avelynss · 12 days
Echoes of Betrayal
Warnings: Spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy, Aged up characters.
Word Count:  3.5k
Summary: After Ranrok’s defeat, Avelyn sealed her destiny with a fateful decision: to absorb the last vestige of dark power from the vault and vanish. Now, two years later, the Ministry of Magic tasks a newly appointed Auror, with the formidable challenge of finding and capturing her. Yet, deep within the core of his being, a powerful instinct compels Sebastian to protect her at all costs, even if she has transformed into something monstrous beyond recognition.
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A throng of Ministry officials moved across the castle floors, as clouds of dust rose in what remained of the school. The sound of heels, determined and violent, echoed through the castle, setting an unyielding rhythm.
Traces of ancient magic pervaded the air of the now-ruined castle, guiding them almost naturally towards their objective. Their mission was not only to capture the source of this extremely powerful and dangerous magic but also the one person who seemed capable of possessing and controlling it. They believed that Avelyn’s presence had been the cause of the devastation they faced.
The air was charged with a different aura from what had once been its home. Since Ranrok absorbed the power from the last hidden store beneath the castle, Hogwarts had been left in ruins. Although Avelyn managed to defeat him, the battle had left the castle in ruins. However, Ranrok’s defeat was just the beginning of an even greater darkness. Desperate for the power he had sought, Avelyn decided to absorb that dark energy herself, acquiring unimaginable  and terrifying power for a witch of her youth.
The Ministry was unaware of the darker aspects of what had happened in the stores, and their understanding of the situation was superficial and flawed. They believed that Avelyn had escaped with that fearsome power, and capturing her had become an absolute priority. However, Avelyn’s true intentions remained hidden. Gone from sight, her whereabouts were a mystery, and her goals a terrifying enigma. The search intensified, but the real threat of what Avelyn could do with her new strength remained beyond the reach of those trying to stop her.
The freckled man moved stealthily behind them, dressed in the same attire as his colleagues, an indication that his desire to become an Auror upon completing his studies had been fulfilled, and he was also on the hunt. The uniform presented itself in an enigmatic and elegant all-black ensemble. His elongated robe, with an impeccable cut, accentuated his slim and well-defined figure, flowing with an effortless air of sophistication. The black shirt, fitted and tailored to his torso, outlined the muscles subtly visible beneath the fabric, suggesting the discipline and physical work he had invested to reach his current position.
His brown hair, carefully combed to the side, contrasted with the deep black of his clothing, giving him a touch of calculated refinement. His freckled face emanated a controlled intensity. His jaw was slightly tense at the situation, revealing his defined jawline, and his neck, stretched and snug in the shirt, highlighted the determination and tension emanating from his presence. The combination of his outfit and expression projected an image of authority and purpose, ready to face any challenge that came his way.
Yet, his imposing exterior could not hide the storm raging within him. Anguish tormented him, unable to understand why she had embraced such a dark fate. The betrayal, even towards himself, perplexed him in a way that caused him deep pain, leaving scars he could not mask.
Noticing that the Aurors were distracted, Sebastian slipped cautiously into the Slytherin common room. His colleagues knew of the relationship he had had with the missing woman; they knew they had shared their last year as students at Hogwarts and that their bond had been at its most intense. This situation created distrust and questioned his objectivity. As a result, he had been assigned more intense surveillance than usual, suspecting that his emotions and the undefined nature of his relationship could influence his performance, putting the novice under close scrutiny. But that connection gave him an advantage that the Ministry was undoubtedly taking advantage of. And he deeply knew they were not entirely wrong.
Skillfully, he cast "Alohomora" to enter the room of the woman in question. Sebastian knew he needed to find her before the Ministry did; he needed to learn the truth with his own ways. The thought of that dark force controlling her consumed him from within, and deep down, he yearned to hear her voice once more.
He pushed the door gently to avoid alerting his colleagues and entered the room, which was completely disheveled. Everything was scattered on the floor and the chests. The beds were unmade, as if their occupants had abruptly gotten up and had to flee. Drawers and wardrobes were in disarray, as if a hasty packing had been done. Clothes and personal belongings were strewn on the floor, evidencing the haste with which they had left. 
He roared internally, recalling those moments with painful clarity.
Screams and cries had filled the castle during the evacuation. Teachers and prefects ordered students to leave their rooms as the castle trembled with the intensity of an earthquake. The evacuation was in full swing, and there was no trace of Avelyn or Professor Figg. Fear enveloped him like an oppressive shadow, knowing that she must be facing that relentless darkness, alone. He knew well her strength and prowess with magic, but that awareness only intensified his anguish. He had an overwhelming desire to protect her, a drive that had consumed him throughout the year he had accompanied her. The image of her fighting against such a formidable threat alone tormented him, intensifying his anguish and desperate longing to be by her side, to face the darkness with her.
He shook his head, trying to clear the memories and return to reality. He opened his eyes as if he could escape the oppressive feeling that enveloped him. The past was behind him; two years had passed since that incident, she was still alive, and he had to find her. He was tormented by uncertainty, his doubts twisting in his mind. Something deep inside whispered that her intentions were pure, that there were ethical reasons behind her actions. If they captured her and she could offer an explanation, everything could be solved, right? That hope was the only beacon amid his storm of confusion and despair.
However, he noticed there was something unsettling in that room. He approached the bed quietly, gently touching the rough winter sheets with his fingertips. His skin prickling as he felt her lingering aroma still pervading the air. He inhaled deeply, his eyes violently closed, letting the familiar scent envelop him. An almost primal impulse took over him. Her essence remained there, intensely present, making his heart beat with a mix of longing and anguish.
On the bed, atop the green sheets, rested a golden locket in the shape of a snake. Sebastian recognized it instantly: it was the same one he had seen on the night of the yule ball, adorning Avelyn as her hair was styled and her curls framed her face, enhancing her hellenistic beauty.
He took the locket with trembling hands, examining it closely. It was a piece of exquisite beauty, perfectly capturing Avelyn’s defiant attitude and reflecting her unique personality, true to her house at Hogwarts. With a sigh full of nostalgia, he brought the locket to his lips in an intimate and melancholic gesture before carefully placing it in his pocket. The sense of her presence remained alive in the object, intensifying his desire to find her and understand her fate.
He continued his search in the wardrobe, now fully open, hoping to find some clue about her whereabouts. The house robes and uniforms were meticulously folded and hung on the hangers, showing an order that contrasted with the chaos of the rest of the room. However, his attention was drawn to a velvet emerald hanger, which presumably had held the dress Avelyn wore that winter night. Now, the hanger was empty.
Suddenly, the truth hit him with devastating intensity. The empty hanger, the meticulously folded clothes hanging, the locket perfectly placed on the bed, and the lingering aroma in the room formed a dark and revealing puzzle. Sebastian stood paralyzed, the impact of the revelation leaving him breathless.
She was in the castle, warning him, and only him, of her presence.
He then plunged into his search with the determination of a nocturnal hunter turned predator. He knew with certainty the exact place where she was waiting for him, and nothing could stop him in his relentless pursuit of her.
Pieces of green fabric were scattered down the spiral staircase, illuminated by the faint moonlight. The moon, peeking with a waning silhouette, cast a pale glow that mixed the emerald color of the fabric with a dull gray.
The Auror's cloak swept fiercely down the spiral staircase as he raced up to the top of the tower. Fear enveloped him like a shadow, and a sensation of dizziness and nerves churned in his stomach, empty for hours.
Betrayal was the only thought now circling Sebastian’s mind as he faced the immense door before him. However, he didn’t know who that betrayal referred to: Her? Him? Both? Despite everything, he could not abandon the hope that there was an explanation for all of this. He was dissociated at its most.
He approached stealthily to the stream of light filtering through the staircase. The light partially illuminated his freckled face, highlighting the honey color of his eyes under the moon, which seemed enormous in the room that stretched before him. From his position, he could partially see the room, though he didn’t need to see further, as he knew the place well.
The room at the top of the Astronomy Tower stood majestically atop the castle, offering a panoramic view of the vast horizon beyond the walls of Hogwarts. In the highest room of the tower, the atmosphere was vast and desolate. The room was circular, a feature indicating it had been designed for meeting purposes, but now was unused, reserved only for secrets shared by a few.
The room was devoid of furniture, leaving space for a massive astronomical sphere in the center. This sphere, worn by time, seemed to be the only witness to past events, surrounded by the dull shine of the wood covering the floor. The ancient stone walls blended with the warm tone of the wood, but their worn and damaged appearance conveyed an aura of antiquity and destruction. Debris fragments and dust accumulated in every corner suggested a recent devastation, contrasting with the grandeur and history the room had once known in more splendid times.
The moonlight caressed the air, beautifying the bluish atmosphere while revealing dust particles that had been lifted, indicating someone’s recent presence. The sound of creaking wood did not disturb the figure with her back turned, leaning on the railing. The disheveled curls on her shoulders reflected the moonlight with an almost ethereal glow. The woman in question appeared peaceful and calm. Her eyes, in harmony with the emerald pieces of fabric scattered across the floor, emitted an air of sadness as they gazed indifferently at the celestial satellite, which seemed to want to enter the room to be close to her. Her face, which Sebastian had observed and admired over the years, was now somewhat dirty and marked by indentations with traces of a reddish liquid. Blood.
As he caught sight of her, a sudden tight sensation gripped his stomach, as though a vice had clamped down on his insides. His heart began to pound violently, each beat reverberating through his chest with a force that was almost painful. Her mere presence left him breathless, his entire body consumed by the overwhelming  presence of the women in question.
He resisted the urge to enter the room and clean that face, and he wondered whose blood it was, hoping it wasn’t hers. He couldn’t help but notice the tears in the skirt of the dress she wore that winter night, revealing her legs, now covered in bruises. She was undoubtedly the living image of a woman who had been at war. “What has she been doing?” he wondered, his heart pounding as uncertainty overwhelmed him.
The creaking of the stairs didn’t seem to have any effect on the woman, who remained still, her eyes fixed on the satellite illuminating the night. Sebastian approached  as quietly as possible, feeling the tremble in his legs that threatened to make him lose his balance. She was there, in front of him, after years of uncertainty. His dream of seeing her again, which had seemed like a distant wish, was becoming a reality. Despite the dirt on her face and clothes, her beauty was undeniable, as was the serenity that emanated from her presence. And there was something more. She emitted an aura of powerful darkness that would disarm anyone who dared challenge her. And he would have been willing to kneel before her if she had asked him to.
When he finally reached a distance he deemed appropriate to not seem invasive, the woman broke the silence with a soft and melancholic voice.
"How many wars do you think it has had to illuminate?" she murmured, referring to the moon hanging in the night sky. Sebastian tensed, realizing that she had already sensed his presence. He decided not to respond. The woman shifted her gaze from the satellite and raised one of her bruised hands to examine it carefully.
"It's ironic," she continued. "The beauty of the light it emits and the evil we do with it." Another pause. "Wars must look beautiful under its light."
Sebastian shuddered at the coldness of her comment. He chose to remain silent, struggling to find the right words. Finally, the woman turned her face and looked at him directly. Though her sadness remained, her green eyes couldn’t help but brighten upon seeing him.
"Why didn’t you invite me?" she asked directly. Sebastian, surprised, took a while to broke his silence.
"Sorry?" he responded, confused.
"To the ball," Avelyn clarified. "Why didn’t you invite me?"
Sebastian took a breath, trying to organize his thoughts. He didn’t understand what that had to do with anything now. He sighed before answering.
"I... I thought you might not want to go" he said, his voice steady. "I heard you talking about how pointless you found the event, and I understood what you were dealing with." He met her gaze directly, a hint of resolve in his eyes. "And I avoided the situation because I was afraid of making things worse. I was too scared to face it head-on.” He concluded with an almost inaudible whisper, "And I deeply regret that."
His words faded into the air, and Sebastian lowered his gaze, ashamed. Silence filled the room, heavy and uncomfortable. Avelyn, once again absorbed by the moon, showed no signs of wanting to continue the conversation.
Sebastian stood there, waiting for a response that never came, as the night slowly advanced, dragging with it the doubts and regrets weighing on both of their hearts.
With an elegant and decisive gesture, Sebastian approached her. His torso leaned slightly forward, showing an attitude of courtesy and respect. He placed one hand on his stomach while extending the other in a clear invitation, as if offering a promise. His expression reflected a mix of confidence and guilt, inviting her to join him in an imaginary dance with a simplicity that made the moment even more special.
Avelyn seemed surprised by the scene. At first, she doubted Sebastian's offer, but then she stepped closer and took his hand with a delicacy that Sebastian had never experienced before, as if her touch was an unexpected caress. When her hand brushed against Sebastián’s, a spark of electricity coursed through his body, igniting a warm, vibrant sensation.
They gazed at each other in an endless silence before taking the first step toward one another. Sebastian's gaze combined gratitude with disbelief, while Avelyn’s expression seemed submissive, inviting him to continue.
Carefully and slowly, Sebastian brought Avelyn’s hand toward himself, handling it as if it were made of glass, while his other hand timidly rested on her waist, bringing her even closer. 
Having her this close suddenly awakened a primal desire within him, fueling a deep and wild longing. The space between them seemed to thrum with magnetic energy, and each shared breath felt charged with a longing that was, at the very least, overwhelming. Yet he restrained himself to maintain the softness and sweetness in his touch.
With no music to accompany the moment, they began to move awkwardly and timidly. With a firm but gentle grip, Sebastian guided Avelyn in the confined space of the Astronomy Tower. Sebastian opened his arms to allow Avelyn to twirl around them. Their movements were slow and clumsy, causing both to laugh timidly at the lack of professionalism. Despite the awkwardness of the moment, Sebastian couldn’t help but admire Avelyn’s beauty as she moved, guided by his arms. He also sensed the contrast between the triviality of the moment and the dark purpose that had reunited them there that day. Deep down, he wished that moment could last forever. The innocence she exuded was a deceptive façade, knowing well the power she truly possessed and the monster he was facing.
A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in his mind as he contemplated the woman in front of him. The profound beauty she radiated that night seemed to merge with a bitter feeling of death and betrayal that engulfed him in an almost painful passion. His heart wrestled with a contradictory and overwhelming desire: deep down, he wished she were dead, yet he knew he would be the first to sacrifice himself to prevent such a fate. The paradox of his emotions consumed him; he felt a visceral attraction and a fierce impulse to protect her, even though his own mind and heart were torn apart by internal conflict.
They had no idea how long they had been spinning and dancing; it felt as if time had stopped, and they had reverted to being the same students they once were, when their movements abruptly ceased when Sebastian, in a gesture of desperation and need, pulled her toward him with an intense force, enveloping her in a hug that was almost violent in its urgency. The contact took her by surprise, and Avelyn let out a small gasp of astonishment.
The man buried his face in Avelyn's neck, inhaling her scent with an almost primal intensity, as if trying to absorb her completely. He embraced her with a force that seemed like an attempt to merge with her, seeking refuge in her closeness. Avelyn, still stunned, responded to the embrace by firmly wrapping her arms around Sebastian’s back, her hands running over his tense muscles in a gesture of comfort.
They slowly sank to the floor, their bodies nearly undone by the intensity of the contact. Avelyn tightened her embrace, trying to comfort Sebastian, who seemed broken and fragile. Worried, she lifted his face with both hands, forcing him to look directly at her. His eyes, brimming with despair, reflected a deep pain. The man was fucking kneeling before her. 
"Sebastian?" she asked, her voice trembling.
"I'm sorry," he murmured, his voice broken.
"What?" Avelyn inquired, confused.
In the blink of an eye, everything changed. The floor exploded into a thousand pieces, and a group of Aurors stormed into the room, efficiently and quickly surrounding Avelyn. The air was thick with the palpable sense of betrayal as the Aurors secured Avelyn’s capture.
In the midst of the sudden chaos, Avelyn remained firm, showing no trace of fear. Her stance was defiant, and she raised her wand with an attitude that exuded unshakable confidence, as if she were used to conflict. There was no sign of fear in her demeanor.
Her eyes, however, were fixed on Sebastian, with a gaze that combined disappointment and deep sadness. The betrayal in his actions was met with an expression that not only showed disillusionment but also a tangible pain. Her eyes, clouded by tears that never fell, reflected deep regret, as if she were mourning the loss of a trust that had been fundamental to her.
Sebastian, paralyzed in the corner, saw the sadness and unshakable resolve in Avelyn’s posture. Her face, a mixture of betrayal, determination, and pain, became etched in his memory. At that moment, the full weight of his betrayal hit him with crushing force. The reality of his actions crumbled around him, turning his once-clear intentions into a heartbreaking nightmare.
In the blink of an eye, the Aurors and Avelyn were gone, leaving Sebastian alone amid the debris of the Astronomy Tower. The room was filled with the unsettling silence of abandonment, and the magnitude of his actions weighed on him as he stood in solitude, grappling with the deep emptiness and regret that now enveloped him.
But he was convinced that only this way could she truly be free. 
Hi! Here’s an initial impression of one of the ideas I’ve had for my story. It’s not a finished version by any means, but I wanted to share with you a first glimpse of my concept. I hope you like it. I plan to develop my ideas as they come to me, and perhaps someday they will become solid enough to write the entire story. If you have any ideas, I’m open to adding them!
And, of course, their song...
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luvkuvi · 1 year
Dawg, I'm at camp rn and these people were playing 'Smash or pass' and, one of the girls pointed at me and like, the boys kept on saying "pass" "double pass" etc. 😞
🍬 anon tbh I just wanted to rant abt this because 😭 idk anymore
first off ew second DONT LET THEM UGLY ASS GUYS GET IN YOUR HEAD‼‼‼ they are sex addicted incels who cant comprehend that people like you should be treated with respect and shouldnt be objectivited and just because you dont fit the radar of thier silly fantasies doesnt mean you are beautiful. TAKE IT FROM OLDER SIBLING RYUU WITH EXPERIENCE boys are shit.
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indepth-mbti · 2 years
I've been following your IG page for a while and I belive I'm an ISxP type since auxiliary Se and tertiary Ni not only resonates with me a lot, but I can also see many examples of that in my daily life. My independency, put-myself-first principal and being extremely hard to influence are core traits so that fits. What I can't tell is whether I use Ti/Fe or Fi/Te. I'm not amoral like TPs neither ignore objectivites like Fi is described.
Introverted functions are hard to spot because those occur at a pretty subjective level. I'll describe both dynamics in a dominant function level, but I'll start by clarifying some misconceptions that you have:
Both Ti and Fi ignore objectivities, because both are subjective functions that have an objective function counterpart. Fi may look like they ignore objectivities because Te is more factual, but Ti is not as objective as Ti dominant users think they are.
Ti is not an amoral function. Some IXTPs with underdeveloped or maladjusted inferior Fe may have problems engaging with objective values and the ethical side of society. Ti is a function concerned about creating logical principles, which are first and foremost subjective principles: Ti uses Fe, so once Ti has sorted out an ethical principle it’ll believe that it objectively applies to everybody (Fe). A good example of this is Immanuel Kant.
Now comparing both functions:
Both Ti and Fi create personal frameworks to understand/decide upon reality. This makes both of them superficially similar. The difference relies in that Ti needs things to make logical sense (without prioritizing social standards) and Fi needs to relate and identify reality with their personal values. Fi is more concerned about identifying the self and Ti is more concerned about understanding how things work. Fi has a moral approach and a strong sense of what’s good and wrong in their opinion, Ti needs moral values to make logical sense in order to integrate them into their system.
Ti analyses and understands information in order to create logical/subjective principles out of it. Fi “personal principles” aren’t based on logical frameworks, but more about subjective moral principles formed through relating the self to the world.
Ti is concerned about the process/method because that’s when they gather the necessary information to keep crafting its system; Ti is a systematiser. Fi is not concerned about any process or method but more about how information/reality/the objects of the world align with their sense of integrity and personal preferences. As you can see, Ti and Fi put their focus on two different aspects of the human cognition: thinking and feeling.
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artofthemystic · 2 years
Throught his painting , Hugues Gillet has endeavoured to give a material, objectivited and externalized form to his personal world. Half-animal, half-vegetable representations dwell in luxuriant...
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joanmirofanpage · 2 years
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Dog Barking at The Moon - 1926 - Oil on Canvas - 29” × 36.3”
This is one of my personal favorites of his. He uses an eerie amount of space to create this dreamlike landscape of a dog and the moon. I has that surreal quality with humorous cartoon feats. It reminds me of the cartoon courage the cowardly dog.
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grandboute · 5 years
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On soutient tous Emma Audrey, journaliste indépendante (radio bip et media 25) qui subit toujours les pressions (agressions) de la police nationale pour oser relater la réalité de leurs actions dans les différents mouvements sociaux...
Liberté de la presse !
Liberté d'expression !
Liberté individuelle !
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There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
- John Rogers
Ayn Rand is perhaps the author of the most childish adult books in existence. Rand is arguably the most overrated "philosopher" although I wouldn't even call her a philosopher. That actually requires at least some critical thinking.
As many young people do I once went on a Rand binge: Atlas Shrugged, We the Living, The Romantic Manifesto. I even read the book by her disciple Leonard Peikoff, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand.
Rand starts with existence exists, which is her axiomatic principle, the starting point from which she builds her belief system. From there she is quick to deny even the possibility of spiritual reality. Eventually she ends in a place where selfishness is a high virtue, altruism a despicable vice, and capitalism the only sane economic system.
Her philosophy is harshly categorical, and corresponds to the developmental stage of black/white either/or thinking of youth. No wonder the people I run across who take her philosophy seriously are always young, at least in their thinking.
As unsavory as these aspects of her philosophy might be, that isn’t what makes her writing bad. She herself says, “The fact that one agrees or disagrees with an artist’s philosophy is irrelevant to an esthetic appraisal of his work qua art.” With this I agree.
Rand’s fiction is a horrid business. It is endlessly didactic, so busy preaching it forgets to pay close attention to life. Her characters deliver lectures. You don’t have to look closely to see they are puppets with Rand’s own lips moving eerily under the mask, her angry eyes staring out through holes in the rubber face. The bad guys in her books are straw men called collectivism, and altruism and they speak only in bromides and Rand gleefully bats them down.
The truth is she is writing bad fiction by design.
In her Romantic Manifesto Rand says, “The greater the work of art, the more profoundly universal its theme.” So far so good. She writes, “Art is a selective re-creation of reality according to an artist’s metaphysical value-judgments.” What exactly does that mean?
Rand believes the work should set forth the author’s vision of an ideal world, not deal with the world as it is. Art, according to Rand should deal only with what is “important,” which sounds fine, but the problem is that when, as Rand consciously does, the artist lops away parts of human existence she believes to be unimportant, we get substandard art.
The artist knows what she is out to prove and sets out to do it. No discovery for the writer, then none for the reader. Rand never lets the story itself say anything meaningful. You want to tell her to shut up already and tell the story. Or find a form more suited for argumentation, like an essay.
We come to art to find something important, no doubt. But it is in careful attention to the literal, physical details - quotidian, often smelly and unpleasant, even disgusting and scary - that we find the important thing for which the work is aiming. The artist is as surprised as everyone else to find the discovery hidden in the muck of life.
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sowonderflow · 5 years
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Ah les jugements, le problème de l'humanité depuis des siècles 😁 Efforçons-nous de moins porter de jugements sur les choses, les gens, les actions, les comportements... & voyons ce qui se passe 🤗😘 #vivezvibrez #bonheur #bienetre #jugement #juger #coaching #comportement #trouble #conseil #coach #empowerment #objectivite #inspirationalquote #laetitia #rein #mindfulness #pleineconscience #epictete #eclaire #developpementpersonnel #psychologiepositive #instaquote #wonderflow #sowonderflow (à Ile-de-France, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4nNLQ2CV9M/?igshid=syp90ig3ji2n
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referenceumblr-blog · 7 years
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Four Mirrored Cubes - Robert Morris, 1964
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artlimited · 2 years
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Exposition Collective | Allemagne / Années 20 / La Nouvelle Objectivité / August Sander https://www.artlimited.net/agenda/exposition-collective-allemagne-annees-20-la-nouvelle-objectivite-august-sander/fr/7584513
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cockmaster801 · 4 years
return to objectivitity, rationality, critical thinking, executive planning.
emotion can be loud inside, but not outside
empatjhy, human connection
the human body is like a battery
it sparks and goes haywire when not depleted of energy
the self needs to be tired, physcially and mentally.
paralells between my dad and I
big internal world
big nostalgia
big overthinking
chasing the dragon
glimpses of clarity
to dimmed eyes
light inside
there is light
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projectcubicle1 · 2 years
Data Analytics Is Transforming Recruitment
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Data Analytics Is Transforming Recruitment
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Have you ever wondered how much data we generate every day? As of 2020, people churned out 1.7 MB every single second. That translates to about 1.15 trillion MB in total per day. Research shows that by 2025, there could be over 200 zettabytes in cloud storage. With more people using the digital space, we can expect the figures to continue to rise. Without a doubt, data analytics has a critical role in any organization. Data helps the company understand the market better. The insights from analytics play a big role in decision-making. Indeed, no department within the organization does not use data. And that includes HR as data analytics in recruitment dimension.  Our article explores how data analytics is transforming recruitment. 1.Data Analytics and Recruitment
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The success and continuity of any company reside in its people. Getting the right talent onboard is a critical HR function. They will spend hours and days going through applications. The aim is to narrow down the best candidates for the open position. Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) companies can also help with this critical role. These are third-party service providers who deal with talent sourcing and onboarding.  Forward-looking companies invest in the best technologies to help with the processes. Data analytics in recruitment is taking a more prominent role. RPO talent acquisition incorporates the use of data to find the best candidates. Data-driven AI tools increase diversity in the hiring process.  Client mapping and candidate sourcing give RPO consulting companies better industry insights. This increases the chance of finding better candidates for recruitment.   Yet, the use of data is in no way a new concept. For a long time, recruiting managers have used data to help make decisions. Companies would, for instance, require candidates to take aptitude or IQ tests. But now, thanks to technology, HR can go through tons of data in a very short time. The tools allow for further exploration of a candidate's suitability. It removes the focus from using grades or experience only. Artificial intelligence, for example, can provide more insights into a candidate's personality. The tools can also read nonverbal cues. The insights will let managers know whether the person will be a good fit for the company. 2.Candidate Benchmarking with Data Analytics Data analytics provides benchmarking metrics for the company. HR will know the hard and soft skills necessary by looking at top performers. Then, they use this to establish appropriate KPIs for the job qualifications. Take the example of the critical role of soft skills. Candidates may come in with very high scores from academic institutions. Yet, they may lack soft skills like humility, leadership, and collaboration. That could impact their ability to be successful in the job position. Insights from data analytics can be an internal process. The company can also use the same for benchmarking against the industry. It helps the organization understand the type of talent it has. Further, the teams can use the insights to optimize or improve workflows. The direct result will be higher efficiency. 3. Predictive Analytics in the Recruitment Process   Predictive analytics provides valuable insights based on historical data. The HR team can use this to predict the type of candidates to hire. The process incorporates statistics, modeling techniques, and machine learning. This can predict what could happen in specific scenarios. Predictive modeling will help determine if the candidate would be a worthwhile hire. RPO recruiting companies use this as the basis for decision-making.  Looking at the available data will let the team know how well the employee will perform in the future. They will know how likely the candidate is to stay in the job position. Such analytics provide an effective way to overcome some of the hiring challenges. 4. Greater Objectivity with Data Analytics The reality is HR comprises human beings. The teams are subject to human failures that can impact recruitment. One of the most common is hiring bias, which will result in a lack of diversity and inclusivity. RPO solutions providers use data analytics because it allows for a focus on objective factors when sourcing candidates. The tools consider factors like educational background and job qualification. Aspects of race, sexuality, gender, and religion do not come in at all. Knowing where to look for candidates is also critical. There is no point in having job postings if the target will not see them. Narrowing down on the right channels or platforms will cut down on expenditure. The company also gets the chance of hiring high-quality candidates. Data insights show the number of applications for the vacant posts. If the number is too low, or the quality of candidates is not good, it shows there is a problem. It could, for example, stem from the type of job postings. They may be too vague or complex, thus not communicating well. Feedback from applicants can also let HR know what they need to improve upon. 5. Better Employee Management with Data Analytics
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As stated above, data insights will help the company find the best employees for the job position. A good understanding of their capability means assigning responsibilities they can excel at. A team member who feels disengaged is not likely to stay. Inability to perform jobs outside of their qualifications will impact output. The employee ends up seeming unproductive. It could hamper any opportunities for career growth. HR will find itself in a revolving door of incoming and outgoing employees. A staggering 63% will leave a job because they do not see any advancements in their role. Data analytics can be the solution to overcoming recruitment and retention challenges. Some insights will let HR know where to focus its attention. Let's take the example of understanding why employees want to work for a company. Or why do other companies never seem to struggle with staff turnover? The teams can use the insights to create a better work environment. Final Thoughts Data analytics has been a game-changer in recruitment. The insights provide a lot of information HR can use to improve or optimize the processes. That is why professional RPO recruitment companies depend on such information.  Furthermore, data-driven decision-making removes the guesswork from the operations. The company can achieve greater diversity and inclusivity by eliminating bias. And it doesn't end there. The company can better manage its employees. It can, for example, match candidates with the job that they can do well. The data is also crucial for benchmarking and setting KPIs. Finally, predictive analytics is critical for future HR processes by considering historical data.   Read the full article
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rwbyremnants · 3 years
THIS CHAPTER: Naked dinner, belly button play, cunnilingus times, foot worship
=Chapter 42
Luckily for Weiss, the voice belonged to Yang. The idea of Raven coming home early and telling her she hoped she was a lesbian was quite an awful prospect.
“Welcome back,” she purred as she turned… and stopped dead. “AH! Why are you naked?!”
Yang chuckled and paced a little closer. Though she had slapped a hand over her eyes, Weiss could still hear her bare feet padding over the linoleum. “The better to get frisky with you, my dear. And hey, I know my mom won’t be back for hours and hours.”
Finally lowering her hand, cheeks a little rosy, she put her hands on her hips. “I’m so sure, Xiao Long. You just want to be a nudist.”
“Hey! You’re the one that told me not to care while we’re alone in the house!”
“Well, first the lake, and now this?” She was having trouble concentrating on her words while staring at the muscles and soft curves that combined to form her girlfriend. Peaks stiffening on the air… and blonde hairs rustling below. “Y-you are so… obscene!”
Her lips twitched into a little smile as she whispered, “Hey, I’m not the one trying to date two chicks at once.” When Weiss turned away with a sigh, she added, “That was a joke. You know that, right?”
“Is it?”
“Yeah. I, um… sorry. I know you’ve got a lot on your mind with that, but I’m trying to make sure you know I’m not…” Words failed her, so Yang slid a hand into the small of her girl’s back. “Trying to lighten the mood, y’know? Show you I’m doing fine by cracking wise.”
She leaned into the touch, the tension that had suddenly appeared in her chest easing. “Mmm… well, it is working. I’ve just been trying not to think about it.” Then she relented. “Okay, so that’s not true; I’ve been thinking about it the whole time you were gone, but I don’t want to be thinking about it! How did life get so crazy?!”
“Give it time, okay? I know it’s really insane, but we- oh, whoops!”
The boiling spaghetti noodles were overflowing and sputtering in the flame from the gas range. Weiss and Yang hurried to take it over to the sink, pouring it all into the colander to drain. Staying focused on the task at hand wasn’t easy with a Amazonian goddess standing next to her, fully in the nude, but she somehow managed - since getting too distracted might mean they burned themselves, and that could be disastrous for her clothing-optional companion.
“You really should at least wear an apron,” Weiss finally sighed once they had the situation under control.
“Isn’t that even more lewd?” She slid in behind Weiss as she tried to finish stirring up the sauce, hands tracing up and down her stomach and flustering her further. “Standing around wearing nothing but an apron? At least right now, I’m just in my birthday suit.”
Relenting, she turned her head to deliver a quick kiss to Yang’s cheek. “Okay, okay. And I guess it is really…” The hand squeezed her breast, and she was startled enough that she flipped a little sauce up to land on the wall. “OH NO!”
They both made quick work of wiping off the wall, then combining the spaghetti ingredients into one. Around that time, the garlic bread was done, and they were ready to eat. Since the only liquor Mrs. Branwen had was nasty-smelling stuff that reminded Weiss of paint thinner, they split the lone beer in the back of the fridge, feeling especially decadent for drinking on top of Yang being nude.
“You sure you don’t want to strip down with me?” Yang asked as they finished setting the table.
“Very sure. Although I’ll admit, I’ve been enjoying the view.” Her girlfriend chortled as they settled in to eat. “Well, are you surprised? Of course I think you’re gorgeous.”
Twirling her fork to pick up a few noodles, Yang shrugged and looked down into her plate. “I know I’m a fine example of female perfection. It’s just… I never cared that much about somebody’s opinion about it before. My only response would be ‘damn right’. But now? It’s like, I only feel like I’m really attractive if you can take a look at me and tell me I am. Your eyes on me really send me, Weiss.”
The table was quiet for a few moments as Yang ate and Weiss contemplated. Yang gave up a lot for her. Before, she had been a free-wheeling, skirt-chasing hound. Now she was a one-woman woman… whose woman was not. Which made her feel fresh guilt that stabbed into her stomach like a lance of painful ice.
“You… deserve more.”
“Hmhh?” Yang asked as she looked up, garlic bread dangling from her lips. “Whaggu zhay?”
That easily, Weiss was doubled over in laughter, Yang eventually snickering once she could manage it. When the amusement died down, they were left smiling fondly at each other. Then Weiss stood up.
“Where are you going?”
“Nowhere.” Craning her arms back, she unzipped her dress, then slid it down her arms to step out of it daintily, revealing her brassiere and her panties. While Yang blinked, she laid it aside over an empty chair before seating herself again.
“I just don’t want to get spaghetti sauce on it,” she hedged, cheeks a little warmer than they were before. “And… maybe I shouldn’t be the only one who gets dinner and a dirty movie.”
Leaning forward on one elbow, Yang waggled her eyebrows at the paper shaker. “Like I said… ‘yowza’. I ain’t complainin’.”
For the rest of the meal, their topics of conversation were rather light and easy. Stuff at school, Ruby and Penny. Even how complex the situation with Weiss’s parents was seemed less onerous after she felt like she came so excruciatingly close to losing Yang forever. But when she really started going into detail about Pyrrha, Yang suddenly gave a joyful whoop.
“Uhhh… what are you so happy about?”
“I win the bet!”
“What?” Then she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Oh right. That stupid agreement with Blake.”
Grinning, she put her hands on her hips. Weiss tried not to notice how her ample breasts jiggled from the movement; it didn’t work. “Hey, I did say that she just didn’t want to face the conversation, right? Didn’t I? C’mon, she’s your best friend and really cares about you; I really doubt that one tiny little mess up would make her hate you forever.”
“Fine, then you did win,” she giggled. “Just don’t really make her wash your bike, okay?”
“Aww, but what’s the fun of a bet if you don’t even get to collect?”
“Maybe later. For now… I mean, with this situation…”
Yang sobered slightly, staring down at her plate. “Oh… damn. You’re right, she’d think I was being mean to her because of her being into you.” She rubbed at her face. “It’s like a whole new set of problems. Between this and her liking me.”
“You really never thought of her in a girlfriend way before? I mean, it’s okay if you didn’t.”
“Nope. And I still don’t now. I feel like a jerk, because she really is hot, but she’s too much like my sister…”
Hoping she wouldn’t make her uncomfortable, she asked, “So it’s like trying to look at Ruby that way for you?”
“Yeah!” she said excitedly, surprising her with the enthusiasm. “Just like that! I mean, I see Ruby and tell she’s growing up to be a real looker, but that’s it, y’know? Like… what’s the word? For thinking about something without feeling anything about it.”
“That thing, yeah. I objectivitively think Ruby and Blake are beautiful but they just feel like sisters to me.” When Weiss laughed, she narrowed her eyes. “What, you don’t believe me?”
“Oh, I do,” she giggled, deciding not to correct Yang’s grammar. “You just… I love listening to you.”
Yang narrowed her eyes at her, then bumped her pantyhose-covered shin with her foot under the table. “Jerk.” But they were both smiling.
After dinner, they did the dishes, still in various states of undress. Weiss privately enjoyed that the flat-footed Yang wasn’t so drastically taller than her while she was still wearing pumps; it was nice to be at a similar altitude for once.
Then Weiss suddenly just couldn’t keep her hands to herself. She knew it was partly because of her Blake-guilt, but that began to fade away the longer her fingertips explored the muscles, the dips and rises of her lover’s body. A few of them made Yang laugh, a few of them made her sigh. Funny how they hadn’t really done this, even at the lake; there was just always so much going on. Their first few encounters were frantic and nothing but heat. But now they had time, and desire, and affection.
“You really don’t seem to hate me anymore,” Yang teased a little as Weiss was kissing her way up her ribs, now that they had retired to Yang’s bed.
“Yeah.” She moved around to her navel, dipping her tongue in - and earning a little blast of breathless laughter. “Oh?”
“S-sorry, I… that really felt weird. Not bad, but weird.” Weiss tried it again, slower, and this time her girlfriend sighed as she shivered. “Oooh… does it taste bad?”
Weiss laughed and admitted, “A little. But not very. Does it feel weird?”
“Actually…” Her cheeks were rosy when Weiss raised up to look at her. “It’s a little… sexy? I don’t know…”
“Really?!” But when Yang looked away, she kissed her belly. “Sorry. I just didn’t expect- well, I was trying to tease you. Didn’t think you would like it so much.” Her tongue slid into the little well of flesh again…
And Yang sighed, arching her back. This was highly unexpected! She really liked her belly button played with? Weiss could accommodate that very easily. She began to devour her there with the same attention they would normally pay to other areas of the body, humming and caressing her hips with relish. Even the very vague bitter taste was definitely gone, lapped completely away.
“O-ohhhhhhhkay,” Yang finally panted, tapping the back of Weiss’s head to get her to come up for air. “Can, um… can I ask you to put that tongue to use someplace else?”
“Definitely,” she whispered with a huge grin as she began to kiss a little lower. “All you had to do was ask, swanky dame.”
Yang laughed a little at “swanky dame” but the laughter disappeared when she felt a mouth sliding over her blazing sex. “Oooh… damn, Weiss…!”
The next ten minutes flew by as Weiss buried her face in her lover’s warmth, servicing her as effectively as she possibly could. They both needed this again, and she aimed to make sure Yang knew she was still madly in love with her, still her steady gal. No matter how bizarre their lives got.
And Yang definitely seemed appreciative. Not only because she came loudly and freely, thrashing and grinding her hips upward hard and often, but because she made it a point to pay Weiss back. Once she had caught her wind, she rolled their bodies over to pin her against the mattress, taking her mouth with no regard for her own essence lingering on those lips. Her hand found Weiss’s center and began to slide over it through the layers of fabric, building her heat until she couldn’t take it anymore-
Then backing off.
“Yang,” she panted in exasperation as the named began to slide her hose down from her hips, cheekily slow. “Damn you, hurry it up!”
“But I don’t want to put a run in them,” she teased lightly. Then she flicked her tongue past the skin of her thigh as it was revealed, prompting a little whimper. “Mmm…”
Weiss was patient until she had them around her ankles, then she tried to kick them free - only to have Yang stop her fast, holding her ankles down. “Don’t make me bop you on the nose, Xiao Long!” “Just… wait.” Her eyes were mischievous as Weiss struggled for a moment. “Do you remember…?”
“Remember what?” Her lips pushed into Weiss’s toes through the sheer fabric, and she sighed as her heart swelled. “O-ohh… oh, Yang… of course I do.”
“My beautiful Cinderella.” This time, however, she kissed again, and Weiss giggled softly. “Tickles, huh?”
“Maybe a little.” Another kiss, and Weiss rolled her eyes. “Yang, come on…”
However, she kept it up. Her lips moved to the other foot, pressing into her toes over and over, down to the ball of her foot. Weiss’s laughter and grunts fell away once she realised this was different; she wasn’t just teasing, or trying to tickle her. Her breath caught as she watched violet eyes turn up to gaze at her, the lips moving up her ankle, resting on her calf as she finally pulled the stockings off. “Ooohhh,” she breathed in a hushed voice.
“Your Princess-toes are still just as important as the rest of you, Schnee,” she told her in a husky whisper. “Hasn’t changed in all this time. Even when I was mad at you about this or that, or laid up with my arm, or you were in the hospital… it never, ever changed.”
Breathless, she raised her toes again to insist upon more. And without any hesitation, Yang kissed them - bare, open to the air. She bit her lip as she watched her lover worship this dirty, unappealing part of her body, her heart beating a mile a minute. It felt so wonderful. It felt like…
Like love.
Then she picked up both of Weiss’s ankles and pushed her feet into either side of her face. Weiss giggled, but it was still an enchanted, bashful giggle; she wiggled her toes and earned a laugh from Yang, as well.
“You’re such a square, Xiao Long.”
“I am right now.” She moved her hands to chin and forehead to make the other two sides, and Weiss made sure to hold her feet still so they could complete the little picture frame around her lover’s face.
“Hmm… more of a rectangle.”
“Yeah? Oh well.” She kissed her ankle, then began to move forward, sliding her hands up her shins and her knees. “I’ll be whatever shape you need.”
Grinning mischievously, she latched her knees around Yang’s neck to hold her still. “You… are already the perfect shape. Yang-shaped.”
“Izzat so?”
By the time they finally kissed again, they were both grinning and giggling, and the kiss kept going as they rolled around in the sheets, losing themselves completely. At some point, Yang drew back and held up the bra-
“HEY!” Weiss yelped, startled. “That’s my- how did you even- when did you-”
“Practice,” she purred with a lewd little waggle of her eyebrows as Weiss covered her chest with her arms. “But it’s not like we haven’t seen all of each other before. Nothing to be ashamed of from where I’m sitting.”
Yang snuggled in closer, tossing the bra aside as she nuzzled Weiss’s neck. It didn’t take much of that before her temporary grumpiness faded, and she embraced her back, grateful for the warmth, the closeness. For Yang giving so much of her heart to her.
“I love you,” she whispered into her waves of golden hair.
“Ditto, Schnee.” Her lips pushed into her mouth. “Love you, too.”
“You… feel like home. Does that make any sense? Probably not.”
“No, no, it does. It makes perfect sense.” She kissed the corner of her mouth. “Being with you is like… well, yeah. Being home. Feeling like this is exactly where I gotta be, even when I’m not with you.”
Nodding fervently, Weiss looked away. “I guess… I just don’t understand how I can feel like this, and you can… and I still-”
“She’s not me,” Yang finished for her. She sounded a little weary of the topic, but only a little. “It’s okay. I… well, I’m not very book-smart about this kind of stuff. You know that. But how I see it is… I loved Summer, and I love my mom, even if she’s kind of awful at being one. But they were both my moms. Y’know? And like… so is Kali sometimes. They’re moms in different ways, even if Summer was the one that raised me.”
“Is it really like that? I just…” Her tears surprised her, but she tried to sniffle them back. “I love you so much more than I can ever…”
Yang shushed her with a kiss, cradling her so close that Weiss felt like she had disappeared into the embrace, completely consumed. And she made her really believe it would be okay. The mouth moved down her stomach, between her thighs, and she felt safe, she felt cherished.
In that moment, she knew. If it came to a choice between Yang and Blake and she could only date one of them, if there was no way around it, she would always choose Yang. Every single time. Blake deserved love, but Yang was her lover, the one who held her heart. There was no two ways about it.
Eventually, Raven did come home. They had just pulled their clothes on about half an hour before that due to Yang’s warning that her shift was about over, so there were no horrible moments of flustered awkwardness.
She definitely wasn’t pleased to have to share her space with a Schnee again, but the annoyance was drastically reduced. Weiss was glad. She even tried a handshake, and though Raven rolled her eyes she actually did it. They shook hands, and she didn’t even try to throw her through a window! Sometimes, baby steps were better than nothing.
“So… think your mom and that pompous ass are getting back together?”
Weiss was surprised by the question. Raven had basically scraped some of the leftover spaghetti into a bowl and started eating it cold as she stared at the little black-and-white screen in her living room. Though she had snapped at Yang about the missing beer, she soon after adapted with a glass of dark brown swill. Weiss and Yang were lingering awkwardly on the couch now as Yang’s mother ate, not sure if they were allowed to go to bed yet or if they were expected to chat. Apparently they were.
“I don’t think so,” Weiss began cautiously.
“Good. Never know with some people, right? They can’t tell what ain’t good for ‘em.” Taking another belt of her booze, she sighed as she settled back in the chair.
Clearing her throat, Yang asked, “Um, Mom, how was your day at work?”
“Oh.” Glancing at Weiss, she tried again. “Um… well…”
Seeing that she wasn’t going to do any better than that, Weiss decided to try something else. “Would you… like to go with us tomorrow? To see my mom?”
“Huh?” Her eyebrow went up, eyes sharpening on the two girls. “Why would I wanna do that?”
“Because… you seemed to be worried about her. And we did get attacked not too long ago.”
A little grunt passed her lips as she poured more into her glass. “Yang told me. Sounds like everybody’s fine; don’t need my help.”
“It would have been nice if you were there,” Weiss persisted. Glancing at Yang, who looked a little terrified of how this might play out, she went on, “You’re very strong, and good at protecting people. But! Yang and Blake and Kali were good at it, too. Just always nice to, um, have more, and be safer. Isn’t it?”
“Sure,” she snorted. “I bet Kali really wants me taking up her couch. For what? Because you might get shot at again? My daughter can handle a heater just fine. So can the Belladonnas. Not much point.”
That didn’t sound fair. But Weiss wasn’t sure what else to say to her. So she tried all that was left. “I think… she would want to see you.”
Raven’s eyes were dark and suspicious, turning on Weiss at last. Burning through her. “Why?”
“Because…” Though she did spare Yang a glance, Yang looked confused instead of at all helpful. “I don’t know, you seemed to be getting along? But I’m sure it would make her happy.”
“Are you trying to fix us up?”
“NO! What?! Mommy doesn’t even like women that way!” When one of Raven’s eyebrows twitched up yet again, she folded her arms over her chest and tore her gaze away. “Fine. No skin off my nose.”
“What the hell is this supposed to be?!” Yang shouted over both of them. Even while Weiss was ducking her own head, she noticed Raven actually did flinch - just a little. “Mom, you’re coming over in the morning! Big baby!”
Her eyes narrowed at her daughter. “Hey, you don’t get to tell me-”
“Or was that not you, asking ‘How’s Willow doing?’ the other day?” Raven turned away, coughing into her fist. “Yeah, that’s about what I thought!”
Weiss sat forward a little more, eyes bright. “Oh just you wait, she’ll be so happy to see you! And I think you and Kali could start getting along again if you see each other more oft-”
“Let’s not get carried away,” the woman grunted.
“This is so exciting! I’m going to wash up for bed!”
As Weiss sprinted toward the bathroom, Raven called after her in a clearly-flustered voice, “SLOW DOWN! WE’RE NOT RACING FOR PINKS!”
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joanmirofanpage · 2 years
Joan Miró and Surrealism
Joan Miró was born in Spain in 1893. Born to Castilian family of craftsmen, he was born into creativity. He attended art school from a young age studying decorative art and landscapes. He showed a strong love drawing but was not naturally inclined to academia. Ironically his parents wanted him to pursue a more lucrative career and so he also enrolled in a school of commerce. He was overwhelmed by the pressure of his schooling and had nervous breakdown along with a case of Typhoid fever. His parents moved him to a countryside farm where he committed his time to his artistic endeavors. He eventually enrolled in a smart academy where he studied modern art and Spanish poets. His teachers had unconventional ways of teaching artistic technique and understanding.
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apiarity · 7 years
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Thanks @objectivit for the A-is-for-Apiarity #buttermints! #delicious #gift http://ift.tt/2B4Ey89
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