#obviously if y'all don't wanna do it no pressure but like it's fun!
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vegalocity · 1 year ago
OC tagging game!
okay so i got tagged by @sibillascribbles08 to share with people things about ocs
Da Rules (Copy and pate 'em!)
You and hopefully one of your OCs have been tagged! Your job is to make a post about them, and it can be whatever you want! Talk about general information, their backstory, their design inspiration, post some sketches or older art, write up a few fun facts, as long as it's something!
When you're done, be sure to pass it along by tagging at least one other person and their OC (you can tag as many people as you want though!) Tag backs are allowed and encouraged.
When you tag someone, try to specify an OC, even if you don't know who they are yet (i.e. "You should do that OC with the butterfly wings you posted the other day!" or "Do the OC you drew most recently!")
Participation is not required, but even if you don't want to, it'd be great to pass the tag along to someone else!
So i was tagged to talk about Wong Xiuying
so With Xiuying there are a bunch of things i'm going back and forth with. On one level i know for certain that she was the only one in the family that would let her little brother be as weird as he damn well pleased (bc his parents were those 'Autism can be fixed' types) But how FAR that goes can vary by the day, going from the kosher 'she'd regularly beat up his bullies for him' all the way to 'maybe murdered their abusive mother when she was a teenager after one too many times of tying her brother's wrist down to his side so he couldn't stim' and i'm never sure how far to go with it
but basically when her brother comes home full spider-mutant and unwilling to actually leave the people that did this to him she's getting desensitized to all of this punchclock supervillain stuff QUICK.
she doesn't PARTICIPATE, but she will patch all these idiots up after foiled evil schemes. (though she WILL be rougher with his 'work friends' cuz just because she's accepting that he's decided to stick with them doesn't mean she's forgiven any of them for what they did to her brother)
I'll tag uhhhhh @twinklecupcake and ask that she speak on Bell or Chenguang bc we love those cute lil ship kids
@sibillascribbles08 right back: tell us the forbidden Holly Blue lore!
@shepherd-to-the-stars tell everyone about that new oc you know the one~
Aaannnndd @unseelie-robynx Tell the world of Our Girl Lost Princess!
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genericpuff · 15 days ago
Dyou ever feel disappointed (?) that there aren't more eyes on LR? I know you keep it on the DL to avoid Rachel's wrath but I 100% know the only reason it's not more popular is that not enough people know about it. You put in a lot of work that we all really love but I know the notes count could be higher. Is this something you care about? We can try to spread it more if so, but going back to the Rachel/not intruding on LO spaces point...
Ouu so that's a good question, but honestly... nah, not really. And I'm not even saying that to be "humble" or whatever, it's literally just... what y'all are seeing in Rekindled is, to me, a step away from my usual patterns and habits that I've been dealing with for years now. It's forced me out of my comfort zones, but most importantly, it's got me creating purely for the fun of it, for the self-indulgence, without any of the usual pressures I've forced upon myself in the past for the work I do to "mean something" or for it to "be successful". It's not just the tip of a massive iceberg, it's practically a whole ass detour. Rekindled is like one of those road trip movies where the reluctant stickler gets strung along by the aloof weirdos, driven off the beaten path, and winds up realizing by the end of the crazy journey that it was worth taking the long way home.
That's not to say making Rekindled doesn't come with its own unique pressures or that I don't take it seriously, but they're different from the pressures I've dealt with in the past and the nature of Rekindled being what it is means... I don't have to take it as seriously as the car crash that was my original work prior to it? 💀😆 (which I already took way more seriously than what was healthy for me, in hindsight). Like I can take it seriously as a creative project that I wanna see through, especially where it's meant to "fix" stuff that felt misguided / done poorly in LO, but because it's effectively fanfiction, I can separate it from the expectations that came from my original work. It can never pay my bills, so I don't have to worry about it doing so. It shouldn't be the only thing I'm ever known for, so I don't need it to amount to my legacy.
A good example of what I mean are what you brought up - the notes count. Thing is, compared to social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook and even Youtube, posting exclusively to Tumblr over the past couple years has been great for my mental health. Unlike those other platforms, my follower count isn't on full display to both myself and others. There's no real bearing on notes beyond clout, and that clout only exists within Tumblr - going "viral" on this hellsite doesn't amount to the same things as going viral on a platform like Twitter, for the most part my work still stays within its respective audience where it's meant to be and even if I do have an episode "take off" in notes... it doesn't really matter? Like to me there's virtually no difference between a post that has 300 notes and a post that has 30,000 notes. And I actually do have a couple posts that have "taken off" like that. It's neat but it's also like... okay, life goes on. Except now I'm gonna keep getting notifications about that one post forever LMAO
Granted, it would be different if the posts were actually intended to get as many eyes on it as possible - like if they were posts meant to generate income in some way through advertising Patreon, Ko-Fi, merch shops, etc. - but it's rare that I ever do that because obviously with Rekindled being what it is, I can't really profit off it anyways.
And that's okay! I've spent enough years worrying over the online "gains" and bearing the weight of my work's responsibility to my livelihood on my shoulders.
Rekindled is fun. Even when it's stressful, when an episode goes up late or when I'm still finding myself procrastinating, it's fun. It's neat that it now has a TV Tropes page and that there are some Youtubers who talk about it every now and then, but... the novelty of those things comes paired with the pressure and fear of knowing my work is being perceived outside of my own scope. Sure, that's just what happens when you share your work online, but even I , in all of the hubris I had to have to create Rekindled in the first place, can't pretend like I'm infallible to that sort of thing. Every time a Youtuber talks about it, every time there's a thread in /r/webtoons about it, every time someone besides myself uses the #lore rekindled tags, I have to live with the small but real consequences of doing what I do - the anons taking it upon themselves to judge me in my own inbox, the Youtube commenters forming their own opinions based on what they assume are my intentions (even when those assumptions are often false), the redditors arguing back and forth over the virtue of transformative rewrites.
It's a small price to pay, for everything that I do here. I can't very well sit here on my pedestal talking shit about something like LO without taking some of that shit in return regarding my own work. It's only natural people will have misinformed opinions about what I do, or will take it upon themselves to dissect and debate and discuss my work regardless of whether they even like the work or not. I try to take it as proactively as I can, that it's a metric of success in and of itself - what I'm making has made people feel something, for some joy, and for others, frustration. The art has done everything it could ever do, for better and for worse - it's made people feel and think and talk. Most of all, it's made me feel and think and talk, and create, and experiment, and fail, and succeed in ways I never thought myself capable before. It's more than I ever expected - and all I really needed to come out of all this.
All that aside, it's not like Rekindled isn't already doing a lot in the way of "expanding my reach", so to speak. Though it is just Tumblr, I've gotten to meet so many amazing readers and writers and artists through this project, and that's at the heart of why I make comics at all. I'm not joking or exaggerating when I say that Rekindled literally couldn't be what it is without the community that surrounds it. And that's a community that I'm hoping will still be interested in hanging with lil' old me even after Rekindled is over.
Rekindled isn't my first rodeo and it certainly won't be my last. In fact, I'm currently (finally) overcoming some of the burnout that's been persisting over the past couple years with my original project, and I'm breaking down walls I literally couldn't have broken down before. I hadn't realized I had been suffocating, and Rekindled wound up being that breath of fresh air that I needed to live again.
It's gonna take time, and there's still a lot of healing happening on my end, but I'm making plans again for what I really wanna do esp for when Rekindled is over, and it's exciting, and scary, and most of all, hopeful.
So all that's to say, if you (anon) or you (everyone else) are really interested in "boosting" my work and getting more eyes on it... well, I suppose I better start sharing more of it outside of just Rekindled, shouldn't I? I hope that when I do, it's welcomed as eagerly as you all welcomed Rekindled. It'll be quite different, and likely won't be everyone's cup of tea, but I hope all the work I've done on Rekindled so far - and what we still have left to accomplish in the future - proves what I'm capable of and allows for the opportunity to really connect with my work, wholly me. Y'all took a chance on me when I first started posting those lil' glow edits and the first scrappy sketches of Rekindled back in the day, so I hope when the time comes, y'all can take that chance on me again <3
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And hey, here's a fun fact for you to close out this long response - though it might not be a major platform, judging by the metrics I can see on the surface from other comics alongside it, I'm pretty sure Rekindled is carrying like 90% of the current traffic numbers on Dillyhub LMAO Like seriously, the next highest liked / subbed comic I could find on there didn't even amount to a third of the amount of likes and subs I have on there just through Rekindled. It's actually hilarious, but also kinda sad, because damn... the devs really have abandoned that place. So it's not exactly all that impressive. But that's pretty much exactly why I chose it as a mirror in the first place - I sure as shit wasn't gonna test my luck posting it to Webtoons or Tapas, and the only reason I even wanted a mirror site in the first place was to give non-Tumblr users a place to read it (without being badgered to make an account and without having to sift through all my rants and essays LMAO) so Dillyhub just kinda made sense as a place that was functional enough to host it but not big enough to draw any unwanted attention. Sooo I guess what I'm saying is, you're welcome Dillyhub?? 😆
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sunberry-strawflower · 1 year ago
Thanks for the tag!!
Alrighty my turn hmmm.....
1. Singing. I really like singing even though I'm pretty bad at it. If I could make it my career, I would, but I do not wanna be involved in the entertainment industry so I just do this stuff for free and fun! Singing is the best way to pass time tbh
2. My handhelds. LOVE MY 3DS AND PS VITA I LOVE THEM SM THEY'RE EVERYTHING TO ME🫶they have awesome games plus my 3ds is modded (my vita is too but I need to get an sd2vita before I feel comfortable doing anything lol) so I love to mess with that. They solve my boredom when nothing else can ❤
3. Sweets. SWEETS. SWEEEEETS ANYTHING SWEET I LOVE SWEETS I eat sweets almost everyday praying for my health almost everyday but they're so GOOD. Bless these -> 🍧🍨🍦🥧🧁🍰🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🍿🍩🍪
4. Things I'm interested in! Animes, cartoons, web shows, books, games, etc. Whatever I reblog the most on my account is probably what makes me the happiest lol
5. MY ONLINE FRIENDS. I LOVE Y'ALL. Shout out to you guys for being my only form of social interaction since I'm not allowed to get out of the house😭😭😭homeschool is wack bro BUT ANYWAYZ YEA I LOVE YOU GUYS AND I'M SORRY I GHOST YOU GUYS A LOT I REALLY DON'T MEAN IT I SERIOUSLY LOVE YOU GUYS A LOT💕💕💕💖💖💖
TAG TIME!!! uhhh
@rarestdogebutmemey @chiliburger3 @blankalisek @80ssuperstar + 6 other people I don't feel like tagging if you see this then feel free to do it‼️(no pressure to the ones I tagged btw obviously :])
"List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers (ू•‧̫•ू⑅)♡" Thanks to @daydream-dryad-13, @dorianbrightmusic, and @0rchidrose for sending me this! I'll also be tagging rather than leaving in askboxes so I can better keep track of who I've sent it to.
When someone lets me know about something they think is interesting - this can be something as small as "hey look at this cool rock I found", or it can be someone explaining a topic they're interested in in considerable depth. i LOVE it when all you amazing people share interesting things with me!
People responding to stuff i've put out in the world - whether that's a "you ok?" after a vent, or a "ooh that reminds me of this!" after a blurble, or a "but hear me out, what if this" after an idea - you're telling me that a REAL PERSON not only LISTENED but JOINED IN??!? amazing.
I have recently discovered that there's a gluten-free French bakery about 15min walk from my house, and i am DELIGHTED. you're telling me there's this dude who heard we can't eat croissants, and not only did he go "damn that sucks" he went and STARTED AN ENTIRE BAKERY ABOUT IT??!? and there's sourdough?! which i haven't got to try yet cos it's only baked a few times a week and it sells fast and i'm busy but there are also ham and cheese croissants. which are ABSOLUTELY DELICIOUS??!? granted, i am still suspiciously lacking in bagels specifically but I GET TO EAT CROISSANTS AGAIN AND THEY ARE DELICIOUS. this is a VERY good thing and i am VERY happy about it!
Bob Mintzer's piece Computer. The computer-y sections pop and bounce just like the inside of my brain and it's SO fun; and the opening chords never fail to bring a smile to my face. (It's now stuck in my head, which i'm looking forward to enjoying for the rest of the day!)
Silly bad jokes/puns. When someone gets me with the 'hi X, i'm name' or similar - like, fuck you (on principle) but I love it. and when i get someone in a similar way - it's just so good! another one that always amuses me is "where's my fucking [item]?" "over there next to your regular [item]" - you understand the style? yeah.
there are many other things that make me happy (singing, in general; for one) but those are 5 specific examples that came to mind! now, for the 10 people who've reblogged me most recently that haven't sent me this yet: @atimewillcomeforsinging @musicalyikes @chilly-moss @mac-attac @verycisdragon @amastelaire @astronomical-bagel @most-definitively-a-human @thefairfeline and 1 other who I can't seem to tag, so I'll leave it in their askbox instead! And anyone else that would like to join - what makes you happy, you amazing people?!
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years ago
The Western Air Temple Re-watch
This section of Book 3 is possibly my favorite section of the show because we get to see Zuko as a good guy interacting with the Gaang, which sparks so much joy for me. I'm just gonna be bitter about just one thing really quick - the reason Smellberee & Longshot (some of the most interesting side characters the Gaang has interacted with) aren't there is 100% because if they were the show would have no choice but to acknowledge Jet's death. So like, fuck the writers for that one. Ok, (most of) the rest of what I have to say is positive actually!
I'm gonna say that Aang's determination to distract himself & go play with the other kids is TOTALLY understandable & it makes so much sense with his trauma around trying to learn fire-bending & the pressure he's under - he's still just a kid, of course, he's gonna wanna run & play - BUT it still gets on my nerves, personally. Just because like...Ugh, Katara ALWAYS has to be the responsible one pushing Aang to do what's right & it's really not fair to her.
Zuko's redemption arc & decision to join the Gaang continues to be impressive & it absolutely deserves to be held up as a strong example of a redemption arc & just a beautifully well-written character arc. I already made a separate post about how emo I am about Zuko in this episode but like.....I fucking love Zuko ok, he is just very special to me.
I thought that Zuko rehearsing his little speech to join the Gaang to a frog was so adorable & he says he's not good at impersonations but you know, I think he's pretty decent at them. Also, it's cute that he still says "what would Azula do?" to himself here. Even though they're enemies again, I think he still admires his sister a lot (& definitely continues to put her on an unrealistic pedestal of untouchable perfection, but that's its own rabbit hole, right now we're just talking about a cute funny moment.)
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[id: Zuko smiling & holding up a hand in greeting. end id]
Yeah, tbh, my next couple of re-watch posts are.... probably mostly just going to be me gushing about how much I love Zuko, okay lol
Toph getting her feet burned was pretty sad, but I don't think either Toph or Zuko was to blame here, it was just a well-written misunderstanding/interaction, & Toph was still honest with the Gaang that it was an accident even though she had to drag herself back to camp which - oof. I loved how fast Toph was to advocate for Zuko. I think that this has to do with her not being around when he was the Big Bad but I think it's more than that. I feel like Toph is a very pragmatic & realistic character. She knows that Zuko is being honest, she knows that Aang needs a fire-bending teacher. To her, it's obvious what the solution is regardless of past hurt.
Sokka just cracked me up in this episode & his awkward interactions with Zuko were funny. Zukka rights I suppose.
Katara's scene with Zuko at the end was SO good. Katara does not fuck around at all, & her continued mistrust of Zuko is obviously 100% understandable. I also love that for Katara, this is very personal. She trusted Zuko & he betrayed HER. This isn't just about being military enemies, Katara feels personally wronged by Zuko - & she has every right to. I just loved that scene between them. And... if I was ever going to say Zutara rights, this little era of the show is when I'd say it. It's one of those "ok it's still not my thing but I get y'all" things lol - like ok, the tension of betrayal & hesitance about the new trust thing is kinda fun. For me personally, it's just as fun as the tension between 2 platonic (soon-to-be) friends though.
Anyway, this was a delightful episode & I'm very excited Zuko is now part of the Gaang - even if he has a ways to go to gain their trust! Excellent episode 10/10.
Oh, I almost forgot about iconic behavior points. Zuko gets +100 for his little impressions. Toph gets +100 for crawling on her goddamn hands back to camp & STILL advocating for Zuko. Zuko gets another +500 for helping defeat the assassin that he hired, I thought that made a lot of narrative sense & was the perfect dramatic way for him to prove himself. Katara gets +500 for her speech to Zuko at the end.
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prince-simon · 3 years ago
Hej💜 I've become a huge fanfiction lover in the last 10 months since joining the fandom and I'm curious about comments and commenting! I don't write myself but I try to leave comments as a little thank you for getting to enjoy the art. So I decited to send some questions to the writers I follow here. No pressure to answer ofc I'm just curious, I adore you writers 🦋
1. Do you often leave comments or kudos on stories ? Why/ why not ?
2. What do comments mean to you?
3. What are your favorite type of comments to receive? Long and thoughtful ones? Favorite parts or lines? Praises? Asdfghjkl? Guesses or hopes for the future?
4. Do you reply to comments? Why/why not?
5. Has there been any negative comments? How did you deal with that ?
6. Are there comments that are not necessary negative but you just don't enjoy?
7. Do you ever get nervous how people are going to receive something you are writing? How do you deal with that?
8. Has there been a moment when someone interpreted your writing in a totally different way that you intented or misunderstood you in the comments? How did that make you feel ?
9. Do you ever go back to your comments? Are there comments that stayed with you?
10. Is there something you wish us non-writers would know regarding writing or commenting?
If you are a writer and I didn't ask you, please answer anyway if you feel like doing that! I only follow so many ( and also wanted to ask this anonymously because I'm shy hah). I'm so thankful for all you wonderful writers out there, this fandom is full of super talented people 💜
hiii friend!! 💗 i'm so happy you're enjoying fanfic so much!! thank you for leaving comments as much as possible!! that honestly means so so much!!
okay these questions are fun so here we go!
i try to leave kudos and comments as much as possible if i enjoy a story bc i know what it's like to get that little notification that you got a new comment as a writer. that little serotonin boost can mean so much!
comments mean EVERYTHING. like they say you write for yourself and no one else but obviously we're just human, and we love validation and recognition and like i said. seeing that someone took the time to leave a comment, no matter how small, on something you spent hours and hours of work on and that you decided to share to hopefully bring joy to someone else- like, it's such a special feeling to hear someone tell you how much your story means to them
i honestly don't know if i have a favourite type of comments. i loveeee people quoting their favourite lines back to me, i am incredibly in awe of in depth analysis in comments of what people think lead to a certain situation or how it'll affect a character and all that. i get super emotional about people telling me that my story affected them in a positive way, made their day/week/month better or helped them realise stuff about themselves. but honestly keysmashes are just as fun bc to know that my silly little words made someone speechless? that's amazing too
i make a point of replying to comments - sometimes it might take a while but i just appreciate y'all's comments so much, i wanna make sure you know that
gonna put 5 & 6 in one. i don't think there's been any outright negative comments, the support has been overwhelming. i have been getting some comments where people point out decisions i made that they don't like and those always confuse me a little bc it is my story and it's been written already, why point that out? there's no gain in that. like it's out there what do you expect me to do? i'm not gonna change it. (that doesn't refer to pointing out language things, like those i appreciate). also other comments that i don't enjoy are the "no pressure but..." comments asking when the next update will happen. i'm writing 20-30k chapters in my free time while doing uni full time and work. it's gonna take some time and comments like that are more discouraging than anything else
oh yeah i'm a ball of anxiety basically, i worry ALL the time ahhaah. how do i deal with it? mmmh i'd say i don't jdjdjfk i panic rant to my friends lolol
i don't remember but i don't think so. if a different interpretation happens it's more like a "oh that makes so much sense!" and it inspires me actually
yeah i definitely go back to comments. there's one comment that is just pure poetry that i keep coming back to but in general it's all the comments that tell me i somehow changed/influenced someone's life
really the only thing i can think of are the "no pressure but..." comments. they're not helping. i know they're well meaning but they're in fact very pressuring and sometimes even lead to not wanting to continue a story at all. there are other ways to voice your appreciation. even a simple "can't wait for more" is perfectly fine (for me at least idk about other writers) but asking for more. now. doesn't do anything good
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zackmartin · 4 years ago
NIKKIIIIIII I wanna watch suite life on deck but I don’t have time to watch the whole thing so I was wondering what your favourite episodes were so I can watch them?? I love the fake marriage one and the sean kingston one but what are like good Zack eps?? (pls only answer if u have the time and energy I don’t wanna put u under pressure!!) also ily
If you don't come talk to me either during or after watching these episodes
Except obviously there's no pressure ilysm
MA'AM I WILL ALWAYS HAVE THE TIME AND ENERGY FOR ZACK. And you 🥺 (I realize how this sounds but I don't mean it like that djfjdj) The amount of serotonin this ask gave me is almost alarming, like y'all know how much I love Zack and the Suite Life and then when y'all engage with me about it/him? It's almost pathetic how excited I get lmao like, this turned my whole day around and I kinda needed it cause my treatment today made me so much sicker than it normally does but ANYWAY
I feel like I'm gonna end up rec'ing like half the series regardless lmao I'll try to keep it brief but the keyword there is "try" 🤣
I feel like it's no secret to anyone that Seven Seas News is definitely my favorite episode of all time, like idk what it is, but I've seen it 6 million times and it still makes me laugh EVERY. TIME. but, I wouldn't put it under the Good Zack Moments Category. Like, it's the one (1) singular episode he and his brother switch places to where I actually don't mind Cody and kinda wanna deck Zack (no pun intended lol)
Okay, now I'm gonna go mostly in order (yes, I've seen it enough times that I can do that, my life is very sad lmao)
- Flowers and Chocolate, which is the episode where Cody's girlfriend, Barbara, and their friend, Bob, visits, is good just for the sheer fact that the bi Zack vibes are immaculate. Especially when you take into the consideration the running gag in the original where Bob straight up thought he was dating Zack. (Yes, I can elaborate if need be)
- it isn't necessarily a good Zack episode per se, but the part of me that lives for platonic Zondon will not allow me to skip the episode SeaHarmony which is when Zack and London use the singles' cruise to set up Moseby and Ms Tuttweiller so they're distracted by each other and Zack and London can do whatever they want lmao I'm sure Cody and Bailey have a b-plot but I don't remember what it is jdjcjd
- Maddie on Deck. Don't feel like I need to explain why that's a good Zack episode, but literally. Was going to try to get through this list without wanting to cry but I've already failed, like it's literally been like six years and he pretty much knows by then that they'll never be an item but he still tries so hard to be her prince or her knight in shining armor, and just to make her happy because he wants to see her happy, literally why is he the best boy in existence??? 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
- Both The Wrong Stuff and Splash and Trash demonstrate once again that Zack will do anything for anyone just to make them happy, I'm GOING to cry
- I like In the Line of Duty just because I want to cry whenever I see Zack in his little hall monitor uniform. Also, he bullies Cody in one scene and that's always fun
- I like Roomies just because it showcases Zack's big heart, like he's literally just ready to give Marcus the childhood he never had after knowing him for like 2 days??? I love him so much????
- BERMUDA TRIANGLE!!! SOFT BOY ZACK!!! SOFT BOY ZACK!!!!!!!!!! also, everybody hates Cody, so. Fun bonus!!
- okay it kinda depends on your definition of "good Zack moments" because like. In Mother of the Groom he spends most of the time trying to convince Esteban that marriage is a prison but literally in the end he's the one that fixes the whole thing and Esteban telling him something about how he thinks Zack is secretly a true romantic at heart??? 🥺🥺 which given how he was with Maddie and Maya, YEAH!!!
- I really like the Defiant Ones just because of the dynamic between Moseby and Zack, like it's just cute 💕
- Marriage 101!!!! always!!!!
- I Brake for Whales is one of my favorite episodes but I don't even know why, it just is lmao
- literally any episode with Maya 🥺🥺🥺 My, Oh Maya, Das Boots, Party On!, Love and War
- the Ghost and Mr Martin just because my boy literally CHANGES HISTORY!!! WHEN WILL YOUR FAVE EVER
- Senior Ditch Day just for that one line when Zack said he offered to stay with Maya while she was sick but she didn't want him to see her like that like god, Cody would NEVER. Also more Zondon moments lol
- my platonic Zondon loving heart also LIVES for My Sister's Keeper
- I think Maya's also in Snakes on a Boat but don't quote me
- Prom Night 🥺🥺🥺
- if you wanted to get some type of closure, I guess you could watch Graduation on Deck, but I can't bring myself to watch it cause it just pisses me off!!! They didn't have to do Zack like that!!!!
Anyway, honorable mentions for just if you have time:
- The kidney of the sea; the whole Violet/Zack thing is SO cute
- Show and Tell is really funny to me like idk why but it is
- Sea Monster Mash just because I think Zack, Woody, and London are a golden trio that we should've gotten more of!
- Double-Crossed just because of the Alex Russo and Zack dynamic
- Ala-ka-Scram! for Zack's whole Axl Rose impression kskcjdjd
- Kitchen Casanova when London sold Zack's sneeze "art" for tens of thousands of dollars 😂 his artistic genius,,,,unparalleled
- Goin' Bananas just because he gets to beat Cody's ass in the end
- - I would recommend Lost at Sea because Zack really shines in it, but Cody pisses me off too much like just thinking about it is filling me with unbridled Rage. But if you can ignore Cody entirely, Zack is very good in this episode
- Any Given Fantasy is another episode that has Zondon moments that I love
- I also like Starship Tipton because I'm a Star Trek fan but if you don't know Star Trek it might not be worth it kdkfkd
- okay, I kinda like So You Think You Can Date? even though Cody's annoying (but like, isn't he always??) but just. Did London and Zack go to that dance together?? I NEED to know this, Eliza!!!!!
- Finally, The Play's the Thing makes me lose it EVERY TIME, like Dylan's comedic timing is IMPECCABLE, idk anyone funnier
Anyway, I love youuuu 💘💘💘 and I had WAY too much fun with this lmao
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equus-swift · 6 years ago
So, I'm sure not many of your know that my parents are divorced (or maybe you do, who knows) and it was not a civil divorce, it was rather terrible. Anyway. I have a Step mom and, while she does try her best and she is nice most of the time, she's never had her own biological children. Even though she physically can't, and no matter how much she says she doesn't, she holds some amount of resentment towards my sister and I for it? Maybe because she thinks my Dad didn't have more kids for our sake? But he also just didn't want more kids, we're expensive things and he's had enough stress in his life. Anyway, back to the story. So she's never had her own kids and so she doesn't have the same amount of sympathy for us as our parents do. She tends to make unnecessarily mean jabs/comments at us, and I've just learned to have no outward reaction at all, otherwise we're told that we're just being sensitive and picking on her cause she's not our mother (even though we're the ones getting picked on) ANYWAY. Earlier on we were sitting in the lounge and I was having a couple of minutes break from studying (because I'm doing a 2 year syllabus in 5 months) and she goes "When are you going to make biscuits? You must make them soon. You'll make biscuits tomorrow. " and I was like ??? I obviously don't have a choice then, even though I absolutely do not have the time, I agreed because I hate conflict and I've had enough of it today. And my Dad came upstairs and whispered quietly to me, "You don't have to make the biscuits punk. You've got enough on your plate at the moment," and that's the difference between biological and not parents? Like, my Dad genuinely gets how anxious and stressed out and the amount of pressure I'm under at the moment whereas she makes me feel guilty for asking for lessons and taking the time I need to study (I literally study from 9am to 1:00am basically every day) in order to get into vet school and at every chance she gets asks me how I'm planning to earn money when I've finished my exams and my Dad gets that I'm gonna need a break afterwards or I'm genuinely going to have a mental breakdown and I'm so sick of it. I want to get my life started. I want to be happy and not have to worry about her making comments and being after me all the time. I want to have the freedom to pay for my own things and not feel guilty for asking for more than the bare minimum. And the problem is my dad is so stressed out and his heart is not strong and we have to ask her for things or she thinks we're going behind her back to ask our Dad? Which is so not true. If we go as our mom something if our Dad isn't available, we aren't actively plotting something, just getting the information from the person who's closest. And if she leaves the room and we ask a question, we're not asking it cause she's not there, we just happen to remember to ask at that point in time. Anyway, my anxiety is through the roof, I'm not present in anything I'm doing because my brain is so busy stressing about the stress I'm causing my parents and thinking about the future and self - doubt and feeling guilty for literally everything I do/don't do (it's a serious problem) and all of those other fun things, I kinda don't wanna exist for a while, but we'll make it y'all. Bottom line is, my step mom is actually a nice person, she's just misguided and kinda mean sometimes and it's getting to me more than usual today
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lokidyke · 6 years ago
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hey everyone! thank you all so much for deciding to follow this mess of a blog! to celebrate, i'll be doing an icon request extravaganza, a hypothetical date game, as well as an ask game!
icon rules
- send an ask, either with a 🐍 emoji, or preface it with " (icon) " and name your favorite character, and i'll make icons for them!
- if you want me to put a particular pride flag or combo of pride flags behind them, add that as well!
- send as many in as you'd like!
- pleases and thank you's are much appreciated, but not required!
- i'm allowed to deny a request if i don't want to do icons of said character, and if i can't find good pictures of them to make icons with (i will always let you know if this is the case, privately as well if you send off anon).
would i date you?
- i've seen other wlw blogs do this, and it seems fun! here's the rules:
you MUST be 18 years or older bc i am 18+ as well (so adults only)
wlw only
obviously nb + trans inclusive, as always
you can be on or off anon; it's nothing serious, it's just for fun!
send in asks with a 💕 emoji or preface it with " (date game) " with stuff like height, hair & eye color, aesthetic/style, interests, hobbies, stuff you'd like to do for dates, stuff like that, and i'll answer it saying whether or not i'd be interested!
nothing explicitly nsfw, but jokes or innuendos are fine if that's how you flirt or whatever
- again, this is just for fun, so no pressure!
ask game!
- okay, i'm making my own dumb ask game too.
- if you want to ask me any of these questions, either send an 🥀 emoji with the question number, or preface the ask with " (ask game) " and i'll answer to the best detail i can!
- there's absolutely no limit to the amount of questions you ask, so no worries if you wanna ask a bunch!
top 5 marvel movies
bottom 5 marvel movies
top 5 marvel ships
favorite mcu actor
favorite mcu actress
build an aesthetic around a name (send in a name with the number and i'll tell you an aesthetic i think fits it!)
favorite comedies
favorite dramas
favorite horror movies
top 5 non-mcu characters
describe your pet
your style icons
dream novel plot
best summer memory
describe your dream woman
describe your dream home
describe thor ragnarok as an [insert your added piece of media] au
fancast [insert your added character]
1 random fact
1 unpopular opinion
- feel free to ask questions of your own too, but that's always fair game, 1k celebration or not!
if you want to send asks for all parts, i'd prefer it if you sent separate asks for each, just for organizational purposes.
this celebration will end whenever y'all stop sending stuff in. thank you guys again for following!
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punkscowardschampions · 6 years ago
Nancy & Rio
Nancy: I can't believe you're going along with this craziness Nancy: Oh my god, Rio Rio: I know it's fast Rio: but really, what difference does it make Nancy: It's not just fast, it's rushed Nancy: Not to sound like my mother but he should literally be at school Rio: I did tell him to go back Rio: He just wants to help with all the mess here Nancy: By leaving to jet off and get married? Yeah okay Rio: Well, obviously that's different Rio: but that's for me Nancy: My parents are gonna kill him, you do know that, right? Rio: I know Rio: but like I said, everyone knew Rio: it wasn't just empty words, we were always going to go through with it Nancy: Jesus Nancy: When he'd graduated, sure Nancy: Not now Nancy: He's not even started uni yet Rio: Give him chance to see the world and change his mind Rio: I know that's what your family wants, it's alright Nancy: If you're thinking there's a chance of it too, don't marry him Nancy: You're already engaged, everyone knows he's with you Nancy: You don't need to prove he's locked down before freshers week, like Rio: That's not why we're doing this Rio: Or how I am Nancy: Explain it to me then, 'cause lord knows he hasn't Rio: It is getting a little old, like Rio: Because we want to be married Rio: How else is there to say it Nancy: But why can't you just wait? Rio: Why should we though? Nancy: There's only a million reasons Nancy: Namely you aren't kids anymore and know how to be mature about things Nancy: Everyone would wanna be there, not tacked on as an afterthought, like Nancy: He should want to not spend all my parents money on this and wait until he's earning his own Nancy: You don't even live together Nancy: Do I actually have to go on? Rio: No you don't Rio: none of you want to be there Rio: and your parents don't specify what he's gotta do with the ridiculous amount of money they throw at him so Rio: if they wanna now it's a bit late, isn't it Nancy: That's not true Nancy: You're being unfair Nancy: Give me some credit if not them, I've been nothing but supportive Rio: I'm not saying you've not accepted that it's happening Rio: most have but no one's happy about it and that's fine Rio: can't force it but why wouldn't we want to do it alone without the pressure and background thought of all your lots bullshit, you know Nancy: No, you're just saying I wouldn't wanna be there Nancy: I love you both Rio: We'll have another one Rio: Later, with everyone Nancy: That's not the same Nancy: That's just a party Rio: What, you're really invested in the religious ceremony now or the legality of it all? Rio: It'll be the same Nancy: You're gonna be a bitch to me right now, really? Nancy: Okay fine Rio: I'm not trying to be a bitch but really Rio: it isn't an argument, stick to your former points if you like Rio: but that ain't valid Nancy: Oh my god, Buster spends all this time acting like I don't care, basically telling me I don't and now when I'm trying to show that I do neither of you want it Rio: Because it only comes up whenever y'all want us to not do something Nancy: Don't lump me in with my parents Nancy: That's so rude Rio: Sorry Rio: We told you because you are different Rio: and we weren't going to just do it and give you no warning Nancy: But not different enough that you actually want me there Nancy: Or that you don't think I need to be warned like this is the worse news ever or something Rio: It's hardly personal, come on Rio: We don't want anyone there Nancy: It's personal to me Nancy: I've only got one brother Rio: He isn't dying Rio: This doesn't need to be the thing it's becoming Rio: plenty of couples do the official wedding before the reception and all that, it's not that different Nancy: Other couples don't matter to me Nancy: And I don't know how you don't get what a big deal this is, not only that you're getting married, which is one thing Nancy: But also that you're basically doing it in secret again Rio: It's not a secret Rio: it's just for us Rio: I want to do one thing for myself Rio: all due respect this isn't about any of you Nancy: I'm not trying to make you feel bad Nancy: Or take anything away from you Nancy: Honestly Nancy: I'm just trying to get my head around this Rio: Yeah Rio: It's okay Rio: I know it's sudden, like I said Nancy: I know he really wants this Nancy: I could tell Nancy: I just Nancy: Is anything ever gonna calm down with this family, or? Rio: Probably not Rio: Looking unlikely Nancy: If you're happy that's all I want Nancy: Oversimplified maybe but Rio: I know it's not going to make you happy Rio: I'm just trying to say Rio: do you have to be unhappy about it, like Rio: it's not the worst thing, yeah Nancy: I'm not unhappy, I was just shocked Nancy: This is my brother you're marrying, you know Nancy: It's not exactly typical of him Rio: I know Rio: I know it's weird, like I am aware Rio: but it just is, you know Nancy: I understand Nancy: You want what you want Nancy: You can't unwant it 'cause someone else tells you to or isn't happy about it Nancy: You shouldn't have to Nancy: You literally don't have to, like Rio: Yeah Rio: Pretty much Rio: I'm sorry Nancy: Don't apologize Nancy: I couldn't just not be gay when I was getting bullied for it Nancy: I'm glad I don't like boys, believe me Nancy: Buster's the happiest he's ever been, you did that. So don't be sorry Rio: I didn't mean for any of this to happen Rio: to like him, I just did Rio: but I can't live an apology when I don't feel it anymore Nancy: I know Nancy: You love each other, you don't get to control that Nancy: And its a good thing, even when it doesn't feel like it Nancy: Who wants to be alone? To fight against what they want? Nancy: You're happy so be it Rio: Thanks, Nance Rio: You know we love you too Nancy: I know you do Nancy: Jury's still out on him Rio: Nah Rio: He does Nancy: Today maybe Nancy: 'Cause I'm not gonna tell mum and ruin his life Rio: Least wait 'til we're outta the country Rio: wouldn't put it past her to get us on the no-fly list Nancy: I'm gonna let her see all his bragging on the socials instead Nancy: More fun that way Nancy: "Your classroom looks suspiciously tropical, Buster" Nancy: While Dad just hits him with "Cool pic" Rio: 😂 Rio: Gonna laugh whilst I can Nancy: Me too Nancy: On the plus side, I think you've taken the heat off me at least until I graduate, so thanks Rio: Easy Rio: if I live to cause more turmoil you're very welcome Rio: what are the hated daughter-in-laws for after-all Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Oh honey, once you're married in you're gonna wish she hated you Nancy: She's gonna get so invested in your life Nancy: Can't have you ruining his, after all Rio: I'll take it Rio: Didn't stick around for career's advice and I could do worse, like Nancy: True Nancy: I'm just basking in the joy of knowing it literally doesn't matter who I bring home Nancy: Oh the freedom Rio: 😏 Rio: Charming Nancy: You know what I mean Nancy: I could be fucking my therapist and it'd be sidelined by this Rio: Well Rio: are you Nancy: Gross Nancy: No Rio: That's alright then Nancy: But she constantly says I need to be single for a while, so she clearly wants me for herself Rio: Deffo Nancy: Like, excuse you, Diane, I've been single for 18 years near enough Nancy: 1 girlfriend, honey, we've talked about it, get with the program Rio: Basically a nun Rio: out here calling you a dirty jezzie Nancy: Yeah, I know Nancy: Thank god you're giving me time to find a date for the other wedding Nancy: Clearly I'll need it, or a new therapist Rio: If you're moving Diane in, then yeah Rio: Unprofessional Nancy: Lord Nancy: She is so not the one Nancy: I think I hate her? Is that meant to be a thing? Rio: Probably Rio: You're stubborn and she's essentially telling you what to do Nancy: It's even worse Nancy: She makes me tell myself 🙄 Rio: Yeah Rio: Smug, init Nancy: It really is Nancy: Ugh enough about me Nancy: When are you going? What are you wearing? Rio: Brazil Rio: and Christ knows, oddly I don't have a wedding dress just hanging about Rio: I'll find one there, I guess Nancy: The question was when, he told me where but he hadn't got that far Nancy: I think he thinks you're gonna call it off unless you've made it to the actual plane Nancy: Just don't get married in a white bikini, yeah? Rio: Oh, my bad Rio: Head is truly all over the place Rio: Well, I am that tacky Nancy: 😲 take that back right now Nancy: You are not Nancy: This isn't the mindset Rio: Do you wanna like, moodboard my shotgun wedding for me? 😂 Rio: That's what I'm hearing here Nancy: UM YES Nancy: Get some Chanel and YSL involved, like Rio: Noted Rio: Whether that's the old or new depends how skint we're feeling once we're there, clearly Nancy: It's got to be classic or I'm disowning you Nancy: I'll allow you to save the real designer labels for the big day, bit of Vera or whoever but I can only budge so far, sorry Nancy: The silhouette is still everything even if he's the only one seeing it Rio: 😂 Rio: That's what I'm saying, stick with the bikini Rio: He'll be blown away Nancy: 🙄🙄 Nancy: That's so disgustingly true as well Nancy: Men Rio: Oh please Rio: Like you wouldn't wanna see your wifey like that Nancy: I'm not getting married ever but if I did, that woman better dress up for me Nancy: Whole 9 yards Nancy: Did you see my mother's wedding dress? Iconic Rio: Hmm Rio: Maybe you're right Rio: Great, now I gotta stress about that Rio: Thanks bitch 😜 Nancy: I would say sorry but I'm not Nancy: You can wear a bikini any time, you'll be going for like a week + Nancy: Besides, he's the kind of boy who actually appreciates clothes Nancy: Labels anyway Rio: I blame you entirely Nancy: Not sorry, again Rio: You can explain my sudden cold feet to him then Nancy: Gladly Nancy: Me and him haven't argued in so long Rio: 😑 Nancy: It would get something back to normal, that's all I'm saying Rio: Who wants normal? Nancy: Um Nancy: Me Rio: Nah Rio: Only 'cos you ain't had it Rio: No fun, trust Nancy: Alright, Diane 2.0 😏 Rio: Don't get ideas Rio: I know you love me but Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Are we gonna have time to do a hen before you go or are you literally flying out when you close this convo? Rio: Who? Me, you and Indie Rio: That would be interesting Nancy: Well, just me and you then Rio: I don't actually know, I'll have to check Rio: I know we were planning for asap but might've given himself a day to pack Rio: you know how it is Nancy: Tell him he can come to the spa too, he'll make time for that Rio: Yeah? Rio: Alright, prep us for the long ass flight Nancy: He loves a facial as much as I do, more probably Nancy: Not to mention a massage Rio: 😏 Rio: Know I'm meant to be mature and everything but Rio: lmao Nancy: DO NOT Nancy: So gross Rio: You said it! Rio: I can't help that Nancy: And you know exactly how I meant it 😒 Nancy: Just 'cause neither of us should be in white dresses no need to disgust me, thanks Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm not sorry Nancy: Well, please change your mind on that Nancy: 'Cause I'm too gay and too related for this, like Rio: That doesn't work getting you out of family functions, it's not gonna work now, babe Nancy: So mean Nancy: Okay fine I'm too single for this Rio: Aww Rio: I don't think we should go to that kinda spa Rio: too weird even for me Nancy: Oh god Nancy: 🙈🙉 Rio: What are hen parties for? Rio: I see why you're so keen now Nancy: I've never been to one Nancy: Thankfully Ro didn't get that far Rio: Shame Rio: I'd have loved to get her a stripper Nancy: 😂 Nancy: Librarian or something Rio: Sexy Rio: Drew probably would've done it Rio: the actual horror Nancy: I just choked on my coffee Nancy: and I'm this close to throwing up Nancy: But it's helped me think of the best stripper for her Nancy: Jesus himself Nancy: Sexily removes crown of thorns Rio: STOP Rio: Nothing hotter than blasphemy Nancy: I WISH I COULD Nancy: Help me actual Jesus Rio: He ain't gon' save you now Rio: fully looking the other way Nancy: Turning that chiseled jaw line 💔 Rio: Gutted Rio: Yeah, you gay, but you're a fellow ginge Rio: no loyalty Nancy: No way he was ginger Nancy: Or that he looked as much like a woman as he does in the art Rio: You should be living for femme Jesus Nancy: I didn't say I wasn't Nancy: Just that it's unlikely Rio: If you wanna chat theology, hit up your auntie fr Nancy: No thanks Nancy: I've done enough babysitting of them both recently Rio: Fun Rio: I just can't wait for the 2 month update when she tells us about all the things Astrid can do Rio: like, blink, cry, shit Nancy: Don't Nancy: There'll be a newsletter Nancy: Why do you think I wanna come to brazil? I'm planning to stay away until the christening is a distant memory Nancy: She's been planning it since before the baby came out, I swear Rio: Gotta get into heaven, mama Rio: the christening dress, good lord Rio: at least she's a girl, the poor baby boys Nancy: Right? Nancy: She wants to approve my outfit too Nancy: Excuse me, who am I? When have I ever made a faux pas Rio: 😂 Unlucky Rio: No showing your knees in church, bitch Nancy: 😒 Nancy: Poor Diane, it's all she's heard about 'cause I'm furious Nancy: Like, I'm not even joking I've had to send her links of what I'm going buy and she's said no to several looks Rio: The cheek Rio: you can't dress code a christening Nancy: Do you see Buster sending her pics of suits, no you do not Nancy: Golden boy could turn up topless in speedos and she wouldn't care Rio: Fresh from Ipanema Rio: She's gonna be 💔 about this wedding forreal Nancy: At least her and mum can bond over it Nancy: Break their silence Nancy: 🙄 Rio: Yeah? Rio: I knew my mum said it'd been pretty quiet Nancy: Better than them screaming at each other Nancy: Astrid doesn't need that Rio: I guess Rio: Was never going to be a joyous time was it Nancy: Not really Nancy: I don't blame you for wanting to leave Rio: Not like I'm allowed 'round that drama anyway Rio: got enough, still Nancy: Yeah Rio: Ah well Nancy: Feel free to join me in therapy Nancy: Buster won't Rio: You're good Rio: Wouldn't know where to begin, like Nancy: It's not as if I did either Nancy: I still don't Rio: Does it help? Nancy: I don't know Nancy: It doesn't, not help, if that makes sense Nancy: Like, I don't feel any worse Nancy: So maybe? Rio: It ain't hurting at least Nancy: Yeah Nancy: And I'll take that Nancy: It's weirdly nice to have someone to talk to, who's not too busy to really listen Rio: Yeah Rio: It makes sense Rio: and someone who odds on has a chance of knowing what they're chatting Nancy: It does make you feel less crazy when they don't look at you like 😲😲😲 Rio: Can't teach that poker face in Psych 101 Nancy: I thought I had a good one but she's taken it well and truly up a notch Rio: I think about the bad things too much as is though, never mind setting aside time for that shit Nancy: Me too Nancy: I could not feel more self indulgent, believe me Rio: Nah Rio: I think it's a good thing Rio: I just don't want to Nancy: I get it Nancy: Most days I don't want to, still Nancy: If she'd just let me text her I'd never go, like Rio: You just want her personal number, babe Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I told you, she's not the one Rio: Whatever you say, honey Nancy: Shush, bitch Rio: 😂 Nancy: I've text my brother about the spa, if I don't hear back I'll assume he's already got you in the air Nancy: Or, you know, he's being a prick Rio: 👍 Rio: I'll confirm either with a plane selfie Rio: or lack of, obvs Rio: Can you like Rio: just keep an eye on Indie when we are gone Rio: you don't have to do anything but she was a bit gutted so Rio: Everyone else will be too but yeah Nancy: Sure Nancy: Do you want me to text you updates spy style or do you want blissful ignorance? Rio: Put it this way Rio: Unless it's an emergency I can sort from Brazil Rio: I don't really want disturbing Rio: but you know the drill actual, keep an eye, tell the olders if she needs nagging into coming home for tea Nancy: Gross but fair Nancy: Okay Rio: Come on Rio: It's my honeymoon, what do you think gonna happen Nancy: I know what will I just don't need to think about my brother being the one doing it to you or with you Nancy: Thanks Rio: Don't be blowing up my phone then babe 😘 Nancy: You wish Rio: You know Rio: Forever holding out hope Nancy: It's fine, we don't need to make it competitive, I'm better Rio: 😂 Rio: That's the spirit Nancy: It's less of a brag more of a fact, really Nancy: Not saying you should dump him and marry me but Rio: Well if that's not what you're saying, why are you saying it at all? Nancy: I'm just saying if you did you know you wouldn't regret it, babe 😏 Rio: I would when you leave me high n dry and 💔 Nancy: Rude Nancy: I would never Rio: Sure 😏 Rio: Say that now Nancy: You're breaking my heart now! The love is real Rio: What can I say? Rio: Can't even hypothetically do him like that Nancy: So cute Rio: Yeah yeah Nancy: I better text him again to find out what he's planning to wear Nancy: Be awkward now if he didn't put the effort in, like Rio: You can bond over it Rio: you 🤓s Nancy: Like you're too cool to care, yeah? Nancy: You love to look good, too Rio: This? Rio: So effortless, naturally Nancy: You can fool him with that, but not me Rio: Rude Nancy: Now you know how the slander feels Nancy: I'm off to cry over the one that got away, obviously 😏 Nancy: Doubting my devotion Rio: Now I know why I don't go out with women Rio: fuck you knowing all my secrets, no thanks Rio: but okay then, see you getting a facial or not 😜 Nancy: Nobody knows all mine Nancy: Work on your excuses for why we can't be together before I see you next, yeah? Rio: Diane's working on it Nancy: She wishes Nancy: I'm not planning on seeing her every week for the rest of my life Rio: 💔 Nancy: That's my reputation, amongst other things so Rio: Gotta keep up appearances, babe Rio: Lord knows we're letting the side down Nancy: Anything for you, my love Rio: 💘 Nancy: You can invite Indie to the spa too, I promise not to seduce her in the sauna or anything Rio: I should hope the fuck not Rio: Not just jealousy talking Nancy: I should hope not Nancy: But I just mean, don't not invite her on my account, you know Rio: Of course Rio: I dunno what she'd make of it but I'll defs invite her Nancy: We might make a convert of her Nancy: The gay agenda Rio: Truly Rio: I just hope your brother is bringing back food she can eat Nancy: He's lived with you guys long enough Nancy: Must have a clue by now Nancy: I know he's a man but he's one with a brain Rio: And tastes that range beyond Maccas but Rio: he does his best, bless him Nancy: 😂 Nancy: I won't tell him if you don't Nancy: Big enough head, like Rio: That I can manage to keep from him, like Rio: Probably Nancy: You went from definitely to maybe so fast I didn't even get to challenge it Nancy: Disgustingly cute Rio: Progress from just plain disgusting Rio: I'll take it Nancy: I mean, you'll always be in hetero hell but Rio: 😏 Rio: I promise, it's not that bad Nancy: um okay sure Nancy: Unlikely story Rio: 😂 Rio: Not gonna make you try it, it's alright Nancy: You couldn't Nancy: We're over the age of sitting around getting dared to kiss Rio: Sure, you're saying that tonight Nancy: I'm saying that every night if you're offering me a man Rio: Suit yaself, butch Nancy: I will Nancy: Your taste is questionable, babe Nancy: Buster McKenna, of all people Rio: I've done considerably worse but that makes the bit less funny so Rio: go off Nancy: Thanks for letting me have my moment there Rio: Gotta get that best man material out somehow Nancy: Oh god Nancy: Am I gonna have to make a speech? Rio: Say what you like Rio: your brother would never hate you that much Nancy: I'll take that Rio: Though if you get pissed Rio: no stopping you Nancy: 🤐 Rio: I hope so, bitch Nancy: I'll have a date to impress/behave for, won't I? So Rio: Good luck 'cos doubt the rest will be on same orders Rio: dread to think 🙄 Nancy: Lord, don't put off the fictional lady before I've even properly thought her up Rio: My bad, my bad Rio: we're all totally sane and respectable Nancy: The numbers alone is intimidating without having to consider any of the personalities attached Nancy: Actually gonna die alone Rio: Not saying keeping it in the family is the way forward but at least I don't have to introduce him Nancy: I just loled Nancy: Won't be explaining that one to my barista Nancy: No offense Rio: Sure the town's already said it's piece on this one Nancy: Undoubtedly Nancy: School is even more fun now, like Rio: Soz Nancy: You really sound it, babe Nancy: I don't care, its not as if I have friends here anyway Nancy: Other than in the family Rio: Well, they'll find a reason to chat shit on us regardless Rio: Always have Nancy: Yeah Nancy: It's no different from my old school other than the accents they use when they slag you off Rio: Basically Rio: It's all the same shit Rio: why you think I left Nancy: I hope that wasn't the only reason Rio: Well no Rio: 'Course not Rio: There was just no reason to be there Nancy: Like Chlo Nancy: Did Buster tell you she left? Rio: Yeah Rio: I'm not secretly pregnant with a baby that's taking it's time though Rio: just FYI Nancy: Me either Nancy: I only kissed her, I swear Nancy: He must be so relieved she's gone though Rio: Yeah, seriously Nancy: I can't believe her and James haven't broken up yet Nancy: I bet he's glad he doesn't have to see as much of her too Rio: Must be a record, right? Rio: Way they all bedhop Rio: Be gladder when the baby's here and he ain't tied to it 24/7 Nancy: 100% they are both cheating Nancy: Well, if anyone will have them Rio: Probably a little hard to pull when you're clearly heavily preggo Nancy: I have no idea how far along she even is Nancy: But the morals in that friendship circle, it wouldn't surprise me if his friends were still hooking up with her Rio: I'm not totally sure myself Rio: bit over half way, I feel? Rio: It's actually gross Rio: like we've all had crossovers but never on purpose like Rio: it's like a weird badge of honour or something idk Rio: posh people love swinging, facts Nancy: But you two are the ones being incestuous, okay Nancy: Everything they do is way grosser Nancy: Buster is well out of it, so thanks Rio: If nothing else Rio: Stopped the likes of Millie Tillie being your sis in law Nancy: Yeah Nancy: He could've been the one having a baby with Chloe Nancy: Imagine Nancy: But don't, 'cause NO Rio: Easily Rio: I try not to, yeah Nancy: Making myself shudder in public Nancy: Thank god he isn't that stupid Rio: She didn't really give him a choice either way Rio: you know he was out of it Nancy: Obviously, but he would have used a condom though that's like muscle memory to him at this point the amount of girls he's been with Rio: If it were that simple no one'd be getting pregnant, babe Nancy: None of his conquests have Nancy: I'll give him that Rio: Shh Rio: Harshing my vibe, babe Nancy: Sorry Rio: S'all good Nancy: You seem happy Nancy: All things considered Rio: I am Rio: with him, like Nancy: And he is too Nancy: I know Rio: Good Rio: What more can I ask for, like Nancy: I'm sorry if I was being a judgey bitch before Nancy: I'm not trying to channel my auntie, honestly Rio: You weren't Rio: like, you were but in a valid way considering Nancy: I'm just trying to look out for you both Nancy: It's weird in the middle Nancy: I know if it was me instead of you, you would too Nancy: But I can't stand in the way, I know that Nancy: And I don't really want to if it's what you both want Nancy: Which obviously Rio: I know that, I swear Rio: You haven't done anything I wouldn't Rio: There's no way to prove this is the right thing but time so Nancy: You'd go way harder than me Nancy: But yeah Rio: Taking it as a compliment Rio: regardless of how it was intended Nancy: It was meant as one Nancy: You're a bad bitch, you know I love that about you Rio: 💘 Rio: You know how to win me 'round Nancy: I'd hope so Nancy: I've been around you long enough Rio: Yeah, no one's accusing me of being mysterious Nancy: Me either, don't worry Rio: Oh to be afforded the luxury Nancy: Let's call it overrated Rio: Seems like a suitably bad bitch thing to do Rio: I'm alright w it Nancy: Good to know Nancy: 'Cause it's a thing now Nancy: We're running with it Rio: Oh, Buster's back Nancy: Tell the prick to text me back Rio: Will do, I'll direct quote you Rio: Better go though, don't wanna let my food go cold Nancy: Thanks Nancy: Yeah sure that's the reason Nancy: I'm gay not blind Rio: You said it, sister 😍 Nancy: I'm not saying he's hot, I'm saying you think so Nancy: Before you go there Nancy: Anyway go Rio: 💋
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