Sam nods, then grins biting his lower lip. He crouches down next to Gary, directing his attention to you. “I don’t think anyone’s told her what or how to think a day in her life. God help me if I ever try.”
You can’t help but smile, you are one stubborn woman.
“Gary, I want you to look at me,” Sam uses the gun in his right hand to point to his own face. Gary looks up trembling, as your Alpha leans in even closer. Sam blinks and when he opens his eyes they’re bright yellow, burning around his pupils.
“Oh God,” Gary puffs out, his mouth falling open. Sam bears his teeth, no longer human, instead sharp fangs that line the inside of his mouth. He growls an inhuman sound that reverberates throughout the room. With a tick of his head, Sam’s face returns to normal. The man before him practically vibrating with fear.
“You understand now?” Sam asks gently, tilting his head to the side.
“Ahhmm,” Gary whimpers.
“You understand that if you ever come back, you ever touch her again I’ll kill you. You ever tell anyone about us, I’ll find you and I’ll eat your heart out of your chest.” Wide-eyed, Gary sits silent, unable to speak. “I need you to nod if you understand me, I need to know, that you know.” He nods sharply and a putrid smell fills the room.
“What is that?” you gag, covering your face with your sleeve.
“I think he just shit himself,” Dean waves his hand in front of his face.
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Sam questions for the hundredth time. You’re both fresh from the shower, he’s standing over you with a towel hung around his hips watching as you smooth lotion down your legs. You can only bend over so far so he wordlessly drops to his knees in front of you, rubbing the rest into your calves. Then squeezing more into his hand before massaging your feet.
“I’m fine, I’m just creeped out. He watched us for a long time, Sam, we had no idea.”
“I know,” he looks up at you. “We’ll figure something to make everyone feel safe. We’ll make sure nothing like this happens again.”
“We need to do something for my parents too,” you moan as this thumb presses into a sore spot at the arch of your foot. “I just assumed that they would find a way to move on once I left, I was so wrong. They think that you’re some evil guy who’s keeping me here to be his sex slave.”
“It’s not that far off the mark,” he grins, backtracking when he sees you’re not amused. “Sorry, it’s not going to be easy, but we’ll start small. I’m guessing once they talk to Gary they’ll have more questions.”
“If he can even talk, you did a real number on him.”
“I had two choices, scare him straight or kill him.” He runs a hand up the inside of your thigh, placing a kiss on the side of your knee. “Would you rather I’d….”
“No.” You lay back on the bed and Sam pulls you forward until you’re seated on the edge. He reaches over you, grabbing a pillow and wedging it between your shoulder blades and the bed.
“Are you okay like this?” he asks, thinking of your comfort.
“Ahum,” you confirm, closing your eyes as his dips his head between your legs, his tongue scooping over your clit. “Sam, wait.”
You grab his hair, pulling his head up until he emerges over your stomach, “What?”
“Can you make sure the curtains are closed. After the pictures, I just…”
“Sure baby,” he wipes his mouth, standing to check the blinds are shut. The towel falls from his waist, leaving him naked, with a half hard cock. He secures both windows, turning to see you propped up on your elbows with a lopsided grin. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“I just,” you run your hand over your stomach. “I just love you.”
#Alpha!Sam x Omega!Reader#alpha!sam winchester#sam winchester smut#sam winchester fanfic#sam winchester x reader
2K notes
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➳ pairing: yoongi x reader
➳ genre: mafia!au, angst, eventual smut, maybe fluff
➳ word count: 3k
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Chapter 3:
“And this here,” Taehyung points in the direction of the open space of which Yoongi surveys like a human embodiment of CCTV, “is the main training area, canteen, sparring ground. It’s the heart of the Enterprise.”
You nod, responsively, “why do they train so hard?” You gesticulate towards the men, throwing punch after kick after slap, all with the intention of slaughtering their opponent, “surely, there isn’t much actual fighting in this… business. I’ve never heard of some huge mafia war.”
“You think Yoongi would allow any of our goings on to be monitored by the government, let alone the press?” He scoffs, “the man isn’t the head of this place for nothing. The men have to be in top form 24/7, else the second the opposition find out we’re taking a day off or whatever, they’ll be here like a pack of wolves massacring the whole fucking place, it’d be a ghost town down here once they’re through.”
You swallow, “by the opposition- you don’t mean-“
“Damn straight I mean your ex. Man’s a killer. Doesn’t know a target from his parents’ faces.” There’s a glint of a smile on his lips.
You frown at what Taehyung is insinuating, employing a bitter tone, “don’t make up lies about him.”
“Duckie, there’s all sorts of rumours going around about him as it is. In case you haven’t realised, he’s sort of public enemy number 1 around here.”
You had noticed, actually. You’d noticed the glances people would give you as Taehyung was taking you around pointing out all the different departments to you, clearly aware of your relationship to Jimin. Some of the men would look you over once, then turn away in disgust, else others would smirk suggestively. To say the least, if you weren’t perceived as a sex object, you were someone nobody wanted to be involved with.
You and Taehyung walk through a new tunnel, close to where your room is situated, as he begins telling you about the origins of the Enterprise.
“Yoongi’s parents were the ones to find this place- an abandoned military HQ. It wasn’t as discrete; they built the house up top and battered it a bit so nobody would be tempted to come lurking around. Then, they bought the land above us and henceforth owned everything below it and the Enterprise was born. It’s a shame his folks aren’t here to see it now.”
As you saunter along, you push your mouth to one side, “did they die?”
Taehyung gulps back, glancing about momentarily with a nervous expression, “yeah, yeah they did.”
You don’t ask anymore questions regarding the former directors, after Taehyung’s apprehensive demeanour to which you pin down as it just being a touchy subject. You continue your exploration down the corridor, but as you turn down another darker, less accessible tunnel you notice a door, somewhat ‘pushed aside’ but from the worn metal on the handle you can tell it’s obviously opened frequently. And that smell in the air; like the smell of rubber, of alcohol, of… metal? You can’t really tell, but it’s prominent and lingers around your nose and mouth, threatening to waft up even further and poison your internals.
“What’s through there?” You interrogate, detouring away from Taehyung’s increased pace the opposite direction of the doorway to instead make your way over. A hand on your shoulder, however, prevents you from doing so.
“That’s out of bounds, duckie. Strict orders from above.”
“Then what’s that smell?”
“I can’t smell anything.”
You take a dramatic breath in, inhaling the pungent aroma deeply to make a point, “what do you mean you can’t smell anything,” you cough a little, “it smells like shit down here.”
“You probably just need to get used to it. It’s a long way from home, duckie.” He hits your cheek lightly, “come along.”
Disregarding your insistence that there’s something up with that tunnel, the door, the smell in the air, you trot along behind your tour guide, eagerly watching out for anymore dubious looking areas, though it’s a doomed endeavour; the place is an underground mafia institution after all- the whole thing is out of the ordinary.
“Here, I’ll introduce you to Kook and Joonie.” You recall one of the names, but aren’t entirely sure from where.
Yourself and Taehyung roam into what seems to be a security camera room, filled to the brim with PCs and technological equipment- all seeming far too advanced for any amateur to be dealing with. There’s a man sat in the chair at the very centre, with another leaning over him from behind, hand gripping the back of the leather seat. The two seem entirely consumed with some virtual game, yelling profanity at it and hitting each other when they mess up.
“Fucking hell Joon, have you got eyes? He was clearly in front of you,” he leans forward, smacking the man in front over the head.
“Get out you moron, I ran out of bullets.”
“Then reload you stupid fucker-“
The man in the chair groans before interrupting, “I can’t just reload-“
“Just press that button it’s not-“
“Fuck off already I’m the computer tech not you.”
“Doesn’t make you any less shit at this.”
“You little shit you-“
Taehyung interrupts the two with a cough, to which the man at the back of the chair turns around, revealing a bandage on his free hand and your eyes widen. Fuck, so that’s how you recognise the name. He looks you up and down, raising his eyebrows, then falls into a blank expression when you make eye contact. Taehyung simply smiles at the interaction, suddenly patting a hand over your shoulder.
“Y/N, meet Jungkook,” he announces, “I assure you he is just as sweet as he tastes.”
“Funny,” Jungkook snarls, merely glancing at you one more time before turning back to look at the game, “don’t expect me to get along with her, Tae. She did take- Joon fuck! Let me do it you bellend.” His hand is instantly reaching out to yank the controller from ‘Joon’s’ grip, shoving him from the chair so he’s forced to get up. You can’t help but allow your eyes to drift towards the bandage covering the bite mark, wondering how big a chunk you took out of it.
The man sighs, ambling over to you with a slight limp and a wooden stick in his hand, before Taehyung introduces him, “and this is Namjoon; the finest hacker and tracker you’ll ever meet.”
“Sounds like a porno,” Namjoon comments.
“I’m sure you’d like that,” Tae winks back, “Joonie is also head of drug shipments, and was part of the team that found out about you.”
“So you’re the reason I’m stuck here?” You turn to face the man adopting a deathly appearance to shoot glares his way.
He holds a hand up in surrender, “I can’t ignore my orders. Yoongi allowed me to come in with an injury- an unlikely occurrence in a place like this, so to start rejecting his demands would put me back out on the streets.”
You suddenly feel a little guilty, delineating that he must’ve been in a difficult situation with a clear permanent limp, “how did you hurt it?” You glance at his leg, to which he mimics, tapping it with his stick to create an unexpected clanging sound.
“Not hurt- gone. Amputated after they found a cancerous tumour in the muscle- I could either let it spread to the rest of my body and have to undergo years of chemo only to still die within a few years, or have it removed altogether. And now I’m part android, so naturally I got good with computers, which Yoongi thought was a good enough reason to let me in.”
You mull over the fact that not all the people here may be sick, twisted killers that you perceive them to be; some may not have had a choice, or it could’ve been a way out from a life they didn’t want to carry on living. Yes there are probably some near-psychopaths prowling about but you still become aware of the subtle moments of morality, hidden in the silence and behind the scenes of the vicious attacks.
“Y/N is gonna start training with Jin. We’re just headed over there to go introduce him.” Taehyung reveals, and Namjoon lets out a single laugh, clearly amused.
“Good luck with that. I’m surprised he’s agreed to train a girl.”
“What’s wrong with training a girl?” You interject, with a snappy tone.
“Nothing, nothing,” he insists, “it’s just Jin has a thing about training girls. He doesn’t like it.”
“Well he’s gonna have to like it. She’s starting tomorrow,” Taehyung reassures, wrapping an arm around you. You suddenly feel a lot more nervous to meet this man, fully aware he will be your main point of contact whilst living here as your trainer and for him to dislike that time with you just… well it wouldn’t be ideal.
You say your goodbyes to Namjoon and Jungkook, leaving them to yell incessantly at the computer screen after a minor debate about how those games actually contribute to their work- they just told you guns were guns, virtual or not. And that comment manages to bring up your defences again, with the realisation that even if in a former way of life they may have been innocents, now they’re killers. By their own will or not, if they aren’t actually killing people then they’re helping. It dawns on you this could be your new lifestyle also, but you push those thoughts back so not to succumb to the sinister outlook of your life now.
Traipsing down yet another tunnel, you hear the grunts and huffs of men throwing kicks and punches. The smacks against sandbags echoes against the stone walls and swims through your eardrums, threatening to explode them with every movement you take closer. The smell hits you next; of sweat and gym equipment. Then, as you walk through the main training area, you come face to face with your new mentor.
He grapples against another man, of smaller stature but fast pace, and dodges his hits stealthily before throwing his own, far better timed as they hit him dead on till he’s winded and bent over, wheezing. His hair sticks to his forehead, as he uses the back of his hand to wipe away a layer of perspiration and moves to his water bottle at the side, now making criticisms of the man’s skills.
“You rely on your speed, but you need to improve your strength. And your tactics are poor and predictable- don’t go for the first attack you think of, you’re quick enough to think first and to then make the unexpected move,” he gulps down a mouthful of water, swirling it around his mouth before swallowing it down, “go spar with the boys. You need to practise thinking before you hit.”
As the man jogs off, looking rather disheartened after that assessment, Jin whips a towel around his neck, finally turning to you and Taehyung stood watching. The dark expression on his face as he spots you indicates he has been pre-informed of your arrival, and you take a gulp when he begins to stalk over and Tae nudges you forwards with a smile playing on his lips.
“Jin,” Taehyung bows slightly in respect, which Jin reciprocates, although still not taking his eyes off of you.
“This is Y/N?” He scrutinises your figure intensely, almost making you squirm and recoil from his gaze.
“The one and only.” Tae shoves you closer again, and you snap your head round to glare at him before slowly turning back to face Jin, still looking you over again.
“She looks weak.”
“Well she’s never even set foot in a gym.”
“How do you know that?” You cry turning to Taehyung, suddenly feeling rather targeted.
“Read your file.”
You pout to yourself childishly, “I have been in a gym before.”
“It doesn’t look like it,” Jin finally addresses you face to face, “your arms and legs have no muscle, they’re just fat and bone.”
You wrap your arms over your chest, feeling conscious now he’s observing you so closely, “well I never needed to be strong or fast, or be able to fight.”
“It’s always good to be able to defend yourself.”
“I never needed to.”
“Clearly you did considering you got abducted and brought here?” His retort silences you instantly as you wet your lips, perhaps a little awkwardly with the sudden tense atmosphere. He sighs, looking at Taehyung and then returning to a punching bag hung up to the left, leaving you both stood alone.
“Jin?” Taehyung glances at you, then at him, now busy launching hits at the surface, “what time should Y/N be here tomorrow?”
“She shouldn’t be here tomorrow. She’s an unnecessary distraction from real work with the men.” A fire starts in the pit of your stomach. What a fucking misogynist.
“Yoongi said-“
“I don’t care what he said. This is my department and it won’t be ridiculed by some feeble female incapable of opening a jam jar, let alone fighting a trained assassin.”
You’re about to step forwards and begin rocketing insults at him at full force after slandering your whole gender, but another presence gets there before you. And you’re surprised to find Yoongi looming behind you, having watched the entire scene unfold before him and now stepping forwards, smirking as he comes into your eyesight.
“Jin, how are you this evening?” He asks, casually. Jin falters for a second, pausing from his punches to glance over, before nodding his head curtly and returning his attention to the equipment in front of him.
Yoongi nods, raising his eyebrows slightly, “so what seems to be the problem with training her?”
Jin carries on with his work out, not even glancing over at his boss, “she’s weak. She’s too far behind. She won’t catch up.”
“Well that’s why I’ve entrusted you with the job, over the other trainers. She needs a lot of work.”
The fact that they’re talking about you in third person right in front of your face further ignites the fire burning through your veins, but you refrain from letting your tongue loose on their blatantly rude manners, considering one is a mafia boss and the other a highly skilled combatant.
“She will hold back the other men.” He ceases all movement suddenly, panting as he looks over at you and Yoongi, “it’s not right to hinder the progress of my division for some girl nobody wants here.”
Surprisingly, Yoongi isn’t happy with Jin’s comment whatsoever, deduced from his squinted eyes and furrowed brows capturing the man in a fatal glare, “need I not remind you of what you owe me, Seokjin. She’s stronger than she looks. If you give her a chance, you may find she’s got a better work ethic than some of these so-called ‘men’ you’ve been training up for months.”
Your stomach leaps as Yoongi becomes to threatening, all at your cause. It seems fictitious that such a man could even attempt to defend your honour, but similarly you don’t look too far into it, considering he’s doing nothing that won’t benefit him also. And obviously Jin has some kind of debt to repay, that he ‘owes’ his boss.
Jin pokes his tongue in his cheek before exhaling in frustration, “be here by 4am in workout gear.”
A small hint of smile slips through your lips as he gives in, feeling something similar to victory as he concedes to Yoongi’s demands.
“I’ll work you to the fucking bone so you better get ready.” And with that he returns to his punching bag, arms tensed as he vents his irritation through the form of aggression.
You turn around to see Taehyung has obviously wandered off, and you’re now left with Yoongi, flicking his head to the side to follow him away from Jin’s area. You follow behind him, away from the main training grounds and towards a staircase leading up to his office. Once inside, he turns to you, smirking smugly.
“I believe you might have perhaps a bit of trouble with your new trainer.”
You let out a sarcastic laugh, “you don’t say.”
He grins back, looking somewhat satisfied, moving over to his desk, “if he does cause you trouble you need to tell someone. I need you trained, not collapsing everywhere.”
“Trying to be some kind of hero now are you?” You suppress a smile, etching its way onto your expression.
“Only for my new favourite.” He takes out a file from his desk, “I’ve got something for you.”
He passes you the envelope of paper, to which you take apprehensively, unsure about its contents. As you open it up, you’re shocked to find a collection of photos of you as a child, your family and your friends. All the photos from your childhood through to the day you broke up with Jimin and came here- all sorts of memories bundled into one folder and gazing up at you nostalgically.
“What is this?” You murmur.
Yoongi sits at his desk, “I figured you may not see them for a while. So photos are the next best thing. God knows it’s how everyone else copes.”
Although the whole concept is pretty morbid and you now know he knows where the people you love are, the gesture seems unusually kind. You do, however, take notice that none of the photos include Jimin- even to the extent of him being visibly cropped out of some. But you don’t mention it.
“Thank you.” It’s the first sincere thanking you’ve done since you’ve been held captive here, after not being able to voice your thanks to the old lady that left you books.
“It’s nothing.” Yoongi dismisses, and you simply roll your eyes in response.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then?” You start uncomfortably making your way to the exit.
He nods, brusquely, “I’ll look forward to it.” He glances up incredibly briefly, with a gratified smirk on his lips before you leave with an increased pace, a knot forming in your throat, restraining you from breathing.
And as you’re walking down the corridor, you reprimand yourself for being so friendly with a murderer. Flirting, even. You come to the decision it’s better to focus your mind on other things- the books the woman leaves and your new start to training as of tomorrow. You take a breath in. Focus.
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#twisted#bts reactions#bts imagines#bts suga#bts mafia au#bts angst#bts fluff#yoongi smut#admin lottie
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rubies and pearls
from that silly indie quote about the sun loving the moon so much that it dies every night to let her shine, i present to you this:
a sort of post-modern philosphical shitshow where neil panicking about the relevance of his existence in our universe is my constant state
this is also p similar to (but obviously not as good as the 180,525 words of) ‘The First Breath’ which is a good (amazing) fic i defs recommend
Neil is a kinda generic term for what he is, but essentially, in the most simplistic, genial terms, he is Neil. Neil Josten, in all his glory.
It’s strange how all the benevolent figures of this particular earthly plane have opped for such simple names. Like Matt, for example. Here he was, providing optimism and celebration to human kind, but he went ahead and named himself Matthew Boyd.
And his love, Danielle Wilds. She was the embodiment of valour. And she insisted to go by Dan.
Renee, Wymack, Allison, Seth, Aaron, Jean, Kevin, Jeremy, Nicky, Abby, Betsy, hell, even Riko. Though he supposed that it was ironic that the Japanese name meant truth, and he was consistently anything but.
There were others, perhaps more unsavory, of whom Neil never tended to mention, and wholistically avoided when he could. They, too, had elicited for general names. Lola, Nathan, Mary. Seriously. Mary.
They were practically what the humans called gods, the lot of them. But like: Also not like gods. Without them, the thing they represented would be obsolete, and humankind would no longer be capable of experiencing it. Some things such as fear (Nathan) and pain (Lola) would be rather beneficial to eradicate, but they fought tooth and nail, not only to exist, but to try and remove those who negated their particular characteristic.
Such as Neil. Neil was the embodiment of eternity, or immortality. Perhaps humans weren’t immortal, but he and his fellow benevolent beings were. He also immortalised memory, and how they (humans) could translate it into permanent forms. Books, scripts, art. More recently, the internet.
So, being that Nathan and Lola drew satisfaction from the cruel shortening of human life, and Neil represented the extension of life, they did not get along.
He clashed with paranoia (Mary) and sadism (Riko): Sometimes he and connection (Jeremy) fell upon disagreements, in that Neil was unable to immortalise humankind and Jeremy watched the relations he inadvertently formed crumble through the permanent separation of death. It wasn’t that Neil had anything against Jeremy. He was just awfully cheery.
Then again, Matt often displayed similar qualities. Neil assumed he was more tolerable, due to the idea of perseverance that accompanied optimism. Neil could respect that.
He respected forgiveness (Wymack) and transformation (Renee). He appreciated valour (Dan) and stubbornness (Allison), and whilst their personalities grated upon Neil, both regret (Seth) and doubt (Aaron) were necessary, too. Both healers, of mind and body (Betsy and Abby), were much needed too, but their disposition to smother Neil with affections was not appreciated.
Neil rarely saw those he enjoyed the company of. His symbol was the moon, and thus night was his territory. It was also the territory of things most evil and threatening, and whilst Neil technically didn’t have to maintain his waking hours in the night (he just simply needed to exist), he tended to anyway.
Perched upon the branch of a pine, he gazed upon the moon and the stars: His moon, and the trillions of stars that represented the other dimensions. He wondered how many of those had a Neil Josten, and if they were gazing upon him in similar fashion.
“Neil,” Called a gentle voice, at the bottom of his tree.
Neil sighed, slipping between the Unreal to appear beside Jean.
It tended to spook those that weren’t used to his disappearing act. As the embodiment of immortality, and thus, basically the reason that all the other representatives existed, he could slip into the Unreal. It was essentially a strange goo that kept all dimensions together. You were not allowed to cross dimensions, or speak to the embodiments of eternity from other dimensions, but it wasn’t illegal to see one another from time to time.
Jean was one of the few who he truly tolerated, and who truly tolerated him. Loneliness and eternity went pretty much hand in hand. Immortality was an isolating experience.
“You have been quite absent for a while.” Jean offered as they walked. It was a trail in the Victorian Alps, at the base of Mount Hotham, in Australia. Australia was not as frequently visited by his fellow beings, in that there were less people in a large space. He frequented Mongolia, Russia and Canada for the same reasons.
Other beings could not slip in and out of space, but time was still a loose thing. Jean could have walked for five minutes and crossed the pacific ocean that lay between California and Melbourne. He also, if he’d wanted to, have taken two hours. It was all relative. Neil wasn’t in charge of it, so he didn’t really care. When you’re immortal, time isn’t really a thing at all.
“I have been busy.” Neil said, like he always said. “A cult attempting necromantics here, wars stealing young lives there, a general disregard for the rules of existence everywhere. I’m always busy, Jean. What is it that you want?”
“Irritable.” Jean decided. “Maybe you need to breathe, for a moment?”
Neil was pent-up, but he was always pent-up. Mary always tried to catch up with him, warning of prophecies and visions and happenings and things that would probably never happen. She wasn’t hard to shake off short-term, but she was impossible to get rid of entirely. Having paranoia chase after him like that wasn’t doing his seemingly eternal headache any favours.
“Maybe you need to get your head out of your ass, and your ass out of California?” Neil offered. “Jeremy’s influencing you more than I thought he would.”
Jean only laughed softly. “You’re insufferable, Neil Josten.”
They walked further in comfortable silence.
“Have you met with your sun yet?”
Neil grimaced. He hated it when the sun was referred to as his. Just because they were complementary to one another did not result in Neil’s ownership of the being that symbolised the sun, or visa versa. Neil had never approached the man - or even asked for his name. He couldn’t imagine what the person that was supposed to oppose every aspect of Neil’s being would be like. Most likely, intolerable. He had heard enough about the man from whispers.
“I do think that it would be beneficial to you.”
“Is that Jeremy, speaking out of your mouth?” Neil grabbed Jean’s chin to pry it open. “Jeremy, are you there? What are you doing here?”
“Neil, stop it.” Jean was amused, but it slid back into his characteristic seriousness. “You cannot isolate yourself like this for much longer.”
“Says the embodiment of loneliness.”
“Yeah, which is why I know there’s an ache within you.” He frowned. “I thought you agreed that Jeremy and I made a logical pair.”
“Yes,” Neil admitted. “But that does not mean I will feel the same about my other half.”
“You’d be surprised.” Jean offered, the vagueness of his tone making Neil irritated. “You’re more alike than not.”
“Fuck off.” He said, decided.
Jean simply smiled, his small, knowing smile. “You’ll see.”
Neil watched as he walked in the opposite direction when they approached a fork in the trail. He merely sighed, and retreated to the sanctity of the tallest tree branch.
The first time Neil sees the man who represents the sun - protection and strength - it is by mistake. He is ambling along a crooked brick path in a small Chinese city by the name of Shijiazhuang as the night began to fade away, with hands in his pockets. He loves the smell of bing and liangmian and the anonymity of the hustle and bustle. He doesn’t have to present himself to humankind if he wishes not to, and in China, it is safer that way. His red curls would draw excessive attention, as would the scars and blue eyes.
It’s why he likes America: He blends in regardless. If only there were less of his kind there.
When he sees the man, he’s standing at the top of the city’s history museum, a grand building with a newly refurbished half. Ironic, really, when considering the age of the artifacts inside.
Neil stands in the middle of the square, surrounded by pigeons as he watches the man. Smoke curls from his fingers, and his hair is illuminated like a halo in the rising sun. Behind him, the moon is sinking into irrelevance, and the stretch of sky between the two spheres is an incredible palette of rich purples and blues, and golden oranges and pinks.
Distantly, Neil knows his moon is nothing compared to the sun. The sun is glorious. The moon is simply - eery.
Neil knows he’s been seen by him by the curious tilt of his head. He vanishes.
The second time is no accident: It is pure frustration.
In the northernmost lands, sometimes there is no night. Neil sees how the humans grow exhausted, how the sun circulates endlessly without fail. Sometimes he thinks it’s selfish.
He tries to bring rest where he can, in the shadows of small homes dark enough to impersonate the night. When it does grow dark, he rewards their endurance with brilliant light shows in the sky.
One evening, he has only an hour before the sun returns. Perhaps his irritation was palpable, because the man is at his side instantly.
He, himself, seems slightly perturbed at his sudden appearance. Neil doesn’t usually summon fellow beings unless it is an urgent matter. He’s the only one who can.
The man simply looks at him. He’s shorter than Neil, with eyelashes blonde like his hair. Snow rests gently upon the curves of his cheeks. It’s ethereal.
“I cannot change the globe’s axis.” Was all he said. “Your frustration is leaking everywhere unnecessarily.”
Then he went to light a cigarette, and Neil stood beside him as they watched the sun rise once more.
The third time was no accident, nor was it by chance: Riko was salivating where he stood towering over him, snarling with anger like a rabid dog. He was the embodiment of sadism and liked to watch mankind suffer, but he didn’t limit himself to just the humans. How he’d found Neil was a mystery, but he’d taken his chance.
Neil thought of Kevin (hubris) and his shattered hand. Kevin said Riko laughed as he’d cowered, and enjoyed snapping each of Kevin’s fingers. He knows what this man is capable of, even if much of his motivation is unprecedented and petty.
“Give Kevin back to me,” Riko demanded. “You have unlawfully taken him from me. Give him back.”
“He is not yours, or mine, to own.” Neil corrected him. He kept himself just beyond arm’s reach, a trick he had learned when he once often interacted with Nathan. “He’s his own being.”
“You fucking prick.” It’s a blur of action, but Neil found himself pinned to a hard concrete surface, his vision spotting with the force that Riko’d smacked his head to the ground.
He couldn’t risk jumping to the Unreal: If he did, his physical contact with Riko might bring him there. That’d be a really bad idea.
So he tried to resist instead, but he was always more inclined to flight rather than fight. He was trapped.
Riko was suddenly torn from where he was pressing Neil’s body to the ground, restricting all movement and chance to escape. He vanished as soon as he realised he was no longer alone - the coward that he was - and Neil scrambled to his feet in anticipation.
“You’re useless.” The man decided. “All he had to do was poke you and you were practically incapacitated.”
“You took your time.” Neil huffed, brushing himself off. He would rather not admit he’d asked for the man’s assistance - he was meant to represent protection, after all - but he couldn’t have risked it.
“Useless.” He reiterated.
“At least you had warning.” Neil proposed. “You didn’t have to come.”
“If you’re dead, we’re all dead.” He reminded Neil. “Besides, I know you’ve convinced Kevin to stay away from that sadistic fuck. I need someone to help him keep his head above the water.”
“Well.” Neil said awkwardly. He looked out: They were stood in the middle of a lonely Welsh field. There were sheep a few metres away, and it was hard to tell whether or not it was sunset or sunrise. The constant mask of clouds made it impossible to really know. “Thanks?”
The man merely grunted. “Just don’t be stupid next time.”
“Stupid, how?”
From beneath sheaths in the bands on his arms, he withdrew a knife. He chucked it at Neil, who caught it handle first. On one side of the hilt was an engraved sun, and the other a crescent moon. It had to be really old. “If I can’t be there, don’t get yourself killed.”
“So this will be a regular occurance?” Neil teased. “You saving my ass?”
“Make me a deal.” His eyes were like molten gold. “I protect you. You keep Kevin - and the rest of us - alive.”
“You know who I am.” Neil challenged. “You really think you can go against each and all of them who want me under their thumb?”
“I am protection and strength.” He sounded bored. “Of course I can. Besides, it’s not your problem to worry about. You just need to not get on my nerves, because no one’s saving your ass then.”
“I don’t even know your name.” Neil confessed. “How am I supposed to just trust you?”
“ ‘Just as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west,’” He quoted. “I don’t break my promises.”
Neil offered his hand. “Neil.”
The man looked at it momentarily, before clasping it. The agreement was settled. “Andrew.”
Neil wanted to know where the fuck Andrew had found this knife. It bore the craftsmanship of eons ago, the gentle casted ornate carvings, the inset of rubies for the sun and pearls for the moon. Stunning, really. Why he’d give it to Neil was another perplexing question.
He was not fond of the idea of using it. He remembered Nathan’s extended torment, drawing fear from Neil’s every pore in an attempt to control him. The man loved his knives. Over the centuries, weaponry and torture methods had adapted and changed, but knives had always remained.
He was sitting upon the concrete wall that fronted St Ives’ Tate Modern gallery, looking out at the churning ocean. It was dark, and the moon was hidden by the building behind him. The lighthouse upon a cliff to his right shone light out into the endless ocean.
This place would be stunning on a clear summer’s day.
When Jean walked around the corner, he was hurried. He approached Neil by running up the stairs, looking up at Neil where he sat on the concrete wall.
“You’d best allow Andrew to find you.” He suggested. “He’s very irritable, because Kevin is useless and won’t tell him where you are.”
Not many could find him: Another perk of his. He could toggle it on and off. His most recent Riko attack was because he had stayed too long in one place. But if he allowed a certain being to find him, it could be at any time.
Kevin, Jean, Matt and Wymack. Sometimes Dan, Allison, Nicky and Renee. Not often: Jeremy, Alvarez (ignorance) and Laila (innocence).
He rubbed his hands together in the cold, burying them between his knees. “Sure.”
Jean shook his head, and jogged away.
Neil could tell when Andrew arrived, because fingers wound themselves into his hair so that his head could be tugged back. Andrew was straddling the wall, one hand pressed with fingers splayed next to Neil’s thigh, the other holding his head up.
“How the fuck am I meant to protect you if I can’t even find you?” He growled.
“I forgot.” Neil shrugged.
With angered muttering under his breath, he turned to face the ocean.
“Is it prettier in the summer sun?” He asked, curious.
“What business do I have in caring about aesthetics?” He took a drag from his cigarette.
Neil supposed that was fair enough. A moment of tense silence passed. “You don’t need to keep me company.”
“Good.” He hopped off the wall and strode away.
Neil sighed and kept his gaze upon the horizon.
“You have managed to consistently rile up Andrew.” Kevin remarked. “That’s commendable.”
Neil simply arched an eyebrow.
“He doesn’t - can’t - care about anything enough to be angry. Usually.”
“He does not care about me.” Neil corrected him. “He simply is fulfilling his promises.”
Kevin still didn’t get it. “I mean, he’s consistently followed you around for weeks. But as soon as I try to get him more invested in what he’s doing, and his capabilities as, you know, the embodiment of the fucking sun, he ignores me!” He shook his head, bringing a mug to his lips.
Most of his fellow beings made habits of sleeping and eating and drinking, because they too could dream and taste. Neil didn’t see the need to bother.
“Maybe I have his best interests in mind.” He said.
“Oh, yeah?” Kevin shook his head. “Like what?”
Neil wasn’t actually sure. He simply took Kevin’s coffee and sipped on the strange smelling liquid. It tasted worse than it smelled. He made a face and put it back onto the table.
Kevin put his head in his hands. “The day anyone gets through to Andrew is the day the sun collides with the planet.”
“We might still be here, depending on how quickly the humans run themselves into the ground.”
“Wouldn’t count on it.” Kevin muttered, sullenly slurping from his drink.
Neil ignored his moping friend and stared out the diner’s shuttered window instead, watching raindrops slide down the glass pane.
Did Andrew really not care?
When Neil asked him that, he scoffed. “Of course not.”
Neil just looked at him, waiting for an expansion.
“You, of all the others, should know how pointless this all is.” He gestured around himself. Neil liked the angle of his fingers as they held the cigarette: With nonchalance, but also, with fearlessness. “We’re one of trillions. What difference does it make?”
“Scientifically, you’re the most vital aspect to this whole conundrum of living things.” Neil said, quietly. “I don’t understand how the individual on which the weight of the entire world rests couldn’t care less about it. What, is it too much to deal with?”
Andrew looked at him pointedly.
Neil looked back. “I shouldn’t be the one responsible for eternity. The sun is protection, and strength, and gives life. The moon is just some floating rock, reflecting the light you give. It’s practically nothing.” He felt himself curl inwards. “I am nothing. Time, life, purpose. None of it can mean anything to me. I’m just nothing.”
His hand rested on the back of Neil’s next, forcing his head to his knees. He hadn’t even registered the quickening of breath, the lightheadedness. Overwhelmed was not something he could risk. He was being chased after by those who wanted chaos and destruction. He was being yearned after for those who wanted to use him selfishly.
“Now you know why I don’t care about any of it.” He said lowly.
“because I can’t afford to” went unsaid.
It snapped Neil out of his strange spiral.
“You aren’t nothing, Neil.” Andrew said. His strange apathy was oddly comforting. No objectivity could influence the statements he said. “All of this is nothing without you.”
“That’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.” Neil said, weakly.
“Don’t get used to it.” He let go, taking another drag. Neil plucked it out of his hand to take a steady inhale. He liked the way the smoke curled in the air as he breathed out. Andrew did not look impressed.
“I won’t.” Neil leaned closer to slot the cigarette back between the angle of his fingers.
The man scoffed. Together, they watched the sunrise over the limeston structures of Vietnam’s HaLong Bay.
This is nice, Neil thought. He did not dare say it outloud.
this was getting tooooo longggggggg so i thought: two parts?
although it might be nice just to leave it at that. idk.
#mythical au#andreil#all for the game#andrew minyard#neil josten#the foxhole court#if any of this makes sense can i get a hell yea#jem writes
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