#obsidian bfdi
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tangramkey · 10 months ago
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I made gijinkas of Ruby and all her sisters !!! Who is your favorite?
(Version without names under the cut!!!)
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tl-screenshots · 2 months ago
BFDI Characters
8-Ball 9-Ball A A duck Amber Amethyst Ammolite Anchor Announcer Anvil Apple Aquamarine Avocado Axinite Baby Balloony Bally Banana Apple Barf Bag Basketball Battery BBQ Sauce BeiBei Bell Benitoite Billy Bob Joe Birthday Cake Black Hole Blender Blocky Bomby Bone Book Boombox Boom Mic Bottle Bracelety Bubble Burrito Bugs Buttslide Man Cake Cake's Dad Camera Cave Drawing Naily Cereal Box Clapboard Carrot Cakes Check-It Eyebrows Cheeseburger Cheese Orb Cherry Jr. Chips Chompy Christmas Tree Chrysoberyl Clock Cloudy Coiny Conch Shell Coral Cord Clip Credit Card CRT Cube Polyhedron Cube Roller Cubey Cursed Announcer with Body David Davidworm Deadly Diamond Diamond (ABCDEFG) Dioptase Discy Divide Operator Dodecahedron Polyhedron Donut Dora Dragon Drear-Top Eggy Eight Eighth Note Electric Guitar Emerald Eraser Evidence Bag Evil Leafy Exploding David Fanny Fake Firey Feldspar Fifteen Firey Firey Jr. Fire Monster Firey Speaker Box Firey Speaker Box's Clone Fish Monster Five Flower Flower Speaker Box Fluorite Foldy Football Player Four Fourteen Fries Frog Frozen Yogurt Fry Garnet Gaty Gelatin Glass Glue Gold Golf Ball Gramophone Grandfather Clock Grassy Gratitude Hello Kevin Hematite Hexagon Speaker Box Hot Sauce Ice Cube Icosahedron Polyhedron Income Tax Return Document Infinity lolite Ivory Jade Jasper JingJing Juice Box Johnson Jordan Kabab Kitchen Sink Kornerupine Lapis Lazuill Leafy Leafy's Family Leek Lego Brick Lewis Lightbulb Lightning Lithium Liy Lollipop Loser Lottery Speaker Box Malachite Marble Marble Bottle Marker Match Member Metronome Milkshake Minus Operator Mocha Mouth Naily Needle Nickel Nickel (Inanimate Insanity) Nine Nonagon Polygon Nonexisty N Variable O Obsidian Octagon Polygon Octahedron Polyhedron One One-Half Fraction One-Quarter Fraction One-Third Fraction Onigiri Opal Pastel Feather PDA Pearl Pen Pencil Peridot Phi Irrational Pie Pi Irrational Pillow Pin Plus Operator Poo Popcorn Portable Music Player Popsicle Price Tag Profily Puffball Puffball Speaker Box Pumpkin Puppet Purple Face Purple Girl with Wind Hair and Angry Eyes Purple Round Speaker Pyrite Quadrilateral Polygon Quartz Radio Announcer Raisin Ramen Noodles Rectangle Polygon Remote Robot Butlers Robot Flower Roboty Rocky Rose Rubber Spatula Ruby Rusty Coin Salt Lamp Sam Sam (Salmon Fiveyears) Sapphire Saw Scared/Dumb Scissors Selfie Dog Seven Shampoo Shirty Shopping Cart Side-View X Six Skull Sling Shot Singing Narrator Slivery Snare Drum Snowball Spike Ball Speaker Box Spongy Spray Can Square Polygon Square Root Operator Stapy Steamy Strudel Super Fan Taco Tape Teabag Teardrop Ten Tent Tennis Ball Tennis Ball Speaker Box Tetrahedron Polyhedron Times Operator Thirteen Three Three-Quarters Fraction Topaz Touch-Tone Tree Triangle Polygon Triangle Speaker Box Tune Turquoise TV Two Undecagon Polygon USB Vacuum VHSy Variscite Vomit Waffle Water Bottle Winner Woody X Yellow Face Yellow Facey Yellow Watermelon Your Mom Your Name Y Variable Zero Z Variable
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peteytheparrot · 1 year ago
answer 12 for obsidian pls pls pls!!!!! also my cousin can do a 4 impression but it doesnt come good on microphones. have u watched the other bfdi seasons or just bfb?
12 - honestly idfk LMAO ☠️☠️☠️
I’ve just watched bfb
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kingcirclesimp2025 · 7 months ago
Desc of Artist's Palace characters!!
Carter: An artist who owns an art museum since he was 19. He was abused by his parents when he was young. He hates his life.
Voice Claim: Shinji from Evangelion (English dub)
Piella: She has dwarfism, and is mostly mistaken as a gnome. She has a pet cat named Obsidian. Obsidian can also talk, and usually calls Piella his "Master."
voice claim: Piella- Mojiko from Mojib Ribbon
Obsidian - Puss in Boots from Shrek
Paperman: He is a narcistic artist who doesn't care about anyone but himself. He became what he is now in an incident in a factory he is working at.
Voice claim: Judgement Boy from Gregory Horror Show
Blobber: A sentient paint blob who is secretly a spy. His parents got killed brutally when he was just 7.
Voice claim: Medic from TF2
Tusiata: He is a dog who went sentient and is aware he is a dog. He also hates art, which means he hates Carter. He prefers music over art.
Voice claim: Wallace from Wallace and Gromit
Fake Carter: He is a failed clone of Carter who is forced to be experimented on. He escaped containment in a lab incident which involves him. He can speak, but in a strange accent.
Voice claim: Sundrop from FNAF SB... but with a weirder accent
DoodleFace: A evil doodle who has no plans but to destroy Carter and take his territory. He is actually a robot, built by doodlehead.
Voice claim: Entbrat from MSM
Doodlehead: a man with a doodle of a face as a head. He is cartoony a lot. idk what else to describe him lol
Voice Claim: Yellow Face from BFDI
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