#obviously Crowley and Aziraphale don’t like change (hence season 1)
Aziraphale’s “nothing lasts forever” comment is actually really interesting when you think about it. I mean- heaven and hell are both looking to have a war and spend eternity with one side having won, you know? They are trying to have something (one side winning) last forever.
Idk exactly what to make of this but Aziraphale saying this immediately before realizing that he’s supposed to help with the second Armageddon and bringing about ~eternity~ is interesting.
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I need to just write this down so the thoughts stop living in my headspace.
Spoiler Warning: I’m not taking about that spoiler but I’ll be speculating about Good Omens Season 2 content from the authorised Promo material, so if you don’t want to know anything about GO Season 2 until the release date, please stop reading.
So yesterday, Prime dropped another teaser video at the coffee shop, and I’m speculating that this is when Aziraphale calls Crowley to tell him about Gabriel.
Crowley is clearly on edge, but is surprised at “naked man” comment so he doesn’t know about Gabriel yet.
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I think this is the expression of a jealous individual who has quite a few questions that he knows he cannot ask right now – if he knew it as Gabriel, then he would have just dismissed Nina's comment.
The only reason I can think he’s on edge is Aziraphale and Crowley had some sort of falling out. Based purely on the knowledge of Crowley living in his car, I’m thinking that Crowley tried moving their relationship forward after he lost his flat, i.e. trying to get Aziraphale to invite him to live with him, but Aziraphale has only just left abusive Heaven management so would still have some trauma he has to work through so while he is fine with Crowley being at the bookshop, he couldn’t take the step to let Crowley move in.
Crowley seems to be going through some sort of existential crisis during his talks with Shax, so he’s not enjoying his new found freedom as much as he thought he would. Why? I speculate because he thought without Heaven/Hell, Aziraphale would finally be free enough to express himself and maybe Crowley built up in his head what he expected Aziraphale to be like after (relaxed/open with his feelings), since Crowley is very accepting of his own.
However, healing from trauma isn’t immediate.
Aziraphale maybe is enjoying his new freedom, but he is still hesitant with Crowley, since how can you undo millennia of repression in just a few months/years?
I think this leads to a fall out early in episode 1 (or pre-episode 1), and they are not on the best speaking terms, hence when Aziraphale contacts Crowley, Crowley is in an emotional state, which I don’t think he ever is in season 1 when the two are meeting up for food. Eating together is their calming space, even when they were techy at a café in Season 1, Aziraphale still ate food and while annoyed, they weren’t this emotionally charged.
Aziraphale however is freaking out about Gabriel and Aziraphale is probably aware of the tension but at the same time his fear of what’s happening with Gabriel overcomes his annoyance at Crowley.
So these two meet up, argument not fully resolved, and Crowley has been having a rough time of it (no job, staying in his car, fragmented angel relationship). Aziraphale is obviously nervous right from the start as he wants to clam down, so ordered the Eccles cakes. Most likely the same cakes that Crowley brings to the bookshop later.
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The one thing that Aziraphale does say that seems to change the mood is acknowledging that him and Crowley go back a long way. Pretty much every other interaction from season 1, Aziraphale has verbally put distance between them. Saying they aren’t friends, he doesn’t like Crowley, they don’t even know each other etc. But potentially for the first time in front of someone, Aziraphale admits to knowing Crowley and not just in passing, but as a long term acquittance (at least).
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There seems to be a cut here in the video but Crowley demeanour improves following that one acknowledgment.
It seems that after the naked man comment from Nina, whatever Aziraphale’s plan of explaining the situation to Crowley is in disarray as he is properly panicking and realises it is easier to show Crowley what happened rather than try to explain the coffee shop. But I expect this makes Crowley a bit worried/upset as Aziraphale is choosing not to eat in the café, which is an obvious alarm bell and as his usual “acts of service”, he takes the plates with the cakes to the bookshop to make Aziraphale happy, or at least less stressed.
Then of course, Gabriel is revealed and they are both panicking. But at least they are panicking together.
I’m so goddamn excited.
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