obsidiinium · 7 months
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The Silver Dragonborn Paladin, Zythraulthillan “Silverscales” Woodwarden. The exasperated moral compass to their travelling companion.
They didn’t have all those scars when the adventure started.
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obsidiinium · 7 months
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face practice. pls don't cry, Humility, it's gonna be okay
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obsidiinium · 6 months
Y'all seemed to like the art. so here. is more.
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obsidiinium · 5 months
Chapter 5: One Endless Darkness
Part 3
They make their way towards the Cloaktower. As they walk, the streets are quiet. Posters plastered up across every flat vertical surface mention the three day mourning period for Lord Neverember. The citizens that brave the streets are sombre, dressed in black and keeping their voices low. Melancholy music echoes over the wind.
The gates of the Cloaktower are open, revealing a intricately manicured garden lining a pathway that winds towards the tower. The gate is flanked by two guards, lightly armoured and holdng staves to attention - a gnome and a half orc. Lilli takes the lead, pulling her soulders back and raising her chin. Upon their arrival the two guards step forwards.
“Halt! What is your business at the Cloaktower?”
”We have information regarding magical disturbances and artefacts that we think might be of interest to the Many-Starred Cloaks.” Lilli states. The two guards look at each other and nod.
“One moment please.” The gnome guard touches their head, bowing it just a little.
“Someone will be out with you shortly. Please wait here.”
A long few minutes drag by before finally, a flash of teleportation magic ripples out and someone steps through the gate, appearing from nowhere.
“Ooh, cool portal.” Lilli mutters. The someone is a human man, in his 60s, bald, dark skin, and cloaked in a robe that has a pattern of space and stars lining the inside. He clasps his hands and huffs.
“How can the Many-Starred Cloak help you? Magic disturbances? Artefacts? Come on. Speak. I don’t have all day.” Lilli glances at the guards before continuing.
“We found a portal guarded by monsters inside the old asylum in lower Neverwinter. We both nearly dies escaping. We also found this-” and she hold up the arcane focus. The wizard glances at it nonchalantly.
“What were you doing in the old asylum? Isn’t that condemned?”
”We were investigating the people turning up feebleminded on the streets. Our hunting led us there. this gem - or focus, whatever it is - nearly melted my brain when I grabbed hold of it.” Zythraul adds.
“Melted your.. Ugh. Let me just have a look.” He waves his hand closes his eyes. The focus in Lilli’s hand flashes with an obsidian aura. The man gasps, cutting off the spell abruptly.
“Well, yes. I think you two better come in and tell me what you found in greater detail. Follow me please.” He waves gestures towards the gate. Zythraul and Lilli follow.
As they step through the gate they feel that pulse of magic vibrate through them and suddenly they are in an entirely different space; not the garden pathway leading up to the tower but a room filled with arcane study parephenalia. The wizard man follows them through. “Firstly, introductions. My name is Athalos of the Many-Starred Cloak.”
“Humility. This is Zythraul.”
“A pleasure. We are grateful for your help.” Athalos looks at the two of them over his nose,
“Indeed. It’s lucky you sought out our help. Do you know what that is?”
”Some kind of arcane focus, best we can tell.” Athalos nods.
“It’s definitely that. With a powerful spell baked into it, as well as some powerful detrimental effects. I would have recommended you avoid attuning to it but well… we’ve missed that boat apparently.” He looks pointedly at Lilli, who looks away and around at the room.
“And have me miss out on getting to know you? Rude.” Lilli hears Zotrym say. She jumps ever so slightly in surprise, not expecting him to interject. She spots him sitting in a chair behind Athalos, elegantly draped, one hand on his cane, bowler hat on his knee. She says nothing to him in response. The other two appear to not see him.
“Well, do you know anything about the portal we saw in the asylum? This focus came out of that.” Zythraul asks, resisting the urge to throw a judgmental glance in Lilli’s direction.
”Came out of the... huh. Well, without being there myself it’s hard to say. Describe it. You said monsters came out of it? Describe those.” Zythraul does. Athalos contemplates.
“Definitely sounds like it’s connected to the underdark. You don’t get those monsters here in Neverwinter. A portal appearing in the city like that around the same time the head of the city is murdered and strange magic foci coming out of them? It does seem suspicious. Let me just…” and he turns to a shelf of books behind the chair Zotrym is perched on, contemplating for a moment. Lilli is sure Zotrym will be seen, but the mage says nothing about the green man sitting in his reading chair. Zotrym winks at lilli, apparently hearing what Lilli was thinking.
“He cant see me either. Just you babes.”
“Uhh, you didn’t say anything about these detrimental effects. Anything I should be worried about?” Athalos pulls a book down from the shelf, flicking through the pages. Over his shoulder he mumbles,
“Oh. yes. probably.” Lilli and Zythraul wait as Athalos loses his train of thought in the pages of the book he is skimming. There’s a long moment of a quiet before he turns around, remembering the presence of his visitors.
“Oh! Right. Detrimental effects may include a slow descent into madness and hallucinations. also, if you stray too far from it your senses might stop functioning until you get back within range. But, you can summon a powerful ally with it and it will definitely empower any spells you cast, so there’s that?” Athalos goes back to skimming his book, furrowing his brow. Lilli looks concerned and falls back into another chair behind her. Zythraul also scowls.
“I’m sorry, what? Madness? Hallucinations? Loss of senses?” Athalos nods. Zythraul turns to Lilli.
“Lil, we don’t need this. We should leave it here for the mages to put somewhere safe. Unattune from it and let’s go.”
“Oh, that would be a good idea, except you can’t. Not that easily, anyway” Athalos says, at the same time Lilli hears Zotrym say,
“I wouldn’t suggest that.”
“Not unless one of you can channel a greater restoration into you at the same time. I know I certainly can’t. Those potential side effects I mentioned? Empowered tenfold if you attempt unattunement. You won’t sever the connection unscathed without help. Or you die.”
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obsidiinium · 5 months
Chapter 5: One Endless Darkness
Part 2
When Lilli finally awakes, both Zythraul and that Zotrym fellow are nowhere to be seen. Zythraul’s bed is made with the religious pedantry Lilli knows to expect from them, their scale armor and glaive set out in preparation for another day. On Lilli’s side table there is coffee and breakfast, which she scoffs down gratefully.
Zythraul is eating their own breakfast at the bar of The Sword and Scoundrel and chatting to Olon when Lilli makes her appearance.
“Morning. Did you sleep, eventually?” Zyth asks, as Olon slides Lilli a coffee.
“I slept just fine, thank you.” Lilli teases, winking at Olon as she shots her coffee in one swig.
“I’ll go get my things and then we’ll go see these wizards.”
Zythraul stands. Lilli nods.
As Zythraul returns to the bar they see a drow man talking to Lilli, two orc men standing close behind. Olon watches them carefully from the bar a few steps away, making tense eye contact with Zythraul as they walk in. The drow is talking pointedly at Lilli at an uncomfortably close distance to the tiefling, who looks unenthused but trapped in the conversation. Zythraul walks up to Lilli, interrupting the conversation abruptly.
“I’m ready. We should go. Things to do. If you’ll excuse us, friend.” Zythraul says to both Lilli and the man. It’s here that Zythraul recognises him; the drow that they beat in the arm wrestling contest at the festival. He has a similar moment of recognition when Zythraul walks up. He sneers.
“No, I don’t think I will. Your friend and I were having a lovely conversation just now.” Lilli chuckles and goes to get up.
“Good chats. Later tater.” He goes to grab Lilli’s arm to stop her from leaving but Zythraul intercepts, catching his hand in theirs. They don’t say anything. The drow scowls at the dragonborn and pulls his hand away.
“Hmph. Saw you get beaten by that half-orc at the arm wrestle. Not that tough are ya?” He pulls his hand away. His two companions step into the door, blocking Lilli and Zythraul from leaving.
“But didn’t Zythraul beat you? What does that say about -”
“Shut up.” He cuts Lilli off.
“Would a rematch make you feel better about letting us go on about our day?” Zythraul sighs, taking a step between Lilli and the drow, who looks back at them, before winking at Lilli.
“Sure, why not? Show your friend here what real strength is.” Lilli rolls her eyes. Zythraul steps to the side to motion to a table. They both sit, facing each other. Zythraul puts their arm up. Olon watches from the bar. Lilli leans down to Zythraul and touches their shoulder.
“Good luck.” the drow grabs Zythraul’s hand and tries to slam their wrist to the table. But Zythraul is ready and reacts, pushing his arm further instead. He gets mad but Zythraul quickly nails his hand to the table. He yells in anger.
“Again! Best two out of three!” And puts his hand back in the centre. The two orcs stand on either side of him, arms folded and scowling. Zythraul shrugs and goes to reconnect. Instead, the drow grabs Zythraul’s hand and goes to yank them across the table instead, pulling out a knife as he does. As he stands he instead staggers and falls to the ground. Zythraul loses their balance, falling forwards onto the table. It cracks under the weight of the dragonborn and a leg snaps off as they land on it. It also lands on top of the drow, who holds the knife to Zythraul’s throat.
“Hey! What the fuck! Cheating much?” Lilli yells. She sees the drow’s two friends jump and their hands get near their weapon sheaths. The drow and Zythraul freeze on the ground. Zyth’s teeth are bared in a snarl, their claws to the drow’s throat, as his knife is to theirs.
“We’re done here. You need to leave.” Zythraul goes to get up, releasing the drow from their grasp and moving away from the knife as they go to stand.
“I rather think not.” The drow retaliates as his knife makes contact with Zythraul’s cheek. He stands as Zythraul takes a step backwards, surprised.
“What are you hoping to achieve here?” Zythraul growls, touching the cut on their cheek and shaking their head.
“I am not one to be made a fool of! You owe me, and you and your friend look like you have lots of lovely trinkets in your pockets. Give them up.” Lilli scoffs.
“You don’t need any help to look like a fool. Let’s go Zee.” Lilli walks behind Zythraul and goes to leave. One of the orcs draws his weapon and goes to take a stab at her but she dances out of the way.
“ENOUGH!” From the door behind the bar, Galodir emerges.
“What is going on here?” He surveys the scene.
“I thought we had a rule about brawling in the bar? Elered. it’s bold of you and your slimy mates to slink back in here after last time.” Elered, the drow man, looks chastened but still mad. He sheathes his dagger.
“This scaleface-”
“ELERED. LANGUAGE.” Galodir commands. Elered sneers.
“-tried to cheat me out of a win at arm wrestling at the festival and when I politely asked for a rematch today they did it again!” behind Zythraul, Olon scoffs. Galodir sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.
“Then why is Zythraul the one unarmed and bleeding? Come on Brother. This is the wrong way to uphold the standards of Erbin’s Ire. ESPECIALLY against two of our own.”
Elered goes to argue before being cut off by Galodir’s raised hand.
“We will discuss this elsewhere. Zythraul, Lilli, good luck today. I’d love to know what you find out if you feel like reporting back later.” Galodir holds the door to his office open and looks pointedly at Elered. Zythraul and Lilli take this chance to make their exit.
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obsidiinium · 5 months
Chapter 5: One Endless Darkness
Part 1
As Zythraul snoozes away in their bed, Lilli absently fidgets with the Obsidian Arcane Focus. They had mentioned something about a brain clouding effect and a cacophony of voices chattering away but Lilli felt none of that. She was drawn to and fascinated by the focus, and after contemplating its origins and the connections Galodir mentioned it might have, started to feel connected to it herself.
In the early hours of the morning, before sunrise, Lilli sees someone walk past her peripheral, again, just like when she took the focus from Zythraul in the bar of The Sword and Scoundrel. This time though, the vision doesn’t disappear. As Lilli turns to look, she sees someone in their room. She gasps and presses herself up against the wall next to her bed. Zythraul doesn’t react. _that damn dragonborn sleeps like the dead_, Lilli thinks, before looking directly at the man that now stood in the middle of their room.
“Good evening.” He croons, his voice deep and smooth. He stands tall and elegantly dressed. A trimmed beard and lively eyes survey Lilli from under a bowler hat. His hands that end in long, sharp fingers are clasped gently together in front of him on top of an ornate cane. His skin is a light shade of green, with long ears that curve around his hat. He smiles, and Lilli can see his teeth are all sharpened and yet, the smile is comforting and disarming.
“Who are you? Why are you in our room? And why are you dressed so nicely for this time of the night?” Lilli rapid fires questions, looking between the man and back at Zythraul, hoping they would wake up, because this was fucking weird.
“What can I say, I like to look good?” He shrugs nonchalantly.
“I haven’t needed a name for a long time, but if it would make you feel more comfortable around me you can call me… Zotrym.” Somehow, it did make Lilli more comfortable.
“Okay Zotrym, what are you doing in our room?” Lilli says, again, more forcefully this time and slightly louder, hoping that Zythraul would stir - they don’t. Zotrym tilts his head slightly and glances behind him at the sleeping dragonborn.
“Don’t worry, you and your friend are safe from me. Let them sleep. You both nearly died today. I’m here because you have something that binds us.” Lilli looks confused before glancing down at the focus in her hands.
“Yes. that. This form is bound to it just as you bound yourself to it.”
“Bound.. No, I did nothing of the sort. I was just thinking about it and where we got it and what it all means. We were just…”
“Investigating the people turning up in the streets of Neverwinter, yes. But you sat there for so long concentrating on it and you didn’t meant to attune to it? Oh Humility, my dear. I don’t quite believe you.”
Lilli goes to protest again but does feel the attunement settle and wind its way through her veins. She stands up from her bed, leaving the focus on the mattress.
“Well, I didn’t mean to. It nearly melted Zee’s brain when they held onto it! I don’t want that!” She takes a few more steps towards the door.
“I wouldn’t leave it behind, Humility. Zythraul is much too stubborn and untrusting; it was never going to bond with them. Please. We can do some good together if you stick with it.”
“Pshh. Whatever. No thanks.” Lilli pulls a face at this Zotrym character and flings the door open, darting into the hallway of the sleeping quarters of Erbin’s Ire.
She makes it a few steps down the hall before her vision cuts off. Lilli gasps in shock and surprise and freezes where she stands, dropping to her knees in fear. Behind her she hears no footsteps, only Zotrym’s voice.
“I did warn you. The connection with us - with it - grants you great power, but there are some… Lets say, minor detrimental side effects?”
“Fix my sight you bastard!” Lilli yells, crawling in the direction of her bed. Her vision starts to fade back in. As she yells she hears a scramble and heavy footfalls.
“Lilli! What the - are you okay?” Zythraul’s voice cracks as their barely awake consciousness starts to take in the vision of Humility crawling towards their room. Lilli sees just a vague shadow of their body approaching, before she feels the smooth scales of Zythraul’s hands gently lift her up to her feet, before grabbing her face to inspect the tiefling closer in the dim light of the hallway.
“Lilli… can you see me right now?” Lilli just shakes her head. No. from somewhere, Lilli also hears,
“Oh wow. Zythraul cares for you so deeply don’t they?” Zotrym remarks. Lilli can feel Zythraul wrap themselves around her and guide Lilli back to her bed. As she returns, so does her vision. Zythraul places her down on the bed and kneels on the floor, concerned. Zythraul appears to have not heard Zotrym’s remarks about them. Zythraul notices the arcane focus on the bed and frowns.
“Lil, what were you doing with that?”
“I was just… I was fascinated by what Galodir said about it and was trying to connect the threads to the bodies and Neverember’s death and the chasm and then… I couldn’t sleep so I decided I was going to go for a walk and maybe a cheeky beverage to clear my head and when I got down the hallway my vision just cut out.”
“Humility…” Zythraul sighs, rubbing their own face with their hands.
“You heard Galodir. Whatever this is, is beyond us. We can take it to the Many-Starred Cloak tomorrow, but you are not going to be on your a-game if you’re exhausted and me? On my own? I have no hope of talking my way into the Cloaktower to get this to someone who can do something with it. Try and get some sleep, and put that weird damn rock somewhere away from you.” They stare at Lilli, waiting for a response. Lilli nods and waves her hands, dismissing Zythraul’s unspoken concerns.
“Yes. Okay! Fine. You’re right. You? Talking to wizards? We’ll have no hope. Thanks Zee. Goodnight.”
“Goodnight Lil.” Zythraul get up and goes back to their own bed. Lilli puts herself back to bed and lays facing away from Zythraul until she hears them snoring gently. From somewhere in the room… or in her own head? Lilli hears,
“Don’t worry, they are unable to hear me. Think of me as your own personal confidant.”
“Shut it.” Lilli mumbles. Zotrym does not respond or speak for the rest of the night. Lilli sleeps, restless.
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obsidiinium · 6 months
i am gonna post more writing i just needed to be back on my computer to edit and post and add to the table of contents and look mate-
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obsidiinium · 6 months
Chapter 4: The Compassionate Asylum for Victims of Mind Magic
Part 3
Zythraul nods. Lilli looks at them, then looks over at the monster now sitting and contemplating, before murmuring something and running off. The confused monster looks around, before shambling back into the asylum. Zythraul feels the pulse of something moving through the chasm portal. They scramble over to the patch of grass they saw the thing bounce into. It’s not hard to find; it looks very out of place in a patch of nature.
A palm-sized faceted black gem lays in the dirt, emanating a gentle prismatic glow. Fueled by the need to get away from the giant clawed thing, Zythraul grabs it. They feel a magical pulse run up their arm as their vision blurs and their thoughts cloud. Multiple powerful magical effects hit Zythraul like a punch in the sternum all at once, taking their breath. In their peripherals, Zythraul sees someone or something move past them, but with their vision suddenly taken from them they struggle to follow its path. They stumble, no longer sure which way the gate is.
They hear Krat rambling something but can’t make it out. Zythraul feels heavy footfalls vibrate through the ground… but they move away. From another direction now, Zythraul hears Krat’s voice.
“Oi scaley! This way yeah?” Their vision clears a little and they just barely see the small bouncing figure of Krat near what looks like the gate. They head in that direction.
Zythraul starts to make their way back towards Erbin’s Ire, letting their feet subconsciously remember the path. They lose track of Krat at some point through the hazy vision. Whispers in the back of their mind begin making themselves known, drawing their focus onto the object they still gripped firmly in their hand. It felt powerful. What was it? Why did it come out of the portal? How did Krat get it? What even is Krat? A weak pulse of divine contemplation wanted Zythraul to know it was neither good nor evil. Their vision and mind finally begins to clear as they stumble down the stairs and through the fake wall of The Sword and Scoundrel, where they see Lilli sitting at the bar, bouncing nervously in front of three empty glasses.
“Oh gods Zee! you made it!” Lilli leaps up and throws her arms around the puffing dragonborn.
Zythraul nods. They drop the gem onto the bar and pick up a glass put in front of them by Olon, promptly chugging it. Lilli picks the gem up to inspect it as Zythraul finishes their entire beverage. As Lilli makes contact with the stone Zythraul goes to utter a word of warning, but Lilli seems unaffected by the same magical nonsense that plagued Zythraul the whole way back. She looks at it curiously.
“Is this what Krat threw at you? It’s got weird magic feelings all over it.”
“Tell me about it. My brain feels like it’s been through a tornado from carrying that thing back.”
Lilli looks around quickly, appearing startled for a moment, before refocusing on the gem.
“I wonder if this is what blanked those people’s brains.” Zythraul just shrugs. Olon places another drink down in front of both of them.
“Speaking of the little devil, where is Krat? Don’t tell me those things got the best of it.” Lilli asks Zythraul, who shakes their head.
“Krat definitely got away. Apparently it’s very good at convincing things to do what Krat wants.” Zythraul pauses.
“I don’t actually know if we would have survived those things if Krat hadn’t been there.”
“Saving our asses huh. That little goblin almost deserves the rest of these gems it found for that.” They sit in silence for a beat, before Lilli speaks up.
“We should show this to Galodir. He might know what it has to do with anything.” Zythraul nods in agreement. They stand. Lilli follows.
Knocking on Galodir’s door elicits an immediate response.
“Come in.” They do.
Galodir sits at his desk but sits up at the reappearance of Zythraul and Lilli.
“Oh! you’re back. And you look like you’ve been through it. You weren’t even gone that long! What happened?” Lilli and Zythraul recount their day of the asylum, the chasm, the gem, the monsters in the garden, and the monsters from the portal, including their miraculous escape thanks to Krat and their retrieval of the weird gem Lilli now holds out. Galodir looks at it but doesn’t touch it, having been warned about the potential weirdness from Zythraul.
“Where is this little goblin friend of yours now?” Zythraul throws their hands in the air.
“Vanished before I made it back. It’s a stealthy little thing.” Galodir nods.
“I can’t know for sure... but this seems like some sort of arcane focus. The portal, the weird magical effects... I would hazard a guess that this came from the Underdark. I’ve heard stories of foci such as this but that’s all they were. Stories.”
“Do your childhood stories have anything more useful within them?” Lilli asks. Galodir raises an eyebrow but dismisses Lilli’s attitude.
“Yeah, actually. Some of them were known to send people mad from overuse. Something about a connection to a god of chaos and trickery.” Zythraul and Lilli look at each other concerned, and back at the gem.
“So you’re saying there might be more of these around?” Lilli asks. Galodir nods again. “mmhm.”
“That’s concerning. and if it’s an arcane focus that means it belongs - or did belong - to someone that no doubt, used it?” Zythraul contemplates. Another nod. Galodir is deep in thought now.
“This is beyond the scope of Erbin’s Ire to deal with. This needs to go to someone with better magical knowledge than anyone we have here. Maybe the wizards of the Many Starred Cloak or the scholars over in Candlekeep…” Everyone is silent for a moment before Lilli yawns. Zythraul sighs. Galodir looks them over once more.
“But you two look, quite frankly, awful. This can wait until tomorrow. Hold onto that, put it somewhere safe, and get some rest here. Also, go see Khari. She was busy rustling up something for you to say thanks for checking that out and not dying while you are at it.”
They do that. Khari is pleased to see them but less impressed at their various wounds and offers to mend Zythraul’s half melted armor, who accepts. She also pushes another box over to them and inside it is a potion, a bag, a spell scroll and a pair of goggles.
Afterwards, Zythraul and Lilli find a room deeper within The Sword and Scoundrel and collapse onto the beds.
“Just pop in and make a few coin hey? Great idea.” mumbles Zythraul, voice dripping with sarcasm. Lilli sticks her tongue out at the dragonborn. She pulls out and fiddles with the puzzle box but still hasn’t worked out how to open it. Annoyed, she stuffs it in her new bag and pulls out the spell scroll that Khari found for them. It has runes for the spell ‘Knock” on it. Zythraul falls asleep as Lilli is contemplating the spell scroll, committing it to memory. Next to her, the mysterious arcane focus pulses gently.
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obsidiinium · 6 months
Chapter 4: The Compassionate Asylum for Victims of Mind Magic
Part 2
“Definitely… uff…. A trap …huff” groans Lilli, lying on the ground for a moment to catch her breath.
Zythraul, also sitting on the ground, feeling sorry for themself, contemplates the touch of divinity they felt from Bahamut earlier today and starts to feel angry and the lack of help it was. Without warning, their body flashes bright with platinum energy. The acid burn marks across their scales vanish off them, drifting off in smoke. Lilli slaps her own face, sitting up. Her hands flash slightly and some of the acid burn marks come off her too.
Zythraul gets up and moves over to her, placing one clawed hand on the last acid burn on Lilli’s leg and gently muttering their oath to heal a few more of her injuries. They stand, helping Lilli to her feet. Behind them, they hear a clinking. It’s Krat, digging through the long dry fountain where the oozes came from. It holds up a gem, it’s eyes wide.
“Hey! What you got there Krat?” Lilli asks, walking over to investigate. Krat digs around some more and finds a large bottle with a thick red liquid in it. Excited, it goes to open it before Lilli snatches it away from the nilbog.
“Hey! I don’t believe you took a single hit just then. Maybe save that one for later.” Lilli digs around a bit and unearths five more gems, and a single glass chess piece.
“Keep that one gem you found. A reward for helping us.” Krat’s eyes grow wide and it cradles the gem.
“A… Reward? For Krat?” Krat goes quiet for a moment, contemplating its newly acquired gift. Krat slowly puts the gem in a small satchel strapped to it’s side. Lilli contemplates the chess piece.
“Huh. This doesn’t look like it should be worth anything but why is it here? In fact, why is this stuff here? And those monsters... they weren’t local goblins or zombies. They are from somewhere else. How did they get here?” Lilli falls silent in contemplation.
“Let’s keep moving. I’m going to check these doors.” Zythraul mutters.
They are made of stone, simply carved. After a quick look around, they give the door a nudge; it sticks for a second but slides open, just a smidge.
“Hey. These are unlocked.” Zythraul pushes the door open more. Lilli and and Krat follow them inside.
Inside is the recreation room of the former asylum. Tables are overturned, chairs lay scattered. Among the debris; a glass chess set, pencils and paper, board games. Everything has been scattered away from the centre of the room, pushed away by what appears to be a chasm that fills most of the floor of the room. The chasm - or rather portal, Zythraul realises - swirls with deep dark energy that slowly whirlpools around it’s opening. There is only a few feet of space for the adventurers to stand on the edge of it.
Everyone freezes.
“That is a strange place for a portal.” Zythraul states. Lilli takes a step back and presses herself up against the wall behind.
“You’re not wrong. Do you think that’s where the things we fought outside came from?” Zythraul shrugs and then nods.
“Do you think this has something to do with the people being found in the streets?”
“Probably. But this-” Zythraul motions at the chasm “Is way out of our league to even begin attempting to fix.” Lilli nods. She edges over to the scattered chess set, pulling out the glass chess piece she found in the pond and dropping it with the rest of them.
Krat, from behind them, sprints past at full speed towards the chasm, screeching in excitement.
“Krat! Wait!-” Lilli yells, as Krat swan dives headfirst down into the chasm, disappearing into it’s depths. Krat’s excited sounds fade and then are cut off. Zythraul and Lilli feel a pulse, like a soundwave through water, push past them as Krat’s voice vanishes.
Zythraul and Lilli stare at the chasm. Before either of them can say anything about the nilbog’s hubris, Krat comes flying back out of the chasm, landing on the edge close to Zythraul. The pulsating feeling repeats itself. Krat tumbles a few feet before stopping, it’s body wrapped around something cradled in it’s arms. It is still screeching, but this time in fear.
“Loogout! Run!” Krat manages to yell, before two more shapes, much larger this time, come flying out of the chasm after the nilbog. One lands on its feet, and one tumbles away across the room. The one creature that landed on its feet stares directly at Krat, and seeing the other two adventurers, snarls with large gnashing teeth. It’s eyes are pitch black, and it stands on back legs but supports it’s weight with it’s arms. The other one stands up behind it, also snarling.
“Outside! Go!” Zythraul pushes Lilli out the door, empowering the push with a blast of platinum protective energy that envelopes them both as they tumble out the door, both tripping over each other into a pile on the ground in their rush. Krat follows them but joins the pile on the garden ground.
Lilli grabs Zythraul’s arm and mutters something in infernal, before standing and running backwards towards the gates. Before they have a chance to follow, The first monstrous thing bursts out the door, stopping as it sees the Paladin and goblin lying before it. It takes a swipe at both of them, slicing through the melted acid damage of Zythraul’s scale mail. before it can make contact with it’s claws against Krat, it stops, leans, down, and appears to smile at the small goblinoid. Krat giggles and pats its nose.
“Good boy! Friend!” Krat squeaks, giving Zythraul a small thumbs up. Zythraul, baffled by Krat’s abilities, takes this reprieve to get up and run towards Lilli. Krat looks back at the monster now under it’s charm and yells,
“Good boys go home!” but it just shakes it’s head, scooping up Krat with gentle hands. Krat looks towards the door and waves it’s slightly melted scepter in the direction of the other monster. A jingle rings out and a few small wobbly light motes dance off towards it. The other creature makes it out the door and then stops. It furrows its brow, like it forgot what it was coming outside to do.
“He not angry, he just confused!” Krat cackles, petting the other monster again.
“What the fuck is that little guy?” Lilli mumbles, taking this opportunity to make a break for the gate. She darts through and gets behind the other side of the wall.
“Really though, friends go home?” Krat asks again. The monster shakes it’s head again, making pointed eye contact at the thing Krat has in its hand.
“You want this? Ohhh no, this Krat’s now. Friends share.” Krat says, holding it tighter.
“Krat, what is that? Do they want what you have?” Zythraul asks, pausing carefully.
“Is precious gift! Most wonderful!” Krat crows.
“Would you share it with me? We’re friends aren’t we?” Zythraul asks, knowing full well that Krat had very few reasons to even think of Zythraul as a friend. The nilbog contemplates for a second, looking at it’s hand, at the creature, and then at Zythraul.
“Hokay!” Krat throws it’s new treasure towards Zythraul. This decision by Krat catches Zyth off guard. They fling their hand out to catch it but miss. Thye see it bounce off into the grass nearby, but they also see both of the creatures eyes follow it as it moves away from them. The second creature watches it fly away but looks baffled by this event, and sits down, contemplatively. Lilli sticks her head through the gate.
“Zee! C’mon! we gotta get out of here!”
“Hang on! I want that thing Krat pulled from the chasm. Get out of here. I’ll meet you back at The Sword and Scoundrel.”
0 notes
obsidiinium · 6 months
Chapter 4: The Compassionate Asylum for Victims of Mind Magic
Part 1
Following the map of feebleminded victims, Zythraul and Humilty find a gate buried under creepers and rusting away slowly. The gate has a sign, barely legible;
Compassionate Asylum for Victims of Mind Magic. Zythraul and Lilli look at each other.
“Surely not..”
“No way… This has to be too obvious right?” A clunk and a distressed squawk echoes out behind them. They both turn around to see the nilbog Krat, flailing about on the ground after tripping over something.
“…Krat? what are you doing here?”
“Nothing. Definitely not following you. It just happened to be here, in the area. looking for…” Krat looks around, before picking up what it tripped over.
“This!” Zythraul looks disapprovingly at the Nilbog as Lilli walks over to it, taking the lantern from it. Krat flinches for a second before stopping to watch Lilli inspect the lantern with curiosity.
“Zee, this lantern… It’s new. It’s not been lying in this alley for long. The vines haven’t gotten to it yet.” Lilli goes to hand the lantern back to Krat but it has disappeared. Zythraul walks up to the gate and inspects it. There is blood dripping down one side of it, obscured by vines, but definitely fresh. On the other side of the gate are a set of spikes from a trap; already triggered. It got a target. They point it out to Lilli. She makes a disgusted face.
“I guess we’re going in to investigate this definitely, obviously a trap, right?”
“It does seem that way. Lets see if we can make it to an entrance.”
The two adventurers crouch down and attempt to sneak through the dilapidated garden of the building.
On the other side of the garden, they spy a set of large stone door leading into an overgrown brick building, long left to the ravages of time. As they walk further into the garden Zythraul hears a hiss to their right and sees a grey blur come at them, taking a swing at them. A few swipes go wide but one dagger just nicks them. They see a growling, many-limbed creature holding three daggers staring them down with spider eyes stop and snarl. Retaliating, Zythraul takes a swipe with their sickle but misses. The spider creature gets another swipe on them before screeching wildly and attempting to dart away, but the Paladin takes that opportunity to strike back.
The spider creature's sudden screeching rumbles the walls of a long-dry fountain. Zythraul and Lilli both see the rocks undulate and start moving towards them. It slimes it’s way up to Lilli but she steps back in disgust, avoiding it's hit. A sudden thunk and a screech echoes out as Krat comes out of nowhere and pummels the spider creature with it’s scepter, knocking it down to the ground. Lilli tries to take a swipe at the grey ooze now trying to engulf her, managing to takes a chunk out of it. It recoils. From the tree to Lilli’s left something drops out of it and lands on top of the tiefling, engulfing her head and upper body. There is a muffled scream from underneath the weird shape now grappling her. Zythraul is distracted by this and doesn’t see another ooze creep up and splash itself against their scale mail, melting and rusting both their armor and their own scales.
Zythraul looks down at their scales and back at the ooze. They sheath their sickle and unsheathe a vicious looking glaive, taking a swing at it and cutting a huge chunk off the ooze. The other grey ooze manages to splash itself back on Lilli. Krat scrambles up to the Ooze taking chunks out of Zythraul’s armor, and takes a whack at it with it’s scepter, splashing almost all of it away. The jester’s face on Krat’s scepter melts a bit and Krat gasps, offended. Lilli tries to wrestle the thing off her head but fails. The last dregs of grey ooze in front of Zythraul flail at the Dragonborn but misses. Zythraul sees the ooze going for Lilli and lunges at it with their glaive, cleaving it into pieces and watching it dissolve. Krat takes a swipe at the thing on Lilli’s head, knocking it loose and onto the ground. Now freed, Lilli takes a deep breath before fencing her rapier towards the thing, empowering her weapon with the anger and panic she just felt at not being able to breathe. It looks unwell, and a cloud of magical darkness erupts from around it in retaliation.
Everyone is lost in the darkness. Zythraul feels the burn of acid hit them again from somewhere in the darkness, the scale mail protecting them barely hanging onto their body now.
"Lil, get out of here!" They shout, before taking a swing in the dark at where the acid came from. They hear a splattering. They make a break for where they think the door is, finding the edge of the darkness. It disappears, and they look over to see Krat’s scepter in the body of the thing that tried to eat Lilli. Everything goes still. Nothing else comes for them. Everyone collapses to the floor.
0 notes
obsidiinium · 7 months
Chapter 3: The Lord is Dead
Part 3
They eventually turn down an alley, and then a quick left, then right between buildings; a few more twists and turns before finding the stairs Lilli was searching for.
Down the stairs, into another passage lined with two wooden pillars on each side. Lilli walks towards the end wall and disappears through it. Zythraul follows. The two adventurers find themselves in a small tavern; the entrance to the hideout of the vigilantes of Erbin’s Ire. It’s a little shabby; like a building built to be hidden under another building. And yet, it still gives off a warm and welcoming aura. A rickety wooden sign is stuck above the entrance that says “The Sword and Scoundrel” pinned in place with a dagger.
A few patrons move to intercept them before the barkeep - an elf man - intercedes and waves them down.
“Lilli! Zythraul! It’s about time you two showed your faces back here!” The patrons sit back down. The barkeep pulls three glasses and pours drinks; A large flagon of mead for Zythraul and two shots of straight whiskey for Lilli.
“Olon. Greetings.” Zythraul nods and drops a couple of silver on the bar as they take their drinks.
“Olon! Oh you scoundrel. Thank you.” Lilli winks and hops up on a barstool. “What’d we miss?”
“Depends. How long you been in town? Neverember was publicly disintegrated last night.”
“We saw. We were there.” Zythraul motions at the scars on their face. Olon looks surprised.
“Oh shit Zythraul! Apparently it was hellish at the festival.” Zythraul and Lilli both nod, confirming.
“Galodir has started getting people to look into it, despite dwindling numbers of useful bodies he has to investigate.” Lilli groans.
“Whyy do we have any care about the rich Neverwinter bastards murdering each other? One falls and another rises, it’s none of our business.” Zythraul says nothing but raises an eyebrow over their jug of mead. Olon nods.
“That is true, but plenty of regular people died last night. Even if it is none of our business, it’s worth getting the intel on. Speaking of, I’ll let him know you are here. He will want to see you two about that last job you finished.”
Olon leans over behind the bar and knocks on a panel in the wall.
“Finish your beverages. He won’t be long.”
It wasn’t. From a door at the other end of the bar appears Galodir. He says nothing, but makes eye contact with Zythraul and Humility and waits. They finish their drinks and head towards Galodir, leader of Erbin’s Ire.
Galodir continues to not speak as they walk through the door into a hallway, before a few short steps takes them to another room, with a desk and walls covered in papers; notes of various events and rumours regarding Neverwinter and the surrounds. Behind them, the door closes shut by a large, obsidian coloured big cat. The drow man pauses for a moment before turning, head down, looking concerned. Then, he looks up and smiles wide.
“It’s great to see you two.” and he opens his arms. Humility skips up to hug Galodir.
“And you.” Zythraul reaches out a hand to shake. Galodir removes himself from Lilli’s embrace and firmly shakes Zythraul’s hand.
“I take it your travel was uneventful? You both seem well rested.”
“It was. Longsaddle was grateful for the supplies. The people there don’t look well after that plague swept through their crops. “
“Thank you. I’ll let Khari know. I think she has some stuff for you that we liberated previously.”
“Sweet! What’s new that you have for us? We could use the coin.”
“Well, we need people to go investigate the Lord Neverember’s deat….”
“Oh, no no no. Don’t you dare. We aren’t getting involved in that.” Galodir chuckles at Lilli’s protests.
“I figured as much. Well, in that case… I’ve been getting information and rumours about a few different problems I think are right up your alley.” Galodir points at the wall of notes. He paused, thoughtful for a moment.
“I should let you two know that they are going to be shutting down the city at sundown tonight, hoping to catch whoever had a hand in Neverember’s death within the walls. It’s going to be a lot harder to leave if you stay until tomorrow, just in case that changes your decisions.”
Zythraul and Lilli look at each other.
“Maybe we should get out of town for a bit, let this all simmer down.”
“I do think that’s a good idea, except all these people appearing feebleminded on the streets is concerning. It’s not going to get any better if more people are trapped within the city’s walls.” mentions Galodir.
“Truthfully, I’m most concerned about them.”
“You can just ask us to go check that out, Gal, we are at your command.” Humility mock bows and Galodir pulls a face at the nickname.
“I would appreciate it if you could. I might be able to have Khari rustle up something more for you if you do. If you do decide you want to leave the city at a later date, I can also assist with that. It just might be more difficult than walking out the front gate.” Galodir raises his palms.
“Think on it. Go and see Khari. She has been wondering how you got on. Come back to me once you have and I will have all the information you need to investigate these people collated and ready for you.”
Outside Galodir’s office and down a hallway, followed by some stairs, there is the sound of banging and crashing. The stairs give way to a large storeroom and Khari the gnome quartermaster can be seen tutting over a fallen stack of boxes.
“Ugh! Who put these hereeooooooh my gods Lilli! Zythraul!” Khari comes bounding up to them, leaping onto a box next to the door to be eye level with the two adventurers. She claps Zythraul on the shoulder and throw her arms around Humility.
“I was wondering about you two! Thought you might ‘ave died on the road to Longsaddle! Your timing is excellent. I was just digging around in these boxes and I think the one that we put aside for you two is in this pile lying on the ground!”
Khari goes back to the jumble of boxes and pushes some around before dragging one out.
“Here! Payment for your work and your share of our repurposed belongings of the rich of Neverwinter!” Khari kicks the box lid off. There is an assortment of jewellery, a mirror, and a statue, as well as a mask and a silk handkerchief. Lilli sorts through them, taking the handkerchief for herself and handing Zythraul the mask. Digging further into the box reveals a hood, a pair of leg wraps and a pair of gloves. The gloves look to disappear when Lilli puts them on. Lilli hands Zythraul the leg wraps; they have small dragon wings embroidered on them. Lilli also grabs the hood and puts it on, doing a little twirl.
“How do I look?” Zythraul looks up to see Lilli striking a pose with her new gloves, scarf and hood.
“Stunning.” They state. As Zythraul stands, their steps feel a bit lighter. Lilli glances at her new hood, puts it back on, looks at Zythraul, and winks. As she does, she suddenly looks like a smaller Zythraul.
“Sweeeeet! This is great!” She winks again and becomes Lilli once more.
“Thanks Khari, these are fabulous!” Khari laughs at Lilli’s antics and wishes them farewell as they return to Galodir.
He hands Lilli a handful of notes, barely legible scribbles of known information.
People are being found left feebleminded in the street, no memory.
All around lower Neverwinter - not the rich people suburbs.
None of them have been able to be returned to their normal state.
There might still be people missing.
There is also a map of Neverwinter with various marked locations - a record of people found so far.
Zythraul and Lilli thank Galodir and head out, waving to Olon on the way out of The Sword and Scoundrel to begin investigating.
0 notes
obsidiinium · 7 months
Chapter 3: The Lord is Dead
Part 2
“Bahamut really does smile upon you.” A voice murmurs from behind Zythraul. Focus and another acolyte approach the altar as Zythraul stands.
“It is nice to see everyone is well here. We noticed Zythraul that your clothes and armor could do with a clean and a repair. If you are in no rush to leave, we could have a few of the initiates tend to it for you? It won’t be long. I’m sure Holme would love the time for catching up.”
Zythraul glances down at their outfit. their shirt is tattered from the battle the night before, and the scales of their armor had spots of rust coming through.
“You know what? I won’t turn it down.”
Zythraul moves out to the garden where Lilli has begun a gentle calming tune on her violin. Holme and a few others litter the courtyard. Some commoners coming in to the temple to seek a sense of reverence and safety; There are signs that people stayed overnight after the attack on the festival. Young ones in initiate robes tend to the garden or simply sit and listen to Humility’s music. Humility sees the glint of Zythraul’s silver scales on full display, etched and inked tattoos lining their chest as they walk past and she whistles, winking at the shirtless Dragonborn as they make eye contact. Zythraul feels slightly more self conscious as Holme sees them and comes over.
“Ah! Zythraul. Humility told me how you two fared last night. Not too much lasting damage to you I see. Bless Bahamut for keeping you alive. And protecting children! I would expect nothing less. Walk with me? Let me show you all the new growth in the garden since last you were home last.”
Zythraul bows quickly and nods, falling into step with the halfling. They begin a walk around the garden.
“What do you know of last night? What happened?”
“Did Lilli not say?”
“No, she did. She does love to embellish her tales though.” Zyth snorts.
“That she does. Neverember went to make his speech. Then he was silenced and disintegrated. The crowd was attacked. We were attacked. By monsters and guards both. Do you know anything more?” Holme shakes her head.
“Alas no. What Focus knows is all we know. Information gathering isn’t really a conscious pastime of ours, it just sort of… Happens. There are awful things happening to people all around the city at the moment. It feels worse than normal. More people come to us for aid, but we can only do so much. Attacks on the High Road, people losing their minds in the streets...”
“And now Neverember…”
“And now this! The people of Neverwinter have seen enough lately. The death of the Lord can only bring worse things down on us. I know you probably weren’t thinking of staying in Neverwinter, Zythraulthillan, but we could use your strength here. You could do a lot of good.” Holme glances up at the Dragonborn as they round the corner in the far end of the garden. The path ends at a small group of hot springs, fuelled by deep underground geothermal heat sinks and filled by the nearby Blue Lake. The humid air settles on the garden surrounds, giving them extra vibrancy and life. Holme glances once more at Zythraul.
“Your stuff won’t take too much longer to mend. I’ll leave you be, but please… consider my thoughts.”
Zythraul takes off the last of their clothes and takes a dip in the hot springs, submerging themselves under the water for a bit and warming their scales.
They get out and find their stuff waiting for them on a nearby tree stump. Zythraul dresses and goes to find Humility who is playing the final few notes of a song on her violin. After a few goodbyes the two adventurers leave the temple and start to head through the lower class parts of Neverwinter.
“So, we go and give Galodir a visit, and see what he has for us I guess? It’s been a while since we checked in.” Humility says as they walk. Zythraul nods. A blur flashes past Humility and her bag is jostled. A small goblin creature cackles as it runs past, holding a fistful of fine smoked meats and a small puzzle box.
“Hey! give that back! What the heck! Zythraul! Catch it! Hey! You! Stop!” Humility shouts forcefully at the little goblin looking creature, who freezes in it’s tracks. Zythraul gets a good look at the creature now it has stopped, ill gotten gains clutched in its hands. They walk up and grab it. It almost drops but barely holds onto it’s loot.
“Heya! Leggo o’ me you brute! I meant noffin by it!” It wiggles around for a minute in Zythraul’s hand before taking a swing at them, smacking them with a small scepter.
“Ow! Cut that out! Give me our things back and you can be gone in peace.”
Lilli stalks up and snatches the puzzle box out of the creature’s hands. She looks at it for a moment.
“You’re a nilbog. What are you doing in a city? That’s a bit risky isn’t it?” It looks forlorn now, hanging in Zythraul’s hand without being able to escape.
“Yeeeee well I was snacky. Ci’ies have all the good snacks! And besides, I was boo’ed from me clan for bein’ a nuisance.” Zythraul rolls their eyes.
“I can see why.”
“i CaN sEe WhY.” The nilbolg mimics Zythraul mockingly.
“I’m going to put you back on the ground, and you can leave. Keep the meats. If we ever see you again you are going to owe us. Okay?” The nilbog nods excitedly.
“Yes yes! Oke. Of course. I di’nt mean anyfin harmful by it! I’m sorry, I won’ do it t’ you again!”
Zythraul places the nilbolg on the ground. It rights itself and straightens out it’s clothes; an assortment of brightly coloured rags belted on. Lilli bends down. The nilbolg flinches.
“Do you have a name?” Lilli asks. The nilbog glances furtively at her.
“Is Krat. why you wanna know?”
“Nice to meet you Krat. I’m Humility, and this is Zythraul.” She reaches out and shakes Krat’s hand. It takes it and shakes it back.
“Why you bein’ so nice t’ Krat?”
“Like you said, you didn’t mean anything by it. Have a lovely day Krat.” and Lilli stands up and she and Zythraul walk off.
1 note · View note
obsidiinium · 7 months
Chapter 3: The Lord is Dead
Part 1
Zythraul and Humility leave the tavern the next morning and enter onto the street, deciding to join Focus on their way back to the temple of Bahamut. The air is hazy with the smoke of fires still burning somewhere in the distance. A few of the buildings have scorch marks and scratch marks on them. A pair of guards patrol past, giving a terse but cursory glance to the three now standing at the door of the tavern. Without speaking, Focus motions with their head in the direction of the temple. As they walk, they hear a voice in their direction.
“Oh, oh my goodness excuse me!” Zythraul and Humility turn around with a start. The half-elf carpenter that was attacked by bugs yesterday runs up to them.
“Ahh, I thought it was you! Apparently I was rescued from the brink of death, brought on by a swarm of vicious insects by a Dragonborn and a Tiefling, and you-” and he points at Zythraul
“Look just like the vague recollection I had of this event.”
“Why yes! It was us!” Humility winks.
“It is heartening to see you doing well today sir.” Zythraul adds.
“Hah! Imagine being almost killed by a swarm of bugs! What a way to go!” He chuckles. Lilli throws a quick glance at Zythraul before laughing along.
“Anyway, wait here, I have something for you in gratitude.” He ducks inside his store.
“No you really don’t…” Zythraul starts but Lilli lays a hand on their arm, shaking her head. He returns in a moment holding a small wooden box and a small pouch.
“It’s not much, but its something I think you’ll like. But first!” He hands the small pouch to Lilli. The sound of coins clinking can be heard inside.
“And this! It’s just a fun little puzzle box that I sell to children. It can hold a small note or trinket inside as a reward for solving it. I hope you enjoy it!” he also hands that to Lilli.
“This is wonderful! Thank you so much!” Lilli is immediately fascinated by the puzzle box and wanders off down the road.
“It was nothing. It’s what we should have done. Have a blessed day sir.” Zythraul bows slightly and follows Lilli.
“And you! Take care!”
Lilli works on the puzzle box as they walk down the street, until they come across a robed human man waving his arms around and shouting. He is being ignored, bar a few bored onlookers. As the group draw closer everyone hears what he is shouting.
“…And that is why Neverember was smote from his place in the sky! Corrupt and overfeeding on the successes and fruits of his people’s labour while he did nothing! That’s right! Neverember was never going to be the saviour of Neverwinter and last night’s festival proves it! Neverwinter has been forsaken by the gods and deserves to fall into ruin!! Flee, flee while you still can for you will all be sacrificed at the feet of…”
He is cut off as guards rush him and drag him away. As he is grabbed he changes his face; an illusion spell lost concentration. His skin darkens and his bottom teeth lengthen above his lip. The orc man is dragged away down the street.
The three continue down the street to arrive at the steps of Temple of Bahamut. Built of a pale stone, the temple of Bahamut is unadorned but elegant white rock with white, blue and gold banners greeting them. Focus walks up the steps without hesitation. Zythraul pauses for a moment, taking in the familiar visage of the temple they trained at for years. It is a comfortable, familiar memory. Behind them, Lilli sighs.
“Been a minute, huh? I’m sure you don’t need me standing around while you chit chat about all your past traumas and good ol’ Bahamut so I’ll just…” Lilli tries to wander off, but Zythraul stops her.
“I’m sure Holme and the others would love to see you Humility. Maybe even have you play for them?” Lilli rolls her eyes.
“Fiiiiine. You know who we should go see if we want some money-”
“Yes. And I figured we plan to after we leave here. Anyway, plenty of people come through the temple. Someone might know something about last night - not that I want to get involved! - or leads about where we can find some work. and coin.”
Humility makes sarcastically disdainful eyes at Zythraul as she walks past, pretending to be annoyed at the Dragonborn’s good ideas. Zythraul follows her and Focus inside.
The front door leads directly into the main chapel. A massive marble carving of a resting Bahamut in platinum dragon form sits at the end of the chapel, calmly judging all who enter the temple. Behind the statue a large, well-tended garden stretches out. Further on, the sounds of combat sparring. Few of the clergy can be found here. Focus greets one to talk to who appears relieved that they were alive after last night. Another does a double take as they notice a travel-worn Zythraul walk in. There are a few commoners around, receiving blessings or help from temple clergy.
Humility struts through, waving briefly at the statue before heading out to the garden. Zythraul approaches the statue slowly, pulling out a chain from under their shirt that holds a symbol of Bahamut. They hold it loosely as they kneel in front of the statue.
Evil never rests and neither shall I.
Evil shows no mercy, and neither shall I.
I am a bastion of protection for those who require it.
By Any Means Necessary.
Resting on the steps of the altar with the visage of Bahamut looming over them, Zythraul senses a gentle divine presence turn it’s focus onto them and wash over their entire being like a wave of the ocean covering the shore. For a moment Zythraul thinks they hear a gentle grumble, like the voice of a colossal being speak in draconic;
Stay Strong, Young Dragon.
and the feeling of static electricity rushes across their scales for the briefest of moments while Zythraul’s vision is filled with platinum light. And then, nothing. Silence, sunlight. Zythraul releases the breath they were holding in.
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obsidiinium · 7 months
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nothing to see here. just practicing character faces.
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obsidiinium · 7 months
rapid firing my posting of chapter chunks because how sad is it when you get halfway through a good bit and then... nothing. crickets
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obsidiinium · 7 months
Chapter 2: The Festival of Tyr
part 4
Most of the crowd has dissipated, but near the exit Zythraul and Lilli discover more dead bodies. Swathes of them. Adults and children in an arc, all facing the exit of the festival.
“No! Don’t go that way! It’ll get you!” from the right, huddled behind a tent, a tense little voice shouts at the two of them. A group of kids, scared, bloodied, but alive.
“What will…” Zythraul asks, As they feel a rush of air fly past their face.
“That!” the kids scream. Huddling together more. Zythraul pushes Lilli towards the children, readying their weapon. Too slow; they feel multiple sharp raking claws tear across the left side of their face as something invisible makes contact. Zythraul feels an evil burning sting hit them. Zythraul stumbles back, repeating their oath once more.
“It’s there! Right in front of you!”
“It? What? Ugh! Zythraul, look out!” Lilli shouts as she unleashes another thunderwave in Zythraul’s direction. They react too slowly and are thrown forwards; as they do they hear a screech of something also taking the hit and presumably being flung in the same direction as them. They sheath their sickle.
“Where is it.” They growl. The air around their mouth starts to condense as if the temperature suddenly dropped below freezing. One of the children shouts,
“There! In front of the jullewy!” Zythraul sees the jeweller’s market stall and in the reflections can see the vaguest shape of a humanoid standing not far in front of themself.
Zythraul roars, unleashing a blast of cold in the direction of where the attacker appeared to be. The cone of cold blasts forwards but appears to hit nothing. They feel another rush of air fly at their chest but no sharp contact. From behind, Zythraul hears Lilli comforting the children, and then,
“Zythraul! this is what you do! You do it well!”
Zythraul takes a breath, re-drawing their sickle and with a glance at the reflections in the jewellery, sees the barest humanoid form reflected in front of them, and takes another swipe. It hits nothing but air and Zythraul stumbles. As they do they feel the evil sharpness make contact with their right shoulder. A roar escapes them as they stumble backwards, feeling another puff of air blast just barely miss the other shoulder.
“ZYTHRAUL!” Lilli screams, before filling the air with something in infernal. Zythraul hears a screech reflected in front of them as Lilli’s infernal words slam into whatever is attempting to turn Zythraul into mince meat.
Zythraul takes another swing and this time, it connects with… something. One final shriek emanates from whatever Zythraul just hit and they feel the body slump to the ground off their sickle. a humanoid body becomes visible; smooth grey skin and jagged claws stretching from it's knuckles. Behind them, the children cheer. Zythraul looks around for anything else, prepared to keep fighting. But nothing comes. Lilli urges the children to make a break for the entrance and find safety. They do so. She comes up to Zythraul and steps under their arm, helping them stay standing as they inspect their wounds.
“Let’s go.”
Together they stumble back to the Knights Eye. They go to open the door but it doesn’t budge. Zythraul groans, pain from the various gashes littering their body starting to make themselves known. Lillli hammers the door.
“Oi! Open up! We are patrons! We paid you good! We’re hurt!” A moment passes and some mumbling can be heard, before some sliding sounds and the door creaks open. Heswyse stands there, large kitchen knife in hand, alongside Benney who is holding the door. They peek around, recognising the two adventurers before ushering them in quickly.
Humility places Zythraul on a chair and plonks herself down next to them. Heswyse and Benney slide some tables and chairs back in front of the door, aided by the few patrons that are still inside. They turn to Lilli.
“Damn, good to see you two… uh, alive? Mostly? It went nuts out there hey? And what was that voice? and Lord Neverember… oh dear.” Heswyse sighs. Benney shakes his head forlornly at her side. In the distance, the occasional boom and sounds of battle. One particularly large bang rattles the tavern building.
“Yeah. Fuck knows. Good to see you all relatively unscathed in here too.” Zythraul mumbles, finding a napkin to dab at their wounds with. Lilli glances at Zythraul’s sorry state and looks back at Heswyse.
“I think my friend here has earned a drink. Be a dear? They saved children tonight… And myself.” Helwyse jumps to a start.
“Of course! Of course! Children, oh bless youse. We have no intention of opening that blasted door for the rest of the evening, so we might as well keep drinking! To a better sunrise tomorrow eh?” she strides off, coming back monentarily with Benney holding two large flagons of ale.
“This ale was some of the stock for the festival so we might as well enjoy it!” Heswyse smiles slightly, before losing the smile, pausing, and chugging a large mouthful of her drink. Benney hands one each flagon to Zythraul and Lilli. Lilli takes them both graciously and passes on to Zythraul’s empty hand.
“Cheers friend. To another successful night of you protecting my ass.” Lilli clinks her flagon to Zythraul’s before taking a sip, and making a face. Zythraul chuckles, then groans, taking a large swig of theirs.
“You look hurt. Please, may I?” A voice approaches Zythraul. Looking up reveals a tiefling, light blue skin, in gentle flowing - slightly dirtied - silver and blue robes. They kneel and lay a hand on Zythraul’s knee. A bright glow reminiscent of Zythraul’s own divine connection envelopes the silver dragonborn’s wounds. They feel the necrotic burning fade away and the slash marks covering their body start to knit back together. Zythraul breathes deeply as the power of Bahamut washes over them.
“Most grateful. We have not met and yet it, seems we follow a similar path.” Zythraul says, putting down the napkin they were using to mop up their blood and placing their fist on their chest in reverence.
“Aye. We haven’t met. but Holme has spoken often and proudly of a silver dragonborn that trained here at the temple in Neverwinter. I saw you speaking to her at the festival, so I can only assume they meant you?” Zythraul nods.
‘No doubt. Zythraul. Pleasure.”
“I go by Focus. Likewise.” Focus similarly places a fist on their chest, leaning their head forwards.
“Hiya! I’m Humility, but you can shorten that to Lilli. I have no connections to Bahamut apart from one of his followers throwing themselves in front of the danger for me more often than not, but it is a pleasure. Thanks for healing Zee.” Lilli reaches out a hand to shake. Focus takes it, grins, and speaks a short greeting in infernal. This in turn makes Lilli smile more as she returns the greeting.
“Do you know anything about what happened tonight?” Zythraul asks. Focus pauses for a moment.
“I am new to both the city and only recently initiated, however... We have had more people coming to the temple lately feeling some effect of a bad omen. Holme has not appeared concerned so far but I've been overhearing rumours of cultists in the woods. People turning up enfeebled in the streets... But anything about the Neverember family under threat? No.” Focus falls quiet.
The quiet lingers through the tavern for the rest of the night, the only small snippets of conversation interjected with the occasional sound of explosions or weapons clashing. Eventually everyone filters off to bed. Heswyse offers a spare bed to Focus. They accept. Lilli and Zythraul return to their room, which remains untouched. Zythraul falls straight into bed and is almost immediately asleep. Humility stays up just a bit longer, on edge and on guard, watching flares of lights flicker out the window before they too fall asleep.
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