#obviously im not famous lol but ive had people randomly take pictures of me without asking when im travelling to and from cons in cosplay
yeah I mean he probably isn’t bothered and does expect it but it’s kinda annoying that it’s expected in the first place I guess. I know that’s the celebrity way but honestly the way some people act around famous people sometimes is so weird to me (just speaking in general, not calling those girls out or anything it seemed pretty chill and nbd but yeah)
yeah I get what you mean. I mean I'm gonna be honest I can't imagine dan from bastille gets stopped a ton lol.
idk I have loads of opinions about fan/celeb interactions and I think the main issue is when people genuinely feeling like a celeb is their friend or that they're kind of in on fandom jokes etc. like its always gonna be a weird dynamic when person a thinks they know person b really well and to them person a is a literal stranger, but i think as long as people respect boundaries and are brief and polite then it is what it is ig
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