#obsessed with comics helia he's so funny
floralovebot 2 months
has any of your headcanons about helia changed? aaaand how has your perception of helia changed? also as someone who hasn鈥檛 read the comics (yet) how is his personality different in the comics than in the show?
changed headcanons,,, my backstory for him changes every five minutes so there's that ajdhg but i've also started to think of his potential off-screen family in a different way too! i used to headcanon that his parents were really sweet and caring, but now i'm just like. that boy had tiger parents and it Shows
perception... when i was like 10 i definitely thought of him in that more fanony way where he's just Super Sweet and pacifistic! mostly cause i only liked him because i liked flora, so i didn't really pay attention to his personality. plus i was 10 aljhdg so my perception of him has definitely changed! i pay more attention to what he actually says and does compared to what other characters just think of him yknow?
honestly, i don't think his personality in the comics is that different from the show, we just get a lot more helia-centric moments in the comics than in the show. i think that was always his intended personality, they just didn't show it well :( but anyway! in the comics, he's a little sassier, a lot more anxious and depressed, a little more standoffish with the specialists and strangers, and a lot more ,,, well just more! he has More of a personality. it's weird but the cartoon version of him (at least in the first three seasons) feels more like a footnote of what they wanted him to be, while the comics just had More.
that's how i think of him at least. some fans have said that helia is Really different in the comics but honestly, i think he just has more personality. it's like that with all of the specialists tbh! it's just more apparent with helia since he was barely in the first three seasons
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florelia12 1 year
ahhh same i'm obsessed with brandon and helia's friendship! it's So interesting!! like i think brandon, more often than not, is a lot more focused on sky and stella so while he is definitely friendly and outgoing, he also isn't exactly trying to make New Best Friends yknow? and helia also wasn't trying to do that with the specialists, it just kind of happened. i feel like they both recognized and respected that about each other! like they realized that the other person was just being friendly and not trying to be Buddies so they rarely if ever talked to each other on their own.
but even then, later on, you can see them making that kind of best friend banter and trusting each other on really important things (like brandon trusting helia in the comics and in s3!). their friendship is So understated and despite it only happening because they have mutual friends, they managed to trust each other and build a friendship that's just as strong as their friendships with the other specialists. honestly, i think brandon's much chiller approach to helia was something that helia really appreciated compared to timmy being Overly Friendly, riven hating him, and sky using him to fight riven. like... he definitely liked that brandon didn't care about him at all aljdhgljadg
(and on the topic of brandon not trusting helia if he never left, i definitely think brandon would know better and know that he's not like a spy or anything but instead wouldn't trust him in other ways. helia not wanting to be friends or get close to them would def set brandon's red flag alert off and i don't think he would trust him as much on missions or in their personal life. kind of how he didn't immediately like or trust riven and occasionally doubted him on missions!)
Oh I definitely agree that Brandon is a lot more focused on Stella and Sky! Like yeah he isnt trying ti be besties with everyone but I like that he also like goes out of the way to interact with the rest of the group like him talking to musa in the resort realm episode and he鈥檚 also quite sweet to Flora? Idk if that鈥檚 canon actually but i think it was that episode where Diaspro gets kidnapped like she seems really comfortable around him
Also yess i love their like banter and honestly just the Specialists dynamics are so cute! I love this comic panel tho like Helia teasing Stella!!
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In the context of like in an AU where Helia never left i was kind of leaning more into Brandon really paying attention to gossip or rumours. Like he is the one who made the pacifist comment which i doubt Helia ever said out loud to him ya know. So i think he would like be wary of him based off what he鈥檚 heard about Helia. But, he thinks he鈥檚 not showing it but Helia鈥檚 too observant to know what Brandon actually thinks of him so they both have this very polite yet snarky undertone in their first few interactions? Which is kinda funny until you know they secretly do something to kind of prove to each other that hey im chill
But, of course they are besties i mean Helia left Red Fountain because he thought he almost killed Brandon among other reasons.
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floralovebot 2 months
Oh! I have some headcanon of the friendship dynamic between Darcy, Riven and Helia (plus if Nabu or Flora are added). It's like a kind of strange trio that understands each other perfectly.
And Helia and Stormy would be chaotic!
Sometimes it's nice to experience interactions between Trix and Specialists.
What headcanons do you have about Florelia/Driven?
darcy/riven/helia friendship dynamics... ohmy we love to see it..... they'd be pretty messy at first but i can see it growing to a real power trio dynamic! same dude i love trix/specialists dynamics it's so funny tom me (like stormy liking brandon in the comics or the trix trying to get helia to talk to them while he just blank face silent treatment Like aljhgdldahgl)
if we're talking romantic florelia/driven... i was just obsesed with rivelia and flora/darcy (florcy?? dara... flodar... florarcy..... good god their names Do Not go well together) separately and then i was like wait,,, i can combine this aljhgdl
flora and darcy making potions together.. darcy and helia doing yoga together... riven teaching flora self-defense,, darcy ranting to all of them about icy's new monster boyfriend,,, helia and darcy going to their stupid hipster goth cafes,,,, darcy loving flora's grabbing vines (darcy is the only other person the vines are nice too),,, OUGHHHHH just absolutely obsessed with them
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